Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Afternoon stuff: Giannoulias; Obama; Pontiac; Taxes; Jumping Jacks
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Afternoon stuff: Giannoulias; Obama; Pontiac; Taxes; Jumping Jacks

Wednesday, Nov 19, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Fox Chicago is reporting that Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias told a group of supporters last night he’s running for governor. There doesn’t seem to be anything on the station’s website, however.

He did have a fundraiser last night, but someone close to Giannoulias told me today that the treasurer didn’t say anything he hasn’t said before. “He’s been telling people for a while that this is something he’s looking at.”

* RollCall reports that Rep. Luis Gutierrez has discussed the possibility of being appointed to Barack Obama’s seat, but Rep. Jackson, Jr. has not…

According to the source, the governor “has discussed the prospect” with the eight-term Chicago lawmaker, and the two Democrats “will talk more in a few days” about the possibly of his being named to the job. […]

Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. (D-Ill.), who some had considered until recently the frontrunner to replace Obama, “has not had a direct conversation with the governor” about the seat, his office confirmed.

“Some” had considered Jackson the frontrunner because Jackson worked the DC press galleries so hard and nobody bothered to check. This looks like it might be a targeted leak designed to take Jackson down a peg.

* Um, guys? RRB’s hanging with Ahnold in Hollywood today…

Central Illinois residents are on their way to Springfield to march in a rally to protect Pontiac Prison. The rally starts at 2:30 from the AFSCME headquarters.

The goal of the rally is to show Governor Rod Blagojevich many communities will be affected if he closes the prison. For now, a judge has issued a temporary restraining order to ban the transfer of inmates from the prison.

* This seemed to be overlooked yesterday…

Illinois pays its retailers more than any other state - $126 million a year - to collect its sales tax, a new report on Tuesday discloses.

In a study likely to give retail trade groups here heartburn, Good Jobs First, a Washington-based left-of-center research group, says what it dubs “legal skimming by retailers” in Illinois dwarfs the figure of any other state, with only the much-larger Texas coming anywhere near as close, at $89.6 million a year.

A big chunk of that loot goes to a favorite of political progressives, Wal-Mart, Inc. It gets $8.5 million a year for collecting sales taxes for Illinois, trailing only the $10 million the Arkansas-based retailer nets from Missouri and $9 million from Colorado, where the firm controls a larger share of the retail market. […]

The new study couldn’t come at a worse time for store keepers. It may provide powerful ammunition for increasingly dominant Democrats at Springfield to eliminate or reduce the retailers’ allowance at the same time that a weak economy is keeping sales down. Still, IRMA has been successful behind the scenes in keeping a good relationship both with House Speaker Michael Madigan and with his frequent antagonist, Gov. Rod Blagojevich.

The study can be found at this link. Crain’s also reports that Sen. James Meeks has introduced legislation “to repeal the retailers’ allowance and redirect the revenues to hiring more school truant officers and pre-school education.”

* The world is going to heck, but Jumping Jacks was saved by a fee increase on micro-businesses

Just minutes before the full City Council convened today to consider Mayor Richard Daley’s $6.2 billion 2009 budget proposal, the Finance Committee voted to boost the fees on Maxwell Street Market vendors to raise enough money to save a popular block party freebie doled out by aldermen at the start of each year.

As a result of the effort designed to save “jumping jacks,” the annual application fee for a market license will likely triple to $75 and the fee for an alternate license probably will more than triple to $50. Daily fees for the market also would increase substantially, but they would not double as first proposed earlier this week.

* The Tribbies are live-blogging the city council budget debate.


  1. - Bill S. Preston, Esq. - Wednesday, Nov 19, 08 @ 1:25 pm:

    I believe the words Giannoulias said were “gearing up for” not “looking at” the governor’s office. A subtle yet, I believe, meaningful difference.

  2. - Cassandra - Wednesday, Nov 19, 08 @ 1:33 pm:

    As I said yesterday, the Senate replacement choice is all about our Blago running for a third term. And
    if he is going to be battling Alexi, whose may well have Obama support, directly or indirectly, then he needs the Hispanic vote even more.

  3. - pro - Wednesday, Nov 19, 08 @ 1:43 pm:

    I believe last year the Gov proposed “capping” the retailers discount as an alternative for mass transit funding.

    Its a good, easy solution for something worthwhile and to correct an out-of-date practice

  4. - James the Intolerant - Wednesday, Nov 19, 08 @ 1:54 pm:

    Can’t believe the budget passed 49-1. They are still wasting $1M/year on the feel-good/political advertising cable channel, how many jobs or reduced taxes would that be. But lets take care of important things like jumping jacks. Lemmings.

  5. - The Doc - Wednesday, Nov 19, 08 @ 2:32 pm:

    As usual, the city council lapdogs offer a few sound bytes decrying budgetary line items (read: political cover), offer no solutions of their own, and fall in line. The notion of checks and balances in Chicago government is a joke.

  6. - The 'Broken Heart' of Rogers Park - Wednesday, Nov 19, 08 @ 3:05 pm:

    ===Can’t believe the budget passed 49-1.===

    Yes, I can.

  7. - Skeeter - Wednesday, Nov 19, 08 @ 3:13 pm:

    This bit from Burke is classic:

    “Business representatives, as well as owners of condominiums and larger apartment buildings, have spoken out in recent weeks against the dumpster fee. But Finance Committee Chairman Ed Burke (14th) said private hauling companies would end up paying the cost.

    “There is no expectation in this body that this fee would be passed on to customers,” he said.”

    Is he out of his mind? Companies are just going to eat the tax increase and not pass them along to customers?

    I hear he made the comment without laughing, which is a great accomplishment.

  8. - Just Observing - Wednesday, Nov 19, 08 @ 4:35 pm:

    Alexi running for Gov would be a huge mistake for him — I do not see how he can beat Lisa Madigan or Dan Hynes.

  9. - Do these indictments make my hair look bigger? - Wednesday, Nov 19, 08 @ 4:40 pm:

    Retailers discount has been in play since 2003.

    The City Council consists of sheeple w/herding mentality. Does anyone really expect representation? I live in the City & expect to be spoon fed these tax increases until I choose to move.

  10. - Speaking At Will - Wednesday, Nov 19, 08 @ 5:09 pm:

    == Alexi running for Gov would be a huge mistake for him — I do not see how he can beat Lisa Madigan or Dan Hynes. ==

    I have to disagree.

    Everyone seems to think that Lisa Madigan is going to be the favorite. However the message from all other democratic primary candidates campaigning against Lisa will be “do you really want a father and daughter controlling the Governors mansion and the speakers gavel.” Its a legitmate arguement and one that would resinate with voters.

    Lisa is ok, but she has been idle on the corruption in Illinois while Fitz and the boys have been doing all the heavy lifting.

    As far as Dan Hynes is concerned. His name recognition is nill. For all most people know Dan Hynes might be a plumber in Rockford.

    Alexi G. has been traveling the state, putting out press releases twice a week, and in general getting things done ever since he walked through the doors of the Tresurer’s office.

    He took the college savings program from worst to first in the nation. Transitioned the state auction to the internet generating more revenue than ever before. Not to mention the Lincoln hotel disaster that was turned around.

    Looking into my recently polished crystal ball, I say Alexi G. takes the governors mansion in 2010.

  11. - Anon - Wednesday, Nov 19, 08 @ 5:41 pm:

    In a Democratic primary it does not matter who “most people” are its the hard core Democratic voters that count.
    Lisa is well known and yes … well liked. She has stuck to her play book and has been successful. That said she rarely comes out of Chicago other than to mine the local Dems for cash and god help you if you get on her mailling list.
    Also, when she gives a speech its always spot on.
    However, working a room she is all business no warmth.
    Alexi has vastly improved his speaking and when he works the room its all personal contact hugs etc. So I say its a tie with Lisa.
    He has been to many downstate Democratic functions and not looking for money. Yes I know Downstate does matter except in a contested primary of Chicago pols.
    Dan H is still hanging with his Downstate union guys etc but his role the last few years as whinner in chief has not helped his cause.
    And then the Gov who knows with a 3 or 4 way race he may just pull it off.
    So sit back it should be fun.

  12. - RFK fan - Wednesday, Nov 19, 08 @ 6:21 pm:

    Lisa M. may be hard for Alexi to beat, unless her father refuses to give up his role unless she wins. I’m starting to think Alexi can beat Hynes. Hynes knows government, but he has little charisma, seems like something of a whiner, and there’s beginning to be a sense that maybe he missed his moment.

  13. - Captain America - Wednesday, Nov 19, 08 @ 6:24 pm:

    I like all three leading contenders for the Governor, but I don’t think Alexi is ready for the big time yet.

    I agree that the father is an albatross around Lisa Madigan’s neck, as well as her biggest asset- analagous to the Billary situation. I still find It difficult to believe that Alexi can prevail against Lisa or Dan. I do agree that Alexi has an outstanding political future.

  14. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Wednesday, Nov 19, 08 @ 6:29 pm:

    I know it sounds like small potatoes, but raising the fees at Maxwell street will kill more business than it makes. People will be more than happy to sell at the Swap o rama’s, Allstate arena or one of the several other much cheaper, easier to park, safer, and better stuff flea markets. They will make less money because of this legislation than more. I would have to say they have finally succeeded in killing off the Maxwell market. And for what-the greedy pigs. How about charging the block parties a few bucks for the permit instead of those hand to mouth flea market vendors. Sheesh.

    Actually, some smart, close in suburb could really make a killing by setting up an affordable market. I’m thinking Cicero.

  15. - anon - Wednesday, Nov 19, 08 @ 7:22 pm:

    I agree that Lisa will be hard to beat. She has done a very good job as Attorney General. However, I think Dan Hynes has a much better shot than Alexi. Both Hynes and Madigan have accomplishments and a resume to present. Alexi is an unknown outside of Chicago, if that, and has not even finished his first term. But…then again, there is a Senator from Illinois who also did not finish his first term and he is doing pretty well. It looks like Madigan. The father will have to step down before a General Election against a Republican. That’s is how I see it.

  16. - Chicago Law Student - Wednesday, Nov 19, 08 @ 7:55 pm:

    ==Looking into my recently polished crystal ball, I say Alexi G. takes the governors mansion in 2010.==

    Wait - there’s a governors mansion?

  17. - Bookworm - Wednesday, Nov 19, 08 @ 8:12 pm:

    I love the way Human Events, in its national political overview, summed up Blago’s predicament in choosing an Obama successor:

    “He is caught up in scandal, and Springfield political watchers expect he could be indicted at any minute.”

    Any MINUTE? Well, tomorrow is Thursday, so we shall see.

  18. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Nov 19, 08 @ 8:46 pm:

    Lisa’s good, real good. Fighting attorney general and mother of two. You can sell that in suburban Cook, Dupage, Lake and Will. And she’s got MJM, smarter and more powerful than the average bear. Or donkey or elephant.

    I like Hynes, too. He’s not a whiner. He’s doing his job when he tells us we’re broke. I thought the best TV spot of the 2002 Senate primary was when he brought his doctor wife out to talk about health care. Awesome. Too little, too late, and too much Obama to turn the trick.

    Alexi is an ambitious young man. If he can get a West Wing job, he should take it. Run for governor or senator the next time, when he doesn’t look like such a young goof. If wants a bump in Illinois, he better go all in. If he loses, he might not get another chance, because he really doesn’t have a base.

    And don’t tell me about Obama supporting ANYBODY in a primary. The president will have a lot more on his plate than to bother with the barnyard of Illinois Democratic primaries.

  19. - Arthur Andersen - Wednesday, Nov 19, 08 @ 10:12 pm:

    word, your analysis is spot on but for one little technical concern.

    There is no way that Alexi gets through the Obama vetting process. He won’t be the only Illinoisan with this problem. Hey, AA tried filling it out for grins and dropped out right after “Home Phone Number.”

  20. - Anonymous - Thursday, Nov 20, 08 @ 12:20 am:

    Alexi would definitely make things more interesting just because his personality and appeal IS entirely different from Lisa’s. If all three candidates were left to their own, Alexi could go head to head with Lisa. Sure, Lisa has more experience, but look at the recent Brietbart piece on a segment of D Presidential voters and how much knowledge of government played (or didn’t play) in their decisions. That could easily apply to a race between Alexi and Lisa in Illinois if Alexi could come up with the $$.

    However, Ds obviously don’t go for the “each man for himself” approach Rs follow in Primaries. They stack the deck in support of their strongest and renegades are few.

    Word’s right about the west wing job, but the decision won’t be entirely Alexi’s to make.

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