* Ed Genson hasn’t formally signed on yet as the governor’s defense attorney, but he expects to do so very soon, and he’s gearing up for battle…
Chicago defense attorney Ed Genson, who met with Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich twice this weekend and who expects to be retained today, said that the case against the governor is “significantly exaggerated” and if he is retained, they will fight the charges.
“It’s like a snowball running down the hill and it’s gotten really really large. It’s an avalanche now,” Genson told reporters as he arrived at work Monday morning. “And… I think the case, the case that I’ve seen so far is significantly exaggerated. It’s just, it’s not what people think it is.” […]
Warned the attorney today, “If I’m trying the case, it’s going to be a fight.”
“Impeachment and criminal proceedings?” asked a reporter.
“Impeachment and criminal proceedings,” Genson replied. […]
One reporter said he had heard from a source that the wire-tapped recordings of Blagojevich’s conversations reveal “a guy there talking shop, but they don’t see any overt acts.”
Responded Genson with a smile, “I have a lot of respect for whoever said that to you, but I don’t want to comment.”
* Meanwhile, the governor is still trying to portray a sense of normalcy. He just signed another bill that renews and broadens the state’s film tax credit…
“The Film Tax Credit put Illinois back on the film industry’s map and helped Illinois achieve record revenues of $155 million for 2007. By strengthening this tax credit, we’re holding on to our competitive position and will be able to continue create thousands of job opportunities for Illinois workers during these tough economic times,” said Governor Blagojevich.
*** UPDATE *** [Posted by Kevin Fanning] Defense Attorney Edward Genson confirmed today that he will represent Gov. Blagojevich in his criminal case:
Asked whether he had been hired to represent the governor, Genson said, “I have.” He declined to comment further.
Genson has been a fixture in Chicago courtrooms for decades. His most recent high-profile cases were the R. Kelly child pornography trial that ended last summer and the trial in federal court of disgraced media baron Conrad Black.
- Anon - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 1:36 pm:
Maybe Hollywood will take him. Do we want cash, a player to be named later, or just to be relieved of our contractual obligations to him?
- wordslinger - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 1:37 pm:
–One reporter said he had heard from a source that the wire-tapped recordings of Blagojevich’s conversations reveal “a guy there talking shop, but they don’t see any overt acts.”
Responded Genson with a smile, “I have a lot of respect for whoever said that to you, but I don’t want to comment.”–
What a setup. Gee, I wonder who the source was? Notice it doesn’t say the source had heard the tapes. I’d love to know who the reporter was who lobbed that softball.
- "It's an Up Day" - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 1:40 pm:
Blago’s defense is all bluff. Does he really think this is all the G has on him?
Even if a miracle happens and he avoids prison you can bet the farm he will:
Be Impeached
Lose his Law License
Have few options for future employment
Be named Illinois’ WORST governor, ever.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 1:46 pm:
=== governor is still trying to portray a sense of normalcy ===
That’s a threat if I’ve ever heard one, given what this guy’s “normal” workday looks like.
- the Other Anonymous - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 1:46 pm:
As a criminal defense, “no overt acts” is pretty plausible. Politically and for purposes of impeachment, though, that’s an awful defense — “I wanted to do it, but I never got around to doing it.”
- Pot calling kettle - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 1:52 pm:
Pardon the long quote, but if this is talking shop, the shop is a criminal one:
== ROD BLAGOJEVICH said that the consultants (Advisor B and another consultant are believed to be on the call at that time) are telling him that he has to “suck it up” for two years and do nothing and give this “motherf___r [the President-elect] his senator. F___ him. For nothing? F___ him.” ROD BLAGOJEVICH states that he will put “[Senate Candidate 4]” in the Senate “before I just give f___ing [Senate Candidate 1] a f___ing Senate seat and I don’t get anything.” (Senate Candidate 4 is a Deputy Governor of the State of Illinois). ROD BLAGOJEVICH stated that he needs to find a way to take the “financial stress” off of his family and that his wife is as qualified or more qualified than another specifically named individual to sit on corporate boards. According to ROD BLAGOJEVICH, “the immediate challenge [is] how do we take some of the financial pressure off of our family.”
Later in the phone call, ROD BLAGOJEVICH stated that absent getting something back, ROD BLAGOJEVICH will not pick Senate Candidate 1. […]
Thereafter, ROD BLAGOJEVICH and others on the phone call discussed various ways ROD BLAGOJEVICH can “monetize” the relationships he is making as Governor to make money after ROD BLAGOJEVICH is no longer Governor. ===
- Ghost - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 1:57 pm:
Odd that he said the case was “exaggerated”. He did not say the allegations were untrue, just that the Govt is “exaggerating” the facts. Rezko, Ryan etc all claimed the charges were untrue….
- Big Mama T - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 1:58 pm:
=“It’s like a snowball running down the hill and it’s gotten really really large. It’s an avalanche now,” Genson told reporters=
What is he speaking of? Blago’s crime spree was/is getting really really large?
I’ll bet if the Fed’s freeze his campaign fund Genson will have a sudden conflict of interest and inability when it comes to representing Blago.
- shop steward - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 2:03 pm:
What’s the big deal? Rod was just talking about committing crimes and abusing his power as Governor. I’d love to see Genson in Room 114.
- Cassandra - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 2:04 pm:
And to think we thought we’d be spending the runup to the inauguration reading about inauguration parties and what Michelle and the girls would be wearing at the inaugural parade.
Instead, it looks like the focus will be on legal and legislative theatrics pertaining to our Blago plus the will he or won’t he resign watch.
The Desm must be furious. A big dent in a huge moment. Of course, a lot of them
supported Blago for election–twice!–so they deserve it.
- Bill Baar - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 2:04 pm:
….and that his wife is as qualified or more qualified than another specifically named individual to sit on corporate boards.
You can bet the Gov will start naming other specifically named spouses on boards etc to make the point this is SOP in Illinois.
He’ll have a point.
- dupage progressive - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 2:07 pm:
at the risk of over-using this great line…
look, a hollywood kitty!
- Pot calling kettle - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 2:08 pm:
Try telling a judge that everyone else was speeding, so the ticket you got should be dropped.
- The Doc - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 2:11 pm:
Big Mama T, that was my thought initially as well. Genson won’t come chea[, and given the guv’s financial situation, the scope of the investigation, and the notion that he’ll be of counsel for both the impeachment and presumed criminal proceedings, I’m not sure where the fees could be paid from besides the campaign war chest.
- Gabriel - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 2:11 pm:
==“significantly exaggerated”==
What does Genson know?
- OneMan - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 2:17 pm:
==What does Genson know?==
You generally don’t start out with your first comments on your clients case by saying ‘Wow he sure is Bleeped’
- ivoted4judy - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 2:19 pm:
I don’t see THE ED GENSEN lowering himself and coming to Springfield. Rod must be planning another fund raiser to pay Eddie. Maybe it will involve a bunch of hollywood producers since he just signed the film credit bill. I give you a tax break you give me cash for my defense fund!
- VanillaMan - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 2:20 pm:
This is not a game entitled, “Prove We Broke An Important Law”, and the fact that some lawyers feel superhuman in their ability to play this game doesn’t mean we have to go allow them to decide how we meter justice to Blagojevich.
The fact that these kinds of people exist demonstrates we have a long way to go to clean up Illinois’ mess, just as maggots demonstrate that something is rotting somewhere.
We demand justice, not merely what is legal. We demand that our leaders do what is right and ethical. To see lawyers minimize Blagojevich’s crime by claiming what he did wasn’t as illegal as we think is the kind of regular insults our society has been subjected to for far too long.
The fact that there are weazels like this guy publically making these statements show that we haven’t demanded enough from our leaders or our justice system.
- How Ironic - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 2:22 pm:
@ OneMan
LOL, that was funny.
- Team America - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 2:26 pm:
Ow, VM. I’m gonna go turn in my law license right now
- Bill - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 2:29 pm:
Genson is absolutely correct. These over reaching charges based on transcripts of eavesdropping on the governor’s personal calls in conjunction with the USAttorney’s overblown attempt to sour the jury pool with his “Lincoln spinning in his grave” performance will now be exposed for what it really is, a personal vendetta and an attempt to overrule the people’s voice by removing their duly elected governor from office.
- BandCamp - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 2:29 pm:
Whether what he said is legal, illegal, or just talking shop…it was said. What’s this guy fighting for? The respect of the “people” of Illinois? He lost that a long time ago. John Harris? Gone. Talk of a mass staff exodus? This guy is all by himself.
My stomach is turning just thinking about having to listen to all this garbage for the next couple months (at a minumum).
- carbon deforestation - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 2:29 pm:
Genson is chest pounding, that is his job.
WBEZ has the complete unfiltered audio from the Speaker’s press conference, some interesting comments in there.
Classic speaker cautiousness, plus one half-hearted attempt to throw Emil Jones under the Blago bus. I do really commend Speaker Madigan for talking about his long standing opposition to the Governor, he deserves a lot of credit for blocking the capital bill and keeping more money out of this corrupt jerk’s hands.
- The Doc - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 2:30 pm:
VanMan, Genson only stated what would be expected from a newly retained defense attorney. Nothing to see here - quite yet.
- wordslinger - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 2:32 pm:
–We demand justice, not merely what is legal.–
VMan, unsaddle your horse and hang the rope back up in the barn. Let the authorities handle this, cowpoke
- OneMan - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 2:34 pm:
Bill don’t forget this also includes stuff from the bug in the campaign office, not just ‘eavesdropping on the governor’s personal calls’
Also they don’t reveal everything they know in the charging documents. I suspect there is a lot more there.
I am sure some thing that the 25K donation and then you magically end up on some board were just a coincidence. I suspect a federal jury if they get the chance will find otherwise.
- Anon - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 2:34 pm:
==Blago’s defense is all bluff. Does he really think this is all the G has on him?==
Genson should be wary. All I know about the Rezko case is what I read in the papers, but it sure looked like the prosecutors gave the defense the impression that Levine was their whole case, and the defense walked right into it, basing their whole case on Levine’s lack of reliability. Then, when the prosecution introduced very good corroboration for some of Levine’s testimony, the defense’s approach blew up in their faces and they had no strategy for going after the parts of Levine’s testimony that weren’t directly corroborated. It looked like on bleeping good trial strategy.
If Genson goes in thinking, “They don’t know about X” (or if Genson doesn’t know about it because G-Rod doesn’t tell him), he could be walking into a similar sucker punch.
- Anonymous45 - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 2:38 pm:
Duly elected? Have you ever worked an IL legislative campaign? Get real!
I make it a habit not to attempt extortion on my “personal” calls…I don’t think the Guv should either…
- wordslinger - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 2:38 pm:
Bill, your second sentence is an instant classic — and long. You really are back.
But don’t I recall a one-word post from you last week “Whoops.” ? A moment of doubt?
- Anon - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 2:39 pm:
Is this the same Edward Genson that is on the Lincoln Presidential Library Board that Julie Cellini chairs?
- Six Degrees of Separation - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 2:39 pm:
Those who were hoping for a “quick” resolution of this case appear to be hanging by a thread to LM’s ISSC request.
- Zora - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 2:42 pm:
Bill is back! What a recovery.
- Siyotanka - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 2:42 pm:
Better this than campaign ads…Hum?
- 47th Ward - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 2:47 pm:
Point of information:
Is it Genson as in gentleman, or Genson as in get. I’ve heard radio reporters say it with a hard G, but i’ve always pronounced it with a soft G. Sort of like Ted Ginn.
Of course, the hardest G is Pat Fitzgerald. And unlike the R. Kelly case, Genson won’t be able to put off this trial for six years.
- ilrino - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 2:48 pm:
If the charge is conspiracy, what overt acts are necessary? If two guys talk about blowing up a building or robbing a bank, they can be convicted without ever setting an explosive charge or walking into the bank.
- A Citizen - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 2:52 pm:
Is Gensen only representing guv, or also Patti? Has he entered his notice of representation to the courts yet? Just wondering as Patti visited Gensen yesterday with guv.
- Bill - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 2:53 pm:
Two guys running through political scenarios is not conspiracy. If this tape is all they have they’ll never get to trial.
- BandCamp - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 3:05 pm:
Bill, go back to your Senate campaign. Your comments can only be described as what a not so stunning majority of the county thinks of your boy…NUTS!
- A Citizen - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 3:09 pm:
- BandCamp -
Please lay off Bill - He is the only one on here who actually fell down the Rabbit Hole and thus can provide intriguing insights.
- Blogger2 - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 3:13 pm:
When Gensen told RRB what the fee would be on Saturday, the Gov quickly cut a deal with Hollywood to sign the tax credit bill, so one of the studios would pay up enough front for movie script rights to be able to pay his legal bills. Always thinking!
- Ghost - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 3:16 pm:
Please keep in mind Bill acurately foretold that the feds would never convict Rezko as well…. oh wait…
- ArchPundit - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 3:26 pm:
I think we might have found a point of agreement with TA and I–Blagojevich is a huge schmuck, but he still gets a lawyer providing him a good defense. Not that I think it will do any good, but them’s the rules and good rules at that.
- What planet is he from again? - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 3:29 pm:
We can tell that Bill probably makes up a good bit of that 8% approval rating! Maybe he *is* the 8% approval rating? Welcome back buddy…I missed choking on my coffee from laughter.
- Big Mama T - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 3:33 pm:
Did Gensen say a guy has to eat before or after he indicated he was representing Blago?
- steve schnorf - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 3:34 pm:
ilrino; I still think there have to be some overt acts but I don’t know what they might be. I don’t believe you can convict someone of criminal charges based on words alone
- Anon - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 3:36 pm:
Timing is crucial — he needs to be able to write Genson a check before they indict his campaign fund and freeze the assets (next week, in all likelihood).
- What planet is he from again? - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 3:36 pm:
Bill: One more thing, what benefit would Fitz get from souring the jury pool before the trial? It would only make the job of finding unbiased jurors harder (like it wasn’t going to be hard enough already) making the prospect of a mistrial more likely. Why would Fitz do something that dumb?
- Gabriel - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 3:37 pm:
==Is this the same Edward Genson that is on the Lincoln Presidential Library Board that Julie Cellini chairs?==
Yes. That is the same Edward M. Genson.
- the Other Anonymous - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 3:38 pm:
Am I the only one who thinks “no overt acts in furtherance” of the objective is an apt epithet for the Blagojevich administration?
- Ghost - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 3:39 pm:
Steve,I think you can convict for conspiring to commit an illegal act as i recall.
However, in theory if they had discussions with an emissary, this would also be an overt act.
- Gabriel - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 3:42 pm:
Slight correction, Genson serves on the “Illinois Historic Preservation Agency” that is chaired by Julie Cellini.
Both were appointed by Goveror Blagojevich.
- Been There - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 3:45 pm:
From wordslinger to Bill ===But don’t I recall a one-word post from you last week “Whoops.” ? A moment of doubt? ===
That “WHOOPS” had me laughing all day last Tuesday. Out of all the threads and post, that simple, singular word was hilarious.
- Silverback - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 3:50 pm:
Per Cornell University:
bribery: an overview
Bribery refers to the offering, giving, soliciting, or receiving of any item of value as a means of influencing the actions of an individual holding a public or legal duty. This type of action results in matters that should be handled objectively being handled in a manner best suiting the private interests of the decision maker. Bribery constitutes a crime and both the offeror and the recipient can be criminally charged.
Proof of bribery requires demonstrating a “quid pro quo” relationship in which the recipient directly alters behavior in exchange for the gift. Because the relationship does not occur directly enough, campaign donations from corporations or individuals to political candidates do not constitute bribery. Another element of proving bribery includes proving intent to influence the discharging of another’s official duties. Some statutes also require proof that both parties understand and agree to the arrangement. Attempts to bribe exist at common law and under the Model Penal Code, and often, the punishment for attempted bribery and completed bribery are identical. Solicitation of a bribe also constitutes a crime and is completed regardless of whether the solicitation results in the receipt of a valuable gift. Economists consider bribery to negatively impact economic growth because it encouraged rent seeking behavior. Rent seeking behavior refers to an individual’s or corporation’s attempt to illicitly influence the open market in order to provide that individual or corporation with a disproportionate amount of wealth. Such an environment results in a sub-optimal allocation of resources, which results in depressed economic growth.
Violators may be prosecuted under federal statute 18 U.S.C. 201 - Bribery.
- the Other Anonymous - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 3:59 pm:
Silverback: Blagojevich is not being charged with bribery, he’s being charged with wire fraud in connection with the Senate seat and solicitation in connection witb the Trib ed board. Different statute, different elements.
Besides, the criminal complaint will most likely be superceded by a lengthier indictment — although I highly doubt that “bribery” per se will be charged.
- anon - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 4:16 pm:
I am with Bill on this one. If you read the quoted words it does seem like a politico talking shop. All the non-quoted language in the charge is what the FBI agent is alluding to from his understanding of the conversation.
Genson has a valid argument that this is a highly overblown charge and that it was a ploy by the FBI to get people to “come in and talk” so that they can build a stronger case. What has the investigations of 4 years amounted to so far? What has the AG’s investigation amounted to? She was really quick to make an announcement about investigating and grandstanding, where are her charges/findings? This is equivalent to a public lynching.
- wordslinger - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 4:20 pm:
–This is equivalent to a public lynching.–
I think the correct phrase is a “high-tech public lynching,” Clarence.
- VanillaMan - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 4:28 pm:
==VMan, unsaddle your horse and hang the rope back up in the barn. Let the authorities handle this, cowpoke ==
They work for us. We empower government. We, the people. As to the authorities, we have real reasons to question their abilities. We’ve been witnesses to the worst gubernatorial administration in our lifetimes, but it took an outsider from NYC to smell past the boloney.
And Bill is doing no one a favor even pretending out of humor that we ought to question Fitzgerald over Blagojevich.
We have righteous anger over the unholy deeds of this sham governor. Our emotions are justified, and the rounding up of defense attorneys willing to sell their souls to defend this loon is simply more proof at how ruined our judicial system has become.
We have to demand better than just the writ of law. We need to demand justice, leadership and ethics beyond the law. That is why they get elected. That is why they tell us we should vote for them. When one of these supposed leaders is exposed as Blagojevich has been, it is time to close the law books and take out the trash.
- VanillaMan - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 4:35 pm:
So you don’t have a problem with a governor caught on tape dealing this way over Obama’s replacement.
Do you have a problem with him shaking down a children’s hospital?
Do you have a problem with him putting the screws to the Tribune?
Do you have a problem with the other charges?
Grow a pair and take a stand or we’re voting you weazels off the island.
- Six Degrees of Separation - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 4:36 pm:
it is time to close the law books and take out the trash
Sir, what exactly are you advocating here? Something from out of The Godfather?
- ChampaignDweller - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 4:47 pm:
I and most of the people I talk to have a problem with the Govenor doing even 10% of what he’s been charged with. Even if they don’t eventually prove that he tried to sell the SEnate seat for cash, I’m sure the feds will have plenty of people to testify about the squeeze he put on the other players. Not only is our Governor and inept governor, he’s also an inept crook, as it turns out.
- VanillaMan - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 4:50 pm:
Why do we pretend these people are above us?
We voted them in - we have a constitutional right to get rid of them ASAP. Once a guy or gal becomes a governor, they do not accue supernatural powers so that we have to second guess our opinions and feelings about how badly they behave as governor.
Elected officials work for us. All this talk about ensuring that Blagojevich is handled fairly so that we show something he never did. Crazy! He is an idiot, and he has to go!
The tapes are his own words. There is no question of his intentions, even if by some miracle he can find a million dollar lawyer to help his wiggle past some of Fitzgerald’s filed complaints. No elected leader should remain in office or get any breaks with this evidence.
If he was decent he would have resigned last week. He would have come clean with a press conference. He would have spoken out on why we need to listen to him. His actions since Tuesday clearly send a message that he is searching for an escape route. We don’t need people like him in any public office.
Blagojevich needs to pay and be made an example.
Then we throw the rest of them out of office.
- Mo - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 5:20 pm:
So, he just set the stage for his future Hollywood film. Heck, there is so much material here, I anticipate many films come outta this one. And in the vein of a crime spree, let’s just steal other titles: One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest, The Departed, Gone Baby Gone, Million Dollar Baby…..
It seems difficult to believe that the explicit details in the complaint are exaggerated as it came straight out of Rod’s mouth. However, I think Genson should be more concerned about those folks in the traffic jam over at the FBI office.
- steve schnorf - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 5:49 pm:
No, VM, they don’t work for us. We elect them to represent us, and to make the decision they think is right on whatever issue is facing them. We don’t do public votes on each issue, and we aren’t supposed to. If we aren’t satisfied with the way they represent us, we’re supposed to elect someone else.
I hate to say this, but you are sounding scary, like a jihad. We have laws, we have due process, we have attorneys to represent people in that process, and I can live with that better than I can live with people who believe they and their followers are on some sort of holy mission.
- Gabriel - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 6:23 pm:
==If we aren’t satisfied with the way they represent us, we’re supposed to elect someone else.==
Or impeach them.
- 47th Ward - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 6:55 pm:
VM isn’t the only one channeling Samuel L. Jackson-caliber righteousness. His 4:28 post is clip-and-save worthy from where I’m sitting.
I don’t generally agree with him, but I share his indignation over this whole debacle. We have some responsibility in this, and if we’re able to exact some accountability at the same time, I’m good with that too.
And if the Mayor doesn’t get some salt on the side streets soon, he’s next.
- wordslinger - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 7:03 pm:
–We have righteous anger over the unholy deeds of this sham governor. Our emotions are justified, and the rounding up of defense attorneys willing to sell their souls to defend this loon is simply more proof at how ruined our judicial system has become.–
VMan, you should add the lines from Ezekiel that Samuel L. Jackson uses in “Pulp Fiction.”
“And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger. And you will know My name is the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon thee.”
VMan, if thy will is not done, maybe you can petition for change of venues from Springfield and Chicago to Riyadh or Teheran. I think you’d like the way they roll there.
- So Blue Democrat - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 7:39 pm:
I do not know whether to be amused or frightend by Bill’s blind loyalty to the Governor (soon to be former Governor). Fortunately most individuals do not agree with him.
- hisgirlfriday - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 7:40 pm:
OK VMan may be a bit excited but comparing his statements to jihad just because he wants Blago out of office NOW? Hyperbole much? I mean VMan hasn’t even tried to throw his shoe at Blago’s hair helmet yet.
- Six Degrees of Separation - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 7:48 pm:
I mean VMan hasn’t even tried to throw his shoe at Blago’s hair helmet yet.
- 47th Ward - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 8:06 pm:
He doesn’t need a shoe, he already threw this:
“We have to demand better than just the writ of law. We need to demand justice, leadership and ethics beyond the law. That is why they get elected. That is why they tell us we should vote for them. When one of these supposed leaders is exposed as Blagojevich has been, it is time to close the law books and take out the trash.”
- Country Boy - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 9:04 pm:
You know I agree with those that say that there is more to the story. I happen to think that the Feds have far more than we know. I always think that I want to know the whole story, but frankly I have a hard enough time sleeping without knowing the full story here.
- Arthur Andersen - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 9:33 pm:
Come on, gang. Don’t let Bill and anon. (is that you too, Bill?) play Soviet history professor on you all and do a rewrite job on The Defendant’s miserable excuse for a governorship.
The Defendant will not be tried based on the charges in the complaint. As with Levine, Rezko, Hurtgen, and many other miscreants moved through that USAO, there will undoubtedly be a superseding indictment with more charges and more defendants.
I don’t know if any of the current posters here are lawyers-think Bill, word, Six, VM, Steve, and AA are (proudly?) are not afaik. Speaking as a layperson and based on previously charged defendants in these matters, the “political shop talk” here was as strong or stronger than the talk that got others teed up.
Further, based on track record, this USAO is not known for throwing crap against the wall and going with the stuff that sticks.
Remember the 9 active investigations.
Remember “endemic hiring fraud.”
Remember the guy with the wire-in 2005.
(Wire, as in Wyma and W…….)
Remember Tony in solitary.
Remember playa Chris Kelly broke and looking
for friends.
Remember Genson’s client Larry Warner.
G’bye Rod. Been swell knowing you. Not.
- Little Egypt - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 9:47 pm:
==No, VM, they don’t work for us. We elect them to represent us, and to make the decision they think is right on whatever issue is facing them.==
Steve, I have to strongly disagree with you yet again. Anyone who draws a salary from the public trough works for us the taxpayers who provide the money to pay them. That includes the legislators we elect to vote NOT “to make the decision they think is right on whatever issue is facing them”, but to vote the way the majority of their constituents want them to vote. Your thinking is exactly what is wrong with our legislators today. They forget that they have campaigned on certain issues, have been elected because a majority of their voters agreed with them, and then they get into office and do as they darned well please. We are sick of that song and dance.
To Gabriel: Ed Genson may have had a couple of high profile clients that were acquited. However, add to his list of “loser” clients Scott Fawell, Larry Warner, Dean Bauer, and Mel Reynolds - just to name a few. Good luck Blago. I probably could provide a better defense for you than Ed Genson will be able to do.
Note to Ed: Perhaps you should read the transcipts and listen to the tapes you will be provided during discovery before you pronounce your newly-hired, nearly-broke client innocent.
- RJW - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 10:45 pm:
Whether or not this stuff is criminal to me is irrelevant. Convict him or not, I don’t care at this point. The fact that they have him on tape saying some of these things to me is sufficient to force him to resign or to impeach him. This is not simply politico talk as some have suggested. To discuss a quid pro quo for a U.S. Senate seat is an outrageous potential abuse of power, even if it wasn’t actually committed. The Governor deserves to be impeached. He should do the state a favor, however, and resign like a gentleman would do.
- starthrower68 - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 11:40 pm:
Oh, this is rich, LOL! Genson says it’s not what people think; what exactly is it then that was caught on tape? Did Rod find a really rare baseball card? It never ceases to amaze me how this gang continues to go into denial about reality when it’s out there for all the world to see. It’s almost to the point of going past anger to just laughing at Blago for being an idiot.
- Bill Baar - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 3:55 am:
Genson says it’s not what people think
Oh, I think Genson’s right here…. it’s not what we think…there is plenty more coming.
- Zora - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 6:54 am:
Condescending to the gov’s potential juror pool (”don’t believe your ears, it’s not what you think”) is a real great way to start. That Genson’s a genius.
- Bill Baar - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 7:43 am:
Check today’s NYT.
Robert S. Bennett, one of Washington’s best-known white-collar criminal defense lawyers, said Mr. Blagojevich faced nearly insurmountable legal problems in a case that includes a raft of corruption accusations unrelated to Mr. Obama’s Senate seat. But Mr. Bennett said the case raised some potentially thorny issues about political corruption.
“This town is full of people who call themselves ambassadors, and all they did was pay $200,000 or $300,000 to the Republican or Democratic Party,” said Mr. Bennett, referring to a passage in the criminal complaint filed against the governor suggesting that Mr. Blagojevich was interested in an ambassadorial appointment in return for the Senate seat. “You have to wonder, How much of this guy’s problem was his language, rather than what he really did?”
The Senate seat auction go everyone’s attention but I think it’ll be the toughest charge. All he did was talk and there are way too many others with spouses on boards etc..
It will be everything since 2002 that comes out in the first compliant that will do him in, but right now all the attention is focused on the sensational but hardest to prove wrongdoing.
- VanillaMan - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 9:41 am:
I will not apologize for demanding action from people who are supposed to run our legislative, executive, and judicial branches. I will not wait any longer for these people to do what they should have been doing since 2004 when the first charges of corruption against this governor surfaced by his own father-in-law.
To those concerned over Blagojevich’s rights, since when did he become the focus of your concerns? Illinois is collapsing and any focus should be placed on the citizens that have been victimized by this administration. We have been longsuffering and patient as political games were played, and friends and foes bought off.
You want to clean up Illinois? Then start getting angry and start demanding better! Allowing defense attorneys to define good government is taking Illinois downhill.
And to those who worry about me as a jihadist, well perhaps I am emotional, but you should be too! It is not being a jihadi when we demand accountability from those who preen and pose for our votes, then are exposed as frauds within the same election cycle. It is not being a jihadi when we expect our public servants to serve us, and not themselves. It is not being a jihadi to do what adults are supposed to do when criminal acts are exposed by those we have entrusted.
We are supposed to be angry. We are supposed to demand justice. We are supposed to protect ourselves, our communities and families from government fraud and inaction. We are supposed to be leaders too, people!