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Relief fund established

Wednesday, Jun 11, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Some of you have asked how you can help the folks who were flooded out in southeastern Illinois this week. A relief fund has now been established. Send checks to…

Wabash Valley Flood Relief Fund
c/o Farmers & Merchants Bank of Hutsonville
PO Box 277
Hutsonville, IL 62433

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This just in… *** Currie walks out, fears government shutdown *** Childrens Museum approved by city council 33-16 *** Jones: Olympics could disappear *** Hoffman: Blame Madigan *** More audio uploaded *** Watson: Budget bills will be sent to guv ***

Wednesday, Jun 11, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* 10:55 am - The leaders meeting started a few minutes ago. We should have some audio soon. House GOP Leader Tom Cross focused on the “evade the question about Madigan’s involvement” stuff in the impeachment memo when he spoke to reporters.

The Tribbies have a preview post, as does the AP.

* 11:27 am - The Chicago city council is debating locating the Children’s Museum in Grant Park. Watch it live by clicking here.

* 11:41 am - Don & Roma had a lot of interesting stuff on their WLS Radio program today.

Click here to llisten to Speaker Madigan’s spokesman Steve Brown and Rep. Kurt Granberg talk about the impeachment memo and the capital plan.

And click here to listen to Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr. excoriate Democratic congressional candidate Debbie Halvorson over the third airport controversy.

* 11:46 am - From the AP

The top Republican in the Illinois House is blasting a memo spelling out reasons to launch impeachment hearings against Governor Rod Blagojevich.

House Minority Leader Tom Cross says the memo lays out “a scheme to lie” to the public. […]

…rhe talking points suggest that candidates deny Madigan had anything to do with the impeachment discussion. […]

Cross said Wednesday that Madigan shouldn’t question the governor’s trustworthiness but then suggest that candidates lie.

* 11:55 am - Click on the links to listen to audio files from before today’s leaders meeting…

* Tom Cross
* Emil Jones
* Frank Watson
* Barb Currie

* Senate President Jones agreed with Cross’ characterization that the impeachment memo was a “scheme to lie.”

* Senate GOP Leader Watson said that his own candidates and incumbents “get a lot of questions” about impeachment and said sending out the same sort of memo might be something the Senate Republicans should think about doing.

*** 12:09 pm *** House Majority Leader Barb Currie just walked out of the leaders meeting complaining that the governor is continuing to focus on a capital bill rather than the budget. Currie said she afraid of an “imminent” government shutdown in July if the governor doesn’t get serious about the budget soon.

The other leaders are still inside the governor’s office.

We’ll have audio a little later.

* 12:31 pm - The Tribbies are live-blogging the city council debate on the Children’s Museum.

* 1:14 - Barb Currie quote

“I think that unfortunately we’re still in a situation where the governor wants to focus only on a capital bill and we continue to think that keeping state government open July 1 is the key issue,” Currie told reporters. “The governor said he’s not concerned about the budget, that the budget bill would be easy if only he had the capital program.”

Currie said she fears Blagojevich is “manufacturing a crisis.”

*** 1:41 pm *** The Chicago city council just approved the Children’s “Museum” in Grant Park on a 33-16 vote.

*** 2:03 pm *** Senate President Jones has left the meeting. According to Kevin, Jones said Madigan could lose Chicago the Olympics if he continues his opposition to a capital plan.

*** 2:15 pm *** Abby Ottenhoff, the governor’s chief spokesperson, just brought out a chart that claimed to show that every day week a capital bill isn’t passed, 3,744 jobs are not created. Not sure that makes much sense, but there you go.

*** 2:52 pm *** Rep. Jay Hoffman, a member of the state Democratic central committee and Gov. Blagojevich’s House floor leader said he’s “offended” that Speaker Madigan would use the Democratic Party’s money to send out the impeachment memo “in order to further a vendetta” against the Democratic governor.

Hoffman also blamed Madigan for not sending the governor the budget bills. In reality, however, the Senate controls three of the four appropriations bills.

Click here to listen to Hoffman.

*** 3:03 pm *** More audio from the post-game show…

* Currie
* Cross
* Jones
* Watson

* 3:12 pm - The Tribbies have the Children’s “Museum” roll call.

*** 3:16 pm *** Senate GOP Leader Frank Watson said he believes the leaders have a deal that the House and Senate will transmit the budget bills to the governor.


Notes to readers

Wednesday, Jun 11, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Because of all the impeachment memo stuff, I’ve decided not to do a Question of the Day today. Let’s focus like a laser.

* A relief fund is currently being established for victims of the flood in southeastern Illinois. I’ll give you all the details when they’re available.

* My intern Kevin has arrived at the Thompson Center, so hopefully we’ll have a report soon about the leaders meeting. It’s supposed to start at 10:30.

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Congressional roundup

Wednesday, Jun 11, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This might be fine for a one-day hit, but I’m not so sure they thought this through all the way

Illinois Republican Party Chairman Andy McKenna released the following statement on Dan Seals’ treatment of Iraq war veterans:

“Yesterday, Dan Seals and his campaign succeeded in kicking Iraq war veteran David Kalbfleisch off the November ballot. David Kalbfleisch fought to defend Dan Seals’ freedom and all he asked in return was a chance to participate in our democratic process. Unfortunately, Dan Seals cares more about himself than Iraq war veterans. Voters should know this is how Dan Seals treats our veterans.”

Republican Congressman Peter Roskam is running against an Iraqi War veteran, Jill Morgenthaler. So, will the state GOP now blast Roskam every time he does something negative to his opponent?

* Phil Kadner takes a look at Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr.’s attack on Democratic congressional candidate Debbie Halvorson. If you need some background, read this first. Now, on to the column

U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. (D-2nd), of Chicago, has handed Republicans a powerful political weapon by linking Tony Rezko’s name to that of state Sen. Debbie Halvorson. […]

[Halvorson’s] campaign manager, Brian Doory, sent me the following statement: “Debbie Halvorson has never met Mr. Rezko. She has not spoken to him or his associates about this issue in any way.

“Sen. Halvorson sponsored the Will County Airport Authority bill on behalf of Will County labor, business and government.”

The statement goes on to accuse Ozinga of engaging in pay-to-play politics, receiving millions of dollars in contracts by “creating a sham business to skirt minority contracting laws” and donating money to politicians “like Rod Blagojevich.”

I’m not sure how any of this will play with voters as the economy turns sour, the war in Iraq continues and, oh yes, the first black candidate for president happens to be running and he’s from Illinois.

* The pathetic clown show that is the Steve Greenberg campaign continues to muddle along

Gurnee’s mayor and top cop have lashed out at a congressional candidate they say turned a planned discussion about crime and police work into a campaign event.

In a jointly written letter to the Daily Herald and other newspapers, Mayor Kristina Kovarik and Police Chief Robert Jones accused Republican hopeful Steve Greenberg of trying to hijack the May 28 meeting.

Greenberg is challenging two-term Democrat Melissa Bean for the 8th House District seat.

The meeting at the Gurnee police station was supposed to be a private talk about gangs and police tactics, Kovarik told the Daily Herald Tuesday. However, Greenberg showed up with members of the media and a staffer who videotaped the session.

* Related…

* Bill Foster befuddled by Gas Prices

* Archpundit: The Cheap Shot At Halvorson [language warning]

* Archpundit: Apparently Dan Seals was Supposed to Have Vapors

* Archpundit: I’m All For Historic Tax Credits

* Archpundit: Mark has a Point

* Jesse Jackson, Jr. unloads on Blago, Halverson re Rezko, airport


Impeachmemt memo: Madigan’s “real” agenda? And possible blowback

Wednesday, Jun 11, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Much of the impeachment memo is basically just a litany of complaints about Gov. Blagojevich. Check out Addendum 1 starting on page 10 entitled, “Blagojevich’s Misdeeds and Malfeasance from High to Low (A Far from Complete List). Here are a few highlights…

2. Having no involvement with the mass transit issue, until springing seniors ride-free at the last second

3. Wasting his time and efforts on a scheme to have the state buy Wrigley Field andpay for its renovation

4. Gross Receipts Tax

11. Promising to spend $40 million to tear down Cole Hall in the wake of a shooting at NIU

16. Refusal to reside or even work with any regularity in the state capitol

23. Gross abuse of the power to call special sessions

24. Telecom reform bill negotiated, crafted and passed without governor’s involvement

25. Property tax reform bill passed without governor’s involvement

26. Cost of state airplane to fly back and forth to Springfield, rather than even spend a night in the capital

* From the governor’s press office statement…

“This is another example of the pettiness, silliness and backroom games that Speaker Madigan has been playing for months to prevent progress.”

* From Senate President Emil Jones’ statement…

“I think it’s wrong for the Democratic Speaker and Democratic Party Chairman to promote the impeachment of a Democratic Governor.”

This brings up a couple questions…

1) Do you think it’s acceptable for a state party chairman to use his position and state party resources to attack a fellow party member like this?

2) In your opinion, is Madigan simply using this impeachment issue to try to gain some political leverage because the press may be finally turning against him and because he is so isolated from the unions and many of his fellow Democrats on the capital plan?


* Related…

* State’s government, like its roads, need repair

* Press conference on Illinois Works

* Madigan target of local disgust over capital plan

* Editorial: Don’t let autism bill be victim of politics

* Editorial: Lead and crime

* Illinois Gov’t a Sputtering, Burning Trainwreck

* OneMan: My Daughter Sort of Makes Madigan’s Impeachment Talking Points

* Archpundit: Impeach him, impeach him now.

* Dan Proft: Madigan’s Memo Signals Gathering Storm

* IlliniPundit: Democrats On Impeachment


Impeachment memo: Aspects that could hurt Dem candidates

Wednesday, Jun 11, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* As mentioned below, the impeachment memo was ostensibly drafted for House Dem candidate Emily McAsey. The Sun-Times notes this today

At least one Madigan-backed candidate, Emily McAsey, has incorporated some of the exact language contained in the memo into her campaign material, using some of it as direct quotes attributable to herself.

* But there are several passages that could cause trouble for McAsey and others. For instance, this passage from the Q&A section

Are you doing this at Mike Madigan’s behest?

This has nothing to do with Mike Madigan. I’m doing this because, after carefully considering the facts and thinking about what is in the best interests of the state, I am convinced that it is the best course and now is an appropriate time. As far as I now, the Speaker has been resistant to the idea of impeachment.

So, neither Madigan nor his staff has had any involvement with you or preparing you to make this announcement?

I am calling for the House to begin impeachment proceedings because I believe that it’s the right thing to do. I’ve researched the issue on my own and after careful consideration believed that now is the right time to do it.

* And then there’s this

Are you just doing this to benefit Lisa Madigan’s goal to become governor?

[Note: Don’t repeat her name or get into a discussion about her future political plans. This matter has nothing whatsoever to with that, and the ine-of-succession is to the Lt. Gov.]

I’m doing this because there’s a problem. This has nothing to do with furthering anyone else’s ambitions. In any case, were the governor to be removed from office, it is Pat Quinn who would become governor.

Do these and perhaps other passages make impeachment a potentially dangerous campaign issue for House Democratic candidates? Can it backfire? Explain.


Impeachment memo: Preventing another George Ryan party meltdown

Wednesday, Jun 11, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* As I’ve told you before, the House Republicans are criticizing Speaker Michael Madigan for refusing to put aside his personal and policy disagreements with Gov. Rod Blagojevich.

The impeachment memo was ostensibly written on behalf of a House Democratic candidate who is up against GOP Rep. Brent Hassert. Rep. Hassert has repeatedly complained that Madigan and his House Democrats are allowing their hatred to interfere with real progress.

This story is from Monday

Emily McAsey , the Democratic candidate for 85th District state, last week issued a statement calling for Gov. Rod Blagojevich ’s impeachment in the aftermath of his buddy Tony Rezko’s conviction. Not only that, McAsey of Lockport accuses her Republican opponent, Rep. Brent Hassert of Romeoville, of not being tough enough on the Democratic governor.

“His (Hassert’s) attitude shows exactly what is wrong in Springfield right now: Republicans and Democrats covering up and protecting each other when something is amiss,” McAsey said in a written statement.

* There’s something else at play here. In retrospect, the Republicans made a big mistake by refusing to distance themselves from George Ryan and denounce him for being a crook. These points illustrate how Madigan intends to position his candidates

• As a Democrat, I believe this to be a very sad time for our state. After the corruption and conviction of Republican George Ryan, I was optimistic that the state would begin a new era. The ways of the past would truly remain in the past. Instead, a member of my own party, the first Democratic governor in 26 years, may have sought to do George Ryan one better. U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald described his investigations into Governor Blagojevich’s administration as “pay-to-play on steroids.”

• It is critically important that we learn from the past - in particular Republican mistakes around George Ryan. Democrats need to stand together and tell Blagojevich that in the best interests of Illinois and in the best interests of Democrats and the type of policies that we are trying to achieve for the state, he should come clean about what’s going on in his administration or he should step aside.

* And from the Q&A section

People are frustrated with the governor and dismayed to see a possible replay of the Ryan administration.

Do you think this gambit will work? Again, please stick to the topic at hand. There’s more coming. Thanks.


Impeachment memo: Interfering with a federal investigation?

Wednesday, Jun 11, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This discussion will be about whether the House ought to hold off on impeachment proceedings while the US Attorney is actively investigating the governor, his wife, his friends, his fundraisers, his campaign and his administration.

From the talking points

While I respect the work of United States Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald, and while I would not support any actions that would interfere with the investigations that he or the FBI may be conducting into Governor Blagojevich’s administration and its associates, nor would I want the House’s inquiry to compromise any current or future prosecutions, our duty to our citizens, constitution and conscience demands that we act now. […]

It is also possible that additional information about Blagojevich administration misdeeds may come to light once an impeachment process begins. Whistleblowers may be willing to come forward once it becomes clear that the House has a sincere desire to review how Blagojevich does business. Witnesses who come to testify, including those compelled to be there via subpoena, may also shed additional light on further wrongdoing.

* And this is from the memo’s “Question & Answers” section

Do you think the Illinois House needs to be conducting its own investigation into criminal wrongdoing by Governor Blagojevich? They can’t even do their job as it is, so now they are going to be getting in the way of Patrick Fitzgerald, the FBI and the U.S. Attorney’s office? Aren’t they like the keystone cops?

There is already enough evidence for the House to consider, from the trial records, to the guilty please of those associated with the governor that there would be no need for the House to conducts its own criminal investigation.

Furthermore, besides the criminal problems besetting his administration, the House may want to consider whether or not he has violated his oath of office in promising to uphold the constitution and whether or not he is derelict in his duties and not doing the work required of a governor.

The impeachment process is completely separate from the processes used by the criminal justice system. The impeachment and conviction of a constitutional officer does not preclude the possibility that that individual could be liable for prosecution by state or federal authorities.



Impeachmemt memo: Reasons

Wednesday, Jun 11, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Let’s talk about the Madigan impeachment talking points memo in a few stages. Try to stay on topic as much as possible. The first thing we’ll do is look at the memo’s three basic reasons for considering impeachment proceedings…

1. The ongoing federal criminal investigations of his administration, including his role as Public Official A, have significantly impaired his ability to do his job as governor. With Ali Ata’s guilty plea, the governor has been directly implicated in a bribes-for-jobs scheme - the latest revelation of malfeasance in the governor’s office. The conviction of Tony Rezko on 16 or 24 federal corruption counts related to Blagojevich administration activities also suggests something is seriously amiss. Using common sense, and the totality of what has been learned so far about these investigations, prudence demands that lawmakers act. Already, six individuals associated with his administration have pled or been found guilty of federal criminal charges in connection with their roles in corrupt activities. Criminal activity in the Blagojevich administration is no longer theoretical - it is proven.

Blagojevich is clearly not an innocent victim of circumstances. Legislators have a responsibility to do what is in the best interests of the state and not depend on the federal government to save us. One thing we learned from the George Ryan case is that we should excise a tumor when it is first discovered; not leave it in the body to continue to spread and do further harm.

2. Blagojevich’s violation of his oath of office by repeatedly attempting to operate outside of the Illinois constitution and state law - expanding FamilyCare beyond the limit authorized by the General Assembly, spending money absent express statutory authority, failing to comply with AG ruling that federal subpoenas are subject to FOIA, and a gross abuse of the constitution’s special session power - using special session as a blunt force instrument for dealing with the General Assembly and attempting to force it to submit to his will - rather than for deal with emergency situations.

3. Finally, Blagojevich’s legal problems have clearly become a distraction for the governor. He is largely withdrawn from the legislative process - spending most of his time hunkered down at home or in a political campaign office in Ravenswood hiding from the public and refusing to answer the media’s questions. Aside from an occasional meeting or event appearance, he is not faithfully executing the duties of his office. Blagojevich acts like an absentee governor - content to let his underlings do as they wish. That’s not acceptable. We need an engaged governor who wants to be the governor.

Governor Blagojevich’s inability to govern is the principal reason that the state is in its current predicament and that stalemate is the order of the day in Springfield. The first step to cleaning up the mess and getting the state back on track may be to remove the governor from office. If the evidence warrants it, we cannot afford to wait until 2010. That will be too late and he will have had two-and-a-half years to do even more damage to the state.

[Emphasis added.]

…Adding… From the Question & Answers section…

What do you think are grounds for impeachment?

While the constitution is purposefully vague about it, I believe that there are four:

1. Serious crimes, including those that are abuses of office, including obstruction of justice.

2. Incapacity - due to mental or health problems the individual is not able to do his job

3. Violations of the state Constitution’s separation of powers - especially if it is a recurrent problem and evidence of contempt and disregard for the legislature’s - a co-equal branch of government — constitutional role, including executive oversight.

4. Dangerous levels of incompetence, abuse of power, dereliction of duties or financial malfeasance. Even if someone has not done anything legally, wrong, the General Assembly should be able to remove someone who is so incompetent that he doesn’t have the ability to run his office.

Politicians are accountable to a higher degree than mere legal standards. It shouldn’t take a criminal investigation to use impeachment. Impeachment shouldn’t be seen as a mini-criminal trial. Although criminal activities may be a reason for impeachment, impeachment is a political trial based on a governor’s repeated recklessness and inability to perform the job.

Are all of these acceptable or is any of it over the line? Discuss.


Morning Shorts

Wednesday, Jun 11, 2008 - Posted by Kevin Fanning

* A not-so-crazy proposal


The legislature has adjourned for the spring, its last act to enact a budget in the final hours of the session. Once again the General Assembly passed that fiscal blueprint without the governor’s input, a sign of continued political dysfunction at the state Capitol.

The only difference between the last two sessions is that this year, legislators were determined to avoid the long overtime session that kept them in Springfield through most of last summer

* Cubs documents: Wrigley condition not dire

* Lights out on a bad idea

* Palatine adjusts for Stroger

The Palatine Village Council voted to move up the start time of its next meeting in order to attend the Monday community forum led by Cook County Board President Todd Stroger at Harper College. The council, which has no affiliation with the event, will meet at 6 p.m. Monday at Village Hall, 200 E. Wood St. Palatine officials say they hope to learn exactly what services the county provides and the reasons behind a recent tax rate hike. The Stroger meeting is scheduled to take place from 7 to 9 p.m. at Palatine college’s Wojcik Conference Center.

* Manufacturers demand more at state, local levels

* Would-be O’Hare designers get update

* Pension aid legislation headed to governor’s desk

‘What really prompted it is the $4 billion in unfunded liability shared by these municipal pension funds,'’ said Joe McCoy, spokesman for the Illinois Municipal League. ‘’This legislation is of critical importance to become law because we can’t begin to solve these problems before we have the tools to do so.

* Bill to help spousal caregivers on hold

* Sex offender law sent to governor

Dillard said that while the new law will make it a felony for a child sex offender to knowingly live with 500 feet of a home-based day care, “Enforcement will be up to local police departments.”

* Illinois GOP elects national convention representatives

* Illinois Republican Party Chairman Andy McKenna joins Don Wade & Roma

* Interview with State Rep. Jim Durkin

* NTSB says Illinois must pick up pace, fix crossing

* Man is convicted in Carol Moseley Braun attack

* Area Hispanics to meet with McCain

* School rally at Soldier Field seeks more money for anti-violence programs in Chicago

* 30,000 kids attend city’s ‘largest civics lesson

* Daley Grant Park cartoon

* Daley says he’s not offended by Northwestern students

* Daley ‘amused’ at negative NU student reaction

“It’s college students. They always dissent. They have to. That’s part of life. We all did that. I was amused by it,” Daley said.

* Unite and Conquer

You don’t need to wait until aldermen approve the plan to move the Chicago Children’s Museum to Grant Park to get a glimpse of how the city’s executive and legislative branches continue to merge.

* Chicago to vote on moving museum to lakefront park

* Still fighting over museum location

* City Council action expected today on Children’s Museum

* Our can-do mayor comes with a price

Aldermen must reject the museum plan, if only to show voters that we live in a democracy, where such quaint concepts as the people’s will matters, and not the whims of one man intent on getting his way, no matter how poor the plan, no matter how high the cost.

* Original Beatles drummer coming to Benton this fall


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax

Wednesday, Jun 11, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Madigan’s impeachment memo

Tuesday, Jun 10, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Click here to download the memo.

[I’ve pulled the password protection off because it’s now available elsewhere.]


Madigan advises candidates on impeachment talk *** UPDATED x3 ***

Tuesday, Jun 10, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I’ll have more on this tomorrow…

Ilinois House Speaker Michael Madigan has produced “talking points” for legislative candidates on the reasons to impeach Governor Rod Blagojevich. […]

It refers to corruption under Blagojevich as “a tumor” that must be surgically removed. It also claims the governor has violated the state constitution by abusing his authority.

Spokesman Steve Brown says the talking points do not represent Madigan’s views. Instead, he says they simply provide information for any House candidates who want to discuss impeachment.

*** UPDATE *** Reaction from the governor’s press office…

“This is another example of the pettiness, silliness and backroom games that Speaker Madigan has been playing for months to prevent progress. We wish he would drop his behind-the-scenes maneuvering and come to the leaders’ meetings. It’s time for the Speaker to join the rest of the legislative leaders who have been working with the governor to pass a capital bill that will put thousands of people to work.”

*** UPDATE 2 *** The AP now has a longer story online

Brown said he believed Democratic candidate Emily Klunk-McAsey, who is running against Republican Rep. Brent Hassert for a seat in Chicago’s suburbs, received the information for a recent news conference on impeachment. Klunk-McAsey did not return a phone message seeking comment Tuesday afternoon.

Other lawmakers who have discussed pursuing impeachment said they had not seen the memo but were not surprised it went to candidates.

‘’I don’t think that he (Madigan) is pushing for impeachment at this time, because if he was we’d be in Springfield right now,'’ said Rep. Jack Franks, D-Woodstock. ‘’He wants to make sure that he does well with the House. This is one way of giving his candidates some options.'’

* Klunk-McAsey’s statement was only covered in one paper yesterday…

Here’s a sign of the ironic condition of Illinois politics.

Emily McAsey , the Democratic candidate for 85th District state, last week issued a statement calling for Gov. Rod Blagojevich ’s impeachment in the aftermath of his buddy Tony Rezko ’s conviction. Not only that, McAsey of Lockport accuses her Republican opponent, Rep. Brent Hassert of Romeoville, of not being tough enough on the Democratic governor.

“His (Hassert’s) attitude shows exactly what is wrong in Springfield right now: Republicans and Democrats covering up and protecting each other when something is amiss,” McAsey said in a written statement.

*** UPDATE 3 *** Statement from Senate President Emil Jones…

“I think it’s wrong for the Democratic Speaker and Democratic Party Chairman to promote the impeachment of a Democratic Governor. Impeachment is unwarranted in my opinion, and should not be used as a political tool. It is a serious state action that should not be used to divert attention from the issues at hand which are the operating budget and passing a capital bill.”


This just in… *** Legislator blasts state response *** Editor defends *** Righter: Worst is yet to come *** Disaster finally declared ***

Tuesday, Jun 10, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* 10:23 am - Uh-oh

Levee breaks in Lawrence County near the Indiana line in southern Illinois are forcing evacuations.

Officials tell the Lawrenceville Daily Record that an early morning levee failure along the Embarras River is forcing the evacuations of portions of eastern Lawrence County.

The evacuation apparently involves about 200 homes, and the flooded area so far is mostly farmland and prairie.

Officials also say another levee broke along the Wabash River near Westport.

Track the events at the Lawrenceville Daily Record and at the local TV news outlet.

* 10:46 am - Tomorrow’s leaders meeting is scheduled for 10:30 at the Thompson Center. Kevin will be covering this one, so we won’t have to wait around for updates.

* 11:19 am - From a press release…

Governor Blagojevich says state supporting flood response in southeastern Illinois after levee breaks

IEMA, IDNR and ISP on site in Lawrence County to assist local response agencies, ensure public safety

SPRINGFIELD – Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich today directed the Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) to coordinate with local emergency management officials in southeastern Illinois to ensure public safety after levee breaks along the Embarras and Wabash rivers forced the evacuation of people in the Lawrenceville and Westport areas.

“I’ve directed the Illinois Emergency Management Agency to work closely with local officials to make sure they get whatever assistance necessary to protect people in this area,” said Gov. Blagojevich.

Early Tuesday morning, levees on the Embarras and the Wabash River broke sending flood waters into areas east of Lawrenceville and the Westport area. IEMA dispatched a regional coordinator to the area to work with local emergency management officials and determine if state assistance is needed. Conservation police officers from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) assisted with the evacuation of 14 people yesterday in Lawrence County and conducted welfare checks throughout the night and this morning. In addition, officers from the Illinois State Police (ISP) are assisting with safety issues, and an ISP airplane was used this morning to conduct a flyover of the area to assess the extent of the flooding.

Following heavy rains over the past week, floodwaters have risen along several rivers in Illinois. IEMA officials are in close contact with emergency managers in several counties to determine needs for state assistance. In addition to the assistance provided in Lawrence County, state emergency response assets have been provided to the following counties to aid in their flood assistance efforts:

o Cass County – a crew of six inmates from the Illinois Department of Corrections (IDOC) sent to assist with sandbagging.
o Mercer County – pumps from the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT).
o Menard County – pumps from IDOT
o Douglas County – 30 barricades to assist with traffic control.

* 11:29 am - More serious flooding on the way

The National Weather Service is predicting crests of 10 feet above flood stage and higher over the next two weeks in Hannibal, Canton, Louisiana and Clarksville in northeast Missouri and at Quincy and Grafton in Illinois. That’s considered major flooding and would near record levels reached in 1993.


*** 11:52 am *** State Rep. Roger Eddy (R-Hutsonville) is not usually one to pop off, and he mostly kept his cool when we talked a few minutes ago. But he’s becoming ever more frustrated that the flooded areas of his southeastern Illinois House district are not getting the same attention from the state that the folks across the border in Indiana have received.

Flooded areas of Indiana have already obtained a federal disaster declaration. In contrast, Illinois has yet to declare its side of the border a disaster - a step that has to be completed before the feds can step in.

Also, Indiana’s governor has personally toured the impacted areas on his side of the border. But when Eddy talked to an official with the Illinois Emergency Management Agency he was told that it “doesn’t make any sense for the governor to be down here at this time.”

“The people down here are going to perceive that he just isn’t engaged,” Eddy said of Gov. Blagojevich.

Eddy did say that some localities were getting some much-needed help with immediate concerns, and he said he was very grateful for that. But he added that the paperwork process needs a thorough review. Too much emphasis was being placed on getting local officials to sign off on documents when they were out on the front lines battling the flooding, Eddy said.

“We have a flash flood,” the legislator said, “We need flash paperwork.”

“I don’t know why Indiana can have a declaration in less than a day and now we’re three or four days ino this and we’re just seeing this paperwork.”

*** 12:36 pm *** Rep. David Reis sent in this photo of a levy break just beyond his back yard…

*** 2:12 pm *** For some perspective, I phoned Mike Van Dorn, the editor of the Lawrenceville Daily Record.

Van Dorn wasn’t much impressed with Rep. Eddy’s comments about Blagojevich, claiming that’s his usual schtick back in the district - to blame the guv for everything.

The editor said that about 200 families have been evacuated from their homes, adding, “As far as i know the state response has been excellent.” Van Dorn hasn’t been out and about himelf, but has been getting reports from his reporter on the beat.

The Illinois Emergency Management Agency “is on top of it,” Van Dorn said, claiming, “They’re doing everything they can.” However, he did say that IEMA is “short of manpower.”

*** 3:07 pm *** Sen. Dale Righter has been out all day dealing with the flooding in his district, but from what I gather the worst is yet to come. A couple of rivers in the area could flood over each other and cover an area of around 50 square miles, Righter said. Yikes.

Now, much of that is agricultural land, but that’s still pretty darned huge. The local airport is expected to be underwater this week, and one town’s water treatment plant is already totally submerged.

Sen. Righter credited local agencies and the local IEMA people for working very hard.

But, Righter said, the further up the ladder you get, the less contact and involvement there is. He said there was a problem getting answers out of Springfield, and that the response out of IEMA headquarters “could be more prompt.”

With flood warnings along the Mississippi River and the deteriorating situation in Southeastern Illinois [and elsewhere], IEMA and the rest of the Blagojevich administration certainly has a lot of work ahead. I hope they’re up to it.

* Also, we’re working on figuring out how people can donate to flood victims or lend a hand in other ways.

*** 3:55 pm *** A state disaster has finally been declared…

Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich today declared six southeastern Illinois counties state disaster areas due to widespread flooding and severe storms that have forced evacuations and closed roadways. The state disaster declaration makes available a wide variety of state resources that can help affected communities respond and recover from flooding. Counties included in the Governor’s declaration are Clark, Coles, Crawford, Cumberland, Jasper and Lawrence. […]

“While we’re very fortunate that Illinois hasn’t been hit as severely as some other Midwestern states, the flooding in southeastern Illinois is devastating to everyone affected and we’re prepared to provide these counties with any state assets and personnel they need to respond and recover from this event,” said IEMA Director Andrew Velasquez III.


Question of the day

Tuesday, Jun 10, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Please ignore the national political ramifications in this setup. From a press release

Presidential candidates Barack Obama and John McCain have declared Washington lobbyists persona non grata as far as participation in the forthcoming campaigns. The leadership of the American League of Lobbyists (ALL) vehemently objects to this treatment. ALL reminds the candidates that all U.S. citizens are guaranteed the right to petition the government under the First Amendment to the Constitution.

“As a profession, lobbying is an easy target and a candidate automatically garners public support with each declaration,” said Brian Pallasch, League President.

“What I have trouble with is the hypocritical nature of these comments. Both candidates have worked with lobbyists, recognize the value of their input, received legal campaign contributions from lobbyists, and yet never hesitate to throw us to the wolves when it behooves them to do so,” continued Pallasch.

In addition to guaranteeing free speech, the First Amendment to the Constitution states unequivocally the right of the people “to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” It does not specify whether such petitions must be brought by individual citizens or representatives on their behalf - hence, lobbyists.

* Question: Should Illinois ban campaign contributions from all registered lobbyists? Explain.

[Like I said above, ignore the national politics and keep it state-centric, please. There’s only gonna be one warning.]


Kadner on Jackson, Rezko and Halvorson; Plus: Greens; Seals

Tuesday, Jun 10, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I told you a little about this story yesterday, but Phil Kadner goes at it hard today

Tony Rezko tried to negotiate a third airport deal in the south suburbs in 2006 on behalf of the governor, according to U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. (D-Chicago).

“There was no doubt he was a state actor at that meeting,” Jackson said. “I didn’t call Tony Rezko. […]

“Rezko said that in order to get the governor’s support for the things I wanted, the governor had to be given key appointments on the ALNAC board,” Jackson said.

“That is the same kind of thing they did with the Illinois Health Facilities Planning Board and the teachers pension system. That’s how Rezko used his influence, by appointing people to these boards.”

* Kadner doesn’t believe Blagojevich administration claims that Rezko was never involved, and I don’t blame him one bit. I’m with Phil on that one.

Kadner, however, only briefly mentions that Jackson aide Rick Bryan brought Democratic congressional candidate Sen. Debbie Halvorson into the mix. That’s more significant, at least politically for Halvorson, than Kadner claims.

Here’s a quick refresher about what Bryant wrote

Pay-to-play was the pathway laid out in Senate Bill 2063, sponsored by state Sen. Debbie Halvorson. That bill would have codified what Rezko essentially proposed to Jackson, ALNAC and its developers (SNC-Lavalin and LCOR), which was to create an airport board comprised of appointed – not elected – commissioners.

* I think that any direct Halvorson connection is a big stretch, but the most significant aspect of this statement was that an incumbent Congressional Democrat would seek to undermine a Democratic congressional hopeful by connecting her to Tony Rezko, no matter how tenuous those ties might me.

Jackson and Halvorson have fought bitterly on this issue over the years. Halvorson complains that Jackson wants to put an airport in her Senate district (and in an area which is not in Jackson’s district) without first getting permission from those residents. That’s a good point, but there’s no denying that Jackson has given Halvorson’s GOP opponent, Martin Ozinga, lots of ammo.

From an Ozinga press release…

* Did Halvorson ever meet with Rezko or Rezko’s associates about the Third Airport?

* If so, did Halvorson sponsor Senate Bill 2063 at Tony Rezko’s request? Was anything offered by Rezko in exchange?

* If not, still: why did Halvorson sponsor a bill that would have created ample opportunity for the same kind of cash-for-appointments schemes for which Tony Rezko was just convicted?

* Meanwhile, three Green Party congressional candidates were kicked off the ballot yesterday

The board ruled in favor of petitioners who filed objections against 8th Congressional District candidate Iain Abernathy of Round Lake Beach, 10th District candidate David Kalbfleish of Arlington Heights, and 14th District candidate Robert Hill of DeKalb — all of whom the party had slated after the state’s Feb. 5 primary. […]

More specifically, attorneys for the objectors argued that the Green Party failed to elect any precinct committeemen from key counties during the February primary, a requisite first step in the process of slating candidates. In Abernathy’s case, objectors also argued for disqualification because he tried to run as a Moderate Party candidate in the primary before being removed from that ballot.

The Greens aren’t sure yet whether they’ll appeal.

* And Dem congressional candidate Dan Seals has harsh words for Springfield

A Democratic candidate for Congress is offering a blunt assessment of Illinois’ state government leaders. Dan Seals is running in the 10th congressional district in Chicago’s northern suburbs.

Seals says Illinois needs “adults [in Springfield] who work for the people they’re supposed to represent.”

“Look, I’m not going to go pick a fight with anybody, but the fact is, we need more results out of Springfield and less posturing.”

Charlie Cook now rates Seals’ campaign against incumbent Republican Mark Kirk a toss-up, partly because of Barack Obama’s presence on the ticket.

* Somewhat related…

* Rezko: One trial down. Next up in 2009.

* Tribune’s Blagojevich-Rezko Cartoon

* Zorn: Let’s clarify the Obama deal with Rezko

* Our Opinion: Sign ethics bill, governor


Another important, but overlooked story

Tuesday, Jun 10, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I told subscribers about this bill and other measures stuck in the legislative mire yesterday morning.

Today, the Sun-Times editorializes in favor of a bill to require insurance companies to cover people with autism. The editorial claims the bill “never made it out of the House,” but actually the bill did pass the House. The House, however, refused to back away from an amendment the Senate rejected which forbade the Blagojevich administration from promulgating any new administrative rules.


The autism bill is one of dozens, if not hundreds, that failed to become law this spring because of a profound dispute between Gov. Blagojevich and House Speaker Michael Madigan.

Madigan and others accuse Blagojevich of repeatedly going around the legislative process. To stop Blagojevich, Madigan added an amendment to the autism bill, and to hundreds of others, that restricts the governor’s ability to do that. The amendment gives the Legislature new powers to write rules about how the legislation will be implemented.

When all these amended bills, including the autism insurance bill, leave the House, Senate President Emil Jones, a Blagojevich ally, balks.

The result: gridlock, stalemate and mind-bending frustration for real people caught in the cross hairs.

* Madigan and others are not just accusing Blagojevich of doing end-arounds on the General Assembly. It’s a fact of life. Let’s go back and see what happened last year…

After the [Joint Committee on Administrative Rules] blocked the rules [for a health care expansion plan], Blagojevich ordered his agency directors to proceed as though JCAR actually approved the rule. The governor then sent his press office out to tell reporters that JCAR was unconstitutional and didn’t have the authority to block his new idea - even though Blagojevich signed that aforementioned law that allowed JCAR to do just that.

The governor’s move caused quite an uproar. His tendency to ignore the Constitution, his stubborn refusal to take “no” for an answer from large bipartisan majorities in the General Assembly, his blatant abuse of his powers to call special legislative sessions (he’s called more than all modern governors combined), and his hypocritical lawsuits against the House speaker over, of all things, constitutional issues, had already rankled legislators to no end. […]

Whenever an executive tries to grab lots more authority, it’s usually seen by the legislative branch as an abuse of power, and that branch often ends up with more power than before. The backlash against President Richard Nixon’s notorious power grabs produced all sorts of laws that were designed to limit the executive’s authority, for instance, and the same thing is starting to happen with President George W. Bush.

Governor Blagojevich has seemed intent since Day One on remaking the governor’s office into a far more powerful branch, often overstepping his authority or “misreading” the Constitution. Considering his abrasive tactics, massive unpopularity with the public, and bungled Statehouse execution, he could wind up leaving the governor’s office as a hobbled shell of its former self.

Lots and lots of bills were essentially killed this year because Speaker Madigan no longer trusts the governor to follow state law and the Illinois Constitution. I don’t see an easy way out of this mess.



Two very important, but overlooked stories

Tuesday, Jun 10, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I told subscribers about this situation yesterday. The General Assembly hasn’t yet sent the governor the four appropriations bills which make up the state the budget. Three are Senate bills, one is a House bill…

…the General Assembly approved a state budget ten days ago that calls for spending at least $2 billion more than it raises in revenue. Governor Blagojevich is hinting veto, but he can’t do that until the House and Senate send him the official, “enrolled and embossed” copies of the legislation. Sources say the State Senate may delay until the last possible moment on June 30th, because Senate President Emil Jones is trying to talk the governor out of a veto.

Emphasis was added to make a point. The chamber where the bill originates controls when it transmits the bill to the governor. They have 30 days to do this, and this time it’s not just Speaker Madigan holding up the show. It’s Jones.

* As I’ve been saying for weeks, a big reason the Senate doesn’t want to come back for an overtime session is that it will activate the legislative pay raises…

One reason for this is it could cost legislators a $4,700 pay raise.

“The fact that the pay raise for the elected officials is kind of holding up the train is really sad,” says Jay Stewart, executive director of the Better Government Association. “It shows you how petty and parochial sometimes the members can be.” […]

Under the quirky rules the General Assembly created for raising its own pay, those raises immediately take effect as soon as the State Senate convenes three more times. That is, unless the senate votes to reject the raises. The Illinois House did. That puts State Senate leaders on a hot seat they want to avoid until after the November election.

* Another factor might be the impact on state employee pay checks, but last year a judge allowed state workers to be paid without a passed budget. Still, Flannery reports…

In fact, sources report, House Speaker Michael Madigan believes that payroll pressure and the threat of shutting down vital state services will ultimately force all sides to resolve their differences.

Could be.

* Meanwhile, a Chicago media outlet finally notes that Mayor Daley did not support the gaming proposal, which is one of the major funding sources for the capital plan. Except they buried it at the bottom of the piece…

The mayor said anyone who thinks he spoiled a potential deal to increase school funding is “greatly mistaken.” A proposal that would have expanded gaming to raise funds passed a state legislative committee, but it did not win final approval.

Daley said that idea was put forward too late.

“Last-minute proposals are always unacceptable,” he said. “There should be at least a discussion beforehand.” [emphasis added]

Why the Chicago media hasn’t taken more notice of this is beyond me.

* Budget bills and related stories…

* HB 5701
* SB 1102
* SB 1115
* SB 1129
* SB 773 (BIMP)

* Budget Has Yet to Reach Blagojevich’s Desk

* Chicago Public Radio: Illinois may not have enough money in its unemployment reserves for a lengthy recession. That’s according to a study by the National Employment Law Project advocacy group.

* 30,000 city students to rally at Soldier Field for more state funding - Mayor Richard Daley, several music stars expected to attend

* Editorial: Blagojevich pledges to actually work

* SUI’s Poshard and lawmakers renew call for capital bill

* Poshard, other leaders gather in Carbondale to push state program

* Blagojevich signs bill giving IDOT $20 million in additional funding


Morning Shorts

Tuesday, Jun 10, 2008 - Posted by Kevin Fanning

* Thompson strikes out with Wrigley deal

* Tribune, IFSA talks to buy Wrigley Field hit taxes snag

* City seeks alternate funds as gaming tax revenues slip

* Daley Reacts to IOC Transportation Concerns

* BGA has CTA salary database

* Glenview contractor in Chicago city inspector bribery probe gets 33 months

* Deputy Gov. Nix leaving Blagojevich administration

* Deputy Gov. Nix leaving Blagojevich administration

* Deputy Governor To Step Down

* Blagojevich Names New Deputy Governor

* Nix says governor not distracted by verdict

“This job has been extremely, extremely interesting and fulfilling, but it also is a 24/7 job,” Nix said. “There’s no way to do it without putting everything into it.”

* Consulting Deal Sweeter Than Acknowledged For Former Health Bureau Head

Turns out the retired head of the Cook County Health Bureau is making more money contracting with the county than was previously acknowledged. Chicago Public Radio has learned that Dr. Robert Simon is making more than twice as much as Board President Todd Stroger previously said he would.

* Mayor’s ad blasts Blagojevich over IDOT jobs transfer

* In ad, Springfield mayor urges governor not to move IDOT jobs

* IDOT says I-57 moving again

* Mayor’s aide: Next step in IDOT fight is hearing

* Want to know what happened to the art around the Sears Block?

* State taxes add to pain at the gas pump

* Republican party elects woman from Pekin

* Republicans Elect Pat Brady to Replace Bob Kjellander as Illinois Republican National Committeeman

* WGN poised to offer top news job to sidelined anchorman Suppelsa

* 183rd’s jets as good as gone

A federal judge on Monday denied Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s last-ditch attempt to block the removal of the 183rd Fighter Wing’s planes from Abraham Lincoln Capital Airport.

* SIUC’s energy research center waits

President Glenn Poshard said Monday at a bipartisan gathering of leaders that $100 million has been earmarked within the bill for coal and energy research and within that amount, SIUC would have the money to construct its research center.


* Illinois react: Trump’s VP pick J.D. Vance
* Open thread
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* Selected press releases (Live updates)
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