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Another blue ribbon report, and another candidate emerges *** UPDATED x1 ***

Tuesday, Nov 18, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This may be interesting

Past and present government officials will join together today to announce a new statewide initiative aimed at promoting and improving Illinois’ public education system.

Former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert, former Commerce Secretary William M. Daley, former Gov. Jim Edgar, Chicago City Clerk Miguel del Valle and Joyce Foundation President Ellen Alberding will make the announcement during a Chicago press conference and through interviews with statewide media.

The group will announce the launch of Advance Illinois, “an independent, objective voice to promote a public education system in Illinois that prepares all students to be ready for work, college and democratic citizenship,” according to a press release.

Let’s see… Hastert led the unsuccessful push for a capital bill. Edgar just helped kill the constitutional convention referendum and campaigned hard against Dawn Clark Netsch’s education funding idea in 1994, which led to the failure of his “me too” plan a year later. William Daley has touted himself as a potential gubernatorial candidate, but has been busy lately with Obama transition duties. The Joyce Foundation funds most of the “goo-goo” activities here, which naturally irks some legislators. And Miguel del Valle, while still greatly repsected in the General Assembly, has not been around much.

But, I’m sure they’ll succeed beyond their wildest dreams.

*** UPDATE *** The group’s new website is up and running. From the “Policy Solutions” page

A quality education improves the odds of success for all young people and anchors a state’s civic and economic well-being.

The executive director, Robin M. Steans, appears to be related to Sen. Heather Steans (D-Chicago).

[ *** End of Update *** ]

* Speaking of potential statewide candidates, this is not all that surprising

DuPage County Board Chairman Robert Schillerstrom is hinting at a possible run for statewide office in two years.

“I’m interested in doing what I can to turn things around (in Springfield), and I’m not exactly sure what that may be at this point,” he said. “It may be to continue doing exactly what I’m doing right now, it may to be very involved in the selection of the next slate and it may be to potentially be a candidate. Time will tell on those issues.” […]

Schillerstrom has hinted at running for attorney general and governor in the past, but he wouldn’t single out a specific office he might seek in two years



  1. - GOP'er - Tuesday, Nov 18, 08 @ 9:19 am:

    Wonderful. Hastert can teach kids how to make their fortune in real estate (first, become Speaker of the House).

    Bill Daley can teach civics, the Chicago Way.

    Edgar gets all things equestrian. Kids with perfect attendance get valuable tips on the third race at Arlington.

  2. - Ravenswood Right Winger - Tuesday, Nov 18, 08 @ 9:37 am:

    Bob Schillerstrom…another RINO who has donated to Democrats over the years. I hope he runs statewide and gets whupped.

  3. - Rob_N - Tuesday, Nov 18, 08 @ 9:41 am:

    B.S. sez: “and I’m not exactly sure what that may be at this point”

    That about sums it up.

  4. - Scooby - Tuesday, Nov 18, 08 @ 9:44 am:

    At the close of 2006 the two stories to watch were that A+ Illinois had a budget of several million dollars available to spend on the upcoming session to finally move school finance reform and that Rich Whitney’s Green Party had earned enough support in the 2006 statewide elections to qualify for easier ballot access rules potentially putting a number of Democratic legislative seats in jeopardy of a Green Party spoiler.

    Both poorly underperformed expectations.

  5. - The Emperor Has No Hairbrush - Tuesday, Nov 18, 08 @ 9:51 am:

    Does this “Advance Illinois” outfit have a Web site? When you google them all that turns up is payday loan sharks.

  6. - abe froman - Tuesday, Nov 18, 08 @ 10:01 am:

    The only time Schillerstrom has gotten any attention is when questions come up about his unsavory connections to the Ryan pay-to-play crowd and his own insider dealing with legal and bond work in DuPage County. He is both the worst possible candidate the GOP could support for any office and, thus, also the most likely to be the party’s standard bearer.

  7. - Slightly Right - Tuesday, Nov 18, 08 @ 10:35 am:

    Schillerstrom’s upside is he has executive experience, a good record in leading DuPage County, is moderate enough to have broad appeal in a general election and he can raise the funds necessary to wage a competitive race, something, aside from the millionaires playing political fantasy camp, only a few GOP politicians can currently do.
    His downside is that he would have a difficult time in a competitive Republican Primary with his pro-choice views and his lead role in the RTA Sales Tax.
    If he can survive the primary he would be a strong GOP candidate for a statewide office.

  8. - Shore - Tuesday, Nov 18, 08 @ 10:41 am:

    Rich, you missed a great story in Newsweek this week where none other than the Karl Rove touts Peter Roskam as the future of the GOP. I’m also interested in your thoughts on Greg Hinz story in Crains where he talks about the way forward for my beloved but failing IL GOP.

  9. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Nov 18, 08 @ 10:44 am:

    Schillerstrom is one of many reasons DuPage is turning Blue. He can make the most ardent GOP supporter cringe. Schillerstrom is alot like Birkett. They think they will “play” statewide, but have little grasp about voters outside the “Suits” in DuPage.

    If we want “more of the same” in the GOP, Schillerstrom is a sure way to go. Imagine Schillerstrom and Birkett on the same ticket statewide. One enjoys cronyism, and the other is STILL after Rolando Cruz. MJMadigan must be wringing his hands in delight.

  10. - GA Watcher - Tuesday, Nov 18, 08 @ 11:56 am:

    Advance Illinois’ website is Its Executive Director is Robin Steans of the Steans Family Foundation and sister of State Senator Heather Steans.

  11. - Sox fan - Tuesday, Nov 18, 08 @ 12:10 pm:

    Bob Schillerstrom is the only Republican who can pull off a state-wide victory - the Republican voting block of the collar counties is the only way a Republican can win a state-wide office in spite of all the rhetoric

  12. - DzNuts - Tuesday, Nov 18, 08 @ 12:11 pm:

    Advance Illinois is part of a larger initiative funded in part by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to increase school performance. Getting statewide appeal from very public names is part of the broader strategy of raising money over the next 24-36 months to demonstrate sustainability. It’s a great idea, but the timing is particularly tough for nonprofit fundraising right now. Not sure how Edgar, Daley will be able to help them beyond a news conference.

  13. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Nov 18, 08 @ 12:55 pm:

    DzNuts, I suspect you hit the nail on the head. The Gates Foundation is throwing some money around, and this is how we tap into it. Big names on the board might help.

    Otherwise, if you read the website, the general wonky-talk is less than illuminating.

  14. - Reality Check - Tuesday, Nov 18, 08 @ 1:15 pm:

    It’s waaaaaaaaaay past time for new groups, grants, studies, conversations, dialogues or reports. Illinois needs action to raise revenue right away.

  15. - Jake from Elwood - Tuesday, Nov 18, 08 @ 3:08 pm:

    Smiling Bob has it good as DuPage County Chairman. His board is largely compliant to his wishes and his wife just got made a Circuit Court judge. He has a fairly large warchest and is just scratching the itch to see if he could do better. I wouldn’t count on it, Smiling Bob.

  16. - doubtful - Tuesday, Nov 18, 08 @ 3:44 pm:

    Rich, you missed a great story in Newsweek this week where none other than the Karl Rove touts Peter Roskam as the future of the GOP. -Shore

    They also published an article titled Is Obama the Antichrist, so I’m not sure anyone should value them as a reputable news source at this point.

    The people who believe Obama is the Antichrist are perhaps jumping to conclusions, but they’re not nuts: “They are expressing a concern and a fear that is widely shared,” Staver says.

    Legitimizing this tomfoolery makes me weep for this country.

  17. - DuPage Red - Tuesday, Nov 18, 08 @ 4:15 pm:

    Senator Dan Cronin would be great at County Board Chairman of DuPage and get the county back in the RED

  18. - Naperville Republican - Tuesday, Nov 18, 08 @ 4:41 pm:

    Schillerstrom and Cronin both pushed the CTA sales tax increase big time. Now we have the highest sales taxes in the country. Cronin, Dillard, and Milner all voted for it giving suburban Dems a pass. Schillerstrom spent a bundle taking on Republicans in the primaries only to be rebuffed by the voters in every race, and Cronin’s leadership has given DuPage three new Dem county board members for the first time in a generation. Neither deserve (or will get) a promotion.

  19. - Bobby J - Tuesday, Nov 18, 08 @ 6:40 pm:

    Heather and Robin are sisters. Dad is rich guy Harrison Steans. They run the Steans Foundation

  20. - Mary Fioretti - Tuesday, Nov 18, 08 @ 7:39 pm:

    At least they want to try something. This next year the bar goes up to 75% of students need to be in the category of meets and exceeds. That includes special education students and youngsters that have just moved here from another country making it very difficult to obtain those goals. The one missing element that many do not address in the NCLB target groups are young women. Start looking at the numbers in your own district to see at the 11th grade if young women are passing. You’ll be amazed at the results. The Board of this organization is a virtual who’s who in education across the state. It’s a good thing it’s associated with the Gates Foundation as they are trying to move our young people to be successful. Job one, make sure you put a few accountability things up on the web i.e. who your donors are. Hat’s off and hope they can move the will of the electorate.

  21. - Mary Fioretti - Tuesday, Nov 18, 08 @ 9:40 pm:

    And here’s another group who have a vested interest in seeing that all students have a better educations. Read on:,0,4048366.story

  22. - SangamoGOP - Wednesday, Nov 19, 08 @ 12:05 am:

    The best part of a Schillerstrom run is another fine set of Schillerstrom cuff links at Republican Day at the State Fair…Stay classy, Bob…

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