Our train wreck of a government
Tuesday, Dec 16, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller
* The Rod Blagojevich train wreck may be mitigated somewhat by a judge…
The state Department of Natural Resources may lack the power to close state parks to the public, a McLean County judge has ruled in a lawsuit challenging the closure of Moraine View State Park near LeRoy.
“The court finds nothing in plaintiff’s allegations that would show a manifestation of legislative intent to permit the agency to totally close the parks,” Judge Michael Prall said in his denial of a state motion to dismiss the lawsuit filed by Thomas Pliura.
The ruling released Monday does not mean seven parks and several historic sites closed Dec. 1 by the state DNR under an order from Gov. Rod Blagojevich will be reopened at this point. But if Prall rules favorably after hearing arguments on Pliura’s request for a temporary restraining order, the state’s closures could be reversed, Pliura said.
* But the problems persist from almost all other corners…
Fitch Ratings cut the credit rating yesterday on $19.1 billion of Illinois bonds because of concern the governor’s legal woes will make it more difficult to deal with a $2 billion budget deficit.
Standard & Poor’s has said it may lower the state’s credit rating in response to Blagojevich’s arrest, which would add millions of dollars to borrowing costs, according to Scott Burnham, a spokesman for Illinois Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias.
* The Tribune editorializes on yet another topic that could cost the state serious money…
The Illinois Gaming Board could decide Tuesday where it will reactivate the state’s 10th casino license. We hope the board doesn’t put the urgency to create new tax revenue for Springfield ahead of thoroughly investigating the three finalists. Here’s why:
The FBI complaint filed against the governor of Illinois last week discusses his alleged fundraising efforts in connection with a bill affecting the casino and horse-racing industries. Hmm. And some people still wonder why public officials and law-enforcement agencies need to apply extraordinary scrutiny to industries that involve gambling.
The bill would extend the life of existing law that subsidizes the state’s racetracks with revenue from its largest casinos. The FBI complaint suggests that the alleged Blagojevich fundraising effort was tied to his expected decision to sign the bill. That would help the racing industry and take money from the casinos.
Is it possible, though, that investors in any of the three casino license applicants were involved in lobbying the governor’s office on this bill, either for or against it? We do expect the Gaming Board to know those answers before it votes on where to put a casino.
* And the governor actually vetoed a bill yesterday…
Gov. Rod Blagojevich vetoed Monday a bill that would have extended a Hoffman Estates development district.
Hoffman Estates officials wanted the TIF district at Barrington and Higgins roads extended another 12 years in hopes it would generate money for a $100 million full-service hotel next to the Stonegate Conference Centre.
Officials say the hotel would have created 200 jobs.
“We’re going to try to override the governor’s veto and get the bill passed again,” Hoffman Estates Mayor William McLeod said.
The TIF was established in 1986 and expires next year. McLeod said he wasn’t told why Blagojevich vetoed the bill. The governor’s office wasn’t available immediately for comment.
- Vote Quimby! - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 10:39 am:
A token veto to symbolize RRB is not just rubber-stamping bills to show he is still effective, perhaps?
- Ghost - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 10:42 am:
Many are excliaming that the IGB shoud slow down its decision on the 10th License. However no one has said the deal on the table is a bargain for the bidder or is depriving the State of funds. Plus the board has the authority to revoke a license if they uncover evidence of wrong doing.
Absent some real factual basis for holding it up, lets not cut off our nose to spite our face. Award the license to the highest bidder, then regulate the industry and address any porblem or wrongdoing if such occurs or is brought to light.
- tubbfan - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 10:48 am:
. . .and who represents Hoffman Estates in the GA?
- Pat collins - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 10:54 am:
Isn’t that Fred Crespos area?
At any rate, the heavily hispanic school district in that area needs that district NOT to be extended.
Rod did the right thing here. Maybe accidentally, but for sure the right thing.
- VanillaMan - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 10:55 am:
We have had no effective state leadership since 2004. The effects of having no effective state leadership is being felt as well as being seen.
Regardless of what happened a week ago, Rod Blagojevich as governor would have caused these issues to arise.
He needed to have been impeached and convicted years ago. Let the criminal attorneys debate what is criminal, but let our political process be clean and ethical enough to lead us through these times by removing incompetent leaders such as Blagojevich as well as any future Ryans and Blagojeviches.
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 11:18 am:
Unfortunately, train wrecks take a while to clean up. Illinois’ is a going concern, however; it’s important to do the job right.
- "It's an Up Day" - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 11:57 am:
Only in Illinois can you be accused of a crime related directly to your employment and still go to work the next day like nothing happened.
Most people get either fired or sent home without pay until the matter is resolved.
- hmmmm - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 12:32 pm:
Maybe he vetoed the bill because Stonegate Conference center is owned by George Moser - an old friend of Madigan … just a theory
- Pot calling kettle - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 12:57 pm:
Maybe he vetoed it because the right people did (or did not) pay him to do so.
Hoffman Estates should file suit questioning the Gov’s veto by alleging that the Gov. vetoed the bill because they did not put money in his campaign fund. It would be interesting to see how far it got.
- BannedForLife - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 1:13 pm:
vetoing a TIF extension is Blago’s version of Ryan’s death penalty moratorium: a Hail Mary that will earn Blago the luv of TIF reform geeks everywhere not matter what else happens
- BannedForLife - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 1:29 pm:
I’ve been tracking TIF extensions and this veto is the 1st in IL history
Blago himself has signed many dozens of TIF extension bills, so much as I’d like to think this action represents an evolving consciousness on the need for TIF reform brought on by the clarity of impending doom, sumpin tells me not
- BannedForLife - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 1:40 pm:
Blago is hoping public hostility toward TIFs will make it impossible to impanel an impartial jury after this action
- Amy - Tuesday, Dec 16, 08 @ 1:43 pm:
Dale Bowman’s analysis of IDNR potential Directors was really comprehensive. he’s the best thing on the Sun Times sports pages. there’s lots to do for all new staff in state government.
- Cranky Old Man - Wednesday, Dec 17, 08 @ 3:35 pm:
Apparently the mayor has been paying attention. A 50K check to the campaign fund would have slid this through.