Morning shorts
Friday, Sep 19, 2008 - Posted by Kevin Fanning
* Ill. 7.3% unemployment tops US average
* Levine loses law license
* 19 laid off in state attorney general’s office
* Lawmakers hold committee debate on death penalty
Illinois is among 36 death penalty states in the United States. Eighteen of the 289 condemned men and women later were exonerated in Illinois, making the state second behind only Florida in documented wrongful convictions.
* Daley unveils plan to sharply lower carbon dioxide emissions
The plan calls on every city resident to reduce their emissions by making 13 changes listed at Complying with the changes would save you more than $800 a year. Lowering your thermostat by 3 degrees, for example, would shave $129 in energy costs.
* What city wants you to do to cut greenhouse gas
* State files complaint over waste at farm
* Canadian National Railway tries to force decision on purchase of suburban rail line
* CN files* Ill. 7.3% unemployment tops US average
suit to speed up EJ&E decision
* CN Takes Fight To Court
* Senate candidates will square off in two debates
First, the two will appear Oct. 6 on WTTW-TV’s “Chicago Tonight” program.
Then, there will be a radio debate Oct. 9 from Knox College in Galesburg sponsored by the Illinois Radio Network.
* Kane County not ready to implement new stalker law
* Mass transit saves gas - and lives
* Will exec says budget will be balanced
Despite tight county finances, Walsh said the county will be able to make road and other infrastructure improvements through the $200 million “Build Will” public works program that’s being financed by the county’s share of the mass-transit sales tax increase approved the Legislature in March.
* Friday Beer Blogging: Down the Drain Edition
- Vote Quimby! - Friday, Sep 19, 08 @ 8:44 am:
A nice hat tip to DLee, struggling through an o-fer day, coming up big in the 12th for the Cubbies against the beer makers from up north.
- Dan S. a Voter and Cubs Fan - Friday, Sep 19, 08 @ 9:06 am:
- Plutocrat03 - Friday, Sep 19, 08 @ 9:08 am:
Another headline grabbing fantasy from Mayor Daley.
Conservation is a good thing whether the global warming hype has any basis or not. The goals are simply unattainable. The first major error is the assumption that people are not already doing the right thing as far as energy use. the second is the direct and indirect costs associated with the changes.
We also need to recognize that stampeding the public toward a new product such as CFLs has unintended consequences. None of these bulbs are manufactured in the USA, there go a few more jobs. Have you read about what you have to do if you drop and break a bulb? There are real health hazards there. Does anyone really believe that the burned out bulbs will be properly recycled?
Another case of a limousine liberal who rides around with a security entourage, blowing a hole in the ozone layer telling the general public that they are the ones to sacrifice, not them.
- Speaking At Will - Friday, Sep 19, 08 @ 9:19 am:
Hmmmm, lets see here…Illinois with high unemployment…wonder what could be causing that?
- SLICK - Friday, Sep 19, 08 @ 9:43 am:
Blago cut the AG’s budget because of the hate that he has with Lisa’s stepfather, and why would Blago want the AG’s Office to do well. Lisa would only increase her positive image. Will someone please just indict Blago and his Wife NOW! If / when Blago gets indicted he will remain in Office to do more harm than good. Please, Fitz, start the process, so that we can get him out of Office sooner than later.
- Snidely Whiplash - Friday, Sep 19, 08 @ 10:10 am:
I hope they don’t do like they did with Ryan, and give us two more years of corrupt “government” so as not to appear to be influencing an election. Indict him, already.
- The Doc - Friday, Sep 19, 08 @ 10:27 am:
Well said, Plutocrat. Daley’s motives should always be considered with a healthy dose of skepticism, because history suggests that such agendas will either fizzle and die, or be funded with an disproportionate amount of taxpayer dollars lining the pockets of the politically connected - and often times both.
- BehindTheScenes - Friday, Sep 19, 08 @ 11:57 am:
Ummm… Could the high unemployment be linked to the boost in the minimum wage? Most business groups predicted it.