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Blagojevich and the Obama replacements

Tuesday, Nov 18, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* My weekly syndicated newspaper column takes a snarky look at the Obama replacement scramble

I was interviewed the other day by National Public Radio about the “campaign” to fill President-elect Barack Obama’s U.S. Senate seat. Most of what I said was left on the cutting-room floor, but my message to the NPR reporter was crystal clear: Ignore all the punditry and prognostication.

Admittedly, it’s been enormous fun to watch all the hopefuls scramble for Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s favor. The governor, by law, fills the vacancy, which was created when Obama resigned Sunday. Blagojevich hasn’t been this popular with this many politicians since he first took office and was handing out plum jobs and contracts.

Times have changed, and pretty much everybody has treated him like a radioactive monster for the past couple of years, so I’m sure he’s enjoying all the recent attention.
U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. has gone so far as to line up newspaper endorsements and at one point convinced several Washington, D.C., reporters that he was the front-runner to replace Obama. He even commissioned a statewide poll that he claims shows he’d be the best candidate of the bunch.

The Politico’s Roger Simon recently pointed to Obama’s choice of Illinois Veterans Affairs Director Tammy Duckworth to accompany him to a Veterans Day wreath-laying ceremony as a significant clue. Duckworth is on just about everyone’s short list. But some Chicago media outlets have reported that U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin’s advocacy of Duckworth’s appointment might be hurting her. Durbin and Blagojevich don’t have the best relationship, goes the logic. Then again, almost everybody has a lousy relationship with this governor.

The potential appointment list is almost endless. Congressmen like Luis Gutierrez and Jan Schakowsky have their hands out. Former statewide officials like Roland Burris have said they’re ready, willing and able to serve.

Pretty much every story published about the vacancy also has mentioned retiring Illinois Senate President Emil Jones, partly because Jones is allied so closely with Blagojevich.

Jones’ downsides are many. He specializes in crony politics. His family has benefitted mightily from state jobs and contracts. He has almost no respect in the media. And his antics have lost him most of the respect he once had in political circles.

Logic would seem to dictate the governor would use this appointment to finally start turning around his absolutely awful reputation with voters. I mean, you’d think a guy with a 13 percent approval rating would want to nudge that upward a little.

But when has reason or or logic ever entered into Blagojevich’s playbook? Was the Statehouse war he waged about the past two years reasonable or logical? It tanked his poll numbers, but he kept on fighting. We’re talking about a Democratic governor of one of the most Democratic states in the union who has lower job approval ratings than lame duck Republican President George W. Bush. Reason and logic? Please.

The point is that while the scramble for Obama’s seat may be fun to watch, particularly Jackson’s over-the-top circus, none of the “clues” pointed to in the media probably mean anything.

Reporters, pundits and the professional prognosticators all are looking at this in a logical, traditional way. As mentioned above, this is not usually how Blagojevich tends to operate.

The entire spectacle finally became so bizarre that I started to push my own replacement candidate last week. I decided a longtime commenter on my blog who goes by the name of “Bill” and defends Blagojevich through thick and thin deserved the Senate seat as much as everyone else.

Within 24 hours of starting a FaceBook group for “Bill,” more than 160 people had signed up for the cause. That’s almost as many “followers” as two sitting congressmen attracted to their own FaceBook groups which were designed to bolster their Senate dreams.

Bill’s “candidacy” now has its own blog and three YouTube “campaign” videos, all created by a volunteer.

It’s almost a movement.

Yeah, OK, that’s a little over the top. But I figure Bill has just as much of a shot as anyone, considering who’s doing the appointment.

Bill now has 259 supporters.

* Meanwhile, Obama’s media guru David Axelrod tells Newsweek about his disgust with Gov. Blagojevich

At the time of that meeting with the Obamas in 2006, Axelrod had been “so disgusted with the state of politics, so disillusioned—we were about to elect a governor [Rod Blagojevich], he was an old client of mine and a friend, but he was disappointing—I wanted to be involved in something that reminded me of why I got into this work in the first place,” he recalled.

* You may have noticed that I deleted the blog’s Obama news feed. He resigned his Senate seat, so he’s no longer our Senator, hence the deletion.

* Related…

* Jackson: May the Best Man Get Obama’s Seat

* Senate appointee must serve all of Illinois

* Obama: National Press Tamer than Chicago Press


  1. - wndycty - Tuesday, Nov 18, 08 @ 9:13 am:

    Rod needs to be called on this, there is absolutely NO REASON for Rod to drag this out other than stroke his ego. Its been a real possibility that Barack would need to be replaced since he locked up the nomination and for Rod to take his time on this is just ridiculous. The longer Rod takes to make this appointment the more controversial it will be.

  2. - Cassandra - Tuesday, Nov 18, 08 @ 9:21 am:

    Since this is all about our Blago’s bid for a third term, I would guess, Gutierrez or another prominent Hispanic. A sizeable chunk of African Americans would likely stay with Blago in the primary in any case, out of habit and name recognition if nothing else, and Hispanics are a growing segment of the voter population, who need to be motivated to vote in greater numbers in the the primaries. Gutierrez could likely do that.

  3. - wndycty - Tuesday, Nov 18, 08 @ 9:29 am:

    Cassandra I believe if Alexi runs Rod can kiss African American support in the primary good-bye.

  4. - Confuseed 2B - Tuesday, Nov 18, 08 @ 9:43 am:

    The Gov loves all the attention that he’s getting for this and it’s not negative-at least not until he makes his choice! This will drag on for some time! We still need to see who is REALLY running for Rahm’s position!

  5. - Levois - Tuesday, Nov 18, 08 @ 10:06 am:

    Axelrod disgusted by Blagojevich? Oh man he knew some in 2006 that we didn’t. lol

  6. - citizen - Tuesday, Nov 18, 08 @ 10:12 am:

    I always like reading the Obama’s news feed. I would like for you to reconsider having it.

  7. - Chicago Near North - Tuesday, Nov 18, 08 @ 10:18 am:

    All of the IL pundits –bloggers here included— seem to look at the replacement selection solely from the internal-IL perspective.

    We don’t live in a vacuum. The new White House and the DNC will want the replacement selection to support the long term success of holding the seat in 2010.

    I think the Gov’s negotiating options with the Justice Dept are hinged on picking a replacement that meets the requirements of those national leaders. Maybe that’s why this is taking so long: Blago can’t come to grips with the idea that he has to kiss-up to Obama, Durbin and Rahm. Don’t forget that the Obama team has been leak-proof. We don’t have a clue what pressure is being exerted on a Governor who must jump every time someone rings his door bell.

    It is in the best interest of the Democratic Party for the appointee to be a very very respectable caretaker – someone who has the experience to represent IL’s interest for the short term and doesn’t get in the way of the Dem primary in 2010.

    And on the other side of the story, they won’t want to damage any Dem with the potential for long term party success (Lisa, Alexi) by having them associated with Blago.

  8. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Tuesday, Nov 18, 08 @ 10:36 am:

    To be able to disillusion a hard boiled egg like Axlerod is about the most telling testament to why Blago’s administration has failed so tremendously. He won’t win again, for anything.

  9. - A Citizen - Tuesday, Nov 18, 08 @ 10:40 am:

    I think the obvious winner must be Senator “Bill” - guv has no more loyal follower, not even Emil.

  10. - Eileen Left - Tuesday, Nov 18, 08 @ 10:53 am:

    Bill Daley? Keeps him out of gov race,aligns mayor against Magigan,Obama can’t say no.Just a thought.

  11. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Nov 18, 08 @ 10:53 am:

    The story’s a little too cute. Axelrod had become disgusted with politics and along came Obama along to re-inspire him.

    Axelrod’s been in politics for a long time, and he has made a boatload of money in it. I’m sure he’s had plenty of reasons we can only imagine to be disgusted by politics long before Blago came along.

  12. - Captain America - Tuesday, Nov 18, 08 @ 12:36 pm:

    Emil and Luis are the worst possible choices in my unhumble opinion.If I had to choose between Emil and Luis, I’d choose Luis.I’m sure there are worse potential candidates,like Blair Hull, but I assume that genuine dark horses are unlikely.

    I really don’t think Pinochios will gain any particular re-election advantage from his Senatorial succession decision.

    Blago’s political career in Illinois is effectively over. He’s exahusted his opportunity for a comeback because of the time and money he has had to expend trying to dodge indictment. There could be some backlash if he picks someone unsuitable, but I assume that backlash would be directed against the unsuitable appointee if they attempt to run for re-election.

    My favorite alternative would be for Governor Pinocchio to pick himself. He can do a lot less damage as a U.S. Senator than he has done/can still do as Governor.

    May the best operson win in the 2010 Senatorial free-for-all that undoubtedly will ensue regardless of who he picks. I think the citizens of Illinois will be well-served by a spirited Democratic primary and a competitive Democratic-Republican face-off in November 2010.

    I think 2010 is the year that a disgusted electorate could wreak rightful havoc on some high-level Democratic candidates because of Todd Stroger and the Springfield meltdown

  13. - archpundit - Tuesday, Nov 18, 08 @ 1:28 pm:

    ===like Blair Hull, but I assume that genuine dark horses are unlikely.

    Admittedly, the Hull thing is a joke on my part, but given Dear Leader’s erratic nature, who knows if it is unlikely?

  14. - Little Egypt - Tuesday, Nov 18, 08 @ 2:02 pm:

    Bill, I fully support you to fill Obama’s two remaining years but first I would want to see a promise, written in your own blood of course, that you would leave Cook County occasionally and come on down to Little Egypt country. Me and spouse would be honored to show you the real crown jewel of Illinois - the Shawnee National Forest, and many other wonderful areas. So how ’bout it buddy. Give me one of those MOU’s and we’ll give you many great memories. Oh, and bring your sleeping bag, tent, and camp stove. You won’t be staying in a Holiday Inn Express.

  15. - Anon - Tuesday, Nov 18, 08 @ 2:07 pm:

    I too think Rod will cave to the pressure of picking a respectable candidate. My guess is Tammy Duckworth or Jan Schakowsky. I think he is more likely to pick a woman because of the potential of Lisa Madigan running in 2010- he is going to want to appeal to the female constituency.

  16. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Nov 18, 08 @ 2:08 pm:

    Many of you people still don’t get it.

    Stop making sense.

  17. - GoBearsss - Tuesday, Nov 18, 08 @ 2:10 pm:

    Sandi Jackson probably has a better shot at getting the seat than Jesse Jackson, Jr. does at this point.

  18. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Nov 18, 08 @ 2:11 pm:

    ===Sandi Jackson probably has a better shot===

    Don’t forget Michael.

  19. - GoBearsss - Tuesday, Nov 18, 08 @ 2:19 pm:

    now that’s just stupid…

  20. - GoBearsss - Tuesday, Nov 18, 08 @ 2:20 pm:

    I mean, he’s from GARY!

  21. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Nov 18, 08 @ 2:31 pm:

    I think I have an old Action Jackson doll in my attic. It has a Kung-fu grip and a Jeep.

  22. - Capitol View - Tuesday, Nov 18, 08 @ 2:32 pm:

    Congress hopes to have a rump session in the next few days — and with the tenuous balance in the Senate, the Democrats need every vote they can get ( yes, I know about the 60% vote to end filabusters.)

    Not having a second Illinois senator on the Senate floor at this time is absurd. And the US Senate Majority Leader should confront our governor about it.

  23. - Madison County Watcher - Tuesday, Nov 18, 08 @ 3:02 pm:

    Is anyone going to ask all of the “candidates” for the Senate seat their opinion of Patrick Fitzgerald? It seems the most important issue is whether Blagojevich’s choice would impede Fitzgerald’s reappointment.

  24. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Nov 18, 08 @ 3:04 pm:

    MCW, the junior US Senator will have no say over the US Atty.

    Try not to obsess over stuff.

  25. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Nov 18, 08 @ 3:04 pm:

    Madison, a junior senator could not.

    Let’s be clear, it’s tradition for a president to take the recommendation of the senior senator from the state of his own party. Lacking one, presidents have listened to a governor of his party of senior congressman.

    But it’s the president’s call the whole way. A U.S. attorney is appointed by the president, confirmed by the senate, and serves at the pleasure of the president.

  26. - Black Ivy - Tuesday, Nov 18, 08 @ 3:23 pm:

    I enjoyed your NPR interview, Rich! I even sent you a personal congratulatory e-mail - check your inbox. It was nice waking up with, er, hearing your voice of clear reason in the morning :)

  27. - GoBearsss - Tuesday, Nov 18, 08 @ 3:30 pm:

    I think this just made her selection more likely:

    “AG Madigan: ‘Less than zero’ chance for Senate nod”

    Less than zero means she is in the lead.

  28. - Disgusted - Tuesday, Nov 18, 08 @ 11:36 pm:

    Axelrod was disappointed with Milarod and rightly so. So now he had to work with Rahm(FU)Emanual for probably two presidential terms. His ears will probably fall off after the first one.

  29. - anon - Wednesday, Nov 19, 08 @ 8:00 am:

    Good one, Disgusted.

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