This just in…
Wednesday, Aug 20, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller
* 3:01 pm - I’ll try to get a copy posted soon…
The Chicago Urban League is challenging Illinois’ school funding system. The group filed a civil rights lawsuit Wednesday in Cook County against the state and the Illinois State Board of Education.
It claims funding schools based on property tax revenue is unconstitutional and violates the 2003 Illinois Civil Rights Act.
League president Cheryle Jackson says minority children aren’t getting quality education. She wants changes to make funding more equitable.
* 3:09 pm - You can click here to download the lawsuit.
* 3:31 pm - From the Illinois Federation of Teachers…
We have not had a chance to take a close look at the lawsuit filed today, but we did support the previous lawsuit in 1990 that challenged the constitutionality of Illinois system of funding schools.
Fantastic news
Wednesday, Aug 20, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Rep. Watson is safely back in the states…
Representative Jim Watson is back from Iraq. Watson tells supporters in an e-mail today that he returned to the US last weekend. The Jacksonville Republican is currently in California at Camp Pendleton, where he says he’ll go through standard demobilization and release from active duty.
Watson enlisted in the Marine Reserves in May 2007 and was called to active duty in January of this year. He served in Fallujah over the course of his deployment from February to earlier this month, as part of the Marine Expeditionary Force dealing with government and tribal structures. His deployment could last no more than nine months as a sitting legislator.
Watson says he’s unsure at this point of the exact date of his return to Illinois. The 97th District Representative thanks those who’ve supported him through the process, and says he looks forward to returning to the House floor. Watson is unopposed in his bid for re-election this fall.
Welcome home, Jim.
More info on Obama speech
Wednesday, Aug 20, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller
* If you are thinking about attending Obama’s Springfield speech, here are the details from a campaign new release…
Obama kicks off tour at site of campaign announcement in Springfield, Illinois
Note deadline for credentials: 5 p.m. CST today
Chicago, IL – Senator Barack Obama will kick off his trip to the Democratic National Convention on Saturday, August 23, 2008 with an event at the Old State Capitol in Springfield, Illinois, where Obama officially announced his campaign for president on February 10, 2007.
New logistical details about the Springfield event are below.
Senator Obama will also make stops next week in several battleground states before arriving in Denver. Additional details will be announced as soon as they become available.
Springfield, IL
Campaign Event with Barack Obama
Old State Capitol
Springfield, IL
Gates open: 12:00pm
This event is free and open to the public. RSVP is strongly encouraged, please visit
Public entrance is on Washington Street at 7th Street. Parking is limited and car-pooling is strongly encouraged.
Media details to be announced as soon as they become available. Deadline for credential requests is 5:00 p.m. CDT on Wednesday, August 20th. Responses will sent by 2:00 p.m. CDT on Thursday, August 21st.
Media Coverage: This event is open to the press. However, credentials are required. For credentials, please visit
***For security reasons, do not bring bags. Please limit personal items. No signs or banners allowed.***
…Adding… The links from the press release didn’t work. I’ve updated them with links from yesterday’s press release.
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Question of the day
Wednesday, Aug 20, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller
* The setup…
Emil was the South Sider who rose from being just another member of the legislature’s black caucus to being the leader of all Democrats in the Senate in 1993. Ten years later, when Democrats gained control of the entire Legislature, Jones became the president.
That urban background caused the suburban and rural types to snipe about him. I personally recall one legislative aide (a staffer who worked for then Illinois House Minority Leader Lee Daniels of Elmhurst) who would routinely belittle Jones as “a waste of oxygen” any time Jones and the other three legislative leaders would meet.
I also remember broadcasters who covered news activity at the Statehouse in Springfield who would claim that Jones was worthless for interviews because his rough, gravelly voice was “incomprehensible” to their listeners, they would say.
* The Question: A whole lot of negative stuff has been written about Emil Jones lately, here and everywhere else. So… Come up with something positive to say about the retiring Senate President. Explain.
No snark, please. Thanks.
…Adding… I know it’s difficult for some of you to remain positive, and being completely positive is as dishonest as being completely negative. But the negativity out there about EJ2 is so intense and overwhelming that I figured a bit of tonic was required. So try your best to stick with the question, please. Thanks much.
Big surprise on veterans AV
Wednesday, Aug 20, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Remember this comment about one of the governor’s amendatory vetoes from earlier in the week?…
One bill would eliminate property taxes for 16,000 Illinois veterans. Blagojevich’s proposal would be available for veterans with a disability of 50 percent or more, such as the loss of limbs.
Cindy Davidsmeyer, spokeswoman for Senate President Emil Jones (D-Chicago), said she did not think the break to veterans would have “any trouble at all.”
I thought Davidsmeyer’s prediction was almost surely right. The real controversy behind the scenes was over another AV because of the hit to insurance companies…
A second measure would allow parents to keep children on employer-provided health insurance until they turn 26. It would allow active duty or veteran dependents to remain on the insurance until they are 30. A similar measure has faced hurdles in the Senate because of resistance from the insurance industry, but its prospects improved following House passage.
* Well…
The Senate on Tuesday rejected one of Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s debut attempts to substantially change legislation using his veto power, but the governor scored a victory when lawmakers accepted his changes to another bill.
Meeting in special session, lawmakers contended the Democratic governor exceeded his authority by creating a new bill that would free disabled military veterans from having to pay property taxes. Action to accept the veto got 27 votes — it needed 30.
“It’s unconstitutional, it sandbags our constituents and puts us in a trick bag,” said Sen. Matt Murphy, a Palatine Republican.
But Blagojevich’s “Rewrite to Do Right” campaign succeeded when the Senate accepted his rewrite of a second bill, which now becomes law, although some legislators predict it will be challenged in court.
* More…
Sen. Dan Rutherford, a Chenoa Republican, voted against his own bill because he said the governor’s amendatory veto prevents legislators and citizens from dealing with the policy in a public forum. “We’re in a political debate here,” he said. “We’re not doing this as a good public policy process.”
* The proposal received just 27 “Yes” votes.
Democrats voting “Present” were: Cullerton, Frerichs, Lightford, Link, Noland, Raoul, Sullivan, Trotter.
Republicans voting “Present” were: Dahl, Dillard, Murphy, Pankau, Peterson, Risinger.
One Democrat, Bill Haine, voted “No.”
So, despite the impression given, Democrats had as much to do with killing this proposal as Republicans.
Things are getting mighty strange at the Statehouse.
* Back to the health insurance bill for a bit…
Business groups said the new insurance law actually may increase insurance rates, though they did not say by how much. Still, they warned the expansion could result in some employers dropping health coverage for workers.
Jay Shattuck, a lobbyist with the Illinois Chamber of Commerce, said his group will look at whether to sue to block the new law. He said there’s no incentive for healthy, young adults to sign up for coverage through a parent’s insurance plan when they can buy individual coverage much cheaper.
“There are hundreds of thousands who have the option to buy coverage in the private market now that have failed to do so,” he said. “Why would they seek coverage now?”
Kim Clarke Maisch, Illinois director of the National Federation of Independent Business, said the majority of young adults who will take advantage of the new program would be unhealthy and drive up costs.
Expect a lawsuit soon.
Justifying “Threemil”
Wednesday, Aug 20, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Man, this is silly…
Senate President Emil Jones Jr. pointed Tuesday to famous political dynasties from Chicago and beyond as he defended his effort to pass his South Side legislative seat to his son, Emil Jones III.
“I recall John F. Kennedy, president of the United States, when he became president, he recommended his brother. Right? And his brother was elected,” Jones said, in an apparent reference to Sen. Ted Kennedy, who followed his brother as a senator from Massachusetts.
“Mayor Richard M. Daley begot . . . Richard J. Daley,” Jones continued, inadvertently reversing the order of the Daley mayors.
Jones also mentioned House Speaker Michael J. Madigan, who helped daughter Lisa Madigan become first a state senator and then state attorney general.
Richard M Daley was elected on his own, as was Lisa Madigan. Yeah, the name was essential and the clout was huge, but they had much tougher races than Emil Jones, III will face against professional clown Ray Wardingly this November.
* The maneuver is far more reminiscent of what Bill Lipinski did for his less than spectacular son, or the Todd Stroger thing, or Bobbi Steele’s son being appointed to her seat, etc.
* The Sun-Times has been trying to reach Threemil for days, without success. This excuse is hardly adequate…
What does Emil Jones III have to say about his candidacy for his dad’s seat?
He has not returned Sun-Times’ phone calls or e-mails. Why? President Jones’ spokeswoman, Cindy Davidsmeyer, said Tuesday by phone from Springfield that Emil III is “still a private citizen, not on the ballot yet. That’s the way he’s conducting himself.”
* The Sun-Times concludes…
You can get hung up on how clout in this town can take a nobody from nowhere and set him up for life with money, prestige and a cushy job, based solely on blood.
Or you can learn to respect an old Chicago tradition:
Some folks — but not you — are special.
Another look at the horse race
Wednesday, Aug 20, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller
* This is true…
Nearly a dozen Senate Democrats are either talking about or being talked about for the seat of Senate President Emil Jones, who announced Monday he is stepping down when his term expires in January.
* This is humorous, but almost true…
“There are 37 members and the last I counted, there’s probably about 36 of them who’d like to have the position,” said Sen. Donne Trotter (D-Chicago). “That one person who says they don’t want it is probably lying.”
* This is a targeted leak…
Sneed: State Sen. John Cullerton, a popular top Dem who is also thisclose to House Speaker Mike Madigan, is emerging as the leading contender to replace outgoing Senate President Emil Jones.
* This is incomplete…
Five Senate Democrats have been courting support for the Senate president post: Jeff Schoenberg of Evanston, John Cullerton of Chicago, Terry Link of Vernon Hills, James Clayborne of Belleville, and Rickey Hendon of Chicago.
* This is also probably true…
Trotter also predicted there’d be no quick agreement on a president. A formal vote won’t occur until new lawmakers take office in January.
“I dont’ think it’s gong to be anytime soon,” Trotter said.
* True but funny…
State Sen. John Cullerton, a Chicago Democrat also interested in the presidency, walked by reporters and quipped: “It’s kinda hard to campaign with you guys in front of us.”
* Too early to tell…
Many of his colleagues called Senator James Clayborne of downstate Belleville one of the frontrunners.
* Not sure yet how many votes he has, but you can be sure that it isn’t nearly enough…
But North Sider John Cullerton says he’s assembling a coalition of supporters that includes downstaters.
“I have support from all over, not just in Chicago. I think it can bring about a different atmosphere down here,” Cullerton said.
* Keep this in mind…
Others, such as Sen. John Cullerton, D-Chicago, could be suspect because of his Madigan ties. And another leading contender, Sen. James Clayborne, D-East St. Louis, has a history of sponsoring odious anti-consumer legislation on behalf of tobacco companies and telecommunications giants.
* I doubt he’d even have a second for his nomination if the vote was held today…
Sen. Martin Sandoval, a Cicero Democrat exploring his chances at Jones’ post, agreed “the needs of the people” should trump support for Blagojevich. Jones’ unfailing support for the troubled governor has been “an impediment,” he said.
* Good idea…
“There’s some quality people over there that we would hope would become president that would work with us,” Senate Minority Leader Frank Watson, R-Greenville. “That’s not the way it’s been. We welcome the change.”
Potential Jones replacements echoed that theme, saying they want to ease hard feelings and make the legislative process work more smoothly.
“I think it’s time that the Senate governs. We need to just focus on that, and try to put some of the personalities behind us. We’ll work together and move forward,” said Sen. Don Harmon, D-Oak Park.
* This may or may not happen…
A president must be chosen before a new Senate is seated in January. Democrats downplayed potential discord with half-a-dozen or more candidates.
“Smarter minds will prevail, and those who don’t have an opportunity will come together for unity in the Senate Democratic party,” said Sen. James Clayborne (D-Belleville).
* Fritchey gets the last word…
“I don’t think Henry Kissinger, let alone a new Senate president, can bring the governor and speaker together,” said Rep. John Fritchey, D-Chicago.
* Related…
* Tribune editorial: Replacing Emil Jones
* SJ-R editorial: Won’t be missing Senate prez - Jones’ retirement creates opportunity for better leadership in the Legislature - a Downstater, perhaps?
* It’s not a surprise that Gov. Blagojevich wasn’t invited to speak at the convention and Obama protege Alexi Giannoulias was. It is kind of a surprise that both Hynes and AG Madigan will be on the stage, however…
Democratic National Committee officials delivered a high-profile snub to Gov. Rod Blagojevich on Tuesday, announcing that three of his biggest potential rivals for re-election would be given speaking roles on the opening night of the party’s nominating convention.
But the beleaguered two-term governor, whose administration faces multiple federal investigations involving jobs, contracts and fundraising, is not scheduled to speak at the convention.
DNC officials said state Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias, a longtime loyalist of Sen. Barack Obama, will be among the opening night speakers. Also on stage that night will be Comptroller Dan Hynes and Atty. Gen. Lisa Madigan.
Approval for the choice of convention speakers rests with Obama’s campaign since he is the presumptive presidential nominee. Convention officials did not respond to a query about how the names were chosen. Obama spokesman Justin DeJong declined to comment on Blagojevich’s lack of a speaking role.
I wonder why DeJong, a former Blagojevich spokesperson, wouldn’t comment? Heh.
* I haven’t really had much dealings with the Obama campaign over the past several months, but this week’s attempt to run down rumors of Saturday’s Springfield rally showed just how secretive and tight-lipped it is. I even resorted to a lighthearted shaming attempt on an Obama spokesperson’s Facebook page in order to provoke a return phone call. Didn’t work.
And check this out…
The Obama campaign said Tuesday the event on Saturday will be free and open to the public, but the exact time was yet to be announced. […]
Mike Daly, chief of staff to U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., said the event time he’s been told is 1 p.m., but that may be tentative. As he did a year and a half ago, Durbin will introduce Obama to the crowd, Daly said.
* A spokesman for the state Republican Party gets in a dig…
“I think it’s a shame that our state’s elected senator only returns home when he needs a stage for a political event,” Trover said.
* And another Republican admits the obvious…
McCain plans to focus on states that could be close races in the November election, said state Rep. Dan Brady, a Bloomington Republican helping lead McCain’s Illinois push.
Brady said Illinois probably won’t likely be visited much by the Republican candidate.
“Senator McCain has not seen Illinois as a battleground state,” Brady said.
* Obama’s Springfield event will coincide with the annual Old Capitol Blues & Barbeque music and food event…
“I think both events can work well together,” said Victoria Clemons, executive director of Downtown Springfield Inc., which is sponsoring the event with the Illinois Central Blues Club.
“We see it (Barack Obama’s appearance) as a potential very positive thing for the event,” said Dave Blanchette of the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency, which runs the Old State Capitol. “You’re going to have probably close to 15,000 people downtown who might otherwise not have been here, and many of them will be hungry.”
I suppose they’ll shut down the bands during the speech.
Morning Shorts
Wednesday, Aug 20, 2008 - Posted by Kevin Fanning
* Illinois commission expects earful on prison plan
* Seals targets Kirk on women’s rights, pay equity vote
* Plan to sell railway picks up some steam
U.S. Rep. Daniel Lipinski will announce on Thursday that he is backing the controversial sale.
* Congressman backs CN takeover of EJ&E
* Clear choice awaits voters in Illinois’ 11th Congressional race
* Chicago-area counties among 14 in state not meeting air-quality standards, EPA says
* Daley scoffs at worries of political purge
“A layoff is done because of union rules. I don’t know where you get that” concern about firings based on politics, Daley told reporters after a firefighters graduation ceremony at Navy Pier.
* Daley dodges issue of police, fire layoffs
* Firefighters graduate as possible layoffs loom
* Daley insists layoffs will not be political
* Who calls the shots in your back yard? Not you.
In the ongoing “Neighborhoods for Sale” series, the Tribune has documented an insiders’ game in which aldermen rake in millions of dollars in campaign cash from developers, zoning lawyers and architects while often overriding the concerns of homeowners and city planners. Out-of-scale buildings leave existing homes in their shadows, the result of nearly 6,000 council-approved zoning changes in the last 10 years that have transformed neighborhoods.
* CTA Presents Orange Line Extension Options
* SD 228 board welcomes new state law
It calls for districts to receive state funds through 22 payments over the course of a fiscal year instead of the traditional 24. The new law went into effect Aug. 1.
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