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Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Raw audio of Gov. Blagojevich presser, Rep. Saviano react

Tuesday, Jun 24, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Bill Daley for guv?

Tuesday, Jun 24, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

*** 12:47 pm *** I’ve been telling subscribers for a week or so now that mayoral brother Bill Daley is considering a bid for governor in 2010. Mayor Daley was apparently asked about this possibility at a press conference today. Chicago Public Radio will have raw audio posted soon and I’ll have a link.

*** 12:58 pm *** The Sun-Times now has a Bill Daley story online

On Tuesday, the mayor laughed out loud when asked whether he would like to see his younger brother in the governor’s mansion.

“I don’t know. It will be up to him if he makes that decision. He’s doing very well in the private sector. He was secretary of commerce under Bill Clinton. That would be up to him — not to me,” the mayor said. […]

“Bill would be good at anything that he does…He’s very dedicated and passionate about what he’s done — both in public and private life,” the mayor said.

Bill Daley could not be reached for comment. Asked last week whether he was exploring another race for governor, the mayor’s brother advised a Chicago Sun-Times reporter to “call me next year.” He said it was too soon to discuss the issue.

One caveat, the story claims I wrote that Bill Daley is reaching out to Downstate lobbyists. I wrote that he had spoken to lobbyists. I didn’t identify their regional base. They were Chicagoans.

*** 1:50 pm *** You can listen to Mayor Daley’s full press conference by clicking here.

*** 2:50 pm *** The governor sidestepped a question about a possible Bill Daley bid during his press conference today, saying “This is America. I think everyone should have an opportunity to run.”

*** 2:54 pm *** Asked whether he planned to run for reelection in 2010, the governor said he loves his job and has no reason to want to stop doing it.


This just in… *** Guv’s plans outlined ***

Tuesday, Jun 24, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

[Bumped up for obvious reasons.]

* 10:05 am - We’re expecting some word on the governor’s budget decision later today. From a press release….

CHICAGO – Governor Rod R. Blagojevich will brief the media with an update on the status of the FY09 budget.

WHO: Governor Rod R. Blagojevich
WHAT: Gov Blagojevich holds media availability on FY09 budget.
WHEN: 1:00 p.m.
WHERE: Governor’s Office JRTC, 16th Floor

[The Bill Daley post has been moved here to keep these issues separate.]

*** 1:14 pm *** No surprise, but the governor’s press conference has been moved back to 1:45 pm.

*** 1:17 pm *** This is mostly correct. From Fox Chicago

Governor Rod Blagojevich plans to make a staggering $1.5 billion in cuts to the state budget lawmakers approved last month unless legislators step in with money to prevent them. […]

The governor will also try to use the cuts to pressure the House to soon send him two ideas that would spare more than $1 billion in the proposed cuts.

They are plans to borrowing money for pension funding and sweep money out of special state funds. Blagojevich doesn’t plan to call lawmakers back into special session right away.

He’ll urge the House to come back to pass the revenue ideas that will start being felt when the new budget year starts July First.

Blagojevich will urge the House to reconvene and pass the revenue generators and the capital plan by July 9th, which is when the Comptroller claims is the date that he won’t be able to pay bills. No special session yet.

*** 1:36 pm *** From the AP

Blagojevich does not plan to call lawmakers back into special session right away but will urge the House to come back to town soon to prevent the cuts that will start being felt when the new budget year begins next Tuesday.

Blagojevich will make the reductions if no new revenue is passed, the aide said.

*** 1:38 pm *** So far, Mayor Daley has been publicly opposed to the governor’s capital plan because of the gaming component. He threw a tiny bit more cold water on it today

Mayor Daley also said even if state lawmakers approved a Chicago casino, it would take 2 to 4 years to be constructed. Late last year, state lawmakers were talking about as a Chicago casino as a possible way to raise revenue for mass transit and other needs.

*** 1:50 pm *** You can listen to Mayor Daley’s full press conference by clicking here.

*** 2:03 pm *** Well, the guv’s presser was pushed back to 1:45 pm, and now it’s after two o’clock and he still hasn’t started. Comcast is coming over yet again to try and fix something they should’ve fixed weeks ago, so I’m beginning to worry about my Internet access. I’ll figure something out.

*** 2:08 pm *** OK, the press conference has finally begun and I told Comcast to come back tomorrow.

*** 2:12 pm *** The governor said he can’t sign the budget as is because it would be like signing a check he knows would bounce. He called on the House to pass the revenue generating bills (pension obligation bond and fund sweeps) that the Senate has already approved.

*** 2:14 pm *** Once again, he’s calling on the House to pass the capital construction package, which would allow him to free up about $600 million for the budget.

*** 2:18 pm *** The governor said he will be “forced to make a decision” if the House doesn’t act by July 9th, but hasn’t yet specified what that decision will be.

*** 2:24 pm *** The press release handed out to reporters makes no specific mention of the $1.5 billion in cuts…

[If the House doesn’t act] I will not allow the people of the state to be pushed into uncertainty by putting off tough decisions until later in the year, or asking
lawmakers to start from scratch at the last minute. Instead I’ll use my constitutional authority to match spending to available funds.

Reductions should not be made because they will mean pain and harm in most areas, including those where we worked hard to invest and make progress over the past few years.

*** 2:37 pm *** The guv said that ” lawmakers would be acting irresponsibly if they override the vetoes.”

He also blamed Speaker Madigan for refusing to participate in the budget discussions.

“I think the House Democrats should be honest with the people that they’re setting it up to sock it to them with a big income tax increase,” the governor said.

*** 2:39 pm *** More from the press release…

A lack of additional revenue would mean:

• Significant reductions in staffing throughout State government at agencies such as Department of Natural Resources, Department of Human Services, Department od Corrections, and others.

• Increased workload for DCFS caseworkers.

• A $110 million reduction in education spending.

• Nearly $260 million in reductions to social services programs. Over 100,000 individuals would see a reduction in services or access to community health and prevention services; 21,000 individuals with developmental disabilities living in the community would face reductions in service; mental health services and programs for individuals with developmental disabilities would be reduced; rates for foster parents would not increase.

• A $257 million reduction to economic development and transit. More than 100,000 workers will not receive job-skills training, and state support for RTA fare subsidies for students and people with disabilities would be eliminated.

• More than $600 million in healthcare reductions. This includes a $530 million Medicaid reduction resulting in healthcare providers such as hospital and pharmacies waiting an additional 20 days for payment from the State, on top of the 70 days they already wait; 20,000 outpatients would not receive service at Oak Forest Hospital; and up to 10,000 uninsured residents who are unaware of their HIV status would not be identified and linked to healthcare.

• More than $106 million in reductions to services for seniors and Veterans. Expansion of the Elder Abuse Line would not be funded, despite a 25 percent increase in calls to the line since its inception. An additional 40 bed expansion at the LaSalle Veteran’s Home would not open.

*** 2:44 pm *** The governor has left, but a budget spokesperson is still taking questions.

*** 3:01 pm *** The full press release can be seen by clicking here.

*** 3:05 pm *** The Tribbies have a piece up, but it’s mostly about the governor’s current options.

*** 3:53 pm *** Statement from Senate President Emil Jones…

“On May 31st the Illinois Senate passed a spending plan and sent the revenue bills (Senate Bill 788 and Senate Bill 790) to the Illinois House, in addition to a bipartisan capital plan (House Bills 6339, 1496, 2651, 4723, and 5618). The inaction of the Illinois House has put funding for vital programs at risk.

“I urge the House to work to pass the revenue bills sent to them by the Senate in order to avoid cuts to the spending plan that the Governor will be forced to make unless they take action. The House knew when it did not pass the revenue bills that they were playing a dangerous game in which the people of Illinois could lose.

“The solutions to the state’s challenges including passing a jobs program, balancing the State’s budget and providing funding for a well-constructed spending plan have all been addressed by the Senate and are all sitting in the House Rules Committee. These aren’t easy votes to make, but they are necessary to finish the people’s work.”

*** 4:03 pm *** Crain’s has Madigan react

Mr. Madigan’s spokesman said there are “substantial defects” with each of the revenue measures favored by the governor. “Absent some effort to fix the defects, I can’t imagine the Legislature would go along.” […]

The governor also opened a new front in his war with the speaker, suggesting that Mr. Madigan is plotting to approve a big increase in the state income tax after the November election. […]

Mr. Madigan’s spokesman said the speaker does not have plans to push an income tax hike shortly after the November election.

*** 5:52 pm *** More from Madigan’s spokesperson

A spokesman for House Democrats responded to the governor’s assertions, saying that speaker Mike Madigan does not have a plan to raise taxes “not this year, not next year.”


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Preliminary reports on governor’s budget statement *** UPDATED x2 ***

Tuesday, Jun 24, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Question of the day

Tuesday, Jun 24, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Regardless of the complete lack of direction from the Illinois Constitution, what do you think should be the minimum standards for impeachment of a sitting governor?

Try not to focus in on the current governor, please. Keep it general. I’m not interested in an endless rehash of grievances. Thanks.


Quote of the week

Tuesday, Jun 24, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Actually, it’s two quotes, both by Lt. Gov. Pat Quinn during an interview by Bob Reed

Q: Let’s consider this: Obama wins the presidency. The governor has to appoint a new senator. Would he name you?

QUINN: Well, it would be snowing in Hell. If it were up to me, I’d rather the governor appoint himself, and we could get a fresh start in Illinois . I think enough people on the Democrat and the Republican sides would say, “Hallelujah.”

Q: Would you make a good governor?

QUINN: I know I could get people in the huddle, and we’d come up with a play that everyone would carry out.


Heckuva job? Maybe not

Tuesday, Jun 24, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Associated Press gave FEMA a glowing review yesterday…

Nearly three years after Hurricane Katrina turned the Federal Emergency Management Agency into a punchline, many homeowners, politicians and community leaders in the flood-stricken Midwest say that so far, the agency is doing a heckuva job — and they mean it.

* Oh, really?

As their neighbors across the river begin to recover from the disastrous Flood of 2008, displaced Illinois residents are expressing frustration with the lack of assistance coming their way.

More than 10 days since Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich made a state declaration, residents are still awaiting the presidential disaster proclamation already given to more than 70 Iowa counties.

“We were totally misled, totally misinformed and completely ignored by this government,” said Anna Patton, Gulfport, Ill. “We’re not asking them to dig in their billfold. We’re just asking them to dig into our pot that we put the money in.”

* As I’ve told you before, the governor may be too optimistic about federal help

“Every time we’ve asked President Bush for federal disaster relief … they’ve always complied,” Blagojevich said. “I have no reason to think they’ll do anything but what they’ve done in the past.”

That’s just not true. And if the past is any measure, then the governor needs to be a lot more vigorous in pushing the feds to act. Happy talk ain’t gonna do it.


All Kids and AFSCME

Tuesday, Jun 24, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Sun-Times continues its high-profile push to sign families up for the governor’s All Kids program in a big editorial today

We’re pleased that 1,217 additional children joined the rolls of All Kids during Saturday’s daylong enrollment drive sponsored by Resurrection Health Care and the Chicago Sun-Times. We couldn’t have achieved our goal of signing up at least 1,000 kids without nearly 400 volunteers at more than 40 enrollment centers. These caring individuals dedicated space and volunteered time to help families fill out insurance paperwork to gain access to modestly priced insurance.

Aside from the journalistic integrity question, that’s a pretty big ratio of volunteers to enrollees - roughly one volunteer for every three kids enrolled in the insurance plan.

Getting kids signed up for insurance is a good thing, even though the All Kids plan has its downsides, including the problem of specialists not signing up to treat the patients. We also don’t know how many of those 1,217 children actually qualify, so it’s tough to accurately measure the drive’s success.

And why the Sun-Times editorial page would associate itself with a governor who is under at least nine separate federal investigations is just beyond me, but I suppose “good works” outweighs the rest.

* But while the governor and a major Chicago PR firm tout their success at helping kids in the Sun-Times, the Blagojevich administration is asking for huge concessions from the state’s largest labor union. That union turned out thousands of workers yesterday in Springfield to protest the lack of a new contract

AFSCME called for the rally and a noontime march through downtown Springfield to draw attention to what the union feels is an unfair contract offer from the Blagojevich administration. State negotiators want AFSCME workers to pay more for health insurance premiums, co-payments and pensions without offering salary increases as compensation, union leaders said. […]

Under the state’s offer, health insurance premiums would increase by 50 percent and co-payments would go up 75 percent for some union employees, Bayer said, at a time that costs of gasoline, utilities and food also are on the rise.

* Lots of folks have little use for state workers, but many of them do jobs that most of us wouldn’t touch, like working in a prison or a facility for the criminally insane or caring for aging veterans. A flood of early retirements at the start of the Blagojevich administration has meant more work for fewer people, so mandatory overtime is taking a toll.

I’ve found over the years that the knee-jerk reaction that all state workers are lazy and overpaid is often just misplaced jealousy, or ideologically motivated, or ill-informed cynicism. My uncle, for instance, worked for the state until he took advantage of the early out plan, and I’m here to tell you that the man worked hard just about every day of his career. My mother at one time was a social worker at a facility for the criminally insane. Not a great job.

* I also have a tough time with this “race to the bottom mentality” out there. To some, we should just cut their pay, cut their benefits and slash payroll ever deeper, to mirror some real or imagined private sector trend. They say this as if it’s supposed to be a good thing, but how is making the lot of working people worse off a good thing?

“But they’re sucking off my taxes!” is often the reply. Well, we have one of the lowest state income tax rates in the country. State sales taxes aren’t hugely out of line. And state payroll per capita is by far the lowest in the nation.

* More from the rally

Local union leaders and members gathered at the Capitol wearing green T-shirts and waving signs that said, “Governor, don’t cut our health care.” Marion Murphy, caseworker for the Illinois Department of Human Services, AFSCME Local 2806, is on the bargaining committee and spoke during the rally. She cited Blagojevich’s priority to ensure all residents can access quality and affordable health care. “But I guess he forgot about us,” she said. “Why should we be left out in the cold? He’s got the All Kids program, but what about our kids?”

* One thing rarely mentioned in articles like these is that AFSCME refused to endorse any gubernatorial candidate in 2006, after being knocked around by the administration following its 2002 endorsement. The union also enraged the Senate Democrats by putting up candidates.

So, it’s definitely political payback time.

* There are, of course, fiscal considerations. Health care and pension costs are out of control, and if they aren’t somehow reined in a more drastic alternative may have to be implemented down the road. The budget is broken, full of gaping holes and insufficient to finance much of a pay raise.

Still, the governor was elected on a promise not to “balance the budget on the backs of working men and women,” a pledge he has made time and time again since then. Apparently, AFSCME is exempt.



Rep. Watson

Tuesday, Jun 24, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* As I told subscribers this morning, “Lawmakers with Mark McDonald,” produced by Springfield’s PBS station WSEC-TV has an interview with Illinois state Rep. Jim Watson, who is currently stationed in Iraq. Here it is…

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Morning Shorts

Tuesday, Jun 24, 2008 - Posted by Kevin Fanning

* Walter Netsch memorial service set for July 7

* Illinois greenlights ignition breath tests

In Illinois, the devices are currently mandatory only for those with multiple DUI arrests who want to drive on a suspended license. The new law would impose that restriction with the first DUI arrest. Only five other states require the devices for an initial arrest.

* Illinois to test new DUI device

* Flood victims say FEMA is doing a heckuva job

* Flooded fields, higher prices

* Army Corps chief lauds flood-fighting efforts

* Sandbagging Machine

* Waterways still above flood stage

* Water may not recede for a week

* Illinois setting up hot line to help flood victims

* Flood losses mount

* More unbiased, objective journalism from the mainstream media

* Lake Co. candidate back on ballot

Democratic Lake County board candidate Davita Siegel of Buffalo Grove will return to the Nov. 4 ballot.

* Lake Co. candidate back on ballot

Democratic Lake County board candidate Davita Siegel of Buffalo Grove will return to the Nov. 4 ballot.

* Centrist Democrats head to Chicago

* Shimkus wishes you a Happy Corvette Day

* Kirk fears bickering will cost Illinois $9 billion

* Kirk, Biggert Announce Energy Plan

* Retiring GOP reps frustrate leadership

* Illinois lawmakers on trip to Turkey

* Chicago ranks as seventh-largest cybercity

* Prospect Heights may put home rule question on the ballot


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax

Tuesday, Jun 24, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

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* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* Robert Crimo III pleads guilty to Highland Park parade shooting
* Question of the day
* Tribune editorial board: 'Nevermind'
* Judge tosses bribery convictions in ComEd Four case, prosecutors indicate a new trial may not be necessary
* Fair hit?
* When RETAIL Succeeds, Illinois Succeeds
* It’s just a bill
* State finally making major progress on funding 'four core services'
* Intoxicating Hemp: No safety? No thanks!
* Isabel’s morning briefing
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today's edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
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