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Reader comments closed for the weekend

Friday, Jun 20, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* OK, that’s it for me. Don’t forget to check out Illinoize and the newly revamped InsiderzExchange this weekend.

* Here’s one for my intern…

You’re always in there fighting and you do your best

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Friday flood reports

Friday, Jun 20, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From a pal in southeastern Illinois…

I know everyone is in amazement when they see flooding waters but the real story is what is left behind (after the media leaves)

This is the damage caused by one of our local levee breaks. This was a level corn field the day before the break.


* The governor was in the Metro East today, and just had to do some politicking

llinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich was in Alton Friday, announcing he wanted federal aid for 2,000 Illinoisans displaced by the flood and was seeking state relief.

Blagojevich said the state’s capital bill should be passed, and it could be a vehicle for $29 million in flood relief. He did not specify where the relief would go.

* And this is temporary

Raging floods usually leave devastation in their wake, but for Governor Rod Blagojevich the rising water in Illinois couldn’t have come at a politically better time.

After mostly staying out of public view, the embattled Blagojevich has been out and about touring water-ravaged areas.

The water, at least for now, seems to have washed away some of the attention usually riveted on Blagojevich’s troubles.

* Things are getting better in Quincy. Here’s an article entitled: “Crest predictions continue to drop, but nobody breathing easy”…

It’s wait-and-see time for the Mississippi River communities battling the flood of 2008 as crest predictions get pushed back, but the fight is far from over.

Crests are predicted for Quincy and surrounding areas Sunday instead of today, as originally forecast by the National Weather Service. The Quincy crest is expected to be 28.8 feet Saturday — more than three feel below earlier forecasts of 31.9 feet — according to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Web site.

* Another one: “Flood’s worst seems over“…

As surely as the fat lady sings, the T-shirts came out Thursday at the Quincy sandbagging center.

“More Mighty Than The Mississippi,” read the souvenir shirts that were selling fast at $5 a pop, with a buck going to the Red Cross.

* More…

* Lower crests good news along Mississippi

* City evaluating flood lessons learned

* Rhys Saunders: Quincy better prepared this time around

* Sandbaggers pledge allegiance to the U.S.?

* Governor’s Public Schedule

* Governor’s Public Schedule Part 2

* Levee breaks ease pressure downstream

* Madison County Board creates Flood Protection District

* USDA Working to Assess Flood Impact

* Midwest Flooding: Failure of the Engineering Profession?

* Flood damage in Gulfport ’sickening’

* Pigs who swam through floodwaters killed on levee

* The Unluckiest Town in America

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Crosstown open thread

Friday, Jun 20, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

Comcast chose today to fix my cable problems, so I have no intertubes and no teevee. Listening to the game on the radio.

Liveblog it if u care.

Go Sox.

…Updating… All fixed.


Question of the day

Friday, Jun 20, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The setup

The Illinois State Board of Education on Thursday delayed action on a proposal that would restrict the kind of cafeteria food sold to students in public elementary and middle schools.

The idea behind the new rules is to curb the problem of childhood obesity and encourage healthy eating habits among young people, supporters say. Critics, though, say the rules are too restrictive and that local school districts should be allowed to decide for themselves how to help kids eat in a healthy way.

The rules cover numerous aspects of nutrition. Whole milk, for instance, would no longer be served to students in eighth grade or below. Instead, they could opt for skim, low-fat or reduced-fat milk.

The rules are stricter for students in fifth grade and below than for students in sixth through eighth grades. The older students would be allowed larger portion sizes and more calories, and they would have a wider range of choices.

For example, those students would be able to buy fruit smoothies made with low-fat yogurt or another low-fat dairy alternative, as long as the serving size doesn’t exceed 200 calories. But students in fifth grade or below couldn’t have the same beverage.

* The question: Should the State Board of Education take action on this, or should the decision be left to local school boards? Explain.


Congressional stuff

Friday, Jun 20, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Fix is not the most credible pundit ranker, mainly because the author is a political journalist and not a “real” analyst. But it may be worth noting that the Halvorson vs. Ozinga congressional race has been moved down slighty from 6th most likely district to flip parties to 8th…

8. Illinois’s 11th (Open seat, R): The rocky road for state Sen. Debbie Halvorson (D) continues, as in recent week she has come under fire from some fellow Democrats — including Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. — for a bill she introduced that would give Will County officials operating control over a proposed airport south of Chicago. Democrats insist the fight is actually good news for Halvorson, since it shows voters in the sprawling 11th District that she is standing up for them and not caving to Chicago’s political power brokers. Maybe, but a public, internecine feud is almost never good for business. Republicans acknowledge that concrete magnate Martin Ozinga got a very late start but insist he is a surprisingly strong candidate. (Previous ranking: 6)

* The Republicans, meanwhile, have posted some raw audio of Halvorson reacting last year to Gov. Blagojevich’s gross receipts tax proposal…

…Adding… I should’ve been more clear with the setup to that video. Halvorson ended up voting for the GRT in Senate Executive Committee after Sen. Lou Viverito unexpectedly voted “No,” leaving her little choice.

* Kristen McQueary is tiring of the acidity in the 11th District campaign and wrote a pretty glowing review of the Green Party candidate

It’s going to get ugly. Getting spin-free truth out of these camps will be downright exhausting.

So it was refreshing Wednesday to meet Jason Wallace, of Normal, the Green Party candidate in the 11th District. From Heritage Park in Crete - Halvorson’s hometown - Wallace met with reporters and made a few points worth repeating.

* Jim Oberweis on high gas prices

Oberweis said gas prices are the result of a supply problem that could be solved with increased offshore drilling in the U.S. and the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. He also supports exploration of alternative energy sources like nuclear, coal and wind energy - but noted that the government shouldn’t continuously subsidize those energy industries.

At a similar appearance in Elgin last month, Democrat Foster said he was “mystified” at why fuel companies are reporting record profits at a time when crude oil is so high.

“I think the Democrats making that argument don’t understand how business works,” he said. “It’s the same as saying farmers receiving $7.50 for a bushel of corn and making a profit are doing something bad. I would expect farmers to have record profits when prices are high and lower profits when prices are low, and I would expect oil companies to have high profits when prices are high and low profits when prices are low.”

Except because of the high fuel prices and the floods, I doubt farmers will have “record” profits this year. This is not even close to an accurate comparison.

* Progress Illinois has been taking Congresscritter Mark Kirk to task. Here’s the latest

Another day, another instance of Rep. Mark Kirk twisting the facts.

Last week, we noted his falsehoods about the uninsured population in America. Yesterday, we thoroughly debunked his bogus claim that the federal unemployment insurance benefit extension he voted against would lead people to cash in after two weeks of work.

Then, during an appearance on WLS’ Don Wade & Roma Morning Show today, Kirk falsely asserted that the Chinese are drilling for oil off the coast of Cuba.

* Related…

* Foster: Fermi funding could be fine

* Funding bill may block Fermi layoffs

* Briefs: Meet new congressman


Blagojevich roundup *** UPDATED x2 ***

Friday, Jun 20, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* As I indicated yesterday, this is probably no surprise

Embattled Gov. Rod Blagojevich likely will not be among the 15 to 20 governors talking about the economy with presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama Friday morning in Chicago.

An Obama spokesman confirmed Thursday afternoon that Blagojevich was invited along with all Democratic governors to the Friday event. A Blagojevich spokeswoman, however, said the governor likely will be heading to the downstate Metro East area to monitor rising flood waters.

Blagojevich did attend a dinner function on Thursday night with Obama and the governors, the spokeswoman said.


*** UPDATE 1 *** The Democratic governors met with Obama earlier this morning. Blagojevich wasn’t there. The Tribsters took note of the governor’s schedule

One Democratic governor not present was Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich. Obama’s campaign said Blagojevich had been invited to the event, but the governor’s staff said he needed to monitor Downstate flooding.

A public schedule released by Blagojevich’s office showed his first public event of the day to be at 11:45 a.m. Central Time in Alton, Ill. Blagojevich’s approval ratings continue to sag in Illinois and he and Obama have not appeared together in public for months.


* Our quote of the week goes to Cindi Canary, regarding that poll I told you about yesterday which had the governor’s approval rating at 13 percent, and the General Assembly’s approval numbers at 17 percent…

“If any of us only had a 17 percent approval rating, we’d lose our jobs,” said Cynthia Canary, director of the Illinois Campaign for Political Reform and a spokeswoman for Midwest Democracy Network.

* This is what happens when a real Statehouse reporter writes a story about the capital plan…

State transportation officials and a handful of Illinois lawmakers continued their push Thursday to get a statewide construction plan in place.

But without any new talks on the $34 billion measure, it appears that press conferences being held around the state in recent days are having no effect on breaking the stalemate.

* More from the article, which was about yet another press conference to boost the capital plan…

State Rep. Jay Hoffman, a Collinsville Democrat who is a key ally of Gov. Rod Blagojevich, said Madigan is playing “petty politics” with the measure by blocking it from coming up for a vote.

“He needs to put aside his personal vindictiveness,” Hoffman said. “Let’s stop this inter-party bickering.”

At the press conference, however, Hoffman offered up no alternatives that would address Madigan’s concerns.

“If the bill is called for a vote … I’m convinced we’ll be able to pass that bill,” Hoffman said.

But the bill is flawed for numerous reasons. And since it’s a House bill amended in the Senate, it cannot be amended again in the House.

* Yesterday, we took a playful little shot at Mother Tribune because one of the company’s vendors was hawking free Obama t-shirts in exchange for buying a subscription. Eric Zorn posted this in comments…

…without even checking with anyone I can pretty well assure you that if this story is true (unless I’m missing something there is one source, one witness, “Leo” and a partial image of a shirt that looks like it might spell out “Obama”) it was not a company authorized promotion. There is no history or tradition at the Tribune or any American newspaper that I’m aware of of using partisan political souvenirs as subscription incentives, and if you thought about it for five seconds you’d realize why.

But even if somehow I’m wrong about that and this WAS an official promotion, sanctioned from on high, that wouldn’t have anything to do with the reporters, editors and columnists who are writing about the campaign. Nor would it influence the Tribune’s editorial positions or endorsements which, as some have noted, tend to run Republican.

* But this Chicago Sun-Times publicity stunt is most definitely sanctioned from on-high…

[Gov Blagojevich said] “I am proud of All Kids, a program that has covered more than 200,000 uninsured children since we started it in 2006. I would like to thank the Sun-Times and Resurrection Health Care for helping us get the word out about All Kids. I hope they far surpass their goal of signing up more than 1,000 children on Saturday.”

* Related…

* Jack Franks: “Not Yet”

* America the bummed

* Righter’s no friend of Blagojevich, but he opposes impeachment

*** UPDATE 2 *** Statement by Michael Dizon, communications manager, Chicago Tribune…

“Recently, several websites have reported that a Chicago Tribune contractor had been offering Obama and McCain T-Shirts as an incentive to purchase a newspaper subscription. This was not a company-authorized promotion and was inappropriate. All subscription premiums must be approved by the Tribune in advance, and these weren’t. The newspaper maintains a non-partisan position in its reporting as well as promotions. Chicago Tribune have reprimanded the contractors and regrets any confusion this might have caused for readers.”


Caption contest!

Friday, Jun 20, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I just couldn’t decide, so I’m posting them both…

Winner for each pic gets a free classified ad or calendar posting at the newly revamped InsiderzExchange.

Please, try to keep it clean. Thanks.

…Adding… Hynes finished first in Round 2 of our “whom should Blagojevich appoint to Obama’s seat” poll, so I figured we had to have a little fun with him today…


Morning Shorts

Friday, Jun 20, 2008 - Posted by Kevin Fanning

* Police brutality may play role in Olympic bid

* Activists use Olympics bid as leverage

* Midwest floods to raise meat prices

* Gov. halts insurance cancellations in flood areas

* Flooding victims feel hung out to dry

* Mississippi expected to crest today; levees are holding in region

* Britt cartoon on goofy journalists

* Public hearing on Pontiac, Ill. prison closing scheduled

* Secretary of Veterans Affairs to visit Marion

* Feds indict 67 for mortgage fraud in Chicago area

A major national crackdown on mortgage fraud includes charges against 67 people in Chicago-area real estate businesses who allegedly engaged in elaborate schemes that drained $40 million from area banks and lending institutions.

* Accused mortgage fraud ringleader says he’s a scapegoat

* Pace OKs outside probe of paratransit complaints

* Walter Jacobson ticketed on DUI

* Daley Strong Arms Little Children, Again

* More people on the move and Medicaid

* Blagojevich PR Chief Resigns

* Blagojevich loses key aide

* Friday Beer Blogging: 4 Comments      

Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax

Friday, Jun 20, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

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* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* Robert Crimo III pleads guilty to Highland Park parade shooting
* Question of the day
* Tribune editorial board: 'Nevermind'
* Judge tosses bribery convictions in ComEd Four case, prosecutors indicate a new trial may not be necessary
* Fair hit?
* When RETAIL Succeeds, Illinois Succeeds
* It’s just a bill
* State finally making major progress on funding 'four core services'
* Intoxicating Hemp: No safety? No thanks!
* Isabel’s morning briefing
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today's edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
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