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This just in… Part 2… Obama calls Jones

Wednesday, Sep 17, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* 4:26 pm - From Justin Dejong at the Obama campaign…

“Senator Obama called Senator Jones today to offer his strong support for the ethics reforms pending before the Illinois Senate and urged him to pass them at the earliest possible opportunity.”

* From Senate President Jones’ office.

“They did speak.”

Um, OK.

Background here.


This just in… *** Watson wants AG Madigan to get in the game *** AFSCME sues *** Quinn wants changes *** UPDATED x1 ***

Wednesday, Sep 17, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* 12:00 Noon - Senate GOP Leader Frank Watson calls for Attorney General Lisa Madigan to get off the sidelines and provide some guidance. From a press release…

Illinois Democrats need to take responsibility for jeopardizing the enactment of “pay-to-play” reforms, according to Senate Republican Leader Frank Watson, and join Republicans in getting the anti-corruption laws on the books. Watson is seeking a formal opinion from Attorney General Lisa Madigan to speed the constitutional questions that now surround the issue. […]

Just another week remains in what many legal and constitutional experts consider the deadline for action by the Illinois Senate. Democrat Senate President Emil Jones has refused to convene the Senate within 15 calendar days of the House of Representatives’ vote to enact House Bill 824, as required by the Constitution.

“A formal opinion from the state’s top legal officer should carry some weight with Senator Jones and Democrat Senators,” Sen. Watson said. The Attorney General has indicated in media reports that failing to act with 15 days “invites lawsuits” that put the ethics reforms at risk.

“We’d like to see that in a formal opinion, that makes the record clear,” Watson said. In his letter to the Attorney General, Watson included specific instances where the Senate has in the last month received the necessary paperwork from the House of Representatives and acted upon it promptly, in accordance with the Constitution and past practices of the chamber. “The record has already been established,” Watson said.

* In other breaking news,
AFSCME won a similar lawsuit before, so it is trying again today. From a press release…


The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Council 31 filed suit this morning in Livingston County, seeking a court order to prevent Governor Rod Blagojevich from carrying out his threat to close the maximum-security Pontiac Correctional Center. […]

In its filing, AFSCME argues that the governor and his Department of Corrections have no authority to close the Pontiac prison, which is fully funded in the current state budget passed by the Illinois General Assembly and signed into law by Blagojevich.

“The General Assembly passed a budget and the governor signed it into law. We’re asking the court to ensure the governor follows that law, which directs the state to operate Pontiac,” AFSCME director Bayer said. […]

The complaint notes that closing the facility would result in the loss of some 600 jobs—causing irreparable harm to employees and their families—while making the dangerously overcrowded Illinois prison system even less safe. […]

AFSCME prevailed with a similar complaint in 2002 when it won a court order barring then-Governor George Ryan’s planned closure of the Vienna Correctional Center.

“AFSCME took legal action to make certain that George Ryan respected the budget process, followed the will of the General Assembly, and couldn’t just close a facility on a whim,” Bayer said. “We’re going to hold Rod Blagojevich to the same standard. He’s not above the law.”

Today’s action by the union comes a day after the state legislature’s bipartisan Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability voted 9-0 to reject the Pontiac closure plan. COGFA will release a full written report detailing its recommendation by Sept. 24.

The governor’s office hadn’t yet seen the lawsuit so couldn’t comment.

* Meanwhile,
I told subscribers a bit about this yesterday

Lt. Gov. Pat Quinn is calling on Secretary of State Jesse White to redraft the language of this year’s Con-Con ballot question because it is “biased” and therefore “illegal,” his legal adviser said yesterday.

Quinn, a vocal proponent of convening a constitutional convention in 2010, filed an administrative petition with White yesterday, requesting that he strike a sentence from the ballot that recounts the outcome of the 1988 election (the last time the electorate had the opportunity to call for a Con-Con).

The bolded sentences in the SoS’s language is what Quinn wants removed…

This proposal deals with a call for a state constitutional convention. The last such convention was held in 1969-70, and a new Constitution was adopted in 1970. The 1970 Illinois Constitution requires that the question of calling a convention be placed before the voters every 20 years. In 1988 the electors rejected the call for a constitutional convention, with 75% voting against calling a convention and 25% voting in favor of calling a convention. If you believe that the 1970 Illinois Constitution needs to be revised through the convention process, vote “YES” on the question of calling a constitutional convention. If you believe that calling a constitutional convention is not necessary, or that change can be accomplished through other means, vote “NO” on the calling of a constitutional convention.

From Quinn’s office…

“We think that that statement there is … a subtle way of suggesting that supporting Con-Con is a fringe position,” said Sean Vinck, Quinn’s legislative counsel. “We just want a real simple question: ‘Are you for or against Con-Con.’”

*** UPDATE 4:41 pm *** From Quinn’s spokesman…

(T)he entire “explanation of proposed call” paragraph is illegal because the election code does not authorize it. My concern is that our argument is being unfairly caricatured as simply an attempt to remove “one sentence”. We think the issue is much more profound.


Question of the day

Wednesday, Sep 17, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* How about making predictions in these three congressional races…

* 10th District - Mark Kirk (R-Incumbent) vs. Dan Seals (D)

* 13th District - Judy Biggert (R-Incumbent) vs. Scott Harper (D)

* 18th District - Aaron Schock (R) vs. Colleen Callahan (D)

Please explain as fully as possible.

Also, will Green Party candidates be a factor this year?


Doomsday delayed

Wednesday, Sep 17, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The governor blinked. Well, OK, just one eye has blinked so far

More than a dozen state parks slated to close Nov. 1 will remain open through the end of that month, state officials announced Tuesday. […]

In addition, 11 state historic sites slated to close Oct. 1 will remain open until Oct. 15.

For the parks, the delay pushes the politically sensitive closings past the Nov. 4 elections. Petition drives and local meetings have brought out hundreds who object to the closings, which the governor ordered to balance the budget after lawmakers sent him a spending plan nearly $2 billion out of whack.

It also would mean the Illinois Senate would have the chance to restore funding for the parks and other cuts when it convenes the week after the elections. The Illinois House recently voted to tap special state bank accounts to come up with nearly $220 million to offset the cuts. But the Senate has said it won’t rush back to consider the move.

* But not everybody was happy

But advocates putting up a strong fight against the closings see it as more political maneuvering.

“It begins to look like the governor’s beginning to play games and he’s just stringing us all along. It’s not funny,” said Jonathan Goldman, executive director of the Illinois Environmental Council.

* And this is a very important point

The announcement comes less than a week after the Illinois House voted overwhelmingly to put money back into the budget to keep the parks and sites open, along with restoring other cuts Blagojevich made to deal with a large budget hole.

Senate leaders have said they’re not coming back to Springfield until the November veto session — after the fall election. This announcement could ease some pressure on them to rethink that stance.

Anything that eases the pressure to return to Springfield is welcome news for those who want to continue playing games with the ethics bill override vote.

* Somewhat related…

* Lawmakers vote down closure of Pontiac prison

* Officials plan rally to support capital bill


Phone home, Barack

Wednesday, Sep 17, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Good work Sun-Times. Now, more like this, please

Barack Obama needs to phone home. Illinois voters could use Obama’s considerable influence in swaying his so-called political godfather, Senate President Emil Jones, to call a vote on a sorely needed state political ethics bill.

The Democratic presidential nominee is no casual observer. As state Sen. Kirk Dillard (R-24th) reminds us, Obama has his fingerprints all over ethics reform in Illinois, having been a leader in pushing for reform when he was a state senator.

Frankly, we can’t see a downside for Obama here. With one phone call — “Hey, Emil, let’s talk . . .” — he would remind voters nationwide of his reform credentials, and that call just might help — Jones might get off the dime. […]

Call home, Senator. You’ve got Jones’ number.

* Meanwhile, Phil Kadner takes a somewhat contrarian viewpoint in a column entitled “Stop me before I take another bribe”

I’m not a believer in ethics legislation. No matter how many laws you pass, crooks are always going to be crooks.

An honest person doesn’t need to look at a law to do the right thing.

So I’ve found it difficult to work up much enthusiasm for a proposed state law that would prohibit companies that do at least $50,000 in business with the state from making campaign contributions to elected officials. ]…]

You can’t make [Senate President Emil Jones] do the right thing by saying it’s wrong for politicians to take money from contractors doing business with the state.

That’s why Jones was elected Senate president by his fellow Democrats.

They knew what he stood for when they made him their leader.
Maybe they should think hard on that when picking his replacement.

You can’t make people act ethically by passing a law.

But you can try to elect people who are ethical.


* Related…

* Marin: Is dysfunctional Springfield a cuckoo clique?


“They should knock Wrigley down”

Wednesday, Sep 17, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This was no surprise

Fresh off the first Cubs no hitter since 1972, Gov. Rod Blagojevich declared Tuesday “Carlos Zambrano Day in Illinois.”

“Carlos Zambrano is the leader of the Cubs’ pitching staff, and his leadership was never more evident than it was on Sunday,” Blagojevich said in a news release. “I am pleased to honor ‘Big Z’ for this spectacular accomplishment by proclaiming today Carlos Zambrano Day in Illinois. He truly has made Cubs fans proud.”

* But on his big day, Zambrano touched the Third Rail of Cubdom

There’s no doubt the Cubs enjoyed their two-day stay in the Brewers’ home clubhouse at Miller Park, and not just because they allowed only one hit in two victories over Houston.

After his no-hitter Sunday, Carlos Zambrano went as far as to say: “This is a beautiful ballpark. Gosh, I wish we could have a new ballpark.”

Is Zambrano crazy, or should the Cubs abandon Wrigley Field and build a modern facility like Miller Park?

* Jason Marquis was more explicit…

“If I had a personal choice, I think they should knock Wrigley down and build a replica in the exact same spot to give it that same feel. The same colored seats, same ivy, same wall, and throw up a Jumbotron, but have it look like a replica of the scoreboard that’s up there now, try to give it the same feel, in the same spot. I wouldn’t be opposed to that.”

Knock it down? What say you?


Morning Shorts

Wednesday, Sep 17, 2008 - Posted by Kevin Fanning

* Attorney who defended county is new watchdog

The way attorney Michael Shakman sees it, picking Assistant State’s Attorney Patrick Blanchard to be the watchdog over county political hiring and other illegal activity “makes a joke out of the concept of independent oversight.”

* Questions raised over new Cook County inspector general

* New inspector general, borrowing on tap at Cook County Board meeting

* County ‘watchdogs’ vote to incur costs with Inspector General vote

* GOP ‘politician’ vs. Dem ‘insider’

* Candidates Trade Barbs in Race for Cook County State’s Attorney

* State’s Attorney Candidates Debate Over Corruption

* State’s attorney’s candidates drop the gloves in debate

* Prosecutor candidates debate patronage, budget cuts

* Stroger to call for suspension of foreclosures

Cook County Board President Todd Stroger plans to show he’s sticking up for his financially struggling constituents today by proposing a one-year statewide moratorium on home foreclosures and a halt to county business with “unfair lenders.”

* National Dems fire up Illinois races

* EJ&E study blasted as ‘inadequate’

* Ozinga to soften stance on EJ&E sale

* GOP Press release: Debbie’s Double-Talk - Ethics Reform #2

* Lawmaker: Ameren doesn’t deserve rate hike

“I believe the request should be zero,” Bradley told the commission.

Bradley also urged the commission to disregard a recommendation from three administrative law judges who for months have been reviewing the cases filed by the three Ameren Illinois companies.

* Anger, anxiety linger for flood victims

* Lake Michigan water safe after flood, officials say

* Reinforcing our resolve for flood control

It goes without saying that Gov. Blagojevich and the Illinois legislature absolutely must act on a bill to update and maintain our infrastructure - including the bridges that withstood the full force of the raging rivers this weekend and the dams and levees that held back a greater deluge.

* German firm to revive FutureGen project

The so-called FutureGen project will resume “after the change in government,” E.ON Management Board Chairman Johannes Teyssen said today at the Financial Times/World Energy Council Energy Leaders Summit in London. E.ON is a member of FutureGen Industrial Alliance Inc., which was working with the U.S. Energy Department on a plant to capture and bury carbon dioxide.

* ‘State of the University Address,’ ISU President Al Bowman

* Goldman: SIUC wants 2,000 more students by 2011


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Wednesday, Sep 17, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

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