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Blagojevich: The game is on

Friday, Jul 11, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s interview by the State Journal-Register didn’t cover much ground, but it leaves you with the clear impression that Blagojevich plans an all-out political war over the capital construction plan…

“The game is on now, and these are all little skirmishes along the way in the big war to create jobs for people across Illinois,” Blagojevich said at his Statehouse office. “Unfortunately, there shouldn’t have to be a war. It should be easy.”

* The story itself is kinda light, but you can listen to audio files from the interview at this page.

Here’s an interesting quote

“Everybody, virtually, is on board except for one man” [the governor said about Madigan and the capital plan.]

Hmm. Let’s see. Mayor Daley opposes the gaming proposal and the governor wants to seize control of the decision over which Chicago schools get capital money, which the mayor also opposes. That means more than “one man” opposes the capital package. And deliberately jabbing Daley does not make this process “easy” in any way. But that fact wasn’t tossed back at him.

* Here’s another quote I found somewhat entertaining…

“You can’t go to Madigan because he doesn’t talk to anybody or meet anybody. For sport, I’ll just arbitrarily pick up the phone and call him, leave a message. I’ve been doing this for months, knowing I won’t get a call back.”

Actually, Madigan does talk to people. The governor refuses to just walk up to Madigan’s office, like governors have done for years (and not just to see Madigan - Pate Philip was well known for not returning gubernatorial phonecalls). Blagojevich did this once last year, at my urging, but spent most of his time with Madigan talking about sports. It was a wasted opportunity. Also, the guv surely knows where Madigan eats dinner almost every night in Springfield. Just drop by. Others do.

* The governor does have a point when he says that if Madigan switched his position, so would lots of rank and file House Democrats. But check out this quote from the story…

“We’ve just got to get the rank-and-file members to stand up for something that’s more important than their allegiance to one man,” Blagojevich said

Not. Gonna. Happen. Stop dreaming.

Note to governor: You have a 13 percent job approval rating, making you the least popular governor in the US of A. The US Attorney has several open and active investigations of yourself, your office, your friends and your campaign. You’re not going to make all that go away by fighting a war to the death with Mike Madigan.

…Adding… To clear things up in commets, this is from Speaker Madigan’s press conference yesterday

“I don’t attend meetings with Gov. Blagojevich because I’ve come to the view that my presence in meetings with Gov. Blagojevich is not productive for the meeting. I’ve been fully represented in meetings with the governor by Rep. Currie… and Rep. Hannig. They’re excellent legislators, they’ve done excellent work in those meetings.

“But don’t take it from me. Ask others that have been involved in these meetings with the governor. There’s something about my presence in the room with the governor that just brings on a whole new personality from the governor. Clearly not productive.”


  1. - BandCamp - Friday, Jul 11, 08 @ 8:56 am:

    I love a good chuckle in the morning Rich. The whole “sociopath” comment never rings so true as you present your case about the Governor’s lack of a grasp of what is really going on here.

    Never has the statement “get a clue” had so much relevance.

  2. - The Unlicensed Hand Surgeon - Friday, Jul 11, 08 @ 8:57 am:

    Exactly how does Speaker Madigan receive these folks who drop by at dinnertime? I get the impression he’s the type of guy that would like to be left alone at dinner.

  3. - Ghost - Friday, Jul 11, 08 @ 8:58 am:

    But the Gov is really really smart. He has decided the best way to reach a deal with madigan is to increase his own budget while slashing Lisa Madigans budget by 25%!!

    Yep the gov is a master of strategy. Mike Madigan will be much more willing to give a corrupt Gov access to 34 Billion in funds to award for kickbacks now that the Gov has vindictively cut the AG budget. More interesting, the Gov slash of the AG budget can actualy be associated directly with political associaition in violation of the consitution. This would serve not only for a potential lawsuit, but could also operate as another grounds for impeachment.

  4. - Vote Quimby! - Friday, Jul 11, 08 @ 9:02 am:

    ==The story itself is kinda light==

    Yes. Yes it is. The audio files are definitely worth a listen…

  5. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jul 11, 08 @ 9:04 am:

    ===Exactly how does Speaker Madigan receive these folks who drop by at dinnertime?===

    Usually with a smile. I’ve done it myself several times. And I’ve been either at the table or close by when others have checked in.

  6. - One of the 35 - Friday, Jul 11, 08 @ 9:04 am:

    Rich: I’ve never heard anyone address this issue specifically but isn’t it sad that our state economic development strategy seems to consist soley of a capitol plan to maintain our infrastructure? I realize that public investment in infrastructure does create jobs, but that should only be a small part of the overall plan. This governor has repeatedly poisoned the business climate in Illinois by raising fees and demonizing business. Just passing a capitol bill by itself is not going to turn our economy around.

  7. - One of the 35 - Friday, Jul 11, 08 @ 9:06 am:

    Also, if anyone thinks passing a state capitol bill will create 600,000 new jobs, you are living in fantasyland.

  8. - see ya suckers - Friday, Jul 11, 08 @ 9:09 am:

    Let Tom Cross and his band of GOP mopes fade into further irrelevancy with Blago. Good riddance.

    Mike Madigan once again emerges the master, and the only adult supervision Illinois residents can count on.

  9. - wordslinger - Friday, Jul 11, 08 @ 9:10 am:

    If he really wanted to accomplish something, the “game” should have been on back in January, with a comprehensive game plan, including legislative and PR strategy, geared for victory by May 31.

    Madigan has been in the GA since 1971. He’s worked with Ogilvie, Walker, Thompson, Edgar and Ryan; Daley I, Bilandic, Byrne, Washington, Sawyer, Daley II.

    Does Rod thinks he can convince people that he is the better public servant, or that Madigan has spent nearly 40 years as an obstructionist-for-obstruction sake?

    Does anyone advise Blago? Does he listen to any grownups?

  10. - Speaking At Will - Friday, Jul 11, 08 @ 9:13 am:

    After yesterday, I am not going to pay any attention to statehouse politics for a week. I need some time off just to get my bearings about me.

    Paying too close of attention to all this is starting to fry my brain, its like trying to stare directly at the sun.

    Except maybe thats a bad example, the sun is bright, this governor is not.

  11. - Truth - Friday, Jul 11, 08 @ 9:14 am:

    What you’ve done here on this thread is a public service. I wish someone in Rod’s inner circle would tell him this stuff. He needs to hear reality.

  12. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jul 11, 08 @ 9:15 am:

    I was telling him myself, but they don’t let me in to see him any longer. lol

  13. - Siyotanka - Friday, Jul 11, 08 @ 9:15 am:

    To answer your question…NO

  14. - reflector - Friday, Jul 11, 08 @ 9:17 am:

    I support Mike Madigan all the way.I spent several years representing a veterans organization and I could get a meeting with Phillips or Jones but not MM,but you had to admire how much effort he put into his job.I approached MM through his deputys.You just had to understand how he works.I think he is all that is keeping Illinois from total destruction.I believe he deserves everyones support.

  15. - Levois - Friday, Jul 11, 08 @ 9:19 am:

    Hmm legislative leaders don’t return calls from the governor. That’s interesting almost an invitation to come take a visit to talk business. Or perhaps a case of don’t call me, I’ll call you.

  16. - Anon - Friday, Jul 11, 08 @ 9:21 am:

    I am not an apologist for the governor, but please…Madigan can’t return a phone call because that is not the way he does things??

    Everyone let’s him off the hook because he’s Mike Madigan, but maybe he is the one who should take some intitative and go see the governor. We keep blaming Blago for not working with Madigan, but Madigan is acting like a child. And we are suffering…not him while he sits and waits for Blago to come to his door.

    They are both acting like idiots.

  17. - Ghost - Friday, Jul 11, 08 @ 9:27 am:

    Yeah how dare Madigan working long hours at his job not take time off to go visit the Gov at his home “office” so they can watch CNN sports. After all, if the Gov was to visit madigan he would have to leave his basement, er home “office”. The he migh not get in his daily run, daily TV watching and other “work”.

  18. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jul 11, 08 @ 9:31 am:

    I’ve added some comments from MJM’s presser yesterday to clarify things a bit.

  19. - DumberThanUThink - Friday, Jul 11, 08 @ 9:33 am:

    Memo to Blagoof.
    1. Your Interviewer appears primed to jump on the flack stack. Now two for two. Is there a new BoyToy on the horizon.
    2. The “war”, “game” etc. actually began back when you starting firing the relativs of legislators in ‘07, running the mope-thugs in the primary and playing patty cake with StateWideTom.
    A glance at the scorecard sez you be losing every round.
    3. Play on Blagoof, your activities may be limited verrrrry soon.

  20. - South Side Mike - Friday, Jul 11, 08 @ 9:48 am:

    The game is on, indeed, and the game is “war.” Unfortunately, Rod is only carrying dueces and threes into his battles.

    And Ghost, to paraphrase another classic movie (great use of Ghostbusters earlier), if Quinn invited Rod to do some real work in Springfield, his response would be Prince Humperdinck-esque:

    “Pat, you know how much I love watching you work. But, I’ve got my five hundredth repetitive initiative to plan, my Hannah Montana Tivo to arrange, my budget vetoes to mangle, and Madigan to frame for it. I’m swamped.”

    Quinn: “Get some rest — if you haven’t got your health, you haven’t got anything. (Thinks to himself: “Especially approval ratings!”)”

  21. - Frank Sobotka - Friday, Jul 11, 08 @ 9:51 am:

    “For sport, I’ll just arbitrarily pick up the phone and call him, leave a message. I’ve been doing this for months, knowing I won’t get a call back.”

    Sport, huh? Sounds like he’s saying he leaves smart alec crank call messages.

    ‘At the tone, a Capitol Bill would create 600,000 jobs. Please make a note of it. Beeeeep.’

    ‘I’m a hunka-hunka burnin’ Gov, and I’m burnin’ for healthcare, call me back, you know the number..’

    ‘The other day I was driving thru town and I looked out the window (Stop me if you’ve heard this one have? OK, well I’m going to finish anyway..) and this little girl said ‘Hey look it’s Mayor Daley..’


  22. - VanillaMan - Friday, Jul 11, 08 @ 9:54 am:

    Blagojevich reveals too much of himself in these encounters and what he is revealing is very disconcerting.

    He phones Madigan knowing he won’t get a return call? What purpose could this behavior serve? Why would a governor do this? What point is Blagojevich trying to make to Madigan, or worse, to us? Blagojevich’s admission to this kind of behavior is shocking, as well as the behavior itself. We’ve had six years of this?

    “We’ve just got to get the rank-and-file members to stand up for something that’s more important than their allegiance to one man.” What kind of insulting statement is this for a governor to make? Exactly how is he expecting to get House members to listen to him when he simplifies their position in this way? Blagojevich denegrates the people he needs by labeling them as flunkies or lapdogs. Is this the kind of thought process Blagojevich brings to our state issues today? Is this how he speaks to people he needs to bring together to resolve our common challenges? We’ve had six years of this?

    The more I hear from former Blagojevich supporters who I know are Kool-Aid liberals and Democrats normally blinded to The Cause, the sicker I get to my stomach. We can’t afford to keep a failure in Office during these times. If Blagojevich is disillusioning 80% of Illinoians and his interviews are like the one he gave to the Springfield Journal-Register yesterday, we have a much greater problem on our hands than we could have ever imagined.

    It isn’t funny anymore, and we’ve moved beyond partisanship to a unified belief that Blagojevich needs to be removed ASAP.

  23. - observation - Friday, Jul 11, 08 @ 10:13 am:

    “For sport, I’ll just arbitrarily pick up the phone and call him, leave a message. I’ve been doing this for months, knowing I won’t get a call back.”

    I’m sorry, but I question the accuracy of this statement. If there were numerous unreturned calls that had been made for months on end, there would have been a press release issued describing how many minutes the Governor spent making the phone calls which took him away from solving the problems of this state.

  24. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Friday, Jul 11, 08 @ 10:15 am:

    When the Governor talks of war with the Speaker, I can’t help but think of Monty Python and the Holy Grail with MJM being the King and Blago being the Black Knight. Don’t worry Rod, there only flesh wounds.

  25. - South Side Mike - Friday, Jul 11, 08 @ 10:30 am:

    But will this one end with Blago saying, “All right, we’ll call it a draw.”? Me thinks not. Instead, it will be an “up” day.

  26. - Dan S, a voter and Cubs Fan - Friday, Jul 11, 08 @ 10:37 am:

    And the beat goes on, and the beat goes on.

  27. - Crafty Girl - Friday, Jul 11, 08 @ 10:41 am:

    Frank: I had similar thoughts when I read that this morning.

    Blag. (trying not to giggle): “Is your refrigerator running.”
    MJM (puzzled): “Yes, why?”
    Blag. (now unable to contain his laughter): “Better go catch it.” Then Blag. hangs up leaving MJM fuming.

  28. - Ralph Kramden - Friday, Jul 11, 08 @ 10:53 am:

    Maybe Blago think’s he Bart Simpson, making prank calls.
    The phone calls Blago makes to Madigan are along the lines of:

    “Is your refrigerator running?” *click*.

    “Do you have Prince Albert in a can?” *click*

    “I’m looking for a Mr. Emma IJerk, is he there? *click*

    Apparently Madigan is supposed to play the role of Moe Sizlac and get bent out of shape about this.

    Wait, I have the wrong tv show: this is not The Simpsons. It’s “The Office”.

    And Blago is doing his best version of Michael Scott, Regional Manager of Dunder-Mifflin.

  29. - I Wish He Did - Friday, Jul 11, 08 @ 10:55 am:

    Yo, Rod, the game began somewhere between you saying “I do” and you taking your left hand off the bible on that January day in 2003.

  30. - s.k.hicks - Friday, Jul 11, 08 @ 11:50 am:

    “The ‘game’ is on.” I work for an Agency targeted for more deep cuts under the proposed budget (and I am NOT on the clock). The administration has recommended cutting personnel in this Agency (again). The administration has recommended that remaining employees take a net reduction under the next contract. The Governor and the Senate President are willing to accept raises. The “belt-tightening” and sacrifice scales seem somewhat out of balance. Please pardon me if I don’t appreciate that state employees’ careers, their futures, and their families’ lives are all just considered part of a “game”.

  31. - Irish - Friday, Jul 11, 08 @ 12:15 pm:

    I have heard this morning, yet to confirm, that IDNR is facing another cut in personnell. 163 jobs will be cut in addition to the possible closing of Wildlife Prairie Park after their budget was cut in half, approximately $800,000 +.
    The Senate President will not allow his members to act on any vetoes to the cuts because he wants to protect his raise. The gov(?) is all about creating jobs for those that do not have them by taking away jobs from those who already have them, ie. these cuts and the IDOT jobs in Springpatch. One could not ask for a better example of why both of these guys and any of their supporters should go.
    If MJM is considering a tax increase he should NOT be penalized for this. From his past record of no program increases/live within your means position folks should realize that if he is THINKING about a tax increase he realizes the State in in bad shape.
    Once again, Who’s face would you most like to see on a milk carton? Sociopath? Definitely!!

  32. - Anon - Friday, Jul 11, 08 @ 2:14 pm:

    – And the beat goes on, and the beat goes on. –

    Wrong Sonny and Cher song — this is more like Groundhog Day, which calls for “I Got You, Babe.”

    Either that, or a review of what was then the longest-running Broadway show (Abby’s Irish Rose, if my very uncertain memory still works) that read simply: Hebrews 13:8

    (For those of you without ready access to the King James Bible, “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to-day, and for ever.”)

  33. - Vote Cuimby! - Friday, Jul 11, 08 @ 4:22 pm:

    ==this is more like Groundhog Day==
    Except the main actors don’t end up in bed together at the end….. have a great weekend!

  34. - Ann O'Namus - Friday, Jul 11, 08 @ 4:48 pm:

    600,000 jobs.

    Hmm, about 12,000,000 people in the state, half of them either under working age, in school, retired, raising families, unemployed or unemployable (best guess). That means 6,000,000 working.

    Rod’s plan will increase the number of working Illinoisans by 10%? Even Ronald Reagan’s math was better than that!

  35. - This voter will remember - Friday, Jul 11, 08 @ 4:58 pm:

    I doubt that the Governor has called MM on the phone and left any messages. This is another stunt to make it appear like he is the ‘good guy’ and MM is the ‘bad guy’ who will not return his calls. For him to blame MM for this is utterly ridiculous.

  36. - Gregor - Friday, Jul 11, 08 @ 5:03 pm:

    Do you think Rod’s been reading too much Ayn Rand lately?

  37. - wordslinger - Friday, Jul 11, 08 @ 5:43 pm:

    Ann O’ Namus, thank you.

    I’ve been meaning to call out the 600,000 jobs for a while. How does anyone justify that ridiculous number? Caution: Multipliers at work.

  38. - Arthur Andersen - Friday, Jul 11, 08 @ 7:31 pm:

    I’ll second word’s thanks to Ann.

    That figure goes beyond the old multiplier effect trick; we’re talking geometric progression here.

  39. - anon - Friday, Jul 11, 08 @ 10:43 pm:


    Any comment on the Governor’s calls to Madigan. I find that Bizarre. This man it “touched.”

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