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Will they keep him or dump him?

Wednesday, Jul 2, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I’m not so sure about this

There is every indication that Todd Stroger, miraculously installed by ward bosses following his father’s illness, will run for a second term in 2010.

There is every reason to believe that Mayor Daley and House Speaker Michael Madigan are already helping him lay the groundwork, raise the cash and turn out the vote. After all, didn’t Madigan engineer moving the Illinois primary to Feb. 2? That wasn’t to help Barack Obama in this year’s presidential contests. C’mon. That was to make sure that the snow, sleet and blizzard season could ensure a depressed turnout in future elections leaving the outcome in the hands of the regulars (read patronage workers) who always turn out. Their jobs depend on it. And Madigan, the mayor and the mayor’s county commissioner brother, John, all know that. Todd Stroger is a wholly owned subsidiary of their interests.

* Carol Marin has a valid point about the February primary. But the 2010 election is still a long way away, and Stroger’s numbers are so horrible in Cook County, including among Democrats, that the powers that be may very well pull the plug. In fact, John Daley is already helping to kick-start the process

In a surprisingly lopsided vote, the Cook County Board voted Tuesday to curtail President Todd Stroger’s discretionary spending ability, restoring his unsupervised contracting ability to the previous level of $25,000 for professional service contracts.

That had been the limit for years before commissioners agreed to raise it to $100,000 last year in exchange for a quarterly report detailing where the money was going.

John Daley moved for the proposal’s passage. The only “No” vote was Commissioner Bill Beavers, who represents Stroger’s home district. We can probably expect more of this sort of thing.

The tax hikes, the blatant patronage hiring and the enormous amount of mistakes by Stroger himself and his press staff have destroyed his credibility. The Machine always knows how to save itself, and that could very well mean dumping Stroger next time around for somebody else.

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  1. - Don't Worry, Be Happy - Wednesday, Jul 2, 08 @ 11:15 am:

    I thought the early primary is only in presidential years, and that in the off years such as 2010 it stays in late March. Is it every year??

  2. - The Doc - Wednesday, Jul 2, 08 @ 11:17 am:

    Great point, Rich. The Machine needs an oil change, and throwing their weight behind Stroger would be a head-scratcher for the reasons you indicated above. I’d assume there’s plenty of Machine-dependent pols that can easily be installed…I mean elected…as the next Cook County prez/mayoral lapdog.

  3. - anon - Wednesday, Jul 2, 08 @ 11:21 am:

    Rich, was this one of the complicated posts? I feel like a kid on Christmas morning anxious to open my gifts. The suspense is killing me.

  4. - reasonable 1 - Wednesday, Jul 2, 08 @ 11:23 am:

    Mr. Machine, 10.75% is criminal, not to mention the other mistakes….I will be shopping in Will county and voting for anyone outside “The Machine”

  5. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Wednesday, Jul 2, 08 @ 11:31 am:

    I’ll never forget the cover photo of the Suntimes the day after Stroger got the sales tax increase passed. It showed John Daley with a big smaile on his face reaching up to shake Strogers hand who was standing at the presiding podium.

    I had the feeling Daley was thinking, “thanks a lot chump, I get the billions and you get the blame”. Those Daley’s are no slouches when it comes to politics.

    See ya, Todd. Thay have to find someone new. Nobody wants to deal with Claypool.

  6. - Ghost - Wednesday, Jul 2, 08 @ 11:39 am:

    Stroger has become the kryptonie of politics, and has little juice to offer supporters. I don;t see anyone burning political clout on him to keep him going.

  7. - Anon - Wednesday, Jul 2, 08 @ 11:39 am:

    You know, I heard a while back that Hynes was interested in the County Board but didn’t pay much attention to it. But now, that Daley could take the Gov, it makes much more sense.

  8. - anon - Wednesday, Jul 2, 08 @ 11:50 am:

    Hynes would make a great county board president. The money he’s raised so far could go towards that race. I’d bet that Daley would cut the deal in an attempt to clear the field for a bill Daley for gov candidacy.

  9. - anon - Wednesday, Jul 2, 08 @ 11:50 am:

    Hynes would make a great county board president. The money he’s raised so far could go towards that race. I’d bet that Daley would cut the deal in an attempt to clear the field for a bill Daley for gov candidacy.

  10. - anon - Wednesday, Jul 2, 08 @ 11:51 am:

    Sorry for the double post

  11. - irishpirate - Wednesday, Jul 2, 08 @ 12:00 pm:

    No one has to clear the field for Bill Daley to run for gov. If he runs the field will clear itself. At least of serious democratic candidates. If you think Hynes or Madigan are gonna run against Bill Daley you need to apply for a job in the mythical third Blago administration. Particularly if Senator Obama becomes President Obama.

    Reading the speculation on this blog sometimes makes me wonder where some of you live. I live in the State of Illinois. Some of you live in the state of denial.

  12. - Ghost - Wednesday, Jul 2, 08 @ 12:05 pm:

    Madigan would be afraid of Bill daley because of the bad press his father is recieving from the feds? or because of her strong name recognition throughout the state. Much past I-80 you would get a bill who?

    Madigan has no reason to be concerned about rinning against Bill Daley; and he does not stand a change against L Madigan.

  13. - anon - Wednesday, Jul 2, 08 @ 12:06 pm:

    Irishpirate, you shouldn’t be so certain that the field will clear because of bill Daley. He is untested as a politician, and would need to do a lot of convincing to those Bob Daley supporters in Chicago, as well as all of downstate, that he will not be an extension of mayor Daley. Downstaters are fed up with Chicago pols, and a bill Daley candidacy almost ensures others enter the race. You are the one in denial.

  14. - irishpirate - Wednesday, Jul 2, 08 @ 12:09 pm:

    Mike take a pill now. Lisa will be fine.

    Ask Governor Poshard how much downstaters count in democratic primaries. Which is unfortunate, because Poshard is a decent guy.

  15. - Levois - Wednesday, Jul 2, 08 @ 12:11 pm:

    LOL! Irish Pirate. I look forward to this race however it looks. I suppose four years is long enough to allow another Stroger to run things.

  16. - anon - Wednesday, Jul 2, 08 @ 12:15 pm:

    Pirate, maybe you should ask Blagojevich how much downstate voters matter in a Dem primary. Did you even think this one out?

  17. - irishpirate - Wednesday, Jul 2, 08 @ 12:19 pm:


    I thought it out. The true “Hog with the Big Balls” in democratic politics in this state is Obama. If he becomes President who will he support for Governor? L Madigan? I don’t think so.

    As for downstaters electing Blago if Burris had not been in the race it would have been Governor Vallas. Which is too bad for everyone in this state. Another decent guy.

    Thanks downstaters we owe Blago to your votes. Thanks, I really mean that. Really I do. I guess his Elvis like zen and haircut impressed many of you.

  18. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Wednesday, Jul 2, 08 @ 12:24 pm:

    A Bill Daley candidacy would open the door for a independant like Quinn to have a shot. LIsa Madigan would shut that door.

  19. - Dr. Skeeter - Wednesday, Jul 2, 08 @ 12:29 pm:

    It might not matter.
    Forrest Claypool is already sending out vague “mark the date” e-mails about the primary.

    Even with Daley and Madigan behind Todd, I still don’t see Todd defeating Claypool.

  20. - Dr. Skeeter - Wednesday, Jul 2, 08 @ 12:30 pm:

    By the way — did anyone ever think they would long for the days when Richard Phelan ran things?

  21. - anon - Wednesday, Jul 2, 08 @ 12:35 pm:

    With all this talk about Todd being dumped, a Dan Hynes county board president candidacy seems more and more likely. The county needs his fiscal conversativism to clean up the waste, fraud, and abuse. Dan has proven himself to be an honest public servant. His skills are being wasted in the comptroller’s office. He should definately be considering a run for county board president.

  22. - reasonable 1 - Wednesday, Jul 2, 08 @ 12:36 pm:

    I can see all of the negative Stroger mailers now, Jesse Jackson Sr. would get more votes after those go out!

  23. - irishpirate - Wednesday, Jul 2, 08 @ 12:42 pm:

    Barring some scenario with 4 or more candidates splitting the vote I can’t see any realistic chance that Todd Stroger gets reelected.

    Even then he might lose the general election. Crazy Peraica strikes me as better than Stroger. At least he would have a county board that opposed him. Less would get wasted that way.

  24. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Wednesday, Jul 2, 08 @ 12:43 pm:

    I would think someone like Berrios or another minority should get the Board Presidency rather than Hynes. Especially the way Houlihan and others 19th warders tried to torpedo the party last election.

  25. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Jul 2, 08 @ 12:46 pm:

    Cook County is one of Chicago’s largest employers so it only shows conservatism to have installed the Toddler after Big John left us. Now that there is more of a plan in place, they no longer need him.

    He will get nominal support from the key players, but will be used as a scapegoat by them as they try to figure out how to keep Chicago functioning on it’s shrinking taxpayer base.

    Toddler did his job and he will face whatever future the voters have decided. The other players will pretend to care as he is voted out.

  26. - R.A. - Wednesday, Jul 2, 08 @ 12:47 pm:

    I think dumping Stroger is a longshot. Too much potential racial baggage for the regulars to deal with if they throw Todd overboard. They’ll probably just let Todd run and lose. Don’t forget, Claypool is a Daleyite, too.

    I assume Stroger’s people are putting together a 40-percent strategy, i.e., making sure there is a crowded primary field and Todd squeaks by with just 40-percent of the vote (that’s his electoral ceiling,) thanks to labor and “machine” support. Of course, he would still be vunerable to a credible GOP challenger in the Fall (notice, I said “credible” Peraica-ites.)

    If regulars do dump him (or if Todd decides to step down,) watch for the party to cut a deal that would allow an African-American to assume another county post. For instance, they could back Tom Dart for prez and slate a black candidate to replace him as sheriff. But such a deal would require the Daleys or one of the big committeemen (Madigan, Burke, Mell, Berrios?) to
    sit down and broker things. That seems unlikely, given the fact they all passed on brokering a deal for State’s Atty last Fall.

    Besides, the Cook Co. Brd. Prez gig ain’t what it used to be. With employee and hospital costs ballooning and federal aid diminishing, the job isn’t worth fighting for anymore.

  27. - Captain America - Wednesday, Jul 2, 08 @ 12:52 pm:

    It the “organization” is unwilling/unable to persuade Todd Stroger not to run for reelection based upon his high neagtives/dismal approval ratings, they could be handing the Presidnecy to a Democrat willing to run as an independent or a credible moderate Republican (not Peraica.

    Although Stroger might be able ti prevail if there are more than two strong challengers in the Democratic primary, I just can’t see him prevailing one-on-one agaisnt any candidate other than Peraica.

    I really like they idea of Dan Hynes as Cook County Board Presdient,if his path to other higher offices is effectively blocked by other strong opponents. Dan Hynes deserves a political promotion from voters based upon his exemplary performance as a Constitutional Officer/public official and his aptitude to be a high level political/governmental executive. I’m certain he’ll do a great job in higher political office.

    It’s quite possible that Obama will pluck some political contenders for high level appointments in his adminstration, thus clearing the way for others to achieve their dreams of political/electoral advancement. Who knows how it will all play out?

  28. - He Gone - Wednesday, Jul 2, 08 @ 1:01 pm:

    I think Tom Dart will stay at Sheriff, keep building his army, wait for Daley to retire, then run for Mayor. I don’t think he’ll go after Board Prez…the 19th ward doesn’t want to lose that office.

    If Obama wins, Claypool might be heading to D.C., Hynes might get his Senate seat, and I think that leaves Quigley as the “reform” candidate…even though he was one of the first people to support Stroger and even leant his chief of staff to Toddler’s campaign. Suffredin is not a viable candidate. Maybe someone like Brendan Reilly could run for Cook Co. Board President. I think he is much more capable than Toddler, then again, so is the guy who asked me for my change this morning.

    Things will start to get rolling once we know who the next POTUS is. It still is fun to speculate.

  29. - Tre - Wednesday, Jul 2, 08 @ 1:47 pm:

    What are Todd’s pension benefits at this point? He has GA, City and County time. What if he takes Beaver’s spot as a part-time Commissioner and take a job in the private sector with abond issuer?

  30. - TBONE - Wednesday, Jul 2, 08 @ 2:31 pm:

    everybody is jumping the gun. todd stroger is and will be a fine president. remember the 10.25 taxes don’t all go to the county. the city and the state have the lions share. government has a duty to protect the citizens and in doing such prevent all hell breaking loose. if the couty health system fails where does everyone go. not everyone has insurance and those that do may loose it depending on the job if laid off. one extra dollar on every one hundred spend a small price to pay for the services if needed we receive.

    i support president stroger for taking the hard line on this. he cut half a billion from last years budget and shored up a 200 plus million dollar budget this year.

  31. - Bill - Wednesday, Jul 2, 08 @ 2:58 pm:

    TBONE is right. Todd has done a great job as president. The county is in much better shape now than it was when he took over. He will be president as long as he wants to be.

  32. - Rocket - Wednesday, Jul 2, 08 @ 3:45 pm:

    Dan Hynes for County Board President!! Who better to put the county’s fiscal house in order than our esteemed comtroller. He is a perfect fit for that job. Then he can be home with his young family, instead Springfield.

  33. - Tired voter - Wednesday, Jul 2, 08 @ 3:57 pm:

    As long as the voting process in Cook County is designed so that judges –OF WHICH I AM ONE — can change your paper ballot vote at my will, there will not be an honest election.

    Carol Marin is wrong: the more voters the better for covering up the misdeeds. Judges need a lot of hubbub in the polling place so their actions aren’t noticed.

    While the election officials are busy worrying about whether the signatures match on the paperwork –a 1980s problem– the judges can reboot the scanner (opps, I didn’t mean to hit that key). This means we have to rescan the ballots ourselves. Do we rescan the ones the voters used or do we alter them to ensure our guy wins. Or just use new ballots readied for the purpose.

    The Board of Elections, in the City at least, has no real idea how many ballots they issue to each precinct. They require the judges to count them at the beginning of the day and at the end. I can assure you that even the honest judges don’t really do it.

    This story gets worse and it will take a lawsuit to force the election officials to make a change.

    In the meantime, corrupt officials will spend a lot of time worrying about the signatures to keep the bogus issue alive.

  34. - Just Home - Wednesday, Jul 2, 08 @ 5:03 pm:

    Hynes? Really? What really has he done in his career except be handed a job that the average voter does not even know exists. Also, he does not have the charm for a heated contest. Whether he is great or not, he comes off as a drip. Same deal with Quigley. Claypool will be in DC. Donna Dunnings will make a move for Assessor and Houlihan will run for Board President. Stroger will lose to Houlihan

  35. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Wednesday, Jul 2, 08 @ 7:01 pm:

    Yeh, like Houlihan is a real charmer. He is lucky if they let him keep his job.

  36. - Anon - Wednesday, Jul 2, 08 @ 7:09 pm:

    Just Home very interesting post I disagree with you on Hynes I saw him in the ill fated Senate primary and could not aggree with you more. He was completely dependent on his dad’s union people who in the end could care less in most primaries.
    However, ever since those kids he has aquired a personality. He gave the best speech last jan at his 2nd swearing in. Dont discount him he seems to be rolling in money also.

  37. - Rocket - Wednesday, Jul 2, 08 @ 7:36 pm:

    Hynes has come a long way and would restore trust to a broken county system. He can raise money and is well liked countywide and the Hynes name still means something in Cook County. Also he plays well in the suburbs!

  38. - Arthur Andersen - Wednesday, Jul 2, 08 @ 9:00 pm:

    Bill, I didn’t realize you drank more than one flavor of Kool-Aid. You really know how to pick ‘em, dude.

  39. - anon - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 12:27 am:

    The Feds are in every office..Gov..Mayor NOT the COunty and Todd Stroger. The county was left with a deficet of 200 million dollars and NOT one other commisssioner offered a solutions. What were they to do? And I would like to see the comssioners who are against the hike to not take the spoils of the revenue

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