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Rod and Sarah

Thursday, Sep 11, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Rod Blagojevich just can’t help himself when it comes to Barack Obama. During the Rezko trial, Blagojevich often pointed out to reporters that Rezko also had connections to Obama.

And, now, this

“I would hope the Democrats wouldn’t say that about a governor,” Blagojevich, a former state legislator and congressman, told O’Dell of criticism that the first-term [Gov. Sarah Palin] lacks experience.

“The reality is, governors every day have to make decisions for better or for worse. That’s part of the job. It’s an executive position. And it’s a position that is like what you’re going to do when you’re president. Legislators, they do different things. They debate and they pass their bills back and forth,” he said.


Listen to the full interview by clicking here.

* I’ll have more on this tomorrow…

The time [Gov. Palin has] spent away from the capital and her state-funded travel have come under question.

That’s not unlike Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich.

Palin has been criticized for accepting daily expense reimbursements while living at her Wasilla home. Some lawmakers have said she isn’t in the Capitol enough. And her family often travels at state expense.

Democrat Blagojevich spends little time in Springfield and last year sometimes flew daily round trips between the Capitol and his Chicago home. His state-funded travel has been questioned and tax experts even believe he could owe taxes on some because it’s a personal fringe benefit.

Background here and here.


  1. - Zora - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 2:47 pm:

    Well, he did hear that there was a place (or two) for Democrats in a McClain-Palin administration. Stroking Sarah is probably his best chance for a federal appointment.

  2. - A Citizen - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 2:53 pm:

    Ohhhh - He’s just sooo sexist!

  3. - Frank Booth - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 2:54 pm:

    In case McCain wins, it’d be nice to have said something kind about the White House residents who’ll be in charge of federal attorneys.

  4. - My Opinion - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 2:58 pm:

    BLAGO- just don’t speak! I liked it better when he avoided the press!

  5. - Secret Square - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 3:03 pm:

    I take it as a sign that he REALLY has never, and will never, forgive Obama for taking the spot on the presidential ballot that was “supposed” to be his. All those years of shaking down… er, fundraising gone to waste!

  6. - Excessively rabid - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 3:04 pm:

    Rod has more presidential-like experience than most governors. He’s tried to conduct foreign trade by dealing with Canada (flu shots, was it?); he’s tried to treat the Air National Guard as his personal air force and argued with Defense about their ability to move the Springfield unit; there must be more but I’m trying to forget.

  7. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 3:13 pm:

    The time [Gov. Palin has] spent away from the capital and her state-funded travel have come under question.

    That’s not unlike Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich.

    Except Palin went through a high-risk pregnancy during this time and birthed a special needs child. But this hasn’t stopped critics who fail to fully understand how different pregnancy is between a woman and a man. Instead they continue to display a utter lack of understanding for Palin’s unique situation.

    Instead, they have been critical of Palin as though she was just another male governor with a family living a couple hours away from the state capital. They also have conveniently ignored the legality of her expenses.

    Instead of understanding what a high risk pregnancy means, or understanding the critical needs of a special needs child during their first months of life, they have been critical of Palin’s decision to accept a $50 dollar daily expense reimbursements while living at her Wasilla home.

    Palin critics like some lawmakers have said she isn’t in the Capitol enough. And her family often travels at state expense. Instead of recognizing how Palin trimmed daily gubernatorial travel expenses from $500,000 under non-child-bearing former Governor Murkowski, they focus on Palin’s decision to be reimbursed $100,000.

    When Prime Minister Tony Blair of Great Britain took his paternal leave after the birth of his last child, it cost the country yet his leave was greeted with acceptance by these same critics as an enlightened recognition of modern fatherhood.

    However, Palin is somehow open season when she needs to work at home at be reimbursed for her expenses.

    Sexism? Yes it is!

  8. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 3:14 pm:

    ===Except Palin went through a high-risk pregnancy during this time and birthed a special needs child. But this hasn’t stopped critics who fail to fully understand how different pregnancy is between a woman and a man. Instead they continue to display a utter lack of understanding for Palin’s unique situation.===


    Yes, part of this time was during the pregnancy, but she billed the state for 300 days of per diem.

    this is the second time you’ve posted that nonsense. Please, don’t do it again.

  9. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 3:15 pm:

    Also, VM, she never told anybody she was pregnant until her 7th month, and returned to work the day after her pregnancy. Your argument holds no water.

  10. - anon - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 3:16 pm:

    since this is a state issue blog - this post is about blago not really Palin, so really no need to respond in her defense, VM.

  11. - BandCamp - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 3:16 pm:

    What’s the big deal about the travel and per diem? Unless you write about her being a do-nothing Governor who is a recluse to reporters and legislators. The report noted that Palin did nothing wrong in her travel and per diem, and in fact spent less than her predecessor.

    Like VM said elsewhere, why all this attention to the VP picks?

  12. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 3:17 pm:

    ===The report noted that Palin did nothing wrong in her travel and per diem===

    Yep. But RRB has been slammed how many times for his very legal use of the state plane?

  13. - BandCamp - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 3:20 pm:

    ==Yes, part of this time was during the pregnancy, but she billed the state for 300 days of per diem.==

    And where is the law being broken here? If she is able to bill the state for this, more power to her. Big deal.

  14. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 3:22 pm:

    Again, BandCamp, you’re talking illegality and the article and I are talking eery similarities. Neither broke the law. RRB has taken a beating in the press and on this blog for his state plane use, his failure to show at special sessions, etc., etc., etc. All legal activities, mind you.

  15. - Snidely Whiplash - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 3:23 pm:

    And never any criticism of Obama … tsk, tsk … ;)

  16. - BandCamp - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 3:24 pm:

    He used the plane like he was using a car going to run errands, and didn’t he pay back some of his flight time? Yah, he looked like an idiot, but we elected him again, didn’t we?

    My point is, these items are so nit-picky because they involve things that are allowed under the law. If they are going to dig on Rod or Palin, stick to digs that are illegal.

  17. - vole - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 3:26 pm:

    Sure Palin had executive experience. But in a resource rich, demographically small, state like Alaska that executive experience could and should be compared with a position like the director of a Department of Natural Resources in one of the larger states in the lower 48. To compare the complexity of problems and issues in Alaska that confronted Palin with the problems and issues in a state like Illinois which Blagojevich has decidedly mismanaged is simply ludicrous. Budget deficit? Raise taxes on oil. Problem solved!

  18. - BandCamp - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 3:27 pm:

    ==The real difference here is that Gov. Blago is unable to govern no matter where he lives or travels from. Palin has a few skeletons, but who in politics doesnt, to compare Palin to Rod is a bogus and frivolous endevour not worthy of being discussed. ==

    Thank you.

  19. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 3:27 pm:

    === If they are going to dig on Rod or Palin, stick to digs that are illegal.===

    That’s pretty unAmerican, if you ask me. Should we not dig at RRB for skipping town during special sessions that he calls? Should we not dig at him on policy issues?

    And when did he return money for use of the state plane?

  20. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 3:28 pm:

    ===He used the plane like he was using a car going to run errands,===

    Not quite.

  21. - BandCamp - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 3:30 pm:

    == To compare the complexity of problems and issues in Alaska that confronted Palin with the problems and issues in a state like Illinois which Blagojevich has decidedly mismanaged is simply ludicrous. ==

    This is not a very well thought out comment. Alaska is HUGE compared to Illinois. Take Chicago out of the equation, which Daley is the Governor of, not Rod, what are we talking about? Population doesn’t make one state easier to govern than another. Apples and walnuts.

  22. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 3:31 pm:

    If Blagojevich’s family needs him at home, I want him to be at home. Family first. If he needs to use the per diem expense legally available to him to offset the costs of doing his job at home - then go for it!

    This nit-picking over the difficult personal decisions the Palin family have had to make concerning her son Trig is petty and unacceptable.

    There are a lot of ladies out there who have experienced or are experiencing difficult pregnancies and know how tough it is to do their jobs while doing so. It isn’t very smart to bash Palin over this.

  23. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 3:32 pm:

    ===It isn’t very smart to bash Palin over this.===

    It isn’t smart to hide behind that excuse, VM. It’s pure spin.

  24. - Speaking At Will - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 3:34 pm:

    Not sure I understand the deletion, but its your blog.

  25. - anon - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 3:36 pm:

    Palin was back in Alaska today to see her son off to Iraq, im not sure which branch of military he is in. Here is something an article about it mentions:

    Palin even got self-conscious about her story of selling the state’s luxury jet, saying she hoped she wasn’t being hypocritical since she’d just flown in on a private plane filled with her husband, who she called “Alaska’s first dude” a smattering of new staff members and a host of reporters and secret services agents..

    Maybe this sale offset the per diem? Does the state of IL have a plane like this?

  26. - BandCamp - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 3:37 pm:

    Ok, here’s the difference between trying to compare the 2 Governors:

    approval rating at 89 percent, Gov. Sarah Palin may now be the most popular governor in the nation

    Rod is the nation’s most unpopular Governor.

  27. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 3:38 pm:

    ===Maybe this sale offset the per diem? ===

    Try the Google. The state got several hundred thousand less than asking price for that jet.

  28. - vole - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 3:39 pm:

    Bandcamp, please. 80% of Alaska is federal land. Of course it is huge geographically. And of course governing a heavily populated, ethnically and racially diverse state polarized with large urban and rural interests, requiring very large infrastructure development and upkeep, etc. is going to be 100X more difficult to juggle than a state like Alaska.

  29. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 3:40 pm:

    The myths surrounding that governor are just astounding.

    That story you linked is from May of 2007.

    More recent polls have her far below that. Still in the 60s, which is very good, but not like that one.

  30. - anon - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 3:44 pm:

    vole - just because Alaska has a smaller population - she gets NO credit for the positive things she has done there and her high approval rating shouldnt mean anything? And youre letting blago off the hook because he has a larger state, population wise, to govern. seriously?

  31. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 3:46 pm:

    anon, take a breath. No such assertions were made.

    In fact, everybody take a breath.

  32. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 3:47 pm:

    So now we have the Democratic Illinois governor telling us that Palin has better presidential experience than his candidate, the Democratic Illinois Junior Senator.


    Blagojevich is definately thinking about himself. Watching this election while hiding from subpeonas is probably tough for him. He was supposed to be Clinton’s VP pick this year. Instead his party fell in love with a guy Rod saw as an inexperienced upstart. Obama has sucked the oxygen from the room where Blagojevich used to be the star.

    Now Rod gets to throw his two-cents out there and remind people that he has more presidential experience than Obama.


    How many more of Obama’s “Chicago friends” are going to crawl out from under these rocks?

  33. - BandCamp - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 3:48 pm:

    I realize the date of the story. She’s not unpopular at all, then or now. The eery similarities between the two governors, I’m guessing, are going to end with the use of travel money…cuz she has way better hair than Rod.

  34. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 3:50 pm:

    ===The eery similarities between the two governors, I’m guessing, are going to end with the use of travel money===

    I wouldn’t bet on that. lol

  35. - Fan of the Game - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 3:53 pm:

    ===- Rich Miller - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 3:15 pm:

    Also, VM, she never told anybody she was pregnant until her 7th month, and returned to work the day after her pregnancy. Your argument holds no water.===

    Neither did she. :)

  36. - The Doc - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 4:05 pm:

    ***He was supposed to be Clinton’s VP pick this year***

    Is that a joke? Only in his own mind.

  37. - WonderBoy - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 4:05 pm:

    Oh, I don’t think the similarities will end there at all.

    Expect the words “Palin” and “ethics investigation” to get much more notice in the next two months.

  38. - Secret Square - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 4:10 pm:

    I assume there are other states besides Alaska and Illinois in which the governor does not live in the “official” residence.
    I also would suspect that Palin and Blago are not the only governors to be accused of neglecting the capital city. I would suspect that this is a common complaint in other big states like California, New York, Florida, Texas, etc. where the capital is not among the largest cities.

  39. - Levois - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 4:13 pm:

    I’m thinking Rod can’t even hold a candle to Gov. Palin.

  40. - Downstate is in IL Too - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 4:14 pm:

    I read that because of it’s vast size that government officials are allowed to “work from home”. What I find disturbing is that she had a high risk pregnancy, usually means bed rest, and charged the state for 300 days of per diem. I guess she ignored the risk and didn’t take any vacation, sick leave, family leave for her special needs child and worked on holidays. Must be made of iron.
    Our great leader claims he has the right to move the Illinois White House to Chicago and then charges the state when he goes to work. With the cost of gas, who would not want that gig?
    Legal or not, both Governors should look at their practices and stop bleeding the taxpayer.

  41. - My Opinion - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 4:16 pm:

    That was funny fan!

  42. - Juice - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 4:20 pm:

    Rich, here is an excerpt from an email floating around on Gov. Palin. (from Anne Kilkenny, Wasilla resident)

    “As Governor, she gave the Legislature no direction and budget
    guidelines, then made a big grandstand display of line-item vetoing projects, calling them pork. Public outcry and further legislative action restored most of these projects–which had been vetoed simply because she was not aware of their importance–but with the unobservant she had gained a reputation as “anti-pork”.

    I would chalk that up as another similarity

  43. - vole - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 4:31 pm:

    Getting back to the original gist of this post, is Rod gunning for the Joe Lieberman faux democrat role at the next GOP convention? Is that Rod or is that Triumph the Comic Insult Dog?

  44. - Pot calling kettle - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 4:46 pm:

    I would say the primary similarity between the two (and GW Bush, for that matter) is how they live in their own worlds, not acknowledging the realities around them. They repeat their view of the world over and over and over, hoping that, at some point, their version will become accepted as the truth. When this works, shame on us.

  45. - Belle - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 4:51 pm:

    I haven’t seen Palin’s name attached to a felon like Rezko. Lets face it, we have politicians per capita than anywhere else that end up more infamous than famous. Snark intended.

  46. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 4:52 pm:

    ===I haven’t seen Palin’s name attached to a felon like Rezko===

    Ever heard of Ted Stevens?

  47. - Ted - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 4:56 pm:

    Blago is not inaccurate in his discription of the job of a governor vs the job of a legislator. What it shows is not that he is a disloyal Illinois Democrat, rather, that the attacks on Palin are lame and without substance. I find it curious that the Pro-Obama posters have not attempted to refute the accuracy of Blago’s discription, just express some disappointment in his not going along with the Obama playbook.

    As far as comparisons between Blago and Palin are concerned, keep it up. One caveat, look at his approval ratings in Illinois vs her’s in Alaska. Maybe the question of the day ought to be would we be willing to trade Blago to Alaska for Palin.

  48. - Ted - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 5:05 pm:

    Palin recruited candidates to run against Ted Stevens and Congressman Young in the primary. Stevens opposed her vigorously when she ran for Govenor against Murkowski (sp?). Palin and Stevens are, and have been, adversaries. Its late in the day, I will give you the benefit of the doubt that you did not intend for your readers to conclude that Palin is part of Steven’s corruption scandal.

  49. - vole - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 5:20 pm:

    Ted, once again, to equate the executive experience of governing a state like Illinois with a state like Alaska is really a stretch of imagination. It is like equating the presidency of the United States with the presidency of some banana republic like Panama. Blagojevich did not realize just how much he was undermining his own sense of importance and stature in making such a lame argument.

  50. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 5:41 pm:

    ===Stevens opposed her vigorously when she ran for Govenor against Murkowski===

    Stevens cut a TV ad for her when she ran in the general election and she ran a 527 group for Stevens. He was supporting an old pal in the primary, who came in a distant third.

  51. - On top O thing's - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 6:30 pm:

    All you fine Palin critics are going to critique her into the White House. She should be disrergarded as inexperienced, viewed as a patronizing choice and ignored. Picking on her is just going to cause a female backlash.

    And as for our spoiled, sociopathic Governor. He might want to consider the feelings of the only voting block he has left, the African American community, before ripping Obama as inexperienced compared to the Mayor from the North.
    She or he can’t hold a candle to Obama’s talents.

    By the way-she is completley unqualified to be VP and he is so completley out of his mind that he can’t grasp it. What a maroon

  52. - A Citizen - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 7:59 pm:

    Assuming Palin had a high risk pregnancy and she is a Republican then Rich’s critique is way off base. The extra housing expenses were legitimate. Elephants gestation period is 3 1/2 years! Lay off the lady Rich, you are be’n sexist.

  53. - Frank Sobotka - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 8:37 pm:

    Palin moved her family to the capital during the legislative session last year, but prefers to stay in Wasilla and drive 45 miles to Anchorage to a state office building where she conducts most of her business, aides have said.


  54. - wordslinger - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 9:42 pm:

    Fan of the Game, that was very Groucho. Well done!

    I’m fascinated by Rod’s re-emergence since the Rezko trial. He wants to fight everybody — the media, Madigan, Daley and now Obama.

    What’s going on?

    A. Does he think for some reason he won’t be indicted?

    B. Is he doing an en masse jury pool tampering as some have suggested?

    C. Does he not realize how much trouble he’s in?

    I’ve never met the dude, but I’m inclined towards C.

    Also, for all Obama supporters, this is the last time I’m going to tell you: Lay off Palin. Her record speaks for itself. There’s two months to go and everything will be revealed to your satisfaction.

    If you’ll just leave her alone, you might be able to get back on the offensive. Right now, she’s sucking all the oxygen out of the room — and you’re all looking like what Mr. Agnew, via Mr. Safire, called, “effete snobs.” And with good reason. She’s giving McCain a whale of a bump in PA, MI, Ohio and NC. Not good.

  55. - Anon - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 10:44 pm:

    Is Ted Stevens a convicted felon?

  56. - Carl Nyberg - Friday, Sep 12, 08 @ 12:27 am:

    Hypocrisy note: the Republican Party wants an executive branch that won’t use the resources it has to enforce employment discrimination issues, including gender discrimination. And the Republican Party wants judges that make it as hard as possible for plaintiffs in employment discrimination civil suits, including gender discrimination.

    But all sorts of criticisms of Sarah Palin are sexist.

    Women can only be victims of sexism if they are high profile Republicans, I guess.

    BTW, saying Sarah Palin has an 80% approval rating is like saying Bush has an 80% approval rating. It was true in the past. It’s not true now. And it won’t ever be true again.

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