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Red meat and money

Friday, Jul 18, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* GOP US Senate candidate Steve Sauerberg threw out some red meat to his base yesterday.

In the Republican underdog role against two-term veteran Durbin, Sauerberg, a physician from Willowbrook, repeatedly has sought to label his opponent as too liberal. On one of his campaign’s Web sites, Sauerberg noted Durbin’s opposition to a Constitutional amendment to ban flag-burning and said the nation’s founders never included one “because they never had to deal with ultra-liberal Americans who hate their own country.”

Asked whether he was referring to Durbin, Sauerberg said Thursday, “I think he’s an ultra liberal. Whether he hates his own country, I cannot determine for the gentleman.” Sauerberg said voters “wonder a lot” about Durbin’s patriotism.

Because, you know, the second ranking member of the US Senate is probably just a Manchurian Candidate waiting to be activated by his terrorist managers.

* Sauerberg then showed again why he’s not quite ready for prime time…

Labeling the nation’s energy problems a top voter concern, Sauerberg restated his call for a federal gas-tax holiday as the GOP’s presumptive presidential nominee, Sen. John McCain of Arizona, has proposed. Sauerberg said money lost to the federal highway construction fund could be replaced by finding “another wasteful program that government runs.”

Asked to name a specific wasteful government program to cut, Sauerberg said, “I can’t answer that” and apologized, before proposing a freeze on federal hiring or a 2 percent cut in federal agency spending.

* Meanwhile, Progress Illinois has put together a nifty summation of 2nd Quarter congressional fundraising…

* Speaking of money

While all that anti-lobbyist hoopla from Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) has caused something of a minor identity crisis on K Street, it turns out that the prospect of an Obama presidency has one firm seeing dollar signs.

Chicago-based Dan Shomon Inc., the shop of former Obama political director and campaign manager Dan Shomon, has been busy pitching potential inside-the-Beltway clients.

“Should ‘CHANGE’ occur in November as polls indicate, we should see a lot of people from Illinois moving to Washington D.C. and taking key spots in an Obama administration,” said an e-mail from Shomon’s colleague, Gerald Galloway, to potential clients.

“Now is the time to anticipate these changes. … We will be in Washington DC August 4, 5, and 6th and were interested in scheduling a meeting with your government affairs team to discuss the changing political landscapes and our services and capabilities,” the e-mail continued.

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  1. - wordslinger - Friday, Jul 18, 08 @ 10:36 am:

    Hey doc, patriotism is supposed to be the LAST refuge of scoundrels.

    Not ready for prime time is too kind. I won’t speculate on whether the gentle doctor hates his country, but “a lot” of people think casting aspersions on someone’s patriotism without any evidence is despicable.

    Gee, that’s easy to do.

    Great to see the state GOP has advanced so far from Alan Keyes debacle.

  2. - jerry 101 - Friday, Jul 18, 08 @ 10:37 am:

    wow, sauerberg is a goofy guy.

    another wasteful government program, but he can’t name one? There’s a lot of wasteful government programs that can be cut.

    You could start by ending tax subsidies to oil companies that are posting net incomes the likes of which have never been seen. Ever.

    Probably a good place to start, since the gas tax is incorporated into the price of gasoline already, and won’t result in a decrease in the price of fuel for more than a day or two.

    A 2 percent cut in all federal budgets? Sounds a lot like everybody’s favorite County Board President. Remember, Todd Stroger started his administration by demanding a 10% cut in all department budgets.

    Yeah, Dick Durbin hates his country so much that he works to improve it. So much that he fights for veterans benefits.

    It’s republicans like sauerberg that seem to hate the country. They’re the ones that think that government is the root cause for every problem that we have, and that it can never be a solution, which becomes a self fulfilling prophecy when they are in power.

  3. - Greg - Friday, Jul 18, 08 @ 10:51 am:

    Well I hope an Obama administration doesn’t import the same Illinois characters we’re accustomed to.

  4. - Lee - Friday, Jul 18, 08 @ 10:58 am:

    Oh, come on Rich, Durbin made some really dumb statements about our troops last year, I think the word Nazi was used. Durbin apologized, only after his own party told him he was wrong. This from a 3 term congressm and and two term senator. Who isn’t ready for prime time??!!
    Now, Durbin may want to drill for oil after digging in his feet for 10 years. Of course, it’s an election year and the polls show almost 70% of the voters want drilling to take place. Hmmmm! Could the polls and an election year be influencing Durbin’s energy policy?

  5. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jul 18, 08 @ 11:00 am:

    Truly stupid comments and a political flip-flop don’t mean he unpatriotically hates his country, no matter how you slice it.

  6. - Ghost - Friday, Jul 18, 08 @ 11:05 am:

    Sauerberg makes an excellent point. Durbin has been running around with his crazy whacko ultra liberal ageneda of improving care medical care for veterans, getting veterans hopsitals upgraded, and increasing the benefits and support given to verterans to improve their quality of life. This liberal support of our veterans must be stopped! especially when we have yet to deal with critical issues like flag burning. Durbin needs to get away from protecting the people who are living and dieing for our flag and get back to just working to protect the flag itself. After we stop flag burning we could porhibit flag clothing, flag tooth picks, and other improper uses of the flag. We shoudl also ban negative comments about the president. More harmful then flag bruning is being able to critize our governemtn leaders. In fact we should makes Sauerberg critic of Durbin illegal. Does Sauerbergnot love america? Durbin is an american Senator! We must crush all speech that does not praise allah… oh wait wrong country. We must crush all speech or forms their of that do not praise the US! Stop freedom of expression now, outlaw flag burning and other comments negative of our elected officials!

  7. - Anonymous - Friday, Jul 18, 08 @ 11:10 am:

    Dan Shomon is a mope. What a pathetically clumsy move.

  8. - Anon - Friday, Jul 18, 08 @ 11:14 am:

    I’m suuuuuuuure that no one will notice if you attempt to use your connections to Obama to drum up LOBBYING business in DC. Wow.

    If he’s so close to Obama, what’s his role on the Presidential campaign?

  9. - Anonymous - Friday, Jul 18, 08 @ 11:15 am:

    None. He’s kept at arms length.

  10. - Anon - Friday, Jul 18, 08 @ 11:20 am:

    Another national story on Shomon’s blunder.

  11. - PhilCollins - Friday, Jul 18, 08 @ 11:36 am:

    Lee, Durbin didn’t compare our troops to Nazis last year. He did it in 2005.

  12. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jul 18, 08 @ 11:37 am:

    Please, it wasn’t the troops in general. Try to make a truthful argument and leave the moronic Beltway spin off of this blog. Thanks.

  13. - VanillaMan - Friday, Jul 18, 08 @ 11:50 am:

    Sauerberg doesn’t know what he is doing. I like red meat as much as the next guy but I know red meat when I smell it, and these comments aren’t acceptable to anyone.

    Durbin is a Care Bear. He is a big, fluffy, pastel colored stuffed toy that appeals instinctively to anyone. That is his image. Sauerberg needs to get voters to reconsider having a Care Bear as one of our senators and use this gentle image Durbin has cultivated to his disadvantage. So his “red meat” attacks look ridiculous. Worse, Sauerberg looks insane when he tries to paint Durbin otherwise.

    Durbin is everyone’s friend, except for those who allow themselves to be politically painted as callous, thoughtless or closed minded. Sauerberg’s job is to get Illinoians to reexamine how fitting it is to have another six years of this friendly neutered puff ball during these times of war and challenges.

    It is Durbin’s job to gear up and project himself as a man to counter Sauerberg if Sauerberg ever gets a clue and goes after Durbin correctly.

  14. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jul 18, 08 @ 11:52 am:

    Good insight, VM.

  15. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jul 18, 08 @ 11:57 am:

    I would add that these over-the-top comments negate any benefit he has from being a physician. That’s a caring, beloved, sober profession, but based on his repeated rants, I’m not sure anybody would want him as their doctor.

    His campaign baffles me. In a way, he’s worse than keyes because we all knew Keyes was a complete goof.

  16. - VanillaMan - Friday, Jul 18, 08 @ 12:09 pm:

    Durbin has many strengths. Sauerberg needs to understand that he is running against a guy who comes across as everyone’s preferred defense lawyer.

    Durbin is an excellent debater, lawyer and presents his arguments with humility and sincerity. How does one counter this?

    You have to go after the fact that Durbin is more moldable than Play-Doh, and prettier. Durbin can justify any position he takes, even when he is obviously wrong. He always takes the perfect political position, even if he has to shed crocodile tears and do his best humble pie routine. Durbin will be liberal when voters want him to be, moderate when voters want him to be and conservative when voters want him to be. He has no spine and can assume any position on any issue.

    Sauerberg has to demonstrate that 2008 and the future requires a different kind of senator. One that takes a stand. One with courage. One that will not morph into a pile of mush when prodded by political reality. He has to show that Durbin cannot be trusted.

    I don’t see Sauerberg doing this. I don’t hear him doing this. I hear him trying to label Durbin which is a waste of time. Liberal? Whatever. That kind of charge is like stating that potato chips are too salty when everyone loves potato chips.

    Sauerberg needs to tell folks that yes Durbin is like potato chips, but sometimes during times of war and challenges, potato chips are not nutritious enough to eat all day. As a doctor, Sauerberg should present himself as “tough medicine” for “tough times” and do alot of things that make him look as sweet as Durbin, but with substance.

  17. - VanillaMan - Friday, Jul 18, 08 @ 12:23 pm:

    I’d be more than happy to help the Sauerberg campaign with more insights. Why? Because I believe in political competition. We get politicans that listen better when we scare the bejesus out of them when they consider reelection.

    Sauerberg should call his bumper stickers “patches” and tell voters that when their car wears a Sauerberg-approved patch, it will help them eliminate high taxes and wasteful spending. He should run a bunch of commercials as corney as the ones for Head On and turn him image into a fun doctor who knows best and knows how to laugh.

    Suffering from “Durbinitis”? The telltale signs are, weak-kneed decision making, flabby speaking, tax indigestion and bloating! I’m Dr. Sauerberg with the Sauerberg Relief Program. The Sauerberg program will help you find relief from these symptoms….

    It would be hilarious to see a corn-ball commercial that shows tiny dollar bills being eaten by germs with Durbin faces on them. It would be hilarious to see old people rubbing the backsides as the Good Doctor describes Durbinitis. It would be hilarious to see a commercial where someone is laying on the floor, pressing a Life-Alert styled device and waiting for relief - which never comes as Durbin promised!

    C’Mon Sauerberg!

    C’Mon! What does this schmoe got to lose, except his own cash and the RNC’s $1.50?

  18. - K to the 3 - Friday, Jul 18, 08 @ 12:33 pm:

    I agree with anon at 11:10 am. Dan Shomon is an oaf. He’s just proving that he doesn’t really believe in change (or much of anything for that matter). It’s all about the money and his ego. He’s just not a guy Obama needs on his team.

  19. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jul 18, 08 @ 12:37 pm:

    Let’s lay off the personal attacks, OK? Thanks.

  20. - Anon - Friday, Jul 18, 08 @ 12:44 pm:

    I’m a Republican and the Congressional GOP tried this flag burning thing with immigration and some other wedge issues in 2006 in deep red districts and got beat to the NRCC’s chagrin. Sauerberg like a lot of Republicans needs to look at the world for 2008 and 2018, not using warmed over issues.

    He might start with what the price of gasoline was when Durbin was elected to congress, how long he’s been proposing help on health care and what his own vision is for the state.

  21. - K to the 3 - Friday, Jul 18, 08 @ 12:55 pm:

    I don’t think it’s personal. The integrity and intent of the people public servants surrounds themselves with reflect on their own visions and ideas. Questioning Shomon and his motivation is in line with questioning those of people like Emil Jones, who Obama has relied on to get where he is. It begs the question of the kind of people he will surround himself with at the WH.

  22. - Vote Quimby! - Friday, Jul 18, 08 @ 12:57 pm:

    Vanilla Man is on a roll and cracking me up! I wonder if the ‘good dr.’ will fill that prescription?
    Quick Durbin story: in late November 2006, shortly after the midterms, the Paul Simon Museum in Troy had a fundraiser and we all wondered if he would actually show up. He did and stayed the entire time. VM is right….Durbin’s a great politician and it’s going to take a better candidate than this one to beat him.

  23. - Downstate GOP Faithless - Friday, Jul 18, 08 @ 1:21 pm:

    ihave said this before, and will continue to say it-when you are still trying to appeal to your base, and its this close to the general, give up…it was a longshot to begin with, and now its over…the thing that gets missed by our GOP candidates with guys like durbin, jesse white, and others is that while their politics could come into question, they are simply likeable guys and that goes a long way with voters…there is a genuine feeling that no matter which way they go, their intent is to make tomorrow better than today, and there is a respectable bit of romance to that.

  24. - Ghost - Friday, Jul 18, 08 @ 1:23 pm:

    I still think Durbin’s campaign against Durkin shoudl go down as a model campaign somewhere… Thats d u r B i n :)

  25. - Scooby - Friday, Jul 18, 08 @ 1:37 pm:

    Shomon was the first key staffer for both Obama 04 and Giannoulias 06 and he’s persona non grata to both of them. It takes a lot of effort and talent to screw up that bad. Also if your internet seems slow today its because of the high volume of emails ping ponging across the web among current and former Obama staffers sending this story around.

  26. - PhilCollins - Friday, Jul 18, 08 @ 3:49 pm:

    Downstate GOP Faithless, I agree that Sauerberg is still appealing to his party’s base. I know a lady who has been a republican precinct committeeman, in Zion, for about 10 years. About two months ago, I emailed her and asked whether she’ll volunteer for Dr. Sauerberg. She sent a response that said, “Who’s Dr. Sauerberg?” I told her and said that he had been campaigning since May 2007. She’s more informed than the average voter.

  27. - Anon - Friday, Jul 18, 08 @ 5:01 pm:

    Shoman’s opportunism is severely misplaced. Not only is it crass to flash you badge as he has tried to do, but it is extremely presumptious to market yourself before Senator Obama has won. I’ve known enough candidates to know that most are supersticious about things like this. My guess is that Shoman just shot himself in the foot and the folks on the campaign will not forget this aggressive move.

    Shoman seems like the kind of guy who would walk to he end of the bench to tell the pitcher who is 8 innings into a perfect that he has only one inning left to pitch the perfect game. There are certain things that people who get it just dont do. Hiring Gerry Galloway is another.

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