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Late afternoon linkies

Wednesday, Dec 10, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Unless something else breaks, this will be the last post of the afternoon. I wasn’t able to get to a few topics, particularly the Tribune stuff. We’ll talk about that tomorrow.

Until then, here are a few tidbits to chew on.

* Not a bad idea

State Sen. Dan Rutherford wants the Department of Corrections to suspend the closure of Pontiac Correctional Center.

“I have heard repeatedly … that the Department of Corrections really wasn’t keen on wanting to close Pontiac to begin with,” Rutherford, a Chenoa Republican, said during a press conference Wednesday. “I think it’s time for Director (Roger) Walker to step up … and show some leadership right now.”

* Oof: Republican Edgar regrets choice not to run in 2006 race

* Armchair psychology from a psychologist tends to confirm what most of us suspected

[Blagojevich’s] behavior is consistent with what we would term the psychopathic personality and in that he’s very charming but he’s not really an authentic person,” said Dr. Larry Grimm, UIC Director of Graduate Studies.

Psychologist Larry Grimm doesn’t know the governor, but from his office at the University of Illinois Chicago office he’s read and heard reports of the governor’s behavior that sound to him like a personality disorder.

“They can be quite successful. But the people around them come to know them and can see how manipulative they are and see how they engage in behavior most people would feel very guilty about,” said Dr. Grimm.

A personality disorder is not considered a mental illness, said Dr. Grimm. He also says that personality disorders are believed to be created by both biological characteristics as well as environmental factors.

* Tribune has some behind the scenes stuff…

Meanwhile, top Blagojevich staffers held a conference call Tuesday and were urged by deputy governors to reassure rank-and-file workers that there still will be a chain of decision-making, to not let the governor’s arrest paralyze or distract them, and to keep serving the public well, according a high-ranking state official.

I bet that was a fun call.

* CBS 2 shares some private moments…

CBS 2 Chief Correspondent Jay Levine reports Blagojevich was at home Tuesday night, visited by his attorney, Sheldon Sorosky. Patti Blagojevich was also at the home, for much of the day with her sister, Deborah Mell.

* Speaking of family

On Jan. 14, Deborah Mell will be sworn in as the new state representative from the district her brother-in-law once represented. She could be called up to vote on his impeachment. What will she do?

* Mell ‘horribly sad’ for Patti, grandkids

* More linkies from Kevin…

* DoJ left Fitzgerald alone in Blago probe

* Daley Dodges Blagojevich Resignation Questions

* ‘Chicago Tribune’ Blago Coverage Scores Record Web Traffic

* Blago’s health care legacy tainted by scandal

* Pat Quinn waiting in the wings

* ‘Are we nuts in this state?’

* Suburban Democratic leaders calls allegations ‘horrendous’

* Southlanders react to governor’s arrest

* G-men’s audacity befits case against Gov. Blagojevich

* Illinois shamed, embarrassed by Blagojevich

* Blagojevich’s promise crashes down: Governor who swept into office promising change indicted on corruption charges

* Gov’s tapes even better than Nixon’s recordings


  1. - You Go Boy - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 4:41 pm:

    Gov. Edgar. Lets get this straight, not all voters deserve to take some blame for Blago. Cook County, Madison County, St. Claire County probably accounted for 70% of his vote. Downstate overall repudiated Blago. You could have prevented it may be right, so take your own share of blame.

  2. - A Citizen - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 4:42 pm:

    If guv was a true innovator, he would put his resignation on Ebay - I’d bet he’d make a tidy bundle. Guv - Get-r-done!

  3. - JonShibleyFan - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 4:42 pm:

    I neither like nor am I defending Blagojevich, but the comments from Dr. Grimm are unprofessional and opportunistic. He can no more diagnose a personality disorder in someone he’s never met and has heard from in spippets than Bill Frist could diagnose Teri Schiavo from 5 seconds of grainy video.

    Events like these bring out a lot of very insightful, very cogent, very interesting analysis. And also a heaping helping of crap from the peanut gallery, looking to have their say.

    Dr. Grimm’s analysis falls into the latter category, in my opinion.

  4. - A Citizen - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 4:45 pm:

    Edgar, you are retired, along with your MSI co-schemers. Please just step back in the shadows and be very quiet. We have all had quite enough of you!

  5. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 4:47 pm:

    State Senator Heather Steans has called for impeachment proceedings against Blagojevich to begin next Monday, Dec. 15th.

    In an e-mail sent this afternoon, Steans wrote:

    “Given the nature of the allegations and our current circumstances, there are 3 things I believe must happen. First, the Governor can not be permitted to appoint anyone to fill the vacant U.S. Senate seat….

    …Second, if Governor Blagojevich has not resigned by next Monday when the Illinois House meets, the House should begin a process to impeach Governor Blagojevich….

    …Third, the culture of corruption clearly continues in Illinois politics and must be addressed…We must cap the overall amount any one or any company can contributed to a political campaign.”

  6. - starthrower68 - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 4:50 pm:

    I’m glad Dick Mell is sad for his daughter and granddaughters. What in Patti’s upbringing made her choose to marry the man she did and will this dysfunction be passed on to her children? What a mess.

  7. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 4:54 pm:

    ==State Sen. Dan Rutherford wants the Department of Corrections to suspend the closure of Pontiac Correctional Center. ==

    Yeah, that sounds about right. The old dog won’t be put down at the vets just yet…

    ==Republican Edgar regrets choice not to run in 2006 race==

    …and we’re calling Blagojevich a psychopathic personality? Mr. Edgar may pride himself on being the last Illinois governor not to be imprisoned, but he shouldn’t consider himself to be our savior. Did the voters fall asleep in 2006, or did the GOP force them to take Ambien? Sorry, but voters don’t get it wrong when viable candidates fail to effectively campaign.

    ==Armchair psychology from a psychologist tends to confirm what most of us suspected== Blagojevich and most of us bloggers are very charming but not really authentic people…

  8. - Bill - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 4:58 pm:

    ===We must cap the overall amount any one or any company can contributed to a political campaign.” ===
    Easy for you to say, Heather. You’re loaded. Should elective office be reserved for the rich only?

  9. - Capitol View - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 5:00 pm:

    re: the new prison replacing Pontiac — I heard last week that a ceiling has fallen in, on one of the main buildings of the new facility.

    Someone tell Senator Dan and AFSCME — don’t expect mass transfers anytime soon, and ask for a CDB report on the well being of the total facility before anyone transfers in.

  10. - more courage - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 5:01 pm:

    Rich: You need to get the mug shot. Great caption contest.

  11. - shore - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 5:03 pm:

    Never been to springfield or met you Rich or seen how this outfit works but you seem to be kicking the trib’s a– and definitely beating the sun-times in terms of the stuff you are pumping out.

    500 posts today a record?-hopefully advertisers will notice and pump your numbers up.

  12. - Illinois.Pundit - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 5:04 pm:

    Just a point of reference, people keep referring to him being indicted. He has not been indicted yet. It is so far just a complaint. The good doctor should not make analysis from afar, because I think he is mentally ill. Certainly at least bipolar. And for my final point, Senator Steans for a freshmen Senator is very bright! As long as you have to be in Springfield, get the job done or at least started! Does this mean Edgar and Kirk are going to be running in the Special Election. How many more names can we circulate for the Special, before its approved by both houses and vetoed by the Guv?

  13. - Ahem - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 5:09 pm:

    Regarding the gov’s mental status, we could use the legal definition of the “reasonable person” and adapt it to use as a benchmark for personality/pathology. What would the “typical well-adjusted person” be like? How far does the gov’s documented behavior episodes deviate from the norm? The people who are commenting in large part do not seemt to have read a lot on the subject. Personality disorders ARE considered to be mental illness when manifested to an extreme degree. I belief we have seen such behavior from the gov.

  14. - Illinois.Pundit - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 5:09 pm:

    Maybe we should cap the amount people can spend on running for political office as well. Kind of like baseball. And to shore’s point, Kudos to Rich for a great job this week. I hope you increased your ad rates for the Republican ad at the top. I understand the Dem’s want to run the same ad as Rod is really a Republican. He’s been lying to everybody about that as well. After all, remember when he zapped all the “pork” from the House Dems, but gave it all to the Republicans.

  15. - Maggie - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 5:18 pm:

    Question Rich ? Is fundraiser A Robert Blagojevich, Rod’s brother ? It stated fundraiser A is chairman of Friends of Blagojevich. Does anyone know ?

  16. - Oakparker - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 5:20 pm:

    Does anyone want to comment on why Eisendrath did so poorly in the 2006 Democratic primary against Blagojevich. What did the Democratic party organizations, leaders and voters see in Blagojevich then that they no longer see in him? Is the present outcry because of his ethical and legal lapses, or because he has been exposed?

  17. - DHee - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 5:24 pm:

    I wonder what the conversation was around the Blago dinner table last night?

  18. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 5:27 pm:

    Maggie, you answered your own question.

  19. - Ahem - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 5:28 pm:

    My impression of the Eisendrath campaign was it was not credible in terms of impact. He got run over by Blago’s bandwagon.

  20. - Anon - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 5:34 pm:

    Starthrower, they ran excerpts of a 2002 Blago bio on Chicago Tonight last night, and apparently Patty met him right after breaking up with another boyfriend. So maybe he was a rebound. Never a good idea.

  21. - Movie Fan - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 5:37 pm:

    What are the chances of a Oliver Stone “historical” movie on our Esteemed Governor, repleate with crazy characters, foul-mouthed mothers, and criminal behavior?


    “BLAGO” - the untold story


    DIANE LAKE as Patti
    MARK WAHLBERG as Patrick Fitzgerald

    Oh, sorry, he is a Democrat.

  22. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 5:39 pm:

    The members of the Governor’s Cabinet should conduct an “intervention/mutiny” - they should all sign a letter saying they will no longer take directions from the Governor and that he should step aside/resign. I know some of you will say they are all hacks, but that’s not fair. There are some very good people in those ranks and they should intimidate the others to do the right thing.

  23. - Captain America - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 6:00 pm:

    I’d be willing to give Debora Mell a break on the impeachemnt vote. I wouldn’t expect her to vote for impeachment because of her sister. Family considerations count!

  24. - foster brooks - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 6:04 pm:

    Does the gov still have people on staff clipping newspaper articles about him? If so I bet they are burning thrue the overtime budget.

  25. - Bill S. Preston, Esq. - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 6:06 pm:

    “Not really an authentic person.”?? Ouch!

    Bill- I, surprisingly enough, agree with you.

    Rich- Awesome job again today. You are the man.

  26. - p - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 6:25 pm:

    Gov staff doesn’t get overtime

    I feel sorry for them most of all. Lots of good, smart folks there that have been thrown into this by their boss.

    This appears to be a one-man show, here. With a couple others making cameos.

  27. - Ahem - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 6:34 pm:

    I think Blago’s people are letting the hammer drop to the best of their ability. A good PR person would have gotten that rat poster torn down. That’s just unbelievable that it was up a second day for White to snap him with. I saw White later on at the JRTC. He’s da man today!

  28. - Carl Nyberg - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 6:39 pm:

    Dick Mell feels bad for his daughter and grandchildren.

    Who else think Ald. Mell owes an apology to the state for foisting his son-in-law on us?

    And, it seems from the tape, Rod Blagojevich isn’t exclusively a one-man show. It appears Patti has enthusiasm for the hardball squeeze.

  29. - Carl Nyberg - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 6:43 pm:

    As for casting for the Rod Blagojevich story, I think Brad Pitt in a wig is right.

    I think Pitt can capture the charisma of Blagojevich, plus the sinister quality of the man.

  30. - From the Sidelines - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 6:48 pm:

    I do not feel sorry for the governor’s staff. They have seen first hand the character of the governor.

    They either need to resign in protest or refuse to obey any order from the governor or his chief of staff.

    Following an illegal order is a crime too. Just ask the Nuremberg defendants.

    The director of the Illinois State Police needs to come out and state he will no longer follow orders from the governor’s office. He will do his job, he’ll oversee the state police, he’ll even keep the governor’s security detail around him, but from this moment forward he refuses to recognize the governor or his chief of staff in the chain of command.

    If he was joined by other agency directors it would not only send a message, it would clarify to the world and the courts that the governor has lost the ability to govern, that he is in effect, disabled.

    Then, the attorney-general would be on solid grounds to go to the Supreme Court with a petition for the governor’s removal.

    This obviously won’t happen as the characters of many of the agency directors are questionable at best in the light of the recent developments, but it should.

    An ethical person would not serve this governor. Resign or take a stand. Cowering down and just doing your job is what career state employees should be doing. For executive-level agency administrators, they should be reviewing their conscious tonight.

  31. - Bookworm - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 6:58 pm:

    St. Patrick drove the snakes out of Ireland; can his namesake drive the rats out of Illinois?

  32. - Anon in BB - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 7:08 pm:

    Current headline on an AP story posted at Yahoo!:

    “Illinois governor ignores Obama’s call to resign”


  33. - Ahem - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 7:13 pm:

    I think the RedEye was dead on with their movie version of Blago. Tom Cruise as Blago. It takes a nut….

  34. - Master of the Oblivious - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 7:33 pm:

    The governor’s staff should not be commended, they have to be cut from the same cloth to stay as long as they have. It is longed suspicioned that they played their own little games with helping certain people either retain employment under the new post-Ryan administration or gain new employment from the outside. They should have to face any consequences that come their way even if it means testifying against the boss.

  35. - Amy - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 7:34 pm:

    casting the movie…..

    Patrick Wilson as Patrick Fitzgerald. he was the playground
    daddy in Little Children……

  36. - IDOT Guy - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 7:36 pm:

    As far as agency directors, some may be hacks, Milt Sees at IDOT seems to be a pretty good guy, at least to us worker bee’s. Seems like he wants to do a good job and he treats his workers with respect, unlike his predecessor Timmy Martin.

  37. - Little Egypt - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 7:48 pm:

    Regarding Jim Edgar - I wish I had sympathy for Edgar. He turned his back on this State in 2006. Deal with your guilty conscience.

    Regading Dick Mell - I have pretty much the same sentiment for Dick. He raised Patti so he shouldn’t be surprised at her involvement. I suspect he can’t miss the kids too much because he’s probably never had much of a relationship with them.

    Lots of wah, wah, wah going on here.

  38. - Little Egypt - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 7:51 pm:

    From the sidelines: I agree with you 100 percent. There needs to be a HUGE Boston Tea Party going on with the State of Illinois employees, especially those at the top.

  39. - Six Degrees of Separation - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 7:52 pm:

    As for casting for the Rod Blagojevich story, I think Brad Pitt in a wig is right.

    If Pitt’s eyes could be moved 2 inches closer to each other.

    Milt Sees at IDOT seems to be a pretty good guy

    He was recently rumored to be a candidate for head of the Federal Highway Administration under Obama. Of course, that was before this “stuff” hit the fan.

  40. - Anon - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 8:02 pm:

    A lot of the Governor’s staff do not know what their boss was doing…leave them alone…there are a lot of people who work for sleazes and don’t know it…

  41. - Maggie - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 8:25 pm:

    Rod’s staff are all a bunch of losers. He has surrounded himself with the most obnoxious sycophants possible. No one with an ounce of self-respect would be working for this self-centered whack job.

  42. - p - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 8:34 pm:

    For those criticizing his staff. Name one and what your beef is.

    Don’t make baseless accusations because you can get away with it anonymously on a blog.

  43. - Suburban Republican - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 8:48 pm:

    Only Steve Carrell could do Rod Blagojevich justice.

    But this whole thing is so much more like a Sopranos episode… the arrogance, the corruption, the vulgarities from both husband and wife, the jogging suit to court…. Lorraine Bracco as Dr. Jennifer Melfi as Lisa Madigan…..

  44. - Maggie - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 8:51 pm:

    P - Name one ? OK John Harris. Just go the Rich’s post “Decoding the criminal complaint”. All those
    people worked for Rod. Many, many more will be exposed once the indictment is out.
    Everyone knew what was happening. They just chose to look the other way.

  45. - Ahem...The REAL Anonymous - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:31 pm:

    There are some very good people in those ranks and they should intimidate the others to do the right thing.

    OK, Anonymous. You go first–try to intimidate them and let the rest of us know how it goes. I’m sure they’re all where they are because they’re the most docile of creatures.

    BTW: Good for Dan. You go, boy!

  46. - Arthur Andersen - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:39 pm:

    Warning to bloggers-don’t read Pat Gauen’s whiny little piece on a full stomach. It’s a gagger.

    He thinks the G and The Defendant are equally “audicious.”

    He thought the 76-pager was too much information, more or less. I thought it looked like someone worked his tail off pulling together the work of many more people in order to present a compelling, airtight case for a warrant for the arrest and detention of a sitting Governor.

    AA thinks Gauen has gone native after all those years of covering St. Clair and Madison Counties.

    For the poster who suggested that Larry Trent stand down and refuse to take orders from Blago or his staff, go over to Ispeeved and float that boat. See what his troops think. FWIW, a member of the State Police Merit Board earned a “letter” in the Fed complaint.

  47. - 2ConfusedCrew - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:40 pm:

    Let’s thank Professor Grimm, finally the media has turned to an academic who cn can shed some light rather than the political experts who have not worked a campaign, written a check or knocked on a door.
    Let’s also remember Jim “Hey I need a new laptop and Best Buy wants cash” Edgar quit rather than discuss the under reported MSI scandale in his reelection. He didn’t go in ‘06 for the same reason. Meanwhile he hauls down beau coup bucks from taxpayers of U of I.
    P. still waiting to learn the whereabouts of Slick Willie on Tuesday. My Garmin has him on Dearborn Street.

  48. - Illinois.Pundit - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:40 pm:

    The problem with the Governor’s staff is that if you reported to him and ever disagreed with him, you no longer had a job. Therefore, over time the staff evolved into a bunch of lemmings who were afraid to not do as directed by the Governor.

  49. - Ahem...The REAL Anonymous - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 10:21 pm:

    Yes, there’s probably some truth in that. And that’s why others sometimes have to step in to correct or balance a bad situation. Quite a few pols from both sides were trying, but eventually the Feds had to come in.

  50. - Randall Sherman - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 10:23 pm:

    Just a point of information; the majority of what was Rod Blagojevich’s State Representative District is in John Fritchey’s 11th District (Fritchey replaced Blago in the Illinois House), not Deborah Mell’s 40th District.

  51. - Ghost - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 10:56 pm:

    it was the best of times it was the worst of times.

  52. - T.J. - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 3:43 am:

    Jim Edgar needs to understand it’s not always about him, hard as it is to believe.

  53. - Anon - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 10:55 am:

    I seem to remember Mr. Ethics Edgar having state troopers mow his lawn.

  54. - Jake - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 10:14 pm:

    While I don’t agree that the electorate deserves much of the blame for this, I do appreciate that Jim Edgar stays involved in the state. He has been one of the very few bright spots in Illinois government.

    I suspect that he had to play the game to win the game, but once he got on top the things he did for this state were significant - balanced budgets, pension funding, reasonably restraining the legislature’s knee-jerk reaction to issues, etc.

    He’s one of the only talking heads in Illinois politics that I seriously listen to…

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