* Kudos to the Tribune for doing a progress check on a big, splashy gubernatorial announcement. But no kudos for the governor, unfortunatey…
A year ago, Gov. Rod Blagojevich, frustrated by legislative logjams and eager to advance his health-care agenda, announced an expansion of the state’s All Kids program.
Instead of having benefits cut off at age 19, young people with organ transplants, diabetes and other serious medical conditions would continue to get subsidized state coverage until their 21st birthdays, he promised.
But, as the Tribune reports, the program still does not exist and the governor has yet to propose an actual plan.
* More…
In August 2007, when the governor announced All Kids Bridge, he insisted on the need for the health-care expansion. “If the legislature won’t do it, then I’m going to do it,” he said at a news conference at La Rabida Children’s Hospital in Chicago. At the time, state officials said efforts to find applicants were already under way.
Despite several requests from the Tribune, the state would not make an official available for an interview. In a statement, Susan Hofer, a spokeswoman for the Division of Insurance, said: “At this point, the administration is still working with the [insurance] board to finalize program details.”
“We are entirely committed to All Kids Bridge,” she said, saying the state had spent the last year “refining the details.”
Separately, Hofer confirmed that nine members of the 12-person insurance board were serving expired terms or awaiting Senate confirmation. That could make it extremely difficult for the board to approve a significant health-care expansion.
* Somewhat related…
* Governor’s veto of hotel tax bill no surprise
* End is near for 24 state sites
* Editorial: Save Lincoln Log Cabin
* Friday follow-up
- wordslinger - Monday, Sep 8, 08 @ 10:17 am:
Unless I’ve missed it, I don’t think the deep thinkers on the editorial boards at the Trib, Sun-Times, Daily Herald, or any of the broadcast media up here have done a thing on the small-mindedness of the historic sites and parks closings.
As informed bloggers explained last week, there could be irreparable damage to historic artifacts, degradation of parks and sites and a real hit to local businesse. Not to mention the loss of access to the citizens.
It’s not a lot of money. If the media Powers That Be don’t get on board in opposition, they’ll demonstrate a parochial arrogance and reckless ignorance that rivals the governor’s.
- Feed Up - Monday, Sep 8, 08 @ 10:20 am:
Illinois Gasoline Tax per gallon
Gasoline 57.9 cents
Diesel 65.7 cents
Q: What has Blagojevich done relieve fuel prices?
- VanillaMan - Monday, Sep 8, 08 @ 10:31 am:
When will this governor do a day’s work for us?
- siriusly - Monday, Sep 8, 08 @ 11:32 am:
Ironic that you heap praise on the Trib-bots for this and then today they run this press release on the website with no details, no information, and no substance at all - just the Rod press release headline . . . ech! http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/chi-student-loan-o8-sep08,0,6306602.story
- Northside Bunker - Monday, Sep 8, 08 @ 11:42 am:
What did Blagojevich do with the money he got for the Illinois Tollway helicopter sale years ago?
Where exactly did the money go Rod?
- Ghost - Monday, Sep 8, 08 @ 12:30 pm:
Now the Governor acted very quickly to hand out a pardon and then pass 1 million dollars to a questionable school being prosecuted for tax problems.
The Gov was also very timely in getting the sign offs for the loans to improve his skids school, where his wife sits on the board.
Apparently these kids in need of medical care just do not have the clout to command the Gov’s timely attention.
- Captain America - Monday, Sep 8, 08 @ 3:34 pm:
Same-old, same-old. Nothing new about Governor Pinnochio’s lack of follow-through and attention to detail. Too bad he never moved beyond campaign press realeases/public realtions and learned how to govern. It’s really hard to figure how someone with such great ambitions could be such a dismal chief executive.
Given that many of his actions have been extraconstitutional,at best, maybe the lack of folowthrought is fortuitous since there is insufficient moaney available to meet our currently authorized health care obligations.
The All Kids Bridge for disabled or seriously ill young adults seems like a very good idea in principle. Too bad the Governor has such a limited attention span.
- Disgusted - Monday, Sep 8, 08 @ 5:47 pm:
Van Man from Milarod: We don’t work. Only the little people work.” (Apologies to Leona Helmsley.”
- Captain Flume - Tuesday, Sep 9, 08 @ 8:07 am:
You know what? If the Governor is and has been governing by press release, it is because the press is complicit in allowing that to happen. From day one, the press has enabled this behavior with headlines and lack of in-story rebuttal or depth of research. Political press coverage is mostly a crock, reported by people who don’t tip how much they really know so thay can retain “access” to the politicans.