Convention stuff
Friday, Aug 22, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller
* As is my custom, I won’t be attending either national party convention. The Capitol Fax and the blog will be on hiatus next week, but I’ll keep an eye on things and write or post if something important happens. Doubtful.
* I see at least three possible reasons behind this free reception during the Democratic National Convention…
1) The governor has been shut out of just about every other public event, so he’s using Duckworth’s speaking role at the convention to glom a bit of attention;
2) This is yet another hint that the governor may appoint Duckworth to Obama’s Senate seat if Obama wins, which, of course, will attract more people to the party and give him a bit more attention;
3) He’s justifiably proud of his appointment of Duckworth to head the state’s veterans agency and wants to help showcase her talents in Denver.
I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt and choose “3″ because I’m so nice.
* Rep. John Fritchey predicts that Gov. Blagojevich will use his amendatory veto power to “Rewrite to Do Right” the ethics bill next week. The deadline for action is a week from today…
I’m guessing that you AV the bill while everybody is focused on the Democratic Convention, while most of the major political reporters who are familiar with the story are half a country away, and while stories of Barack’s nomination are taking up most of the media space. I’ll even predict a Thursday or even Friday announcement of his action, so as to provide for maximum story burial potential, under the shadow of Barack’s acceptance speech.
So while many Illinois Democrats hope to ride Barack’s coattails, it looks like the Governor will try to hide behind them. It may be a good political move, but a profile in courage it isn’t.
We’ll see what happens. He might AV the thing today or tomorrow, which would really get buried.
* The Boston Globe has a rundown of the featured Illinois speakers at the convention…
JERRY KELLMAN: The Chicago native hired Obama in the early 1980s as a community organizer for Chicago’s Developing Communities Project and is often cited as a mentor to Obama.
TOM BALANOFF: The president of the Illinois Service Employees International Union also burnishes Obama’s labor credentials. Balanoff has praised Obama’s votes against trade deals such as the Central America Free Trade Agreement. […]
REP. JESSE JACKSON JR.: The son of the civil rights activist has represented the Chicago area since a special election in 1995 and is a national co-chairman of Obama’s presidential campaign. In 2004, Jackson was an early supporter of Sen. John Kerry for his party’s presidential nomination. Party leaders say Jackson’s speech will “tell Barack Obama’s life story.” […]
LISA MADIGAN: Illinois’ attorney general has at times been mentioned as a candidate to replace Obama in the U.S. Senate for the remaining two years of his term if he wins the presidency.
DAN HYNES: Like Madigan, Illinois’ comptroller has been mentioned as a possible Obama successor in the Senate. Hynes unsuccessfully challenged Obama for the 2004 Democratic Senate nomination but has since been a major Illinois supporter of Obama’s.
ALEXI GIANNOULIAS: The Illinois treasurer was backed by Obama, an endorsement that helped the banking heir win his seat. In return, Giannoulias helped Obama win support among Greek voters in the Chicago area and has raised more than $250,000 for Obama.
MIGUEL DEL VALLE: Chicago’s city clerk rounds out Monday’s group of Illinois officials talking up the candidate from their home state.
* Meanwhile, if you’re going to tomorrow’s event…
People planning to attend Barack Obama’s pre-convention appearance in Springfield on Saturday should be ready to be patient.
“We’re going to be very patient, and we ask that they do the same,” said Eric Pingolt, Secret Service resident-agent-in-charge for an 85-county region of downstate Illinois. “We’re going to get people into the event, but it’s going to be in a secure manner.”
- Rob_N - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 12:07 pm:
Rich writes, “The Capitol Fax and the blog will be on hiatus, but I’ll keep an eye on things and write or post if something important happens. Doubtful.”
Folks interested in the Dem convention “behind the scenes” can head to Prairie State Blue which is the ‘credentialed’ state blog from Illinois for the DNCC in Denver. Several progressive Illinois bloggers will be sharing the PSB credential for their reportage.
And, John Ruberry (to whom I’ve been giving much grief of late) is a ‘credentialed journalist’ for the GOP con up in the Twin Cities. Head to Marathon Pundit blog for his take on the RNCC.
- Secret Square - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 12:07 pm:
I wonder if anyone in the national press corps will notice the conspicuous near-absence of Obama’s home state governor from the convention, see anything unusual about it, or ask any questions about it.
- Reality - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 12:22 pm:
Obama win the General Election? Hah! That’s the biggest laugh I’ve had all week. He is falling faster than a shooting star.
- wordslinger - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 12:33 pm:
The conventions are hideous. Gasbag upon gasbag, on the stage, on the floor, in the tv booths.
I plan to watch nothing but the candidates’ acceptance speeches and the roll calls (can’t give them up).
I will be rereading Ald. Burke and R. Craig Stautter’s excellent “Inside the Wigwam,” accounts of every Chicago national political convention from Lincoln in 1860 to Clinton in 1996.
Great stuff, including Lincoln’s shocking victory over Seward and Chase, Bryan’s Cross of Gold Speech, TR bolting the GOP and spontaneous forming of the Bull Moose Party at Orchestra Hall, and FDRs three nominations at Chicago Stadium.
The conventions were something back in the day.
- WonderBoy - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 12:48 pm:
Reality, surely your name smacks of irony?
- David Starrett - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 12:49 pm:
I’ll be in Door County fishing for salmon and maybe diving on a wreck. Gasbags can just blow.
- jerry - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 12:50 pm:
all this babble about replacing obama in the senate ‘after’ the election is nonsense and a waste of time. he has not done a thing since his election, so it is not like IL would be missing anything. in fact saving the salary would be good for the entire country.
this obama guy is a waste of air
- Rich Miller - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 1:10 pm:
jerry, make sure you note in future posts that McCain hasn’t been to the Senate floor since, I believe, April.
Reality, you could very well be right, but it’s still a topic of interest, just in case. I think the race is far closer right now than any polling has ever shown.
Rob, thanks for the links. I’ll be posting them later today when I wrap things up for the week.
- Rob_N - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 1:18 pm:
Rich (& Reality)…
The polling composite still shows Obama ahead, though with a very clear tightening trend.
A few factors to consider — Obama was on vacation immediately prior, he hasn’t been hitting back very hard (til just the past 48 hours with McMansion-gate, really), and McCain’s been pushing hard negative ads for over a month.
All that is bound to have an effect. And note that Mac hasn’t gone above 45% in the composites while Obama has bounced back and forth between just over 50 and mid-40s.
Even though every composite has shown Obama up til this point, I wouldn’t put much weight into summer polls. Sept 8 is likely to be the baseline.
Rich, Jeff also posted at PSB about the DNCC credentials specifically.
- Downstate weed chewing hick - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 1:34 pm:
Is that the same Tom Balanoff that was on the Illinois Health Facilities Planning Board, along with Stu Levine in 2003?
- Ghost - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 1:38 pm:
The national Polls do not really provide usefull info. As we saw in the last election, percentage of the national vote does not dtermine the president, its elctoral votes and State victiories.
Its more useful to follow eletoral votes and see how the cnaidates are doing in each State. Yah need to win States at the end of the day. Obama has held onto his 221 safe elctorals all summer, just as McCain has held onto his 189. Minnesota, Virgina and Indiana are in play, and could be majorily shifted by Obama’s and McCains VP choice. Right now Obama has a large 10 point lead in Minn, but McCain could wipe that out with his VP Pick; just as Obama could pick up Indiana or Virgina with his pick.Florida will be a big State to watch, where depsite all his heavy hitting adds, McCain has not gained any ground. The Fl republicans are worried about a number of races that are leaning dem. The State of Jeb Bush is teatering on swinging Obama. So far the Polls movement really does not cover the State by State tallies which are more cirtical, and which have remained stagnant.
Its going to be a nail biter.
- wordslinger - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 1:49 pm:
I put this interactive Electoral College map on the open thread earlier. It’ quite good. I’ve been following it for a while, and the biggest movements in recent days have been moving Minnesota, Michigan and Ohio from Leaning Obama to tossup.
- Black Ivy - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 1:49 pm:
I am not impressed at all by any of the designated speakers from Illinois for the Democratic National Convention (except Del Valle), particularly because many of them were dead set against Obama in the past(remember Obam’s 2000 Cognressional bid?.)
I am still hoping beyond hope that Obama selects Clinton to balance out the ticket and bring me back home to my party.
Fingers crossed…
- Anon - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 1:53 pm:
Any idea if people can bring in strollers?
- Ghost - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 1:58 pm:
Nic link Word thanks! That one is more useable then the CNN one.
Black Ivy, Clinton who?
- Vote Quimby! - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 2:17 pm:
==Any idea if people can bring in strollers?==
I don’t know if you can, but I sure as heck wouldn’t use a stroller for a toddler at this event. It will be very crowded and people not looking where they’re going…you know, like at a Cubs game.
- anon - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 2:19 pm:
You and me, Black Ivy, you and me…..
- Rich Miller - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 2:20 pm:
VQ, I concur.
- Rich Miller - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 2:25 pm:
I’m not sure what you mean by “balance.” Is a female veep an absolute demand? Or is it just about Clinton, which is another way of being a poor loser? Please, explain.
- Vote Quimby! - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 2:25 pm:
Let me guess: after months of negotiating, agents of the state and MillerCoors come up with an agreement to relocate the corporate HQ to Chicago. When informed of the news RRB says unless he gets a free reception at DNC for the cause of his choice; agents are disgusted but reluctantly agree to the last-minute demand to avoid trashing a lot of hard work by a lot of smart people.
- anon - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 2:27 pm:
Rich, It’s definately not about being a poor loser for me. It’s about the country, about the economy, about experience with the country and the economy. It’s my vote, no matter what. He hasn’t earned it.
- Rich Miller - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 2:30 pm:
===It’s about the country, about the economy, about experience with the country and the economy.===
She wouldn’t have any control over any of that as veep anyway.
Sounds like poor loserdom.
Personally, if it has to be Obama, then I’d rather he win the race without people who can’t get over the fact that their candidate lost. Too much of a distraction for four years. Too much drama. I’m really sick of all this needless, over the top drama, both nationally and in Illinois.
- Black Ivy - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 2:36 pm:
Rich, the women I know and hold dear - my mother, sisters, best friends, co-workers, alumni, activists, liberals and conservatives alike - assert that it is simply time to “break this glass ceiling.” How can we truthfully embrace the first presumptive Democratic nominee of color without equally addressing the need for gender equity in this race.
Yes, Clinton’s candidacy was historically unique -a sitting U.S. Senator, the wife of a two-term Democratic president, a Yale law school graduate, a lifelong activist. Notwithstanding the visceral reaction she imbues from men and women alike (haters), she is uniquely qualified to serve as President (in my humble opinion).
PUMAS ( a good number of lifelong Democratic women 50 and older) and others got a taste of a female presidency and we simply cannot let our dreams die with Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones (may she rest in peace!).
Obama can serve the party well by balancing his ticket with a gender-friendly candidate.
- Greg - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 2:39 pm:
So Obama’s not gender-friendly?
- Rich Miller - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 2:42 pm:
===it is simply time to “break this glass ceiling.” ===
That moment was lost when she lost. A female veep pick has already been done - in 1984 - so this wouldn’t be new ground at all.
PUMA is so overblown as to be borderline fraudulent. Did you see how they claimed they raised $10 mil for HRC in early July? Instead, HRC raised just a few thousand bucks in early July.
===she is uniquely qualified to serve as President ====
You have to win first. Her only unique quality to serve as president now would be if she engineered a coup.
Sorry to appear flippant, but so far all I’m seeing is, “We lost, we can’t get over it, cater to us or BHO will lose.” That’s your absolute right, but let’s be a bit honest here.
- anon - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 2:48 pm:
Rich, It’s not about Hillary losing for me. You put those words in my mouth. What I said what that for ME, it’s about what I think is best for my country. Don’t beat me up because I don’t agree with you. Drama, yea, I’m sick of it too.
But when I walk in that voting booth, I have to believe in the candidate. Not from fancy speeches, not from the media, but from a personal belief that the candidate is the best.
Don’t get me wrong…I’m not voting Republican.
- Black Ivy - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 2:51 pm:
As a Black woman and child of two immigrants, it has been a challenge to dissent form the “Black majoirty” and support Clinton.
I am very honest with myself and why I have been insensed by this Democratic primary race, Rich.
No, I am not a sore loser. My beliefs are very real and are rooted in seeing a different type of leader govern this great country.
- You Go Boy - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 2:51 pm:
You suffer, Rich, like anyone covering this Governor, from “spin effluvia”….you don’t cause it, you can’t ignore it, and you can’t irradicate it…..that is the b.s. influenza of this cretin.
- dupage progressive - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 3:10 pm:
I’m with Rich on this.
And as a woman, I must admit, I’m tired of the argument from many women (seems to be older women - and this is documented in the mainstream media), that women should have voted for HRC simply because she is a woman.
I disagree.
I’ve heard women (ususally over 45 years old) say to me “oh, you don’t really understand. you haven’t been there like we have through all the BS.”
Well, no I haven’t, but that’s BS.
I believe it points to how far women HAVE indeed come that we don’t have to support a woman, simply because she’s a woman.
I’ve met HRC & think she’s great.
But I did not believe she could win.
She’s proven herself to be too divisive, and the thought of another republican winning the WH makes me sick.
So, I agree with Rich.
The clintons need to get over it, get over themselves & let new folks take the lead.
I’m sure it’s hard to accept that there are new leaders and it must be hard to give up the leadership role in the dem. party, after they’ve held it for SIXTEEN years, but please, move on.
Know that we respect & appreciate you, but please move on and let the country move on.
If he picks her, that’s fine with me, but I want it to be HIS choice. As Obama says, it’s “our time.”
Have a great weekend everyone!!
Can’t wait to see who he picks…
I wish I could be there in springfield for what will be an exciting moment.
- Ghost - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 3:22 pm:
=== a lifelong activist. ====
lifelong? she was a union buster for Wal-mart! she worked on keeping workers from coming together!
heck she just flat out lied about the whole sniper fire incident. It never happened, nothing even remotely so.
- Black Ivy - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 3:28 pm:
DuPage Progressive, let’s just say we agree to disagree.
just as you are tired of the drama around Clinton, I am tired of pundits claiming that she is “too divisive.” You yourself have met her and concluded that she is “great.” Could it be that her divisiveness may have been a self-fulfilling prophecy.
I too have met Clinton and consider Obama a personal friend and Clinton still remains my choice.
And, for those who might not understand that anger and resentment felt by PUMA’s or other disgruntled Dems, many have not resolved their discontent over the DNC Rules Committee’s decision. Unfortunately, the committee’s activities tainted an otherwise exciting Dem primary. So, to claim that a presumptive nominee has been chosen, so get over it, does nothing for Dem Party Unity.
FYI - I am 35 years old and wise beyond my years
- Rich Miller - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 3:36 pm:
The PUMA thing is a myth. Let’s move on from that group, since it exists only in a blog and apparently not much in the real world. If it did, they really would’ve helped HRC pay down her debt. They didn’t. They couldn’t even get enough people to fill a bus not long ago.
It’s a myth.
- Vote Quimby! - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 3:46 pm:
Are some people STILL talking about FL & MI? Jeepers! Give it up, girls…HRC suffered from a flawed campaign, and do we really want Bill sniffing around the White House again? HRC is a carpet-bagging attention addict who came up short in what should have been a cakewalk coronation.
- Vote Quimby! - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 3:51 pm:
Enjoy the week, Rich and crew….
- Dan S. a Voter and Cubs Fan - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 3:53 pm:
Thanks for all of the up to date info Rich. Enjoy the breather. GO CUBS GO
- Concerned Voter - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 4:14 pm:
Anyone else get a chuckle when reading this part of the invitation, “please r.s.v.p to” I would think that friends list gets a little smaller each day.
Seriously, I give all the respect to Tammy Duckworth for all she has given in service to our country and for working for our state’s veterans, just too bad she is being used/associated with Blago.
- Concerned Voter - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 4:16 pm:
Rich, if there’s any way to change my previous post to just show just the “”, please do so, I wasn’t thinking that the email address would show as an actual link
- Way South of the Border - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 4:25 pm:
My “glass ceiling” creds go back to Shirley Chislom and later, Pat Schroeder’s tears. I’ve been waiting a long time too, and will wait more for a woman who can pull together the kind of internal organization and external support needed to break through that glass ceiling.
HRC was incapable of this, and the history of the Clinton administration tells why. She made the same mistakes back then, and didn’t learn.
I’m grateful that she got women this far. Sadly, it’s the PUMA people who threaten to undermine that achievement. They reify some of the worse stereotypes about women.
- wordslinger - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 4:51 pm:
Folks, if you want a Dem president, give Obama a break with the Hillary stuff. Realpolitic necessitates a white dude. You might not like it, but that’s where he needs help.
Plus, Hillary and Bill are too much of a distraction. It just wouldn’t work.
If that’s not enough, how about Justice Stevens? He’s 88. Right now, Justice Kennedy is the swing vote. Who do you want to appoint Stevens’ replacement?
Politics is a zero sum game. Finishing second does you no good.
- wordslinger - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 5:27 pm:
Drudge has a report on a Kansas City printer rolling off Obama/Bayh material.
- scoot - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 5:27 pm:
Drudge report….Obama-Bayh 08
- DenverDawg - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 5:39 pm:
Advance scouts report the room for Blaggo’s tribute will hold about 200 if you think small. That should be more than enough space for all his friends. He also conflicts with Rep. Flynn Currie and Sen. Durbin.
- Bill S. Preston, Esq. - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 6:16 pm:
Not true. Flynn Currie and Sen. Durbin are on Monday night. Giannoulias and Lisa are having events on Tuesday night. Muy convenient if you ask me.
Panzano’s is not a big space, so it’ll probably look like there are a lot more people than are actually there. Giannoulias’ is in a hotel ballroom and Lisa’s is at a club with corporate sponsors and other electeds from across the country. I wonder who will get the biggest crowd… I’ve heard a lot of people talking about Giannoulias’ event.
- Bobs yer - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 6:28 pm:
Having all the Chicago Dems who run the state in Denver at the same time presents a wonderful opportunity. Perhaps they will be overwhelmed by the natural beauty and not want to come back to flat ol’ Illinois.
Of course that would leave State government to Republicans and responsible downstate Dem’s who:
Actually believe that the State extends from the Wisconsin Border to the Ohio River and the Indiana Border to the Mississippi, and
believe that ‘general welfare’ is not the same as ‘personal welfare’, and
believe that elected State officials have the responsibility to act with a higher degree of morality than a Chicago alderman.
So, Chicago Dems who ruin (sic) the State, while in Colorado:
Listen to old John Denver tunes
look at the beautiful sky
hear the siren song of the mountains and
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 6:31 pm:
With no ACTUAL NEWS to cover at the Convention Rich, isn’t an AV of the Ethics Bill likely to backfire pretty badly?
- Illinois reporters cornering Emil and Madigan, asking them if they plan to override
- Illinois reporters cornering rank-and-file members to gauge their reaction
- Illinois reporters asking for Obama’s reaction
- Yet another excuse to bring up Tony Rezko and pay-to-play politics in Illinois
I don’t think the story gets buried, i think it gets elevated. Yes, reporters will be 1500 miles away. But the internet makes that moot, and the folks they need to talk to will be there.
Besides, they can’t keep filing stories about parties where people are mildly to moderately over-served.
- Bill S. Preston, Esq. - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 6:50 pm:
Bobs yer-
There will be plenty of those responsible downstate Dems in Denver too.
And I think all of the state officers, save the one, are at the very least as moral as a Chicago alderman. C’mon now, you’ve gotta give ‘em that.
- Suzanne - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 10:23 pm:
Rich, is right, “[a] female veep pick has already been done” but how a mere pick pokes a peck or a pocket in the proverbial glass ceiling is beyond me. Say that 5 times fast without spitting, now, at 10 p.m. I sure can’t!
But a female vice president elected to office? That would be new ground and one reason why I hope Obama picks Sebelius.
- 2ConfusedCrew - Saturday, Aug 23, 08 @ 12:02 pm:
Back in Windy, Blaggo’s “ethics” team (tee hee)
is planning to meet with edit boards on Monday to brief on his ethcs “improvements” Should be real fun
- anon - Sunday, Aug 24, 08 @ 9:33 am:
If obama were to win, who would be the leading republicans to run for the seat?