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Political roundup

Thursday, Jul 3, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Kristen McQueary talked to former Gov. Jim Edgar about what would happen if AG Lisa Madigan was elected governor and Mike Madigan stayed on as House Speaker

“There certainly are no legal problems. From a governor’s point of view, it would be nice to have the speaker always on your side,” former Illinois Gov. Jim Edgar said Wednesday from his home in Colorado. “It could be a huge advantage. If they disagreed with each other, they could work it out privately, and it might work well. You wouldn’t have a standoff between the speaker and the governor”. […]

Unless the speaker got favorable treatment - such as a state building erected in his district and named for him - the two roles don’t create an inherent conflict, Edgar said. And how would the Madigans’ relationship differ from the pact between Blagojevich and Senate President Emil Jones, whose pet projects have gotten every green light?

That was a question Edgar asked. I didn’t have an answer.

The public may or may not go for it. We had pretty much the same debate in 2002 and none of those horror stories ever materialized. Still, the governor is a much higher office than attorney general, so one family controlling the executive and half the legislative branch will certainly cause consternation.

Even so, if I was speaker and my kid wanted to be governor, I’d never step aside unless I knew for sure that it would cause her to lose the election. Why leave her to the wolves?

* While part of this column is off the mark, the section on a possible Bill Daley gubernatorial bid accurately reflects what the Daley people are saying behind the scenes right now

At a time when Blagojevich is beset by almost-daily revelations of mendacity, incompetence, and corruption, Bill Daley is the perfect anti-Blagojevich: He doesn’t need the job, as he is making millions in the private sector; he’ll work with his brother, Chicago Mayor Rich Daley, to make sure that city problems get solved; he won’t pick fights with Illinois House Speaker Mike Madigan; and he won’t govern by “triangulation,” like Blagojevich, grandstanding and finding a Clintonesque “third way,” so as to differentiate himself from Madigan.

He’s positioning himself as a talented manager with no higher ambitions. It’s not a bad argument.

* And, finally, the death was months ago, but the funeral was this week

Once the most powerful and feared patronage army in Mayor Richard Daley’s political organization, the scandal-plagued Hispanic Democratic Organization is now officially extinct.

The group, known in political circles as HDO, filed paperwork Tuesday closing its campaign committee, state records show.


  1. - wordslinger - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 10:28 am:

    Quite a crowd Bill Daley in the mix. Not enough chairs for when the music stops.

  2. - DumberThanULook - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 10:35 am:

    U think this is a bigger story that Edgar doesn’t see any problem with the destruction of our three branches of government.

    There are a lot of ways government can “work well” when one person controls 2/3 of it.

  3. - Don Smith - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 10:35 am:

    RIch. As one of the many who have grown tired of the taxes, corruption, and poor decision making, I think it is time for someone other than another Daley, Madigan, or Stroger to be governor. Blagojevich is part of a culture of corruption that includes Daley, Stroger, and Madigan. Why is the Mayor getting a pass on the escalating violence? Didn’t he knock down the CHA highrises and in effect relocate gang members into new areas which now have resulted in the crime escalation? Madigan is just as guilty in many ways for the ineffectual state government. His only concern is to expand his power base. Both Daley and Madigan are responsible for propping up Todd Stroger! All the hacks defend the system and status quo while the economy goes down the tubes.

  4. - Bruno Behrend - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 10:35 am:

    We could simply forgo the Const. Convention vote, and turn over the entire state to the Daleys and Madigans and allow them to choose who will “represent” their interests in each district.

    Oh wait, we already pretty much live under such regime.

    We need a “Yes” vote to REVERSE that state of affairs.

    There is no intellectually sound reason to vote “No” unless you profit (or are protected) by this state of affairs.

    This post is proof that absent a convention, things will only get worse.

  5. - North of I-80 - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 10:37 am:

    So if Lisa should switch to the Republican party, what does that change?

  6. - Bruno Behrend - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 10:37 am:


    That fact that people go to Edgar for the “Republican” response is just another indicator of how marginalized and defeated the ILL GOP is.

  7. - The Doc - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 10:38 am:

    Does a run for guv by Daley preclude one from Lisa Madigan? And which one would be tougher to swallow - control of the state and its largest city by the Daleys, or control of the state and House by the Madigans? For my two cents, I’ll take the Madigans, if for no other reason than MJM’s history of fiscal conservatism. Da Mare has gone off the deep end, and can’t be trusted.

  8. - Don Smith - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 10:45 am:

    July 4th is time to celebrate our democracy. In Cook County we don’t have a democracy. We have a monarchy with “King Stroger” “King Madigan” and “King Daley.” What do we get from their “enightened” leadership? We get record setting homicide rates, the highest taxes in the U.S. crappy public transportation, lousy schools, and life-time employment for the FBI. Someday, many people will wake up and finally vote some of these people out of office. I know. It is wishful thinking.

  9. - Dr. Skeeter - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 10:52 am:

    “He’s positioning himself as a talented manager with no higher ambitions. It’s not a bad argument.”

    And then we look at the job he did with Gore in 2000, and the “talented” falls apart.

  10. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 10:54 am:

    ===And then we look at the job he did with Gore in 2000, and the “talented” falls apart.===

    There’s only so much a campaign manager can do with a candidate like that.

  11. - Siyotanka - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 10:59 am:

    A question to ask? Everyone talks about the triumverate…why is not Emil included in the discussions? Doesn’t he have sway over lots of opportunities in the Chicago area.

  12. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 11:05 am:

    Russ Stewart is right as often as a broken clock and this is not one of those times. Bill Daley really is not that scary of a candidate and will not force people out of the race. Where is he going to get his votes? Someone like Quinn would love to run against Daley instead of Lisa Madigan.

    What makes everyone think Obama would back Bill Daley? A freshly elected President Obama would be a force. I bet on him backing Giannoulius or someone else he can put in his back pocket.

    The fact is there is a young, upcoming group of elected officials that will not be intimidated by Bill Daley. They can see the weakness of his candidacy better than anyone.

    The voters do not want one family controlling the State of Illinois, Cook County and the City of Chicago and a credible well funded candidate would certainly be able to use that to Daley’s detriment.

  13. - Speaking At Will - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 11:10 am:

    === he’ll work with his brother, Chicago Mayor Rich Daley, to make sure that city problems get solved ===

    We would all hope that two brothers would be able to work together and solve problems. However my fear would be that two brothers would “get together” for thier own profit.

    It is bothersome that in the mind of todays voter name recognition is more important than nearly any other factor. His potential bid for governor would be of little or no news if he was not the brother of Mayor Daley.

    It is my opinion that the people of Illinois would be better served by someone who isnt a part of the Daley royal family.

  14. Pingback Feudalism and Illinois Political System | Extreme Wisdom - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 11:11 am:

    […] Obviously, we’ve come a long way since Medieval times, but here in Illinois, we seem to be reverting to Feudalism. Over at Rich Miller’s CapitolFax, there is some commentary on the potential of both Bill Daley and Lisa Madigan running for Governor. How droll. […]

  15. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 11:13 am:

    By the way, RIP HDO. Your greed ended patronage as the we knew it, so that is quite legacy.

  16. - Don Smith - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 11:13 am:

    I find it funny given the current state of affairs that today’s discussion essentially revolves around which fiefdom is going to replace Rod. I think the political class and those who glorify its existance are so out of touch with the realities everyday people go through, it is almost offensive. If you are an African-American in Englewood are you better off? While Madigan, Daley, and their kids are getting rich off the tax payers, the poor dupes who provide the votes for Daley, Madigan, and Stroger get the shaft. There needs to be an independent African-American political movement.

  17. - Dr. Skeeter - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 11:14 am:


    I have to disagree. Gore wasn’t the best, but anyone who runs a campaign AWAY from 8 years of peace and prosperity has to be asked some questions. The overall “not Clinton” strategy was pretty bad and if Daley didn’t like it, he should have walked.

    Also, Lieberman was about as bad a choice as was possible and a lot of that blame has to find its way to Daley.

    Overall, if I was Bill Daley I would be trying to claim “mere figurehead” status on that campaign.

  18. - johnnyc - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 11:31 am:

    “His potential bid for governor would be of little or no news if he was not the brother of Mayor Daley. ”

    The former Sec of Commerce, CEO of SBC and Chair of the Gore presidential campaign exploring a bid for Governor would not be news if he wasn’t the Mayor’s brother? Bill Daley is a proven leader and would be a formidable candidate regardless of his heredity. It simply makes him that much more daunting.

  19. - Speaking At Will - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 11:55 am:


    That is a very good point, and well taken. Perhaps it would be news worthy. However when the article hit the paper, the headline was not

    “former Sec of Commerce, CEO of SBC and Chair of the Gore presidential campaign exploring a bid for Governor”

    It was something along the lines of

    “Mayor Daley’s Brother Considering Bid for Governors Office”

    Just saying…

  20. - Undercover - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 11:56 am:

    I admire both Madigans, but I do not think it’s appropriate for Speaker Madigan to remain Speaker if Lisa becomes Governor. Then again, the point made about Emil Jones and Blago is a good one. Maybe it would work. It would certainly be a far superior situation to what we have now!

    I’d like to see Speaker Madigan either run the state party appropriately and openly or step aside. That’s basically my only beef with the guy. I can appreciate that he is damn good at getting his House candidates elected, but I do not appreciate his hijacking of the state party to do ONLY that in a closed, insiders-only fashion. I think he should open up the state party to be run as it is in other states or step out of the way for someone else to do it.

  21. - A Citizen - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 12:30 pm:

    “…* Kristen McQueary talked to former Gov. Jim Edgar…”
    I really would appreciate it if the quality of commentary was raised by excluding the presence of the Pseudo Sage Edgar in these articles. The former egoist savior of the Ill GOP is a has been. Please, enough!

  22. - Chicago Dem - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 12:58 pm:

    Don Smith: I could not agree with you more. However, the fact the African-Americans aren’t better off in Englewood is primarily due, among other things, to the politicans representing this area and other southside communities. For instance, I cannot believe how US Congressmen, county commissioners, Aldermen(woman) state representatives and senators (E.Jones) keep getting elected. Perhaps the problem is that these African-American pols are connected at the hip with the Madigans, Daleys, Hynes, etc. So, in essence you are right, an independet political movement is a necessity, a must, across the city if we are to get rid of the ‘tax and spend’ mentality. It seems every taxing body in Chicago solves its budget woes by simply raising taxes; City,CTA,Board of Ed., City Colleges of Chicago..etc.

  23. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 1:01 pm:

    So, Lisa Madigan as Governor with Mike Madigan as Speaker is a horrid idea, but a Daley in the Mayor’s Office, Governor’s Office, and pulling the puppet strings of Cook County government is okee-dokey?

    Here’s my take:

    1. The high level of scrutiny that Madigan & Madigan will receive from the press trying to play Gotchya will certainly force Gov. Madigan to err on the side of caution…there will be no backroom deals, because Republicans and the press will shriek in horror over any excesses.

    2. Everyone seems to presume that Speaker Madigan would control Governor Madigan. Nonsense. Let’s remember that The Speaker tried to talk The AG out of getting into politics in the first place. They’ve disagreed on a number of issues since she was elected, and I think there’s no doubt she’ll continue to be her own person.

    Frankly, I think the whole idea that The Speaker controls The AG a little sexist. While there’s no doubt that they’ve coordinated on a number of issues, if anything that’s bent public policy in The AG’s direction…especially when it comes to consumer rights initiatives.

    Let me put it this way: there’s no doubt that atleast one thing is more important to Mike Madigan than being Speaker, and that’s his family. If folks think that a Mike Madigan focused on maintaining his job as Speaker leads to better public policy than Mike Madigan who’s top priority is supporting Governor Lisa Madigan’s agenda, then fire away at the idea of her running.

    And to answer Gov. Edgar’s question: Team Blagojevich-Jones is MUCH worse than Madigan-Madigan. It took the threat of Senate Democrats losing their pay raises to get Jones to break with Blago and pass a budget.

  24. - Undercover - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 2:06 pm:

    I’m with Yellowdog that it wreaks of sexism to assume that Speaker Madigan controls AG Madigan. What, AG Madigan can’t do anything without her daddy? Give me a break. Lisa is smart as a whip and as tough as her father. Nobody is telling her what to do!

  25. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 3:53 pm:

    Has anyone taken a look at how many of Daley’s friends and recommendations have been or are a part of Blagojevich’s team? Has anyone forgotten just how unpopular AT&T/SBC/AT&T is with voters and how Illinoians got shafted thanks to Daley, his state government connections and AT&T/SBC/AT&T?

    No only are voters really sick of watching Chicago politicians running Illinois rather poorly, btw, but can anyone represent Chicago politics more than a Daley? Yes, we’d like some professional governance, but I’m not so certain that voters will be open to a Daley.

    Madigan-Madigan, Daley-Daley, can anyone detect some similarities with this kind of governance for Illinois with those other great political families, say in Louisiana where Long-Long-Long-Long, and Landreau-Landreau-Landreau exist?

    After years of Bush-Bush, Clinton-Clinton, I think voters may be just tired-tired of the whole political family connections right now.

  26. - Chicago Cynic - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 4:32 pm:


    I realize you think these horror stories haven’t come to pass, but perhaps you just haven’t seen it first hand.

    A perfect example of the horror stories coming to pass is the way the Speaker has ceded total control over energy policy in this state to the AG. This had never before been done, but suddenly if you want anything energy-related approved by the Speaker, it must first past muster with the AG’s staff. This is unprecedented and dangerous.

    I like and have contributed to Lisa. But should she become governor and her father not step down, it would be an unbelievable and dangerous consolidation of power.

    I say Go Lisa Go. But the Speaker needs to promise that he would step down should she be elected. Without that, the trains may run on time, but then again they usually do in authoritarian systems.

    Seems like more than a bit of a problem to me.

  27. - Quiet Meditation - Saturday, Jul 5, 08 @ 9:17 am:

    One scenario that is overlooked is that Mike Madigan “may” be planning to retire when Lisa runs for Governor of Illinois. Mike has a pretty nice state pension coming to him when he retires. I am not sure how old Mike Madigan is but he looks to be in his 60s. He probably has given a great deal of thought to retiring after butting heads with Emil Jones and Rod Blagojevich down in Springfield for so long. Personally, as a Republican, I hope he stays in Springfield to serve as a needed “check & balance” factor with Emil & Rod.

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