* 4:20 pm - From the Sun-Times…
Senate President Emil Jones has circulated a memo today to his members saying the Senate will not reconvene until Nov. 12. The move means state park closures, social service cuts and potential state layoffs will not be staved off in the short term.
It also means that the ethics bill is dead because the Senate would have to act on the House’s override within 15 calendar days.
This ain’t over yet. Expect much gnashing of teeth.
* 4:57 pm - More…
The Illinois Constitution requires the Senate to act on the ethics bill sent over by the House yesterday within a 15-day time limit or it dies. But Davidsmeyer said Senate Democratic researchers don’t believe that time limit kicks in until the Senate reads the measure into its records, and that hasn’t happened yet.
The two other issues - restoring budget cuts and approving a lottery lease - do not have a constitutional deadline attached to them.
However, dozen of state workers face the loss of their jobs if the budget cuts aren’t reversed before November 12th, and state parks and historic sites are supposed to close before then.
Jones is arguing that the 15-day constitutional rule has been misinterpreted in the past, so they don’t have to show up.
Just one more reason for a con-con, if you ask me.
More tomorrow.
* 5:23 pm - From a press release…
This Saturday, Sept. 13, frontline employees of the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency and their supporters will rally to stop the closure of 14 state historic sites and the layoff of 34 historic preservation workers as a result of Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s recent budget cuts.
The demonstration will coincide with the Illinois State Historical Society’s annual awards reception at the governor’s mansion—located just blocks away from the landmark Dana-Thomas House, one of the historic sites marked for closure by Blagojevich.
Saturday, eh? Maybe the Illinois Bureau of Tourism’s blogger meetup could include this on their trolley tour.
* 7:40 pm - More…
But several lawmakers from both parties said Jones is wrong to wait because doing so will jeopardize the legislation. They cited a provision in the state constitution that a 15-day clock starts ticking once one chamber votes on a governor’s proposed changes and delivers the legislation to the second chamber. Without action after 15 days, the legislation would die.
The House delivered the ethics legislation Thursday to the secretary of the Senate, but Jones said the 15-day clock does not start until the Senate returns and reads the bill into the official record.
Rep. Lou Lang (D-Skokie), part of Madigan’s leadership team, questioned Jones’ decision. If his interpretation is incorrect, then his action by inaction will have killed the ethics reform,” Lang said.
The matter could be challenged in court, both Democratic and Republican lawmakers said.
* Patterson has posted a copy of the memo.
- fedup dem - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 4:32 pm:
So the tyranny of just one man (Emil Jones) can block ethics reform? And naive fools like Dawn Clark Netsch are still gullible enough to say we don’t need a Con Con to fix state government?
Give me a break! I’ll be glad to vote “YES” for COnCOn, and every sane voter, Democrats, Republicans and independents alike should do the same on Novemr 4. It is the only way to possibly fix things here in Illinois.
- pchappel - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 5:00 pm:
What? You mean the folks benefiting most from the lack of an expanded “ethics” law have weaseled a way to kill it despite overwhelming support for the bill? Shocking…
- You Go Boy - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 5:03 pm:
Ah, Emil once again looking out for the people. To hell with the little people, he’s got to get his Food Stamps. He, like Blago, cannot leave soon enough. Arrogance and stupidity abound - we can only hope justice will be done (Note to Fitzgerald: Please, Please GET ON THE STICK!!!)
- Ted - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 5:09 pm:
Might explain why we suddenly have votes and talks of progress coming out of the house side. Its all for show. Take it back to the poor rubes that keep voting these guys in and say, “see, no more gridlock, you dont have to throw us bums out after all.” At a minimum, it lets reps blame a Senator who is retiring anyway. Too convenient to be a conicidence.
- sal says: - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 5:40 pm:
Politics in this State is and continues to be a disgrace.
These guys don’t get it - do they - as long as they keep gettin’ elected. Fabulous.
- Commonsense in Illinois - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 5:42 pm:
I wonder what Emil will get out of this one?
- From the Sidelines - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 6:01 pm:
I almost feel sorry for all those Senate Democrats who are going to be attacked for this, but it is their fault. They’re the ones who voted for Emil in the first place.
Of course, for the most part, they were the ones who’ve appeared along side the governor in recent years praising his leadership and backing his candidacies for governor.
Oh, just forget about it. I don’t feel sorry for them in the least. If their opponents are savvy enough to tie them to the governor they’ll get what they deserve by the voters.
Let the lame ducks rule come the November session and a new flock installed come January.
- Plutocrat03 - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 6:02 pm:
I am comforted that Emil is the one who has taught Senator Obama all he needs to know about government.
- Easy - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 6:24 pm:
just another 2 step by the Dems.
- Princess - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 6:36 pm:
Besides the fact Emil just does not want to come back, is there a real reason other than he wants to make an issue over the timing of the 15 day thing?
- Anonymous - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 8:03 pm:
Didn’t Madigan wait to record things in the register at one point last year? I’m forgetting the details…
- Princess - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 8:14 pm:
hmmm, so let me get this straight. According to the meno and latest updates, Emil just won’t be rushed? It’s no big deal cause the bill would not take effect until Jan 1st anyway?
“Sen. Christine Radogno (R-Lemont) said Jones’ decision to wait until after the election to address the ethics legislation may mean he wants to “deep-six it and hope people forget.” (Clout Street, Chi-Tri)
Bet a awful lot of citizens doing the sqealing on Parks ad Historic Sites ‘won’t forget’ what Emil and the Senators let intend to be done come Oct and Nov 1st. Not to mention DCFS come Dec 1st if it still not worked out.
The ethic av needs a super majority? Does the lottery lease bit need a super majority also?
- wordslinger - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 9:47 pm:
Here’s to the IHPA folks. Maybe the Springfield bureaus of the Trib, Sun-Times and Herald can give them some play.
- OneMan - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 10:11 pm:
What would happen it the IHPA folks refused to leave their posts on shutdown day, perhaps bringing coolers and sleeping bags with them?
- Captain Flume - Thursday, Sep 11, 08 @ 10:21 pm:
Article 9(c) seems very clear on the 15-day procedure. But you know what? The abuse of power in this state borders on the dictatorial, and is most certainly tyrannical. I get a funny feeling this is why the Germans could not rid of Hitler, at least legally.
- Keef - Friday, Sep 12, 08 @ 1:22 am:
Springfield ethics disaster of 2008
In the event of something happening to me
there is something I would like you all to see
It´s just a photocopy of a bill I knew…..
Have you seen my bill, Mister Jones?
Do you know what it´s like to have ethics?
Don´t be talking too loud, your chamber’s pathetic,
Mr. Jones.
I keep straining both my ears to hear a sound
Of Emil Jones allowing votes to come around.
Or should the people all give up and vote instead
For republicans, (who knew they weren’t all dead!)
Have you seen our bill, Mister Jones?
It’s the one that passed both houses in a landslide
But your buddy Rod prefers backsheesh and no guide
Mr. Jones
( Mel started a joke… which started the whole state crying…)
- South Side Mike - Friday, Sep 12, 08 @ 8:42 am:
Is it possible for the Senate to convene without Emil? I seem to recall it happening during some (un-)special sessions. Considering Emil’s a lame duck, what would keep a quorum of Senators from convening and reading the bill into the record, forcing a move on Emil’s part?