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This just in… *** House adjourns without taking action *** “Worthless” Gatehouse? *** House advances scaled back capital bill ***

Tuesday, Jul 15, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* 12:41 pm - Just 87 members are present in the House today. Listen or watch here.

* 12:45 pm -
IL AARP takes a swipe at the guv for eliminating or cutting increases in funding for “programs and services that are essential to the welfare and safety of thousands of older adults in Illinois”…

Caring enough about seniors to offer them free rides should also translate into making sure that older Illinoisans have fully funded programs and services so they can live independently and with dignity in the communities of their own choice.

* 12:51 pm - The House was led in prayer today by Rep. Tim Schmitz, who was sent a prayer used in the Indiana House of Representatives several years ago…

Almighty God, You who created the heavens and the earth, light and darkness, the waters and the dry land, the stars and the moon, the plants and the animals, Adam and Eve in six days, help these hardworking legislators that they might successfully complete their work in sixty-one. Then after You have done that, please enlighten the governor as to the wisdom of their accomplishments so that they might rest securely in the knowledge that he won’t undo all the good they have done.



* 12:56 pm - The Illinois Federation of Teachers has sent a letter to Senate President Emil Jones…

We urge you to immediately reconvene a regular session of the Senate to act on the overrides.

Read the full letter here. Read the IFT’s letter to Speaker Madigan here.

* 12:57 pm - The House appears to be adjourning until tomorrow.

* 1:01 pm - GOP US Senate candidate Steve Sauerberg trumpets his polling numbers…

The polling, conducted by Southern Outreach, an Atlanta-based firm, shows Durbin struggling to break 50% in the uninformed ballot matchup against Sauerberg. In a head to head with Dr. Sauerberg, Durbin leads 52% to 35%. Outside of the Chicago-metro area, Durbin fails to garner 50% and only leads Sauerberg 47% to 40%.

The independent Rasmussen Reports recently polled the race at 61-27 for Durbin.

*** 1:07 pm *** The House has adjourned and will go to committees at 2 o’clock. The big action will be tomorrow. I doubt I’ll have more updates here for a while, but check back anyway.

*** 1:25 pm *** Uh-oh

As GateHouse Media Inc. stock sank more than 20% in early trading Tuesday — briefly touching $1 a share — Morningstar released a trenchant report declaring shares of the acquisitive community newspaper publisher “could be worthless.”

“Because of the company’s exposure to a challenging advertising environment, a debt-heavy balance sheet, and declining cash flows, we think the equity shares could be worthless,” stock analyst Tom Corbett wrote. […]

Morningstar also said GateHouse is close to violating one or more of the covenants on its huge debt. “Should that happen, its debt could become due immediately, resulting in a possible liquidation scenario,” Corbett wrote.

GateHouse owns the State Journal-Register, Peoria Journal Star and a bunch of other Illinois papers. It’s trading at $1.05 right now. Oy.

*** 3:02 pm *** The House Executive Committee moved a drastically scaled back capital plan to the floor this afternoon. The proposal would reportedly be worth about $5 billion $1.8 billion - far less than the governor’s $34 billion plan. But the House version will require no new money. The billion dollars in state cash $360 million - to be used to leverage about $4 billion $1.8 billion in federal money - will come out of the state’s Road Fund. More in tomorrow’s Capitol Fax.


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Tuesday, Jul 15, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Question of the day

Tuesday, Jul 15, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The setup

In the wake of a frightening incident in which a 7-year-old suffered a fractured skull from a foul ball at Wrigley Field, fans may be wondering what they can do to stay safe at the ballpark and, if they aren’t, who bears the legal responsibility for such an accident.

Lawyers say the liability is with the fan, because teams have virtual immunity in most cases. […]

A century of legal precedent from personal injury cases requires club owners to string netting in the most dangerous areas of the park but puts the onus on fans to protect themselves from bats and balls that aren’t stopped by the nets. Lawmakers bolstered the principle further in Illinois, Colorado and Arizona with laws in the 1990s that underscored immunity from lawsuits for ballplayers and the clubs that employ them.

The White Sox and the Cubs—a team owned by Tribune Co., which also owns this newspaper—sought the 1992 Illinois law after local courts had found them liable for fans’ injuries. Expansion teams in the other states asked for similar laws before opening their gates. The legal result is almost airtight.

* The warning:
Let’s try very hard not to drag this particular kid and the parents into our discussion.

* The question: Do you support leaving state law as it is or changing it to allow for some liability by team owners? Explain.


The way things are done

Tuesday, Jul 15, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The original version of this story posted yesterday at the Tribune’s site included a quote that isn’t in the piece today

Chicago police were investigating an attempted arson that took place Sunday night at Cook County Commissioner William Beavers’ South Side office, police said.

A neighbor saw someone on the roof of the office, 2552 E. 79th St., about 10 p.m., police said Monday afternoon, citing preliminary reports. The neighbor notified police, and Chicago firefighters responded to pour water on gasoline found on the roof to dissipate it, said Officer Dan O’Brien, a police spokesman.

No fire was actually set.

“I understand [investigators were] out there today. Last night somebody poured gasoline on the roof and the building next door,” Beavers said. “It was an attempted arson.”

The original version quoted Beavers as saying, “It wasn’t me.” Not sure why the Trib took it out.

I showed the original story to somebody yesterday who asked, “Do you think he did it?”

No way, I said. He doesn’t have any sort of real election coming up. You only torch your own office so you can blame it on an opponent. Not that Beavers would ever do such a thing. I’m not saying, I’m just saying. Hypothetically speaking, of course.

I remember a Downstate legislative candidate years ago whose campaign van caught on fire right before election day [actually, now that I think about it, I believe the van was firebombed]. The local media openly speculated about whether his opponent set the blaze, but I always figured his people did it. Particularly one guy, but I won’t go into names. He was in town that day and, well, let’s just say he was somewhat of an over the top type trained in the dark arts of espionage.

* Anyhoo, speaking of the way things are done

A clout-heavy company with two generations of ties to the Daley family has been chosen to fill in a “missing link” in Chicago’s riverwalk at a cost of $8.1 million, double the city’s original estimate.

The contract awarded last month calls for Walsh Construction to build a walkway on landfill beneath the Michigan Avenue bridge so pedestrians can stroll along the Chicago River without running upstairs, crossing the street and going back downstairs.

The walkway was supposed to cost $4 million and be financed through the Central Loop tax increment financing district. Instead, Walsh will be paid $8.1 million. Walsh was the “lowest qualified bidder” after a seemingly lower bid was ultimately deemed to be higher.

And so it goes.


Wearing the jacket

Tuesday, Jul 15, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The idea, as I’ve told you before, behind this budget fight is to force the House to finally relent and pass the capital construction plan. The way to do that is to put as much heat as possible on Speaker Madigan with these budget vetoes.

The House returns to town today to take up many of the governor’s budget vetoes, but it’s the governor who is wearing the jacket. Check out these ledes…

From foster parents facing rising food and fuel costs to the future of Illinois state parks, groups began stepping forward Monday to lobby against budget cuts made last week by Gov. Rod Blagojevich.

In his on-going battle with the Illinois House, the governor last week pared $1.4 billion from the state’s spending plan in an attempt to bring it into balance.

The move, however, will hurt some of the state’s most vulnerable people and places, advocates said.

* And

Crime, violence and domestic abuse will increase in Illinois if the governor’s 43 percent funding cut to substance abuse and prevention programs is allowed to stand, program providers and law enforcement officials said Monday.

* And

From kids spending more years in foster care to kids not being able to go to a local park, it’s all because of the $1.4 billion in cuts Governor Rod Blagojevich made last week.

* And

Area social directors gathered Monday at the Illinois Centre Mall in Marion, where they voiced outrage over proposed budget reductions announced last week by Gov. Rod Blagojevich to community-based social service agencies.

* And

State budget cuts made by Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich will have a devastating impact on local substance abuse programs that treat some of the most vulnerable people in the state, Quad-City advocates said Monday.

* And

Rosecrance substance-abuse prevention and education programs in Rockford stand to lose millions of dollars in government aid thanks to Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s state spending cuts.

* And

Rep. Gary Hannig is learning just how deep Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s state budget cuts are, one ring at a time.

* And

As many as sixty Illinois historic sites could close after Gov. Blagojevich slashed half of the state’s budget to maintain and operate the sites.

* I found just one story, in the Northwest Herald, that has a “pox on both their houses” lede

Having a state budget in place means that state employees will get paid on time, providing that they don’t get laid off as a result of cuts to balance it.

But that is little consolation to the Adult and Child Rehabilitation Center and other agencies whose payments are being held up by the Democratic political infighting in Springfield.

* This one puts the guv in the second graf

Keith Kuhn is bracing for the implosion about to hit one of the state’s service systems that can least afford it.

Kuhn, community director of the Gateway Foundation in Springfield, and other substance-abuse prevention and treatment center advocates are pleading for help after Gov. Rod Blagojevich slashed $55 million in state money from their programs last week.

* And then there was this twofer in today’s Sun-Times

llinois legislators, this is no time for a pay raise. But they’ll get just that — nearly 12 percent over the next year — if the Illinois Senate doesn’t act soon.

The governor just cut $1.4 billion out of the state budget, affecting some of the state’s most vulnerable.

Yep. The grand plan appears to be working like a charm.

Message to governor’s office: When the governor - any governor - vetoes budget items, he always wears the jacket. Period.


Fear and loathing on the con-con trail

Tuesday, Jul 15, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The groups that will put $3 million into a “Vote No” campaign on the constitutional convention ballot question held their inaugural press conference yesterday. From a press release

Members of the Alliance acknowledged the state faces real problems, but they stressed that electing better representatives and leaders is the real answer, not putting one of the most citizen-friendly and progressive constitutions in America up for grabs.

This new coalition includes the Illinois Chamber, the Illinois AFL-CIO, the League of Women Voters and on and on and on. In other words, the very same groups that have been endorsing and funding legislative and statewide candidates for decades. Now they say they goofed and backed the wrong people? Please.

* From Chicago Public Radio

Nancy Kaszak heads the Alliance to Protect the Illinois Constitution. It’s a group of higher-ups representing business groups mostly. Kaszak says she doesn’t trust the current leadership in Springfield to be involved in possibly changing the constitution.

KASZAK: It’s a gimmick to distract voters from Springfield’s failure. These politicians are blaming the constitution rather than taking responsibility for their own failures to solve problems.

Only a tiny handful of legislators are calling for a con-con. Most who have spoken up are opposed. So Kaszak’s argument is simply designed to incite fear and loathing in the electorate.

* Back to the press release

A constitutional convention is not the only way to amend the constitution, which already provides a clear mechanism for amending it. This amendatory process is proven to work — Illinois voters have considered 18 amendments; ten were passed.

Besides the House cutback amendment, the other amendments first had to be approved by the General Assembly. Only amendments dealing with the structure of the GA can be put on the ballot without first being approved by three-fifths of both chambers. So, the above argument is a fairy tale. The system will not change itself. Not. Gonna. Happen.

* More from the release…

“Scheduling a convention for 2010 would freeze any movement on pressing issues that need to be addressed,” said Kevin Semlow, director of state legislation for the Illinois Farm Bureau. “

That’s not a bad argument, but will anything get done anyway? I doubt it.

* Rep. Franks, unsurprisingly, disagrees with the “No” coalition

But one of those lawmakers, Democratic Rep. Jack Franks of Woodstock, accused the alliance of using “scare tactics.”

“It’s about protecting fiefdoms and protecting the status quo,” Franks said. “We need to end the status quo. We’ve got to end business as usual.”

“This is our best chance to end the culture of corruption that has infected both political parties in this state,” he added.

* And Pat Quinn chimes in

People are sick and tired of the political feuds, they don’t like an unfair tax system and corruption that exists for far too long in Illinois and this is our chance to send a message to Springfield that it’s time to reform and the people are gonna get the job done.

The idea is to tie a “Yes” vote to the fury over the total Statehouse breakdown That may be a good idea, politically, but it’s not completely honest. There’s serious work to be done here.

* And what about the cost?

Kaszak says a Con-Con could take years to finish and cost more than $100 million.

That’s probably an extreme overestimate, but Quinn’s numbers are way too low

Quinn says a constitutional convention would cost about $13 million.

* And, finally

Jan Czarnik, executive director of the League of Women Voters, added, “No one has shown us how a con-con is going to address the problems we all agree are endemic in our state government.”

Well, they didn’t look much then. A tougher balanced budget provision, scaling back amendatory veto powers, requiring computerized legislative redistricting, more precisely delineating special session powers, strengthening the education funding “preponderance” language to make it crystal clear to the Supreme Court are just a few ideas off the top of my head.

* John Bambenek adds

Many of the problems that Illinois faces are a direct result of a constitution written in 1970 to create a “strong government.”


* And Dan Johnson-Weinberger sums up

Only the electorate could amend the constitution. The delegates to the convention could suggest amendments. But only the electorate could approve or reject them.

The boogeyman is coming and he is going to have a $3 million campaign behind him to scare you into voting against giving yourself more power over improving your state government. Don’t hide under the blankets.

* Let me be very clear: I haven’t closed my mind on this topic by any means. I’m totally open to sound, logical, reasoned arguments for a “No” vote that don’t resort to silly fear and loathing tactics. But those were few and far between during yesterday’s press conference. It truly insulted my intelligence.

If they want to be leaders, then they should lead. Don’t treat us like children who are easily frightened and should do what we’re told.


Morning Shorts

Tuesday, Jul 15, 2008 - Posted by Kevin Fanning

* Press release: Ronald McDonald Anti-Christian Bigot? McDonald’s Suggests Pro-Family Advocates Motivated by Hate

* Greg Harris talks civil unions

It’s one thing for California, Massachusetts and New York, the sort of coast states to do this, but opponents are pulling out all the stops and all the big guns for Illinois, so it’s very important for people to express their feelings to state legislators.

* Virginia Macdonald was one of few women in state legislature

* New voting machines could be coming

* More schools taking day off for election day

Citing safety concerns and faster voting operations, a growing number of school districts are giving students Election Day off this year.

* Ozinga: “There Are Very Few People Nowadays That Have No Health Service At All”

* Halvorson ahead in election fundraising

* Column: A ‘Schock’

* Jackson’s campaign cash at $894,000

* Sauerberg issues debate challenge

* Shimkus sitting on $1.5 million in re-election fund

* Bush to campaign for LaHood successor

* Mark Kirk Champions New Joint VA/Navy Hospital in North Chicago

* Olympic bid raises $12 mil., $37 mil. to go

* Chicago Olympic bid gets gold

* Judgement day

Embattled Chicago Police Supt. Jody Weis will face the music this morning about the surge in homicides and other violent crime that boiled over at Taste of Chicago — and it probably won’t be pretty.

* Weis to Answer for Violence

* Chicago’s top cop on City Council hot seat

* Terrorist Watch List Hits One Million Names


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Tuesday, Jul 15, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Morning video

Tuesday, Jul 15, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The headline in this morning’s Capitol Fax was “Only the Beginning,” but I decided to post this CTA song instead…

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