If they want to spend the money they are going to have to raise taxes to pay for it. The House is good at spending, not so good at paying. If these restored cuts are actually approved by the Senate (not likely) without an adequate increase in revenues the cuts will just be postponed for a few months and then worse cuts will have to be made. I guess that is their strategy. Get past the elections and make Rod look bad (worse) once again.
Will the people fall for it?
- Joe in the Know - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 9:05 am:
To “Delusional Daily”: the 18 million cracks that Hillary Clinton referenced is not in the glass ceiling, but in Sarah Palin’s credibility. She may be the darling of the right, but she is far from out of the woods as soon as the media gets down to doing their job and looks into her credentials.
At best, what we saw in the House yesterday were simply more cynical political games to give political cover for incumbents. At worst, these guys were actually serious in thinking that they did was providing responsible government. The fact that some of them apparently thought so is what really discourages me. Let’s see, we lease the lottery for 50 years to provide maybe 4-5 years worth of capital needs (and no doubt a whole lot of pork) and we sweep special funds again to provide 1/4 of the money needed to operate parks, historic sites, and a host of vital social services for one more year, with no provision at all for the years after that. Sounds good to legislators, I guess.
It is not so much her credentials, which are woefully inadequate, it is more her completely out of the mainstream views on social issues. Take a look at the list of books she wanted banned.
If the right wing media is able to market her as credible to the majority of voters, this country is in real trouble. Then all the camapign has to do is keep both Sarah and McAncient under wraps and let the talk show and Fox news talking heads do their damage.
Fortunately for America, I think most voters are not listening to the fairy tale.
Wow! Everyone is talking about a VP pick! Silly time!
As to where the money will come regarding the restored cuts, no one really wants to publically say because Illinois leaders have returned to “the message of hope” to resolve our crisis.
Go visit the Teachers’ Retirement System web site and look at their investments - why can’t the Gov sweep those funds or borrow against it instead of SERS Pension and IDNR’s?
The market value of the TRS total fund on March 31, 2008, was $38.731 billion.
I would say this would balance the State’s budget problem and then some without leasing the Lotto - am I being to sensible?????
Real Clear Politics has moved both PA and MI from Leaning Obama to Tossup. The Obama people need to lay off Palin and start making nice with the religious, gun-clinging crowd.
Obama needs a Sister Soulja moment, maybe a public rebuke of a Barbra Streisand or Oprah or something.
The AV on ethics passes, virtually forcing the Senate to come or else be branded, a month before the election, as the people who let ethics reform fail.
He passes a bill to re-open the parks, historical sites and drug treatment centers, virtually forcing the Senate to come or else be branded, a month before the election, as the people who let all those jobs, park sites, tourism dollars and treatment slots disappear.
He passes a lottery lease that gets the unions off his back and holds promise for capital projects everyone wants while giving Tom Cross and crew absolutely no new projects they can take back to their voters.
All this talk about credentials, issues….face it—it is about personality and RACE. Barring a major McCain or Palin gaffe, it’s in the bag for the GOP. All Obama or Michelle or Biden or a campaign aide needs to do is utter something a little more serious than the “lipstick” comment and I don’t think it will even be that close. Unless Palin totally tanks the debates–which she might. But if she looks strong and holds her own against him, it’s trouble for the Dems. You know McCain is gonna slam Obama—when he’s off the teleprompter he’s terrible—-so if Palin holds up, it is Pres. McCain time. Obama was so confident of victory he thought he didn’t need Hill & Bill—–and thought he could forego a woman on the ticket—–but his arrogance is going to cost him. Oh, did I mention his RACE? Conan said awhile back that Obama was so confident of victory that he had already offered McCain a job as cashier in the Obama Presidential Library gift shop. That now seems like a long time ago. It is cynical to say—-and I am a cynic—-but I do not think America is going to elect a non-white to the presidency…..yet. If America were ready, Obama would be up double digits.
- Deleted Daily - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 8:50 am:
It will be a McCain-Palin landslide in November. Remember, you read it here first.
- Ghost - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 8:51 am:
lets see…. 800 million in cuts restored; and 220 mill to pay for it….
I apparently do not understand the new math.
- Ghost - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 8:53 am:
So McCain-Palin votes will be so low it will be like watching rocks tumbling down a mountain… I agree.
- Deleted Daily - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 8:55 am:
The only thing that will save the Obama campaign is if Joe Biden steps aside for Hillary Clinton as vice president.
- The Doc - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 8:57 am:
DD, as you appear to be under the influence of mind-altering narcotics, please share with the rest of the class.
Ghost, math is immaterial when there are campaign flyers to be distributed, touting the wonderful and responsible work of the House.
I’ve yet to hear good reasoning for approving a lottery lease. Pandering to voters/unions doesn’t count, although the governor is likely to disagree.
- Bill - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 9:01 am:
If they want to spend the money they are going to have to raise taxes to pay for it. The House is good at spending, not so good at paying. If these restored cuts are actually approved by the Senate (not likely) without an adequate increase in revenues the cuts will just be postponed for a few months and then worse cuts will have to be made. I guess that is their strategy. Get past the elections and make Rod look bad (worse) once again.
Will the people fall for it?
- Joe in the Know - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 9:05 am:
To “Delusional Daily”: the 18 million cracks that Hillary Clinton referenced is not in the glass ceiling, but in Sarah Palin’s credibility. She may be the darling of the right, but she is far from out of the woods as soon as the media gets down to doing their job and looks into her credentials.
- Skirmisher - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 9:07 am:
At best, what we saw in the House yesterday were simply more cynical political games to give political cover for incumbents. At worst, these guys were actually serious in thinking that they did was providing responsible government. The fact that some of them apparently thought so is what really discourages me. Let’s see, we lease the lottery for 50 years to provide maybe 4-5 years worth of capital needs (and no doubt a whole lot of pork) and we sweep special funds again to provide 1/4 of the money needed to operate parks, historic sites, and a host of vital social services for one more year, with no provision at all for the years after that. Sounds good to legislators, I guess.
- Bill - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 9:11 am:
It is not so much her credentials, which are woefully inadequate, it is more her completely out of the mainstream views on social issues. Take a look at the list of books she wanted banned.
If the right wing media is able to market her as credible to the majority of voters, this country is in real trouble. Then all the camapign has to do is keep both Sarah and McAncient under wraps and let the talk show and Fox news talking heads do their damage.
Fortunately for America, I think most voters are not listening to the fairy tale.
- Frank Booth - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 9:11 am:
Bill, to answer your question, the people did elect Rod twice. So, yes, they will fall for it.
- VanillaMan - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 9:12 am:
Wow! Everyone is talking about a VP pick! Silly time!
As to where the money will come regarding the restored cuts, no one really wants to publically say because Illinois leaders have returned to “the message of hope” to resolve our crisis.
We’re screwed!
- Frost - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 9:13 am:
I’d like to see Rich do a thick New York/Jewish accent a la Mike Myers . . .
- Fedup2 - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 9:14 am:
Go visit the Teachers’ Retirement System web site and look at their investments - why can’t the Gov sweep those funds or borrow against it instead of SERS Pension and IDNR’s?
The market value of the TRS total fund on March 31, 2008, was $38.731 billion.
I would say this would balance the State’s budget problem and then some without leasing the Lotto - am I being to sensible?????
- wordslinger - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 9:14 am:
Real Clear Politics has moved both PA and MI from Leaning Obama to Tossup. The Obama people need to lay off Palin and start making nice with the religious, gun-clinging crowd.
Obama needs a Sister Soulja moment, maybe a public rebuke of a Barbra Streisand or Oprah or something.
- ilrino - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 9:18 am:
Gotta admire the Speaker.
The AV on ethics passes, virtually forcing the Senate to come or else be branded, a month before the election, as the people who let ethics reform fail.
He passes a bill to re-open the parks, historical sites and drug treatment centers, virtually forcing the Senate to come or else be branded, a month before the election, as the people who let all those jobs, park sites, tourism dollars and treatment slots disappear.
He passes a lottery lease that gets the unions off his back and holds promise for capital projects everyone wants while giving Tom Cross and crew absolutely no new projects they can take back to their voters.
Whew. All in a day’s work, I guess.
- Ghost - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 9:19 am:
Bill, maybe the Gov should take that missing 600 mill out of the legislative budget and salaraies. If they spend it let them pay for it
- Kevin Fanning - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 9:21 am:
Really interesting article from RealClearPolitics on Sarah Palin’s impact in November:
- anon24 - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 9:38 am:
All this talk about credentials, issues….face it—it is about personality and RACE. Barring a major McCain or Palin gaffe, it’s in the bag for the GOP. All Obama or Michelle or Biden or a campaign aide needs to do is utter something a little more serious than the “lipstick” comment and I don’t think it will even be that close. Unless Palin totally tanks the debates–which she might. But if she looks strong and holds her own against him, it’s trouble for the Dems. You know McCain is gonna slam Obama—when he’s off the teleprompter he’s terrible—-so if Palin holds up, it is Pres. McCain time. Obama was so confident of victory he thought he didn’t need Hill & Bill—–and thought he could forego a woman on the ticket—–but his arrogance is going to cost him. Oh, did I mention his RACE? Conan said awhile back that Obama was so confident of victory that he had already offered McCain a job as cashier in the Obama Presidential Library gift shop. That now seems like a long time ago. It is cynical to say—-and I am a cynic—-but I do not think America is going to elect a non-white to the presidency…..yet. If America were ready, Obama would be up double digits.