* A good summary to start off the conversation…
Following the lead of their counterparts in the House, Senate Democrats blocked a plan Tuesday to hold a special election to fill the U.S. Senate seat vacated by President-elect Barack Obama. […]
That would take a change in state law, but Democrats in both the Illinois House and Senate declined to take action on such a change this week. The Senate adjourned Tuesday afternoon and doesn’t plan to meet again until next year.
As Democrats adjourned the Senate, Republicans yelled loudly from across the aisle, imploring top lawmakers to debate the notion of a special election.
Democrats declined, and the power to appoint a new U.S. senator still belongs to Blagojevich for now.
* Here’s a more than slightly ominous quote…
“Now that this bill is not coming, the powers remain with him to appoint a senator,” spokesman Lucio Guerrero said, adding that he didn’t know what Blagojevich planned to do. “It is still his responsibility until - the powers are taken from him.”
Even God couldn’t help the Democratic Party if the governor goes ahead and makes the appointment.
* Senate President Emil Jones came up with a goofy alternative yesterday…
Jones, who has clashed bitterly with Quinn over utility rate-freeze legislation and a failed constitutional amendment allowing for the recall of corrupt officeholders, moved [yesterday] to push a bill that would strip the governor of the appointment power and give that authority to Secretary of State Jesse White.
“He’s the only out there who has indicated he doesn’t want to be governor so get a neutral more or less. That’s the only reason,” Jones said, when asked about the motivation behind that idea, which could resurface when the Senate returns to Springfield in Springfield.
Jones denied that the idea, which he said could surface as legislation when the Senate returns to Springfield next month, was a shot at his enemy, Quinn.
“No, no, that has nothing to do with it,” Jones said before adding a dig at the Sun-Times, which has endorsed another political enemy, U.S. Rep. esse Jackson Jr., for the vacant Senate post. “Maybe let the Sun-Times. They want to pick everyone.”
* The GOP is attempting to use the issue to gain some traction…
Republicans at the state and national level railed at the Democratic-led decision of the full legislature to adjourn until mid-January, effectively ending hopes for a special election to fill Obama’s seat
* Mark Brown is duly impressed…
Showing themselves more nimble than I can remember in many years, state Republicans are milking this for all it’s worth.
Since Monday, the Illinois Republican Party has been airing a stinging ad on cable television across the state, criticizing the prospect of Lt. Gov. Pat Quinn, a Democrat, making the appointment if he ascends to the governor’s office.
* More on the GOP react and their new ads…
The Illinois GOP will not say how much it’s spending on ads criticizing Democrats, particularly Quinn, for their position on a special election. A spokesman said the ad is running on cable television in markets that include Springfield and Chicago.
The Republican National Committee has put together an Internet video on the topic that notes Obama’s connections to Blagojevich.
The video, titled “Questions Remain,” shows pictures of Obama with the governor, along with an array of headlines about Blagojevich’s arrest. It includes a 2006 quote from Obama saying he would be happy to help the governor’s re-election effort, if asked.
The video doesn’t mention two key facts: that prosecutors say they have no reason to think Obama did anything illegal or that federal wiretaps recorded Blagojevich saying Obama’s team was refusing to cut any deal on the Senate seat.
* And the Tribune editorial board forgets about the past twelve months…
Democratic leaders are scrambling to limit the political fallout from the Blagojevich scandal. Sometimes they have sounded ludicrous. We heard Madigan proclaim Monday on “Chicago Tonight” that Republicans have been the real “enablers” of Blagojevich.
Come on.
When Blagojevich ran for re-election in 2006, Madigan was his campaign co-chairman. Obama supported Blagojevich. Quinn stood by his running mate: “In all my interactions with him, I’ve found him to be an honest person, and I believe he’s telling the truth,” Quinn said.
Democrats lined up behind their governor even though they knew he was under investigation for just the kind of pay-to-play maneuvering that snared him last week. (One notable exception: Atty. Gen. Lisa Madigan did not endorse him.)
The House and Senate Republicans were frothing at the mouth to cut a multi-billion dollar capital deal with the governor right up to the very end. In that way, they most certainly “enabled” Blagojevich.
- Ghost - Wednesday, Dec 17, 08 @ 10:16 am:
McCain/Palin showed how you can use mis-statements of fact to win a presedential election. it appears the Il GOP have decided to embrace this wining strategy.
The biggest problem with this strategy built upon a paper foundation, is the well publised war between the House Dems and the Gov. the epublicans spent a lot of time bashing the Dems for not giving into what the Gov wanted, calling the Dems obstructionists.
All you have to do is pop up a few clips of cross and other repubs leaders calling the Dems obstructionists for standing in the Govs way and the message will take a turn the GOP should does not really want to be hammered home to the public - that in the final times before the indictment it was the Dems who stopped the cooalition of republicans and the gov from more nefarious conduct.
- Louis G. Atsaves - Wednesday, Dec 17, 08 @ 10:17 am:
Democrats are continuing to play right into Republican hands on this issue. As a Republican, all I can say is . . . WOW!
Thanks guys!
Now all we Republicans have to do is lock Jim Edgar up for a while until this issue is finally resolved.
- Excessively rabid - Wednesday, Dec 17, 08 @ 10:18 am:
It’s hard to imagine a more snakebit political organization than the Illinois GOP at the time of indicted Ryan/Gub. Candidate Ryan/Sen. Candidate Ryan. But the dems are trying to top them. And they’re making a strong case for divided government.
- Phil Collins - Wednesday, Dec 17, 08 @ 10:25 am:
Louis, I agree that the Democrats have been helping Republicans. They should continue arguing about the special election for at least three more months, since that would help a republican U.S. Senate candidate. 2-3 months from now, at least one Republican will announce that he or she will run, for that seat, in 2010. The candidates, in the 2010 elections, will start to circulate petitions in Sept.
- babs - Wednesday, Dec 17, 08 @ 10:30 am:
The funny thing is that the GOP thinks this is all good for them. They don’t have a single candidate to rally round (still lots of in-fighting) and with such little time - if they lose this one election - they may never recover. Better for them to let this one go (senate appointment) and focus on 2010. Really focus. Don’t see that happening which is why Dem’s will win this round and the next.
- He Makes Ryan Look Like a Saint - Wednesday, Dec 17, 08 @ 10:31 am:
They say history repeats itself. Well the Dem’s went after everyone that had a picture with George Ryan, don’t you think the GOP will as well?
As far as the Senate Seat, I still maintain if the Governor appoints a valid candidate (Alexi, Dan, Lisa, Glenn Poshad, to name just a few) this will irritate the Democrats, and also show the Supreme Court that he is still able to govern. It also could potentially damper the case he was selling the seat (since no money exchanged hands) and he picked someone that had higher credentials.
Basically he hoses ALL democrats!
- MOON - Wednesday, Dec 17, 08 @ 10:32 am:
Lets remember, the reason Durbin suggested a election was to stop Blago from making a appointment to fill the vacancy.
Subsequent to Durbins suggestion, Sen. Reid announced that any Blago appointment would not be seated. Thus, there is no possibility of a Blago appointment becoming senator.
Given these circumstances, there is no need for an election. When Quinn takes office, the process will unfold and we will have a new senator
With regards to GOP. , they are trying to take advantage of a bad situation. There only motive is the hope their candidate would be elected; it is not out of concern for the citizens of Illinois.
Ask yourself, if the Gop. were in charge would they have an election or appoint one of their own? The answer is obvious!!!!!
The GOP.should quit this charade!!!!!
- wordslinger - Wednesday, Dec 17, 08 @ 10:32 am:
Credit where credit is due. The Dems fumbled the special election issue and the GOP has picked it up. The TV spot is excellent.
Durbin first raised the special election issue last Wednesday, the day after Rod was arrested, and all the Dem powers-that-be seemed to fall in line almost immediately.
My questions are:
How and why were they so quick with this idea?
Shouldn’t Durbin, as the number two guy, have known that the Senate could have refused to seat an appointment? Shouldn’t he have known about the SOS cert. under Rules of the Senate? Shouldn’t he have talked to Harry Reid first?
Why did everyone else fall in line? Was it to stick it to Quinn?
- c'mon Rich - Wednesday, Dec 17, 08 @ 10:33 am:
Stop acting like a hack, Rich. You highlight the claim the GOP were enablers of the Guv because they supported him on one policy position, and then apparently claim that Madigan wasn’t an enabler of the Guv even though he was co-campaign chairman. It is time for unspin the spin upon spin and get real for your readers.
- Gabriel - Wednesday, Dec 17, 08 @ 10:35 am:
I still think the best course of action for the GOP is to press the special election, but make the long term prospects in 2010 the priority. There is nothing to lose in pushing for a special election.
Has anyone else commissioned a poll of likely Illinois voters on the special election idea other than the ILGOP?
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Dec 17, 08 @ 10:37 am:
===apparently claim that Madigan wasn’t an enabler ===
Never wrote that.
The House and Senate GOP needs to own up to its mistakes, is all I’m saying.
Also, bite me.
- Cassandra - Wednesday, Dec 17, 08 @ 10:45 am:
The Repubs should be able to make hay from the special election either way, if they can pull themselves together and start developing some competent PR and develop a coherent approach the Dem meltdown in Illinois.
They could also benefit in 2010 with what will almost certainly be disenchantment with the Obama team. The economy just isn’t going to pick up that fast even if Obama spends his trillion or so on a stimulus package.
I’m just not so sure the Repubs can do it, although the Dems’ obvious fear of a special election suggests that the Dems are pretty scared. They should be more scared about what might happen if Blago stays in office until 2010 and drags everybody into the mud during a protracted federal investigation and trial. Even with Lisa or Alexi as the candidate, the Republicans just might have a fighting chance. If they can manage themselves effectively…always a huge challenge for our Illinois Repubs.
- phocion - Wednesday, Dec 17, 08 @ 10:54 am:
What’s so goofy about Emil’s idea to have Jesse White appoint the Senate replacement? Jesse is such a great judge of character that he brought Ken Dunkin to Springfield.
- Gabriel - Wednesday, Dec 17, 08 @ 10:54 am:
==The House and Senate GOP needs to own up to its mistakes, is all I’m saying.==
Aren’t they saying this without saying this by urging for the special election?
They could be behind closed doors with the Dems in the Senate and House debating the most acceptable Democratic candidate to assume control of the open seat. Then emerging with an emergency unity presser to place a candidate in the Senate that the state really needs.
- grand old partisan - Wednesday, Dec 17, 08 @ 10:56 am:
What, exactly, does the House Republicans willingness to fulfill their responsibilities and work with the Governor on critical state issues, like the capitol bill, have to do with enabling his criminal political tactics – the only real “way” in which enabling is relevant here? It’s not as if Madigan’s efforts to stalemate the government were what finally brought down Blago.
This man was the Democrat’s choice – MJM included – to be Governor, not ours.
- What a joke - Wednesday, Dec 17, 08 @ 10:57 am:
The Illinois GOP still won’t even allow real elections in their own state party. While they whine and moan about the Democrats, they keep their own rank-and-file Republicans disenfranshised IN THEIR OWN PARTY!
Even the IL Democrats allow their voters to directly elect their State Central Committee. The State GOP took this right away 2 decades ago and won’t give it back.
This is a State GOP that can’t even hold a state political convention without turning it into a rigged-up embarrassing disaster.
I’ve never seen such hypocrites who are willing to come to a pro-democracy rally with such dirty hands.
- VanillaMan - Wednesday, Dec 17, 08 @ 10:59 am:
All we need to see right now is Blagojevich appointing a senate replacement for the Illinois Democrats to utterly lose it.
They have made a mess of this entire week. They just don’t seem to see an urgency here, a need to clean up a senate seat Blagojevich soiled, and how low their credibility is right now. And it is dropping…
OK Rod - Appoint yourself or Emil!
- Jim - Wednesday, Dec 17, 08 @ 11:09 am:
Yep, you’re right. It’s the GOP that is responsible for this scandal. They enabled the guy. You got it buddy.
This is 100% democrat criminality. This “GOP is partly to blame” stuff is awesome. Keep it up. It’s really going to resonate.
- Six Degrees of Separation - Wednesday, Dec 17, 08 @ 11:13 am:
The Illinois GOP still won’t even allow real elections in their own state party.
I, and most of the electorate, don’t give a rat’s patoot about *how* the inner machinations of either party operate. We just see the end result and act accordingly at the voting booth.
- RAI - Wednesday, Dec 17, 08 @ 11:25 am:
The GOP enabled Blago just as the Dem’s enabled Ryan. Except you can’t find one Republican who claims that Blago is the best Governor they ever served under as Emil did.
You Dem’s wonder why the GOP rallies against the media? Do you ever see the D next to Blago’s name on TV? No. Now it’s the GOP’s fault that a Democrat committeeman’s son in law won the Governors race? Do you feel the mo changing? come on 2010. BTW Blago will go no where until he is voted out. Just get used to him being the face of the Democratic party nation wide.
- Santa Claus - Wednesday, Dec 17, 08 @ 11:45 am:
=== Also, bite me === Rich, where’s your Christmas spirit? You know I making a list and checking it twice…I have to get Senator Demuzio to get my elves enough coal to fill Emil and Rod’s stockings, so don’t make me ask for more coal from central IL. Next time, Santa wants you to say nice things in replies, like “Enable this” or “Grab my yule log” if you feel the need to be naughty. Now, be a good boy and you’ll get that Alexi G action-figure basketballer doll you ask for at the mall when you stopped by
- Ghost of Christmas Past - Wednesday, Dec 17, 08 @ 1:26 pm:
The Dems should remember 2000, when Gore lost the moral high ground in only contesting certain counties in Florida that he’d won, instead of demanding a statewide recount to certify every vote.
Support for letting the people decide the Senate vacancy is the moral high ground today in Illinois, and the Democrats are letting the R’s have it.
- Not from Illinois - Wednesday, Dec 17, 08 @ 2:47 pm:
I don’t get Jones’ logic here: the governor gets to choose the Senator by statute. Blago can be replaced by Quinn after impeachment, leaving a legitimate, non-corrupt governor to make the appointment.
Ergo, to Jones’logic, someone who “doesn’t want to be governor” and is “neutral” should get the appointment power? Huh? Seems like he didn’t even try to disguise his motive with that lame excuse.