Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » This just in… *** No funds sweep bill from House *** Hospital, nursing home, SoS money restored in House *** Pattern develops *** Drug treatment override fails *** Rollcalls Now Online *** House votes to restore $43 million in drug treatment cuts *** Pattern finally breaks *** Elder abuse override rejected *** Big Medicaid delay override fails *** Community services override fails *** House adjourns *** HDems: $420 million restored *** Governor reacts ***
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This just in… *** No funds sweep bill from House *** Hospital, nursing home, SoS money restored in House *** Pattern develops *** Drug treatment override fails *** Rollcalls Now Online *** House votes to restore $43 million in drug treatment cuts *** Pattern finally breaks *** Elder abuse override rejected *** Big Medicaid delay override fails *** Community services override fails *** House adjourns *** HDems: $420 million restored *** Governor reacts ***

Wednesday, Jul 16, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* 10:59 am - There is quite a lot of dispute over what Rep. Monique Davis said in committee this morning, even among Republicans who were present, so hold your fire in comments. We’re working on getting some audio, but this broke open today when GOP Rep. Jim Sacia rose on a point of personal privilege this morning to protest what he described as outrageous racial remarks during a committee hearing

Three Republicans in the Illinois House are accusing a Democratic colleague of “race-baiting” and spreading “racial hatred.” They’re asking the speaker of the House to investigate comments made this morning by Representative Monique Davis.

The dispute arose when a committee debated legislation to help ex-convicts get jobs and start businesses.

Both sides agree Davis claimed that lawmakers with prisons in their districts oppose that kind of legislation because they want to keep the prisons full.

Outraged Republicans say she made it a racial issue and said they want prisons filled with “black people from Chicago.”

Davis denies she made the statement. More in a bit.

*** UPDATE 1 *** Here are some quotes from some House Republicans about what Rep. Davis may or may not have said during that committee. It appears that AP story may have overstated the GOP unanimity about what happened…

REP. RON STEPHENS: “The Representative from Cook was shouting in a very accusatory tone. At first I thought she was being sarcastic, so I started laughing, and then I realized that she was serious…

“I heard her say the term ‘blacks from Chicago’, but I could have misheard her…

“In all the 22 years that I have been here I have never been accused of being tough on crime in order to keep prison jobs in my district.”

REP. DENNIS REBOLETTI: “I’m not sure if I ever heard her use the term ‘blacks from Chicago’. It was very loud and heated in the room. However, there was a racial overtone to the whole debate.”

REP. JIM SACIA: “I never heard Rep. Davis say ‘blacks from Chicago.”

*** UPDATE 2 *** Kevin has listened to the audio of the committee hearing and says Rep. Davis never made reference to “black people from Chicago,” in the context that has been alleged and reported by the AP. Here’s the relevant quote…

“African-Americans [legislators] down here have to fight harder to stop this continued recidivism because opportunties are denied. But you have to take the names of people with prisons in their districts and see how they vote. They don’t want to stop crime, it’s their livelihood. It is sad when your whole economy is based on the imprisonment of Americans.”

I’m not sure what the heck the howling about racial stuff is based upon.

*** UPDATE 3 *** We now have audio. It’s not the greatest because we couldn’t directly convert the file provided by the House, but click here to listen.

* 11:08 am - This ain’t huge news, but Treasurer Giannoulias admitted yesterday to considering a run for governor

The ongoing budget battle in Springfield is not just upsetting voters. State Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias said Tuesday in Galesburg that “to see what’s going on in state government is horrifying.” During a visit with a portion of the editorial board of The Register-Mail, Giannoulias said he is “open” to the idea of running for governor. […]

“If this was a private corporation, if he was the CEO of a private corporation, he would have been fired a long time ago,” Giannoulias said. “Sometimes … you wake up and say ‘you know, I think I could do a better job than the governor.’ I’m thinking about it (running for governor). I don’t stay up at night thinking about it.”

And check out this line…

[Giannoulias] said there’s been a lack of leadership in Illinois for too long, and labeled the Blagojevich administration as “vendetta-driven” government.

Asked to comment, Luis Guerrero, the governor’s director of communications, said by phone that his only comment was “accusations are counter-productive.”

That response might be read as: Keep your mouth shut if you know what’s good for you.

* 11:21 am - If you tuned into the House floor audio/video and are wondering why nothing is happening, the House GOP is caucusing on the budget, capital, etc. They should be back sometime soon.

* 11:24 am -
The negotiations still have a long way to go, particularly over the issue of health insurance payments, but an AFSCME strike doesn’t appear to be imminent

The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees has agreed to extend its state contract for several more weeks after saying “some progress” was made during two-days of mediated contract negotiations.

*** 11:37 am *** House Speaker Michael Madigan was just asked whether the chamber would advance any revenue generating bills today, including a special funds sweep. The House had been working on a scaled-back $300 million sweep as a counter-measure to the Senate’s $500 million sweep.

Madigan said they would not be moving a funds sweep. No further session is scheduled until November, so that’s apparently that.

*** 12:45 pm *** The House is now debating veto overrides. Here’s the bill in question. The first override attempt of a line item failed, but several House Republicans voted with the Democrats. The second override attempt received far fewer votes. The roll calls aren’t posted yet, but we’re gonna get them for you as well as (hopefully) the analysis of what was in that first override vote. We’ve got a long ways to go, however.

The third motion, to override the governor’s veto which effectively increases the payment cycle for hospitals is being debated right now.

*** 12:53 pm *** The House overrode the governor’s veto which increased the payment cycle on hospitals. They’re debating the same issue for nursing homes now. The pressure will be on the Senate bigtime with that hospital vote.

*** 12:56 pm *** As expected, the nursing home money was restored. Ibid above on Senate pressure.

* 12:58 pm - The SJ-R has some details on the first budget override attempt that failed earlier today…

The House voted 64-26 this afternoon to override the governor’s veto in five spending areas totaling nearly $40 million, including a $27.5 million increase for workers who serve the developmentally disabled. But the motion needed 71 votes to pass.

*** 1:25 pm *** A pattern has been developing so far. Reduction overrides - which require simple majorities - have passed, while line-item overrides - which require three-fifhts votes - are failing. A vote to override a line-item veto for the secretary of state failed badly a few moments ago, but an override motion of a reduction veto in personnel services for the SoS passed with 64 votes.

* 1:30 pm - The same thing just happened with a couple of human services overrides. Line item override failed, reduction override passed.

*** 1:48 pm *** In case you missed the link above, you can find roll calls on the override motions at this link. None have been posted as of yet, however.

*** 2:01 pm *** The House failed to override the governor’s line-item veto of millions of dollars for drug treatment programs. Again, the pattern holds. Line-item veto overrides are failing while reduction overrides are passing.

*** 2:08 pm *** The House Clerk’s office has finally put the override motion rollcalls online. Click here.

*** 2:17 pm *** Another drug treatment veto override attempt is forthcoming. The next one will require just 60 votes and will restore $43 million reduced by the governor.

*** 2:41 pm *** As predicted, the House just voted to restore $43 million in reductions to the state’s drug treatment programs.

*** 2:44 pm *** Again, the House failed to override of a line item veto on school construction grants. The motion received just 60 votes. Maybe if the House Dems had more members they could make some of these votes a bit closer.

*** 2:48 pm *** OK, we finally had a motion fail on a reduction veto. It went by pretty fast, but I think it was a community college veto. The motion came up a vote or two short of the sixty required to pass.

…Adding… It was a community college override. The governor had reduced the base operating grants. Motion 24 if you’re following along.

…Also… A human services reduction veto was not overridden just now (3:10 pm). It was Motion 17, which would have restored $33.5 million in cuts to the community care program.

…And… From the SJ-R, which is also following along

The House shot down restoring $148 million in construction money for Rochester and about two-dozen other school districts who have waited since 2002 for money promised by the state but never delivered. Lawmakers voted 60-26 to restore the money, but it needed 71 votes to pass.

“It’s important to these schools and it’s only living up to the obligation this state has had,” said Rep. Lisa Dugan, D-Bradley.

Then, the House rapidly rejected restoring six chunks of money worth tens of millions of dollars for higher education. That includes $18 million for the MAP grant increase, $10 million for community colleges and millions for grants and improvements at several state universities.

*** 3:17 pm *** An override motion to restore funding to elder abuse programs to the FY 08 level also came up two votes short.

*** 3:35 pm *** After stopping the governor from delaying Medicaid payments to hospitals and nursing homes, the House failed to prevent the governor from moving $185 million of Medicaid payments for prescription drugs, transportation, home health, medical appliances, hospice care and labs to Fiscal Year 10. The motion only required 60 votes, but came up way short.

*** 3:51 pm *** Yet another reduction override failed. This one would’ve restored about $27 million for cuts in community based services for developmentally disabled and mentally ill. The motion came up 2 votes shy. Some tourism vetoes were also sustained when the House couldn’t muster enough votes - one a line item and one a reduction veto.

*** 4:00 pm *** House Speaker Madigan is adjourning the House as I write this. He said he doesn’t intend to call the House back until November, but added that if the need arises he may call them back before that.

*** 4:00 pm *** Speaker Madigan’s spokesman claims the House has voted to restore about $420 million that was vetoed by the governor.

*** 4:37 pm *** From the governor’s press office…

The House passed a budget without approving sufficient revenue sources to pay for it. That is incredibly irresponsible — it’s the equivalent of writing a check that you know will bounce.

For most people, they’d be charged with a misdemeanor. In Springfield, it’s just more games. The Governor acted responsibly. He balanced the budget. The House should be using this time in Springfield to pass revenue measures already approved by the Senate rather than casting blame toward others. This is a problem they created. This is their budget.


  1. - Ken in Aurora - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 11:06 am:

    Ooooh! Time to make the popcorn!

  2. - Bill - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 11:12 am:

    Monique says stuff like that all the time and most of it is true. What’s the big deal? Don’t you guys have enough to do?

  3. - Cassandra - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 11:13 am:

    Well, I don’t know what she said, but the prisons
    ARE filled with black people from Chicago. The prison system in Illinois is among the more racially
    disproportionate in the country. Unless you believe that African Americans are more likely than whites
    to commit crimes by a significan margin (and I certianly don’t) something else is operating here, and economic benefits to local communities housing these prisons is probably one of those factors, along with the enrichment of politically connected contractors serving those prisons. Saturating urban neighborhoods with police is another one.
    It’s not like the police have a lot of tools to work with. They aren’t social workers. Arrests allow them to demonstrate than they are doing something productive. Unintended consequences of beefing up urban “security.”

    Anyway, if that’s what she said, she not racist, she has a valid point. Listen to the screams from rural communities whenever the guv says he is going to shut down a prison or two. The tail is wagging the dog in corrections policy in this state.

  4. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 11:15 am:

    Bill, we were holding off a bit until the AP ran its story.

  5. - Bill - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 11:16 am:

    ok, sorry.

  6. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 11:18 am:

    No need to apologize, just try not to expect the worst from us. lol

  7. - sockpuppet express - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 11:24 am:

    No one was surprised to see Stephens fly off the handle. Everyone is wondering the FBIGuy is so thin skinned.

  8. - Hearing Voices - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 11:28 am:

    Interesting point Rep. Davis makes. I suppose it is a matter of perspective though. I grew up in central Illinois and most of the people that have gone to prison from my home area are white. Is it possible that “lawmakers with prisons in their districts oppose that kind of legislation because they want to keep the prisons full …” of white prisoners?

  9. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 11:46 am:

    ===“If this was a private corporation, if he was the CEO of a private corporation, he would have been fired a long time ago,” Giannoulias said.===

    That one needs to be retired. Government isn’t business. Plus, in today’s corporate climate, he’d probably get millions of dollars in a golden parachute.

    === “Sometimes … you wake up and say ‘you know, I think I could do a better job than the governor.’ I’m thinking about it (running for governor). I don’t stay up at night thinking about it.”===

    He does his thinking in the morning. Sometimes.

  10. - Chicago Dem - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 11:46 am:

    Are black populations in cook county, and state prisons across the United States greater than their populations in Cook County, and the United States respectively. YES! You make your own conclusions. In fact, Cook County Prison Director recently said that up to 95% of the cook inmates come from two/three communities in the south side of Chicago.

  11. - Cassandra - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 11:52 am:

    No, it’s not a matter of perspective. It’s a matter of statistics. The percentage of African Americans who are incarcerated in Illnois is highly disproportionate to incidence of African American citizens in the Illinois population. This is not true of whites, and the incidence of Hispanics who are incarcerated, while lower than African Americans, is still much higher than the incidence of incarcerated whites.

    This is a huge public policy problem and it is also very, very expensive for Illinois taxpayers.

    If this story gets some coverage, let’s hope the Sentencing Project and other advocacy and think tank groups use it to educate the public.

  12. - anon2 - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 11:56 am:

    re: giannoulias—don’t think we’ve had a “bachelor governor” since henry horner in the ’30s. or was it little jack horner? oh, wait—that’s who we have now! little jack horner, sat in a corner, with his thumb in…..a plum duff, or something like that. i would back giannoulias, or madigan, or hynes, or the guy who plays the keyboard outside the old osco on the pedestrian mall if we could just lose rod “thumbs” blagojevich!

  13. - Vote Quimby! - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 12:05 pm:

    ==he’d probably get millions of dollars in a golden parachute==

    I’m willing to contribute to a fund to get rid of him….how much would it take?

  14. - Hearing Voices - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 12:12 pm:

    There may be people of all racial and ethnic groups that are in prison for crimes that they did not commit. However, Cassandra and Rep. Davis can not be suggesting that the prisons are full of innocent people. Or worse, I hope that they are not trying to imply that white people are not being charged with with crimes.

  15. - Greg - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 12:16 pm:

    Quimby, that’s exactly the idea I mentioned a while back. I already have a short donor list of individuals who would donate to a charity fund that would pay off incompetent politicans to retire.

  16. - Vote Quimby! - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 12:18 pm:

    I listened to the audio and clearly AP story is overblown. The worst I heard is Davis talked about growing criminals instead of crops downstate. She is talking about a program for convicts on their release from prison, so to (hearing voices) no they are not suggesting they are innocent. They have been convicted and basically have no hope of finding a decent job after serving their sentence.

  17. - Vote Quimby! - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 12:20 pm:

    Greg–why leave it on the private sector? Heck, let’s just use tax money! It would probably be cheaper in the long term….

  18. - Ghost - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 12:44 pm:


    Madigan: If jones wants to hide out until Nov before having the Senate conduct further business - including addressing the capital bill we just passed - then I see no need for us to waste time working further. We will all Join Mr. Jones in a summer vacation.

  19. - MGoBlue - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 12:44 pm:

    I think that Alexi for Governor would be the best thing to happen to this state in a long time. With the economy in such a slump the state of Illinois needs a governor with experience in finance and fiscal management. He’s already done such great things to move the office of Treasurer forward, imagine the progress that could be made in a Governors office that has been mismanaged for far too long.

  20. - Odyssey 2010 - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 12:46 pm:

    Go Alexi!

    Let’s see if Blago and Madigan start acting more responsibly on budget matters when they know the fiscal whiz kid is on their heels.

    Let’s get that same out of the box thinking into the governor’s race that Giannoulias brought into his campaign and into the Treasurer’s office.

  21. - Ghost - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 12:57 pm:

    Out of curiosity, exaclty has Giannoulias done that greatly moved the office of treasurer forward? I admit he does keep a clean desk.

  22. - GoSox - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 12:58 pm:

    Glad to hear Alexi is considering bringing his leadership to the Governor’s office. He has had great success at the Treasurer’s office and no reason why he would not be a successful Governor.

  23. - GoSox - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 1:07 pm:

    How about taking Illinois Bright Start program from last in the country to first in the country in less than 2 years!

  24. - Odyssey 2010 - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 1:10 pm:

    Ghost -

    Are you kidding me? All you have to do is read this blog to see what Giannoulias has been doing.

    Go check what Wall Street Journal said about the Bright Start Program, or all the press about his getting the state out of the hotel fiasco, etc…

  25. - G.G. - 2010 - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 1:15 pm:

    Governor Giannoulias
    There is still hope.

  26. - Bill - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 1:20 pm:

    It is kinda funny that Alexi chose Galesburg to make the pseudo announcement. You gotta give him points for humor.

  27. - DumberThanUThink - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 1:20 pm:

    “Let’s see if Blago and Madigan start acting more responsibly on budget matters when they know the fiscal whiz kid is on their heels.”

    Whoa big fellow. Lexi is a great guy. chick magnet and decent hoopster, but fiscal whiz kid? He also says he actually “busy” running the Treasurers Office. Given that place has a handful of employees and is mostly automated, one might guess it is unlikely he has the capacity to be governor

  28. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 1:23 pm:

    I hope all you Alexi groupies are on your lunch hours.

    I’m sure your admiration for the “whiz kid” is sincere, but it’s a little bit of a hard sell for the Cap. Fax. Maybe the Red Eye.

  29. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 1:23 pm:

    It appears Alexi Giannoulias is evolving into Speaker Madigan’s nemesis. Not only did he embarrass him to win election as State Treasurer but he could quite easily knock MJM’s daughter out of the Governor race.

    The Speaker did a thorough job bloodying the Governor and there is quite a bit of splatter landing all around. Some of it on him and his daughter.

    What will happen when a uncontaminated, young and energetic state treasurer starts parading around with a new and hugely charismatic President espousing hope for a state brought to its knees by the blood feud?

    I think I know the answer.

  30. - Bill - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 1:27 pm:

    You are implying that the great chess master has made a strategic error? What heresy! Remember, great leadership is great service.
    I think that we got Dumber’s attention. lol

  31. - Woa - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 1:36 pm:

    You gotta hope Alexi is smart enough NOT to drag along team Blagojevich if he does, in fact, run.

  32. - Madison County Watcher - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 1:44 pm:

    Where’s the roll calls on the veto overrides? There isn’t a convenient way to find them on the General Assembly website.

  33. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 1:45 pm:

    No votes have been posted yet. When they are, you can easily find them at this link.

  34. - Madison County Watcher - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 1:46 pm:

    Never mind, found them. You go to Legislative Reports, and then click on Appropriation Bills Passed Both Houses.

  35. - MGoBlue - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 2:17 pm:

    What qualifies Giannoulias? Try this:

    And, for those that think the admiration for Giannoulias is too much for the Cap Fax, you should ask Rich. . .

  36. - Good Grief - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 2:59 pm:

    Can’t someone with a name we can say and spell run for Governor??

  37. - TAG UP - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 3:11 pm:

    How can one say that the Treasurer’s office has few employees and is mostly automated? Are the people who promote the office’s programs robots?

  38. - Anon - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 3:36 pm:

    can somebody tell me what just happened on the vote for hb5701? my internet went down just as the vote totals were being announced

  39. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 3:36 pm:

    It’s all 5701. Which motion?

  40. - Anon - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 3:44 pm:

    sorry. it was motion 28 i believe. 29 was just voted on and it was just prior to 29. if theyre going in order, it was 28.

  41. - Anon - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 3:45 pm:

    i think i got it in your last update.

  42. - Anon - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 4:00 pm:

    madigan is like Caligula and the people of the state are like the new bride. terrible day.

  43. - jj - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 4:15 pm:

    Rich, your own little veto override program pegs it at $437.3 million.

  44. - Uh, wait a second? - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 4:23 pm:

    Wasn’t the house suppose to pass a wimpy capitol plan? What happened to that?

  45. - jj - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 4:26 pm:

    Big blow to team Madigan today -

    1) chink in the armor shows when he can’t get members to show up to vote on overrides

    2) only passes $437 million in overrides - just about what a fund transfer will cover

    3) Giannoulias announces he is running against Lisa

    4) Didn’t pass mini-me capital plan

    5) Fails to pass autism coverage bill

    Man - that chess board is a lot lighter after today.

  46. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 4:35 pm:

    ==“If this was a private corporation, if he was the CEO of a private corporation, he would have been fired a long time ago,” Giannoulias said. “Sometimes … you wake up and say ‘you know, I think I could do a better job than the governor.’ I’m thinking about it (running for governor). I don’t stay up at night thinking about it.” ==

    I don’t think Giannoulais should use his family bank as some kind of standard of governing excellence. Most real businesses wouldn’t have returned his phone call if he showed up and claimed he was CEO material. Only in Illinois politics! And we wonder why we’re doing so poorly!

  47. - some former legilative intern - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 5:05 pm:

    jj: clearly you are playing checkers while team Madigan is playing chess.

    For the reductions they overrode, they can claim they saved vital program X from the Governor’s budget ax.

    For the reductions they did not override, they blame the governor for cutting vital program Y.

    As Miller has pointed out, the House passed a fiscally responsible budget that the Senator Jones did not allow a vote on. With prodding from the Governor, they passed the one with the most spending in an attempt to get the H Dems to pass a capital bill with a funding mechanism that was not supported by the Mayor of Chicago, despite the fact it called for a casino in that very city.

    The governor could have had his gaming expansion had he bothered to pick up the phone and work with the Mayor. He chose, instead, to hold press conferences and make ridiculous accusations. We should not be surprised by this, that is Blago’s way.

    The biggest losers, however, were House Republicans. Watch the campaign fliers against targeted GOP reps who voted to kill good programs AND for standing by the most unpopular governor in state history.

  48. - some former legilative intern - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 5:08 pm:

    one more thing, jj: look at the roll calls. Look at the Dems missing or excused. If MJM really wanted all the Dems to show up to override everything, he could have done so.

    With Jones saying he would not reconvene the Senate until November no matter what, it is clear that much of this was done for political value.

    By having it both ways, Team Madigan wins.


  49. - Been There - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 5:11 pm:

    “Some former leg intern” stoled my exact thoughts just as I was about ready to post. I just don’t see how Madigan comes out a loser today except for the Alexi thinking about running for gov.

  50. - Bill - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 5:20 pm:

    ==I just don’t see how Madigan comes out a loser today==
    gimme a break!
    The people of Illinos come out a loser today, as usual.

  51. - scoot - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 5:31 pm:

    Giannoulias is starting to grow on me…I think he should run in 10′

  52. - Leatherneck - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 5:34 pm:

    POA’s reaction, as usual, inflames me. If the House committed a “misdemeanor” in overriding some of his vetoes, then along those same lines the Governor has previously committed felonies (e.g. ignoring JCAR’s rejection of Blago’s health care expansion last year and going ahead with his programs anyway; planning to move his nearly $500 million in the FY08 budget that he vetoed to new health care programs without legislative approval instead of eliminating this money completely).

    Impeach POA NOW! (as well as Jones, MJM, Hendon, and now Davis).

  53. - DumberThanULook - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 5:54 pm:

    “Some former legislative intern” -


    That was near breathless.

    Man were those wheels spinning. I need the breeze on such a calm day.

    Cross’s man jj was exactly right. Madigan showed major weakness yesterday and today.

    You mean to tell me that Madigan intentionally did not get a quorom yesterday? That his bleating about a 300 million negotiated funds bill last week intentionally disappeared this week?

    Or that capital plan to save the day never even came up because of a sly maneuver?

    Did you see his face when these overrides were dying left and right today?

    Checkmate, indeed.

  54. - DumberThanULook - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 6:00 pm:

    Hey! You took my handle. But I say bravo sir.
    Mr. Mad-again looked like Mr.Sad-again today.

  55. - some former legislative intern - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 6:09 pm:

    I know this is a bit over your head, but
    MJM never smiles about anything. Don’t read too much into that.

    The reduced capital plan was an attempt to use ACTUAL AVAILABLE REVENUES

  56. - some former legislative intern - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 6:15 pm:

    I know this is a bit over your head, but
    MJM never smiles about anything. Don’t read too much into that. That is your “reasoning” for why Blago/Cross succeeded today?

    The reduced capital plan was an attempt to use ACTUAL AVAILABLE REVENUES (I know this concept is foreign to you) to get something going, rather than holding endless press conferences.

    My belief is that MJM just didn’t try very hard to pass the overrides. And why should he? He wins either way.

    Since you are so wise, jj and Cross team, please inform us just how you “win” by tying yourself to the Governor and a capital plan that has little support from the Mayor of the town where the funding source is located.

  57. - some former legislative intern - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 6:15 pm:

    sorry for the double post, rich

  58. - anon - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 6:22 pm:

    Phineas J. I have to respectfully disagree with your assumptions concerning Alexi. Yes, He seems like a nice kid, but he just does not have the experience. I mean just compare his resume with Lisa Madigan’s or Dan Hynes for that matter and it just doesn’t hold up. I agree Obama could help him, but like any campaign there would be revelations of some “shaky” banking deals Alexi is associated with. I do recognize he was not found guilty. The killer for Alex though would be his close relationship with Emil Jones. In many voters eyes that is the kiss of death. He comes across across as a likable but rich young man lacking experience. Further his close alliance with Jesse Jackson Jr, of whom he had billboards posted throughout the inner city may not bode well outside of cook county.

  59. - Bill - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 6:31 pm:

    Alexi does not have a “close relationship” with Emil Jones. Where do you guys get this stuff?

  60. - Cassandra - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 6:53 pm:

    And besides, even if Alexi did have a close relationship with Emil, what voters would care.
    Illinois political honchos, all of them, assume way too much about the level of detail citizens apply to their voting decisions. Most of them likely barely know who Emil Jones is.

    What will resonate, should Obama win, or even if he doesn’t, is Obama’s support.

    I say, give the kid a chance.

  61. - Anonymous45 - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 7:08 pm:

    In my opinion, Alexi is just a well heeled version of Rod…his only advantage is that he can self fund and won’t have to engage in pay to play quite to the extent that Blago has…he’s just as arrogant too…I hope Lisa Madigan or Dan Hynes slice him and dice him six ways to Sunday…at least Lisa and Dan can think for themselves…I will never forget the pix you ran of Alexi staring at the ceiling, pondering his future in QOTD…I want a real Gov in 2010…

  62. - GoSox - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 7:22 pm:

    Lisa and Dan think what their Daddy’s tell them!
    Can’t we elect soembody in Illinois without playing “who’s your Daddy?”

  63. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 7:28 pm:

    ===Anon, 4 p.m.–madigan is like Caligula and the people of the state are like the new bride. terrible day.===

    I definitely don’t want to party with this dude. Interestingly, Caligula did make his horse a Roman Senator. Both ends.

  64. - Sprimgfield Watcher - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 7:44 pm:

    That’s what we need more Chicago Democrats. Let’s get real keep Chicago Dems in Chicago where taxes are 10.5% and crime is low??? Police like there jobs? More Chicago Democrates for Gov? Lisa stay where you are for several terms who wants to take over this money mess? No one with half a brain, ho I forgot we are talking about Chicago Democrats. Vote Obama.

  65. - Irish - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 8:10 pm:

    Alexi would make a wonderful Governor. He would bring dignity and integrity to an office that has been lacking both for over 10 years. Under his leadership, the Treasurer’s Office enacted internal ethics requirements and he would do the same in the Governor’s mansion. His energy, attitude and desire to help others is exactly what Illinois needs in these trying times.

  66. - Rubber Soul - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 8:28 pm:

    Anonymous 45: I remember the picture of Alexi.

    And it is subject to ridicule, no matter what he was actually thinking (or not.)

    But, if you think for a minute Lisa or Dan make any decision with substantial political ramifications without consulting their fathers, you are deluding yourself.

    What is really wrong with that? Would you consult your own father? Why not?

    Maybe we all should have.

  67. - Captain America - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 8:28 pm:

    Good try Sara Feigenholtz! Thanks for fighting the good fight on behalf of human service programs!!

    But what can you do when the State has a sociopathic, Napoleonic Governor,and the legislature is controlled by a Machiavelli and a Godfather? Delusions of grandeur and dueling egos trump politics as the fine art of compromise.

  68. - Emily Booth - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 8:36 pm:

    Monique Davis. Arrrrghhh! We were unable to terminate a trainee because of her. He ran to see her and our decision was not upheld. She, boys and girls, is the reason why we have some incompetent employees servicing you, the taxpayer.

  69. - Anon - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 10:28 pm:

    Leg intern, and the rest of the madigoons, accept the fact that it wasnt a good day for the speaker. rod supporters have to eat crow just about every day here, most of the time justified (at least in the eyes of the public). Today was the day where the speaker didnt control his chamber.

    it was also the day that the rich young kid with the bright future stuck his toe in the water for all to see. while he is young, he will make an extremely good candidate for governor. his personal wealth will discourage the bill daleys of the world from getting in the game. whether its alexi vs. lisa, or alexi vs. dan, alexi comes out on top.

    but before you get all lathered up at the thought of gov giannulias, dont count out blagojevich. two years is an eternity in politics. nobody campaigns like this man. he connects with people because his compassion is genuine. those who dont know him call him a sociopath. those who do know him as a committed father, a loving husband, and a person who hasnt forgotten where he came from. he will always be a formidable candidate.

    lisa, alexi, dan, and the others may just be whacking the hornets nest by attacking blagojevich so far out from 2010. nobody loves a fight like he does. none of those listed wants a piece of rod — nobody. he will run circles around these lightweights.

    by the way, when can i stop mentioning dan hynes for governor with a serious face? please dan, volunteer tomorrow to be comtroller for life and save me the pain of looking into your deer in the headlight eyes as you try to demonstrate that you have charisma. you spent too much time in the honesty line while others went for at least a sample from the charisma line. you are a good, helpless man.

  70. - steve schnorf - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 10:43 pm:

    Anon: I think you’re right about Dan Hynes being a good man. I also believe he is an excellent public official. I think you couldn’t be more wrong about him being helpless unless you’re defining helpless as being unlike many other statewide elected officials.

    Because he is thoughtful about his job and about state government, he doesn’t offer quick, glib responses to many issues. I consider that one of his strengths.

    If every politician in this state was as competent and decent as Dan Hynes (and as Lisa Madigan) the state would be a far better one. BTW, I prefer officials who consult with their fathers, when their fathers are long time students of government and politics, than I do officials who consult with no one.

  71. - Arthur Andersen - Wednesday, Jul 16, 08 @ 10:44 pm:

    word, that 7:28 post may be one of the greatest posts in Blog history, especially if brevity is considered.


  72. - Captain America - Thursday, Jul 17, 08 @ 7:25 am:

    Well-said Schnorf! Less charisma and more substance is exactly what Illinois needs - more governance and less campaigning. Dan Hynes the ultimate anti-Blagojevich and cure for what ails the Illinois body politic.

  73. - Anon - Thursday, Jul 17, 08 @ 7:49 am:

    Steve, I have great respect for you because of your experience in state govt and the knowledge that goes with it. I am not questioning Dan’s abilities. As I said, Dan is a man of integrity adn ability. However, I think we’ve all seen that the people dont always vote for these qualities. I am referring to his abilities to campaign and win the hearts and minds of voters. Before one can govern, one must campaign and win. This is where Blagojevich is unmatched by any candidate in the field. I mean, nobody even comes close. Alexi is second, but he is like Seven Belles to Blagojevich’s Big Brown. Still second, but miles away!

    CA, I dont disagree with you either, but my point remains. Good day.

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