Admitted nitpicking
Tuesday, Dec 16, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * Overall, this isn’t a bad story by the AP about the relationship between Speaker Michael Madigan and Gov. Rod Blagojevich. It’s incomplete, but this is the AP here. Still, I have a couple of nits to pick with the piece. I wouldn’t otherwise bother, but Illinois is such a gigantic national story right now that it seemed worthwhile as I wait on some phone calls to be returned…
The relationship soured when Blagojevich was in the Illinois House, but that’s neither here nor there. Also, don’t forget Madigan’s “indiscretions” remark from the 2002 campaign in response to a thwack by Blagojevich on pork projects. That relationship was sour way before Rod Blagojevich was sworn into office. Anyway, the governor did not “seemingly” agree to a budget plan. He agreed to it. He shook hands on it. He gave his word. And almost everyone else involved with that budget agreement was furious at the governor. Secretary of State Jesse White practically had steam coming out of his ears after the guv reduced his budget.
To the best of my knowledge, Madigan isn’t offended by glad-handers. The next few sentences disprove the AP author’s theory…
Blagojevich’s tardiness and boorish attitude at the funeral of one of the most revered politicians in Illinois is what ticked off Madigan and everyone else who was there. Statehouse types still talk about the governor’s reprehensible conduct as if it was yesterday.
After the governor made that comment, Lisa Madigan was immediately defended by just about every political journalist and editorial writer in Illinois. Speaker Madigan got such a kick out of the media reaction that he personally thanked the governor for his comments. Also, I’m pretty sure that Madigan fully understands that his daughter is a big girl now. She chose this business, she has to take the potshots that go with the turf. …Adding… This MSNBC talking head seems to be outraged with Madigan because Rep. Bill Black got all angry on the House floor yesterday during the debate on the special election. Apparently, nobody told her that Black throws a tantrum every day. lol… …Adding… I really despise the national press corpse…
More from the piece…
[Sigh] George Ryan and Rod Blagojevich were both inclined to corrupt misbehavior going into the office. The corruption isn’t just this ethereal dark force forcing good men to do bad things.
- OneMan - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 3:01 pm:
I heard that while they were waiting on him at the funeral someone moved the arrangement from Rod to a position behind all the other flowers.
- sal-says - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 3:05 pm:
Actually, Rich, what you’ve said sounds like more than ‘nits’ to pick.
One wonders how much you read by folks not ‘down in the trenches’ lose the nuances. Or by the loss of staff caused by lowering newspaper/media readership.
Thanks for the info.
- Captain Flume - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 3:08 pm:
Having now read many national stories on the Illinois situation, I now take national stories about other states’ events and personalities with a much larger grain of salt. Sometimes the mistakes are minor, sometimes quite misleading, but always irksome. This AP story here being a good case in point. Thanks for bringing the subject up.
- Captain Flume - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 3:11 pm:
PS– Though who knows what some might have cut out of this article. I have been feeling that blue pencil a lot lately myself.
- anon - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 3:18 pm:
Well done Rich.
- carbon deforestation - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 3:21 pm:
Keep it up Rich.
We understand that the national and wire media can’t do the complete story and they don’t have time to tell it - but you should keep doing this. Your readers know better and expect that kind of depth from you.
- GA Watcher - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 3:23 pm:
You are correct on the poor reporting by the national media. Another in case in point: the New York Times is reporting this afternoon that today’s Impeachment Committee stalled after the Governor’s lawyer and the US Attorney expressed concerns. The story alleges that the Governor’s lawyer objected to the Committee meeting without him being present. It implies that the US Attorney asked them to delay the proceedings over his reluctance to have the Committee call witnesses that could harm the federal case against the Governor.
- Railfan - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 3:32 pm:
Come to think of it, I know Mary Mitchell shows up on “The Rachel Maddow Show” with some regularity, but is it really so difficult for the national TV media to find Illinois-based reporters when discussing L’Affaire Blago? Must we be constantly saddled with New York and D.C. talking heads?
- Frank Sobotka - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 3:39 pm:
“L’Affaire Blago”
There’s a QOTD. What to call it?
I nominate Golden-Gate. (Or Bleeping-Golden Gate!)
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 3:45 pm:
===What to call it?===
Zorn already did that.
- Pat collins - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 3:46 pm:
You know, this is like many “studies”. Some group throws it out, and you scramble to get the facts out there.
But the initial impression is what holds. So cool to see it go down the street the other way.
- Reality Check - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 3:46 pm:
I don’t know that your nits strike me as all that significant, but I do wonder why this story was written by a Chicago guy (Babwin) instead of Wills in the Statehouse.
- Easy - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 3:47 pm:
that clip is unreal. the guy chairs blago’s campaign, helps him get elected, and then blames everyone else. Blago didn’t win election because Republicans helped him, he got into office because Dem Party leaders like Madigan supported him.
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 3:49 pm:
===helps him get elected===
There was no coordinated campaign in 2006 as I recall.
- Pot calling kettle - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 4:00 pm:
Madigan’s position as “co-chair” was symbolic, as head of the Dem Party in Illinois. Do these people think he should have been a co-chair on Topinka’s campaign? It was no secret that Rod and Madigan were at odds.
Next time Madigan get harassed on the special election, he should point out that not only would it cost too much, but that turnout would be very low, and it would almost overlap with petition circulation time for the 2010 cycle. In addition, the Repubs are probably being disingenuous since they held the Gov’s office for over 20 years prior to Blago, so it’s unlikely they would want to give up that privilege on the off chance they get back into the mansion.
- unclesam - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 4:04 pm:
Did anyone else notice on the video that Blago was helping put suitcases into the vehicle for Patti?
- RRB - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 4:11 pm:
Seemingly agreeing is accurate. Unless you can get inside Blago’s head you don’t know if he is agreeing or pretending to agree. Apparently he was pretending.
- Gabriel - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 4:11 pm:
When given the chance to put confidence in an election, MJM throws a wild pass down field hoping to hit Black on the sidelines?
He opened the MSNBC appearance so well. I thought he was doing great. He even got in the great point about how elections have helped him in the state.
All he had to do was continue to support this talking point and he would look golden.
Could MJM really think the Democrats could win by making the case that Republicans have been the “enablers” of Blagojevich for the last two years?
- earnest - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 4:11 pm:
>It was no secret that Rod and Madigan were at odds.
What did he do in the primary, when 35% of us were voting against Rod? Did he help lead the opposition? Did anyone?
Dem voters did much better than Dem politicians two years ago. I think Madigan deserves a heck of a lot of blame. As does everyone who endorsed the guy prior to the primary in ‘02, when we came within 25,000 votes of beating him.
- Gabriel - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 4:13 pm:
==It was no secret that Rod and Madigan were at odds.==
Isn’t there an old maxim about the best and only position to take against your party, and maintain credibilty, is to stay home?
Nobody twisted MJM’s arm to make him co-chair. He made a political decision. Defend it.
- Speaking at Will - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 4:20 pm:
So much for MSNBC always being in the tank for the democrats. It may as well been Andy McKenna doing the interview.
I’m not a Madigan fan, but you gotta love the line “I’m not against elections, I got this job because of electons, I have stood for election 20 times and won all 20 elections…”
That quote states the problem pretty well. We need term limits. Even modest term limits so the Madigans of the world have to go back to the private sector, instead of spending thier whole life concentrating power.
If you dont like overall term limits, then at least use Rich’s idea of term limiting the amount of time a person can be Speaker or Pres. of the Senate.
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 4:20 pm:
===. He made a political decision. Defend it. ===
This is just getting out of hand. Might I remind some of you Leader Cross strongly advocated cutting a multi-billion dollar capital deal with a guy we now know was more shameless than most ever imagined?
Defend that.
Actually, don’t. We should all move along.
- scoot - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 4:22 pm:
I’m for elections…just not the ones we may lose..nice Speaker. Thats what this is all about, the fear that Kirk would when the seat. When has spending $30-$50 million ever been a problem w/ the state’s politicians?
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 4:23 pm:
==Could MJM really think the Democrats could win by making the case that Republicans have been the “enablers” of Blagojevich for the last two years? ===
You’re right. It hasn’t been two years. It’s been one year. One very long year.
- BannedForLife - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 4:30 pm:
Yesterday was the first time I have spent absorbing Rep. Black’s powerful aura. But I intend to tune to his histrionics more often! He’s Illinois’ 1-man prime minister’s questions.
- Gabriel - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 4:31 pm:
Rich: In saying “defend it”, I am asking MJM to defend the position.
Cross should defend his move on the capital deal as well. Anyone seen or heard from Bill Lipinski lately?
The capital deal stinks to high heaven right now.
- Ghost - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 4:33 pm:
Did Ryan get this much national coverage? antecdotaly this seems to be having bigger play, but that may be because Blago is a sitting gov who refues to get up from the table.
They need to call Spitzer into all the talking head shows for expert opinion….
- Six Degrees of Separation - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 4:38 pm:
I see a QOTD now…
Who have Blago’s enablers been over the last 2 years, and what percentage of the blame can be assigned to each?
My votes:
MJM, for co-chairing Blago’s campaign; 5%
Emil Jones and the Senate Dems, for thwarting every move to limit the gov’s excesses: 65%
Cross and the house R’s, for kissing his ring in hopes of passing a capital plan: 20%
House D’s for not calling articles of impeachment sooner: 9%
Bill, for obvious reasons: 1%
- There you go again - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 4:38 pm:
If someone can dig up that infamous interview that Mary Carlin-McNeil did with then-State Rep. Rod Blagojevich in 2003 it would help enlighten the national press. Mary interviewed rookie State Rep. Blagojevich who vented and vented about the dictatorial iron grip with which he said Madigan ruled the House. Blagojevich whined
and whined about Madigan’s unfair rules and expressed solid anger. The interview aired statewide on the Illinois Public Radio Network for which Ms. McNeil worked at the time.
- Disgusted - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 4:41 pm:
Good for Mike Madigan. He’s clearly the levelest head in Springpatch.
Yeah, that Bill Black is a real piece of work. For all the screaming and hollering about the Dems and one party rule, he’s clearly got no problem having a Dem-connected guy like Skip Saviano running the House Republican Organization.
The House GOP caucus is beyond worthless.
- Six Degrees of Separation - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 4:42 pm:
The capital deal stinks to high heaven right now.
Except there is no deal.
And who knows how difficult it will be to clean the slate and put one together in the wake of this mess?
- Amy - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 4:42 pm:
CNN is calling it Blago Sphere on screen! Reporters all over the place are mispronouncing Genson (with a hard g) and even
Currie (as in Madame Curie). perhaps the most disturbing sight is that Bush loving Cameron reporter on Fox standing in the Illinois StateHouse. the national media just makes it all worse.
- True Observer - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 4:45 pm:
They may as well schedule the special election because they can’t take the “national” heat much longer.
Blago’s corruption is obvious. The Dems dodge on the election is also obvious.
The longer the Dems delay the election, the more corrupt they are going to look. They are already starting to get lumped with Blago.
As to the cost of the election, nobody will buy it.
There are elections all the time.
Objecting on the basis of the cost of an election is equivalent to saying that it is inconvenient.
Nobody is buying. Not even Chicagoans.
Under Illinois law, if a vacancy occurs for a Congressman, the seat has to be filled within 115 days. This includes petitions, primary and the special election.
Not exactly a big deal even though with the gerrymandering the county clerks have to spend half their time figuring out what precints or, for that matter, parts of precints are in the congressional district.
With a state wide race, the County Clerks don’t have to worry about the Madigan gerrymandered precints.
- pmel - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 5:12 pm:
HA! Madigan got so clowned by MSNBC….sorry Madigan maybe to friendlies at places like CalipitalFaxBlog your talking in circles passes, but to anyone watching MSNBC (an outsider & democratic audience) you look exactly like a typical politician who is doing exactly what the interviewer says at the very end of the video. Scared.
- SweetLou - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 5:16 pm:
The law also states that to fill a vacant Senate seat, the Governor chooses a successor. period. These national reporters (and IL republicans) talk about the special election like the democrats are taking something away, when in fact having the future Gov. Quinn fill the seat is simply following the law. Nothing changes, and Kirk gets his shot at the seat in 2010. simple as that.
- earnest - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 5:27 pm:
>Might I remind some of you Leader Cross strongly advocated cutting a multi-billion dollar capital deal with a guy we now know was more shameless than most ever imagined?
>Defend that.
Huh? Are you assuming that anyone that attacks Madigan is a Republican? Just because the statehouse is filled with cowards and weaklings doesn’t mean the rest of the state’s democrats like the guy. It’s a criminal system, exemplified by the fact it took decades to prevent pols from cashing out on their campaign coffers. While I’m skeptical of anyone down there, I can accept the idea that underlings have to play inside the system to achieve small changes. But Madigan’s been speaker for decades. It’s his system. The whole “it’s not bribery, it’s a campaign contribution (that I can later use for myself)” system belongs to him.
- Levois - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 5:45 pm:
WOW!!! Is this really the time for partisan games? I like Speaker Madigan but that just didn’t sit well with me.
- Reddbyrd - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 5:48 pm:
Capt Fax:
no relation to sour when Blagoof was in the legislature he was too busy chasing…..The Cross enabling lasted all of 2007 and 2008 largely around StateWideTom’s fake interest in gambling and a capital plan…whenever the deal was Close SWT jumped back…..BTW The GOPS ceded any cred on elections by opposing election of their own central committee….game, set match for Madigan.
- Bill - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 6:01 pm:
Nice skid lid, Mr. Speaker!
- Snidely Whiplash - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 6:09 pm:
Granted, an amateurish interview, but what a lame excuse for not holding elections. Since when has the Dem majority (or the short-lived GOP majority before them, for that matter) been stopped dead in its tracks from doing what it wanted because of a sense of give-a-crap over municiipalities having to pick-up 20 or 30 million in costs? Very conveniently selective case of deferment to the wishes of municipalities, eh?
- Wow - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 6:10 pm:
It is important not to let Republican Leader Tom Cross off the hook for his loyal support of Rod Blagojevich. Good Job Mr. Speaker
- pmel - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 6:25 pm:
Why is is relevant whether any Republicans have ties to Blago with respect to a special election? If so, all the more reason to have a special election to allow the public, not the actually or perceived political elite to decide. Illinois Democrats will do anything to avoid looking in the mirror–look they have convinced themselves that it is all Blago and that he is crazy as the entire country laughs at them. Embarrassing.
- Thanks - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 6:29 pm:
Speaker Madigan thanks for making sure the public knows the truth. You were opposed to Blagojevich and Republican Leader Tom Cross supported Blagojevich.
- Stuck with Sen. CPA - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 6:47 pm:
If we had more Republicans like Chris Lauzen in the House, there would be no Leader Cross and his kowtowing with Blago, his one-time jogging partner.
- muon - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 6:57 pm:
The election price tag of $30 to $50 million has been put out there. What I haven’t seen is how much is for a stand-alone election, compared to the proposed consolidated election piggybacking plan. Every electoral jurisdiction will hold April elections, and many hold (or budget for) February primaries.
If the cost is a factor, then the difference between an election that can utilize the April election and one that cannot should also be a factor in the debate. It is particularly relevant if a delay causing a bypass of the April date would cause the expense to rise significantly.
- dupage progressive - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 7:00 pm:
I agree with folks here who say the dems had better face the fact that no special election is a loser stance. The whole mess is so dirty, and I think folks don’t care about the cost.
The average news consumer (certainly not the newsies who write on Rich’s blog) have a short attention span. They catch just s few facts, and mostly perception. We can complain about the surface-level coverage, but unless we all do something serious to get people to be better news observers (sarah palin anyone?) than we are all to blame for accepting the “dumbed down news”.
That said, it probably does have a lot to do with decreased news budgets with not as many reporters.
Until the time that coverage is improved, legislators know they need to keep the message simple. Therefore, I really think the special election is one that dems should wake up & embrace. Otherwise, the trust issue is completely lost in upcoming elections. House GOP did a good job of communicating that message.
- Six Degrees of Separation - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 7:12 pm:
Be careful what you wish for.
muon -
I agree these SE figures have been bandied about with little real thought or analysis. We the people should have our legislators make informed decisions on our behalf.
I agree with your rationale. But part of the calculus here seems to be that 1.) there may be a way to get out of the SE that assures the seat remains in D hands and the selection process seems somewhat fair, and 2.) In 2 years, the selected incumbent will have an advantage and most of this present mess will be behind us.
- hisgirlfriday - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 7:16 pm:
Agree with earnest. Why is it assumed that just because some people wish Madigan had done more (as chair of the Illinois Democratic Party and all) to stop Blagojevich in 2006 that these people are Republicans or otherwise OK with Cross’s deals with Blago. Is criticism of MJM not allowed on this blog?
Sorry but I (not surprisingly probably) was not all that impressed with MJM’s interview. Didn’t have a problem with his demeanor at all or anything, but he just seemed like he couldn’t help himself from using all kinds of Springfieldese in his answers at least in the divisions in the caucus explanation for no special election, which sounded like a cop-out to me. I do share his concern about what a special election will mean for local government budgets though.
Madigan also could have done himself more favors by explaining some of the background as far as how he stood against Blagojevich in the past and how the GOP enabled him if he wanted to successfully argue the point because as it was it just sounded like a talking point with no basis in fact. He could have got a lot more specific about how “William Black” and the rest of the House GOP conspired with Rod.
- switched - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 7:27 pm:
I am a Democrat that supported a special election. Reading all these blogs and the fact that the Republicans are pushing for this election has caused me to wake up. No to the Special Election and Yes to Quinn making the appointment.
- to switched? - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 7:31 pm:
switched, specifically what argument changed your mind?
- A Citizen - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 7:36 pm:
Politically and governmentally this state has descended into and achieved chaos. I have achieved a pure state of disgust and massive disappointment at a visceral level. They all have demonstrated unfitness for office.
- hisgirlfriday - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 8:05 pm:
Dang. Sneed is reporting that Moody’s has dropped Illinois’ bond rating per Alexi and that Rahm is on the Blagojevich tapes having 21 (!) different conversations about the Senate seat. Yikes.,CST-NWS-SNEED16.article
- SweetLou - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 8:11 pm:
When has Pat Quinn been anything but a boy scout? If anything, he’s the one politician in the state who could make an appointment and you can be confident that there was no deal involved.
- Ed M. - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 8:28 pm:
Where is Blago’s main appointee Juan Ochoa at?
- A Citizen - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 8:42 pm:
Chicago Sun-Times - Sneed:
“Sneed Scoop: Watch for Illinois State Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias to announce today that the Moody’s rating agency has dropped the state of Illinois’ bond rating. The drop comes as a result of the Gov. Blagojevich corruption scandal, Sneed hears.”
All we need now is a bit more governmental incompetence and inaction.
- hisgirlfriday - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 9:03 pm:
Can the Illinois House just impeach Rod for his scandal negatively affecting the state’s bond rating?
Send Alexi and a Moody’s person there to testify and boom. It’s done. No interference with Fitz’s investigation.
Of course that’s making the big assumption Emil would in any way cooperate with a speedy removal of Rod.
And that’s making an assumption that Madigan would allow Alexi to jump in there when it would run the risk he could raise his profile in the impeachment and steal Lisa’s thunder.
Ugh. This state SUCKS.
- HoBoSkillet - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 9:07 pm:
Ugghhhh When is the petty politics going to end? How many of us would say we support both a special election and an appointment from Quinn? I support both, whichever happens first as long as Blagojevich doesn’t have a hand in any of it. We have to realize Blago doesn’t appear to be going anywhere soon so we better get started on a special election legislation and if in the meantime, Quinn gets elevated to Governor then let him decide and drop the special election bill.
- A Citizen - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 9:36 pm:
Perhaps it would be appropriate NOW for the great God Fitz to come down from his mountain top and take the complaint, turn it into indictments, conviction and incarceration and thus rid us of the cancer. Then the state might survive. I have doubts but . . .
- A Citizen - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 10:13 pm:
Madagin has had several years and for certain the past year to commence impeachment yet he failed to do so. Now forced by Fitz proceedings have started. Yet the foot dragging by the committee and its uneven makeup LIMPS along - 1 hour 45 minutes = day one. Politization of the process by Madagin is flagrant and certainly not a product of Statesmanship. The result so far amounts to little more than mental masterbashun. Get on with it deliberately or step aside and simply wait for spring and Fitz to finally act! Illinois can’t wait but hey! what the heck! Wimps and hacks all.
- A Citizen - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 10:44 pm:
Just watching Jay Leno - guv, the senate seat and Illinois are the laughing stock of the country! Wonder why - Congratulations !!!
- Lou - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 10:46 pm:
If there is a special election it should also include a Governors race. Pat Quinn ran for Lt. Governor not once but twice with Blago. Quinn stood by and let this go on. He is in the mess also and we need an election for the people.
Quinn will get the free ride, he will get to choose Lisa Madigan as US Senator for his free ride to the mansion.
- Reddbyrd - Wednesday, Dec 17, 08 @ 6:06 am:
GOPs(as in MOPEs) forgot to rebut the blast on their central committee “election” process. Guess that did not fit into their snappy talking points. Perhaps they can roll out yet another razzle dazzle web site?
In the meantime, few Ds fear a special election because the GOPs would serve some palooka like BrickheadJoe, Chopper Jim or Keyes and the lose any way.
- IrishPirate - Wednesday, Dec 17, 08 @ 6:54 am:
Blago bloviates the WAPO animated toon.
- Mgmax - Wednesday, Dec 17, 08 @ 7:16 am:
So, does the national media’s understanding of Illinois give you more confidence about how they covered Alaska politics?
- Gregor - Wednesday, Dec 17, 08 @ 7:23 am:
Reddbyrd, welcome back, how was the kool-aide the past 6 years? Did I miss your explanation of how all this stuff about your guy is just a huge misunderstanding?
- Deadbyrd - Wednesday, Dec 17, 08 @ 7:35 am:
What is Quinn’s excuse for opposing a special election besides foreknowledge that the Corruptocrats would lose? The cost? Huh, that wasn’t an issue when he supported the con-con and recall elections.
- IrishPirate - Wednesday, Dec 17, 08 @ 8:16 am:
have you ever heard of George Ryan?
Corruption is bipartisan in Illinois.
Now go back to listening to Rush bloviate on corruption while Cheney fesses up to authorizing torture.
- Ghost - Wednesday, Dec 17, 08 @ 8:44 am:
con-con, a once every 20 year opportunity to address problems in the consitution. Special election, a process used to elect somone to th senate for what will probably be about 12 months before they have to run for the spot again.
Lets see…. 50 million to hold an office for 12 months then run for it again.
30-40 million to addresss an issue that is only accessible every 20 years.
The logic hole in that argument is large enough to drive a planet through.
of course the republicans are no concerned about money, after all they were willing to give a corrup Gov 50 billion extra to play with just in the hopes he would give them a slice of the pie.
- MOON - Wednesday, Dec 17, 08 @ 8:54 am:
Your observation is perfectly logical, and I agree with you.
Unfortunately, in todays world, few people care!!!
- Deadbyrd - Wednesday, Dec 17, 08 @ 10:44 am:
You totally ignore the facts about recall elections taking place at any time. That could be 30-40 million every year. Quinn’s OK with that. Whoops!!! That runs counter to your apologist defense. But, then again, since when do IL Corruptocrats care about facts!?