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Obama replacement speculation jumps the shark

Monday, Oct 27, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Marc Ambinder is usually one of the best political reporters around, but the last line of this post made me spit out my coffee

Looking to the future….near term and far term…

1. if the Obama-Biden ticket wins, when do they resign their Senate seats?

2. Is Jesse Jackson. Jr. the favorite in IL? What about Tammy Duckworth? Speaker of the House Michael Madigan?

Michael Madigan?


…Adding… I’m pretty sure the above Ambinder post was just a simple mistake, and we all make mistakes. I make more than my share some days.

The point of this post is to ridicule all the rampant speculation about whom the governor will choose, not to single out any one person.


  1. - Rob_N - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 12:30 pm:

    Welcome to flyover country.

    Maybe next W will appoint Bill Maher to the Supreme Court in his final days as Prez.

  2. - John Bambenek - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 12:31 pm:

    Why so hard to believe?

    Now he’d probably not accept, but in essence he’d be promoting Madigan out of his way. There some logic to that.

    But I still think Blago will appoint himself, especially if Fitzgerald leaves.

  3. - wordslinger - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 12:33 pm:

    Must have meant Lisa. Or maybe he has no idea what he’s talking about.

  4. - Scooby - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 12:35 pm:

    Ron Santo?

  5. - Black Ivy - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 12:36 pm:

    U.S. Senator Jesse Jackson, Jr.? U.S. Senator Michael J. Madigan? The mere thought of these scenarios makes me cringe. U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth - I would be satisfied with this substitution, though an Obama-Biden nomination would never satisfy me.

    Nevertheless, I am still hopeful that McCain-Palin will win this election and make history in their own right. Hopefully, the American people - not the media (including you, Rich) - will deliberate and make a thoughtful choice.

  6. - Carl Nyberg - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 12:36 pm:

    I’m going to reiterate what I wrote on Archpundit’s blog.

    While predicting Rod Blagojevich’s decision processes presents special challenges, the person politician who is best positioned to help Blagojevich is Barack Obama.

    Effectively Obama will pick the U.S. Senator and praise Blagojevich for making such a wise decision.

    Who will it be? Instead of thinking of what appointment will benefit Blagojevich in some narrow way, assume that the benefit derived to Blagojevich will be currying favor with Obama.

    Who will Obama want as U.S. Senator? I think he’ll want somebody credible.

  7. - Rich Miller - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 12:40 pm:

    I’m for Bill.

    “It’s Bill or it’s nobody.”

  8. - Bill Baar - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 12:43 pm:

    I suggested Madigan once. It makes some sense.

    I have a feeling Sneed got it though a few days ago with Donne Trotter.

  9. - Rod sez I'm pork - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 12:44 pm:

    Do you know what sending Bill out of state will do to Rod’s poll numbers?

  10. - Kevin Fanning - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 12:49 pm:


  11. - Rich Miller - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 12:50 pm:

    ===I have a feeling Sneed got it though a few days ago with Donne Trotter. ===



  12. - wordslinger - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 12:51 pm:

    If Rod has any old-school sense of political loyalty, he would probably let Emil have a big say in the appointment. Madigan would have ground him to dust without Emil.

  13. - Black Ivy - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 12:54 pm:

    If you are referring to Bill Maher, Rich, he has joined my long and growing list of forward-thinking progressives who joined the Obamabots and endorsed Obama. The list also includes Hillary Rodham Clinton, Bill Clinton, Al Gore, John Edwards, Keith Obermann, Chris Matthews, Colin Powell, etc.

    As a left-leaning Democrat and lifelong feminist, it is unbelievable that I have to turn to “Rush Limbaugh” to balance out the MSM’s nonsense…

  14. - train111 - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 12:55 pm:

    I here Allen Keyes is looking for work these days. LOL


  15. - Been There - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 12:57 pm:

    While I doubt Mike Madigan would actually accept (but you never know) I am trying to imagine the phone call from Rod asking him to be the next U.S. Senator. There is no way I could see him getting the words out of mouth.

  16. - 47th Ward - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 1:00 pm:

    Lynn Sweet and Laura Washington weigh in also, and at least they have local knowledge. There is some merit to the idea that the Governor will defer to Obama’s wishes, and for good reason. So if you ask the question through that lens, who does Obama prefer, it shortens the field to some degree.

    The problem is, he is so disciplined, who would be his candidate probably won’t find out until the decision is made. Speculation is pointless.

    One caveat: anyone attempting to push their own candidacy is doomed from the start (Jan Schakowsky).

  17. - Downstate weed chewing hick - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 1:03 pm:

    How could Rod call MJM to ask him when, as we know, MJM has caller ID and wouldn’t answer the phone?

  18. - Bill - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 1:04 pm:

    I hereby declare my availability to replace Senator OBama when he is elected President. My first official act after I’m sworn in will be to request that the President replace Patrick Fitzgerald.

  19. - Bill Baar - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 1:07 pm:

    My first official act after I’m sworn in will be to request that the President replace Patrick Fitzgerald.

    Isn’t that a pre-condition for all of them? Fat chance anyone gets selected without making that commitment.

  20. - Rob_N - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 1:08 pm:

    Bill Baar, you also suggested there’d be a brokered Dem convention and kept that storyline up well past its expiration date. ;)

    I read somewhere on teh Internets that Rod has a load of cash in his “presidential” campaign fund…


    It may make sense for him to appoint himself to Senate so he can more effectively raise more Federal campaign cash instead of State campaign cash (can’t mix the two).


  21. - wordslinger - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 1:09 pm:

    –My first official act after I’m sworn in will be to request that the President replace Patrick Fitzgerald.–

    Why? Is he not doing his job well? Or is he doing it too well for your interests?

  22. - Bill - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 1:12 pm:

    Neither. I just figured it would enhance my chances for appointment.

  23. - Rob_N - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 1:13 pm:

    Bill Baar,

    That decision historically would go to the most Senior member of the Senate delegation from the party of the president - which is why then-Sen. Peter Fitzgerald requested the Patrick Fitgerald appt to Pres. Bush.

    That means if Obama is elected president, Dick Durbin would make the recommendation. Durbin’s been pretty careful to stay out of the Springfield fray and might just leave well enough alone (those more knowledgeable than I about any sort of relationship between Durbin and Patrick Fitzgerald can pipe up).

    A freshman, appointed, junior Senator likely wouldn’t have much input on a US Attorney… though it is all based on tradition, no hard and fast rules that I know of, and W displayed an astounding disrespect for that tradition by making unprecedented, politically-based firings/hirings among US Attys mid-term (ie, US Attorney-gate).

  24. - Bill Baar - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 1:15 pm:

    Bill Baar, you also suggested there’d be a brokered Dem convention…

    I know… but it came a lot closer to it than many expected it would when I first suggested that.

    I think Gore could have stepped in a taken it if he wanted too.

    If the polls are overstating things (and that’s not beyond reason) and Obama loses this by a hair, a lot of Democrats will wish it had been a brokered convention.

  25. - wordslinger - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 1:19 pm:

    –I just figured it would enhance my chances for appointment.–

    Bill, why do you say that?

  26. - You Go Boy - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 1:20 pm:

    Why not appoint Jesse Sr. and make the Blago farce complete.

  27. - Anon - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 1:20 pm:

    *** ===I have a feeling Sneed got it though a few days ago with Donne Trotter. ===


    Nope. ***

    Why not? He’s got the bow ties, doesn’t that put him up there with Paul Simon?

  28. - Phil Collins - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 1:21 pm:

    If Obama wins, Blago. will probably appoint Comptroller Hynes, to the U.S. Senate, to ensure that Hynes won’t run for governor, in 2010. If that happens, Blago. would be able to appoint Hynes’ replacement, and he would probably choose ex-St. Sen. Carol Ronen.

  29. - GoBearsss - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 1:28 pm:

    Is that Phil Collins or Tom Collins?

  30. - Irishpirate - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 1:41 pm:

    I predict Blago will appoint himself to the Senate seat. Then he will run off to Washington yelling “sanctuary” and claiming that he is beyond the reach of Patrick Fitzgerald. At the same time he will leave his wife at home to meet her fate.

    His understanding of the law is rather limited after all.

  31. - eyedoc 23 - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 1:56 pm:

    Please, please, please…we are talking about a narcissistic, ego-manical, just plain loopy and goofy leader of our state, Governor Good-hair. He will not listen to Obama, his father-in-law or his spiritual advisor(s). Do not discount that he make appoint HIMSELF! One thing is for sure, Vegas odds are close to even money that he picks an African American. Why? As L.Washington points out today, that that’s his only loyal base–right now… he won’t make the US Senate All-White again, no way, ain’t gonna happen, it will be a Afr-American. Bet the house on it. JJJ, Val Jarrett, Emil (yes, he could get 3 pensions), Jesse White (opening the door someone else to run for SOS, like Hynes-think-Patronage and NO Gov run). Remember, this crazy Gov. still wants to run for ANOTHER term..hello?? we are not dealing with someone who thinks like the rest of us! If by some miracle, he’s not in Orange suits by 2010, he will run again. So, he’s got to clear the field and keep his base happy. Heck, Kwame Raoul or Danny Davis have better shots at being the next US senator than Jan, Dan or Peter Pan.

  32. - fedup dem - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 1:58 pm:

    I believe that should it come to pass, the candidacy of anyone appointed by “Mr. 13%” would be DOA. Thus, an appointment, assuming Gov. Sleazy is using his head for more than for placement of his hair for a change, would need to be someone who would not be a candidate in 2010, and someone whose selection might get Rod a leg up on the legal help he’s going to be needing soon enough.

    Therefore, the logical choice would be for Rod to select Nobody who Nobody Sent… former former Congressman, Federal Circuit Court of Appeals Judge and White House Counsel (and I believe a partner at that law firm that gave George Ryan pro bono help in his federal case), Abner Mikva.

  33. - paddyrollingstone - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 2:00 pm:

    I’ll take my wild guess: Duckworth. It will look like a good government move and get the Gov 15 minutes of relatively good press. If it were me, I’d appoint myself.

  34. - Phil Collins - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 2:06 pm:

    eyedoc 23, you said, “It will be an African-American.” You probably mean someone who was born in Africa. About 2/3 of Blacks, I know, dislike being called African-American. They know that, since the dictionary definition of “African” is “a resident of Africa,” an African-American must be anyone who was born in Africa, immigrated to the U.S., and became an American citizen. This definition includes some Whites, so whether someone is an African-American can’t be determined by his or her skin color.

  35. - DzNts - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 2:16 pm:

    Rich - was my last post a little too snarky? I apologize.. will tone it down in the future.

  36. - Lefty Lefty - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 2:17 pm:

    My wild guess is Lisa Madigan will be chosen to improve Baloney’s chances of another term.

    Also, if everyone who votes Obama-Biden is an “Obamabot,” I guess that makes the 35 conservative newspapers who endorsed them, Howard Zinn, and the Financial Times brainless automatons under Islamic socialist control, too.

    I don’t know what confuses me more–a (true) conservative voting for McPalin, or a PUMA-feminist-Democrat voting for them.

  37. - VanillaMan - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 2:22 pm:

    Listen people - this is Illinois!

    If it isn’t Blagojevich, it will be Michelle Obama. C’Mon! We keep it in the family here, remember?

  38. - Pot calling kettle - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 2:22 pm:

    Patty Blagojavich

    It seems so obvious.

  39. - Wumpus - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 2:25 pm:

    Emil! Emil! Emil!
    MJM to get rid of your enemy.
    J3 as he has courage to go on WIND and WLS, although he will win his re-election at a 90% clip in his district.
    Kwame Raoul

  40. - Huckleberry - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 2:26 pm:

    How about we speculate as to who Obama (presuming he wins) takes with him to D.C. to fill various positions. I say MJM as Ambassador to Ireland. I think you could have fun with a post like this. Or not.

  41. - unclesam - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 2:39 pm:

    If Obama wins the presidency, he’s not sworn in until January. If the timeline is correct, then the appointment to his US Senate seat will not happen until January as well.

    If those timelines are correct, who’s to say that it won’t be Governor Quinn making the appointment and not Blagojevich.

    It’s not out of the realm of possibility.

  42. - Captain Flume - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 2:39 pm:

    Whoever gets appointed to the Bammer’s seat will have to run again, if s/he chooses, in 2010, the same year that the Governor is up for re-election. What a pair to draw that will be!, especially having to run on the premise that s/he was recommended by the Governor for the job.

  43. - Redbright - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 2:54 pm:

    The president-elect can resign his Senate seat anytime between Nov. 5th and the swearing in ceremony in January.

    If Obama has any sway the appointee will be a person of respect in IL and, thus, not a point of local or national discussion.

    It is a national issue that Obama is the only black Senator. Going to an all-white group won’t be a step up in national politics. My guess is that the appointee is a black female who is only there for the 2 years, leaving the seat open for all to compete for in the 2010 primary.

    Cheryle Jackson and Melody Hobson come to mind for Chicagoans; there may be others down state.

    Remember: Only about 1/3 of appointees have ever been able to get really elected to the US Senate. It would be better for someone to take the spot for 2 years to build their rep and then run for a different office in 2012 (after taking off 2 years).

  44. - ivoted4judy - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 2:54 pm:

    The Speaker goes to DC, and that eliminates daughter Lisa’s problem of what to do with Dad. However, Rod would never help HER out in that way. I think the dark horse is Senator Kwame…PS WHEN Obama wins he will NOT get rid of this US ATTORNEY. Fitz will be here:Obama will not take the heat for removing him.

  45. - Wumpus - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 2:57 pm:

    Obama has not been doing any senate related work since he won election so a do nothing senator would not matter, not would his date of resignation.

  46. - Deep South - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 3:07 pm:

    There is some speculation in the south that Glenn Poshard will be asked to take the seat for two years, then leave the seat up for election.

  47. - DzNts - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 3:22 pm:

    I wonder too if any potential appointee will require a written MOU with the Governor.

  48. - Vote Quimby! - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 3:23 pm:

    Deep South: What kind of odds are you giving on that? I can’t imagine that happening. Downstate Illinois already has one senator, and it will be long after Durbin is gone before they get another.

    Ted Stevens convicted…up next, a Democrat governor?

  49. - A Citizen - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 3:32 pm:

    Clearly this will be a time and opportunity for healing. The “pity” appointment will be Oberweis, just to get him out of the perennial cycle of being a loser.

  50. - DzNts - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 3:32 pm:

    I’m not sure about that, Quimby. Don’t underestimate Gary Forby. The more likely scenario would be current State Rep. Phelps. Likeable guy, good family name, young, energetic, and knows that the “L” in McLeansboro is capitalized.

  51. - Fortunato - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 3:36 pm:

    Who ever Blago appoints will be able to block any person’s nomination. He or she will have the power of the blue card. There is no question that the Democrats will insist that Obama request the immediate resignation of every single US Atty in the country -including Fitzgerald. They will claim the Justice Dept has been “too political.” Look for the Senator from Vermont and Dick Durbin to lead the charge. The Chicago Dems are happy to see Blago thrown overboard, what they are afraid of is who else might be indicted. Blago has EVERY reason to put someone in the Senate that will not move foward with corruption trials in Illinois. Better announce those indictments this week, or we probably wont see any.

  52. - Vote Quimby! - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 3:40 pm:

    ==good family name==
    maybe, but from the wrong area code. That family name didn’t help against Shimkus, did it?

  53. - DzNts - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 3:41 pm:

    === There is no question that the Democrats will insist that Obama request the immediate resignation of every single US Atty in the country -including Fitzgerald===

    Wouldn’t that be politicizing the office, the very charge that the democrats went ballistic and led to the resignation of former AG Gonzales? I don’t think they’re ready to suggest the “change agent” make that dramatic (and typical insider move) of a change. Besides, he’s already said his main priorities are the economy, health care and spreading the wealth. Upending the entire federal court system at the behest of political insiders sounds like a dangerous kind of change to me.

  54. - DzNts - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 3:43 pm:

    I think it would have taken a lot of gospel quartets to beat Shimkus…even in the (618). :-)

  55. - Anon - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 3:50 pm:

    ===The “pity” appointment will be Oberweis, just to get him out of the perennial cycle of being a loser. ===

    Or a cynical appointment, to guarantee that he continues to run for office at least one more time and continue to bolster the notion that the Illinois Republicans have no meritorious candidates.

  56. - there he goes again - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 4:04 pm:

    Appointing Speaker Madigan to the U.S. Senate would help cap off the Speaker’s strong public service career, and would rid the Governor of the Speaker from the Springfield policymaking scene in one move.

    Likely, no; but there is some merit in the whole move.

    But I’m not sure the Speaker would enjoy the endless string if receptions he would have to attend every night after working in the Senate.
    I’m not sure the Speaker would enjoy taking his marching orders from Chuck Schumer:)

  57. - Mongo - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 4:13 pm:

    OK off topic, but is Phil Collins crazy? Most of the people who I might call black prefer to be referred to as African-American.

    I actually prefer to call him or her whatever he or she chooses.

  58. - Moderate REpub - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 4:16 pm:

    Here is one for the conspiracy folk;
    Blago makes a deal with Cullerton to get Claybourne out of the Senate (Buy appointing him the new US Senator). This would clear out Cullerton’s main competition and Blago would use the favor as leverage over Cullerton the next President of the Senate. Obviously it would be up to Cullerton to get it done when the caucus vote comes up, which I am sure if he makes the deal with Blago, Blago will lobby every senator he could help with (Maybe just a few, but that might be enough). I know I know, it’s pretty out there, but it wouldn’t shock me if it happened.

  59. - Carl Nyberg - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 4:19 pm:

    Can I just state for the record that there is a chunk of Republican partisans who are dishonest and/or morons?

    U.S. Attorneys are political appointees. When a new POTUS is sworn-in they are expected to resign and be replaced with new political appointees.

    This is different from firing U.S. Attorneys for the purpose of derailing legitimate criminal investigations. Firing a U.S. Attorney to block a legitimate investigation might qualify as obstruction of justice.

    Replacing U.S. Attorneys at the beginning of a term is also different from firing a U.S. Attorney who fails to bring bad-faith election tampering charges or otherwise use the office in a partisan manner to affect elections.

    I know these issues have been explained before, but if the GOP is going to be propped-up by liars, hacks and morons, somebody has to call them out.

  60. - Moderate REpub - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 4:25 pm:

    Here is one for the conspiracy folk;
    Blago makes a deal with Cullerton to get Claybourne out of the Senate (By appointing him the new US Senator). This would clear out Cullerton’s main competition and Blago would use the favor as leverage over Cullerton the next President of the Senate. Obviously it would be up to Cullerton to get it done when the caucus vote comes up, which I am sure if he makes the deal with Blago, Blago will lobby every senator he could help with (Maybe just a few, but that might be enough). I know I know, it’s pretty out there, but it wouldn’t shock me if it happened.

    Claybourne is black, and it would probably sit well with the black caucus since they are all from Chicago except for Claybourne, so his needs and their needs are not always the same, and quite frankly, sometimes are polar oppisite (the upstate, downstate fight). Everyone wins. Just adding that in for clarification.

  61. - Speaking At Will - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 4:26 pm:

    I say Blago, in jealous rage, appoints Barack Obama as the U.S. Senator, ending the Obama presidency.

  62. - Moderate REpub - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 4:33 pm:

    - Carl Nyberg - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 4:19 pm:

    Can I just state for the record that there is a chunk of Republican partisans who are dishonest and/or morons?

    I know these issues have been explained before, but if the GOP is going to be propped-up by liars, hacks and morons, somebody has to call them out.

    Thats a bit much. Sounds like you need a release of some kind, tell us how you really feel.

  63. - wordslinger - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 4:35 pm:


    It’s been a common practice throughout the history of the Republic to request resignations of presidential appointments at the start of a new administration. Nothing sinister there. Presidents from both parties have chosen to keep on previous U.S. attorneys of the opposite party who were in the middle of big prosecutions.

    As we all now, at least those of us who care to read the record, the Gonzales/Harriet Mills “why are Republicans mad at you” hit list of Bush-appointed U.S. Attorneys was something quite different. They were all in the middle of investigations of GOP bigshots. The attorney general and White House counsel were actively seeking to derail those investigations through intimidation or forced resignations. They didn’t have the guts to fire them like Nixon did Cox in the Saturday Night Massacre.

    Fitz is unique in that he’s investigating Dem and GOP bigshots at the same time for some of the same capers. If either Obama or McCain cans Fitz after the election, the heat will be the same. Illinois is a model of bipartisanship when it comes to corruption, after all.

  64. - Rob_N - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 4:52 pm:

    Wumpus lied: “Obama has not been doing any senate related work since he won election so a do nothing senator would not matter, not would his date of resignation.”

    C’mon Wumpus, that dog won’t hunt. …If he hasn’t done any work as our Senator, why is it that he’s co-sponsored so many bills with Republicans, many of which Pres. Bush signed into law, even while a member of what was then the minority party in the Senate?

    Even fiscal conservatives appreciated the Google for Government bill he wrote with Tom Coburn and security conservatives liked the work he did with Dick Lugar to secure old Soviet nukes before they became “loose nukes”.

    We “real” Americans aren’t stupid, Wumpus.

  65. - Arthur Andersen - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 5:10 pm:

    =Cheryle Jackson, Mellody Hobson=

    If Rod wants to curry favor with the POTUS-elect or the A/A community, he should appoint an FOB with a tad more gravitas than either one of these two lovely, well-spoken but undercredentialed ladies.

    Reaching into the General Assembly would be a mistake, as the strong A/A Senators and Rep’s are badly needed right here (Clayborne, Raoul, Colvin) and the others would be a disaster in DC (Hollywood.) Particularly if the seat is to be held by a caretaker, a businessman like Jim Reynolds would be a good pick. He thoroughly understands the issues associated with the financial meltdown and unlike about 95% of Congress actually knows what it’s like to have to meet a payroll.

  66. - Bill S. Preston, Esq. - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 5:20 pm:

    Dick Mell. Without a doubt.

    Joking aside, if he appoints an AA male, I hope it’s Kwame. Much better than JJJ or Trotter.

  67. - Bill - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 5:35 pm:

    Fitz is also unique in that even though his office is in the murder capitol of the world where organized crime flourishes and gansters roam with impunity that the only high profile cases he ever prosecutes seems to be political in nature. How about the real crime, violent in nature, that really hurts people? How about white collar crime in the private sector that really hurts people? This guy is a one note tune while more dangerous, violent criminals are ignored. I think we deserve better.

  68. - ZC - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 5:46 pm:

    Can you imagine the floor speeches, if Rod appointed Vanilla Man?

  69. - 47th Ward - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 5:48 pm:

    I like Kwame Raoul too, especially in the IL Senate. But he was not Obama’s choice to replace him there, why does anyone think he’d be Obama’s choice to replace him in the US Senate?

  70. - Six Degrees of Separation - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 5:50 pm:


    Saints preserve us!

    Keeping people from killing each other and gangbangin’ in general is the cops’ job. Prosecutors, hmmm…well… investigate the facts given to them by the investigators, and prosecute in case a crime has been committed.

  71. - A Citizen - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 5:52 pm:

    I’d say the guy with the real bipartisan credentials who has also made the requisite high dollar contributions and has true and proven fund raising capabilities - Bill Cellini !!!

  72. - 2ConfusedCrew - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 6:02 pm:

    Let’s try again
    Blagoof will name Hollywood Hendon
    — it takes attention away from IL
    — angers everyone
    — makes IL an even bigger laughing stock

    This post was sent over an hour ago but censored by Lord Capt Fax’ cause we used Holloywood’s street name and used a possibly profame term

    BTW Dunk - Blagoof promisees you every job, but until you stop getting him good tables you will never get one.

  73. - Bill S. Preston, Esq. - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 6:49 pm:

    ZC, LOL. God help us all.

    47th, Obama isn’t going to have a say.

  74. - wordslinger - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 7:40 pm:

    Bill, you amaze me.

    The current U.S. Attorney has pursued Organized Crime and gangbangers as aggressively as any we’ve had in my blessed time in my chosen home. Remember Family Secrets, Joey the Clown?

    I suspect there are many, like you, who long for the days when the U.S. Attorney for Northern Illinois devoted his resources to high profile televised quarterly drug busts, and picking off moronic, small-fry aldermen who would take a few hondos for favors, from people they didn’t know, in offices they had never been before (speak into the potted plant, please).

    After a couple of years of this, they would graduate to a nice rainmaker job and a corner office at a LaSalle Street firm. We’ve had plenty of them.

    This Fitz just won’t play ball, will he? He wants to know what the Big Dogs are up to. What’s he want? What will it take? I bet you and your pals have agonized over this long and hard.

    By the way, don’t throw your back out spinning from being a righteous defender of the constitution one moment, and wanting to toss out a U.S. Attorney for chasing down not-too-bright corrupt public officials the next.

    Let’s face it,the way your guy does business, how could you ignore it. He’s brought it all down on himself. And it hasn’t even started yet.

  75. - Anonymous - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 7:41 pm:

    Surreal version: Jack! Ryan, disgusted with the GOP for “forcing” him to step down during the 04 race, will announce a move to the “other side of the aisle.” Obama, forever grateful and to prove that he’s non-partisan will ask Blago to appoint the new Conservative Democrat to the Senate Seat.

    Within a few election cycles, the Senate will be all Harvard and Congress will be all Yale. True gentlemen, they’ll duke really tough issues out on a polo field.

    Blago will be appointed to stomp out divots, along with the rest of the fans.

  76. - Bookworm - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 7:42 pm:

    Bill, aren’t crimes like murder supposed to be prosecuted by the STATE? And aren’t a lot of mobsters who “really hurt people” (Al Capone, John Gotti, et al.) nailed on “white collar” offenses like tax evasion? And if I remember correctly, Fitz does have a record of prosecuting those who “really hurt people” like the 1993 World Trade Center bombers.

  77. - Bookworm - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 7:44 pm:

    Also, according to the Sun-Times story on Ted Stevens’ conviction, there is no law preventing convicted felons from serving in Congress.

    Just a thought Blago might want to consider when deciding whom to appoint to the Senate seat.

  78. - Bookworm - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 7:46 pm:

    By the way, Anon 7:41, “Congress” means BOTH the House and the Senate.

  79. - Anonymous - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 7:48 pm:

    lol I was focusing too hard on trying to be witty!

  80. - Anonymous - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 8:05 pm:

    Either that or it was a slip. From where did Jeb graduate?

  81. - Illinifan - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 8:33 pm:

    Rich or anyone;

    Has anyone heard any rumors of Blagojevich being appointed Agriculture Secretary by Obama (assuming Obama wins)?

  82. - A Citizen - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 8:38 pm:

    I heard “Mongo” would get that slot but guv would stand behind him with a manure fork.

  83. - Bookworm - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 8:45 pm:

    Hadn’t heard that one, Illinifan, although given Blago’s great love of nature and care for our state park system, Secretary of the Interior would probably be an even better fit. (Snark intended)

  84. - Kevin Fanning - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 9:14 pm:

    lol,I figured Attorney General

  85. - wordslinger - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 9:41 pm:

    First Supreme Court Justice from Pepperdine. Ken Starr, eat your heart out.

  86. - Arthur Andersen - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 11:11 pm:

    Illinifan, that rumor is likely caused by the high correlation between Blagojevich and a common agricultural byproduct, over on the livestock production side, most commonly known as “B.S.”

    BTW, word, the 7:40 post dissecting Sen. in the wings Bill was one of your best ever.

    Not enough to change my endorsement for his appointment, but a well written post nonetheless.

  87. - JohnR - Monday, Oct 27, 08 @ 11:16 pm:

    You guys are all too Springfield-centric.

    I have a hard time imagining Blago picking anyone out of the State House.

    Any House Dem would just be a Madigan Crony. No Senate Dems have stepped out from behind Emil’s long shadow.

    There just isn’t anyone in that Statehouse mess that has any legs.

    Its going to have to be a Congressperson, top-level official, or civic leader.

  88. - Bill - Tuesday, Oct 28, 08 @ 9:06 am:

    Thanks for your support Arthur. I’ll find a place in DC for you.

  89. - Old Shepherd - Tuesday, Oct 28, 08 @ 9:49 am:

    How about Jefferson Smith?

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