Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » This just in… *** Ad firms sign up for anti Con-Con TV blitz *** Guv denies he’s under investigation ***
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This just in… *** Ad firms sign up for anti Con-Con TV blitz *** Guv denies he’s under investigation ***

Thursday, Jul 3, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* 12:13 pm - The House has scheduled a Committee of the Whole for next Wednesday. In other words, another “fair trial before the hanging”…

The Illinois House will schedule a Committee of the Whole on Wednesday, July 9 in order to have a full discussion on all elements of the FY09 budget. The budget is the subject of the two day special session. set to begin at 1 p.m. on Wednesday. The committee will start about 1:30 p. m. The panels could run into Thursday.

A series of panels will be convened to review each issue.
The panels will be:
Capital Appropriations I – Proponents
Capital Appropriations II - Opponents
Gaming I – Proponents
Gaming II – Opponents
Lease of the Lottery I – Proponents
Lease of the Lottery II – Opponents
Pension Obligation Bonds I – Proponents
Pension Obligation Bonds II – Opponents
Fund Sweeps I – Proponents
Fund Sweeps II - Opponents

The list of bills to be reviewed can be found at this link.

* 12:46 pm - Gov. Blagojevich was on the Don & Roma show again this morning. Listen at this link. Kevin worked up a partial transcript…

Don: Governor there was the recent shakedown conviction of Tony Rezko, a friend of yours, and I know that we couldn’t discuss all of those things while the trial was under way. Now what I would like to get from you is some kind of assurance, not only to me, but to the voters of Illinois, that you’re not going to get indicted before the next election.

Governor: Well, I always try to do things the right way, and when you’re the Governor of Illinois or the Mayor of Chicago, there are going to be people who either work for you or people who are supporters of yours that may not always do things the right way.

And when it comes to Tony for example, who has been very helpful to me, he is a friend. He has been helpful to Barack Obama, he has been helpful to Lisa Madigan, he has been helpful to Mike Madigan, he’s been helpful to Pat Quinn.

You know we all assume that, you know, what his activities are when it comes to his own business and personal relationships are honest and legitimate.

In this particular case it was found that he did some things wrong, in his personal activities. Anything related to any fundraising with regard to me were not guilties. And he did send a letter to the judge where he was very specific and clear, and said that he was never involved in any wrong doing with me or with Barack Obama. And I don’t know what more I can say other than I do things right, and I’m very sad for him personally, and that I pray for him and his family and his children. But sometimes people do things that aren’t right, and they have to meet their responsibilities.

But speaking for me, knowing what I do, I do things right and honest. So I just get up every day and keep trying to do the best I can for people, and let the pundits and all theseothers keep trying to spin things and twist things much bigger than they really are.

Notice he didn’t answer the indictment question. More…

Don: Well I want to thank you Governor. Mike Madigan hasn’t had the guts to come on the show and explain what he’s about. We really appreciate you joining us.

Governor: Well let me just say this, if you ever get him on the show, make him pledge to you that he is not going to raise your income taxes after the election or after January 1st.

*** 12:56 pm *** You can bet these people are gonna run some scaaaarrryyyy and memorable TV ads designed to stampede the herd

A pair of media consultants that helped the Chicago Children’s Museum win City Council permission to move to Grant Park is being hired by a business group to lead its public efforts against a proposed state constitutional convention.

ASK Public Strategies, a firm headed by Obama campaign senior consultant David Axelrod, and the Chicago office of Hill & Knowlton will head a projected $2-million to $3-million media and advertising campaign planned by the Alliance to Protect the Illinois Constitution.

“We haven’t signed the contract, but they’re going to be the choice,” said Gregory W. Baise, a principal in the alliance and the head of the Illinois Manufacturers’ Assn.

Axelrod, apparently, only believes in “Change” when it comes to the Obama slogan. When it comes to Illinois, the motto is: “There will be no change.”

The biz groups don’t raise a huge amount of money in Illinois, so some might be coming from out of state. Not sure if the union dough is included in this total.

…Adding… The unions are involved in this group.

*** 1:17 pm *** The governor who has repeatedly denied that he is Public Official A is now denying that he’s under investigation

Governor Rod Blagojevich says he is not under federal investigation as part of a probe into political corruption in Illinois.

Blagojevich called it “ridiculous” to ask if he’s a target of the corruption probe that brought down one of his top donors and political supporters.

His comments came during a tense exchange with reporters following an unrelated news conference.

Hopefully, we can get some audio. I’ll check around.


  1. - Levois - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 12:37 pm:

    That whole COTW is getting over used!

  2. - Vote Quimby! - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 12:42 pm:

    –ding, ding— and in this corner, wearing grey trunks….

  3. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 12:44 pm:

    ===That whole COTW is getting over used!===

    MJM is more than a little predictable.

    He eats at the same time every night in Springfield, almost always at the same place and always has the same food and wine order.

    When he finds something he likes, or that works, he sticks with it.

  4. - problem - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 12:48 pm:

    Looks like Madigan caves and makes his people show up.

    This embarrassment will have to be rectified - how about stacked debate and rigged votes?

  5. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 12:51 pm:

    I’m hearing light Senate attendance.

  6. - Pot calling kettle - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 12:58 pm:

    It’s not caving. Madigan gets to have his show and Rod called for it. I’d say this falls right into Madigan’s hands.

    I suspect there will be a of talk about the bills sitting in the Senate as well as lots of criticism for the Gov. And while the Repubs have been making nice with the Gov, it’s difficult to imagine them not joining in at least a little bit. When the pinata is hang up there all full of candy, it’s hard not to take your turn with the stick.

  7. - Pot calling kettle - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 12:59 pm:

    Sorry for the typos, the coffee is wearing off…


  8. - Ghost - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 1:02 pm:

    The Gov has an interesting spin on Rezko. Rezko was convicted of placing people on boards and controlling board decisions using the authority the Gov gave him. The Gov has never explained why Rezko had this kind of authority from the Gov. Also at the tiral there was testimony about the Gov promising people they would be taken care of etc. Not to mention Atta’s role etc. testimony about 25k being delivered in the Gov presence and then Atta getting the job. There is much more to the Rezko trial then a friend doing stuff in the friends private life that is not legitimate. Its nice of the Gov to try and take donw Obama, the Madigans and Quinn as being invovled in the same conduct as himself.

    Blago really is a sociopath; Don of course now gets to be the enabler.

  9. - Bill - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 1:05 pm:

    This cotw sounds like an excellent opportunity for an intern to really experience Illinois gov’t in action. Kevin should monitor every second of this exciting endeavor from the press box and take copious notes.

  10. - Princeville - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 1:12 pm:

    problem says “Looks like Madigan caves and makes his people show up”.

    Caves? Did not the Blago demand them back without calling for a Special Session? Did not Madigan ignore him? Does not the House still have days left to maybe sorta kinda take into consideration they might ‘cave’ and come back? Blago did not trust Madigan would ‘cave’ so Blago called a SS. Where do you find Madgian caved in this?

    And a curious sidenote–I was in Springfield yesterday and could not help but notice a sign that was at least a 5′x 4′ sign in front of construction at the Lincoln Tomb. One could read the name “Governor Rod Blagojevich” clear across the parking lot. Will the CP projects all come with such unnecessary signs tooting Rod’s horn at the tax payers expense? The sign was not needed, the size of the sign was silly and totally overboard.

  11. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 1:14 pm:

    Great idea, Bill. Fantastic, even. lol

  12. - The Doc - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 1:20 pm:

    Yeah, Axelrod needs to be taken to the woodshed for this one. More $4.50 premium unleaded for the McCampaign. Perhaps another Reverend Wright-like albatross for the Obama camp to overcome.

    Silver lining/tinfoil hat alert: may shine some light, nationally, on the sorry state of IL politics. Lord knows we need it.

  13. - DumberThanULook - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 1:23 pm:

    Madigan is having a hard time not wearing the hat for this mess. Now he is going to put all his members in front of the cameras telling everybody they would prefer a tax increase.

    Dumber than you think, indeed.

  14. - He Makes Ryan Look Like a Saint - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 1:25 pm:

    If he is not under investigation what the heck is he paid W & S nearly 1 million dollars for? Certainly not setting up a trust fund for his kids.

  15. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 1:30 pm:

    I see Blago’s metamorphosis into a Republican continues as he visits the right wing D & R show. Maybe he will switch Party’s like he mentor Vrodo

  16. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 1:32 pm:

    ===If he is not under investigation what the heck is he paid W & S nearly 1 million dollars for? ===

    Remember a couple of years ago when the campaign said they hired W&S to make sure all the i’s were dotted and the t’s were crossed?

    That adds up.


  17. - One of the 35 - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 1:36 pm:

    One thing that I do not recall seeing discussed is the fact that even if (a big if) the Rezko decision does not implicate the governor in a breaking of the law, he is still guilty of the very worst judgement in his granting of authority to people who did break the law. This governor has erred repeatedly in this measure of leadership. He has appointed key individuals who are law breakers. Is that the kind of judgement we want in the chief elected official for the state of Illinois? Blagojevich continues to think and comment that if his friends appointed to high position break the law, then he is off the hook. Not so. I wish the press would call him on this point. (I guess you have to be able to “corner” him first to be able to call him on the point)

  18. - Sick of it. - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 1:36 pm:

    I see Blago announced a new pander to the people scam for the holiday weekend. ‘Governor Blagojevichs Illinois Gas S.W.A.T’. Yet another way to spend taxpayor $$$ to get him some free press.

  19. - Dan S, a voter and Cubs Fan - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 1:38 pm:

    Blagoof keeps saying, “So I just get up every day and keep trying to do the best I can for people.” What people is he doing this for? Because it is NOT the people of the State of Illinois.

  20. - DeepFriedOnAStick - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 1:43 pm:

    ===Anything related to any fundraising with regard to me were not guilties.===

    Is that statement from Blago true?

  21. - Las Vegas Kid - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 2:01 pm:

    I do not blame bloggers and newspapers for supporting a Con-Con it is in your best financial interest, but lets get serious. Do you really want the only people who know how to run campaigns in these districts (Senate Pres and Speaker) determining who will write a new Constitution would look like? Politicians looking to pad their thin resumes and special interest groups with extreme agendas along with a media hungry for another feeding frenzy is not justification for a Con-Con.

  22. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 2:03 pm:

    LVK, the one thing you forget is that the con-con will propose a list of amendments and the PEOPLE will have the final up or down say on which ones to approve or reject.

    It’s a convenient slam, but not complete.

  23. - Little Egypt - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 2:08 pm:

    Yes Blago, for sure, you’re not under investigation. We believe you like we believed Clinton when he said “I did not have sex with that woman.”

  24. - wordslinger - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 2:18 pm:

    With all that Obama money, I doubt if Axelrod will have to work too hard. Just put the brand name out there and plug in the money counter. Who would have guessed 18 months ago that Obama would be the score of a lifetime?

  25. - OneMan - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 2:19 pm:

    The i’s are inexpensive it is the crossing of the t’s that adds all of the cost.

    Also I would like to suggest a drinking game where every time the governor is asked a question about Tony and he says Obama you have to drink.

  26. - John Bambenek - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 2:20 pm:

    If we can’t get good people elected in 118 open seats with no incumbents and full-time officeholders out of consideration, if the system is so rigged that outsiders have no chance in a wide open race, if the parties have that much power that elections for open seats is simply going to be 100% gamed by them, why show up on election day anymore?

    Seriously… if we can’t win some of 118 open seats, running on a campaign of reform, why even bother pushing good candidates in normal races. Incumbents have huge advantages, open seats have no such dynamic. If it’s so hopeless in open races, why even bother to show up to the polls anymore?

    That’s a serious question.

  27. - Vote Quimby! - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 2:45 pm:

    Is there a PRO con-con org? I’ve checked around google and only came up with a few oddballs…

  28. - John Bambenek - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 2:50 pm:

    There’s the Illinois Citizens Coalition (Bruno Behrend and I)… we’re the only pro con-con “group”. Other groups (not many) are supporting but as part of their larger mission.

  29. - John Bambenek - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 2:58 pm:

    Also, you can take a look at our book on the subject at Amazon. We’re out there, we just don’t have $2-$3 million. :)

  30. - Crimefighter - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 3:23 pm:

    Why do the labor unions oppose a con-con? What a incredible mistake they are making in prefering the status quo of a severely broken state government over fixing it.

  31. - Steve - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 3:24 pm:

    Don Wade did have Mike Madigan on show in the last year.

  32. - John Bambenek - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 4:04 pm:

    The labor unions (with *I believe* the only exception being the Chicago Teachers) are against a con-con because they thing the pension protection will go away. Regardless of the fact that pension protections are now codified in federal case law, that’s where they stand.

    Of course, when the pensions and state are finally bankrupt, the protections are irrelevant. So instead of fighting to fix the problem, they want to play a silly game of chicken to get a tax policy instead of protecting the interests of their people.

  33. - Vote Quimby! - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 4:26 pm:

    Thanks for the info John.

  34. - Crimefighter - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 4:28 pm:

    How would pension protection go away? Who would be pushing for it? And if its federal law that there’s pension protection then why is this even relevant to this con-con?

  35. - Bill - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 4:32 pm:

    There is no need for a Con con. It would be a multi-million dollar boondoggle. The constitution can be ammended at any time and has been several times since the 1970s. If the con con referendum passes in Nov. the legislature will have an excuse to do nothing for two or three years to address the fiscal problems of this state.
    What, exactly, do you want to change in the present constitution, John? Spare us the recall stuff that will all be moot by 2010. I know that Bruno wants to dismantle public education in Illinois. What is your angle? right to life? Guns? ban on gay marriage? I’m guessing that it is probably not a progressive income tax or school funding reform.

  36. - John Bambenek - Thursday, Jul 3, 08 @ 8:32 pm:

    I believe in recall in principle, not because of the current occupant of the office. Ronald Reagan could be governor and I’d still want recall. I’d want to end gerrymandering, reform the pension protection to require funding in real time by the employing agency, open ballots and open primaries, binding ballot initiatives. As far as gun rights and right to life, I’m pretty sure those issues are, at this point, federal and I see little to be gained in broaching them at this point. As far as education funding reform, I’m mixed, I did come up with a potential reform, but in the end, with the state primarily funding education, local control of school ends. If people are ok with that, so be it.

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