Backlash building over state park closings
Thursday, Sep 4, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * We haven’t really focused at all on the state park closures announced last week. Gov. Blagojevich has yet to ever visit a state park, and his cuts made from that ignorance are causing a big reaction around the state…
* This number was pretty astounding…
* I thought I heard last night on my teevee that community organizers were bad people? Whatever the case, you can sign an online petition by clicking here. * More local activism…
* Same goes for Clinton…
* There is a ray of hope for at least some funding restorations…
* But, in the meantime, some of these cuts don’t seem to make any sense…
* And…
* And…
* There are lots of unanswered questions…
* And charges of political motivation are everywhere…
* More charges…
Both Bivins and Dahl have Democratic opponents. * Democratic Rep. Careen Gordon has been hammered repeatedly by Gov. Blagojevich, and this time was no exception…
* And then there’s the economy angle. With gas prices high, inflation at a scary pace and people worried about the future, many people are taking advantage of state parks, as this restaurant owner explains…
* More on that angle from Rep. Jerry Mitchell…
* Numbers…
* Last word…
* Related…
* Closure list…
Question of the day
Thursday, Sep 4, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller Since the Republican National Convention is under way and humming right along, I thought I’d ask this… Who is your favorite Illinois Republican? Explain. Bonus Question: Who is your least favorite Illinois Republican? Explain. Please, make sure you answer the first question before you tackle the bonus question.
Meeks says he trusts governor, calls off boycott *** UPDATED x1 ***
Thursday, Sep 4, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller *** UPDATE *** No meeting yet, but they’ve apparently narrowed the possible days down to two…
* After weeks of claiming that Gov. Rod Blagojevich had broken his promises to adequately fund education, Sen. James Meeks now calls the guv a man of his word…
* But…
* The governor got away with one on ABC 7…
Apparently, the reporter forgot that Blagojevich just launched the “Rewrite to Do Right” campaign. RRB thinks he can rewrite anything, especially ethics bills. Why not the school funding formula? * Anyway, the dropoff in the number of school boycott participants is probably what motivated Meeks more than his newfound trust in Blagojevich…
* More details of the attendance drop…
* This, however, has some truth to it…
* Related…
A kissable moment?
Thursday, Sep 4, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * As I already told you, the Illinois House is coming back next week to deal with a few issues, including a Lottery lease. Rep. Gary Hannig told one of his local papers that he expects the chamber will take up a capital projects spending bill as well as the Lottery lease revenue bill…
* More…
* The governor was ecstatic yesterday about the possibility of a capital bill being passed this month…
No comment. * Meanwhile, the Post-Dispatch takes a look at how the Lottery idea, germinated in Illinois, has spread to other states, but without success…
* The SJ-R editorializes on the subject today…
* Related…
Morning Shorts
Thursday, Sep 4, 2008 - Posted by Kevin Fanning * Editorial…
* State aims to recover $1 mil. Loop Lab School grant
* New fumble for governor’s million-dollar giveaway
* 11th Congressional Candidate Debate
* Sneed…
* New GOP leader wants to ‘clean up’ Illinois * State Republicans bash Blagojevich…
* CBS 2…
* Rasmussen…
* Smoking bans lead to litter problem * Cook County Board Approves Vendor Database * Coming soon to the Web: Cook County Board meetings * Former city plumbing inspector admits lying in bribery probe
* Cook County Board President Todd Stroger says patronage is over, but hiring monitor begs to differ * Cook Co. considers $3.2 million hiring settlement * Jesse Jackson hospitalized for stomach pains
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax
Thursday, Sep 4, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller