Another open thread
Friday, Aug 22, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller Waiting on a couple of calls on a story that popped up early this morning, so I’m running way behind again. Discuss amongst yourselves. Anybody still watching the Olympics?
- BandCamp - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 8:36 am:
Who has time for the Olympics with Obama and Hil coming to town tomorrow! I wish I was a vendor at the Blues festival tomorrow…
- Glam-Or-Party - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 8:38 am:
My TV has not left NBC since it started (I switched it to MSNBC when it wasn’t on regular NBC). I am a total sports Junkie and this is the fix I needed before football starts (my baseball team is in the whole so I gave up on that season a month ago).
- Glam-Or-Party - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 8:38 am:
sorry meant hole!
- Ghost - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 8:40 am:
Yep, I just wish the good event were not on so late!
USA won its 1000th Gold metal in the womens Soccer. I gave up on them after their first game with 2 big error resulting in 2 points and a loss of 2-0. But they came back and got the gold, my bad.
Of course the USA shooter he keeps losing gold by choking on the last shot is interesting to witness. Can’t feel too bad for him thought, failing did get him the Girl (who did get the gold)
- Secret Square - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 8:42 am:
“Obama and Hil”? Does Band Camp know something we don’t? lol
- BandCamp - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 8:47 am:
I’ll be gloating if it is…
- phocion - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 8:47 am:
I understand the Governor will have some time on his hands on Saturday to catch up on the Olympics.
- Obamalac - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 8:50 am:
I’m coming to town with the top down and the music blaring! Last time the OBAMALAC was there it was 9 degrees. And the man started this run to the whitehouse!
- BurbBoy - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 8:52 am:
Olympics? Nope? I’m waiting for Godot.
- The Horse - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 8:59 am:
sure. and with my tivo, I’ll be watching for weeks rather than being bored to tears while the rest of you political junkies watch the conventions.
- South Side Mike - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 9:00 am:
I watched the men’s beach volleyball final light night and some of the women’s soccer gold medal match. I try to catch up every night after the kids are asleep.
I won’t hold my breath on the IOC conducting a thorough investigation on the Chinese gymnists. I, for one, would do a little ink dating on the newly submitted “original” birth certificate. After all, they won’t even say a peep about the Chinese arresting people seeking permission to use the protest areas!
- Levois - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 9:05 am:
I watched team USA beat Cuba in women’s volleyball. They get to play for the gold. Also I saw walking last night. It took so long and it was so late that I had to turn it off. Beyond that I haven’t watched much of the Olympics.
- Ghost - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 9:08 am:
SOuth Side a number of pediatricians have said they can determine the kids ages with a few tests.
Saying the passports are enough is like saying for drug testing purposes we just need a certificate from your coach that says you dont do drugs, no need to use established testing to verify the statment.
al the testing for blood doping etc but they will not perform more back tests to determine age. Even after the AP found stories reporting some of the girls as having younger ages, and a forensic pathologist was able to determine theri age as much younger based on facial features. its not like there is no basis for raising the question. A couple quick scans would tell us the answer.
- clj - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 9:09 am:
Did anyone read Jay Marriotti’s column this morning about Becky Hammon playing for the Russian women’s basketball team despite not having any Russian heritage?
Is it really unpatriotic for an American to offer their talents to another country when their own country does not desire them?
- Pat collins - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 9:19 am:
Yes, aside from the spectacular opening ceremony, I think they’ve done a good job of showing the GAMES.
Is it really unpatriotic for an American to offer their talents to another country when their own country does not desire them
Is that any worse than the Zimbabwe swimmer who likely hasn’t set foot in that country since she left it in the 80s? Or the multitudes of atheletes with Blue (USA) passports that compete for “their” countries?
I think not.
- Vote Quimby! - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 9:20 am:
Missed most of the Olympics….I did catch a little women’s beach volleyball tho. What is the over/under on attendance at the Obama & Friends show tomorrow? I say it’s going to be a zoo!
- ChiCountryGuy - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 9:22 am:
I only watched women’s softball. Tough loss, I’m still depressed.
- wordslinger - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 9:24 am:
I’d advise against reading Jay Mariotti’s column. Anyone who can muster outrage on a daily basis over something as inconsequential as sports entertainment should be avoided.
I’m done with the Olympics. I like the swimming, sprints, and gymnastics. The rest, not so much. I saw BMX racing yesterday. Please.
Two pennant races in town to keep me occupied. Unfortunately, I don’t think the Bears are going to take too much of my time.
Pretty good horse race going on, too. Check out this nifty, interactive Electoral College map.
- Little Egypt - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 9:27 am:
From the looks of a few of the “girls” on the Chinese gymnastic team, they still won’t be of legal age in 2012 to compete. DarnedifIknow how the IOC will prove these girls to be underage but I wish them lots of luck in doing so. The playing field should be level for ALL athletes in ALL sports.
- Captain Flume - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 9:28 am:
I don’t think Hammon or examples cited above are unpatriotic. Really the games should be about competition for its own sake. Certainly nationalism has a place and the athletic prowess of a competitor can be exploited for national purposes. But the real joyt for me is watching anyone or any team performing at the top human level.
- Wumpus - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 9:33 am:
I actually followed swimming and toddler gymnastics. Sadly, there was not much boxing on. I have followed men’s basketball and Usain Bolt. I am greatly annoyed by how much coverage gymanstics, swimming and diving are getting.
I tried to watch soccer, but realized I hate it. What is extra time, bette ryet, how is it calculated?
More impressed with Cubs and Sox.
- Irish - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 9:37 am:
Does anyone know why the age for gymnastics was raised to 16? I saw, Nadia I think, on an interview the other night and she won her gold medal at the age of 14, she was legal then.
- Irish - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 9:39 am:
Sorry - false start - And the divers can be 14. I do’t know what the age restrictions are for other sports.
- Wumpus - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 9:41 am:
Irish, gymnasts competing at an early age can stunt their growth and adversely affect their bone health, etc.
clj, did not read it, but have heard about it. There is also a male athelete who plays in Russia, DJ….something, who was naturalized in order to join the team. He is an AfAm from Pittsburgh. It does not bother me, these are games, not like they are fighting on the warzone or battelfield.
- wordslinger - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 9:42 am:
Irish, to protect the kids. There are huge advantages to being younger and lighter in women’s gymnastics, but the incredible training regimen is harmful to kids who are still growing. The old Warsaw Pact countries used to give the girls hormones to stunt the onset of puberty.
Nadia, however, grew up quite nicely, indeed.
- South Side Mike - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 9:43 am:
Irish, the stated reason is to protect the joints and bones of developing children, and maybe a little of their childhood, too. However, with China’s sports training prisons, I mean, facilities, I don’t know how much they are being protected except from international competition.
- Irish - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 9:53 am:
SSM - The joint and bone thing I can understand and totally agree with. However as you state it has hardly kept these children from being exploited when they are taken from their parents at the age of three and put into training. It just goes to show that when the goal is gold nothing is sacred to some people. And I would venture to guess that there are parents in more democratic countries who are no less driven than the Chinese government. The sad thing is, while the reward for those who make it, a new home and a better life for the chinese girls and their families, might be worth it to them. How many others are left injured or with a lifetime of disabilities that we never hear about?
- Sweet Polly Purebred - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 10:00 am:
The Olympics continue to confuse me. I always thought that these games were to showcase the top AMATEUR athletes. Jim Thorpe’s life was destroyed, his medals taken back and his name besmirched all because he made a mere pittance playing baseball to help feed his family. Now I turn on the Olympics and EVERY TOP PRO from every eligible sport is playing. Guess I am just tired of seeing the same faces over and over and miss the excitement of discovering an outstanding but otherwise unknown amateur.
- yinn - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 10:04 am:
I’m with Flume. Some dismiss the Olympics nowadays because some of the athletes are professionals, etc., but to me there is real pleasure in viewing performances by people at the top of their game.
- Ghost - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 10:11 am:
Rich needs an itern Olympics. there could be events such as Futon napping; COTW dodgeing; Picture taking….