Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » A great idea: Force Barack’s hand - And an explanation
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A great idea: Force Barack’s hand - And an explanation

Friday, Sep 12, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Sun-Times tried to get one of our two US Senators to answer a simple question about the raging Statehouse battle over ethics reform. The result? Obama’s campaign clammed up

While Barack Obama left an imprint on two major ethics packages as a state senator, he ducked a plea Thursday to use his influence to safeguard landmark state legislation barring big government contractors from making campaign contributions. […]

“As a presidential candidate, this is small potatoes. But as Illinois’ U.S. senator, this is a place he could come in and quickly clean up some of the damage and serve his state,” said Cindi Canary, director of the Illinois Campaign for Political Reform, which has pushed for the donation restrictions for three years. […]

“A 30-second phone call to the Illinois Senate president could yield huge dividends to this state,” [Canary] said. […]

Obama’s campaign refused to tell the Sun-Times whether the senator supports either version. And a spokesman ducked questions on whether Obama would speak with Jones, as Canary suggested. […]

“[Obama] encourages the Illinois General Assembly and Gov. Blagojevich to further those reforms by passing strong ethics legislation this session that limits the influence of money in the political process,” [Obama campaign spokesman Justin DeJong] said.

DeJong declined to clarify which “reforms” Obama would like to see carried out in Springfield: the original bill his former good-government ally wants or Blagojevich’s more sweeping approach that some critics believe was designed to kill the whole package entirely. […]

“If he’s the reformer he says he is, why would he not encourage cleaning up his home state, which is one of the most corrupt at this point in the United States?” said Sen. Christine Radogno (R-Lemont). “He has an opportunity to really put some action behind his words, and he won’t do it.

Canary and Radogno are absolutely right.

Gov. Palin said something at the Republican convention about how some had used the cause of reform to further their career, while John McCain had used his career to further the cause of reform. Obama can prove he can walk the walk by intervening in this fight.

Pick up the phone, Barack!

…Adding… Putting Obama on the spot like this is a classic move from the Saul Alinsky playbook. My favorite Alinsky story: A group of people wanted to pry something loose from the local power elite, so they bought a bunch of tickets to the opera (I think it was the opera) and scheduled a bean-eating party beforehand. They got their meeting.

Since Obama is a former community organizer in the Alinsky tradition, he probably used that tactic many times.

It’s pretty similar to this

State Sen. James Meeks (D-Chicago) on Friday pressured business leaders who have bankrolled Chicago’s 2016 Olympic bid to put their money and political muscle behind a more important cause: improving public schools.

Meeks showed up at a breakfast meeting of the Executives’ Club of Chicago—not to confront featured speaker and Chicago 2016 Chairman Pat Ryan, but to enlist Ryan’s help in the battle to correct the school funding disparity between rich and poor districts.


  1. - bored now - Friday, Sep 12, 08 @ 12:17 pm:

    honestly, running for president is all-time consuming. if he’s picking up the phone, he better be calling contributors or people who can swing thousands of votes. and votes in illinois don’t count. he’s going to carry this state.

    one of the most frustrating elements of existance in illinois for those of us who weren’t born here or never aspired to come here is the absolutely parochial nature of illinois politics. so while i certainly hope the belief that illinois is all that matters continues for rich’s sake (well, his pocketbook), it’s extremely silly from a national perspective. this state is so screwed up that barack would have to do a lot more than pick up the phone for a few seconds to straighten anything out. a total loser of an idea from my perspective…

  2. - Rich Miller - Friday, Sep 12, 08 @ 12:18 pm:

    ===a total loser of an idea from my perspective…===

    He’s still our US Senator, isn’t he?

  3. - downhereforyears - Friday, Sep 12, 08 @ 12:19 pm:

    He’ll never get involved! Nobody cares about Illinois’ corruption outside of Illinois and he’s already got Illinois locked up. No upside.

  4. - IDOT Guy - Friday, Sep 12, 08 @ 12:21 pm:

    Sorry Rich, I don’t think he will do it….

  5. - The Doc - Friday, Sep 12, 08 @ 12:22 pm:

    Now that he’s been called out, the losing proposition is the status quo. This is not rocket science. Sure, it’s only a symbolic gesture, but you better believe the GOP ticket will shove his idleness down his throat - as they should.

  6. - BandCamp - Friday, Sep 12, 08 @ 12:23 pm:

    downhereforyears- That is the most interesting dose of reality I’ve heard today. Because it is so true.

  7. - bored now - Friday, Sep 12, 08 @ 12:24 pm:

    yes, rich, he is. but dick durbin is unusual (for u.s. senators) to stay so involved in state politics. and traditional dictates that senators running for president basically stay away from this kind of thing. this idea is more appropriate if he loses. right now, he’s a president-in-waiting (just as mccain is)…

  8. - Rich Miller - Friday, Sep 12, 08 @ 12:24 pm:

    IDOT Guy, and others, I agree that Obama probably won’t ever respond, but that doesn’t mean people shouldn’t try. Change ain’t easy.

  9. - BandCamp - Friday, Sep 12, 08 @ 12:26 pm:

    ===but you better believe the GOP ticket will shove his idleness down his throat - as they should.===

    No, Illinois newspapers/bloggers will shove it down his throat. Last I checked, it isn’t his responsibility to referee all the goofiness in Springfield.

    Carry on, Barack, with your regularly scheduled program.

  10. - BehindTheScenes - Friday, Sep 12, 08 @ 12:26 pm:

    Yeah, he is our Senator. And he’s been drawing the check all those months he’s been on the campaign trail.

    John McCain is a Senator, too (ditto Biden - and Palin is a Governor). He just doesn’t happen to be MY Senator. Let the people in AZ, DE, AK complain if they wish.

  11. - Rich Miller - Friday, Sep 12, 08 @ 12:29 pm:

    ===Last I checked, it isn’t his responsibility to referee all the goofiness in Springfield.===

    He doesn’t have to referee “all the goofiness.” Just this.

  12. - Speaking At Will - Friday, Sep 12, 08 @ 12:31 pm:

    I have to say that I think that this is a great idea! However I think the only thing that would facilitate a call on Baracks part would be overwhelming response by the people of Illinois.

    Call Baracks Senate office and let them in a polite fashion that Barack should pick up the phone and call President Jones and urge him to act!

    I just did it, and it cant hurt anything. Furthermore, I bet if it were some of the naysayers jobs on the line in DNR and other agencies you would be willing to give anything a chance.

  13. - BandCamp - Friday, Sep 12, 08 @ 12:38 pm:

    Don’t get me wrong, I agree it would be nice for him to get involved. And if he were not running for President, I believe there is a chance he would…but ask yourself, if you were in his position, and considering the damage it could cause to your campaign, would you get involved?

    It just opens up Pandora’s box for him to even make a phone call.

  14. - ArchPundit - Friday, Sep 12, 08 @ 12:38 pm:

    It’s pretty costless to Barack and he should do it. It’s not going to take much to get Emil to move on it if it comes from Obama.

  15. - Rich Miller - Friday, Sep 12, 08 @ 12:41 pm:

    ===if you were in his position, and considering the damage it could cause to your campaign, would you get involved?===

    His campaign tactics are not our problem.

  16. - VanillaMan - Friday, Sep 12, 08 @ 12:45 pm:

    Those of us who voted for Obama expected him to pick up that phone when it rang regarding Cook County corruption. Or Chicago corruption. Or when we called regarding Illinois corruption.

    We have been waiting for Obama to do something to buck the status quo in Illinois. What does Obama think about Jones’ disinterest in getting any work done until after November - when Jones’ son is in office? Obama of all people knows Jones. What gives?

    He won’t return that call!

  17. - The Doc - Friday, Sep 12, 08 @ 12:49 pm:

    BandCamp, considering the degree to which the McCain ticket has recently (and successfully) trumpeted their reform credentials and agenda, I think it’s reasonable to conclude that they’ll leverage this against Obama. The mudslinging only intensifies as we get closer to November, and failure to acknowledge that the national press will run with this item strikes me as a bit naive.

    Issuing a short but pointed statement doesn’t qualify as “refereeing”. He’s a current and former product of IL government, and his constituents, both current and prospective, have a right to know his opinion regarding this matter.

  18. - anon36 - Friday, Sep 12, 08 @ 1:04 pm:

    This was not a situation with Obama, but with Durbin.
    Prior to the SFY08 budget finally being ‘resolved’ I wrote to Durbin, imploring him to get involved with HIS state and try to knock some sense in to the little boys playing games back home. Several months later he replied to me. (I did appreciate the fact that he responded.) He (his staff) told me about all the difficulties in the FEDERAL budget process. There was nothing in my letter that should have misled him to believe that was my topic.
    It is as if both of them forget who they are representing on the federal level. We are suffering in THEIR state on many levels and they have lost sight of who voted them in. Both Durbin & Obama need to get involved in the silliness we call politics and take a stand. I’ll take off my Pollyanna hat now and step back in to reality!

  19. - Downstate weed chewing hick - Friday, Sep 12, 08 @ 1:13 pm:

    He should stick to something easier than solving political problems in Illinois. Say, peace in the Middle East.

  20. - Independent - Friday, Sep 12, 08 @ 1:14 pm:

    Obama is probably huddling with Axelrod and Valerie Jarrett, performing an intricate political calculus about what, if anything, to say and when to say it regarding ethics reform. This is a time when Obama needs to lose the carefully parsed advisor-speak and intervene on behalf of Illinoisans he represents.

    What is the downside for Obama if he intervenes with Jones? Outside of temporarily ruffling a couple feathers there are no negatives. By intervening he could blunt the accurate criticism from McCain and Palin about his reformer record in Illinois, and do Illinoisans a service.

  21. - Ted - Friday, Sep 12, 08 @ 1:14 pm:

    If Blago can enlist the support of former Congressmen to promote a bipartisan approach to the capital bill, why can’t a US Senator weigh in with his own party to promote ending the bickering and to come together to pass much needed ethics reform? I suspect a call would be made if the issue was stem cell research or raising the minimum wage or universal health care. I also suspect that he and his campaign concluded long ago that they dont want his name in the same sentence as “ethics in Illinois government.” Thus, the stiff arm.
    Rich, you are correct though in suggesting that there are important times which demand that an elected public servant start thinks and acting like a public servant and not a candidate. While we concede a certain selfishness to office holders for wanting to hold office or even secure higher office, we still do expect them to do some public service every now and then.
    Then again, maybe we assume too much, maybe he could care less about addressing political corruption in Illinois.

  22. - A Citizen - Friday, Sep 12, 08 @ 1:14 pm:

    Sarah Palin calls her state’s governor’s office at least daily - it is just inexcusable that Obama will not.

  23. - wordslinger - Friday, Sep 12, 08 @ 1:18 pm:

    Actually, this could be his Sister Soulja moment. A public smackdown of Emil, Rod, Todd, Daley, the whole kit and kaboodle. Show some real anger, flex some muscle.

    I like it. It would change the subject. And what are they going to do about it?

  24. - Zeke - Friday, Sep 12, 08 @ 1:19 pm:

    Obama interjecting himself into the statehouse battles only offers an opportunity to sully himself with state politics. How is it a bad move for Blago to praise Palin and yet a good idea for Obama to involve himself with Sen. Nepotism Jones and Gov Press Release? Illinois has the politicians it deserves and we should leave the Democratic Presidential candidate out of this mess.

  25. - Budget Watcher - Friday, Sep 12, 08 @ 1:24 pm:

    ===one of the most frustrating elements of existance in illinois for those of us who weren’t born here or never aspired to come here is the absolutely parochial nature of illinois politics.===

    I may be wrong, but there seemed to be a hint of condescension in those words. Apparently it’s not easy being BN. Hopefully Senator BO will prevail in November, thus hastening the end of your exile to Illinois. Existence in Illinois…that’s a heavy cross to bear for the enlightened.

  26. - Captain Flume - Friday, Sep 12, 08 @ 1:29 pm:

    If the Bammer were to make such a call, it might open the sores of Rezko, his overstatement of his involvement in the expansion of healthcare, and other issues that seem less than reformer-like. That said, the national press is as thick-headed about Illinois political issues as the Trib or Sun-Times are about what happens in Moline. Why should the Bammer care about stateworkers losing their jobs, or state ethics bills? He left the building.

  27. - Rich Miller - Friday, Sep 12, 08 @ 1:30 pm:

    ===Why should the Bammer care about stateworkers losing their jobs, or state ethics bills?===

    Because he lives here?

  28. - Captain Flume - Friday, Sep 12, 08 @ 1:46 pm:

    == Because he lives here? ==

    THAT is a good question!

  29. - Mr. Cub - Friday, Sep 12, 08 @ 2:13 pm:

    Hey, he’s not a reformer. Remember, this is the guy who gave us the Strogers over Forrest Claypool. If he won’t stick up for good government in Cook Conuty and Illinois … what amkes us think he can clean up Washington? It’s a fool’s folly.

  30. - Amy - Friday, Sep 12, 08 @ 2:22 pm:

    wow, I thought he’s been telling us how much he did to fix things here in Illlinois. turns out it’s only situational
    heroic behavior.

  31. - wordslinger - Friday, Sep 12, 08 @ 2:29 pm:

    Didn’t Meeks say last week there’s no point in pouring more money into CPS until there’s management change?

  32. - Rich Miller - Friday, Sep 12, 08 @ 2:32 pm:

    ===Remember, this is the guy who gave us the Strogers over Forrest Claypool.===

    I’m so sick of this myth.

    As we saw a kabillion times during Hillary Clinton’s campaign, endorsements by popular African-American politicians of white candidates over qualified, viable black candidates rarely sway many African-American votes.

    Stop the myths.

  33. - Bubs - Friday, Sep 12, 08 @ 2:40 pm:

    He is trying to get the general public to forget that he is from Illinois! (State Motto: Will the Defendant Please Rise?)

    It won’t work. While Hill the Thrill hit on it, he has largely skated on this issue with the Republican Mud Machine until now.

    Over the next 45 days, expect to hear a lot more about the Chicago Machine, the Springfield Meltdown, and Obama’s “record” on taking the risk of standing up to entrenched interests on his side of the street for the good of the people . . . and the lack thereof.

    He talks the talk, but ain’t never walked the walk.

  34. - You Go Boy - Friday, Sep 12, 08 @ 2:56 pm:

    Rich you are absolutely right on this….I’ve tried to keep an open mind about B.O., but when you see Jones as his “godfather”, his repeated dodges of tough issues, his calculation/ambition meter at full tilt, I just can’t see voting for him. He COULD help this state, but he chooses to, as usual, seek his own benefit first and forement.

  35. - South Side Mike - Friday, Sep 12, 08 @ 2:58 pm:

    Will Obama touch it? Not on his life. He won’t publicly call Emil because the press will immediately examine his relationship to his “godfather” in close detail. As we all know, no one in Illinois wants their connections to the Republican/Democratic machines/Combine to get too much press, especially one campaigning on a national “reform” ticket. (Strike that, Obama’s never campaigned on reform, only “change.” Call it cynicism from living in Illinois, but that’s a subtle but telling distinction.)

    Does he have an obligation to? Yes. Whether or not Obama likes it, he is still the elected public servant of Illinois. If he doesn’t want that responsibility, he can always pull a Bob Dole in 1996 and resign from the Senate. If Obama loses the election, how will he explain his negligence to the state? Should he not sieze the easy opportunity to “buck his party” now, why shouldn’t people consider him just another politician?

    I am not saying that Durbin or Obama should be co-governors with Blago. But they should be willing to at least lend their opinion and support on basic issues like ethics reform without first consulting with campaign managers and spin doctors. And yes, if Arizona’s government is as dysfunctional as Illinois’ government, I would hope that McCain has weighed in on a few of those issues, too.

  36. - Speaking At Will - Friday, Sep 12, 08 @ 3:12 pm:

    (State Motto: Will the Defendant Please Rise?)


  37. - Black Ivy - Friday, Sep 12, 08 @ 3:12 pm:

    This is non-news. Obama ceased serving as U.S. Senator the day after we elected him. He has been running for President ever since.

    Provide and opinion on the embattled ethics reform legislation? Absolutely not! That would require leadership in putting the state before Obama’s own political ambitions. Not gonna happen…

  38. - Clown College Observer - Friday, Sep 12, 08 @ 3:12 pm:

    ===He’s still our US Senator, isn’t he?===

    Only because he happened to be elected in the state I reside in. He in no way represents me.

  39. - Vote Quimby! - Friday, Sep 12, 08 @ 3:14 pm:

    Disappointed in the lack of leadership…change begins at HOME!

  40. - A Citizen - Friday, Sep 12, 08 @ 3:31 pm:

    Every Sunday the newspaper reports on some of the votes in the US Senate. Durbin usually votes other than what I would prefer and Obama is “Not Present”. I guess I should be pleased at least that he didn’t rubber stamp Durbin? He is useless to Illinois as a senator - he simply doesn’t report for duty and I find that unacceptable, presidential candidate or not.

  41. - Loop Lady - Friday, Sep 12, 08 @ 3:32 pm:

    I agree with Canary and Radogno…

    Barack has nothing to lose by calling Jones and inviting him to not be an obstructionist at this point in his career…If Jones doesn’t comply, at least he can say he tried…Barack has been muc more interested in the last several years in his ascension to political prominence than he was in his salad days as a community organizer…that was a very long time ago koolaid drinkers…

  42. - BigDog - Friday, Sep 12, 08 @ 3:38 pm:

    “A public smackdown of Emil, Rod, Todd, Daley, the whole kit and kaboodle. ”

    As someone solidly in the McCain camp, this might be the one thing Obama could do that would make me think twice…

  43. - Clown College Observer - Friday, Sep 12, 08 @ 3:41 pm:


    This is non-news. Obama ceased serving as U.S. Senator the day after we elected him. He has been running for President ever since.

    Provide and opinion on the embattled ethics reform legislation? Absolutely not! That would require leadership in putting the state before Obama’s own political ambitions. Not gonna happen…===

    Agreed. Obama is every bit the backbencher that Blagojevich was. I can’t imagine a scenario that he would involve himself in this type of dispute since it doesn’t gain him anything. Obama already assumes he will carry Illinois by a significant margin and, much like not spending money advertising here, he won’t involve himself in something that won’t help his election.

    For Obama, it is ALL about the campaign. If he actually manages to keep his campaign afloat for the next 55 days and get elected, he will start the campaign for re-election 10 minutes after he is sworn in. Other than Blagojevich, I can’t think of a more shallow and self-involved politician in Illinois today.

  44. - Rich Miller - Friday, Sep 12, 08 @ 3:43 pm:

    ===Obama is every bit the backbencher that Blagojevich was===

    Hardly. He’s got a record in the Senate. Rod never did compile one.

  45. - Clown College Observer - Friday, Sep 12, 08 @ 3:47 pm:

    ===Every Sunday the newspaper reports on some of the votes in the US Senate. Durbin usually votes other than what I would prefer and Obama is “Not Present”. I guess I should be pleased at least that he didn’t rubber stamp Durbin? He is useless to Illinois as a senator - he simply doesn’t report for duty and I find that unacceptable, presidential candidate or not. ===

    If Obama returns to the Senate; he will again rubber stamp Durbin (who himself is a rubber stamp for Harry Reid) when necessary, and slip back into obscurity otherwise. Our ‘leadership’ from top to bottom in this state has failed and it amazes me that these people are the “best” we can find.

  46. - A Citizen - Friday, Sep 12, 08 @ 3:49 pm:

    “…He’s got a record in the Senate…”
    Really? What is it? Coulda fooled me. These guys take no responsibility for anything other than piggy-backing onto someone else’s legislation that has proven to be politically beneficial. And then they crow like Sunday dinner’s rooster!

  47. - James the Intolerant - Friday, Sep 12, 08 @ 3:50 pm:

    What major ethcis plans did he leave his imprint on? I’m not being a smart-***, I just want to know. Those ethics bills must not have been very effective, because we still have pay-to-play on steroids.
    And when you say qualified and viable about Stroger you are off the mark. I think Obama actually delivered some important votes to Stroger. And while I don’t agree that Emil “made” him US Senator, I think the Hyde Park/U of C $$ made him a viable candidate along with the fact that he is a very smooth operator, I don’t think he is going to ring in on a topic that could make Emil uncomfortable.

  48. - Rich Miller - Friday, Sep 12, 08 @ 3:50 pm:

    Dude, c’mon. Go Google it yourself. Leave your DC spin at the door, please.

  49. - rachel - Friday, Sep 12, 08 @ 3:53 pm:

    I may be wrong, but…if they wanted a comment from Senator Obama, shouldn’t they have called his Senate office? The campaign office is for the Presidnetial race, they should not be commenting on his Senate positions.

  50. - Clown College Observer - Friday, Sep 12, 08 @ 3:58 pm:

    ===Hardly. He’s got a record in the Senate. Rod never did compile one.===


    I completely disagree. His record in the Senate looks to be nothing more that a thinly-veiled attempt to fill in the right blanks on his resume to be a presidential candidate. That isn’t to say that you could find a LOT of other pols that have records as thin, only that his list of accomplishments is pretty sparse.

    It is also not helping things when the MSM makes these goofy statements comparing Obama to Lincoln, etc. Obama for me is far closer to a Jimmy Carter than Abraham Lincoln. I’m simply never going to agree with his stated positions (what little he has actually been pinned down on) and would never vote for the guy. None of this matters of course; Obama will win Illinois by at least 20 percentage points.

  51. - Steve - Friday, Sep 12, 08 @ 4:08 pm:

    Rich is right on this one.Obama could do something but he isn’t interesting in change in Illinois politics.The fact that he’d support Todd Stroger,hang out with Tony Rezko,and be quite silent on the recent Cook County sales tax increase,and not bothered by the Hired Truck scandal speaks volumes.Obama is your typical,sleazy Chicago politician.You’ll be hearing more about this stuff on McCain commercials.

  52. - Plutocrat03 - Friday, Sep 12, 08 @ 4:10 pm:

    No myth Ric

    Letter from Sens Obama and Durbin:

    “Today we write to urge your attention to one race in particular.
    Our friend, Todd Stroger, former state representative and alderman,
    is candidate for president of the Cook County Board. Please
    consider voting for Todd…. Todd is a good progressive
    Democrat, who will bring those values and sensibilities to the job.”

    Seems like an endorsement to me. Tod Stroger is no refeormer, nor was he expected to be.

    Other than being otherwise engaged, Sen. Obama is additionally beholden to Emil Jones. If he had the temerity to shake things up all his political sponsors would be up in arms.

    When you consider the positive spin he could get from the populist slant for simply asking for good government, it makes me shudder regarding what he would do on the international stage.

    By the way, what record in the Senate? I appreciate that freshmen tend not to be leaders, but he has been nearly silent.

    I was in office when the last set of Illinois ethics reforms were introduced. They were laughable. We would call the new rules the ‘Lack of Ethics Reform Law”

  53. - keep it in the family - Friday, Sep 12, 08 @ 4:19 pm:

    As a US Senator, Obama’s office has been horrible at constituent services, a major responsibility of any elected official. Carol Mosely Braun ran her office the same way.
    Obama has been running for President since he was sworn in and this has been a disservice to the people of Illinois.

  54. - phocion - Friday, Sep 12, 08 @ 4:31 pm:

    Nice idea, Rich…for McCain to call him on. If Obama hasn’t done anything as Senator so far, though, it’s exceedingly unlikely he’ll bring attention to the ethics-challenged state of affairs here. He’s gotten a pass on his lack of reform bona fides in the past, and no one will pick it up now. That is, unless McCain/Palin start hammering him on it and connecting the dots between Barack and Emil.

  55. - Mr. Cub - Friday, Sep 12, 08 @ 4:56 pm:

    What’s the myth? He did endorse the Strogers, didn’t he? That reflects his point of view on reform. How’s that a myth?

  56. - Snidely Whiplash - Friday, Sep 12, 08 @ 5:46 pm:

    I think this has gotten way off topic. Remember, some use reform to further their careers. Others use their careers to further reform. Anybody even remotely honest (at least with themselves) knows which category Obama fits into.

  57. - Ted - Friday, Sep 12, 08 @ 6:57 pm:

    If so many Illinois residents feel let down by Obama’s failure to fight for positive change here in Illinois (as these posts evidence), would it be unfair to conclude that this is a harbinger of things to come if he is elected President and has to stand up to his own party in Washington to bring about “change!”

  58. - bad call - Friday, Sep 12, 08 @ 7:22 pm:

    Suppose he made the call to Emil and persuded him to call for the veto. How long would it take McCain’s troops to get an attack ad on the air taking the Blago talking points and saying that Obama got his Chicago Pals to stop the governor from making the ethics bill stronger. Doesnt want to limit campaign contributions etc.

    I know it’s not true, you know it’s not true, but this is a national media that is willing to take all kinds of claims on their face (See: ‘Obama wants to teach sex ed to 5 year olds’ as an example)

  59. - plutocrat03 - Friday, Sep 12, 08 @ 8:23 pm:


    DNC spin, Sen Obama is a tool of the Chicago machine.

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