Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » This just in… Senate passes guv’s ethics bill
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This just in… Senate passes guv’s ethics bill

Tuesday, Sep 23, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* 11:38 am - The Senate is now taking up SB 780, which contains the governor’s language in his earlier amendatory veto of the ethics bill. Listen or watch here.

* 11:46 am - Sen. Ira Silverstein (D-Chicago) is pointing out that there were promises made yesterday in Executive Committee that the bill would be worked on first. The sponsor, Sen. Jim DeLeo, admitted yesterday that the legislation still needed plenty of tweaks.

* 11:49 am - Sen. Don Harmon is pointing out to the sponsor that he is now in the process of negotiating the bill with the governor’s office, so there’s no need for a rush. He also rightly pointed to the bill’s effective date, June of next year, as yet another reason to hold off passage. Harmon claimed moving this bill today would “undermind our negotiating position with the House.”

Harmon asked DeLeo to take the bill out of the record. DeLeo said that this bill is just the “beginning” of the process.

* 11:52 am - Harmon: “I am not accustomed to opposing ethics bills, but I’m opposing this one” at this time. Urges “Present” vote.

* 11:54 am - Sen. Matt Murphy (R) - Wants a “Yes” vote in order to move the process forward.

* 11:59 am - Sen. Susan Garrett (D) says she will support the bill.

* 12:12 pm - Dem Congressman Bill Foster’s first TV ad of the fall season…

* 12:23 pm - Hey, Rickey, I’m listening. lol And I already am in Hell. It’s called covering the Illinois GA. :)

*** 12:40 pm *** The governor’s ethics bill passed the Senate 50-1-5. Next move: House. If the House refuses to move the bill, then could another special session be in sight? Stay tuned.

* 2:04 pm - Statement from Gov. Rod Blagojevich on the Senate’s passage of the autism mandated coverage bill…

“I would like to commend the Illinois Senate for making the right choice this morning and voting in favor of families with autistic children. By approving the amendment to House Bill 2070, the members of the Senate have once again stepped up and shown that they, like myself, want to take action to make sure these families have the opportunity to receive the care their children need. Parents with autistic children cannot afford to wait on the officials who are elected to serve them to decide whether or not their children deserve to have this vital health care coverage. That is why I strongly urge the leadership of the Illinois House of Representatives to finally take the same positive action on this legislation, now.”

* 2:27 pm - More on the Senate’s ethics vote from the SJ-R

Senators who pushed the idea said lawmakers need to capitalize on the momentum of yesterday’s ethics vote and go further to clean up Illinois government’s ugly reputation.

“Why not go the next step? Don’t vote this down just because Blagojevich thought of it,” said Sen. Rickey Hendon, D-Chicago.

But critics – including lawmakers who had played a big role in developing HB824 – said this measure wasn’t ready to be voted on.

Sen. Don Harmon, D-Oak Park, predicted it would go nowhere in the House in its current form, and said lawmakers would be wiser to negotiate an agreement instead of sending different bills between the two chambers.

* 3:05 pm - From the governor’s statement on the Senate-approved ethics bill…

“I urge the House to take advantage of this historic
opportunity and pass this legislation now before the
election. The voters and the taxpayers should expect
nothing less. It is my hope that the members of the
House act now and pass these comprehensive and
sweeping reforms.”


  1. - 2 - Tuesday, Sep 23, 08 @ 11:56 am:

    Shocking how so many people are enablers when it comes to legislators putting ethics reform on themselves.

    Have to disagree with Harmon - Obama’s ethics package is leaps and bounds more significant than the thing that passed yesterday.

  2. - pro - Tuesday, Sep 23, 08 @ 12:00 pm:

    Funny how the “constitutional concerns” are only the provisions that have anything to do with legislators.

  3. - Levois - Tuesday, Sep 23, 08 @ 12:10 pm:

    What was Sandoval talking about. It almost sounds like he supports the bill, but he went after those “do-gooders” who opposed the bill. I’m going to assume he supports the governor’s changes. It was still a good speech.

  4. - Levois - Tuesday, Sep 23, 08 @ 12:17 pm:

    I couldn’t agree more with Sen. Jacobs.

  5. - Hooey - Tuesday, Sep 23, 08 @ 12:18 pm:

    Not accustomed to opposing ethics bills? Uh, I’m pretty sure HB1 was opposed in so far as it was rewritten. Delay, defer, rewrite—they’re all fancy pants ways of opposing a bill, Senator Harmon. Personally, all this massaging of bills to make them “better” now just makes me ask, “Better for who?”

  6. - Karen Silkwood - Tuesday, Sep 23, 08 @ 12:23 pm:

    Wow, Hendon just said Rich Miller can “die and go to hell.”

  7. - WonderBoy - Tuesday, Sep 23, 08 @ 12:24 pm:

    Rich, Sen. Hendon’s got some rough words for you.

  8. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Sep 23, 08 @ 12:25 pm:


    That’s Rickey. What else is new?

  9. - jj - Tuesday, Sep 23, 08 @ 12:26 pm:

    Ricky “Ricardo” Hendon?

  10. - Little Egypt - Tuesday, Sep 23, 08 @ 12:27 pm:

    Rich, what did you do to get on Hendon’s bad side?

  11. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Sep 23, 08 @ 12:29 pm:

    You gotta subscribe to find out. But I’m pretty sure he was just joshing because it wasn’t that much of a dig. lol

  12. - Carl Nyberg - Tuesday, Sep 23, 08 @ 12:32 pm:

    Remember Blue Dog Democrats (the guys who refuse to cut spending on Iraq and oppose tougher regulation for business) have done more to explode the deficit than anybody (who isn’t a Republican).

  13. - "Keeping It Real" - Tuesday, Sep 23, 08 @ 12:41 pm:

    If we are really talking about ethnical reform let’s look at both chambers, including the what interest the Speaker, the Attorney General, Sen Watson, Rep Tom Cross, and all the past actions of the legislative memebers and present. Oh let’s not forget lobbyist and who contributes to who! Let’s be honest about everyne not just some! Let’s not just choose to talk about some!!!! I’ve been voting for a long time and the news media spins things a certain way. But I’m old enough to remeber history in this state and been around politics to know that there are people making some elected officials the bad guys when they want to make other elected like their so pure. Please!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Please let’s be honest and look at the history of everyone not just some!! Because then it looks like this chat or conversations is about tainting some elected officals and not others. And I know we’re not doinfg that; are we?

  14. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Sep 23, 08 @ 12:49 pm:

    ===And I know we’re not doinfg that; are we? ===

    You got me. I also didn’t quite understand what you were getting at in your comment.

  15. - Sen Prez - Tuesday, Sep 23, 08 @ 12:57 pm:

    It looks like Harmon and Silverstein are positioning themselves as the agents of change and independence that most of us want in Springfield…could one of them be the next Senate President?!

  16. - BandCamp - Tuesday, Sep 23, 08 @ 12:59 pm:

    Ramble on brother!

    So the ethics bill is headed to the House, a place MJM said ethics is done for the year.

    Now what? I don’t see any warm feelings between MJM and RB lately.

    And I’m just asking, but does the GA double per diem for these crazy days of session and “special: session? Not that anyone would take it…but this week is getting loonier by the minute.

  17. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Sep 23, 08 @ 1:01 pm:

    That Foster is a charismatic guy.

    “A scientist and businessman who uses his independence to solve problems.” Replace “problems” with “mysteries” and you’ve got the makings of a Quinn Martin Production circa 1978.

    I love political spots just for the settings and the contrived pieces of business.

    Did you notice the wind turbine behind the farmers? That’s s two-fer — farmers and alternative energy.

    Do you think the woman in the lab coat and sensible glasses is a scientist or an actress? She seems too sciency.

    And how about the Main Street opening scene: barber pole, seniors sitting on a bench. But what’s the deal with the American flag on the streetpole in the background? Why is it facing the sidewalk? And why is there just one of them? Usually there are a bunch and they face the street. Must have been last minute dressing.

    Come to think of it, didn’t Oberweis have a spot with his sons in a barbershop? Are men who get old-fashioned haircuts the swing vote in the district?

  18. - "Keeping It Real" - Tuesday, Sep 23, 08 @ 1:06 pm:

    I think the media, sometimes what has been posted on capital fax and the comments following the postings has the propensity to slant political issues, comments about certain public officials, etc. a certain way. Let’s take ethics reform for example. There is lots of history with all the elected officials in the state regarding ethics and reforming the system. Many elected officials have connections (like lobbyist, second jobs, corporations, etc.) if that were revealed. However, it seems or appears that only certain elected officials are highlighted in a negative way that they are the ones stopping a piece of legislation, like ethics reform or not supporting a certain political issue. When there is more investigation about a particular political issue and one looks back in history of all these elected officials the general public would get a clear picture that there aren’t just our elected officials that are painted a certain way perhaps there are others that are doing the same thing. Or the way they are being tainted may be incorrect.
    And yes often I read the comments on capital fax and I know that all the facts have not been presented. Perhaps there isn’t time or that’s not information that can be gotten.

    Hopefully I’ve made myself clear.

  19. - BandCamp - Tuesday, Sep 23, 08 @ 1:07 pm:


  20. - The Doc - Tuesday, Sep 23, 08 @ 1:08 pm:

    SB 870 will impact members of the House more significantly than the Senate, a la the “double dipping” portion of the bill, right? Assuming the bill passes (perhaps a stretch), it seems ripe for a lawsuit.

  21. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Sep 23, 08 @ 1:08 pm:

    ===Hopefully I’ve made myself clear. ===

    What you did was make a lot of vague insinuations without any substance behind them. So, no, you didn’t make yourself clear.

    If you’re talking about why the guv always seems to take the hit, then here’s your answer: He’s under about nine separate federal and state investigations.

  22. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Sep 23, 08 @ 1:09 pm:

    ===SB 870 will impact members of the House more significantly than the Senate, a la the “double dipping” portion of the bill, right?===

    I’m not so sure of that.

  23. - "Keeping It Real" - Tuesday, Sep 23, 08 @ 1:15 pm:

    By the way, I don’t think Sen Hendon was joking! I disagree that’s just Sen hendon. Thant’s what I’m talking about! Perhaps if things where more balanced than he won’t me making that comment! Their are other elected officials with personalities, how can I say that are, different or origin but we’re not talking about them are we? Perhaps you could ask why he made the comment and then post that. But we don’t really what to know that do we? Are don’t we? Honest is a beautiful thing. And so is telling all the story not just some of the story!

  24. - Greg - Tuesday, Sep 23, 08 @ 1:19 pm:

    Keeping it Real:

    Can you submit second drafts of your comments?

  25. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Sep 23, 08 @ 1:24 pm:

    ===Their are other elected officials with personalities, how can I say that are, different or origin but we’re not talking about them are we?===

    Um, today’s Fax was about what went on at that committee hearing. It’s not like I write about Rickey every day to the exclusion of everyone else.

    ===Perhaps you could ask why he made the comment and then post that.===

    I know why he made that comment. I dinged him this morning and he has his own ideas about why. Is that new? No. Is he right? No.

    ===Honest is a beautiful thing.===

    So is spelling.

    In summation: Bite me.

  26. - "Keeping It Real" - Tuesday, Sep 23, 08 @ 1:24 pm:

    I’m not talking about the GUv we can leave him out. I can read the papers I know that about the Guv. I talking about the difference with certain legislative memebrs get back press on you r site as oppose to their is never any bad mention of certain other leceted officials. Since that’s not clear, I’ll make sure to point it out when the media or capital fax does this about a certain political issue. You don’t have to belive me try asking people. There are other people who don’t particpate in your discussions because they feel it’s tainted a certain way.

    That’s what I mean.

  27. - BandCamp - Tuesday, Sep 23, 08 @ 1:26 pm:

    ===And so is telling all the story not just some of the story!===

    And your story is so compelling. Just can’t figure out one point you are trying to make, other than you feel like someone you like is getting picked on all the time.

  28. - You Go Boy - Tuesday, Sep 23, 08 @ 1:27 pm:

    Keeping it real…can you keep your !!!!!! to a minimum?????

  29. - BandCamp - Tuesday, Sep 23, 08 @ 1:29 pm:

    Rich, is KIR talking 21st century jive?

  30. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Sep 23, 08 @ 1:29 pm:

    ===other than you feel like someone you like is getting picked on all the time. ===

    That may be it. But I spread it around pretty good. Let’s see, I defended DeLeo a month or so ago pretty strong, then dinged him today. Stuff happens. Hendon spoke up in committee, blasted a reformer. That would be interesting news. Also, it was a funny story. It was meant to be sarcastic. Somebody didn’t get the joke, I imagine.

  31. - Black Ivy - Tuesday, Sep 23, 08 @ 1:29 pm:

    As of State Senator Rickey Hendon’s multiple mentions of your name, Rich, he raised some good points. I do hope that you continue to remain very and balanced in your coverage of ethics efforts proposed by Governor Blagojevich and members of the Illinois General Assembly.

  32. - "Keeping It Real" - Tuesday, Sep 23, 08 @ 1:30 pm:

    Sorry, I don’t type that well. I will make sure I do that so it’s easy to understand. I thought you may want to share, why Sen Hendon said that to all your reads. Then they could make a comment on what they thought from both sides. That’s all. You know so why did he say that?

  33. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Sep 23, 08 @ 1:31 pm:

    I’ll break my rule and quote the entire section on Hendon from this morning’s Capitol Fax…

    ===After Canary testified against the governor’s proposal in committee, Sen. Rickey Hendon, who, like DeLeo, is not usually considered a fiery reformer, lit into the ICPR chief. “It’s mind boggling,” said Hendon of Canary’s opposition to the bill. “You just want to slap the governor,” he charged.

    So, let’s review, shall we?

    Jimmy DeLeo pushes hard for the most sweeping, if not the most intrinsically flawed, ethics bill in Illinois history. Cindy Canary testifies against it. And Rickey Hendon slams Canary for stifling much-needed reforms.

    Like I said, my life is now complete. I have officially seen everything.===

    That’s all of it.

  34. - A Citizen - Tuesday, Sep 23, 08 @ 1:37 pm:

    Ethically speaking, I’m not sure that was worth $350. Just say’n.

  35. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Sep 23, 08 @ 1:37 pm:

    BTW, Hendon and I just talked briefly and shared a hearty guffaw.

    People read so much into things sometimes that it’s truly scary.

    Lighten up, please.

  36. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Sep 23, 08 @ 1:40 pm:

    ===I’m not sure that was worth $350. Just say’n. ===


    Absolutely not. But it was just a few lines out of a long piece and one day out of a full year. :)

  37. - Anon - Tuesday, Sep 23, 08 @ 1:46 pm:

    Rather than a QOTD, some day Rich should simply host an “open comment” blog with a prize to the poster who first elicits a “bite me” from him, without getting personal about Rich. Decision of the moderator would be final, of course.

  38. - aqui, alli, alla - Tuesday, Sep 23, 08 @ 2:37 pm:

    Amen, Sen Prez. Harmon is a decent guy but lately he has been making strategic moves to show that he is initiating good legislation. This isn’t the first time he’s opposed a bill because he’s has something similar out there.

  39. - keep it in the family - Tuesday, Sep 23, 08 @ 2:47 pm:

    Rich, your bite me ALWAYS makes me laugh out loud!

  40. - Bill - Tuesday, Sep 23, 08 @ 2:47 pm:

    …and the reporter becomes the news once again. Walter would be proud.

  41. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Sep 23, 08 @ 3:08 pm:

    LOL, Bill. The dif btwn Skippy and me is that I didn’t seek that spotlight. :)

  42. - Team Sleep - Tuesday, Sep 23, 08 @ 3:10 pm:

    Good. I’m glad this passed. Budgets are put together with less time than this proposal.

  43. - Truthful James - Tuesday, Sep 23, 08 @ 3:13 pm:

    What ethics bill?

    It merely channels money to the Parties, who are exempted, and from individuals. The Party will make all donations to the Little Sisters of the Poor. of course; after a commission to the legislator who kindly directed the contribution.

  44. - 2ConfusedCrew - Tuesday, Sep 23, 08 @ 3:14 pm:

    I think we all know HollywoodHo is all about. He becomes more of a cartoon character every day. Attacking Rich just makes Rich talk about which make the cartoon go from 16mm to 35mm or more.
    Nice exchange

  45. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Sep 23, 08 @ 3:23 pm:

    DeLeo and Hendon championing “ethics reform” with Canary and Harmon in opposition. That’s funny stuff. If you can’t see the humor in that, check your pulse.

  46. - Admiral Wumpus Akbar - Tuesday, Sep 23, 08 @ 3:29 pm:

    How does this fall into the “It’s a GOP trap” warning?

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