Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » This just in… CBS2 airs ominous report about governor’s future
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This just in… CBS2 airs ominous report about governor’s future

Thursday, Sep 25, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

[Bumped up for visibility]

* WEDNESDAY 10:53 pm - Yikes

A source tells CBS 2 News Wednesday night that a team of federal agents believes it has the evidence needed to indict Governor Rod Blagojevich. Investigators believe they’ve established solid evidence of fraud and conspiracy.

However, they are not the ones who make the decision to prosecute. It’s up to U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald and the Justice Department in Washington.

Others have told CBS 2 that an indictment of Blagojevich is not imminent. No comment from the Justice Department.

Last week, CBS 2 reported that the IRS assigned three teams of investigators to the Blagojevich case. But the governor says he’s confident he has not broken any laws or rules. He says he’s been careful to file accurate tax returns.

I think I’d better make some late night calls.

I have been hearing for a while that an indictment is not imminent, so I’m not sure where this is coming from.

* Here’s that previous CBS2 report, which ran Saturday and was buried in the middle of their “Gov: Obama Will Regret Supporting Ethics Reform” piece…

Sources tell CBS 2 that at least three teams of IRS agents are now investigating Blagojevich. It’s a large commitment of federal resources. Among other things, they’re sifting through documents related to allegations of criminal wrongdoing by the governor.


  1. - Bill S. Preston, Esq. - Wednesday, Sep 24, 08 @ 11:07 pm:

    Glad you posted this - I was watching CBS and nearly had lemonade come out my nose when they reported it. Was it always the IRS that was investigating? Odd thing was that it wasn’t even CBS’s top story…

  2. - Levois - Wednesday, Sep 24, 08 @ 11:12 pm:

    I think my jaw should drop at this prospect.

  3. - Flounder - Wednesday, Sep 24, 08 @ 11:17 pm:

    I dreamt this several months ago.
    Rod’s in deep, it’s time for an electronic ankle bracelet to fitted for Old Rod. Rod has to many avenues of escape and some magic acts to mislead the press.

  4. - Been There - Wednesday, Sep 24, 08 @ 11:18 pm:

    Since this is a couple of days old news, I take it we can go to bed without waking up to an indicted governor.
    Or should I stay up all night for updates?
    I’m opting for bed.

  5. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Sep 24, 08 @ 11:20 pm:

    ===Since this is a couple of days old news===

    The original story is a few days old. What’s posted is from tonight.

  6. - Opie - Wednesday, Sep 24, 08 @ 11:26 pm:

    This gets curiouser and curiouser and the timing is well, very unfortunate for Obama.
    Maybe Barack could send Rod nice farewell card.

  7. - I miss my silk boxers - Wednesday, Sep 24, 08 @ 11:30 pm:

    Maybe Tony flipped?

  8. - Kevin Fanning - Wednesday, Sep 24, 08 @ 11:37 pm:


  9. - SAC WIlson - Wednesday, Sep 24, 08 @ 11:39 pm:

    Did you people forget that it was the IRS that investigated and brough forward the criminal indictment of Alphonse Capone?

  10. - Gregor - Wednesday, Sep 24, 08 @ 11:46 pm:

    It’s beginning to look some more like Fitzmas….everywhere I read.
    Investigatory teams, the circle is closing, it seems, could it be the fabled Fitz will give us what we really need?

  11. - Been There - Wednesday, Sep 24, 08 @ 11:52 pm:

    Sorry Rich, I misread the post. Still awake though.
    Using the IRS is probably done with 100% of federal crimes that involve money. It is hard to disprove once they have the goods on you and the penalties can be severe. I am sure the IRS didn’t start looking at anyone involved in any of the cases linked to the administration until after there were other light bulbs going off. Just another effective tool of the federales (not all of which are fair).

  12. - Cheswick - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 12:02 am:

    Whoa! This could explain why there were about 10+ cars in the front parking lot of the Springfield FBI office tonight between 8:30 and 9:00. Usually, that front parking lot is empty at that time. (I drive by there almost every night.) Well, I noticed and it made me wonder what was going on at the time.

  13. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 12:02 am:

    Let’s all try to avoid rumor-mongering tonight and through the morning, please. Don’t get banned for life.

  14. - Billy Dennis - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 12:06 am:

    Yikes. Isn’t Blago immediately removed from office if he’s indicted?

  15. Pingback Politics: Blago indictment coming soon | Peoria Pundit - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 12:12 am:

    […] Rich Miller links to and comments upon a report on CBS2 in Chicago that IRS agents are sifting through Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s records and an indictment will come soon. […]

  16. - Wigand - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 12:14 am:

    Let me just put this out there. The IRS is seldom the initial investigators in a case. They will often be brought in by the feds to add another, more readily provable, component to an ongoing case.

    Solely by way of example, if the feds found there to be credibility to Ata’s testimony that he gave money to Rezko to pay contractors for work done on the Governor’s house, they could then have the IRS see if Rod + Patti reported that as income as they should have. No report = a tax evasion count against BOTH of them.

    In this ‘hypothetical’, the feds would now have significantly more leverage to use against the Governor by virtue of the fact that they could independently try his wife for what amounts to his wrongdoing. Conversely, they also have more leverage with the wife to either flip or ‘persuade’ the Gov to cop a plea, lest she be separated from her kids.

    They always take their time, and there is always a method to their approach.

  17. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 12:17 am:

    ===Isn’t Blago immediately removed from office if he’s indicted?===

    No. They’ll have to drag him out.

  18. - Go to Blases - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 12:30 am:

    Those IRS guys can sure be a peristent bunch when they want to be.

    Don’t believe me? Just ask Individual B. Under the right circumstances that guy could probably talk your ears off.

    In fairness to Individual B however, it is also important to let the legal process play out and not rush to judgment.

  19. - Billy Dennis - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 12:32 am:

    I think he;ll chain himself inside the governor’s mansion. It would be the first night’s sleep he’s had there, I think.

    Hopefully, this won’t break on Tuesday night. It would be a shame for Rich and other Illinois bloggers to miss the Peoria Blogger Bash, set to start at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 30 at Richards on Mai9n in beautiful downtown Peoria. Map here:

  20. - Bookworm - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 6:22 am:

    What the heck?

    Cheswick’s comment reminds me of something else I once heard about how to gauge the seriousness of a crisis in D.C. — by the number of late-night pizza deliveries to locations such as the White House and State Department.

    Maybe we should start watching for late night pizza deliveries to the second floor of the Capitol or to JRTC, or to a certain address in Ravenswood.

  21. - Racers on your mark! - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 6:27 am:

    In the 1968 movie “Speedway”, Elvis Presley sings his way around the race circuit as successful speedway driver Steve Grayson. All is fine and dandy until his tax returns are scrutinized by IRS agents.

  22. - Bassman - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 7:04 am:

    I truly believe Fitz does not want to influence elections, and therefore is trying to do the honorable thing by making sure all the “T’s” are crossed, all the “I’s” are dotted, and all the leg irons cleaned before going out on a neighborhood walk…

  23. - oneman - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 7:16 am:

    woah, my verbal reaction to reading this at the train station got me more funny looks than normal

  24. - Bill - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 7:56 am:

    Isn’t CBS the outfit that had Dan Rather spouting some rather spurious info about President Bush? Fox News would be a more credible source.
    He said , she said, secret sources….
    What bull!

  25. - Cheeze Its - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 7:59 am:

    Will the taxpayers have to pay for his legal fees? And if so then I think we can handle two more years. We just need to keep him in line. I think we are a little to relaxed on Mr Blago.

  26. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 8:02 am:

    ===I truly believe Fitz does not want to influence elections===

    That ain’t what I’m hearing

    ===there were about 10+ cars in the front parking lot of the Springfield FBI office tonight===

    Wrong city.

    ===Will the taxpayers have to pay for his legal fees?===


  27. - the Patriot - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 8:10 am:

    I know I am a day late, but has anyone researched the number of sitting governors indicted by the feds. I believe they generally wait until they are out of office. Is this general practice of policy.

    Does the Presidential Election come into play?
    1. Being from the same Chicago Machine as an indicted Governor can’t help Obama.

    2. Does anyone believe Blago wouldn’t squeel on Obama to save his own skin. (even if it means making something up).

  28. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 8:12 am:

    ===Does anyone believe Blago wouldn’t squeel on Obama to save his own skin.===

    Truly doubtful he has anything, and even more doubtful that anyone would believe him if he claimed to have anything.

  29. - North of I-80 - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 8:14 am:

    FBI usually runs investigation and when agents have exhausted the leads and tangents that their observations take them, they bring in other federal agencies and work WITH them [IRS, ATF] in their fields of expertise.

    Any word on what Rezko is doing sitting in jail? Is he knitting? Playing with his Gameboy? Playing charades?

  30. - Anonymous - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 8:20 am:

    I believe a former governor of Kentucky (can’t recall the name right now) WAS indicted by the feds while still in office. And I get the impression that Eliot Spitzer probably would have been if he hadn’t resigned first.

    Probably the main reason more sitting governors (of any state) don’t get indicted is because most of them have enough sense to resign or not run for re-election before it gets to that point.

  31. - Maple - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 8:27 am:

    I know we’re viewing this through an Illinois political prism, which is to be expected, but I think this is also indicative of something else. Leaks like this are not unprecedented, but they’re usually with a purpose. I think we’re seeing some inside baseball at the various federal agencies play out here. It looks like the investigating agencies (FBI, IRS, etc.) are trying to put public pressure on the US Attorney’s office, either because they believe an indictment should be handed down (but fear it won’t) or they’re trying some public CYA.

    You would think that a US Attorney would be extra careful to have a good case against any high profile person because their reputation is on the line, so it’s perfectly logical that there could be some internal disagreement between the federal agencies. This seems like a leak with a purpose.

  32. - Arthur Andersen - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 8:31 am:

    =Investigators believe they’ve established solid evidence of fraud and conspiracy.=

    Not to parse words, but the FBI does not generally make a conclusion about the evidence in a particular matter on their own. They usually work with AUSAs to further develop a case and then either a grand jury is convened or criminal information charges are filed.

    The IRS is typically used as either the frosting on a big fat Federal cake or the incentive to get a defendant to start cooperating.

  33. - culatr - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 8:38 am:

    What’s the over/under of something official happening before the debate Friday?

  34. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 8:41 am:


  35. - Secret Square - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 8:43 am:

    Rich, you have said before that Michael Sneed has some of the best federal prosecutorial sources, and she did accurately predict Chris Kelly’s indictment (not naming him, of course) about two weeks ahead of time. She said a few months ago that the feds definitely had Blago in their sights and were working that investigation pretty hard. I am anxious to see what, if anything, she will have to say about this.

  36. - This Guy - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 8:45 am:

    TCM showed “All The King’s Men” last night.

    Just sayin.

  37. - BandCamp - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 8:48 am:

    I like what RIch said about dragging RB out of office. It seems no matter what the Feds come up with, RB will fight this thing to the bitter end. Rezko could flip like Jesse White’s tumblers and RB would still maintain he is as clean and fresh as Downey. Ultimately, all that will do is drag his party and IL politics lower the snake’s belly-level it’s at currently.

    We should be so proud of our politicians.

  38. - Pat collins - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 8:49 am:

    Fitz does not want to influence elections

    Given how aggressively he tried to get Karl Rove and Cheney, at least he is bi-partisan if he does.

    I mean, when even Susan Estrich says Libby ought not to have been prosecuted….

  39. - Leave a light on George - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 9:00 am:

    The Chicago Way exposed to the whole country - just in time for the election.

    All the federalis say they could of had him any day. They only let him go so long out of kindness I suppose.

  40. - Vote Quimby! - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 9:03 am:

    ==Truly doubtful he has anything, and even more doubtful that anyone would believe him if he claimed to have anything.==

    What are his options? He can’t use the Scott Fawell excuse….I guess he can only fight all the way down to the last campagin fund penny. I can’t picture Big Jim dipping into the W&S pro bono fund for this guy…

  41. - ZC - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 9:05 am:

    What the heck does “not imminent” mean? Does that mean, “not within the next week”? “Not within the next month”? Is there any secret fed-speak here someone can translate? Some posters here are speculating that “not imminent” means “not before the election.” But by itself, it’s vague. Who knows what it means?

  42. - Bill Baar - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 9:11 am:

    Assuming Fitz runs a leakless ship including the SS IRS , who would be leaking this to CBS?

  43. - Ted - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 9:13 am:

    The decision when to announce an indictment will come from main justice. Too many advantages to letting everyone believe he has the goods on Blago but not announcing an indictment before the election. Whoever wins will be hard-pressed to remove him as USA if he is just about to indict Blago. What would the DEMs say if a Pres. Obama asks for an immediate resignation of all USAs, including Fitz, [something he is sure to do] and then appoint a loyal member of the Chicago machine. Remember, Blago could name himself to fill the Senate slot and then use his position in the Senate to block the appointment of any USA who harbors any inkling to indict him.

  44. - Secret Square - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 9:16 am:

    Ted, Obama is on record as saying he will let Fitz keep his job. That’s not to say he couldn’t change his mind, but he would be seriously busted for breaking a campaign promise if he did. McCain has promised to keep him also.

  45. - Anon - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 9:22 am:

    Scene: Fed. agents moving in on Blago in his office….Blago defiantly yelling “it’s MADIGAN, its MADIGAN!!!”….(as he’s clutching his Elvis statue in the corner of his office…in a fetal position)

  46. - Cheeze Its - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 9:26 am:

    I think if Obama wins in November and we have an indictment against Blago, Obama will overturn this process. So if we indite Blago we need to support McCain.

  47. - South of I-80 - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 9:37 am:

    Well this explains the MJM/Blago hug-fest in Denver a few weeks ago! MJM to Blago during the hug “Tell George I said Hi”!

  48. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 9:39 am:

    ===Obama will overturn this process.===

    Where do you people get this stuff? lol

  49. - Snidely Whiplash - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 9:43 am:

    The US Attorney may still wait several months or longer in order to make sure that its own case is ready and air-tight. But, it does appear that Tony R. may have been chirping from his cage.

  50. - ZC - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 9:46 am:

    Cheeze Its,

    What does Obama care, if Blago goes down? For starters, it opens the door for Obama’s man Alexi. Rich has better sources than anyone else on this blog and as he said, it’s doubtful Blago has anything on Barack. Please stop these silly guilt-by-distant-association games, unless you have some actual evidence to add to the table.

  51. - Snidely Whiplash - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 9:51 am:

    I would think that any dealings between Obama and Rezko would have been kept between the two of them. What would it have to do with Elvis? I’m all in favor of Fitz delving into Obama’s “Sidelotgate” deal with Rezko, but fair is fair. Stop rumor-mongering!

  52. - wordslinger - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 10:01 am:

    I think it’s clear that the U.S. Attorney’s Office has made a significant investment in time and resources in the governor. At some point, they’re going to want a return on that investment.

    It’s nothing personal; it’s just business.

  53. - plutocrat03 - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 10:03 am:

    I don’t like this kind od drip drip insinuation.

    As far as I am concerned, anything other than an indictment is a waste of breath and ink.

  54. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 10:06 am:

    When Spitzer went down, did it impact Clinton?

    Really, you have to believe in grand conspiracies without any evidence supporting them to believe that if Blagojevich is indicted before the November election, Obama will get hit by any flak from it.

  55. - Bill Baar - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 10:09 am:

    As far as I am concerned, anything other than an indictment is a waste of breath and ink.

    That’s why the leak bothers me Pluto…some plumber loosens the pipes to start the leak going just before an election. If it’s coming from a lawyere for some party, I really think CBS is obligated to disclose it because someone is really playing with us.

    If it’s coming from the Feds, than Fitz really out to come out hard on whomever.

  56. - JakeCP - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 10:11 am:

    Why am I not surprised?

  57. - fed up - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 10:12 am:

    I see no chance for an indictment before the election and probably not for at least a month after the election. But the citizens of Ill. could be getting a nice Christmas gift.

  58. - scoot - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 10:19 am:

    What are they waiting for…get the ball rolling. Indict his campaign fund..then indict the Guv.

  59. - Bubs - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 10:22 am:

    I don’t think the election will sway Fitzgerald until the very end. It is a two-sided coin. If you delay an indictment that is ready to go, aren’t you influencing an election by your silence?

    I predict Fitz will go just as soon as he believes an indictment is proper, if ever. He may hold off in the last two weeks or so for the sake of the DOJ reputation, but that is it.

  60. - Little Egypt - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 10:23 am:

    IF there is an indictment for Blago, I believe it won’t come before the election but could certainly come soon thereafter. IF Obama wins, the dumbest thing he could do it to boot Fitz out of the Chicago district. Obama knows what goes on in this state, he’s a product of the Illinois political system. I don’t think Blago has anything on Obama that would cause O. any problems. But there would sure be some real bad press and angry D.C. and Illinoisans if Obama failed to keep Fitz in Chicago where he is trying to do a little clean up in the most corrupt state in the nation.

    Bill, I feel your pain buddy, but it’s gonna happen. Regardless of who leaks what to whom and when, everyone with at least a 5th grade education knows an indictment will come, and so do you.

  61. - Ken in Aurora - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 10:24 am:

    I was having a pretty crappy morning until I read this. Thanks, Rich! Even if it proves to be only a rumor, you brightened my day.

  62. - Little Egypt - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 10:25 am:

    Bill, I feel your pain buddy, but it’s gonna happen. Regardless of who leaks what to whom and when, everyone with at least a 5th grade education knows an indictment will come, and so do you.

  63. - Little Egypt - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 10:26 am:

    Sorry Bill for the duplicate. The web’s running slow this morning.

  64. - Judgment Day Is On The Way... - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 10:37 am:

    Ok, first off, if the packet’s been sent to DOJ in DC for review and approval, well then it’s just a matter of time.

    Then you start watching for Tuesdays and Thursdays at Dirksen.

    But when I see something like this happen, means somebody’s talking. Because the feds rarely send a package to DOJ in DC awaiting the go ahead without have a case. And the best way to get a case turned down by DOJ is a situation where the case information is dependent on a single source (They really, really like winning :) ).

    This is all going to take a little bit longer, assuming they get approval.

  65. - Cheeze Its - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 10:38 am:

    What is the difference between an indictment and an impeachment?

  66. - Black Ivy - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 10:41 am:


  67. - Snidely Whiplash - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 10:41 am:

    “What is the difference between an indictment and an impeachment?”

    Uh, jail time, maybe?

  68. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 10:45 am:

    My brother has been saying for over a month that the Feds will indict the Governor before the election and Rezco will flip before sentencing. I have disagreed with him, however, maybe he is right.

  69. - Little Egypt - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 10:47 am:

    Indictment comes about because of illegal activities and originates with people working for the government. Impeachment comes about because of illegal activities and originates with people working for the government.

    Hmmmmm. Perhaps I’m being too simplistic.

  70. - PhilCollins - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 10:48 am:

    An indictment states that someone has been accused of a crime and will be tried, in a court. An impeachment is approved by a legislative body and states that an elected official is accused of a crime and will be tried by a legislative body. An elected official can be impeached and aquitted, or he could be impeached, convicted, and removed from office, without being indicted.

    If Lt. Gov. Quinn becomes governor and Sen. Obama becomes president, whom would Quinn appoint to the Senate seat?

  71. - Dan S. a Voter and Cubs Fan - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 10:49 am:

    I think we can wait a little longer for Fitz to make sure the t’s are crossed and the i’s dotted.

  72. - Cheeze Its - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 10:50 am:

    Thank you for your responses. I was just a little confused. A little to much coffee I think.

  73. - Law Student - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 10:51 am:

    Wonder what kind of day Rod Blagojevich is having?
    Is there going to be a press conference or a proclamation?

  74. - John Ghrist - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 10:53 am:

    I am hoping that the gov does get indicted and soon. I still remember what happened to me in May of 2004, when I lost my job at the state after 19 years of hard and honest work. For the record, I never voted in primaries and could careless who was the governor. I was replaced by a bunch of cronies.. My loss was not only my job, but my little house and finances. At 60 who wants to hire me now? Go and get him Fitz…

  75. - Robo - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 11:03 am:

    The leaks are the last train whistle before it leaves the station. We got what we need and coming aboard now will make it easier on you and more airtight for us.

  76. - Good Bye! - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 11:07 am:

    Wonder who or better yet how many individuals are throwing Blagojevich under the bus?
    I’m sure the list is lengthy.

  77. - Anon But Sensible - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 11:07 am:

    How could he get indicted? He already said he is not Offical A ahhhh the irony!!

  78. - Levois - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 11:09 am:

    Would the govern rather be impeached or forced to resign if it mean no jail time?

  79. - plutocrat03 - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 11:16 am:

    If I am a plumber, allowing this leak to occur, which side am I on?

    I don’t thinks this is a problem for the anointed one, and nationally do not see any benefit to him either.

    Therefore it has to be local. I can bet there are many knives out there trying to end the Gov’s political career. I would hate to believe that this is a ploy to get Rezco to flip, but I guess all is possible.

  80. - irishpirate - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 11:18 am:


    No jail time? I don’t think that is in the cards if an indictment and conviction result. Whether by trial or plea deal. You don’t indict a governor over something like this and not go for jail time.

    Now perhaps a prosecutor would not look for jail time in something relatively minor and personal like former Governor Spitzer’s hooker issues. Public corruption involving taxpayers………forgetaboutit.

    My real question is whether an indictment occurs when the Cubs are still in contention and if the Gov shows up at some games.

    I imagine I might not see him jogging down Irving Park Road for awhile.

  81. - A Citizen - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 11:23 am:

    Perhaps it is a good time to call a special session on “Illinois State Government in Crisis”.

  82. - Bill Baar - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 11:24 am:

    Perhaps it is a good time to call a special session on “Illinois State Government in Crisis”.

    Would O suspend his campaign to return home and resolve this?

  83. - Captain America - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 11:25 am:

    Although I think an indictment is inevitable, the wheels of justice grind slowly. Therefore, I’m not holding my breath. The sooner the better.

    I don’t think that Pinnochio’s indictment would affect the Presidential campaign. Our economic saviour, John McCain, is self-destructing/his campaign is imploding, while we blog, irrespective of Fitz/Pinnochio.

    I expect Governor Pinnochio will exit dramatically when his delusional bubble bursts. He’ll protest his innocence and few will care. No one will believe his protestations of inncoence - maybe not even Bill!

    Pinnocchio has lost all his credibilty and will soon become irrelevant to Illinois politics and government,whenever Fitz finally lowers the boom. He will not qualify as a mostly “good and decent man” in the pantheon of Illinos governors.

  84. - Gadfly - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 11:27 am:

    Rezko has been singing a little Jailhouse Rock for his Elvis-loving friends. Anyone hanging around Dirksen knows that.

    That said, leaks are irresponsible and inappropriate no matter who is doing it. USAs and the DOJ frequently use them them to get a desired result from a target, whether getting them to talk, to resign or to be embarrassed (see: Spitzer, Richard Jewell, Steven Hatfill, etc.), which, at the end of the day, is prosecutorial misconduct. Spitzer, of course, engaged in this himself as NY AG going after Wall Street, so maybe he’s not a great example, but still.

    If an alphabet agency, FBI/IRS/DEA etc., is responsible for the leak, regardless of purpose, then it is at minimum a violation of investigative principles and a probable violation of federal law.

    Journalists and others in the news dissemination business will never point out these apparently illegal acts by their sources, however, solely because they depend on these sources violating the law in order to write a story that will sell papers/get ratings. Ironic, isn’t it?

    It’s a simple violation of a target’s Constitutional rights — the right to face their accuser, which they cannot do with leaked information, and the right to a fair trial, which they might not be able to get with a tainted jury pool.

    While the right to free speech is the First Amendment, and deservedly so, it should not subjugate other important Constitutional rights in cases such as these. When journalists ask where the right to free speech has gone, they should look in the mirror and ask why they themselves are facilitating the erosion of other Constitutional rights.

    And with that, I’ll say that I think Blago is guilty guilty guilty. I’m sure John S. McCain III, son and grandson of admirals, has been looking for a little October surprise. Who wants to bet that DOJ signs off on the indictment and it’s issued with perfect timing at a moment when McCain needs to change the narrative?

  85. - LPZOO - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 11:29 am:

    I miss my silk boxers-

    You might be on to something there…maybe Rezko flipped.

    If Rezko flipped here’s where it gets interesting. The big deal that Blago did was when he “mortgaged” the State to the tune of $10 Billion with Bear Stearns and Kjellander and Rezko (an odd couple anyone would agree) split the near $1,000,000 finder’s fee.

  86. - Irish - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 11:35 am:

    If he is indicted he can remain in office until he is acquited or found guilty. If found guilty then he must step down.
    If he is impeached he may still remain in office until he is convicted of the crimes by a trial in the Senate. So he can be indicted and impeached and still remain in office pending the outcome of the trials. So it is entirely conceivable that these proceedings would just be one more added attraction to the circus that is this administration. And he could serve out his term.

  87. - Admiral Wumpus Akbar - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 11:35 am:

    How does this affect Obama negatively? Outside of McCain’s commercial, what’s the deal?

  88. - irishpirate - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 11:37 am:


    how does this affect Obama? Perhaps McCain can make a point of it in tomorrow’s debate.


  89. - Only in Illinois - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 11:38 am:

    That’s a scary, meanwhile all Illinoisians are still paying Blago freight.

  90. - 312 - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 11:38 am:

    Damn, I picked August 2008 in the pool for his indictment… Close.

  91. - LPZOO - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 11:39 am:

    I was just thinking about Rezko news that he was “appealing” his conviction on the grounds that Levine was not a credible witness. (of course as has been reported he wasn’t convicted on any of the Levine testimony). Anyway, maybe it is just a smoke screen to keep him safe and to misdirect Blago before he gets cuffed?

    It seems funny that Rezko announces his appeal months after being convicted and the story breaks the same day that the net is coming down on Blago.

  92. - Pat Collins - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 11:48 am:

    ’m sure John S. McCain III, son and grandson of admirals, has been looking for a little October surprise.

    You mean like an Alpha strike on the State of Illinois building?

  93. - LPZOO - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 11:53 am:

    Another Thought: Hurtgen’s trial starts Nov 5. Could it be, with a trail looming, he flipped?

    He was on all the “flying idictment” trips…he wrote the check to Kjellander who then gave half to Rezko…

  94. - Kremlinologist - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 12:09 pm:

    Rod is just crazy and random enough to have leaked it himself. Trying to tip it before they are quite ready, to taint the jury pool and raise suggestions of impropriety in the Atty’s office and a conspiracy against him.

  95. - boscobud - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 12:16 pm:

    If Rod gets indicted than maybe SB 1900 can come back to life. I think I should count on Rod to be willing to help with the parents night out. Anyone have any suggestions on where we should try to do this event?

  96. - Steve - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 12:16 pm:

    It appears that something is going on.Fitzgerald isn’t not a press leaker like Anton Valukas.Operation Board Games seems to be on a roll.

  97. - boscobud - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 12:19 pm:

    How about October 18. That is sweetest day and boy would that look good for those who help out. I will pencil that in.

  98. - Bookworm - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 12:30 pm:

    An indictment is a formal criminal charge brought by a grand jury. It has the potential (if you’re convicted or plead guilty) to send you to jail/home confinement/probation or some variation thereof.

    An impeachment is a legislative action brought by a legislative body. The worst that can happen from an impeachment is being removed from office. It carries NO criminal penalties whatsoever.

    Both actions can (at least in theory) take place at the same time and one does not preclude the other.

  99. - A Citizen - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 1:03 pm:

    Ninety nine.

  100. - A Citizen - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 1:04 pm:

    Wow, One Hundred comments. The forthcoming of indictments must be imminent !

  101. - irishpirate - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 1:23 pm:


    This just in from PNN.

  102. - Amy - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 1:38 pm:

    of course Fitzgerald is political. he did just enough in the Plame
    matter to please some and anger others. it takes very little to
    indict. the Feds always want to be sure to convict. there
    are many people besides the governor who should be
    uncomfortable should Rezko talk. and there are a few shared
    advisers and consultants with GRod and Obama. all more
    of the slime pit of Illinois politics.

  103. - Little Egypt - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 2:12 pm:

    The pic from PNN is a treasure. I’m going to make it my “roving” screen saver so on my computer Blago is not only toast, he’s always on the run. Thanks Irishpirate.

    Additionally, if George Ryan is doing jail time, is there anyone but Bill who thinks Blago would only get probation, home confinement, or nothing at all? I’m lovin’ today. Haven’t been this happy for Blago in a few months.

  104. - Bill - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 2:44 pm:

    Little E,
    You are happy every time someone on the blog starts up the rumor mill about when and how the governor will be indicted, impeached, lose his bid for re-election, etc.. It hasn’t happened yet and you have had to suffer the pains of disapointment countless times. He is still governor. He is not under indictment.. He hasn’t been impeached. He is hard at work getting things done for people.
    Don’t get all worked up with glee until something really happens.

  105. - In the Sticks - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 2:52 pm:

    I’m so tired of hearing about “doing things for the people”. Does he actually know any “people”, other than through a press release or photo-op? Or are these “the people” that make the $25,000 contributions and receive the no show/not capable to do it anyway jobs?
    I would like to not hear that meaningless phrase for at least 2 months, if not 2 years.

  106. - BigDog - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 2:58 pm:

    Brian McPartlin - Executive Director of the Tollway brought in by the Blago administration - announces today that he’s leaving of the Tollway and going to a private sector engineering firm. Jumping to a more secure position before the crap hits the fan??

  107. - Princess - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 3:05 pm:

    –”He is hard at work getting things done for people.”—yeah, Bill, a lot of us out here are really feeling the love and concern for us that just keeps getting better and better each time he press pops.

  108. - Vote Quimby! - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 3:24 pm:

    ==every time someone on the blog starts up the rumor mill about when and how the governor will be indicted, impeached==

    I think it was CBS2 who started this one…

  109. - Anon - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 3:30 pm:

    What experience does McPartlin have in engineering. He worked for Clinton and other elected officals before the Tollway.

  110. - Big Mama T - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 3:42 pm:

    A month or two ago I read that Rezko had been seen making numerous trips to the Federal courthouse. I doubt they were letting him out for exercise.

    Was that posted on here? If so, kudos to Rich.

  111. - irishpirate - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 4:18 pm:

    This will seem like BS since I mentioned jogging earlier, but Blago was just jogging at Kenmore and Buena in Uptown.

    Followed by a State Trooper on a mountain bike, a sedan and an SUV with a bike on a bike rack on the back. I assume the sedan and SUV were being driven by his security detail.

    Life is amusing. Last time I saw him jogging was near Halloween on Irving Park Road at Graceland Cemetery. SCARY.

    His hair did look very good though.

  112. - Cat - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 5:40 pm:

    I ran into the speaker’s chief this summer and inquired why impeachment proceedings had not begun. His response, “It is too soon.” I thought maybe they were waiting for the Denver convention to be over, or until the election. But maybe - hopefully? - it was that they didn’t want to get in the way of Fitz. Anyway, this news did brighten my day! Perhaps a very Happy Thanksgiving is in the works. One question though: wouldn’t a ‘Governor Pinnochio’ be VERY popular in prison? :-)

  113. - DuPage Dave - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 5:48 pm:

    It’s safe to say that most state employees will be quite pleased when the Guv does the perp walk for the cameras. Has there been a governor of Illinois that was less respected, less loved, less admired, and less trusted than Blago?

  114. - irishpirate - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 6:01 pm:

    As far as I’m concerned we haven’t had a decent governor since Richard Ogilve.

    As for being less loved than Blago only Walker is even near that category.

  115. - Just Watching. . .And Waiting - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 6:19 pm:

    This post has turned me into my dog when he sees his leash: “Please! Please! Please! PleasePleasePleasePleasePleasePleasePleasePlease!!!!

  116. - A Citizen - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 6:26 pm:

    - irishpirate - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 6:01 pm:

    “…As far as I’m concerned we haven’t had a decent governor since Richard Ogilve…”
    Amen - Perhaps the best Ever ! I worked for him and never knew a finer leader and man of honor.

  117. - NIEVA - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 6:44 pm:

    I’M Getting in late but here goes, has anyone checked on Pat Quinn to see if he has a moving van in front of his house?

  118. - A Citizen - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 6:51 pm:

    I heard he may have rented two “PODs”. And when last seen had his sleeves rolled up and sweat dripping from his brow.

  119. - Little Egypt - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 6:59 pm:

    Bill, really buddy, I applaud you for your unfailing support of Blago. You’ve gotten your licks in on a lot of us but I’m telling you one thing you can take to the bank. This governor is as sharp as a marble. That’s why he’s in hot water. It’s really too bad Blago doesn’t listen to you because you’ve posted some good advice here. Now if you are Blago, why aren’t you listening to yourself? If you aren’t Blago, why isn’t he listening to you?

  120. - Bookworm - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 7:26 pm:

    DuPage Dave, when the indictment comes down I would not be surprised to see confetti flying out the windows of the Stratton Building, dancing in the streets of the Patch, and complete strangers kissing each other on the Capitol steps (like the nurse and the sailor in Times Square on V-J Day). Yes, V-B (Victory over Blago) Day will be a sight to see in Springfield.

  121. - irishpirate - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 8:30 pm:

    Given the last comment on V-B day, Victory over Blago, I could only think of the famous Winston Churchill quote:

    “We shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air. We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing-grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender!”

    Unfortunately, I see Blago giving a ripped off version of that speech while “You ain’t nothing but a hound dog” plays on a boom box from the steps of the State Capital.

  122. - Just Me - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 8:46 pm:

    You want to quote Churchill, try, “Embalm, cremate, bury at sea,take no chances.”

  123. - Smitty Irving - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 9:04 pm:

    If the Governor is indicted for tax fraud, and part of it is related to travel to and from Springfield, is Sarah Palin next?

  124. - Jechislo - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 9:15 pm:

    Rich - I told you this 2 months ago. Blago will resign by the end of this year to avoid prosecution.

  125. - Vote Quimby! - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 9:20 pm:

    ==Blago will resign by the end of this year to avoid prosecution==

    I don’t see this happening, although it would be a welcome sight!

  126. - Bobs yer - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 9:34 pm:

    Good job Rich. What great comment response. The real people care. The good guys (that’s us) will win.

  127. - Bookworm - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 9:57 pm:

    Many of you have probably seen George Bush “countdown” clocks that tick off the days, hours and minutes to the end of his term. I wonder how many of them could be recycled into “Blago Countdown” clocks… which may just run out sooner than we had expected.

    Right now, the Blago Countdown stands at 838 days, 14 hours, 4 minutes and 24 seconds (assuming his term ends at noon on Jan. 11, 2011, unless stopped sooner, of course)

  128. - Anon - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 10:27 pm:

    Bookworm… That’s about 838 days and 12 hours too long for most of Illinois.

  129. - Just My Opinion - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 10:28 pm:

    It’s WAY too late for Blago to resign now to avoid prosecution. When he first knew the Feds were sniffing around him, perhaps. But not now. They’ve got too much time invested in him and are uncovering much too much wrongdoing to let this guy off the hook that easy. The only question is whether the Mrs. will get home confinement.

  130. - Sleep Over - Thursday, Sep 25, 08 @ 11:07 pm:

    Rod’s confering with Hanna Montana this evening.

  131. - BandCamp - Friday, Sep 26, 08 @ 9:03 am:

    Sneed is all over the rumors of Rezko flipping.

  132. Pingback Daily Round Up, 9/25 « Elgin Jessica - Thursday, Apr 23, 09 @ 8:58 am:

    […] To avoid posting four times in a row like I did yesterday, I’m starting a new feature called Daily Round Up. Basically it’s a list of stuff I feel like sharing, but don’t have a whole lot to write about. +Elgin tentatively approved a half-million dollar grant program to provide signage to downtown businesses. Click here. +Big Timber might not be the last stop on the Metra line any more. Huntley, Marengo might get their own stops. Click here. +A Treasury spokesperson said the bailout number of $700 billion wasn’t picked based on data! Nope, they “just wanted to choose a really large number.” Click here. +The Illinois Issues Blog is a great way to quickly and easily learn what goes on in the Illinois House and Senate. Click here. +Burlington had a neat-o idea on how to save water. Essentially, those who use under a certain amount get a discounted water rate, those who use over a certain amount are charged more. Click here. +Elgin’s going to be doing one of the coolest community art projects I’ve ever heard of. On October 14th people are encouraged to take photos in Elgin. Click here. +Another one of our governors might get indicted. For real. Soon. Click here. […]

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