Morning Shorts *** UPDATED ***
Monday, Dec 15, 2008 - Posted by Kevin Fanning
* Republic: It’s all Bank of America’s fault
* Colleges give new aid to keep students afloat
“Each student comes here with the goal of achieving their dream of a college education,” said Evelyn Burdick, vice president for enrollment and marketing. “We would love not to ever lose a student because of financial reasons.”
* School Tries to Beat Drop Out Odds
* Students nominated to U.S. Service Academies
* CTA also rehabs Web site
* Winter of our discontent
When Mayor Richard Daley released his 2009 budget on a mid-October day with the temperature in the high 50s, he said that one way he intended to close a $420 million shortfall was to cut back on snow removal. Main arterials might not be plowed as quickly as in years past, and some side streets might not be plowed at all.
* City Responds To Weather With Snow Fighting Trucks
* Chickens earning their keep in Chicago backyards
* Lake County Sheriff Mark Curran Switching to Republican Party
* Northwestern Hospital in probe
* U.S. investigating Northwestern Memorial
In the Northwestern probe, the government has focused on the relationship between the hospital and its primary affiliated doctor practice, the Northwestern Medical Faculty Foundation. The doctor group has 600 physicians and generates more than $400 million in annual revenue, according to its web site.
* Illinois Bar Foundation honors SIUC law dean
* Anonymous donor’s funds keep historic site in Vandalia open
“We have a one-time donation of $35,477 from one person that would keep the doors open through June 30, 2009,” said Gottman.
Gottman said he can’t imagine the state turning down the proposal, which was made to Illinois Historic Preservation Agency Director Jan Grimes.
“I don’t know how they could turn down free money,” Gottman said.
- Pot calling kettle - Monday, Dec 15, 08 @ 9:55 am:
Re keeping Vandalia site open: Is the 35 K for the Historic site or for the Gov’s defense/campaign fund?