93 percent of AFSCME members vote to ratify state contract
Friday, Sep 5, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * State workers have ratified their new contract…
* A press release just issued by AFSCME claims that 93 percent of its members ratified the contract…
* The SJ-R has a copy of the contract in “tentative form” that can be accessed here.
Rep. Watson’s welcome home party
Friday, Sep 5, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * From an e-mail…
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Internal House Democratic memo on Lottery lease, capital plan (Use all caps in password)
Friday, Sep 5, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller
Question of the day
Friday, Sep 5, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller ![]() Caption contest!!!
Congressional updates *** UPDATED x1 ***
Friday, Sep 5, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * The DC publication RollCall takes a look at possible cabinet appointments in an Obama administration and comes up with one somewhat surprising name…
That’s the first time I’ve heard Costello’s name mentioned for the cabinet. Thoughts? * So, do these two TV ads look alike to you? Oberweis Dairy ad… Jim Oberweis congressional campaign ad… It’s probably no surprise that both eerily similar ads were produced by the same company, Aspect Media Inc. * From a DCCC press release…
That sort of ad campaign really makes me uncomfortable. Then again, the Oberweis campaign ad is one of the stronger ads I’ve seen from him to date. I’m not sure if the rebranding program will work, however. * Meanwhile, up until now, both sides in the 11th Congressional District race have been doing mailers, robocalls and cable TV. Today, though, Democrat Debbie Halvorson’s campaign hits network broadcast TV…
*** UPDATE *** Here’s the Halvorson ad… * The Tribune takes a look at how GOP “moderates” are viewing the GOP convention…
* Earlier this week, Congresscritter Kirk offered praise for John McCain’s veep pick…
* That brought a strong response from a women’s political group in Kirk’s district…
Reform and Renewal, Part 9,691 and beyond
Friday, Sep 5, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * This is kinda strange…
* But there’s more…
Telling the representative to contact his brother might be considered cooperating with the forest preserves efforts, or maybe I’m just nitpicking. Still, I find this odd. * More reform and renewal…
Old bulls attempt GOP diagnosis, names floated for guv
Friday, Sep 5, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * This may be a bit of a misdiagnosis…
* And there was some disagreement…
* Retiring congresscritter Ray LaHood, who took Michel’s House seat, mentioned the obvious…
* Cross and Watson also chimed in…
* Leader Watson also tried a group hug….
* Meanwhile, back in Chicago, Mayor Daley scoffed at former NY Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s claims about the Chicago machine…
Huh? * National conventions are usually an occasion to float one’s name for higher office. Illinois Chamber president Doug Whitley is the latest to say he is mulling a bid for governor…
* But not everybody was pleased with the news…
* Jim Edgar warns in a Daily Herald story about possible contenders…
* Here are a few more quotes from that Daily Herald story about possible statewide candidates…
* Congressional candidate Aaron Schock was the only Illinois Republican to speak at the RNC this week, and it was just for a couple of minutes. Here it is… ![]() * Related…
Morning Shorts
Friday, Sep 5, 2008 - Posted by Kevin Fanning * Land deal, lack of certification behind Howe, mental health center closures
* Ill. governor targets 2 care facilities for closing * Tackle what’s dragging kids and schools down * Governor Agrees to Meet on Education Funding * Madigan to ICC: Nicor hike too high, unnecessary
* Springfield tourism numbers down; closings won’t help
* Recall question on DuPage ballots
* More than 150 take City Hall buyouts
* CHA makeover boost: $10,000 for home buyers * Police union rips moves to tighten reins on cops * Chicago school may have to return state grant * Kane County to cut 2009 budget by 1.5% * GOP criticism angers community organizers * Friday Beer Blogging: Alaska Edition
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax
Friday, Sep 5, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller