Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Afternoon stuff: Budget; Daley; Cubs; Emanuel; Twitter; Teens & Alcohol; Hull
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Afternoon stuff: Budget; Daley; Cubs; Emanuel; Twitter; Teens & Alcohol; Hull

Monday, Nov 17, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Bob Greenlee, who took over as deputy governor when Sheila Nix resigned last summer, kinda sorta hints at some near-term budget action on issues like drug and alcohol treatment programs…

* Illinois isn’t the only state that’s closing historical sites…

In all, 14 of Ohio’s 58 historic sites will be closed the week of March 28. […]

The Arizona Historical Society has closed the research library at its museum in Tempe and sharply reduced hours at the research library in Tucson.

* More on state budget problems

In most states, budget directors and legislators have said that tax increases are not likely. A notable exception is California, where Mr. Schwarzenegger is seeking a 1.5-point increase to the state’s 6.25-percent sales tax, although he is unlikely to get the necessary approval of Republican legislators.

In Oregon, moreover, Gov. Ted Kulongoski, a Democrat, has proposed a $1 billion economic stimulus plan centered on infrastructure improvements, which he envisions would be paid for by raising the state’s gas tax by 2 cents per gallon and increasing a host of vehicle fees.

* Daley and the unions come to terms

Mayor Daley and organized labor have reached an agreement that could dramatically reduce the 929 layoffs needed to solve Chicago’s worst budget crisis in a generation, City Hall sources said Monday.

Union leaders have agreed to work-rule changes to reduce the city’s overtime costs, the soures said. They have also agreed to drop their opposition to a partial shutdown of city government around the holidays.

In exchange, Daley has agreed to offer cash incentives — at least $5,000 and as high as $15,000 — for members of Laborers Local 1001 to induce retirements by eligible union members.

“We have 433 eligible people in the Laborers pension fund. We’re hoping around 60 will take advantage of it,” Lou Phillips, business manager of Laborers Local 1001, said Monday.

* The governor’s (and many others’) preferred Chicago Cubs owner has been hit with insider trading allegations

The Securities and Exchange Commission filed insider trading charges against Mark Cuban, the outspoken owner of the Dallas Mavericks, for allegedly dumping shares in upon learning it was raising money in a private offering (full text of complaint).

* The “Rahm Emanuel doesn’t pay property taxes” Internet hoax has jumped the ocean and landed in Switzerland. Oy. Translated text is here.

* Lots of news companies (including myself) use Twitter to promote their stories, but I found this one from WGN to be unbelievably tasteless

WGN is on 3 students drown in Fox River (scroll down under the “Midwest” section)

* Interesting statistics

A state law passed after five Oswego teenagers died in an alcohol-related car crash last year has led to driver’s-license suspensions for more than 3,000 underage drinkers this year, but experts give it mixed reviews because of disparities in enforcement. […]

Lake County leads the state in license suspensions with 370 from Jan. 1 through Oct. 15, followed by DuPage County at 358 and McHenry County with 230. Will County had 76. Only 60 license suspensions were reported in Cook County, according to the state. […]

The law says people under age 21 will lose their driving privileges if they are found guilty or granted court supervision for violating laws regarding consumption, possession or purchase of alcohol “regardless of whether a vehicle was involved.” The suspension is three months for first offenders.

* Larry’s nightmare pick for US Senate: Blair Hull.


  1. - GoBearsss - Monday, Nov 17, 08 @ 1:06 pm:

    what is it, 35 states facing deficits?

    And there are still some in Illinois who think the Governor is just making it up?

  2. - Six Degrees of Separation - Monday, Nov 17, 08 @ 1:10 pm:

    Blair Hull spent $29 million in a failed bid to buy a seat in the Senate 4 years ago. He could’ve saved his money and bought it much cheaper 4 years later.

  3. - Bill Baar - Monday, Nov 17, 08 @ 1:42 pm:

    I don’t think anyone in Chicago’s covered RE’s apology to the AADC for his Dad’s remarks on Arabs. That’s quite a pass…

  4. - Rich Miller - Monday, Nov 17, 08 @ 1:43 pm:

    BB, who really cares about what someone’s dad says or does? I mean, if I had to apologize to the Republicans every time the Obamalac appeared in public, I’d have no time for anything else.

  5. - Bill Baar - Monday, Nov 17, 08 @ 1:47 pm:

    AADC cared a lot,

    Calling the comment an “unacceptable smear,” the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee had sent the younger Emanuel a letter (copied to Mr. Obama) calling on him to “disavow and repudiate these remarks publicly.”

    “All we ask is to be treated in the same way as any other ethnic, racial or minority group,” said Kareem Shora, the A.D.C.’s executive director. “We’re not treating it as simply an Arab-American issue, we’re trying to treat it as an American issue.”

    I don’t blame them….

    …and it’s news.

  6. - archpundit - Monday, Nov 17, 08 @ 2:04 pm:

    Thankfully, I am not responsible for all of the things my father says or does or I’d be getting in a lot of bar fights.

  7. - Dan S, a Voter and Cubs Fan - Monday, Nov 17, 08 @ 2:13 pm:

    Now “deer in the headlights” Bud Selig has an actual reason to keep Cuban out of the MLB owners club.

  8. - Obama's Puppy - Monday, Nov 17, 08 @ 2:17 pm:

    If you look closely behind Bob grenlee you can see the ghost of Filan - BOO!

  9. - 47th Ward - Monday, Nov 17, 08 @ 2:40 pm:


    It wasn’t newsworthy when AADC complained, and I was able to find Rahm’s apology in print. What is your point? It was a misunderstood comment that set this off, nothing more. Whether either story qualifies as news is debateable. The fact that both stories were covered is not.

  10. - 47th Ward - Monday, Nov 17, 08 @ 2:46 pm:

    Use the Google:

    The Tribune ran the AP’s story last week Bill. What was that pass you were referring to?


  11. - Rob_N - Monday, Nov 17, 08 @ 2:48 pm:


    For one thing, just because the Predident-elect and his Chief of Staff live in Chicago doesn’t mean the local news stations are going to suddenly devote half their preciously short newscasts to national and international news. The local stations in Washington don’t even do that.

    For another thing, perhaps you just need to pay closer attention to the local news in the first place:

    - Tribune: ran the AP story

    - Sun-Times: ran the same AP story

    - ABC 7, WLS-TV: that’s an Andy Shaw report, if the national AP story running in the two largest local papers isn’t local enough for you

  12. - Bill Baar - Monday, Nov 17, 08 @ 2:48 pm:

    What is your point?

    MSM in Chicago ignored it. At least as far as I can tell.

    When the US is at War in Arab lands with Arab allies how outfits like Al Jazeera view us is important.

    We understand things maybe, but what ought to have a better sense of what the rest of the world is reading because they’ve got a lot at stake and don’t understand what we sometimes dismiss as irrelevant.

  13. - Rob_N - Monday, Nov 17, 08 @ 2:49 pm:

    Apparently, 47th Ward didn’t bother to do the extra two minutes of research I did… And Bill Baar didn’t even take the time to do any at all. ;)

  14. - Pat collins - Monday, Nov 17, 08 @ 2:50 pm:

    The Tribune ran the AP’s story last week Bill

    Billy Bagels, anyone?

    I firmly reject that you need to apologize for what your relatives say or do.

  15. - Rob_N - Monday, Nov 17, 08 @ 2:52 pm:

    …Bill, the point 47th and I are making is that the Chicago media did not ignore it.

    You, on the other hand, apparently don’t read every page of every newspaper nor watch and listen to every minute of every broadcast of every tv and radio station … not that anyone would expect you to (unless you keep making the same false claims that the media somehow isn’t covering stuff that they are covering).

  16. - Bill Baar - Monday, Nov 17, 08 @ 2:54 pm:

    Both the Trib and Sun Times carried the AP story…. that’s it. (I just googled).

    No wonder these papers are going under….

  17. - Rich Miller - Monday, Nov 17, 08 @ 2:55 pm:

    A goofy, hurtful comment from somebody’s father is only big news to somebody like Drudge. Let’s move along.

  18. - Rob_N - Monday, Nov 17, 08 @ 3:06 pm:

    Yes, time for some Swiss cheese and Swiss chocolate!

    I wonder why the MSM in Chicago haven’t covered that international story involving Rahm Emanuel?

  19. - Pothole - Monday, Nov 17, 08 @ 3:37 pm:

    Does this article in the Economist actually appear to portray Gov. Blagojevich as fiscally responsible? -

    Third paragraph from the bottom

  20. - wordslinger - Monday, Nov 17, 08 @ 3:47 pm:

    Blair Hull, my how history is fickle. Remember how close he seemed to be? Will Brenda Sexton be appointed to a newly created Federal Film Office? Obama owes her something.

  21. - Anonymous - Monday, Nov 17, 08 @ 4:25 pm:

    Taking away driving privledges doesn’t stop drunks from driving cars and hurting more people. While jail time is appropriate for DUI, it’s also expensive. Do society and the environment a favor and impound (or confiscate) the car. That would stop a lot of people from even risking drunk driving. If they need a vehicle to work, there’s walking, biking, and maybe mopeds.

  22. - Six Degrees of Separation - Monday, Nov 17, 08 @ 4:45 pm:

    If they need a vehicle to work, there’s walking, biking, and maybe mopeds.

    And a corresponding increase in drunk walkers, bikers, and moped riders:-)

  23. - Rob_N - Monday, Nov 17, 08 @ 5:27 pm:

    …and small prop-plane pilots… in Downers Grove, at least.

  24. - Arthur Andersen - Monday, Nov 17, 08 @ 7:17 pm:

    Dang, Rob, you beat me to that one. :)

    That pilot never heard the old “8 hours bottle to throttle” guideline.

    Kidding aside, that jerk was very lucky to come out of that alive and with no other injuries or loss of life. He gives the hundreds of thousands of general aviation pilots, many of whom are also retired or active military/commercial pilots, a bad name. The fact that he will never fly again is small consolation.

  25. - More than half serious - Monday, Nov 17, 08 @ 10:28 pm:

    If I were the Governor I would appoint Jesse Jackson … SENIOR. Now THAT would muck up the 2010 Groundhog’s Day primary!

  26. - Anonymous - Monday, Nov 17, 08 @ 11:06 pm:

    Anonymous 4:25, how is impounding someone’s car going to help the environment?

    If you have a nice car, you can’t even park it downtown in a paid lot, without the kids working there taking it for a spin while you’re gone running an errand.


  27. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Nov 18, 08 @ 1:49 pm:

    FYI, Bill, if you’re still around. ABC 7 covered the “apology.” So much for your theory…

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