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Our day together

Wednesday, Dec 10, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* We’re going to take this Blagojevich arrest topic in steps. Each area will have its own post. Use this comment section to ask specific questions and I’ll try to answer them in subsequent posts. Thanks.

And try to avoid snark. Kinda busy today and really not in the mood. Keep your questions legit.

Also, sorry about the site performance yesterday. We were absolutely slammed with visitors and struggled all day to keep the blog accessible - to varying degrees of success.

One more thing. Y’all had ample opportunity to get your drive-by “I hate Rod” comments out of your system yesterday. Let’s try to keep a bit of decorum today as we discuss this very grave matter. If I have time, I’ll be deleting those comments. Don’t waste your time or mine.


  1. - Bill Baar - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:10 am:

    So how ready are both parties for election to replace Obama’s seat?

  2. - OneMan - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:12 am:

    What if Rod were to try today and appoint a senior Democratic statesman (Hartigan, Netch, Buris, Dixon) would they take it and would they get seated?

  3. - Toni H. - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:15 am:

    Rich - thank you for the outstanding coverage yesterday. A few weeks back I asked the simple question, “why do people say “they” won’t indict him until he is out of office?” Your response stated that it was historically the way things had been - but basically things could change with this fella…. I hang my hat on that hoping history would NOT repeat itself! Wal-la.

  4. - The Doc - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:15 am:

    Is it expected that Patti Blagojevich will also be the subject of a criminal complaint?

  5. - Bluefish - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:18 am:

    Did the Feds freeze the Friends of Blago funds?

  6. - Levois - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:19 am:

    I’ve never said I hate Rod and nor will I. Besides I think it’s a known fact now that just about everyone seems to hate him.

    And the fact that I couldn’t access this site at various times yesterday showed how this was the blog to be yesterday. Great job!

  7. - OK, No - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:19 am:

    Will impeachment proceedings really begin in the House next week? If so, how long could they take to conclude?

  8. - ILPundit - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:20 am:

    There is no way Jesse White will certify any Blagojevich appointment to the Senate at this point. We are looking at a moderately long term vacancy while this circus plays itself out

  9. - He Makes Ryan Look Like a Saint - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:20 am:

    If the legislature passes a bill to have a special vote, doesn’t the Governor have 60 days to act on it, probably vetoing it in the last day? In the mean time he could appoint someone for the senate, making it all moot.

  10. - Honest Abe - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:20 am:

    Appreciate your hard work on this breaking scandal, Rich.

    I have to agree with the previous post in that I believe Blagojevich will not go quietly nor will he miss an opportunity to try to fill the vacant Senate seat. His only sane move is to appoint a respected party regular (likely to be a mere seatwarmer) in a belated bid to redeem himself.

  11. - Ravenswood Right Winger - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:20 am:

    Sheldon Sorosky was Blago’s lawyer yesterday and has donated to his campaign. Where is the ace pro bono law firm of Winston & Strawn? Did the partners there get fed up with Big Jim Thompson giving free legal representation to indicted Illinois governors?

  12. - Wumpus - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:20 am:

    Paul Vallas for Senate? This is perfect time for GOP if there ever was any.

    Honest question: Jim Ryan caught flack for not investigating GHR (a lot from Blago, ironically). Why didn’t Little Lisa Madigan investigate Blago?

    I would love a special run-off election. It may bring back Oberwies and the powedered wig guy, but this would be so much fun!

  13. - bardo2 - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:21 am:

    Not a question, but a comment.

    Rich, the coverage on this blog over the course of the last 24 hours or so has been absolutely superb. It has become THE place to go for political news in Illinois. A daily must-read for insiders & interested citizens.

    Thank you & keep up the good work.

  14. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:21 am:

    Outstanding job yesterday, Rich.

    Did Tony and Chris Kelly lose their leverage?

    Why the rush for a special election? I can’t believe the Senate would seat a Blago appointment, no matter who it is. Why not impeachment and be done with him

  15. - Cassandra - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:22 am:

    Is it clear that the legislature can pass a law mandating a special election for the Senate that would override existing law and survive appeal.

    If there were a special election, how long would the primary season for that election be.

    Is one possibility that Blago would create some kind of citizens commission to advise him on the selection to deflect the special election option.
    A face-saving way to retain some control.

  16. - observation - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:22 am:

    Rich - Congratulations on the great job you did yesterday with the coverage. Yes, sometimes the the traffic caused the site to be a bit slow, but that was to be expected with news of this magnitude. Nonetheless, CF hung in there while other sites crashed. Kudos, and thanks!!!

  17. - runner2010 - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:23 am:

    will funds that are sitting on the governor’s desk be released or investigated? i don’t think the voters have it in them to go to the polls again, especially in his district. are we asking too much for yet another possible special election?

  18. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:23 am:

    It appears one big reason Blago was so feverishly peddling the Senate seat was his desire to get a higher paying job. He was hoping to be out of the governor’s office before Inauguration Day. Now that he’s been charged, and insists he won’t resign, does this mean we will be stuck with him as governor LONGER than we would otherwise have been?

  19. - downstate hack - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:24 am:

    Thanks for your hard work on this eventful yet tragic happening. No joy in what happened but probably overdue looking at the Gov’s past. Truly a delusional character that needs to be removed from office ASAP by whatever means possible.

  20. - Todd - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:27 am:

    Rich –

    If the GA passes a bill making it a special election and takes away the Gov’s athority to appoint during this session, and the Gov is still in his position Jan 14th when the new GA is seated, then vetos the bill, what is the provision for dealing with the veto after that session has been closed sine die?

    Can they even take it up? dod they start all over again?

    The gov has 60 to sit on a bill. We’ve seen it time and time again. I don’t doubt that a veto could be overridden, but can they consider a bill from the prevous GA in the next one?


  21. - Fan of the Game - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:27 am:

    1. Did the deal go down yesterday because the Feds couldn’t hold off the Tribune any longer?

    2. Did the timing prevent the Feds from taking down other players if the whle mess had been allowed to play itself out?

    3. Was the Trib more amenable to staying quiet because their case was part of the operation?

    4. Who are the particular Senate candidates in the named in the complaint?

    5. Is it a crime to simply discuss a quid pro quo for a political appointment?

    6. If the House impeaches, and the Senate convicts, does that bring Blagojevich’s term as governor to an end?

  22. - Deeda - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:28 am:

    You did a great job with the coverage. Thank You very much.

    How much will this whole deal cost the Illinois taxpayers?

  23. - MSM'er - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:28 am:

    Rich, I’d like to add my voice to the chorus singing praise about the fantastic job you did yesterday. I’ve worked on a lot of big breaking stories over the years. I was blown away by the depth on the blog — links, aggregation, commentary, background, analysis, feedback … Well done, my friend. Well done.

  24. - Muskrat - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:29 am:

    I guess I don’t quite understand his desire for money. He couldn’t possibly have worried about his financial future, right? I can’t imagine that an ex-governor with a law degree wouldn’t be able to get a pretty cushy job somewhere. Sure, he’s deeply unpopular, but was he really fearing unemployment? Is he deeply in debt? Or is he just so fixated on the idea that every governmental act is a pay for play opportunity that he couldn’t stop himself?

  25. - hisgirlfriday - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:30 am:

    -Do you think Fitz could (or will try to) use John Harris to get any closer to an indictment of Mayor Daley?

    Just found it interesting that you had a former Daley budget director and a former assistant state’s attorney under Daley indicted yesterday, yet thanks to the Obama fuss no one really considered Daley much on this.

  26. - Cowgirl - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:30 am:

    Great coverage! Thank you.

    I’m intrigued by thoughts of how this will play out in Springfield, and in Washington. The best case scenario is that Blago would resign rather than go through impeachment proceedings. But given his history that seems doubtful. Therefore, a protracted battle is most likely. That can only damage Illinois, as we will have only one Senator.

    It was heartening to read that Blago was upset that all the Obama camp was willing to give for its preferred appointment was appreciation.

  27. - Ill.Pride - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:30 am:

    What’s the chances that Rod will go back to work as usual and get caught again on the feds listening post doing the same things. After all he said he didn’t do anything wrong.

  28. - Esteban - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:30 am:

    All osturing aside, I think we’re stuck with
    Blago for the forseeable future….and he isn’t
    going to name a “senior statesman” to the Senate;
    he doesn’t function that way. I wouldn’t be surprised to see him appoint HIS WIFE…seriously.

    Let the games begin!

  29. - Boone Logan Square - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:32 am:

    Historical set of questions. Has the Illinois legislature ever impeached a public official before? Do precedents exist that might inform how they may act in the days ahead? Should impeachment proceed, are there any mechanisms in place that would limit the governor’s constitutional powers before a decision to remove him from office is reached?

    Thanks again for the work you’ve already done this week. It is truly first-rate.

  30. - tubbfan - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:32 am:

    Will the General Assembly consider changing the process of allowing the Gov to take a leave of absence in lieu of resigning?

    Rep. Fritchey was on WLS yesterday afternoon and said that the impeachment process would take months to play out. Is this the understanding of the other heavy hitters out there? Is the process as “simple” as a house and senate vote?

    I’m proud of the coverage of this issue and glad to be a subscriber! Rich, you do a marvelous job. I hope all of your dreams will be realized.

  31. - South Side Mike - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:33 am:

    Thanks, Rich, for your work, and I will keep snark to a minimum. I’m sure these items will be already taken care of, but:

    Though many of them have been identified already, who are the unidentified individuals and senate candidates in the complaint?

    John Harris was listed, but what did he do that would be considered for his particular benefit? The phone calls all seem to be aiding and abetting Blago.

    Who else needs to be looking for legal representation as a result of the disclosed information? (Who did not rest well last night?)

    Zell, the Trib’s editorial staff, and the holding of the story. What’s the real scoop?

  32. - Pat collins - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:33 am:

    Honest question: Jim Ryan caught flack for not investigating GHR (a lot from Blago, ironically). Why didn’t Little Lisa Madigan investigate Blago

    Lisa did not for the same reason Jim Ryan did not.

    Feds have a much easier time to get wires and wiretapping evidence. Also, the Feds usually ask the locals to stay out when they are working a case.

    Why Ryan caught flack? Because Repubs are so stupid about not answering back on silly accusations. I dont think Lisa made those charges, she had surrogates.

    I dont know why her opponent didnt’ do that to her, more stupid campaigning.

  33. - Cheswick - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:35 am:

    How can it be that the governor is in such financial difficulties? Is that true, or was he just poor-mouthing?

  34. - Mgmax - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:35 am:

    “Why didn’t Little Lisa Madigan investigate Blago?”

    It appears likely that the Feds told her to stay out of their investigation, which would be wise in any case as she couldn’t help but appear politically/selfishly motivated.

    I find it hard to believe that anyone would accept Blagojevich’s appointment at this point. Maybe I underestimate naked self-interest, but why would you want to be attached to the sinking ship in any way if you’re not already? And there’s the real prospect that the Senate would not seat this person, not to mention what they’d have to deal with in two years as a jailed governor’s pick.

    Also, kudos for the coverage yesterday, this was the place to be.

  35. - ArchPundit - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:36 am:

    Remember Lisa also had Fitzgerald release a letter asking her to stop investigating some of the hiring issues she was pursuing. She did investigate and deferred to the feds when asked to

  36. - The Supremes - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:38 am:

    Rich - Excellent coverage on what was a very troubling/hectic day. You earned your keep.

    What is this obscure Supreme Court rule we’ve started to hear about? It’s my understanding that the A.G. would attempt to prove the Governor to be incapable/unqualified to perform his duties and the Supreme Court would either uphold or throw that argument out…so what then? If the Supreme Court determines the Governor to be incapable is that ruling a defacto removal from office?

    If this is a Supreme Court rule, what precedent is there? There’s certainly never been a case like this in Illinois history (at least not to the level of Governor)? I realize the possibility of this is well behind outright resignation or impeachment but it is interesting regardless…one of those fun Illinois quirks.

  37. - Sandra - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:38 am:

    I am wondering about the special election in the 5th CD. I am assuming that as long as Rod is in office he will still set the date/time/parameters of that? I had heard that the primary had been tentativey set for February 24th but that was before all this happened. Does anyone know if that was or is true? Though I guess in answer to my own question it can’t actually be true as Rahm has not yet resigned …. Any information on this situation would be appreciated.

  38. - political junkie - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:38 am:

    Todd - it is my understanding that a General Assembly cannot override a veto of a bill that was passed in a previous GA.

  39. - Heartless Libertarian - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:38 am:

    My question is… Who is Senate Candidate #5? Jesse Jackson Jr? Or could this be a random rich guy trying to get the seat? Or possibly Blair Hull?

  40. - The Doc - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:38 am:

    What’s the fallout for JJJ, in the event that it’s determined he’s SC#5?

  41. - How Ironic - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:39 am:

    Great coverage yesterday Rich. Sorry I missed your little party, but family time trumped.

    Look forward to your insights as this debacle continues.

  42. - Bill - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:39 am:

    The last thing we need right now is another election which is estimated to cost at least $8 million in Cook County alone. Where is the money coming from?
    If we don’t want Rod appointing someone, get rid of him and let Quinn appoint or better yet just let the seat vacant until 2010. Do you think anyone will notice?

  43. - Desert Dweller - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:39 am:

    No one really knows the purpose of the timing, but do you think the Feds acted so quickly as to allow for subpoenas to be issued to Obama and his advisors before January 20th? Great job yesterday!

  44. - Macbeth - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:42 am:

    I’ll chime in here, too.

    Nice work, Rich. This blog has been invaluable lately. I appreciate your efforts here. The analysis and context you provide are top-notch.

  45. - bored now - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:42 am:

    1. Is the envisioned special bill a one-time only special election or are they changing the law in cases of a vacancy in one of Illinois’ U.S. Senators?

    2. Is a special election the only option? The Hotline blog reported yesterday that a “special election to fill Pres.-elect Barack Obama’s Senate seat could cost the state of Illinois between $45 million and $50 million, a state Board of Elections official told On Call this afternooon.” In this particular instance, I think I would prefer for the party of the outgoing Senator give a list of three names for the governor to chose from. In this case, the party would be the State Central Committee. Several states do this.

    3. How quickly can impeachment be completed? Illinois government was already paralyzed by Blagojevich; even if he was acquitted, government is Illinois will remain at a standstill unless Blagojevich is removed from office.

  46. - Martin - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:42 am:

    It should not take months to impeach and convict Blago. The Illinois House could impeach him in the morning and the Senate could convict him in the afternoon. They set their own rules. They do not even have to allow Blago to appear - let alone defend himself. They could simply accept the Affidavit in Support of the Criminal Complaint by FBI Special Agent Daniel W. Cain and tell Hot Rod to get lost.

  47. - Ahem - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:43 am:

    I’m wondering when Pat Quinn can take over since it’s obvious that he needs to.

  48. - Niles Township - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:43 am:

    So with David Axelrod’s long time warm relations with Pat Quinn, do you think the Obama people will be pushing for a quick impeachment so that they remove the distraction and get a “better” senate pick with Quinn in charge? If so, do you see them actively working the halls, or staying as far away as they can? If Quinn makes the pick, here are my guesses in this order: Jesse Jr., Forrest Claypool, Danny Davis, Jan Schakowsky.

  49. - Macbeth - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:43 am:

    A question: Blago won’t resign, true — but how does he expect to run the day-to-day business? If I were working for him right now, I’d be *very* wary. I’m not sure I could (or would) take any advice or guidance from him at this point. How does he expect to work with his staff?

  50. - ZC - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:44 am:

    In terms of Lisa Madigan, not “appears likely” the feds told her to stay out - that’s a documented fact. Fitzgerald publicly released a letter in June of 2006 where he stated that the Blago administration had become the focus of ongoing federal investigations, and the letter asked Lisa Madigan to halt her own investigations into Blago’s administration, because they might get in the way of the federal probe. Lisa Madigan agreed to the request.

    You can see page one of this letter (courtesy of Cap Fax - great public archives, Rich!) at

    Can we bury this “where was Lisa?” meme, please?

  51. - Bill - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:46 am:

    I agree with Macbeth for the first time ever. Miller is obviously the dean of Springfield journalists.The way things are going he may soon be the only Springfield journalist. Where would we all be without CapFax?

  52. - Vote Quimby! - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:47 am:

    ==citizens commission to advise him on the selection==

    Sounds like an election to me.

  53. - ZC - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:47 am:

    A follow-up to my previous post 9:44 - if you click on the URL, it doesn’t work. But copy and paste it and it does.

  54. - Come on, now - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:48 am:

    Thanks to Rich and the Cap Fax crew. Well done, well done.

    Quinn and AG Madigan talked about petitioning the IL Supreme Court regarding Blago’s ability to govern. I’ve looked around and can’t find info about how this process would work. Is it as simple as filing a petition saying the dude’s insane or is there a longer process of gathering evidence and illustrating the potential impact of his governing skills (or lack thereof)? Would the Court then have the ability to impeach or otherwise kick him out?

  55. - Elated - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:48 am:

    This is flying around the internet in many forums. I want to know if there is truth this…
    “Michelle Obama Is The “Specifically Named Individual” On Page 64 of The Affidavit Submitted by FBI” Here’s the most informative source (You have to scroll down to see the story.

  56. - Secret Square - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:49 am:

    Who’d notice if we just left the seat vacant?

    How about the national Dems who are this/close to having a filibuster-proof majority, as well as Republicans/conservatives hoping to block any of Obama’s more radical legislative proposals or his U.S. Supreme Court appointments.

  57. - Anon - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:50 am:

    Good coverage Rich, thank you. We had a lot of practice waiting for this, now we can only hope the investigation will continue and clean house.

    Does the timing of Filan’s appointment to the Finance Authority now make him a target, if he was not already?

  58. - Bluefish - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:50 am:

    Are the same people who argued against the con-con due to the cost of it now arguing for a special election in spite of the cost?

  59. - Mr. Know-it-All - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:50 am:

    One obvious question: who’s next?

  60. - Noah Kunin - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:50 am:

    Besides Bradley Tusk are there any other FORMER Deputy Govs who served under Blago?

  61. - Cowgirl - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:51 am:

    In answer to the question about the Illinois Supreme Court’s jurisdiction over matters regarding the removal of the governor from office, this provision of the Illinois Constitution controls:

    (a) In the event of a vacancy, the order of succession to the office of Governor or to the position of Acting Governor shall be the Lieutenant Governor, the elected Attorney General, the elected Secretary of State, and then as rovided by law.
    (b) If the Governor is unable to serve because of death,conviction on impeachment, failure to qualify, resignation or other disability, the office of Governor shall be filled by the officer next in line of succession for the remainder of the term or until the disability is removed.
    (c) Whenever the Governor determines that he may be seriously impeded in the exercise of his powers, he shall so notify the Secretary of State and the officer next in line of succession. The latter shall thereafter become Acting Governor with the duties and powers of Governor. When the
    Governor is prepared to resume office, he shall do so by notifying the Secretary of State and the Acting Governor.
    (d) The General Assembly by law shall specify by whom and by what procedures the ability of the Governor to serve or to resume office may be questioned and determined. The
    Supreme Court shall have original and exclusive jurisdiction to review such a law and any such determination and, in the absence of such a law, shall make the determination under such rules as it may adopt.

  62. - anon36 - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:51 am:

    Just jumping on the band wagon to commend you for the great job yesterday. This site was a constant for my co-workers and me yesterday! You must be exhausted. Had hoped to join you at the Alamo last night, but wasn’t meant to be. I was glued to CNN all evening though…he finally got the national attention he so desired! Now EVERYONE knows his name!

  63. - Todd - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:52 am:

    junkie —

    that’s what I think, but want to make sure. It we are right, then session monday is all show, as if the Gov digs in, and I bet he does, then he still has the reigns untill he is removed. Thus the seat will be vacant for a while.

    I will also repeat what I said minutes after the Wyma statement was released about not wearing a wire — he planted a bug for the feds. Remember they said he facilitated the recording. yesterday fotz admitted to a Bug. Unless they had some hollywood FBI black bag type team go in, I bet they go Wyma to plant the bug.

    Beware of holiday gifts this season, you never know what might be in the flower pot.


  64. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:53 am:

    I agree with Martin regarding impeachment. What is this talk of months? The Constitution is short and sweet on the subject.

    I’m very concerned that the first thing from Dem leadership was a special election. Enough politics! It’s time to govern and the GA has the means at its disposal to do what is absolutely necessary now.

    There are critical issues beyond Blago that need to be addressed now. We are in crisis here with a governor who can still create a lot of mischief and cause a lot of harm with his lawful and constitutional powers.

  65. - Martin - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:54 am:

    Article IV Section 14 of the Illinois Constitution

    The House of Representatives has the sole power to conduct legislative investigations to determine the existence of cause for impeachment and, by the vote of a majority of the members elected, to impeach Executive and Judicial officers. Impeachments shall be tried by the Senate. When sitting for that purpose, Senators shall be upon oath, or affirmation, to do justice according to law. If the Governor is tried, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court shall preside. No person shall be convicted without the concurrence of two-thirds of the Senators elected. Judgment shall not extend beyond removal from office and disqualification to hold any public office of this State. An impeached officer,
    whether convicted or acquitted, shall be liable to
    prosecution, trial, judgment and punishment according to law.

  66. - B - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 9:59 am:

    While the details are fascinating, I am starting to think about this in a larger context. I think that the most important big picture issue to take away from all of this is how corrupting the influence of money has become at every level of politics in this country. Despite the fact that our state, county and city may be the worst examples of how sick our political system is, this is not just an Illinois problem. While Blago’s problems are unique in that he was explicitly seeking delusional personal enrichment, his problems started with his pay to play campaign financing schemes. Our conscientious national, state and local leaders must do something about how elections are financed and how former elected officials can trade on their clout after leaving public employment, among other things, if anything is to change. Without any action on these and other issues, we will continue to see crooks in and just out of office tring to take advantage of the power of their current and former positions. Let’s hope the ethics bill is a good start.

  67. - City Voter - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 10:02 am:

    Will we ever find out about John Filan’s role in all this? He worked for the Walker administration also. I don’t think it’s any coincidinky that he moved to IFA in November either.

  68. - Tunes - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 10:04 am:

    Will the Pontiac correctional Center closing go through? Any chance the the legislature could find some money to keep the parks and historic sites open that got closed? Are some state employees (PSA, Sr.)- who are in appointed positions by the gov- jobs vulnerable?

  69. - Finally! - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 10:04 am:

    The newly seated G.A. could NOT act upon the previous G.A.’s legislation, so all Blago has to do is leave the bill on his desk until the new seated and the bill dies Sine Die with the old G.A.

    The political question, however, is how do Madigan and Cullerton play this? They have the ultimate weapon against Blago now. If they work together, they can hold impeachment over his head to get what they need to minimize the damage to their party.

  70. - McLean Farmboy - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 10:05 am:

    While I was in as big a celebratory mood as anyone over this yesterday, the big question that no one seems to be asking is: In the sort term, so what? The wonk in me is overjoyed, but for most Illinoisans, this really does not mean much; state parks are still closed, as are rehab facilities, daycare centers, and the rest of the cuts already made. Pontiac prison is still threatened, as is extension funding, SWCD and other programmatic partners as well as state venders are still not getting paid in anything that resembles a timely manner. Control of the machines of state government are still in the hands of Rod’s political appointees (or payees as the case may be), and there is still a budget hole big enough to fly an entire fleet of state airplanes through.

    Does anyone really believe that a Gov. Quinn (or as I think Gov. Madigan, after Pat appoints himself Sen.) can find money to solve all of the problems facing Illinois? While, the inside baseball stuff is important, interesting, and fun, real problems still exist, and one crooked politician going to the pokey will not change that.

  71. - A Citizen - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 10:07 am:

    What is the current status of guv’s license to practice law?

  72. - Six Degrees of Separation - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 10:09 am:

    Where is the ace pro bono law firm of Winston & Strawn?

    According to regular poster Arthur Andersen, W&S quit working for the Gov when he stiffed them on some past bills for legal work.

  73. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 10:10 am:

    Hopefully my two questions aren’t “stupid”: 1) other than the urgency of situation, what’s the implications of a direct arrest versus first being indicted by a grand jury as this thing goes forward, if any; and 2) wonder if Blago give any thought to going after Cap Fax like he was doing with the Tribune for being critical of him. Just askin’

  74. - Finally! - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 10:11 am:

    Supreme Court Rule 382 is what the A.G. and Quinn are looking at using:

  75. - Obamalac - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 10:12 am:

    ATTABOY Rich for a job well done yesterday! You used the intellect from your mother to produce a great product. (I produced the five sons!) Together we are proud of all of you boys, but this is your subject, your time. Keep it up! Dad

  76. - Amy - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 10:13 am:

    i’ve said it before, just give it to a Netsch/Mikva/Minow type who will not run for the full term. we need to dig ourselves out of the combine. give it to one of them, Gov. Quinn.

    and, Rich Miller, thanks for the work. this site was such a valuable place to be yesterday, more than ever.

  77. - tinman - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 10:13 am:

    I have the answer to all these problems, We just pay all the legislators and office holders 4 million for a 4 year term and, then there all out. If they want a second term because, they think that we neeed a person with experience, we pay them 30,000 a year for any more terms that they want to serve and can get elected to. But probably the 4 million wouldn’t be enough for them.

  78. - HV in HP - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 10:14 am:

    If Rod appointed any current elected official to the senate, why would that be tainted? Even if it were one of those assumed names in the indictment, unless the Feds specifically said that they did wrong they are still legitimate, aren’t they? why should they be stained by Rod’s lunacy?

  79. - A Citizen - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 10:15 am:

    I just hope guv doesn’t start a clandestine auction for the appointment to the Guv’s position.

  80. - piper - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 10:16 am:

    Rich, your cover is SO GOOD, that I don’t even
    listen to radio news in my car. I get everything I want to know from CF.

    So when does Blago go back to court to enter his plea?

  81. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 10:16 am:

    Why did we wait so long? We knew this guy was off the rails a few years ago. Why did all the other state leaders sit on their hands when they saw how incompetent and criminal Blagojevich is?

    We still had a civil war between Madigan and Blagojevich that locked up Illinois, so what good did it do us to wait around for Blagojevich to decide his own fate? We didn’t have any recourses to neutralize him? No one was willing to risk exposing Blagojevich as the sham he is? How many breaks can we give a flailing loser in the governor’s office?

    We live in an era when we cannot afford incompetence. It should not be accepted. Yet we continue to see citizens accept giving a flailing loser an entire term to flail in office as though we can afford to have the duties their office performs go unfulfilled. How can we expect a higher standard in elected office when we set so low a bar?

    For those of you who tout the benefits of government controlled societies, you are setting us up for catastrophe if you do not create a better way to weed out incompetent candidates for office. As we see a growing demand on government services, the political parties that fill these jobs with applicants on Election Day must take their jobs seriously and get rid of the Blagojevichs before they are elected. We must either learn how to get better public officials in government, or we need to learn how to weed ourselves off of government.

    We cannot depend on our current system.

    In 2002, we sat at a point where if Illinois took the wrong course, we would dig ourselves into a deeper hole than we were under Governor Ryan. Well, with Blagojevich, we did further damage. So the next administrations need to not only repair the damage Blagojevich’s time in office had created, we would still remain behind the eight ball as we were in 2002 when the Blagojevichian damage is finally undone. This will require exponentially more successful administrations than we have seen in Illinois in probably 50 years.

    Removing Blagojevich is only a first step. We still have government leaders that let him fester and damage Illinois remaining in their positions. These losers need to go as well as they are just as incompetent during our ongoing emergency. We will not get the government we need if the current cadre of statewide officials remain.

    The corruption within Illinois government is far deeper than Rod Blagojevich. We will not succeed until we get rid of all of it.

  82. - Wumpus - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 10:16 am:

    PS, Little Lisa is a SImpson’s reference, not an insult as she has done okay imo. Perhpas Rod Can rasie funds for a special election.

  83. - The Unlicensed Hand Surgeon - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 10:17 am:

    There is a culture of pay-to-play politics in Illinois. Everyone knows this. But any governor is going to get maybe 80% of the campaign cash that he needs just by holding office. All you need is a couple of skilled fundraisers who can make some well-placed phone calls and say all the right things and achieve the same results without breaking the law. And in a Democratic state, even an incompetent like Blago gets re-elected. My question is this: is it really worth going to jail to squeeze that extra 20% out of state vendors? My goodness, if Blago had done even a halfway decent job as governor and kept his nose clean, he could have had three or four terms without breaking a sweat. The whole thing reminds me of that scene in the Godfather II where Tom Hagen asks Michael Corleone “is it worth it? You’ve won.”

    And it’s not just Blago. Guys like Rezko, Cellini, Levine - these are men who are already wealthy, and they’re not young men. Why break the law to earn an extra $2 million that you don’t need? For heaven’s sake, buy a pair of white shoes and move down to Florida and enjoy your golden years. I just don’t understand why the act of scouring the well for the last few remaining drops is worth going to prison when you’ve already gotten all the water you’ll ever need.

  84. - Argonaut - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 10:26 am:

    The Governor and Mr. Harris were arrested on a criminal complaint. Other than the route to get there, what is the difference with this approach and an indictment? And can we expect Fitzgerald to seek an indictment on these and other charges in the near future and vacate the criminal complaint? Does it matter?

  85. - Just a Citizen - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 10:29 am:

    We are very proud to call you our son today and every day. I once told you to ease up on the guv a little, but I was wrong and you were right. Good work yesterday. Cap Fax is definitely the place to go for what’s going on in IL politics. Mom

  86. - Anonentity - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 10:31 am:

    if the constitution states in Section 6 on Gub Succession:

    (d) The General Assembly by law shall specify by whom and by what procedures the ability of the Governor to serve or to resume office may be questioned and determined. The
    Supreme Court shall have original and exclusive jurisdiction to review such a law and any such determination and, in the absence of such a law, shall make the determination under such rules as it may adopt.

    Can’t the GA just pass a law under section d stating that indictment or arrest for a federal felony qualifies as a “disability” under section b until such time as the disability is removed (i.e. dismissal or finding of innocence). So, in that situation, Blago would be disabled and Quinn would serve until Blago’s sace is resolved. Seems more logical to me than trying to rush an impeachment or trying to schedule a special election that will surely be challenged (even if it does get by the Gov’s veto).

  87. - Secret Square - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 10:32 am:

    Anon 10:10, Blago went after the Trib by using a deal on Wrigley Field as leverage. Unless Rich owns a major league sports facility that the state would want to run, I don’t think Blago could get at him :)

  88. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 10:32 am:

    Hand surgeon, some people just love the rush of the game. I read a book about Tony Spilotro’s crew in Vegas. They’d have ten grand in their pockets, but they’d shoplift candy bars for the buzz. I don’t understand it either, but examples abound everywhere.

  89. - The Unlicensed Hand Surgeon - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 10:39 am:

    If only they’d listened to “Ace” Rothstein - he just wanted to run a square joint, nice and quiet.

  90. - Irish - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 10:41 am:

    Can we speculate that the GA will not take up impeachment proceedings until after the new GA is seated in January since if they do not get it done by Jan. they would have to start from scratch with the new GA?
    If Sen Candidate 1 was Jarrett, and 5 were JJ JR. I would suppose that 4 is Emil Jones because he would be the only one who might give up the seat to allow the Gov to parachute in?

    The Capitol Fax was on top of it yesterday kudos Rich.

  91. - AsAMom - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 10:44 am:

    GREAT work Rich! I have 2 observations & 1 question:
    1) Timing - As Fitz said it was to make him cease and desist (sit him in the corner so to speak.) This and Rich’s insight months ago saying if nothing happens by the end of the year - we will have to wait until almost the end of next year.
    2) We do not need to spend millions on a special election - Dems should lead and appoint someone soon (or follow or get out of the way.)
    Is anything happening with smiling Patty B.?

  92. - PIA - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 10:47 am:

    Rich -

    Congrats on getting your column in the Sun-Times linked from today. Looks like you could be headed for the big time!

  93. - Arthur Andersen - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 10:49 am:

    Capt., a tip of the abacus from old AA for a fine job yesterday. I was intending to come down to the Alamo, but by the time I finished up all my real work that had been blown off while I was following the coverage of Merry Fitzmas, was almost bedtime.

    Argonaut-the criminal information complaint is basically used to stop crimes in progress or to get dangerous felons off the street. In many, but not all cases, further evidence is presented to a grand jury which returns indictments. If the matters at hand are not time-sensitive, the prosecutor will go straight to the grand jury with a fully developed “case.”

    AA doesn’t gamble, but it would be a very good bet that there will be a grand jury and there will be indictments before St. Patrick’s Day.

  94. - Jail house Rod - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 10:51 am:

    I’m not sure a special election is the way to go. Obama held a democratic seat and the dems should continue to control it. Maybe Durbin should name the replacement. After all, he’ll be working most closely with this individual.
    Is there anyway a “one time” agreement could be reached and the law later changed/amended to take this power away from the sitting governor?

  95. - Sarbanharble - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 10:51 am:

    I think it is time to take a serious look at the prevalence of cocaine in our political infrastructure. Reading the transcripts of some of Blago’s conversations leads one to believe that he has a mental problem, but hearing his wife in the background with the same attitude is more than a mere coincidence of two mentally unstable points in space colliding. The Feds need to rout out this abscess and give our state political system some credence.

  96. - Captain Flume - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 10:53 am:

    It’s interesting that the Illinois website ( seems very slow to load, and the latest “front page” “news” story is the Governor’s meeting with the Republic workers. And no other stories appear. I wonder who pulls the strings on the website’s content.

  97. - NimROD - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 11:07 am:

    ===The corruption within Illinois government is far deeper than Rod Blagojevich. We will not succeed until we get rid of all of it.===

    This will never happen until political corruption is made so painful and unprofitable that no politican thinks about doing it. It is something like the offense of kidnapping. The FBI, as an institution, has made kidnapping such an unprofitable crime that few, if any, even dare to try it today. If you get caught, and you most likely will, you are going to get hammered by the FBI. So it should also be for politicians.

    Fitzgerald took another small step in that direction yesterday.

  98. - Anon - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 11:08 am:

    Who are the people that are going to run for the seat? Clearly, this changes everything for who gets the seat? Davis, Jackson and Madigan all won’t run for the seat now?

  99. - NimROD - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 11:09 am:

    ===Hand surgeon, some people just love the rush of the game. I read a book about Tony Spilotro’s crew in Vegas. They’d have ten grand in their pockets, but they’d shoplift candy bars for the buzz. I don’t understand it either, but examples abound everywhere. ===

    Word - did you ever watch the TV show Crime Story back in the eighties? It was loosely based on Tony the Ants’ crew and they did a pretty good job of capturing this. Ray Luca just couldn’t stop putting down scores because of the rush he got.

  100. - ZC - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 11:17 am:

    Another question: are the Dems and Durbin partly in a hurry to arrange for a special election, because they don’t like the idea of LG Pat Quinn picking Obama’s replacement? Durbin will play a big role in any special replacement election. How much influence does he have with Quinn?

  101. - One of the 35 - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 11:20 am:

    The 35 who were dismissed by Blago on his first day in office understood very early on, his view of the world. He thought that he could pick and choose which laws he would obey and which he would ignore. He believed that he was entitled to do this because he was elected governor. He likewise failed to understand that although he was legally empowered to make the Senatorial appointment to fill O’bama’s seat, he did not “own” it. It was not his personal property that could be sold. I am not a psychologist but such behavior appears to be “sociopathic”.
    The question of Filan’s status at IFA is really intriguing. I continue to suspect/believe that many of the financial actions of this administration were flat out illegal. It is my hope that those responsible for such actions will be held accountable.

  102. - Phil Collins - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 11:22 am:

    Anon, in the special election, the nominees will be Rep. Kirk (my congressman) and Rep. Schakowsky.

  103. - Black Ivy - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 11:23 am:

    Rich, I have been very heartened by the manner in which Capitol Fax has handled Governor Blagojevich’s arrest. While you have been a constant critic of the governor much to my chagrin, I believe that you are more saddened by the recent turn of events than relieved. Thank you for your fair, impartial, and non-partisan coverage of this terrible event. You have have been critical where warranted, but respectful as well.

    Thank you, Rich.

  104. - Jail house Rod - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 11:38 am:

    I don’t think Durbin and Quinn are close. Didn’t they run against one another in a US Senate primary?

  105. - Cheswick - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 11:46 am:

    == What is the current status of guv’s license to practice law? ==

    According to the ARDC: “Voluntarily inactive and not authorized to practice law - Last Registered Year: 2008″


  106. - Captain Flume - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 11:46 am:

    “more saddened by the recent turn of events than relieved”– I don’t Mr. miller’s feelings on this, but we should be sad we elected the Governor a second time, we should be sad that the Illinois political mythos will probably eventually find his actions stupid because he got caught but heroic in his intentions, we should be sad that we need to feel relieved of his administration should he actually leave office before his term expires. Yes, there is a great deal to feel sad about.

  107. - Phil Collins - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 11:54 am:

    Jail house Rod, I don’t think that Quinn ran for the U.S. Senate. What year do you think he ran?

  108. - Six Degrees of Separation - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 12:01 pm:

    My question: Which present or former of the gov’s Agency Directors are (or should be) the most nervous?

  109. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 12:02 pm:

    You are correct Captain Flume - more people than just Rod Blagojevich let us down. They should all be expected to defend their inactions.

    We will not get better government until we demand better government.

  110. - JonShibleyFan - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 12:07 pm:

    Low on the list, and apologies if I missed this, but any ideas who Highway Contractor C is?

  111. - JonShibleyFan - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 12:09 pm:

    Sorry, meant “Highway Contractor 1.”

  112. - One of the 35 - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 12:12 pm:

    Six degrees - Good Question. I would think Lavin at DCEO will be seeking legal counsel.

  113. - I'm just saying - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 12:19 pm:

    No Durbin really has a distaste for Quinn after the 1996 run for Senate.

    Quinn made insinuations that Durbin’s daughter recieved a scholarship that may have been of a nefarious nature.

    I dont’ think he has ever forgot that one.

    Honestly, Quinn has never been popular with anyone.

    One memory that I have was being at O’Hare on the Sunday before the convention in Boston four years ago seeing all the other pols socializing amongst themselves after a tough legislative session and Pat Quinn was sitting there by himself like the lonesome kicker.

    I have witnessed the same thing at parades also.

    Well I never thought the first Fenwick man to be governor would be Quinn. I have heard that many times too…..

  114. - From the Sidelines - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 12:25 pm:

    I do not want the Supreme Court removing the governor. It’s too much of a constitutional stretch. Disability was clearly intended to be physical or mental disability.

    It’s the General Assembly responsibility to remove him. The longer he stays in office the more damage it will do to Obama, the next U.S. Senator from Illinois and the Democrats in 2010.

    Every picture, every quote of every Democrat posed with Blagojevich or whoever said anything nice about the rat will be used in the next primary and then in the general election.

    As we find out more and more of the details look for campaign materials to use those quotes and pictures interspersed with datelines of what the governor was doing.

    Remember, Blago almost always came downstate for official events when it corresponded with a fundraiser. On those dates those pictures were taken and those positive quotes given.

    When overlaid with whatever illegal action taken in conjunction with the fundraiser (and yes, those connections may be a stretch, but they will be used), it will make a very damning indictment for use in all sorts of campaign ads, commercials, mailers, and whatnot.

    If Rod is still governor Sunday, Madigan will be forced to take action Monday.

    Remember, the tapes show the first lady (ahem!), took part in the conspiracy to defraud the taxpayers of honest government. The complaint wasn’t against her, but what will the grand jury do when they get to hear her voice on the tapes.

    It took Spitzer a few days in New York to realize that he was going to resign. Just don’t panic by the attorney’s statement yesterday that Blago won’t.

    I would still bet he will.

    Note: Having said this, if they go with the insanity defense which would explain much of his actions, then there is a mental disability at play and the Supremes would have the opening to act.

  115. - dupage progressive - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 12:36 pm:

    who is deputy gov. A, mentioned throughout the criminal complaint?

  116. - Say WHAT? - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 1:03 pm:

    What will happen to all of the people appointed by the Governor during this “you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours” spree. Is there a way to take a closer look at those appointments eventually?

  117. - Little Egypt - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 1:16 pm:

    There has been much information for us all to soak up yesterday and more today. Rich Miller - YOU ROCK. You are THE PREMIER website, the go-to place for up-to-the-minute information for this fiasco. Your parents have a right to be busting their buttons not only for your coverage yesterday but, just in general, how you have run this blog and for the fine reputation you have of breaking political news that is accurate.

    I have been one of the many who have been glued to the national news programs. I believe that some of them have a better understanding of Illinois politics than most of the residents of this state. Questions they have been asking have been on the order of: The Illinois citizens did not know what they were getting in 2002 but by 2006 they knew Blagojevich was a crook so why did he get re-elected; Illinois has such a long history of political corruption, who else is to blame for this but the citizens themselves for continuing to vote the crooks in office.

    And to that I say AMEN. We really have no one to blame but ourselves for Blago getting back into office in 2006. I will admit to voting for him in 2002 because I was pretty tired of 26 years or so of GOP rule and I was ready for a change. Blago promised that change to us. However, it didn’t take too long into his first term to know that he was keeping up his campaign promise of “no more business as usual”. And in 2006, or probably even in 2005, he jumped out of the box with his huge campaign warchest and bought up prime TV time with his “What Was She Thinking” ads linking JBT to GRyan. And a majority of those who still had a sense of civic duty and bothered to vote, bought that mantra and voted for Blago AGAIN.

    So we can impeach, Blago can resign, LMadigan can ask the Supreme Court to remove him from office. It all makes not one single bit of difference if we, the voters, have not learned our lesson and demand better representation by first CLEANING HOUSE. We need to stop falling for the excuse from our legislators that experience will trump inexperience and we should vote the incumbants back into office. This state would be better off with high school students sitting in the House and Senate.

    Illinois is now know by the entire nation (and probably those in the world who give a rats behind) as the MOST CORRUPT STATE IN THE NATION. We owe it to ourselves, to our children, and to our grandchildren to clean up this system. We can’t rely on the politicans to do it themselves.

    On one last note about Blago. It wouldn’t surprise me if he were to plead an insanity defense. Rich I’m serious about this. I can’t understand why someone who knew he was in deep hot water would continue on his merry way with “business as usual”. I don’t think he’s stupid. I think he’s as sharp as a tack in certain areas. I believe he has continued with this whole senate appointee business with the thought in mind that no sane person would do this and thus, if caught, he would cop an insanity plea. This is not a real far stretch of the imagination.

    And he thought he could run for U.S. President in 2016. OMG, what a state.

  118. - Anon - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 1:25 pm:


  119. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 1:27 pm:

    Thanks Rich, for giving us the best coverage of Illinois politics ever. You are truly irreplaceable and a public servant in the finest sense.


  120. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 1:32 pm:

    I’m curious if you any insight into the “financial stress” the governor was feeling?

    Everyone’s comfort level is different. But according to the Trib, Patti made $700,000 in real estate commissions since 2000. Rod pulls down $170 grand plus as governor. That’s pretty good coin.

    What’s the nature of the stress?

  121. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 3:22 pm:

    In waiting for the Triple J presser, CNN is pounding Obama and Illinois.

    First, they took Obama’s “no further comment” quote from yesterday and juxtaposed it with similar statements from Scott McCellan. “Sound familiar?” the anchorchick said.

    Then some talking head named Cafferty did a quick rundown on Kerner, Walker, Ryan, and Blago. He ended by putting a question on his CNN blog. “What’s the problem with Illinois politics?”

    Wolf Blitzer (all-time best anchor name) just said all this is “putting a big, fat spotlight on Illinois politics and it’s not pretty by any means.”

    And now a teaser for a story on Durbin’s request for commutation for Ryan.

  122. - Laura - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 3:31 pm:

    Rich, clearly you are the best at reporting IL politics! I love that your mom and dad post here…they should be very proud of your hard work and fairness.
    Is there speculation on who Individual A is and some of the others in the indictment?

  123. - starthrower68 - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 4:14 pm:

    This just in on ABC news, Lisa Madigan is Candidate #2 for the vacant senate seat. Hmmmm…the plot thickens…..

  124. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 4:37 pm:

    starthrower68, Candidate 2 wasn’t a candidate. Read the complaint. They floated Lisa’s name to Sneed as a way to warn Obama.


  125. - Six Degrees of Separation - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 6:05 pm:

    Jon Shibley-

    It’s got to be a big time contractor who could be bonded by themselves or a joint venture for half a bil or more. Possible suspects - Walsh, K-5?

  126. - jimbo - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 7:44 pm:

    Wouldn’t you like to be on the “Directors Flight” for it’s regular return to Chicago from Springfield on Thursday afternoon. Should be some interesting conversations-if anyone dares speak.

  127. - come on glenn - Wednesday, Dec 10, 08 @ 11:05 pm:

    Have not posted for a long time but was really posting when Blago and Edwin E were in the primary so I am back just to say I told you so. I predicted his indictment way back then and bingo here we are. Having said that Mike Madigan needs to resign too. He was up to his eyeballs in Blago’s campaign as co-chairman. Blago is a democrat, Madigan is democratic chairman, Blago is his guy. Hit the road Mike!

  128. - dena - Saturday, Dec 13, 08 @ 2:02 pm:

    The man has not been convicted yet all the wolf are out for his jobs. If guilty by association is a crime than yes Illinois goverment is on hold for all are guilty in public opinion thrown out and replace the courts and have a public trial run by the media the jury pool is already taint. Governor time to laywer up see what laws were broken on the issuing of the warrents to bug your publice office and home and on what cause of national emergency they found to do so to throw out a sitting Governor voted in by the people.

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