*** * 2:28 pm - I told subscribers about the possibility of September special sessions earlier this week. Today, the governor confirms it himself…
Gov. Rod Blagojevich said Thursday he wants state lawmakers to return to Springfield every day for three days a week after Labor Day to come up with a better way to fund education.
* 3:05 PM - John Patterson takes us on another trip down memory lane…
One of the biggest fights between Edgar and Madigan came in the mid-1990s when Republicans controlled the Capitol. Edgar and the GOP pushed construction-spending plans. Madigan refused to put votes on the proposals and thereby blocked them.
Question: Who was a loyal Illinois House Democrat in the mid-1990s, voting alongside Madigan to help block hundreds of millions of dollars worth of spending on roads, universities and dilapidated state buildings?
Answer: State Rep. Rod Blagojevich.
*** 4:01 pm *** I just got off the phone with Rev. Sen James Meeks: “September sessions are fine with me.”
Also, Meeks says 2,500 people showed up at a rally today demanding school funding reform and in support of his first day of classes boycott.
More in tomorrow’s Capitol Fax.
*** 4:21 pm *** Charlie Cook reassesses IL 11…
Once considered on the verge of being a lost cause for the GOP, this race to replace retiring Republican Rep. Jerry Weller in Chicago’s southern suburbs has quickly become one of the marquee races of the cycle. Pitting Democratic state Sen. Debbie Halvorson against GOP concrete businessman Marty Ozinga, it is also already one of the most expensive and contentious.
More than any other race in the country, this race is about guilt by association: for Halvorson, the task at hand is to tie Ozinga to unpopular President Bush; for Ozinga, it is to tie Halvorson to even less popular Gov. Rod Blagojevich. An especially aggressive Ozinga press shop and quick fundraising on the part of the GOP candidate has helped put the race back on the map.”
That’s true about Ozinga’s press shop. I can’t remember the last time I heard from the Halvorson campaign. More…
“Republicans say Halvorson’s status as a party leader during the Blagojevich administration will doom her campaign. Thanks to ethics scandals in his inner circle and support for an unpopular gross receipts tax, Blagojevich’s approval ratings currently languish in the teens. Ozinga’s allies say Halvorson stalled an ethics bill in the legislature and supported the gross receipts tax. They also hammer her for her associations with ‘Chicago politicians’ such as city state Sen. Emil Jones, who has favored Cook County (Chicago) representation on a board for a proposed Will County airport.” […]
“If it weren’t for the DCCC’s large cash advantage and the fact that Ozinga himself has contributed to Blagojevich, this race would be in the Toss Up column. For now, Halvorson maintains the narrowest of advantages.”
*** 4:37 pm *** No suprise here. The guv won’t march in tonight’s parade. From the governor’s press staff…
The Governor will not be at the Twilight Parade tonight in Springfield.
This afternoon he had a press conference regarding a major public safety initiative and is currently working with the legislative leaders regarding the upcoming special session and the revised Capital Bill. Finding a way to get the Capital Bill passed - and the 400,000 jobs it would create - is a top priority for the Governor and he is working with the other leaders to pass the measure.
The Governor will be at the ribbon cutting tomorrow morning and will take part in a number of parade activities throughout the week.
- Crystal Clear - Thursday, Aug 7, 08 @ 2:41 pm:
The Governor’s scheduling people need to tell him when the legislative session actually occurs.
- southside - Thursday, Aug 7, 08 @ 2:44 pm:
I think if they can come up with a better way to level the playing field then they should go back in session! They got there pay raise now they should raise the money for schools and earn their raise!
- Captain Flume - Thursday, Aug 7, 08 @ 2:46 pm:
Will Sen. Meeks lead the parade of legislators to the Capitol every week? He must be giddy with hope and expectations at this news. Emperor, er, Emil Jones must be smiling large, too.
- Truth - Thursday, Aug 7, 08 @ 2:46 pm:
It looks like the Governor is calling the House Democrats bluff on the impeachment threats.
- How Ironic - Thursday, Aug 7, 08 @ 2:47 pm:
Emil has got be loving this. Wonder when he will realize that by hitching himself to the Gov. is as useful as wearing an anchor around his neck?
- Soy Milk - Formerly Known As Napoleon has left the building - Thursday, Aug 7, 08 @ 2:50 pm:
He wants them to impeach him at this point. His approval ratings can only go up by playing the victim. Remember Bill Clinton’s mini-rebound after his acquittal? Remember how the Dems actually picked up seats in the next election?
He wants the backlash.
Alternate theory: He knows that his legal problems might be about to get much worse and he’s doing everything and anything he can before he officially goes down in flames.
Seriously, where was he all Spring? What’s with the special sessions? What a jerk.
- cover - Thursday, Aug 7, 08 @ 2:52 pm:
Will Speaker Madigan convene more Committee of the Whole sessions to lay the groundwork for a spring 2009 “revenue” package? Or will it just be Rep. Hannig and the House Clerk coming in to an otherwise empty chamber every day?
- scoot - Thursday, Aug 7, 08 @ 2:56 pm:
Public Official A is just wasting taxpayer money on the special session…that instead could go towards funding education.
The guy is losing it
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Aug 7, 08 @ 2:59 pm:
I’d like the Governor to spend atleast one hour a week between now and Labor Day thinking about education funding.
When he has a proposal, then call special session.
- fed up - Thursday, Aug 7, 08 @ 2:59 pm:
I am also begining to think that either the feds dont have enough to get Blago or a deal has been cut to let him stay either way the state is screwed.
- Captain Flume - Thursday, Aug 7, 08 @ 3:07 pm:
If the special sessions are officially called, imagine the monkey wrench that they will throw into campaigning, which may be the point.
- Soy Milk - Formerly Known As Napoleon has left the building - Thursday, Aug 7, 08 @ 3:16 pm:
Special sessions would actually hurt the Senate Dems and the House Republicans more because they are defending more incumbent seats.
Madigan is actually defending only a few of his incumbents he’s actually going after more GOP seats. I don’t think the specials will bother him much at all. Of course, Rod is too dense to do the math on that one.
Well played Governor! You’ve screwed Emil and Cross again!
- 2ConfuseCrew - Thursday, Aug 7, 08 @ 3:19 pm:
Holy textbooks Robin, did he forget about “Rewrite & Start A Fight” already. He is starting to confuse himself with this nonsense
- Medman - Thursday, Aug 7, 08 @ 3:26 pm:
When will medicaid providers have their day in “court”? With the aggressive veto of the current budget, why is education the only issue being addressed?
- South Side Mike - Thursday, Aug 7, 08 @ 3:26 pm:
Rewriting 50 bills would be too much work. He would actually have to read them, and then come up with ideas to improve them. He’s got tired after all the work improving the health insurance bill, so he wants to play a different game.
By the way, did anyone else find it strange that the governor has 50 passed bills on his desk awaiting action? What the heck does this man do all day?!?
- lifer - Thursday, Aug 7, 08 @ 3:27 pm:
Rich perhaps you are the true governor. Yesterday and today you post about education and viola special sessions in September. Maybe you should run!
- Ghost - Thursday, Aug 7, 08 @ 3:28 pm:
It would be interesting to see how much these special sessions cost the State in pay, travel and food. Every dime of that money could be spent on the homesless shelters and substance programs the Gov cut.
- Bluefish - Thursday, Aug 7, 08 @ 3:42 pm:
I think Blago really risks finding himself painted into a corner on this issue. Let’s say that Meeks uses this opportunity to try to advance SB 2288 (a large increase in income taxes in exchange for a small decrease in property taxes) and, despite this being an election year, he succeeds. Does Blago now veto it after calling special sessions to do exactly this?
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Aug 7, 08 @ 3:45 pm:
lifer, you could get banned for comments like that. lol
- 2ConfuseCrew - Thursday, Aug 7, 08 @ 3:52 pm:
Blagoof is in corner already
Cross already has Blagoof wrapped around his neck and even Houdini can’t unravel it.
Anybody checking to see how the Senate is counting days?
Anybody got the May MOUs from Cross, Watson & The President?
- South Side Mike - Thursday, Aug 7, 08 @ 3:54 pm:
This could backfire in many major ways for Blago. Special Sessions could allow House Dems to promote education funding reform through a Con-Con. Constant headlines and news articles about the need for a Con-Con to overhaul education funding would not be Blago’s preference. Also, he risks all sorts of bills being passed with veto-proof margins, should Emil ever permit one to reach the Senate floor.
But I expect Blago to be talk and no walk. Remember last summer, when he threatened to call daily special sessions without end? He called them for useless purposes too frequently, but they weren’t daily.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Aug 7, 08 @ 3:55 pm:
A suggested QOD: what nicknames or labels could we attach to Rich if he were the Guv?
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Aug 7, 08 @ 3:56 pm:
- Louis G. Atsaves - Thursday, Aug 7, 08 @ 4:01 pm:
Rich Miller is running for governor?
- Secret Square - Thursday, Aug 7, 08 @ 4:02 pm:
My suggestion for QOTD would be our favorite (printable) nicknames for the governor we already have. They are getting more creative by the day… some new ones I’ve seen on other blogs this week include Blagoleon (rhymes with Napoleon) and Mad Serbian Dictator.
- Bill - Thursday, Aug 7, 08 @ 4:03 pm:
Miller is too honest to be governor.
- Bluefish - Thursday, Aug 7, 08 @ 4:05 pm:
Also, the “I” word is allowed to be considered during special sessions.
- Levois - Thursday, Aug 7, 08 @ 4:06 pm:
Heh, what happened? The governor was another loyal cog in a machine all the sudden he thinks he’s a big shot. Where’s the loyalty?
- Happy Happy Summer! - Thursday, Aug 7, 08 @ 4:07 pm:
Why would Meeks care about special session. He flys back and forth most days from Chicago like the Gov on a State Plane. And neither of them know where the senate floor is anyway.
- Truth - Thursday, Aug 7, 08 @ 4:10 pm:
Medman; why would you take the health care Governor to court? He is for health care.
- central illinois - Thursday, Aug 7, 08 @ 4:10 pm:
interesting the that General Assembly website shows the Senate in Session next on 8/12 but the House next session date is 11/12
- Slugo - Thursday, Aug 7, 08 @ 4:15 pm:
lifer & Bill, suck-ups.
- A Citizen - Thursday, Aug 7, 08 @ 4:22 pm:
I’d support Rich for Governor but I’d need a free subscription to CapFax to stay on top of the race. Otherwise, if Rich does not run and refuses to serve once elected then a senior citizen discount would be nice and appreciated.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Aug 7, 08 @ 4:25 pm:
No discounts. Ever.
- DeepFriedOnAStick - Thursday, Aug 7, 08 @ 4:26 pm:
Let’s all grow beards to show our solidarity behind Rich (except the ladies, of course).
Vote Rich for Renewal in 2010!!!
- A Citizen - Thursday, Aug 7, 08 @ 4:29 pm:
Hah! That proves what I have suspected. You ARE a fatcat wealthy republican. No wonder I like you, a virtual role model. No discount. Ever. Wow, talk about being in the driver’s seat.
- S. Illinois - Thursday, Aug 7, 08 @ 4:38 pm:
Rich couldn’t win a governor’s race. He has no comprehensive economic plan that will create millions of good American jobs, ensure our nation’s energy security, get the government’s budget and spending practices in order, and bring relief to American consumers. Not like John McCain! (Ok. I gagged just typing that. I promise to never do it again.)
- Commonsense in Illinois - Thursday, Aug 7, 08 @ 4:51 pm:
===Lifer wrote: Rich perhaps you are the true governor. Yesterday and today you post about education and viola special sessions in September. Maybe you should run!===
Maybe Rich should stop posting…it apparently gives the governor ideas…
- Levois - Thursday, Aug 7, 08 @ 4:51 pm:
Heh, would Rich be happy as a politician?
- Jaded - Thursday, Aug 7, 08 @ 4:58 pm:
Why wait until September? Why not call them in three days next week, and the next, and the next…? What is so special about September? Schools need help right now, don’t they?
I am sure it goes without saying that Rod will be in Springfield everyday the GA is (just like he usually is). With all of them in town three days a week, I am sure they can hammer out a school funding solution sometime before the November elections. November 2012, that is.
- Anon - Thursday, Aug 7, 08 @ 5:29 pm:
Parades suck, period. The worst parade for any politician has to be the Springfield Twilight Parade for Rod Blagojevich. I would put it on par for unpleasantness with the Illinois Nazi parade through Skokie from the Bluse Brothers. Its clear that Springfield doesnt want him. Each year they scream horrible, foul things to him, his wife, and his children.
The last thing I would want to do is walk through a town of government workers who hate me and wave and smile. Tell me that its part of the job and I will tell you that every job comes with sick days. I would call in sick for this waste of time.
- Samantha - Thursday, Aug 7, 08 @ 5:45 pm:
Hence why I’m voting for Keith Gray to oust Terry Link in my state senate district.
- Squideshi - Thursday, Aug 7, 08 @ 5:59 pm:
“Pitting Democratic state Sen. Debbie Halvorson against GOP concrete businessman Marty Ozinga, it is also already one of the most expensive and contentious.”
I don’t know how credible Charlie Cook can be considered if he doesn’t even know how many candidates are running in this race. It doesn’t take that much effort to check with the State Board of Elections in order to determine that this is a three-way race, with Jason Wallace running as the Green Party candidate.
- Disgusted - Thursday, Aug 7, 08 @ 6:05 pm:
Don’t blame the dislike on the government workers. They just get the first volley from all his wonderful initiatives and the work of trying to get them together. Lots of people in the whole state dislike him, even people from Chicago. The various political blogs around the state are starting to pick up more and more Windy City bloggers.
- Judgment Day Is On The Way... - Thursday, Aug 7, 08 @ 6:27 pm:
“Let’s all grow beards to show our solidarity behind Rich (except the ladies, of course).
Vote Rich for Renewal in 2010!!!”
Rich has a built-in campaign slogan:
“He’s won’t get wealthy as Governor - He’s Already Rich”.
You know, this could happen….
- Bookworm - Thursday, Aug 7, 08 @ 7:06 pm:
This may sound like a silly question, but since I have only lived in Springfield for 3 years, and only worked for the state about a year and a half (not in an executive agency, thankfully), I really have no personal experience of what things were like before Blago.
Was there any governor that really, truly enjoyed the fair (not just for political schmoozing but actually greeted ordinary people, visited exhibits, etc. outside of a press op) and whom residents actually WANTED to see in the fair parade?
- Truth - Thursday, Aug 7, 08 @ 7:14 pm:
James R. Thompson. Big Jim loved the fair. Or he acted like he loved it.
- fed up - Thursday, Aug 7, 08 @ 7:24 pm:
How much state money that could have been used for education was used to build Sen. Meeks house of Hope mega church. How many state grants are associated with his church.
- Little Egypt - Thursday, Aug 7, 08 @ 8:01 pm:
We had Big Jim Thompson and Willie Nelson for 14 years at the fair. Also Big Jim always, always took the first ride down the giant slide. Oh yeah man, did he ever enjoy the fair. He was always at the Sale of Champions, among many other events. Most of all, he enjoyed being Governor.
- anon - Thursday, Aug 7, 08 @ 8:20 pm:
Rich doesn’t dare become governor. His carefully nurtured and trained current and former interns would eat him alive.
- Frank Booth - Thursday, Aug 7, 08 @ 8:20 pm:
a couple times during Edgar’s second term I ran into him at the fair just walking around checking things out. There’s a mutt dog show where any old yard dog can win ribbons by performing an obedience routine. Edgar — who has dogs — would check it out and just talk to people there and then he and Brenda and a security guard would wander off to another exhibit or show. That was it. No huge following or circus of aides.
Thompson was known to take visiting officials out to the fairgrounds during nonfair times and let them ride the giant slide.
- Bookworm - Thursday, Aug 7, 08 @ 8:35 pm:
Interesting responses. I have to remind myself it wasn’t always this bad.
I wonder also if any governor has ever been able to travel freely around Springfield like a real bona fide resident — actually shopping, eating out, going to movies, etc. the same as the locals — without attracting media or public attention?
- Millstadt News Guy - Thursday, Aug 7, 08 @ 8:36 pm:
When I first moved to Springfield I recognized Edgar at a library book sale, by himself, looking through the books. I can’t imagine our current gov is much of a book reader….
- Ghost - Thursday, Aug 7, 08 @ 8:41 pm:
Rich’s campaign Slogan for Governor: “It’s Miller Time!”
- Bookworm - Thursday, Aug 7, 08 @ 8:49 pm:
I’m guessing that if Judy had won, I probably would have bumped into her at Goodwill or at a garage sale by now : )
- Princeville - Thursday, Aug 7, 08 @ 9:33 pm:
I really think it’s a shame that Rod could not attend in some way. Grand Review stand? Meet the parade at the front gates and lead it in?
Pattie and the girls should be able to come with their security and enjoy even if away from Rod. The fair this year is Family Tradition. I had no idea people actually yelled at the rest of the family. The wife and kids certainy are not responsible for the govenor’s actions/inactions and to them he’s just hubby and daddy.
If I could spend 10 minutes with the governor, I would not yell, get in his face, throw vegetables or chant for impeachment. I’d merely quietly ask him to help me understand his lack of interest in things like DNR and invite him out to see a day in a state workers life.
Edgar use to come out and ride his bike on a bike trail when he was around the area. Pleasant and friendly gentleman.
- VanillaMan - Thursday, Aug 7, 08 @ 9:43 pm:
Mr. Cook is cautiously incorrect, but Ozinga might as well continue working as though he is the underdog right now.
If you check Halvorson’s web site, you will discover it to be out of date, and poorly updated. That is not what you would expect of her campaign. Ozinga’s is current.
Charlie is also a bigger believer in the DCCC than he ought to be considering this race. Rudominer and his band of outsiders have bungled Debbie’s campaign and runs away from her political associations instead of making them an asset.
Debbie deserves better than she is getting.
- Little Egypt - Thursday, Aug 7, 08 @ 9:52 pm:
Just hubby and daddy? Oh my, I can’t stop laughing. I’m picturing Ward Cleaver in that context and Dudley Do-Right just doesn’t fit into that picture.
- anon - Thursday, Aug 7, 08 @ 10:03 pm:
I ran into Mrs. Edgar once in Springfield and she was shopping for stuff. She did have a bodyguard, but was very low key, and very friendly when I said hello.
Thompson, too, haunted some of the antique stores and used bookshops around Springfield.
- Emil Decker - Thursday, Aug 7, 08 @ 11:45 pm:
If the Gov was is currently working with the legislative leaders regarding the upcoming special session and the revised Capital Bill today. Why was he at GIBSON in Chicago for three hours with Mark C about the CUBs