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Question of the Day

Tuesday, Jul 1, 2008 - Posted by Kevin Fanning

[Posted by Kevin Fanning]

* Last Friday Andy Shaw was on Chicago Tonight and had the following to say on a possible gubernatorial bid by Lisa Madigan:

“Mike Madigan has done great damage to Lisa’s chances with his obstructionism in Springfield.”

Question: Explain why you agree or disagree with Shaw?


  1. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 11:11 am:

    Disagree.It;s very inside baseball. Insiders might be mad at Madigan, but the voters? They’re supposed to be mad at him because he’s holding back spending? Check your gas pump. Right now, it’s the only issue.

  2. - He Makes Ryan Look Like a Saint - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 11:12 am:

    At this point I don’t think MJM, Emil and Blago have done any favors to the Democratic party. While Obama is thier point man, if he does not win the Presidential race and IF the Republicans can find someone decent to run for all the offices, there could be a backlash much like when the Republicans controlled everything back in the 90’s.

    The other question is Can the Republicans find good people to run for ALL offices without everyone wanting the top spot?

  3. - R.A. - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 11:16 am:

    She just can’t run while he is still speaker, but not because MM has been an “obstructionist” to Blago. Simply put, the public won’t want two branches of state government in one family’s hands. Additionally, if she runs for guv while Daddy is still in charge of the House, all of the old man’s baggage will become her’s.

  4. - Learning the Ropes - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 11:19 am:

    My family has only a passing awareness of the name Madigan–often combining the AG and Speaker in their own minds. They have no idea what this insider stuff is all about and simply hate the Governor. I’d say the general public wouldn’t reject Lisa because of the Speaker and Governor’s “relationship.”

  5. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 11:21 am:

    Agreed. Lisa has her own impressive record and the Gov will where the jacket for the Springfield mess. I bet MJM’s statewide name ID is very low.

  6. - Name Withheld - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 11:29 am:

    While I think many of the above comments apply to the current situation, I think that things may change if she does run for Gov. You can bet that someone will be linking LM and MJM in the public eye. Look what GRod did to Judy Baar-Topinka - he took a polka dance and turned her into the second coming of George Ryan. You can bet the Republicians learned from that bit of campaigning and will use similar tactics against LM.

    None of this is to suggest that she *wouldn’t* win if she run - only that the race would be more difficult.

  7. - Vote Quimby! - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 11:29 am:

    I agree the more MJM is in the news the more Lisa suffers….not necessarily because what he is doing is wrong but people will not trust having power in one family’s hands (whether its Madigan, Daley or whomever).

  8. - Reed Johnson's Feedbag - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 11:32 am:

    That was an idiotic comment by Andy Shaw. She’ll run on her own merits.

  9. - Reed Johnson's Feedbag - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 11:33 am:

    That is, unless Andy Shaw is auditioning for Dick Kay’s old job.

  10. - OneManBlog - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 11:37 am:


    How many voters know who the heck Mike Madigan even is? Also I don’t think the ’sins of the father’ is going to play well.

  11. - Napoleon has left the building - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 11:41 am:

    Disagree. That comment clearly shows you who Andy Shaw hangs out with most of the time, insiders. Lisa Madigan’s record is impressive and she’s a great campaigner. I see no damage done to her at all.

  12. - Wumpus - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 11:48 am:

    Agree, whether it is true or not, perception=reality. She is a (likeable and has performed competently at a minimum as AG) woman so she has that in her favor. MM is part of the gridlock that we all call Springfield

  13. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 11:49 am:

    “Mike Madigan has done great damage to Lisa’s chances with his obstructionism in Springfield.”

    How many assumptions can one “reporter” put into one sentence? Shaw does not know what decisions Lisa Madigan will make - on anything. Shaw does not know what voters believe regarding Lisa Madigan. Shaw does not know what voters believe regarding her father. Shaw does not know what voters think about the situation in Springfield. Shaw does not know what Lisa Madigan’s plans for elected office are. Shaw does not know what her father’s plans are for elected office.

    He only knows what he believes and has the arrogance to assume that his assumptions are correct and worthy of reporting over any facts that may interfer with his warped interpretation.

  14. - Ghost - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 11:51 am:

    Disagree, basically for the reasons stated by Word and One Man. There have ben a few attempts by Blago and others to paint lisa madigan as just a tool of her dad and these went over like a concrete balloon. Lisa has incredibly good press and perception by the public at large; and most people have no idea who MJM is or the details of the fight with the Gov.

    It may go the other way, if the Gov gets indicted the Madigan name comes out as the only ones trying to stop the Gov backed by the republicans.

  15. - The Nail - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 11:52 am:

    Downstate doesnt have the votes that Chicago does, but Madigan has just about overtaken Blago as the most hated person. People are ready to oust the speaker from head of the party. Easier said than done. This capital bill and deficit budget are killing him.

  16. - Kevin Fanning - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 11:52 am:

    ===Shaw does not know what Lisa Madigan’s plans for elected office are. Shaw does not know what her father’s plans are for elected office.===

    To be fair, Shaw never stated that it was a matter of fact that she was running. He said that he hurt her chances.

  17. - I'm Just Saying - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 11:54 am:

    Right……… Please tell me how you will oust him as the head of the party, when he basically controls teh State Central Committee, who’s gonna make the motion, Helen Ozmina Banc :)

  18. - Loop Lady - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 11:57 am:

    I don’t disagree with Shaw, bit Mike and Lisa serving in the adminstration is like Richie bein’ the Mayor and Bill bein’ the Guv…there only one power fiend allowed per family in my book…I suspect I am not alone in this sentiment…anyone?

  19. - Plutocrat03 - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 11:59 am:

    I disagree with Mr. Shaw. In fact it appears to be a bit of a fan of the Gov as well in past coverage. (Kind of like Carol Maureen and BO)

    I further disagree on the use of the word obstructionist. There are three bodies who are responsible for the budget. The Governor is not a dictator. He has the responsibility to convince the Senate and House of his ideas, who then have to fund them. It is not any more ‘obstructionist’ to have a member of those bodies do their constitutional jobs than it is for the Governor to be considered to be ‘obstructionist’ for not agreeing with what the legislature does.

    If Lisa Madigan is to be hampered in her quest for public office by the behavior of her father, then the same standard needs to be applied to the Daley family. IMHO LM is a far more appealing candidate than the brother Daley because she so far has exceeded my expectations in the job she is doing for the state.

  20. - Truthful James - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 12:05 pm:

    If it were not for the problem of running two namesakes…

    Obama wins. Blago appoints himself Senator. Quinn fleets up for two years. MJM for Governor in 2010. Lisa gets whatever position she wants.

    Blago gives himself at least two years of the good life, dares PatFitz to indict him.

  21. - Pickles!! - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 12:05 pm:

    I think people blaim Blago for the state’s financial woes, not Madigan, therefore, the matigan name isn’t hurt by all this. Lisa record will stand on ‘its own should she seek higher office

  22. - Vote Quimby! - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 12:09 pm:

    ==MJM for Governor in 2010==

    There is NO interest in this from the man, is there?

  23. - ChampaignDweller - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 12:10 pm:

    I disagree. My parents, who are lifelong Republicans, have nothing but good things to say about Lisa Madigan, and can’t find a single good thing to say about the governor, not even that he has good hair.

  24. - Ghost - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 12:18 pm:

    ALong with what CD said; in the last election in heavily republican districts where folks voted over 90% for Topinka Lisa Madigan received over 60% of the vote!

  25. - 618er - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 12:24 pm:

    Who is Andy Shaw and why would his opinion matter to most of us inundated with the silliness that the infighting has become.
    Will the speaker’s obstructionism damage her chances?
    First you would have to agree with the fact that the Speaker has obstructed anything… Some believe he is being cautious not to hand the governor a large lump some of money to spend, pretty much unchecked. Will this ‘behavior’ hurt her chances? Probably not, most in the general public don’t associate the relationship, and it should not matter anyway.

    In my mind a bigger issue is why the Attorney General is sitting by while, if the governor is running loose, outside of his authority and in spite of state laws and the constitution. They may be investigating and not commenting which is understandable.

  26. - anon - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 12:39 pm:

    Agree. Its different when you run for governor. No other office draws the same scrutiny that the executive office does. While her record may be good, her opponents will air the Madigan laundry and she will wear it, whether its hers or his. And I strongly believe that he has plenty of laundry that ambitious reporters will dig up and throw on the floor for all to see. She will have a messy primary, and, if she gets through, a messy genreal. The speaker has been around for a long time. There is plenty of dirt. For those who ask why it has yet to be aired, I would say the time would never be better than when his daughter runs for the highest office in the state. Then she will truly discover the nasty nature of print and TV reporters.

  27. - Illinois Boy - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 12:42 pm:

    It does not matter which Democrat is running for Governor…Blago, Emil, and MM have shown that the democrats eat their own and would rather do that than something constructive for the people of Illinois. By the way, I am not voting for any incumbents…this state is a mess and I think every current occupant has had a role in that.

  28. - jorod - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 12:48 pm:

    Shaw is wrong. Madigan has played the game pretty well. The joke is on Rod. He has a budget he can’t fund.

  29. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 12:48 pm:

    I really liked when Joel Wiseman told Andy Shaw to shut up during the sports section. If you ask me Andy Shaw should be told to shut up on a regular basis.

  30. - MOON - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 12:55 pm:

    In my opinion it is only a matter of time before Blago, his wife and many others are indicted!

    Having said that, the only person who has stood up to Blago and his “reckless approach to governing” is MJM. I think the voters will recognize these facts and in no way will it harm Lisa should she decide to run for Gov.

    However, I think Lisa will not run. MJM is not ready to retire. MJM realizes that he cannot be Speaker if Lisa is Gov. Thus, Lisa does not run and MJM will be Speaker for as long as the Dems. control the House. ‘You can take it to the bank’,
    Lisa is not running for Gov.

  31. - downhereforyears - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 1:04 pm:

    Andy Shaw has been listening to his own commentary too long. Nobody in Illinois gives a hoot about Mike Madigan….they do believe that Rod has, at the very least, mismanaged the state very badly and might even believe that he has committed criminal acts while in office. IF Lisa decided to run she will be an extremely popular candidate. Has a reputation of being honest, fighting for the little guy and not afraid of anyone ( including Don Stevens). After the last Governor went to jail and this one appears to be heading in that direction, although he has not been accused of anything yet, they will be ready for a true reformer.

  32. - TaxMeMore - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 1:07 pm:

    Yes Michael Madigan is hurting Lisa’s chances. The Illinois electorate is waking up under the strain of corruption and learning who is responsible. Michael Madigan is at the head of the list.
    Another of Lisa’s problems is her saying to the US Supreme Court that police should be able to sit outside our homes with heat seeking imaging devices and watch us without a warrant. If that’s on video or audio she is toast.

  33. - Easy - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 1:10 pm:

    How dare this blog even premise the question that MJM may have erred in some way. What an unbelievably ridiculous proposition. I have read this blog for awhile and have learned that MJM can do no wrong…he is political perfection.

    Further, I would assert that any pretense of “bad press” is just reporters not fully aware or recognizing the incarnate perfection that is MJM.

    Perhaps Rich and Kevin were just joking with us and this is a test question. If so, good one guys.

  34. - Kevin Fanning - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 1:20 pm:

    lol, give me a break…

  35. - 2for2 - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 1:26 pm:

    The impact of her father on her political future will be determined mostly by the Ed Boards. Will they look at them as separate entities? I think it depends on who runs against her. If she runs at all.

  36. - A Citizen - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 1:27 pm:

    What “Easy” said! And I would add - She is a Fox! And no beady eyes and much better hair.

  37. - Levois - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 1:33 pm:

    Meh, if MJM had been the spoiler of his daughter’s political career it would have been apparent years ago. I have no expectation that it would hurt her if she were to become governor. If it ever did things would have to be worse than they are now and MJM would have to be nowhere to be seen almost like the governor.

  38. - Jake from Elwood - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 1:36 pm:

    Did George Bush (41) and his critics–the “read my lips” contingent–hurt the presidential aspirations of W?
    Did the negative part of the legacy of John Stroger prohibit the Toddler from ascending?
    Why is this any different?

  39. - Vote Quimby! - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 2:20 pm:

    Is Andy Shaw the latest ’spin brother’ for Blago trying to convince MJM to give up the fight?

  40. - chiguy - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 2:20 pm:

    Once again, all of our Springfield friends completely miss the point. Here is Lisa’s basic problem. Lisa would need to run to the Left in a Democratic Primary. Progressives control primaries and centrist Dems never do well in that environment. Just ask Paul Vallas, Dan Hynes (senate race) and many other Dems that have tried to carve out a centrist position in the primary. So, how does Lisa Madigan run to the left when she is sponsored by the farthest right Dem in state politics and is taking millions of campaign dollars from daddy’s business buddies. There will be a well-funded candidates that runs to the left of Lisa and they will spend millions tying her to the same old special interests that have helped to make Springfield what it is today. Not a formula for winning a Democratic primary….run to the center, take business $, get painted with same brush as her father and probably get outspent by our state treasurer who will have the backing of a very popular President of the United States. Good luck pulliing that one off Speaker Madigan. Don’t forget that at least 25% of the statewide Dem primary vote is African American and the Madigan name isn’t so good a brand in the community. Look at the crosstabs of recent polling and you will see that African Americans see Madigan as the problem in Springfield just as much as Blago. I can’t imagine that that doesn’t hurt Lisa bady in a primary. Keep dreaming all you blogging Madigan staffers. You will be crushed.

  41. - Captain America - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 2:21 pm:

    Persoanlly, I believe Lisa Madigan won’t run for Governor in 2010 for family reasons that include two very young children. She’s been the best Attorney General that we’ve had in recent memory. I’m a Democrat but, I consider Ryan, Hartigan, and Burris as average at best. Lisa Madigan has a great political future. Personally, I don’t think her accomplishments and potential for higher office have been diminshed by MJM’s recent actions as Speaker. I htnk voters will support her baseed upon her meritorious performance as AG whenever she runs for higher office.

  42. - Willie Stark - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 2:24 pm:

    Ed boards? Who pays attention to them but the chattering class? If politicos had to depend on the kindness of newspapers to get out their stories, we would never have heard a word about most of them.

  43. - Siyotanka - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 2:30 pm:

    If Lisa is Gov…and sends a budget to the House….and MJM is speaker…could that be considered Nepotism or favoritism if it sails through???

  44. - Mad as Hell - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 2:45 pm:

    Old Andy is wrong on two fronts. First, Gov. is taking the heat, not Mike Madigan. Second, and more importantly, Lisa is not intereseted in being the governor. She will stay were she is or run for IL S. Ct. when an opening presents itself.

  45. - Chicago Man - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 2:54 pm:

    Disagree for now, but he could be right later. No one knows who Madigan (Mike) is right now, but they will know a LOT by the time Lisa is toward the end of her campaign. The question is: Will voters be concerned about concentrating such power in the hands of one family. It’s the same issue Bill Daley will face if he runs.

  46. - rudy - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 2:54 pm:

    She’ll probably run, and if she’s the only woman in a primary field of four or five, that would be an advantage that will offset a lot of the dirt that will be flying in all directions.

  47. - Ghost - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 2:58 pm:

    CA I disagree. I speculate L Madigan will run for governor. Think of it this way, assume she runs for Gov and wins. Also assume Obama runs for Pres and wins. Obama then either wins or loses a second term. Either way L Madigan is now poised to run for president in 8 years. This would provide her with 6 years in office as gov to get her name out and build up political clout for a national run. It is good timing, because it set her run up either at the end of the Obama era after 2 terms; or as an opponent to whoever defeated Obama.

    I think she runs and follows a path which leads to L madigan beocming our first female president.
    Tin foil hats are optional for this theory :)

  48. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 3:16 pm:

    Lisa will run on her own merits. The battle between the Guv and her Dad won’t be an issue for her. If anything, it could swing in the other direction (though doubtful), working in Lisa’s favor.

  49. - R.A. - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 3:17 pm:

    Don’t forget, MJM has never run statewide. His constituents are the voters of the 13 Ward and the Dem members of the House. He cares little about what anyone else thinks of him. So it is difficult to gauge how much of a drag he might be on a Lisa Madigan campaign for guv.

    Of course, her first AG campaign offers us some idea of how MJM plays statewide. Schmidt and Birkett ran against the Speaker as much as they ran against Lisa — and she prevailed, which may indicate there’s some good feelings about MJM out there. Then again, she was boosted by the Speaker’s sheer political muscle in the primary and by a Dem landslide in the general.

  50. - anon - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 3:24 pm:

    Having been a staunch Republican all my life I have never cared much for MJM but that has been changing. Michael Madigan has done more, to make people aware of this inept governor than any republican. My only problem with MJM is that he hasn’t gone forward with the impeachment process. Seeing republicans standing behind this governor sickens me. I’m not saying MJM is perfect, by any stretch of the imagination, but I believe that Lisa just might be what this state needs. God knows we need someone who can turn this mess around. Hopefully she won’t be as greedy as the politicians we have now. GREED - when is enough, enough???

  51. - Little Egypt - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 3:59 pm:

    Disagree. I believe that many downstaters are really very angry with Blago and blame him for his temper tantrums, his inability to lead and govern, and his lack of discernment when it comes to handing out money. Voters are angry that Blago has found a second $1M for a church in Chicago that he tried to give the first $1M but somehow it got lost in the system and ended up with some political cronie. I think we have learned our lesson from not voting Jim Ryan in as Governor 6 years ago and letting Blago and others try to connect him with GRyan, based solely on the last name. I really don’t think that game will play in Peoria. People are justifiably angry with Blago for his failure to lead, to roll up his sleeves and work with the legislative leaders, and to actually work in the position he was elected. If anything, MMadigan is seen as the only one under the dome who has the sense and coconuts to keep knocking Blago down. Personally I really don’t care who ends up running for governor, as long as it’s not Elvis or a Daley.

  52. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 4:06 pm:

    Mike Madigan the Obstructionist:

    1. Opposing the GRT, the largest tax increase in Illinois history;

    2. Opposing the sale of the state lottery, bad public policy with lukewarm public support;

    3. Opposing the unconstitutional takeover by the Illinois State Board of Education;

    4. Opposing efforts by Blagojevich to create a vast new health care program without any details, public debate, or legislation.

    Am I forgetting anything?

    Yeah, Lisa better change her last name.

  53. - Little Egypt - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 4:09 pm:

    Chiguy, are you really Bill?

  54. - A Citizen - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 4:18 pm:

    - Yellow Dog Democrat -
    You have listed the things most voters Praise MM for. He has shown the leadership among dems that guv totally lacks. MM, keep it up! You have my support.

  55. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 4:24 pm:


    Its nonsense to think that Mike Madigan will prevent Lisa Madigan from getting liberal support in the Democratic Primary.

    First of all, she has her own clearly distinguishable record for voters, and the first opponent who accuses her of being “Daddy’s Little Girl” is going to get whacked so hard by the editorial boards and then Lisa’s campaign, their head won’t stop spinning until after election day. Its sexism, pure and simple.

    Secondly, groups like Citizen Action, Planned Parenthood, AFL-CIO, and PersonalPAC will decide on their own who to endorse, they know Lisa’s record well, and if they think she’s the best candidate, progressive voters will follow their lead.

    Third, during Lisa’s first and only primary, in 2002, she won 43 of 50 Wards in the City of Chicago, including every single African American and Latino ward. And while she narrowly won suburban Cook, she walloped John Schmidt in the two largest townships, Thornton and Proviso, both African American and both in the south suburbs.

    Granted, a well-funded, well-supported African American candidate would force Madigan to fight hard for those votes for Governor, but I think those numbers demonstrate that your “Blacks don’t like Madigan” theory is completely baseless.

    As for the argument that the winning candidate has to run to the left to win the Democratic Primary, two words: Glenn Poshard. Followed by two more: Rod Blagojevich. Neither ran as liberals, both ran as centrists with strong union backing and the support of regular Democratic organizations.

  56. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 4:42 pm:

    All good points, Yellow Dog, but I’ll still argue that she’s going to run on her own merits.

    She could easily get the endorsements you’ve mentioned (ease dependent upon who else is running), but I’ll bet no details re: decisions that may have been made based on her Dad’s contributions will be mentioned in the press.

    NOR will her campaign bring up the points pertaining to his battle with the Guv as talking points in her favor.

    She’s strategic, smart, and consistent. She’ll make sure that the cut apron strings DON’T become an issue by keeping her dad–mostly–out of it.

    As everyone’s said, she’s been successful enough in making a name for herself to the point where the “centralization” of power could be an issue for the Daleys, but not for the Madigans. And, she’s certainly not going to make it one now.

    She’ll run on her own merits…period.

  57. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 4:48 pm:

    And I’ll add again: while her changes look very promising right now, the climate during the election is going to determine whether a woman–any woman–can make it.

    The worse it gets moving forward, the stronger gender bias will be. Completely irrational and unfortunate, but so are the Voters under certain conditions.

  58. - Bill - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 5:29 pm:

    No, ChiGuy is not me. I will support Lisa for whatever she wants to run for. She really has nothing to do with what her father does and has distinguished herself in both the Senate and as AG.
    She has compiled an admirable record on her own and would be a great senator, governor, SC Justice, whatever.

  59. - Truthful James - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 5:55 pm:

    Bill, is that you? Gone all mellow on us, have you?

  60. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 6:35 pm:

    I’ll bet that’s the major difference between the two families. The Madigans probably discussed how to deal with the “centralization of power” issue at the dinner table before Lisa was in her teens. The Daleys probably didn’t have that conversation, believing that there wouldn’t be an issue (or it’d be minor), until more recently.

    There are political advantages to being raised in political families, but even then, not everyone gets it right all the time. It takes alot of self-awareness, commitment, patience, nurturing, and long-term planning and execution.

  61. - Bill - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 6:51 pm:

    Hey, its summertime, the Sox are winning, the beer is cold, mellow is the order of the day.

  62. - A Citizen - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 7:14 pm:

    Rich has seemingly taken several days off lately. I fear he knows something and is resting up for what the future holds. God help us, the End must be nigh!

  63. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 7:20 pm:

    And anon 12:39: I can guarantee that Lisa and her Dad already have a highly feasible plan (including 20 variations of same) to get around any piles of “dirty laundry” anyone might find in–or even try to deposit into–their respective abodes or their Family compound.

    I’m sure that they’re quite aware of any real or perceived skeletons they may have in their closets and will choose the right office for Lisa next time–and throughout her entire career–very carefully based on same.

    There’s no misty-eyed idealism lurking around in that Family, and they certainly never skulk around in dark corners with their head in the sand.

    They like problems and their approach is to deal with them ‘head on”, as evidenced by Lisa’s phenomenal track record.

  64. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 7:23 pm:

    Interesting point, Citizen! Time to party while the partying is good! lol

  65. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 7:37 pm:

    Easy, take a look at my syndicated column from this week. Makes much the same claim as Shaw.

  66. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 7:49 pm:

    AC, I’m taking some days off because nothing is going on. The summer has begun. Time for play.

  67. - A Citizen - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 8:43 pm:

    Rich, recharge those batteries! Fun times are just around the corner! Kevin seems to be holding his own - even the comment count is up on Morning Shorts. Oh, and be sure to prime the bilge pump!

  68. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 9:20 pm:

    And the secondary pump, too!

  69. - anon - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 9:58 pm:

    My impression is that as the top vote-getter in the last election, Lisa can pretty much run for any office and win. I would be surprised if that office is the Governorship. She appears to be a person more attracted to prestige than power. The Governor is a power position, but I think the prestige goes with the kind of work she is doing now with the law and working with the judiciary.

  70. - Quizzical - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 10:00 pm:


    I agree with Anonymous 6:35.

    At this point in time, Lisa has her own constituency, and it’s large and strong. I’ve been in a lot of places where her name has come up in random conversation, and lots of different people express lots of favorable impressions.

    My views are not scientifically derived, but her favorable ratings among older white women and younger black women seem particularly strong.

    As the AG, she’s been able to craft an image of being hard-working and tough, which blunts the ‘too liberal’ charge.

    I also agree that her father’s being in a blood feud with this Governor is at worst a mixed negative. Add in the stylistic and policy distance from MJM that Lisa can honestly claim, and I don’t think it will be a big issue.

  71. - It's Just Me - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 10:15 pm:

    Madigan may have hurt Lisa, but he’s hurt Rod even more.

  72. - there he goes again - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 10:53 pm:

    Voters are likely going to say “too much Madigan” if she runs. Nepotism typically works against candidates when they try to run for something higher up on the ladder.

  73. - Quizzical - Tuesday, Jul 1, 08 @ 10:58 pm:

    there he goes again —

    Can you name a situation in which nepotism hurt a rising politician?

  74. - FlackrBackr - Wednesday, Jul 2, 08 @ 12:16 am:

    I think there are a lot more issues at play than what some commenters are referencing.

    Lisa won in 2003 because she had MJM working every lever of the DPI, both in the Primary and General. I don’t believe he will have that same support in the years to come.

    Also, Lisa has done a reasonably good job in her role - but it’s all comparatably speaking. She get’s some good press pops every now and again, but I personally don’t believe it is anything exemplarary. In fact, in many ways, she (and other constitutionals as well as leg branch) have gotten a pass on scrutiny because of overwhelming scrutiny of the Governor’s administration.

    The Madigan name hasn’t been in negative TV commercials… but it wouldn’t be hard to blame many of the state’s problems on that name… let’s not forget MJM has ruled the House for decades while the pensions spiraled to a $40 billion+ deficit, billions in Medicaid liability, diversions from the Road Fund, $5 billion deficit in 2003, etc. Reckless and irresponsible.

    But at the end of the day, the Primary will be all about demographics. If Lisa and Bill Daley are both in the race, there’s trouble for Lisa as it splits her vote. Which leaves it wide open for African American candidate, Alexi, or would you ever think, the Governor.

  75. - Reddbyrd - Wednesday, Jul 2, 08 @ 6:39 am:

    Yellow Dog — you hit the high points. Some like to add the end of the electric rate auction and $1 billion in rate relief and a sensible reform/funding plan for the RTA on the MJM list of accomplishments
    Madigan has been the voice of common sense in this Blagoof initiated mess
    Rich is right. He did make the same comment as Shaw. Both appear to be grasping for summer time topics.

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