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Question of the day - Golden Horseshoe Runoffs

Friday, Dec 5, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I can’t make a decision on the following Golden Horshoe contests…

1) Best statewide official: Lisa Madigan or Alexi Giannoulias

2) Best congresscritter: Mark Kirk or Dick Durbin

Vote for only one in each contest. No further nominations will be accepted. Please explain your reasoning, but keep it positive. I’m not interested at all in why you’re for somebody because of how much you’re against the other. I’ll just delete that sort of comment if I’m around.

I’ll post the winners to date later today.


  1. - Speaking at Will - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 10:58 am:

    Best State Wide Leg: Alexi G.

    Best Congress Critter: Captain Kirk

  2. - carbon deforestation - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 11:00 am:

    Lisa Madigan - Smart, honest, hard working and while she does sometimes respond to current events / high profile issues when appropriate - she is generally not a media hog. I like her and think she could be one of our best statewide officials, not only this year but in the last decade.

    Dick Durbin - The guy is just a hard working smart and honest. He tells people when they are wrong and he’s not afraid to go after political allies when he needs too. Plus, he’s got the President-elect’s phone number and he’s the number 2 guy in the US Senate - come on this should be a slam dunk based on his clout alone.

    Most importantly, because I nominated both of them!

  3. - anon - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 11:01 am:

    Madigan. Consistently at the top of the game looking out for the little people, though its close, she just has the better pulpit.
    Durbin. Just because he survives so well, and is much more likely to bring home the bacon to Illinois - statewide, not just Chicago

  4. - LS - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 11:03 am:

    Lisa all the way. Nothing against Alexi, but Lisa is the more accomplished leader who has produced a lot more results. She is the best consitutional officer in the state.

  5. - anon2 - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 11:03 am:

    Alexi and dick period!

  6. - BandCamp - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 11:04 am:

    Alexi cause he’s cute and can play basketball.
    Dick cause he’s compassionate.

  7. - bored now - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 11:05 am:

    alexi. smart, effective, a breathe of fresh air. just what illinois needs (even if it doesn’t know it needs it).

    durbin. at the top of his game. unlike kirk, durbin is a powerhouse on the hill. durbin can actually move his party to action. they will follow his lead. there’s really no other choice (between these two).

  8. - Six Degrees of Separation - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 11:06 am:

    Statewide official: LM - she won *two* terms as state AG, and let’s not forget her previous run as state senator and numerous awards including New Frontier. A consistent long run with high overall marks from the public in most statewide polls. High name recognition, and not all of it is from her dad.

    Congresscritter, without the umbrage: Mark Kirk. He has sailed against a tough wind twice in recent history, and worked hard to earn the votes and respect of his district.

  9. - wordslinger - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 11:10 am:

    Durbin, because he has the clout. Kirk, being in the minority in the House, has none.

    Madigan. Axeli’s fine, but Lisa strikes me as smarter, tougher and a harder worker. Really, both positions are governor/senator in waiting.

  10. - Amy - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 11:11 am:

    Lisa….smart, big and small picture work, things that actually matter to people’s lives matter to her
    Kirk…..true to his district. would have said Durbin, but the Ryan bit skews the whole picture.

  11. - Kate - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 11:14 am:

    Alexi: Innovative, sincere and hard working. I respect the fact he earned the position in spite of Madigan’s efforts.

    Durbin: The essence of a public servant.

  12. - corvax - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 11:19 am:

    Alexi–in less than 2 years he’s upgraded Bright Start (and squeezed scholarship $$ from the trustee), imposed a tight ethics policy, busted an embezzler from Judy’s tenure, generated more revenue by auctioning escheated property on the net instead of a hotel ballroom in Springfield, looked at other states’ best practices for good ideas (like the recent pension board suggestions similar to Calpers). Lisa’s done a fine job, but Alexi is the change agent you want at the top. Plus, he can get through to the oval office come next month.

    Durbin–can’t add anything to C. Deforestation’s comments above.

  13. - Plutocrat03 - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 11:19 am:

    Madigan because she seems to stay on message, a bit worried about Alexi with his pension consolidation plan, promise, but has danger

    Kirk because he has always looked out for the interests of his district. Durbin has his problems with insulting the military and many other issues

  14. - anon - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 11:23 am:


  15. - 10th Indy - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 11:26 am:

    Lisa and Kirk because they both work harder than just about anyone else. They are both politically smart and wonkish smart and they both can be tough as nails when they need to. oh and i nominated both.

  16. - anon - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 11:27 am:

    Madigan — Because what has Alexi really done?
    Kirk — Because you can’t put Durbin up after that undefensible proposal to commute Ryan’s sentence. Plus, Kirk beat a strong Dem challenge in the year of Obama — he and madigan are rising stars.

  17. - Vote Quimby! - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 11:32 am:

    I vote for Lisa Madigan because of her efforts to strengthen FOI laws, makig her own name for herself and overall body of work in state government. Alexi is good so far, but that’s been what….two years?
    I vote Durbin, an actual honest guy in government. (Qualified by the fact I don’t know Kirk well.)

  18. - Anon - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 11:32 am:

    Kirk- bright future and the only real thing the ILGOP has going for it at the moment

    Madigan- Alexi’s pension plan a big dud IMO

  19. - JonShibleyFan - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 11:32 am:

    Alexi G. He’s been innovative, and while I think both he and Lisa have exceeded the expectations many of their critics (and some friends) laid on them when elected, I think Alexi has been more aggressive. Tough choice.

    Durbin. He’s taking heat for the Ryan thing, but it’s important to look at his whole body of work. He stood up against the Iraq war when few had the courage to. He raised his voice when he saw vets getting shafted in VA centers. Yes, he’s a partisan, but he stands up for the state and he does what he believes is right.

  20. - Ben - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 11:32 am:

    Durbin–he’s been a great, responsive senator.

    Madigan–effective AG. Not more I can really say here.

  21. - Bill - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 11:36 am:

    Lisa Madigan- a veteran politician who has earned her stripes by helping young legislative and county canidiates. As AG she has become the consumer’s advocate doing important work that matters to the average citizen. She works hard, has a good attitude, and she takes what she does very seriously.
    Dick Durbin- possibly the best senator Illinois has ever had.His integrity is beyond question. He is a champion for human and civil rights. The #2 man in the Senate will be crucial in advancing Pres-elect Obama’s progressive agenda. The men from Illinois will change this country and return the US to its rightful place as a respected world leader.

  22. - Pot calling kettle - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 11:37 am:

    Madigan: experienced, working for the people (mostly), great attitude.

    Durbin: Every time I have spoken with him or his staff, they are positive and helpful. I am not anybody (politically speaking), but, in my limited experiences, Sen. Durbin and his staff stop what they are doing, listen and respond, and follow up.

  23. - Anon - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 11:38 am:

    Durbin has represented Illinois proudly and is a strong asset in the US Senate leadership.
    Lisa has really stressed that the AG’s office is a consumer protection office. Remember when they made a issue of her lack of courtroom experience. What a bunch of baloney.

  24. - Capitol View - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 11:38 am:

    Lisa M, as a breath of fresh air after the Blago era - Alexi can wait for his moment in the Illinois sun, assuming Obama does not call him out to DC for a job and more basketball practice. Both are good, but Alexi is still a few years too green.

    Durbin - a Senate heavyweight who delivers for Illinois and liberal interests. He recently forgot that Paul Simon began as a newspaper publisher and as such would not so easily forgive George Ryan, but Durbin deserves our respect and thanks for so much that he has done and will do for all of Illinois. Kirk is hampered by politically surviving election to election; he has to vote like a moderate but in so doing loses Right Wing PAC support. Not as quick to criticize his own party leaders as Ray LaHood did, but the Republicans need more quality candidates like Kirk.

  25. - VanillaMan - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 11:40 am:


  26. - ChiGal - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 11:45 am:

    Lisa - Has worked for IL. Alexi is more concerned with promoting Alexi

    Kirk - Has character. Durbin - give me a break. After royally insulting the troops he had the nerve to try to tie himself to them in his re-election tv ads.

  27. - South Side Tony - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 11:46 am:

    Is this even a contest? - Alexi Giannoulias and Dick Durbin.

  28. - Citizen E - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 11:46 am:

    Treasurer Giannoulias -

    Not only is he a departure from the Illinois power structure that has messed up the state, he has shown what you can do with the will to fix things. His success at making government working more efficiently and cost effectively go to the heart of what needs to be fixed in Springfield.

    Senator Durbin — Rated one of the top 10 Senators, in Leadership, and his guy is President. Need we say more?

  29. - Alison - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 11:47 am:

    Durbin — I cannot agree with his position on Ryan. I can understand it.

    Alexi — I like every decision he has made. His only fault is that he is from Chicago.

  30. - Boscobud - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 11:58 am:

    Mark and Alexi

  31. - Bunk Moreland - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 11:59 am:

    Kirk-and the fact that he represents 1/19 of the state and gets 1/3 of the votes thus far against a man that has been around forever and represents 19/19ths of the state should say something.

    I am a Republican and thus have nothing positive to say about either of the other 2 people you mentioned.

  32. - Anon - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 12:04 pm:

    Lisa Madigan by a mile! Alexi has promise. Lisa Madigan is the real deal right now.

  33. - COPN - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 12:04 pm:

    An even-handed D that is not establishment and is not afraid to push for smarter use of state money. It’s time for Dems to tackle taxes and budgets with more than gradeschool notions of money. How is this not exactly the direction we need for the future of this state?

    His gaffe with the Ryan pardon, and even his outburst regarding Gitmo several years ago only prove that he runs on his heart at times. Give him a break, he is a Dem for a reason after all. Congressmen get credit for representing their district through their style, philosophy, and hard work. Some credit should be given for a man who does just this over a larger area, for longer period of time. Durbin is truly a U.S. Senator for the STATE of the Illinois. He does it from a loveless position, during a contentious period in American history, and he does it with class.

  34. - Joe in the Know - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 12:04 pm:

    Lisa Madigan, whose independence from her father makes her tougher than nails

    Durbin, as No.2 in the Senate, how could you vote for house minority moderate, Kirk?

  35. - underdog - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 12:06 pm:

    Kirk - Wakes up everyday doing the right thing for the people he represents and wins tough elections while he’s at it. Durbin has the juice now and what has he done with it?

  36. - Cookie Monster - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 12:13 pm:

    Madigan, because she represents the citizens of Illinois very well regardless of party affiliation.

    Durbin, whereas I don’t agree with his politics, he is a very honest and hard working senator.

  37. - Anon - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 12:14 pm:

    Can I vote for both kirk and dick? Both lisa and alexi only care about how to move up and are backed by mommy and daddy.

  38. - Mongo - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 12:15 pm:

    Madigan - she has weathered the cuts to Constitutional offices, kept a head of steam for AG issues, balanced her own aspirations with the fact she’s gotta pay attention to the business of the people…

    Durbin - have always liked him, is candid, is powerful, brings the bacon home for IL, and whether you liked Gov Ryan or not, Durbin coming out the way he did took a lot of, well, virility…

  39. - Angry Chicagoan - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 12:16 pm:

    DIck Durbin for the congressmember. Even if he is being too softhearted over Ryan.

    And as for the statewide official it’s a close call. I’m going to go with Madigan because I have a bit more information to go on and I like what I’ve seen.

  40. - ChiCountryGuy - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 12:25 pm:

    1) Alexi - Young and very outgoing. He knows what needs to be done and does it. His office is very active and always on top of things. Alexi will do good things as Gov.

    2) Mark Kirk - He may not be as conservative as I like but he is the one of the few stars of the IL GOP. He campaign hards and works harder as a congressman.

  41. - Bill S. Preston, Esq. - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 12:32 pm:

    Alexi- Hands down. Innovative, pro-active, effective, independent, and charismatic.

    Durbin- Hands down. Approachable, down to earth, hardworking, and for all of the other reasons people have mentioned.

  42. - Its Just Me - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 12:39 pm:

    I can’t decide for statewide officer, but for Congress I have to go with Mark Kirk over Dick Durbin pretty easily. I’ve always thought Dick Durbin would tow the party line in DC no matter what, and that is probably why he rose to leadership position, but some of the stuff he has said over the years was crazy how much he defended Democrats and bashed Bush no matter what. His latest George Ryan craziness is just plain odd.

  43. - Its Just Me - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 12:40 pm:

    Sorry, forgot to say why I like Kirk: For the same reason I don’t like Durbin. Although he votes with GOP most of the time, he isn’t afraid to buck the trend when he thinks it is best for his district. I wish all politicians would do that. District-first, party-second.

  44. - 47th Ward - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 12:50 pm:

    Maybe I’m biased because, like both of them, I too am a former Paul Simon staffer. Both Madigan and Durbin have learned the best of Paul’s teaching on honest, ethical public service. I vote for them.

    Nothing against Giannoulias, I like him too and think he is off to a great start in politics. He has a bright future.

    Mark Kirk is a chamleon, changing political views between the district (moderate) and DC (conservative). I prefer his moderate side, but then I guess we’d need to keep him in Illinois.

  45. - bardo2 - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 12:57 pm:

    State : Madigan. I think both she and Alexi are very good public servents. Lisa will (hopefully) bring adult leadership to the Gov’s office in 2010. A+ public figure in the mold of Simon & Durbin….

    Federal : Dick Durbin. Hands down. I’m biased (aren’t we all), but Durbin is everthing that we should expect/demand from our public servents: as smart as they come, hard-working, fearless, humble, compassionate & HONEST. He’s the best.

  46. - Zora - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 12:58 pm:

    Lisa: for her integrity and smarts

    Dick: for his heart and Obama work

  47. - Black Ivy - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 1:17 pm:

    In the spirit of positivity, I will refrain from commenting on Attorney General Lisa Madigan or Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias.

    I am heartened by the selection of both U.S. Dick Durbin and U.S. Congressman Mark Kirk. Both are fair-minded, albeit politically savvy, public servants. Again, I throw my support behind U.S. Senator Durbin for his unassuming strong, and steadfast leadership and his willingness to buck public opinion and do the right thing by former Governor George Ryan.

  48. - Louis G. Atsaves - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 1:19 pm:

    Alexi - willing to put partisanship aside for the betterment of all.
    Kirk - willing to put partisanship aside for the betterment of all. Ignoring the Ryan fiasco, Durbin generally is too partisan in Washington as opposed to a true leader, who forges a path, vs. someone who will parrot the party line.

  49. - Absentee Ballot - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 1:27 pm:

    Statewide — LM for her integrity, policy and her derring-do

    Congress — although I’m a D, I have to say Kirk. I’m just impressed by how he does what he does, although I dislike his conservative votes

  50. - Publius - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 1:27 pm:

    Alexi G - he’s not afraid to innovate, and he’s able to do it without demonizing his opponents.

    Durbin - the Ryan commutation request shows (again) that he has the courage of his convictions, even when they might cost him.

  51. - Odyssey 2010 - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 1:30 pm:

    Alexi over Lisa. He has come through on everything he said he was going to do with the office. By any measure, he is one of the greatest Treasurers this state has seen. As for the potential head to head in 2010, can accountability really come out of a Madigan-Madigan-Cullerton axis? Also, the economy and state finances are going to be issue #1 in 2010, and Alexi has a better grasp.

    Durbin over Kirk. Kirk hasn’t done anything of note and is a big step down from John Porter. Durbin has risen very quickly in a decade, and Illinois is better for it.

    Also, Durbin + Alexi is the only real chance we have for changing Illinois’ broken system. The Madigans should take their share of the blame for where we are, since he has been speaker and in charge of the party longer than Rod has been Governor.

  52. - Anonymous - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 1:54 pm:

    Lisa over Alexi: She is an adult, shown strong leadership and independence.

    Kirk over Durbin: Just because of the Ryan issue.

  53. - Moving to a Red State - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 1:57 pm:

    Giannoulias over Madigan.
    Finally fiscal responsibility has entered the lexicon of state government. I’m only dissapointed that it didn’t come from my party. Since no Republican has a chance of righting the course on S.O.S. Springfield, Giannoulias is this state’s only real hope for putting our fiscal house in order and creating an environment that will foster growth in Illinois’ economy. Despite the comments of others above, the myth of Lisa’s “independance” from the Speaker is something that should concern all Illinois voters should she run for Governor.

    Kirk over Durbin. I haven’t moved to a red state yet, so I have to keep whatever Rebublican office holders I can get. His consistancy of voting with Bush however earns him no better than a “B” in my book.

  54. - abe froman - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 2:01 pm:

    Statewide-I have to say Madigan has much more to show for her tenure. It’s a more impactful office but she also uses it to full affect. I still can’t quite get what it is everyone sees in Alexi.

    Congress-Both are good in different ways, but I have to say Kirk because he wins out on the independence and integrity fronts. Durbin is too hyperpartisan and he is something of a media hound. Kirk gets in the press a lot for a House member but it’s because he does something proactive. Durbin just gloms on to everything that comes along.

  55. - Nicole G. - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 2:05 pm:

    Alexi and Durban all the way!

  56. - Wonderboy - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 2:18 pm:

    Lisa Madigan - clever, honest, and finds the right (and legit) ways to help people, like suing the pants off Countrywide for their deceptive lending practices

    Dick Durbin - one of the most honest and caring individuals in Congress; delightfully stubborn but willing to compromise and apologetic if he believes he’s made a mistake; cares first and foremost about Illinois; was a mentor to Barack Obama; a natty dresser with an insanely long attention span and obssession with details; a fabulous orator who never needs notes.

  57. - Are you kidding me? - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 2:23 pm:

    Alexi - he is young and smart - not scared to ruffle some feathers

    Durbin - Smart man who has done great things for illinois

  58. - The winner should be... - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 2:39 pm:

    Lisa Madigan: Historically, the office of the Attorney General has been filled by a person who wants to do good, but just can’t seem to get it right for the people. She has dedicated her time in office to protecting the consumers of this State. She has exemplified what an Attorney General should be and how they should conduct themselves. Add to that the fact that she is the highest Attorney in State Government, yet what she spends on attorneys for the State is far less than what Blago’s staff attorneys and all of the firms he hires receive. Granted this isn’t how she wants to do business, but she has made it work for the past few years.

    I respect Alexi and think he does a decent job, but I am starting to think that he governs by press release. His office constantly releases news about things “he will be doing” instead of things he has done. I think he needs a few more years of experience and work.


  59. - Lakeview Dem - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 2:46 pm:

    Alexi - I think people are more concerned with economic issues right now than criminal/legal issues, and the spotlight will be on Alexi. Meanwhile, Alexi has some cutting edge ideas like the pension system consolidation that some might disagree with, but which cannot be said to be for his personal gain. They are the kinds of ideas which will either make or break him, and it takes character to take a stand on such ideas.
    Plus, he doesn’t have the same ties to the same-old, same-old, as Madigan does, and he is ideally positioned to ride the “change” wave that won’t peak until after 2010 (in my opinion).

    Durbin - because he is an upstanding senator who has always stood up for Illinois. Also he has silently shown the kind of clout he really has, by throwing it behind Obama early on, and thereby helping to lay the groundwork for Obama’s victory.

  60. - fedup dem - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 3:02 pm:

    Durbin & Madigan. The reasons have already been well-documented by others here.

  61. - Pomerium Ultra - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 3:04 pm:

    Lisa cuz I can’t spell the other guy’s name.

    The good senator because he flies commercial.

    HWAS: Ya sittin’ on a tack?

  62. - Prairie State Dem - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 3:08 pm:

    Best statewide official: Alexi Giannoulias

    Both Madigan and Giannoulias are excellent choices, and both are clearly competent and intelligent officials brimming with integrity.

    While Madigan has brought a steady hand to the Attorney General’s office, the question here should be one of reform. Our state is in dire circumstances—confidence in state government has been decimated by a seemingly endless parade of scandals and the citizens of this state are struggling to make it through this recession. As such, under such conditions, the measure of excellence should not be mere competence or good job performance. Rather, the “best statewide official” should be the one that has exhibited an extraordinary understanding of the plight of the middle class, and the one that has melded both passion and pragmatism into that which our state has so desperately needed for so long—common sense and compassionate leadership.

    I would submit that the State Treasurer’s record on this front clearly makes him the “best statewide official.”

    Putting aside the fact that his election was in and of itself an amazing feat in a state where one’s fortune in politics is too often dictated by the strength of a family name, Giannoulias has simply *performed*. And he has performed *well*. In a year where the financial collapse has shocked both private and public institutions alike, he has not shirked from the responsibilities of his office, nor has he has been intimidated by the gravity of the situation.

    But again, it is not merely the *performance* of an elected official that should be considered. It’s the manner of execution of that performance which separates the good elected officials from the best ones. Lisa Madigan has performed her duties well. But Alexi Giannoulias has not hesitated to go beyond the expectations of the status quo. He has articulate bold and innovative plans to both strengthen the financial condition of this state as well as to advance the interests of state citizens in a more general fashion. In other words, he has not just performed today’s tasks, but he has performed them in such a way as to secure the welfare of this state in the future.

    Many of the commenters have rightly pointed out that Lisa Madigan is a hard worker who has kept the public trust well. This is true, but with due respect, that is the minimum we should expect from our elected officials. Her dedication and everyday resilience make Lisa Madigan a great statewide official. But it is Alexi Giannoulias’s bold vision, valuable pragmatism and fresh insight that make him the best official in the state.

    Best Congresscritter: Dick Durbin

    Between Mark Kirk and Dick Durbin, I see no contest when it comes to the issue of who has best represented the interests of Illinois citizens in Washington.

    For the simplest explanation, one need look no further than Donald B. Farmer. Army Staff Sgt. Farmer was the first Illinois casualty of the Iraq War. He left the streets of Zion for the streets of Iraq, and on December 2004, at the too-young age of 33, Farmer died in the deserts of a foreign land.

    Since then, some 4,208 more American soldiers have lost their lives in that war. While Kirk was the only member from Illinois who both helped to craft the initial Iraq War resolution and has voted against ending this war some two dozen times, Durbin has become a consistent and clear voice for the responsible redeployment of troops from the region.

    Aside from the war, Durbin is the best congresscritter for this state because he has done so much more than simply vote on bills, send pork home, or look after local interests. He is a national leader, and has been an integral player in crafting the federal strategies that are needed to bring not only Illinois into the 21st century, but to lift the entire nation out of the plethora of debacles which currently plague us.

    Kirk has performed well as a representative for his district, but Durbin has excelled as a leader. And he has done so not just for Illinois, but for the entire nation. For that reason, he is the best congresscritter in the state.

  63. - rms - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 3:24 pm:

    Giannoulias and Durbin

  64. - 10th Indy - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 3:56 pm:

    Another reason to pick Kirk - the pioneer press story today on how he is distributing his Obama inaugural tickets. He’s giving tickets to a leading Seals supporter. A class act.

  65. - Jake from Elwood - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 3:57 pm:

    Lisa Madigan: Simply put, very few politicians in my lifetime have exceeded my expectations when they have first taken office. She is one of them.

    Mark Kirk over Durbin. I trust him more. Period.

  66. - IllinoisProgressive - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 4:19 pm:

    Easily, Treasurer Giannoulias and Senator Durbin.

    The State Treasurer has brought new ideas to a once dormant office. He has executed ideas that are meaningful to the people of Illinois (BrightStart, state property on ebay, taking control of the politically connected hotels, to name just a few) Even this week, he proposed a new idea to streamline pension investments. Treasurer Giannoulias has already fulfilled his campaign promises, with 2 years to go. He needs a bigger challenge and we need a better Governor.

    Senator Durbin has been a thoughtful politician for many years. His biggest acheivement will have been recognizing the tremendous talents of and supporting a young, inexperienced Senator who will be our next President.

  67. - downhereforyears - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 4:22 pm:

    Madigan and Kirk ( but Durbis is so close its difficult to choose between them)

  68. - DGL - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 4:33 pm:

    Alexi because he is Greek, good-looking and rich.

    Kirk because he is a North Shore guy.

  69. - Prairie Sage - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 4:40 pm:

    No opinion on Madigan/Gian.

    Durbin’s a more effective legislator, both for the state and the party — and he was in the House as well, for those who will say “but the Senate’s a bigger platform”.

  70. - jerry - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 4:41 pm:

    Alexi Giannoulias and Dick Durbin.

    I like how Giannoulias is using the powers of his office to affect policy and how he has dealt with cleaning up after the prior administration (such as the woman who defrauded the state for a couple of hundred thousand dollars, which was discovered earlier this year).

    Dick Durbin, for all his years as an effective Senator and leader. His leadership on a variety of issues, such as veterans benefits, has been great. Plus his office is very good at replying when I contact them to complain about something. He’s one of the best Senators out there.

  71. - Way South of the Border - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 4:42 pm:

    It’s interesting that many are making the case for Lisa or Alexi as gov. That’s not what the Golden Horseshoe award is, is it?

    Since the economy is melting down, I base my nomination on current job performance, and I give it to Lisa. Her early work (which dates back at least two years) on mortgage fraud has paid off beautifully this year, with landmark lawsuits and settlements that are a model for the nation.

    I appreciate Alexi as a young, energetic idea guy, but Lisa’s focus and foresight puts her in front of the whole pack of constitutional officers. She has really delivered, when we need it most.

    I’ll have to simmer down on the Ryan issue before I weigh in Durbin v Kirk, so if I miss the deadline, so be it.

  72. - Reddbyrd - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 4:47 pm:

    Durbin —- will bring home more bacon to IL than all that preceded…Dirksen, Rosty, etc.
    LM —- great track record that leaves naysayers banging their gums to no avail.

    I am shocked and dismayed Capt. Fax omitted other great IL leaders…Hollywood…JaytheJiantHead, etc

  73. - babs - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 4:54 pm:

    Statewide Lisa - has done much more (granted has held office longer) but she has never rested and has always worked for a safer community. Tops.

    Federal - Durbin. Again, not even a contest. Best service and he’s around the state - even when he’s not up for election. Kirk is almost a stranger except for general elections.

  74. - babs - Friday, Dec 5, 08 @ 4:54 pm:

    oops - sorry didn’t mean to put down Kirk.

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