Question of the day
Thursday, Nov 13, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller
* I told subscribers about this earlier today…
Jockeying over the state Senate’s next Democratic leader intensified Wednesday as Mayor Daley insisted he had no horse in the race but signaled behind the scenes he wants retiring Senate President Emil Jones’ successor to be from Cook County. […]
Leading up to the closed-door session, Daley dispatched some of his Springfield emissaries to spread word that his preference is someone from the Chicago area, Senate sources said.
But the mayor publicly denied having any role in that maneuver, which was first tipped Wednesday in the Capitol Fax political newsletter published by Chicago Sun-Times columnist Rich Miller.
“I haven’t said that at all. I don’t know who you’re talking to. Who’s Capitol Fax anyway?” Daley said after Wednesday’s City Council meeting.
The above Sun-Times story was entitled: “Daley wants Jones’ successor to be from Cook County.” I, of course, stand behind my original story. And, as I told subscribers today, Daley’s top staff has subscribed to the Capitol Fax for years.
* The Question: Who’s Capitol Fax anyway?
I’ll make sure to forward a copy of your comments to hizzoner.
- Wumpus - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 10:14 am:
How many octaves did Daley’s voice go up when he asked that question? If he doesn’t know who CapFax is, he is not fit to be mayor.
- anon24 - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 10:15 am:
who’s capitol fax? what planet are these people from!
- Dirt Digger - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 10:16 am:
Capitol Fax is a masked, caped bandito, righting wrongs and triumphing over evil.
- phocion - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 10:18 am:
What’s a Daley?
Where’s a Machine?
Why’s another Indictment?
Where’s an Independent?
When’s a U.S. Attorney?
Gee…this is fun. Thanks Rich and Richie!
- Anon - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 10:21 am:
Clearly its time to create some anagrams:
A Flap Toxic
Cat Pilaf Ox
Fail Tax Cop
- siriusly - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 10:21 am:
They are who we thought they were! And we let them off the hook!
(please imagine me saying that in my best Dennis Green voice)
- Pat collins - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 10:22 am:
Who’s Capitol Fax anyway
Public Blogger A.
- Heartless Libertarian - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 10:23 am:
Captil Fax isn’t here to create disorder, Capitol Fax is here to preserve disorder.
- Anon - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 10:27 am:
Who is Capitol Fax? For a guy no one sent, he does pretty well for himself.
Also, if you didn’t know Captitol Fax, wouldn’t you ask ‘what’ and not ‘who’?
- South Side Mike - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 10:28 am:
1. Thanks to Rod, a rich Rich man.
2. You would know if he ran the City Hall Fax.
3. Somebody that nobody sent.
- Amy - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 10:34 am:
so, from Chicago, so that means his horse is Jimmy DeLeo….oops, I mean John Cullerton?
- South Side Mike - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 10:35 am:
4. Capitol Fax ain’t ready for reform.
- Fed Up State Employee - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 10:35 am:
Who’s Daley anyway?
- The Doc - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 10:40 am:
Capitol Fax is all about the children. Everybody knows that. We can’t just have children running around reading Capitol Fax. We need revenue for that. Time to set up a Capitol Fax TIF district.
- Six Degrees of Separation - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 10:43 am:
“DEAR EDITOR: I am 66 years old.
“Some of my little friends say there is no Capitol Fax.”
Papa said, ‘If you see it in the SUN TIMES it’s so.’
“Please tell me the truth; is there a Capitol Fax?
- Fan of the Game - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 10:46 am:
In the days of old
When men were bold
And Illinois was leading the packs,
A bearded man rode in
And said with a grin,
“I’m starting the Capitol Fax.”
“The Fax,” he said,
“Will be a thing of dread
For the corrupt political hacks.
From the governor on down
To Da Mare of Chi Town,
All in the sights of the Capitol Fax.”
The legend grew wild
Like an ornery, spoiled child,
As the Captain exposed corruption and blight,
And the pols understood
That the game was no good
While the Fax kept them exposed to the light.
The years wore on
And the Fax rolled on
Like Patton in a tank in the war,
Intent on gunning down
Every shyster in town,
Even putting some behind bars.
The technology has changed,
But the Fax still remains,
Still giving the wicked pols flack.
The Captain’s sharp words
Cut like long, silver swords,
And Da Mare asks, “Who is the Capitol Fax?”
- wordslinger - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 10:47 am:
“Who’s this Capitol Fax anyway? Springfield’s a capital. Washingon’s a capital. Everybody knows that. What’s a fax? 2 plus 2 is 4. That’s a fax. You know that. You in newspapers know that. It’s about jobs. And education. And the Olympics…”
- Ahem - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 10:47 am:
The Capitol fax is a fax machine for whistle-blowers. It sits in a room in Patrick Fitzgerald’s office. Patrick shares some of the doozies with a reporter named Rich Miller.
- Zora - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 10:52 am:
Didn’t George Bush say something similar the first time he heard Obama’s name?
- The 'Broken Heart' of Rogers Park - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 10:55 am:
Just tell the Mayor Capitol Fax is run by the dude who’s father owns the Obamalic.
- The orginal South of I-80 - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 10:56 am:
Mayor Daley - Whoozzzzz that?
- Rep. John Fritchey - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 10:58 am:
That’s easy. Capitol Fax is Kaiser Sose’s blog.
- VanillaMan - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 11:01 am:
Capitol Fax is a 15 pound security flashlight that pierces through the inky black fog within the Illinois political systems. Rich Miller uses it to expose the bloated and misshapened political creatures breeding there.
His readers huddle around him like Japanese tourists huddling around a bearded park guide giving tours of a newly-discovered necropolis. Capitolfaxbloggers jeer as the 250 pound rats scurry away from exposure.
“Folks, this is where Illinois political decisions are made”, Miller softly speaks reminding them of Jurassic Park’s John Hammond watching the birth of a T Rex. “Look at their sharp yellow teeth, one nip and you’ve got rabies!”, the bearded wise man intones.
“Who is that nut?”, a wide-eyed college intern asks as a half-naked loon giggles and tosses the ghouls crumbs of support. The man is shirtless, exposing his “Blagojevich 2002″ tattoo, barefoot and obviously out of his mind.
“That is Bill”, Rich Miller informs Kevin. “You’ll get to know him better. He is what we call ‘a believer’ - sorta like a snake handler and a precinct worker. Bill is like Willard, always searching for his Ben!”
“We don’t understand Bill, he just is, Miller informs the young man.
Digital cameras record a demented scene straight out of a Hieronymous Bosch painting, watching Illinois politicos feasting on tax dollars and vomiting out social programs full of waste and corruption. “They believe they are helping us”, Mr. Miller sadly notes for the crowd. “But as you can tell by the stench down here, they are only deluding themselves as well as their voters.”
Miller’s Capitol Fax spotlight swings from repulsive scene to repulsive scene, leading the tour group out of the depths of the political underbelly of Illinois, and returns them to the Surface where clean air and water awaits each group.
“As you now know,” says Miller as each quaking group shuffles pass him towards their cars, “Illinois is no place to search for enlightened leaders.”
“And here is a brochure for a similar tour of Louisiana politics, but you better hurry because Governor Jindal is draining that swamp quickly.”
- Pot calling kettle - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 11:01 am:
There is no entry in Wikipedia, so I do not think that the Capitol Fax exists.
In the Wikipedia article on Citizen Kate, there is a reference to “Rich Miller’s Capitol Fax Blog Party,” I would guess it’s probably a show on MTV3.
- An Army of One - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 11:04 am:
C hicago Mayor
A lways
P uts
I ts
T erritorial interests
O ver
L egislators
F or
A ll
X-tras available from the state
- South Side Mike - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 11:07 am:
Fan of the Game, take a bow. I believe we will soon see a box to the right with your “Ode to the Capitol Fax” forever enshrined. I daresay it was VanillaMan-esque.
- VanillaMan - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 11:09 am:
Fan of the Game - that was absolutely marvelous!
- Levois - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 11:20 am:
I know who the CapFax is I wonder what cave the mayor lives in. lol
- OneMan - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 11:23 am:
It gives a shape to something that has no shape.
– the rest are tweaked Bond movie lines
Gentlemen, CaptiolFax has gold bullion on deposit in Zurich, Amsterdam, Caracas, Hong Kong… worth 20 million pounds. Most of it came from this country.
CapitolFax. Sounds like a French nail varnish.
World domination. The same old dream. Our asylums are full of people who think they’re Naploeon. Or CapitolFax
He seems fit enough. Have him report to me in Istanbul in 24 hours.
So as charming as you are, CapitolFax, I will be keeping my eye on our government’s money - and off your perfectly-formed arse.
Woman:If the only thing left of you was your smile and your little finger, you’d still be more of a man than anyone I’ve ever known.
CaptiolFax: That’s because you know what I can do with my little finger…
Rod B: I could have given you the world.
CaptiolFax: The world is not enough.
Rod B: Foolish sentiment.
CaptiolFax: Newsletter motto.
- Justice - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 11:26 am:
Seems to me to be a resounding endorsement by hizzoner. It is apparent that “not being recognized” is in fact a complement by someone of importance who may be temporarily aggravated because their ploy was noted. Nice job Rich….as always.
- Oh my Bama - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 11:27 am:
This is all just silly. Silly I tell ya, silly. What can I say, it’s silly, just silly, silly, silly, silly……..
- BannedForLife - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 11:27 am:
“I’ll make sure to forward a copy of your comments to hizzoner.”
you got Daley’s e-mail???
we all thought he resigned from the internets years ago
- Chanson - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 11:47 am:
The Capitol Fax Blog cannot be read through “the Chicago way” lenses in the mayors glasses.
- scoot - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 11:48 am:
Not that ya need it…because every politician/political junkie in Illinois knows about the blog, but it’s great advertisement for CapFax.
- BandCamp - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 11:53 am:
Mr. Daley, do not mock what you do not understand.
- downstate hack - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 11:56 am:
Who is Cap FAX?
Protector of Truth, Justice, and the American Way.
Three concepts seldom found in Illinois or Chicago politics.
- BannedForLife - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 11:58 am:
- dupage progressive - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 12:05 pm:
wow — what a reflective, end-of-the-year type question. The kind that makes one look in the mirror.
All I know is that if we didn’t have capitol fax in our lives, we wouldn’t know diddly squat.
And can we order t-shirts that say “Who is Capitol fax anyway???”
Love it!
- prowler - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 12:05 pm:
Who’s Capitol Fax anyway?
Look a kitty!
- Kevin Fanning - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 12:08 pm:
Who is Capitol Fax?
Illinois’ own Charles Foster Kane. “The news goes on for 24 hours a day.”
- 47th Ward - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 12:10 pm:
I’m Capitol Fax.
- John Bambenek - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 12:21 pm:
Who is Capitol Fax?
He’s part of the vast right wing conspiracy.
- hmmmmm - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 12:41 pm:
Me thinks Rich will find a couple of ways to remind Da Mare who he is. Can you buy fax ink by the barrell?
- Truthful James - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 12:56 pm:
Fan of the Game –
New Words from the same old song.
Ub Days of Old
When Pols were Bold
And Daleys weren’t particular
They Lined taxpayers all
Against the Wall
And Screwed us Perpendicular
- Anon - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 12:58 pm:
I served with Capitol Fax; I knew Capitol Fax; Capitol Fax was a friend of mine. Ms. Sneed, you’re no Capitol Fax.
- anon - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 1:08 pm:
[POP] Oh look, a kitty!
- doubtful - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 1:11 pm:
Also, if you didn’t know Captitol Fax, wouldn’t you ask ‘what’ and not ‘who’? -Anon
You, sir or madam, receive a A+ with gold stars in English!
- Jake from Elwood - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 1:13 pm:
This is Capitol Fax
Procuring information
Using leads and contacts
With careful confirmation
This is Capitol Fax
Reporting all transgressions
Beaming from the C.F. Blog
Using written ammunition
This is Capitol Fax
On pirate satellite
Orbiting thru cyberspace
Everybody hold on tight!
This is Capitol Fax
Consider your position
(With apologies to Joe Strummer)
- Disgusted - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 1:26 pm:
He doesn’t know what Cap Fax is because he don’t read nuttin’ what nobody sent.
- Anon from BB - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 1:30 pm:
You can’t stop the signal, yer honor.
- Six Degrees of Separation - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 1:35 pm:
I’m Capitol Fax.
I am Spartacus.
- Dan S, a Voter and Cubs Fan - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 1:46 pm:
It is a very accurate information source regarding politics in the State of Illinois. Sounds like “Hizzhonor” is a litle out of touch.
- 40+ - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 1:53 pm:
I hope Capitol fax represents freedom to expression and share your opinion without the hrash judgement, total inclusiveness regardless of political affiliation, geography, race, etc. Bloggers possessing the ability to be open-minded when there is a difference of opinion, and knowing that their being right or wrong is dependent on your life experience and unique prospective.
If that is not what Capitol fax is now, than I hope it strives for that in the future. With the problems in our country, I am not striving to drink “hatorade juice”.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 2:02 pm:
40+, sometimes “wrong” is just “wrong,” whatever “life experiences” you might have.
- Bill - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 2:14 pm:
Capitol Fax is the home of Bill, friend of the friendless.
- Little Egypt - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 2:15 pm:
Mayor Daley, just because you deny knowledge of “The Capitol Fax” does not make me believe you are not aware of it. Your claim of not knowing what this great political tool is reinforces us “downstaters” that you believe you are the Supreme Ruler of The State of Chicago and never get “off your trails”, so to speak. It is not a sin to admit you know there are 101 additional counties in Illinois. In fact, we all might have a tad more respect for you if you did so.
- OneMan - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 2:19 pm:
Capitol Fax is the home of Bill, our next US Senator!
Go Bill Go
- Bill - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 2:22 pm:
Thank You OneMan! We now have only 269 less members than Jcubed on our senatorial Facebook page. We’ve got him right where we want him!
- 40+ - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 2:23 pm:
Yes, Rich understand what your saying. I just stating that Capitol fax is important in many people’s lifes while other people may use other media sources or venues for their information. The sources may not always agree. That’s okay it just gives us more information to make decisions for ourselves in life.
- SO ILL - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 2:25 pm:
Looks like some people took their “creative-writing” pills this morning.
- soccermom - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 2:31 pm:
Bill, may I suggest a campaign motto?
“The Bill is Due!”
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 2:40 pm:
Bill, I just invited all 676 of my FB friends to join the new group. Maybe we can bump that number up a bit.
Anyway, back to the question.
- South Side Mike - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 2:56 pm:
Capitol Fax:
The lead source on 90% of the state/local politics stories in Illinois newspapers.
- KenoMan - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 3:09 pm:
Unless he can give you a city job or contract, or make walk a precinct, Daley doesn’t know you.
- Vote Quimby! - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 3:17 pm:
Who’s Capitol Fax anyway?
The guy who keeps me from getting too much work down with late-breaking, accurate stories about Illinois state government…And this girl sees me in the limo and says “Hey–it’s Capitol Fax guy!”
- getting too old for this - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 3:22 pm:
Mayor Daley, ask your Doctor if Capitol Fax is right for you.
- Six Degrees of Separation - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 3:23 pm:
And this 12 year old black girl sees me in the limo and says “Hey – aren’t you Doug Finke?”
- Just My Opinion - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 3:26 pm:
In the office I retired from, it was the rule that The Capitol Fax had to be on the boss’ desk first thing in the morning (when it was actually faxed). Mayor Daley may be able to fool some of the people but I find it hard to believe that The Capitol Fax is not high on his reading list every morning. Second question Mayor?
- Irish - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 3:47 pm:
Fan of the Game and VM
Kudos there is nothing to add. I tip my tinfoil hat to you.
- Obamalac - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 4:25 pm:
While cruising up-and-down Michigan Avenue election night the three riders from Chicago yelled out “There is the Mayor’s fleet” parked at a club down around 14th Street. We made a U-Turn and went back but they were on the way. I was going to introduce him to the Obamalac and to “The Real Rich Miller!” So I’m sure he must’ve seen the Obamalac that night. Just tell him about the connection. And if he wants a ride just contact Rich. Dad
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 4:27 pm:
===And if he wants a ride just contact Rich. Dad ===
Um, no. I don’t book the Obamalac. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to say that. Not involved with booking. That’s the other RWM.
- HappyToaster - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 4:27 pm:
The first rule of Capitol Fax is, you do not talk about Capitol Fax. The second rule of Capitol Fax is, you DO NOT talk about Capitol Fax.
- Say WHAT? - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 5:08 pm:
Anyone who pretends not to know about the Capitol Fax has something to hide.
Who’s Capitol Fax? PLEEASE! Give me my Capitol Fax and nobody will get hurt!
40+ If I were you I wouldn’t worry about “Hatorade” Apparently, you have already swallowed the cool-aid! If you don’t like it straight, go home and be spoon fed by the Chicago media. Rich only gives it straight. Keep up the good work!
Who’s Capitol Fax? Ha! NOW THATS RICH!
- Roy Slade - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 9:58 pm:
VM- you made me spit out my coffee with your post. Bill- as much as I want to vote for you, I just don’t know if I can do it. Oh what the heck- if VM can do it, then I can hold my nose, and do it as well.
- 21st State - Thursday, Nov 13, 08 @ 10:00 pm:
there is no better compliment to your skills Rich, than for the Mayor to say what he did - kudos to your ongoing commitment