A Constitutional Convention Is Not The Answer
Monday, Sep 15, 2008 - Posted by Capitol Fax Blog Advertising Department [The following is a paid advertisement.] Are you happy with the current mess in Springfield? If you’re like most Illinoisans, your answer is, “absolutely not.” Is our state constitution to blame? Absolutely not. While some would tell you that it is, they have their own agendas. Frankly, many of us in the Alliance to Protect the Illinois Constitution share your frustration and there’s plenty of blame to go around, but we strongly feel that the Illinois constitution is neither the cause of our state’s problems, nor a solution to them. We believe that opening up our constitution to the same folks that have created the mess in Springfield is not the way to fix our troubles. In very real ways, it could make them worse. If the gridlock and political theater in Springfield makes you mad, do you believe it makes sense to add yet another forum for more drama? If you’re tired of the constant electioneering and bickering that never seems to stop, does doubling the number of elections in the next three years make sense? From my standpoint, asking taxpayers to spend $80 million to give the keys to our constitution to the current political class just doesn’t make sense. Learn more about the why you should Vote No on a constitutional convention by visiting http://www.protectillinoisconstitution.org -Jeff Mays, President, Illinois Business RoundTable