Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » This just in… Tribune Company subpoenaed *** Schakowsky tosses hat in ring *** Roskam interested *** Radogno wants special election *** Franks files bill to strip appointment powers *** Lisa Madigan may get beat to the ILSCt *** 4 HDems: Let’s get started with impeachment *** Peters identified as SC-4 *** Rev. Jackson: I’m not the emissary ***
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This just in… Tribune Company subpoenaed *** Schakowsky tosses hat in ring *** Roskam interested *** Radogno wants special election *** Franks files bill to strip appointment powers *** Lisa Madigan may get beat to the ILSCt *** 4 HDems: Let’s get started with impeachment *** Peters identified as SC-4 *** Rev. Jackson: I’m not the emissary ***

Thursday, Dec 11, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* 3:00 PM - One can only wonder

Tribune Co. disclosed today that federal authorities have subpoenaed documents from the company as part of their expanding investigation into charges that Gov. Rod Blagojevich and his chief of staff schemed to get members of the newspaper’s editorial board fired.

“As we’ve said before, we will fully cooperate with the government in its investigation into Governor Blagojevich and his administration,” said Gary Weitman, Tribune Co. spokesman. “As this is an ongoing criminal investigation, we will have to decline further comment.”

Federal authorities have alleged that Blagojevich–angry over editorials suggesting he be impeached–threatened to withhold state money for Wrigley Field renovations unless members of the newspaper’s editorial board were fired.

Notice that the story doesn’t say “when” the subpoena was issued.

*** 3:45 PM *** Via PI, we learn that Congresscritter Jan Schakowsky has decided she’ll run for the US Senate if the state legislature changes the law…

At the end of her speech, Schakowsky threw her hat in the ring, announcing that she was “passing around a clipboard” for people to sign up to be on an organizing committee for her “Senate race, and a basket for donations will follow right behind.” The audience cheered.

* Also

Kirk isn’t the only credible Illinois Republican mulling a Senate bid. A source close to Rep. Peter J. Roskam said the second-term congressman is also “very interested” in running for the Senate seat and wouldn’t automatically defer to Kirk. Roskam has a more conservative voting record than Kirk and has won election to a suburban Chicago seat during two rough election cycles for the GOP.

*** 3:48 PM *** Radogno says the law must be changed. From a press release…

Senate Republican Leader-Elect Christine Radogno today reacted quickly to suggestions that the Lieutenant Governor should appoint the next U.S. Senator from Illinois.

“It is ludicrous to talk about anyone appointing the next United States Senator,” Sen. Radogno said. “This decision absolutely must be made by the voters of Illinois. The only way to do that is to establish a Special Election that puts the power where it belongs — in the hands of Illinois citizens.”

Radogno said, “There is no way that an appointment process can be free from the stench of this corrupt Administration.”

Radogno is currently reviewing draft legislation that would allow for a Special Election to be conducted in conjunction with the already-established municipal elections in February and April.

“By piggy-backing onto the municipal elections, we can help save the taxpayers millions while at the same time providing voters the opportunity to make their choice,” Radogno said.

*** 3:55 PM *** Rep. Jack Franks, a harsh Blagojevich critic, has filed a new bill to at least temporarily strip the governor’s power to appoint Barack Obama’s replacement. Here’s the summary…

Amends the Election Code. Prohibits the Governor from temporarily filling a vacancy in the office of U.S. Senator by appointment if the Governor has been arrested, charged, or indicted for a felony offense and the Governor has not been acquitted, the charge has not been dropped or dismissed, or, in the case of an arrest, there has been no charge or indictment within 30 days after the arrest. Provides that a vacancy filled by election under those circumstances is filled at the next consolidated or general election.

*** 4:32 PM *** From Illinois Review

Frustrated by the lack of direct action on the part of state legislative leadership, two private Illinois citizens said Friday they will be filing a petition before the Illinois Supreme Court to temporarily remove Governor Rod Blagojevich from office.

“Attorney General Lisa Madigan has been bringing up the possibility of removing the governor from office based on Rule 382, which allows the state Supreme Court to move quicker than any other recourse,” petitioner John Bambenek of Champaign told Illinois Review today. “Illinois can’t wait for months for the Governor to step down, we have too many crucial issues before us to wait.”

“The standards for incapacity are very broad. We’re saying he’s unable to fulfill his duty to appoint someone to fill the U.S. Senate seat, since Senate Majority leader Harry Reid refuses to accept his appointment,” Bambenek said. “He’s also unable to function politically, because he’s been caught on tape compromising his office. We’re also stating in the petition that Attorney General Madigan has a potential conflict of interest, as she has stated her own interest in running for governor in the future.”

*** 4:56 PM *** I told subscribers about this earlier today. Four House Democrats have sent a letter to their HDem colleagues asking that they join a move to impeach the governor

A Chicago state representative has sent a letter to his fellow House Democrats asking them to quickly support rare impeachment proceedings against embattled Gov. Rod Blagojevich.

State Rep. John Fritchey, who chairs the House Civil Judiciary Committee, urges his colleagues in a letter dated Thursday to help remove Blagojevich from office, rather than rely on the governor to resign voluntarily or hope that legal proceedings initiated by Attorney General Lisa Madigan would be successful. Fritchey asked the House members to respond by Friday and invited them to sign on as co-sponsors of a measure that is being drafted.

“Faced with a significant budget shortfall, a national recession, and a vacant United States Senate seat, we cannot afford to allow Illinois to operate without effective leadership in the Executive branch,” said Fritchey, who signed the letter with Reps. Thomas Holbrook, David Miller and James Brosnahan. “Simply put, it is imperative to replace Governor Blagojevich as soon as is practicable.”

*** 4:59 PM *** This was self-evident…

Illinois Deputy Governor Louanner Peters has been identified as “Senate Candidate 4″ in the criminal complaint filed against Gov. Rod Blagojevich.

An unidentified source familiar with the complaint revealed the information to The Associated Press on Thursday. The source was not authorized to speak publicly about the complaint and spoke on the condition of anonymity.

In the complaint, Blagojevich said he would put Candidate 4 in Barack Obama’s vacant Senate seat instead of another candidate, if the governor did not get anything in return

*** 5:57 PM *** From ABC

Rev. Jesse Jackson says he played no role and was not “an emissary” in alleged efforts to make a deal with Governor Rod Blagojevich for the appointment of his son, Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. to the U.S. Senate.” […]

“So I am not an emissary. I am not targeted. And I have no accusers. That’s simply not true,” Jackson told


  1. - OneMan - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 3:43 pm:

    Anyone the timing of the bankrupcy had anything to do with this?

  2. - Mum's the Word - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 3:43 pm:

    Since the “administration” has historically seen fit not to release any subpeona recieved by state agencies either; how do we know that the Illinois Sports Facilities Authority, or the Illinois Finance Authority have not also been subpeona’ed as well?

  3. - Vote Quimby! - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 3:44 pm:

    Is this news? The subpeonas are at least a week old…I guess the disclosure of them is. How about Zell dissing his own company?

  4. - no special election - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 3:50 pm:

    Not a fan of Roskam OR Schakowsky. I say no special election, please. Why waste more money?? And then we’ll need MORE special elections to fill their slots? This is getting ridiculous… No special election. Let Quinn pick.

  5. - Carl Nyberg - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 3:52 pm:

    I’ve got more warmth in my heart for Johnson than Kirk or Roskam.

    But, if you don’t have to give up a seat to run, why not try?

    Both Kirk and Roskam are vulnerable to having their districts redrawn as Dem districts, so they’ve got to figure what they are going to do with their lives starting in 2013 anyways.

  6. - Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 3:54 pm:

    This has quickly (surprise?) become totally partisan. Republicans smell blood in the water and an opportunity, so they are all calling for a special election. The RNC talking point memo must have already hit the faxes. Radogno has probably had more conversations with Blagojevich in the past year than Quinn, so for her to try to lump the two together as “this corrupt Administration” is not a good sign for “post-partisanship” in Springfield.

  7. - Luis - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 3:55 pm:

    How can Schakowsky run?

    Her husband, Robert Craemer, just did prison time for Federal Fraud.

    Is Jan that arrogant to think that Illinois voters will not know this after this scandal of Blago?

  8. - Illinois.Pundit - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 3:58 pm:

    I like Jan the best of those choices. I say a special election. Why not coordinate special elections with municipal primaries, 5th CD special and perhaps we’ll have JJJ’s seat open too. That way we could at least consolidate some of the expense. Is Quinn going to live in Springfield. If so, we could make up the cost from the State plane expenses that will dramatically decrease.

  9. - It's 5 O'clock somewhere - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 3:58 pm:

    Rewrite the law to not allow any appointment, all vacancies (except death) must be filled by election, this will stop the dynasties, and the pay to play

  10. - Luis - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 4:06 pm:

    5 0′clock well said.

    Schakowsky along with Treasurer Alexi are non starters due to tainted backgrounds.

    They would give the GOP too much ammunition in a Special election with a DEM Scandal still brewing.

    They need someone clean like Jesse White.

  11. - Louis G. Atsaves - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 4:06 pm:

    No one can be appointed right now without being tainted. That includes any Quinn appointment. Whether the “players” and wheeler/dealers like it or not, a special election under these most unusual times is the only way to go.

    But we all need to demand full disclosure on any candidate running for a special election. Who approached the governor about being appointed? Who raised funds for the governor? Who raised funds for the governor this calendar year? Who raised funds for the governor after Obama was nominated at the convention to be the Democratic candidate for president? Who volunteered to raise funds for this governor during these time frames.

    And then let the voters connect these (suspicious) dots.

    True reform would eliminate any “players” from consideration during a special election or special election primary.

  12. - Truth - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 4:10 pm:

    Let’s see, let Quinn pick or let the people pick? I am not sure I want Quinn to pick, but I saw who the people picked for Governor. Just put Bill in there and be done with it.

  13. - OneMan - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 4:10 pm:

    What happens if someone goes to court and successfully argues that you cant change the rules on how a vacancy is filled after the vacancy occours?

  14. - Randolph - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 4:19 pm:

    Lisa Madigan just said on CNN that the legislature is “likely to consider” impeachment next week.

  15. - Conservative Republican - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 4:20 pm:

    =How can Schakowsky run?

    Her husband, Robert Craemer, just did prison time for Federal Fraud.

    Is Jan that arrogant to think that Illinois voters will not know this after this scandal of Blago? =

    And wasn’t Schakowsky one of the additional supplicants to Blago angling for the Senate appointment? Are we sure that her “lobbying group” wasn’t also in the mix to purchase favor from the Governor? Having a convicted spouse is ground for consider this…

  16. - Ron Burgundy - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 4:27 pm:

    I agree with the above comments. Schakowsky is delusional if she thinks she would win a contested primary with some of the other more high profile contenders. I also don’t think her particular brand of liberalism would play well south of I-80, and the fact that her husband spent time in the graybar hotel would seriously harm her in an election about corruption when the electorate is looking for someone with integrity and untouched by scandal. I also question her ability to raise the kind of money she would need in short order, and she also hasn’t had any real competition in a long time.

  17. - The Fox - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 4:33 pm:

    Jan Schakowski better thank Marge Benton and NOW for being where she instead of doing a Blagojevich dream scheme. She’s lucky she dodged an indictment as a director of the outfit her husband ran to scam innocent elders.

  18. - Anon from BB - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 4:34 pm:

    From a recently updated AP story:

    “Blagojevich, meanwhile, returned for a second day to his Chicago office and was in an “upbeat, positive” mood, spokesman Lucio Guerrero said.

    “There’s a sense of trying to return to normalcy,” he said, adding that he doesn’t know whether Blagojevich will step down. “That’s something that obviously he’ll decide on his own.”


  19. - True Observer - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 4:36 pm:

    How come no subpoenas for the Sun Times.

    The Sun Times did show Blago “appreciation” by publishing the “leaks” he wanted published.

  20. - Ron Burgundy - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 4:38 pm:

    Well he didn’t get arrested again, so by those new standards, this is an “up day.”

  21. - True Observer - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 4:47 pm:

    Fearless Prediction:

    The Legislature meets.

    The Legislature makes noise.

    Nothing happens. No impeachment, no special election.

    Everyone waits for things to blow over.

    Eventually, Reid yells uncle because he needs the vote and the machine and Blago agree on a suitable name. Someone answerable to the machine but clean on the outside. Not unlike the deceased and much adored Gov. Adlai Stevenson who was twice put up as a candidate for President.

  22. - 618er - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 4:52 pm:

    Huh apparently it does take a rocket scientist to make things happen in Illinois politics…..

  23. - Rob_N - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 5:03 pm:

    If a special election is held … the legislation could be delayed past the February primaries if Blago neither resigns nor is impeached before then (he could just sit on the bill).

    Plus, many municipalities don’t have a primary so the “burden” of a statewide election in Feb would be nearly as bad as the tens of millions bandied about for a stand-alone special election.

    April 7 might be a decent option … if a special is to be held. Plus it gives candidates some time to meet voters.

    FYI, to those pols and pundits complaining 4 months isn’t enough time: Many, many states have their primaries in late summer/early fall which only leaves a few months/weeks ahead of the general elections. Short scheduling is routine around the country and works fine in those states that have it.

  24. - Mr. Ethics - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 5:04 pm:

    How about the guy we all know has intergrity? The seat should go to Mr. Hynes. I know Bill will disagree, but thats the best pick.

  25. - Slick - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 5:05 pm:

    OUCH!!!! said Blago

  26. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 5:05 pm:

    ===the “burden” of a statewide election in Feb===

    What if he waits until after the Feb municipal primary (or right before) to sign the bill? He has 60 days from when it officially reaches his desk.

    Huge can of worms. Huge.

  27. - Rob_N - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 5:05 pm:

    PS - This may be a rare occasion where I agree with Bambenek on something. If the law allows such a petition to be heard, more power to him.

    …2016 Presidential Candidate Rod Blagojevich is clearly a uniter, not a divider. ;)

  28. - Oberon - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 5:08 pm:

    If Bambanek et al follow through with a Motion under Rule 382, we’ll see what kind of response and participation in this controversy we can expect from our esteemed Supremes….I don’t see that claiming Lisa has a conflict of interest has to do with anything the Court could consider, though. You shouldn’t have to explain why anybody else has NOT filed the motion.

  29. - cousin ralph - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 5:08 pm:

    True Observer–bingo!

  30. - "low level paper pusher" - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 5:12 pm:

    True Observer: If MJM and others are “waiting for things to blow over”, there will a be political cost, for him, the AG and the Democratic Party. Nothing happening is not an option.

    This may belong on another thread, but perhaps another reason MJM is not in a hurry (besides letting the A.G. take the lead on removal with the Supreme Court and boosting her image further) is that he likes a weak Governor, even in normal times. Who could be weaker now than Rod? With Cullerton coming into the Senate, someone he has worked well with over the years, the two of them could very well govern the state by passing bills, letting Rod veto, and overriding the vetos at will. Who in the world would vote to sustain any more vetos by the Governor? No one.

    This also keeps Quinn out of the Governor’s office for as long as possible and prevents him from accumulating chits and funds for a run himself in 2010.

    its going to be facinating to see how MJM plays this one. For once, he seems to be in a bind. Wait and risk a lot of political damage. Begin impeachment proceedings immediately, get the trial to the Senate, and Quinn becomes Governor and can start to accumulate all the advantages of incumbancy sooner rather than later.

    There may not be any good way for the MJM team, politically, to manage this one. What a mess.

  31. - Esteban - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 5:13 pm:

    “Oy” to all of this….I’m seriously considering
    moving to Wisconsin.

  32. - walter sobchak - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 5:17 pm:

    Can someone identify the public relations agency that is pushing Jan Schakowsky’s candidacy? Or is she doing this herself? As many of noted before me, outside of her fevered imagination, is there anybody who considers her a candidate for anything outside of her rather specialized district?

  33. - Shelbyville - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 5:23 pm:

    Don’t forget Dawn Clark Netsch’s words that the constitution cannot be ammended to allow a special election for a seat that is already open.

    If a lawsuit would develop, wouldn’t the AG have to represent the state?

  34. - The Doc - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 5:23 pm:

    When county presidents/executives and other relevant pols are made aware of the costs of a special election, they’ll collectively scream bloody murder. And then have cover for raising taxes or fees or fines or whatever.

    Think about how Daley reacted with regards to Obama’s Grant Park celebration, which ultimately cost less than $2 million.

    Keep it simple and in line with the constitution. Impeachment, conviction, appointment. Fritchey et al may be forcing MJM’s hand, as they should. Allow LM’s pared-down staff to focus on other obligations.

    I’m campaign weary as it is, and would prefer the likes of Kirk, Roskam, Davis, Schakowsky, J3, and the other sycophants to focus on their jobs, not stumping for an open sentorial seat. Enough is enough.

  35. - True Observer - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 5:28 pm:

    “True Observer: If MJM and others are “waiting for things to blow over”, there will a be political cost, for him, the AG and the Democratic Party. Nothing happening is not an option.”

    1. By tomorrow the bag of bones found in Florida is going to overwhelm any other story.

    2. What political cost to MJM? Chances of most of the major players losing re-elction is nil. His only interest is in getting the daughter into the Mansion.

  36. - Cheswick - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 5:44 pm:

    Why is everyone (anyone) opposed to having Quinn appointment a Senate replacement?

  37. - Bill Baar - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 5:48 pm:

    From an IL GOP Press Release today,

    Lt. Gov. Pat Quinn defended his running mate’s integrity Thursday, saying he saw nothing wrong with the governor’s 7-year-old daughter getting a $1,500 check from a family friend whose wife just got a state job.

    “He’s always been a person who’s honest and one of integrity,” said Quinn, appearing at a Capitol news conference. “I have confidence thegovernor does the right thing all the time.”

    Daily Herald, September 16, 2006

    How’s Quinn select anybody with this kind of Judgement?

    They have to have an election.

  38. - Anon - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 5:51 pm:

    Jan Schakowsky lives in a fantasy world. Her and her felon husband have had a close relationship with Blagojevich dating back to his dirty campaign for governor in 2002. She deludes herself if she thinks her past will be forgotten.

  39. - Bill Baar - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 6:08 pm:

    Jan Schakowsky lives in a fantasy world.

    Maybe we should call in the Doc’s to evaluate her fitness?

    This 382 business is appalling. Illinois elected him. It’s the House and Senate’s job to deal with him. Not a Judge playing Doc.

  40. - wordslinger - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 6:09 pm:

    Jan for Senate? Please.

    It used to be, if a newspaper, no matter the political viewpoint, got a subpoena from the government, they’d fight to the death on 1st Amendment grounds.

    Sam Zell is a different kind of newspaperman, isn’t he? It’s appropriate he’s the face of the death of print.

  41. - Carl Nyberg - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 6:15 pm:

    Why is everyone (anyone) opposed to having Quinn appointment a Senate replacement? –Cheswick

    Who is opposed to Quinn appointing the U.S. Senator besides Dick Durbin, Lisa Madigan and Mike Madigan?

    Now ask yourself why these three are opposed.

  42. - Rob_N - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 6:19 pm:


    By “burden” there I meant cost. But you are correct that Feb also presents logistical problems on the front-end as well, which is why I think Feb’s a bad date to aim for.


    If Blago is still in office in 2009…

    And if Blago has successfully stymied any potential 95th GA legislation stripping him of his appt powers and setting a special election (we are less than 60 days before the start of the next Assembly)…

    The 96th GA can pass the same or similar bill beginning Jan 14.

    Say both chambers have voted on it by the 15th or 16th and it’s passed on to Blago… He can sit on it for 60 days before vetoing at the last minute (assuming he’s not impeached by then), which would mean the GA can’t begin an override til mid-March, just two or three weeks before the April 7 elections.

    BUT, even if that scenario played out candidates could still be running for an April 7 date despite the special election being only theoretical because of the pratfalls.

    If he’s not impeached quickly I’d imagine such a bill would pass both chambers by well more than supermajorities, if not unanimously, so I’m assuming any veto could be overridden.

    Fun with minutiae … What happens to bills that are passed but a sitting governor sits on them and that governor is impeached in the meantime? Can the new gov sign such bills? I would think it’s the office, not the person, that has the power but this is rather new territory.

    Either way, Quinn’s governor before the end of the session or Madigan and “the new guy” will have a revolt on their hands.

  43. - Conservative Republican - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 6:23 pm:

    =Fearless Prediction:

    The Legislature meets.

    The Legislature makes noise.

    Nothing happens. No impeachment, no special election.

    Everyone waits for things to blow over.

    Eventually, Reid yells uncle because he needs the vote and the machine and Blago agree on a suitable name. Someone answerable to the machine but clean on the outside. Not unlike the deceased and much adored Gov. Adlai Stevenson who was twice put up as a candidate for President. =

    Boy does this make sense. Everyone who says Blago is crazy just don’t get it. Hanging on to the paycheck and the taxpayer funded security while he can is the last chit he has to play. And it could pay out the way TO describes it above. Could appeal to all the Combine Dems who believe that with time they could keep their gameplan together, with a sacrifice by Blago in the end, and get it past the yokels - meaning us regular citizens.

  44. - IlValleyGal - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 6:27 pm:

    I haven’t read all the comments but someone I trust says it will be U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth as appointed by Gov. Pat Quinn since she believes there is something in the IL constitution that says this must be made by Jan. 14.

    Zell is no newspaperman. He’s a slumlord that probably sold your grandma.

    HotRod has until Monday to fold otherwise Lisa Madigan will bring article 382 since we are running out of time. That’s what I’ve been told.

  45. - Cheswick - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 6:27 pm:

    Bill Baar, I remember when that happened. I’m sure when Quinn said that he was speaking of a constitutional officer, someone who took the oath of office of governor of Illinois, who said it was a birthday gift and nothing else. What are you going to do? A lot of people on this blog and elsewhere were up in arms over it. If I recall right, that’s one of the things the government investigated. But then nothing happened.

    What else?

  46. - True Observer - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 6:28 pm:

    A bill can’t become law until its signed by the governor or there is a veto override.

    How can the ISBE schedule elections when there is no law in effect?

  47. - Cheswick - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 6:30 pm:

    Well put, Carl Nyberg. That’s what I was thinking too. As a citizen of Illinois, and a Democrat, I must this whole state really stinks.

  48. - Big Mama T - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 6:31 pm:

    If Rule 382 can get him shoved aside the quickest, why is it so undesirable? It’s not like we would be telling the world our governor is unfit. The Guv is crazier than a second grade class room with a substitute teacher. Gong the Bozo.

  49. - Cheswick - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 6:34 pm:

    Big Mama T, Not sure, but no one can know in advance with the Illinois Supremes will do? Also, any ruling made by the Illinois Supreme Court can be appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court? I don’t know.

  50. - Bill Baar - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 6:35 pm:

    Bill Baar, I remember when that happened. I’m sure when Quinn said that he was speaking of a constitutional officer, someone who took the oath of office of governor of Illinois, who said it was a birthday gift and nothing else. What are you going to do?

    The Gov: return the gift.

    Quinn: not go out on a limb with a dumb statement.

    Now, as a 12th street bar room psychologist, I can tell you the guy with the less lips has fewer marbles than the guy who deposited the check into his kids college fund.

    Quinn really needs to put a lid on his medical practice.

  51. - Bill Baar - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 6:36 pm:

    lose lips, not less lips…

  52. - Cheswick - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 6:44 pm:

    == Don’t forget Dawn Clark Netsch’s words that the constitution cannot be ammended to allow a special election for a seat that is already open. ==

    I don’t know that that is actually true. It’s not like changing a tort law in order to accommodate someone’s lawsuit (as an example). That couldn’t happen. Or shouldn’t.

    But this is procedural. Don’t we change laws all the time to make way for new procedures due to snags things that were previously unknown when the event happened? I think we do.

  53. - wordslinger - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 6:47 pm:

    BB, loose lips? I still have no idea what it means, but I like it.

  54. - Illinois.Pundit - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 6:49 pm:

    Jan would be a great leader. Yes, she has a rather large skeleton in her closet. Name an elected official that doesn’t. However, its her husband, not her. AND he’s done his time. Isn’t prison supposed to be for rehabilitation. AND it was awful what he did…he kited checks. Nobody got killed did they? Jan is admired by her large and influential constituency. I think she could make a good run at it. As far as the Dawn Clark Netsch deal, Chicago could just secede from the union and become its own country. We could create our own constitution, lower sales taxes, take back our meters and casinos, get rid of state and property taxes, pay a 25% flat tax that covers Federal and local and not have to deal with the downstaters. Crazy I know, but so is our Governor!

  55. - Gabriel - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 6:53 pm:

    ==Don’t we change laws all the time to make way for new procedures due to snags things that were previously unknown when the event happened? I think we do.==

    Sure. But do those amended laws have a retroactive appeal to them?

    Could you raise the income tax today and collect it for 2007 returns?

    Netsch has a really good point here.

    Almost all the options sound either bad, long, or costly. Who knew that Rod could make this all happen as an elected official and as a disgraced one.

  56. - Big Mama T - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 6:56 pm:

    Cheswick - The ironic thing is that an Illinois Supreme has to preside over the impeachment of a governor when it goes to the senate. I guess we will all be guessing what may happen. Nice mess were in.

  57. - Illinois.Pundit - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 6:56 pm:

    It’s kinda funny that after 6 years of Rod not doing anything; by doing nothing he’s causing a lot to get done. Look, a kitty!

  58. - Gabriel - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 6:57 pm:

    ==Nobody got killed did they?==

    This is probably how we should judge future candidates in Illinois.

    “Have you killed anyone? Have you threatened to kill anyone? Do you have any plans to kill anyone?”

  59. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 6:57 pm:

    If the seat was already filled by an appointment, this idea wouldn’t fly. But the vacancy is a vacancy. It’s an existing situation, not a past situation. Should be no problem.

    However, the guv could sue. Anybody can sue anybody for anything.

  60. - Illinois.Pundit - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 6:59 pm:


    As Jon Stewart said last night. 49% of Il Governors over a certain time period have gone to jail. Less than 50% of murderers actually end up in jail. Therefore, you have about as good of a shot going to jail as an IL Guv as you do being a murderer. No wonder Quinn would be thinking about having himself appointed to the Senate.

  61. - Illinois.Pundit - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 7:00 pm:

    Look, a kitty!

  62. - Illinois.Pundit - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 7:18 pm:

    Actually having just watched the Daily Show it was 48% of murderers go to jail, but 50% of IL Governors (4 of the last 8 including Rod), making it more likely to go to jail for being Guv then murdering somebody.

  63. - George Tagge - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 7:26 pm:

    I guess we now know the Trib wasn’t a whistle blower on this one

    That leaves the hospital and Obama transition

    BTW did the Trib release the subpoena? That a big media think now isn’t it?

    BTW-2 GRod at the JRTC two days in a row is a world record
    BTW-3 Any slick Willie Quinlan sitings?

  64. - Big Mama T - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 7:39 pm:

    A poll taken since Blagojevich’s arrest shows 73 percent of those surveyed support impeachment, and 70 percent think he should resign.

    Question. Who are the knuckleheads who think otherwise? No wonder he got re-elected.

  65. - Eileen Left - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 7:40 pm:

    So what was Wyma’s role in all of this anyway? Did he or didn’t he wear a wire and if so when?

  66. - earnest - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 7:53 pm:

    1) The Trib newsroom wasn’t subpoenaed. Tribune Company was, for corporate records relating to the potential firings and to Wrigley. That’s a big difference. There’s no 1st Amendment issue here.

    2) There was no whistleblower. This is all laid out in the complaint. Wyma turns over, gives probable cause for a) the bug in the campaign office, then b) the wiretap of the governor’s house phone. That’s the whole story. Once Wyma sings for his supper, all these birds start flying out of the trees to see the commotion, and right into Fitz’s net.

  67. - SAM - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 10:09 pm:

    Jan Schakowski’s husband isn’t just a convicted criminal he was a consultant to Daley and Blagojevich. The dems would be fools to choose anyone like Schakowski, who has ties to the Chicago Machine.

  68. - what about ... - Thursday, Dec 11, 08 @ 10:14 pm:

    mcneil for senate

  69. - earnest - Friday, Dec 12, 08 @ 12:09 am:


    I was in too much of a hurry knocking down “who is the whistleblower”, so I didn’t notice your astute point that the subpoena itself of the Trib could be interesting. Has anyone released it? Presumably it’s a public document filed in Federal Court. I’d like to see just what they subpoenaed. That’s going to be a very interesting line of inquiry, the IFA connection and all. I’d love to see what was in the subpoena that Fitzgerald was Filan. Er, um, I mean filin’.

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