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Threemil appointed to the ballot

Friday, Aug 22, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* No surprise here. The committeemen in Senate President Emil Jones’ district voted unanimously yesterday to appoint Jones’ son, Emil Jones, III, to the November ballot

At the meeting, the elder Jones defended his decision to anoint his 30-year-old son and asserted he would remain active in politics after he retires in January.

“Just because you’re in public office does not mean you’re a second-class citizen,” he said. “And I respect fathers who take care of their children. So would I support my son? Sure I’m going to support my son.”

* The younger Jones spoke to the gathered Democratic committeemen before the vote

The 30-year-old Jones touted his longtime residency in the district and the skills he would bring to the job. He works for the state’s Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity in economic development.

“Economic development is my strongest point,” he said.

* ABC 7 had probably the best story today. They allowed a couple of people to shoot themselves in the foot

The Jones post-primary, hand-the-office-off-to-a-family-member plan, is reminiscent of events that led to Dan Lipinski’s 2004 election to succeed his father, Bill, in Congress:

“I think it’s really the news media the only ones who focus on anything that happened four years ago,” said Rep. Dan Lipinski, (D) Chicago.

Yeah, right. Only the news media cares. Sure. Great spin, congressman. Did you think of that all by yourself or did daddy help?

* Rep. Monique Davis (D-Chicago) represents half of Jones’ district and has been involved in a long-running feud with the Senate president. Davis was portrayed positively in just about every story

Even though Emil Jones, Jr., is her state senator, State Rep. Monique Davis are longtime rivals. She said voters in the 14th Senate District know little or nothing about 30-year-old Jones III.

“A naïve young 30-year-old man, with limited knowledge, limited wisdom,” Davis said. “People have not had the opportunity to hear from the son… when you’re running for office and you want a seat, you really should have made some sort of communication with the district that you’re running in.”

* Rep. Davis even put up somebody against Jones, III yesterday

Davis’ nominee, 73-year-old retired schoolteacher Dozier Thomas, didn’t score any votes. But Davis used his candidacy to make a point that others should have been encouraged and given time to seek the South Side and south suburban seat the elder Jones is vacating after 25 years.

“The public, in my opinion, should be much more involved,” said Davis, a fierce opponent of the Senate president despite living in his district. “You have a meeting, and anyone interested should come and present yourself to the public. Then there could be a final meeting.”

* But ABC 7’s story nails it

Davis complained that the elder Jones, by announcing his retirement Monday, did not leave other prospective candidates time to mount a campaign for the nomination - other candidates, like her own son:

“He worked with me and Harold Washington and worked in government. He was a researcher. And he’s also a former staffer for (house) speaker (Michael) Madigan,” Davis said. [emphasis added]

It is Chicago, after all.

* Threemil gets the final word

Emil Jones III has never before faced reporters in a political campaign. But minutes after being chosen by the Democratic committee to run in place of his father he jumped right in and immediately faced questions about nepotism.

“I did not get in through the back door. I am officially on the ballot and will run in the election on November 4,” said the newest 14th District state senate nominee.


  1. - DuPage Dave - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 10:48 am:

    re: “I did not get in through the back door…”

    It’s always amazing how the younger political generation seem to feel that they have somehow “earned” their spot on the ballot, seat in the Leg, county board presidency, etc. In a real democracy, the young fellow would need to be nominated by the people, would have to speak up in public, defend his work history, professional background, policy views and so on. But of course, this is Illinois, not a real democracy.

    For example, I don’t believe there will be an opponent on the ballot in November. That’s far too common all over our state, and it looks like the old USSR. Yes, we have elections, but only one candidate.

  2. - Ravenswood Right Winger - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 10:51 am:

    maybe Monique can mount a primary challenge to Emil Jones, Version 3.0 in February 2010?

  3. - Speaking at Will - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 10:51 am:

    What. A. Joke.

  4. - From the Sidelines - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 11:00 am:

    So Davis nominated her campaign manager for the position and suggested her own son as well. Let’s hear it for tight-knit circles in the big city.

    Of course her son might do well in the state senate. He’s a professional dancer so side-stepping sensitive questions from inquiring reporters should come natural.

  5. - Leroy - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 11:02 am:

    Oh come on, people….

    The machine picks who they want to run. It has been that way for years. The party controls everything in Chicago.

    Is the current wave of appointing children to positions their parents captured really that much of a stretch? It is merely evolution of the cronyocracy that Illinois/Chicago/Cook is.

    I am not shocked. In fact,this whole tempest in a teapot gets a solid ‘meh’ from me. Only kind of cronyism is not worse than another kind in my book.

  6. - keep it in the family - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 11:03 am:

    From the look on Emil III’s face, I don’t think he wants this. Maybe daddy is just shoving it down his throat.
    Todd always had that look too. That’s working our just fine so I must be wrong!

  7. - Wumpus - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 11:03 am:

    3Mil looked like he had no clue or interest in being there in th pictures.

    My favoite was Davis who campaigned for he rson. I got up and walked away from the tv, I couldn’t take it anymore.

  8. - fedup dem - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 11:06 am:

    Note to DuPage Dave: Emil III does have a Republican opponent. Unfortunately it is Ray Wardingley, AKA “Spanky the Clown,” who was the last Republican to run for Mayor of Chicago (after Wardingley got slaughtered by Mayor Daley in 1995, the Republicans in the General Assembly changed the law to officialy make the Chicago Mayoral election a non-partisan contest).

  9. - Plutocrat03 - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 11:13 am:

    I thought the front door was to collect petition signatures and get on the ballot that way.

    What percentage of the candidates on the ballot in the state are appointed by political committeemen?

    That would determine which technique is the front door.

  10. - Downstater - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 11:18 am:

    A college roomate decided to run for a judgeship in Chicago a few years back. He got signatures on his petions and filed his candidacy.

    He learned, through a source, that the Democratic Committee was having their “slating meetng” to decide who they would endorse in the primary.

    The slating meeting is set to allow candidates to appear before the board, make their case, and hopefully secure the endorsement.

    No announcement of the slating meeting was ever made. But my friend showed up anyway. Ironically, the only Democratic candidates that were present (and had been told about the meeting) were the ones that were set to be slated.

    My friend’s appearance before the slating board was greeted with a classic line, “How the hell did you find out about this meeting?”

    DEMOCRATS - in name only……

  11. - wordslinger - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 11:20 am:

    I’m not outraged.

    The kid will face the voters. The fact that the GOP is represented on the ballot by Ray the Clown is their fault. The fact the Greens don’t have anyone on the ballot is their fault.

    I’ll remind everyone as well that Todd Stroger won the Democratic primary over white knight Forrest Claypool and the general election over the great Tony Peraica. I didn’t vote for him, but a majority of Cook County voters did. He wins.

    Jones built his organization over the years. Either the voters in the district trust and like him a lot, or they just don’t care. Either way, it’s their call.

  12. - 47th Ward - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 11:27 am:

    Todd Stroger did not win the primary. He was appointed as the nominee after the primary that his father won. Claypool lost to John Stroger, not Todd Stroger.

  13. - Ghost - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 11:28 am:

    Along with what Word said, I still have nor problem with a Father pushing for his son. The ultimate decision to allow it rested with others.

    Great quote from Davis “when you’re running for office and you want a seat, you really should have made some sort of communication with the district that you’re running in.” Especially since Threemil was recently pushing away reporters becuase he was not on the ballot.

    The local Dems had the power to put somone else on the Ballot. Davis even managed to put together a much better canidate for them to consider. In the end I blame the committeemen for the decision, and laud Davis for hers.

  14. - Vote Quimby! - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 11:34 am:

    As long as 3mil isn’t expecting to be named Senate president, I don’t care what the nepotites do…. what’s the difference between a clown and a puppet?

  15. - VanillaMan - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 11:39 am:

    We need to vote for a Constitutional Convention this November and end the political dynasties that occur through backroom dealmaking.

  16. - He Gone.... - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 11:41 am:

    Rep. Davis is throwing stones when she lives in a glass house, her boyfriend receives hundreds of thousands of dollars to run a program at Chicago State Univ. that replicates a program already in place that is administered by the University itself. She also tried to get her son to replace her when she was asked to take a spot on the Governors staff, which would have fattened her pension. She would have taken the position within the Govs Staff; the deal breaker was that she wanted to name her son as the successor to her seat. The gentlemen she nominated is in charge of her not for profit which is run out of her district office, this is a joke, she is a joke…. They are all a joke and they are getting the last laugh.

  17. - wordslinger - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 11:53 am:

    47th, you’re right, mea culpa. Still, despite the lies coming from the Stroger camp regarding John’s health, everyone knew they were going to get Todd when they voted for John.

  18. - He Gone - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 11:59 am:

    Don’t take my handle!!!

  19. - Rob_N - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 1:36 pm:

    Stupid. Capital-S.

  20. - P Rock - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 2:42 pm:

    Just to get this out of the way, Screw Lipinski. Secondly, did anyone catch the Threemil (great nickname by the way) where he said he is going to work “digitally” when he meant to say “dilligently”? This guy is not the brightest bulb.

  21. - Levois - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 3:20 pm:

    Rep. Davis rejected Senate President Jones’ claim that he’s only doing what the late Richard J. Daley did for the current mayor, or what House Speaker Michael Madigan did for his daughter, current Atty. Gen. Lisa Madigan.

    There’s a big difference between what Jones did vs. what the Daley’s and Madigan’s did.

  22. - some former legislative intern - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 4:49 pm:

    the Democratic Party is in real danger of becoming the party where only the children of politicians are welcome to be actual officeholders. And I say this as a loyal Democrat, former staffer, precinct worker, etc.

    I am seriously getting sick of state politics. Big time. The Governor has a lot to do with it. Since I started grad school I have done very little campaign wise, and even with Barack at the top I am unlikely to do much this year. Fortunately, I don’t owe anybody anything and so I can pick and choose where and when to get involved. State politics used to be a passion - now it just really makes me ill. The whole stinking swamp known as the Statehouse is becoming nothing more than a place where powerful people go to fill their egos with fancy titles and when they are done are sure to hand off to their children.

  23. - Six Degrees of Separation - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 5:46 pm:

    did anyone catch the Threemil (great nickname by the way) where he said he is going to work “digitally”

    P Rock: There is no shame for a man who works with his hands.

  24. - Big Mama T - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 6:43 pm:

    So it seems there will two clowns on the ballot come November. What a joke.

  25. - Big Mama T - Friday, Aug 22, 08 @ 6:46 pm:

    I’m sure that Threemil has garnered tremendous experience in his year at DCEO - at a made up position, with no duties, just a $60,000/year salary.

    Yep. He’s ready.

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