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Next move: Blagojevich

Wednesday, Sep 24, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* As you already know, the Senate approved the House-passed funds sweep bill and a supplemental appropriations bill yesterday

Illinois lawmakers voted to restore hundreds of millions of dollars to the state budget Tuesday, aiming to save more than 300 state jobs and keep open state parks and historic sites.

Most of the $231 million the Senate approved would come from “surpluses” in special state funds. The money would prevent the layoffs of human services caseworkers and the closure of places associated with Abraham Lincoln on the eve of the 16th president’s 200th birthday.

* But, as usual, nobody knows what the governor will do next

Almost immediately, though, the governor’s office signaled that the Senate action may not save all of the parks, sites and jobs. Blagojevich must act on the budget restorations for them to take effect.

“We still have to look at particulars of the bill and the language before deciding what to do,” said Blagojevich spokesman Lucio Guerrero in an e-mailed statement. “We will spend what we can afford to spend in the areas of the greatest need.”

Guerrero cited a report issued by the administration Tuesday that state revenues may fall $200 million short of projections by June 30, 2009, the end of the fiscal year. The budget bill approved by the Senate contained $220 million in spending.

* Here’s one of the reasons the Senate ended up going with the House’s original proposal…

The list of budget restorations almost got bigger, with money added for cooperative extension programs, community colleges, mental health programs and grants to local health departments. Beaubien and Hannig, who were negotiating the budget bill, both said an agreement was tentatively reached for a more extensive restoration when Senate Democrats abruptly pulled the plug.

[Sen. Donne Trotter], representing Senate Democrats in negotiations, said the budget bill started ballooning.

* Everybody apparently wanted to get their pet projects into the bill, including Gov. Blagojevich

[Blagojevich spokesman Lucio Guerrero] said he knew nothing of Trotter’s claim that Blagojevich asked lawmakers Tuesday to add $45 million to the bill for expanded health care.

OK. Stick with that one.

* As I said above, nobody knows what, exactly the governor will do…

It was not clear Tuesday evening whether the governor will go along with the legislative effort to block the cuts, which, in addition to threatening parks and historic sites, have forced dozens of not-for-profit social service agencies to cut back on services to disabled people and others dealing with mental health problems and drug addiction.

Blagojevich spokesman Brian Williamsen suggested there may be technical problems with the legislation, which could scuttle the legislative bailout.

“Of course we’ll be taking a look at the particulars,” Williamsen said.

* More along those lines…

Trotter predicted the governor would sign the bill but said there are no assurances he would embrace the funding priorities.

* The lopsided Senate vote in favor of the two bills does send a strong message, however…

“It was overwhelmingly passed by the Senate and the house so hopefully the governor will take that as an indication that this is how the people of the state of Illinois want their taxes spent.” [said State Rep. Careen Gordon, D-Morris]

* Notice that Sen. Dahl doesn’t specify what alternatives they had

State Sen. Gary Dahl, R-Granville, wishes the Senate could have had more say in how the money was restored.

“In the end, I supported this move as a one-time way to reverse the governor’s harmful cuts to our parks and frontline services,” Dahl said in a press release. “But there were better ways to do it; unfortunately the Senate leadership refused to let us vote on them. We must keep pressure on Senate President Emil Jones and his leadership team to come up with more responsible ways to fund our state’s important priorities in the future.”

Tax hike? What?

* And the fight to make sure that state parks stay open continues

Morris resident Rachel Pfaff, who spearheaded the online petition that gathered more than 31,000 signatures, received the news Tuesday. She said she still plans to hold the Save the Parks rally Oct. 4 at Gebhard Woods in Morris. People are asked to meet at 9 a.m. at William G. Stratton Park in Morris to walk the I&M Canal path to Gebhard Woods.


  1. - Cassandra - Wednesday, Sep 24, 08 @ 11:03 am:

    I’m not sure I see a problem here. The guv said he didn’t have enough money to run the state. The state legislature authorized a funds sweep and gave him a chunk of money. Even if it’s not enough, so what. Fewer parks will be closed, if any, and fewer employees will be laid off, if any. We live in a state where the guv has, by statute, a great deal of power over how money gets spent. No one seems to be trying very hard to change that. In fact, if you look at recent national events, the trend towards giving a few elected or appointed officials a huge amount of power in financial matters seems to be accelerating. Hank Paulson will soon be running the US economy if our
    fearless national legislators cave to the bailout bill, as they likely will, or most of it. In that
    perspective, our Blago’s choosing to close a few state parks, or not, and to lay off a few state employees, or not, seem like a non-event, at least compared with what he legally could do.

  2. - A Citizen - Wednesday, Sep 24, 08 @ 11:17 am:

    Look at me Mommy, look at me ! Those idiots just gave me $231 million to play with ! You’d think they would learn to nail it down tightly.

  3. - Scooby - Wednesday, Sep 24, 08 @ 11:17 am:

    Um, what happened to the Lottery?

    Lottery/Capital went from the most important issue item to one that can wait. I’m confused.

  4. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Wednesday, Sep 24, 08 @ 11:31 am:

    “As I said above, nobody knows what, exactly the governor will do…”

    True enough, but I think we can be assured he will do something asinine and be overridden.

    By the way, I wanted to second something Wordslinger said yesterday about the main stream media not picking up on the State Parks closures. I too am surprised and disappointed in the lack of coverage this issue garnered around Chicago. I can see why Illinoisans from outside the Chi town metro area get frustrated with us big city folks. These are our parks too.

    It is arrogance and short sited thinking and I find it embarrassing. The Chicago media is truly pathetic at times-most times.

  5. - 2ConfusedCrew - Wednesday, Sep 24, 08 @ 11:31 am:

    Yeah when will the enablers go back to reporting on the Lottery…it was the most important issue for the Blagoofers

  6. - Boscobud - Wednesday, Sep 24, 08 @ 11:46 am:

    Hello its me again. I guess nobody really cares about autism. You all get paid .585 a mile and you make roughly 80,00 a year and you can’t seem to give anyone other than yourselves a break. Shame on all of you and I can’t wait to get to the media.

  7. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Sep 24, 08 @ 12:06 pm:

    We’re broke, but we have so many special interests that have so long had their say in how taxpayers fund them, they still wait in line to cash rubber checks.

    Get with the new reality! Got a special need? Find another way to fund it. We’re broke! What can’t you people understand?

    Like pigs at a trough, they can’t understand that the trough is empty. They are willing to take their swill from another pig. They are demanding more and more.

    We can no longer listen to justifications about how hungry they are, or how deserving they are. We can no longer give them anything more than what we already sacrifice to them.

    No. No one knows what Blagojevich will do. And neither does he. He didn’t expect to have this facing him after seven years in office. He’s left with nothing but politics as tools to solve this fiasco.

    The big fat lazy pigs are still squealing, but Farmer Blagojevich has mortgaged our farm, sold the seed corn, leased the farm equipment, and watched the fields dry up in our economic drought.

  8. - Irish - Wednesday, Sep 24, 08 @ 12:09 pm:

    Boscobud - Who is “you all”?

    My take is the gov will not allow this bill to go through unscathed. I think he got exactly what he wanted. He got public outcry to fund programs and sites that were cut. This is an opportunity to force a tax increase by the legislature and he will not allow the pressure to subside. I think he already knows some of the sweeps may be illegal. He can claim the legislature came up short in providiong the money he needs to restore all cuts, and fund the CTA, and placate all the special interest groups. HE WANTS MONEY TO FUND HIS HEALTHCARE PROGRAMS and will not settle for less. He will cite the Revenue report that said the state will be $200 million + short, he will say that throws the budget off that much more and he has to be fiscally responsible and connot allow the cuts to be restored because the fund sweeps are needed to cover the budgetary shortfall. The Legislature will go home and come back on Nov. 12 to continue the battle. This will drag on all winter, the sites will close. Next Spring they will be back at it. People will be clamoring to be able to go to these sites now that summer is upon them. The discussion at that time will be a tax increase.

  9. - Angry Chicagoan - Wednesday, Sep 24, 08 @ 12:33 pm:

    What was that Tammy Wynette song again? I-M-P-E-A-C-H?

  10. - Angry Chicagoan - Wednesday, Sep 24, 08 @ 12:35 pm:

    My bad. That’s the song Bill will be singing if it goes through.

  11. - Boscobud - Wednesday, Sep 24, 08 @ 12:56 pm:

    Hello Irish,
    First of all “you all” is all the legislatures in the house and senate. You all are supposed to representing the people of Illinois. Why don’t you stand up to Rod and fight for what is right. All the legislatures keep taking all this money for trips and “living expenses” and we the people of Illinois get screwed with taxes and more taxes. This whole process is just screwed up and its to bad that none of you are fighting to help this. Everyone keeps blaming Rob, but let me tell you it not just Rob screwing with money. Remember every dollar you take that takes 2 dollars from us. All we ask for is for is for some legislatures to say “hey, lets make ourselves look like we care and help some real families that are struggling. Lets present this baby sitting to “the people” and lets see what kind of response we get”. But NOOOOOOOO. Does anyone there have a spine? Can anyone say “hey lets help the people”? I don’t think so and I am not holding my breath. November 4th will be here soon and we will elect someone who cares.

  12. - Princess - Wednesday, Sep 24, 08 @ 1:44 pm:

    Well, Boscobud, first you need to be sure to get Rod’s name correct. Next your campaign will et much quicker along if you do more than rant at the legislative branches thru a online blog. Organize your group with rallies and letter writing. Pick up your phone and call your opinions in.

    I believe in your cause, I really do, but you must know that you don’t run the market on child diseases and disorders. My own was born wih galactosemia, but praise the Lord, she does have some enzyme activity and leads a normal life so far. Dept. of Specialized Children helps children with her disorder, but it was a nightmare to get started and I do not use the program. To get assitance one had to be confirmed to have the disorder. To get confirmation one had to go thru additional testing which the program was to cover-but you guessed it, by the time the appoinments were made, the testing done and the official confirmation made, the billing cycle had passed and the program would not pay for any of it. Not that this pertains to anything you are going for, I wanted to show that there are many children in this state that could use a helping hand from the state, the insurance companies, ect. Autism is real and it is serious, no one has suggested otherwise.

  13. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Sep 24, 08 @ 1:47 pm:

    === Next your campaign will et much quicker along if you do more than rant at the legislative branches thru a online blog.===

    Do yiou know how many legislators read these comments?

    Lots and lots. :)

  14. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Sep 24, 08 @ 1:50 pm:

    …Adding… But I agree fully that empty rants, harsh insults and taunts won’t get anybody anywhere.

  15. - Boscobud - Wednesday, Sep 24, 08 @ 2:03 pm:

    Hi Princess,

    I’m sorry about Rob and yes it should have been Rod. I am sorry about your daughter, and I am really happy she is doing OK. I haven’t suggested that no one thinks autism is real and isn’t serious. I also didn’t suggest that autism is the only problem out there. What I am suggesting is that all of you stand up for the rights of the people. Only a few people have stood up to fight for the rights of the people. I have called and e-mailed and sent letters to voice my opinion and all I got was this letter that is so basic and impersonal that it just makes me more mad. The loudest person get herd first, and here I am. You said there are many children in this state that could use a helping hand from the state, but if there aren’t people there to help with this than it will go no where. And that is where we are. We are going no where. We need fighters and people who care about others and I have only found a few. Lets grab the bull by the horns and get something done. Stop all this “the wording is wrong”. Its english and english is english.

  16. - Princess - Wednesday, Sep 24, 08 @ 2:09 pm:

    I suppose my post would look slightly better if I had a spell check or a ‘review comment’ before hitting ’send’. What can I say? I’m no typer ;p —but my point was yes, while lots and lots read, which is partly why I find myself over here, it’s not enough . Thousands of letters piling on a desk makes more of a statement than five days worth of blogging comments. I wish him/her well, I really do and I’m here squealing for my cause in the same manner. Now my little cause of the day, Rod save my park, doesn’t matter the family can bump to a new one, I want my park left alone. See, I’m selfish.

  17. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Wednesday, Sep 24, 08 @ 2:10 pm:

    I think they should hold save the parks rallies in front of Blago’s house in Chicago. That might get the media to look up and might keep the Governor from taking his afternoon nap. Rent some busses folks.

  18. - Boscobud - Wednesday, Sep 24, 08 @ 2:48 pm:

    What are you all doing? Do you just sit there and let this Joker do what ever he wants? Come On, someone get angry. As you can tell I am not one to just sit and let the cards fall where ever go. Has anyone debated this? Tell Paul Froehlich I will be at Prairie Center tomorrow night to meet the candidates. You all want votes to stay in Springfield but you aren’t doing any thing for the People. This drives me nuts.

  19. - Irish - Wednesday, Sep 24, 08 @ 2:58 pm:

    For what it is worth I tip my hat to Princess and Boscobud. They evidently are two Moms who are very passionate about their kids. I hope they and every other parent in their position would find open doors and welcoming people to assist them. No child should ever know disease, hunger, or abuse, and we all should do what we can to help in any way. Why would we do anything else?
    I also think it is great that so many people across the State have stepped up to voice support for the agencies and programs affected by the cuts. I think this reflects that in spite of what happens in the hallowed? halls the Folks of Illinois are a great people.

  20. - Boscobud - Wednesday, Sep 24, 08 @ 3:10 pm:

    Hello Irish,
    Thank you so much for tipping your hat off to us. I am a mom and my son who has autism is non verbal. So I as his mom has to be his voice. I have to fight for him and his rights. I take him to stores and when he starts having a meltdown in the middle of the store it is my job to act calm and collective. I am his voice and all I want is the best for him. That is why I am fighting so much. What is the difference between a pit bull and a mom with a child with autism? Lipstick.

  21. - Princess - Wednesday, Sep 24, 08 @ 4:48 pm:

    psst, Boscobud, I’m feeling your frustration and pain and I think others do too. You have a worthy cause and you’re strong in your position of it.

    —”Stop all this “the wording is wrong”. Its english and english is english”—

    —”What is the difference between a pit bull and a mom with a child with autism? Lipstick. “–

    Just having come back cross-eyed from peeking at the bill, I see a whole lot of support and sponsors behind your cause. Looks like part of the issue may be the ‘trust’ issue after it leaves the GA hands. A sad place to be caught up.

    I came back to say, don’t throw rocks at them now. Like with your son in a meltdown, you must remain calm and collected. While the pitbull is aggressive, the mom must remain informed, gather support, keep the issue in the forefront and be assertive, make yourself heard without aggression and anger. Stand tall and proud behind your cause, you have a worthy one. Patience isn’t easy. Good luck to you and my thoughts and prayers are with your little one.

  22. - Boscobud - Wednesday, Sep 24, 08 @ 5:15 pm:

    Yeah there is a lot of sponsors behind the bill, but who is going to follow threw? It’s a election year and everyone who wants to get elected is going to sponser this bill. Nothing wrong with that, but they need to keep there promises. If these sponsers really care then why don’t they take up the offer of a night out for parents. What a big political move. I will call the media and they will get a chance to look like little angels. Meanwhile the parents walk away thinking “Wow, I want to vote for him.”

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