The Illinois Constitution is not the problem; Vote No on the Constitutional Convention
Tuesday, Sep 2, 2008 - Posted by Capitol Fax Blog Advertising Department [The following is a paid advertisement.] As the conventions kick off the official campaign season, it’s important we think about another vote before us this year: the constitutional convention. A referendum on the November ballot will ask Illinois voters whether to hold an Illinois constitutional convention. The 1970 Illinois Constitution requires that the question be on the ballot every 20 years. As they did in 1988, Illinois voters should say No! For the past four decades, Illinois has benefited from one of the most forward-looking and citizen-friendly state constitutions in America. But the current crop of politicians in Springfield has rightfully frustrated Illinoisans looking for progress on the many issues and challenges our state faces. While Illinois government may indeed be on the wrong track, the Alliance to Protect the Illinois Constitution believes putting the state’s constitution up for wholesale changes is not the way to get Illinois on the right track. In fact, we’d likely be giving control of our most important legal document to the very same ineffective politicians who are part of the gridlock in Springfield. Learn more about the Alliance to Protect the Illinois Constitution and why you should Vote No on a constitutional convention by visiting