* This assertion by Ed Genson has to come as a relief to Democrats who were worried that Gov. Blagojevich was just crazy enough to think he ought to fill Barack Obama’s vacant Senate seat…
Gov. Rod Blagojevich will not fill the state’s open U.S. Senate seat, an appointment federal prosecutors say he tried to sell to the highest bidder, according to a news report.
Mr. Blagojevich’s lawyer said Wednesday that the governor would not name someone to fill the vacancy created when Barack Obama was elected president, according to a Wall Street Journal report.
“(U.S. Senate Majority Leader) Harry Reid said that they’re not going to accept anybody he picks. Why would he do that?” said Ed Genson, Mr. Blagojevich’s lawyer. His remarks came at a news conference that followed an impeachment hearing in Springfield.
* The Sun-Times adds its voice to the growing chorus calling for a special election…
Apparently hoping you’d be distracted, state Democratic officials have reversed course on holding a special election early next year to fill the state’s vacant Senate seat.
Never mind, the Democrats say.
Costs too much.
It is stunning to see that little more than a week after our governor was charged with letting base considerations undermine public policy, members of his own party have jettisoned principle and let base considerations undermine public policy.
We thought we’d get a reprieve. A little bipartisanship. A bit of consideration for what’s best for the people.
But no, Democrats are afraid that if the seat goes up for election, rather than have a new governor fill the spot, then the voters might choose someone who’s not a Democrat. Namely, a Republican.
* The Pantagraph counters with a slap at the Republicans…
The last thing Illinois needs in the midst of turmoil following the governor’s arrest is having either party playing politics.
To borrow a phrase often used by Sen. Dan Rutherford, R-Chenoa, this is a time for statesmanship not partisanship.
Yet the Illinois Republican Party is sending out messages with alarmist phrases such as, “Don’t let the Blagojevich Democrats appoint our next senator.”
Talk about guilt by association.
We suppose there are some “Blagojevich Democrats” left out there - such as soon-to-be-retired Senate President Emil Jones - who did Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s bidding.
But there also are a lot of Democrats who dislike the governor as much, if not more, than Republicans. After all, the vote to form an impeachment committee was unanimous. […]
We also wouldn’t consider House Speaker Michael Madigan a “Blagojevich Democrat.” He is certainly a Democrat, so it’s no surprise he supported Blagojevich over Republican Judy Topinka in the last gubernatorial election, even serving as a leader in Blagojevich’s campaign.
But considering his opposition to Blagojevich on numerous issues, there’s no way he is a “Blagojevich Democrat.”
* And the Rockford Register Star slams the Illinois Republican Party for misrepresenting facts in its latest TV ad…
Although the ad does not specifically say we endorse a special election, it strongly implies that we do.
We see no need for a special election and said so in an editorial published Tuesday.
We think Lt. Gov. Pat Quinn is qualified to select Barack Obama’s replacement as Illinois’ junior senator. We think a special election would deprive the state of representation too long and be too expensive.
The ad also would make you think the president-elect favors a special election. He has not said whether he favors a special election or whether he thinks Quinn should make the selection. […]
The ad also tries to tie Quinn with Blagojevich. “Now Blagojevich’s lieutenant governor, Pat Quinn, wants to handpick our senator, going back on his word.”
Quinn is not Blagojevich’s lieutenant governor; he’s the state of Illinois’ lieutenant governor. Quinn has been a frequent critic of Blagojevich and has no relationship with the governor. The two men have not spoken to each other in 18 months.
*** UPDATE *** The RR-Star complains today that their earlier editorial was completely misrepresented by the IL GOP, but I took a look at the editorial and here’s what it says…
Anyone whom Blagojevich appoints would be tainted by whispers the seat was bought rather than earned.
A special election is the only way to ensure the seat is given because of merit instead of money.
Yes, it was about making sure Blagojevich didn’t appoint somebody, but they did say they liked a special election. They doth protest too much.
[ *** End of Update *** ]
* The Peoria Journal Star, which endorsed a Senate President candidate favored by Gov. Blagojevich, whacks the Dems hard for backing the governor in the past…
It reminds us of a conversation with some local Democratic Party leaders in 2006, when we expressed dismay that they could back any candidate who, it was alleged even then, seemed so corrupt. The answer we got was disappointing. Essentially it was a shrug, accompanied by a-Democrat’s-gotta-support-a-fellow-Democrat explanation. We warned then that theirs might be a short-term gain, long-term loss, that Rod Blagojevich could very well take the party down with him - just as now-imprisoned former Gov. George Ryan did his - no matter how weak the alternative
* And Tammy Duckworth is let off the hook by the local media…
A woman who’s name has surfaced as a possible contender for president-elect Barack Obama’s senate seat was in Bloomington Wednesday.
Tammy Duckworth, who is also the Director of the Illinois Department of Veterans’ Affairs, was presenting the “Veteran of the Month” award.
Duckworth said she didn’t want to comment on the ongoing Blagojevich investigation or the status of the vacant senate seat, but she did want to clear one thing up.
“I have not spoken to the governor about the senate seat, I have had no conversations with him, I’ve just been focused on my job,” she said. “My name has been floated but that’s not anything I have ever put forward myself.”
* On a semi-related topic, an ultra conservative columnist claims that House GOP Leader Tom Cross is…
a pro-abort who was Blagojevich’s college roommate
The two men never went to college together, so they couldn’t have been roommates.
- ChiGal - Thursday, Dec 18, 08 @ 9:23 am:
My own party is once again going down the wrong road. They are lost and clearly still can’t find their way. Trying to tie Quinn to Blago is just downright dumb. Instead of taking the high road, they want to jump into the mud. How about trying to differentiate yourself, tell people what you stand for — oh no, lets get down and dirty. Again - IL GOP misses an opportunity. How sad. How dumb.
- Ghost - Thursday, Dec 18, 08 @ 9:23 am:
Newt Gingrich condemend these types of ads and the repub leadership yesterday. Newt noted such ad have backfired against the repubs in the recent campaign and agin in 2006.
apparently the Repubs still have not gotten the memo, and will use the current problems with Blago to draw as much fire back onto themselves as they can.
- Six Degrees of Separation - Thursday, Dec 18, 08 @ 9:23 am:
On your last item, never let the facts get in the way of a good story.
On your other items, today’s editorials seem inspired by a post I made yesterday, about how neither party is distinguishing themselves by their handling of the Special Election football.
- ArchPundit - Thursday, Dec 18, 08 @ 9:25 am:
Rod secretly went to Illinois Wesleyan? LOL.
- Been There - Thursday, Dec 18, 08 @ 9:27 am:
“kerfluffle”? I had to look it up because I thought you made it up.
- Capitol View - Thursday, Dec 18, 08 @ 9:30 am:
The Republicans seem to forget that Rod is no longer a Democrat. He gave up that label when he urged voters not to elect more House Democrats, because he did not want a veto-proof majority in that chamber.
He is a Blagojevich, only interested in himself. The voters recognize that now.
- VanillaMan - Thursday, Dec 18, 08 @ 9:32 am:
The Pantagraph is calling the 2006 Blagojevich for Governor co-chair, “not a Blagojevich Democrat”? Just how close can Democrats be to this governor and escape responsibility for supporting this criminal?
The Illinois Democratic Party nominated him in 2002 when no one really knew how bad a governor he would be. They knew he had no accomplishments as a congressman, knew he got elected to public office through his father-in-law, but were thrilled to support a guy who campaigned so well.
Then they found out just how bad he sucked. By 2004 - we all knew. Whether his behavior was considered criminal by legal standards at that time is a smokescreen to avoid challenging Blagojevich in 2006. Fact of the matter is, he should not have been renominated by the Illinois Democrats. Yet, we see the top crust of the Democratic Party supporting Rod Blagojevich.
Now that he has imploded, they want everyone to forget how he got into office, how he remained in office, the political support he received from Chicago Democrats, including Barack Obama, David Axelrod, and Rahm Emanuel. They want us to forget his coronation in 2006. They want us to forget how Daley cast his lot with Blagojevich for these past seven years. They want it both ways, and foolish papers such as The Pantagraph, are willing to ignor their accountability.
Illinoians should not let this political party off. I can only think of a handfull of Illinois Democrats who were openly disdainful of Blagojevich when they should have been. The rest of these partisan blowhards cast their lot with this guy, and should be held accountable.
Obama’s seat has been tainted by Rod Blagojevich to such an extent that we need to run the seat in a special statewide election. Damn the costs, the Illinois senate seat is ours, not the Democrats who have so clearly demonstrated their inability to handle this responsibility.
When they deal with Blagojevich in a way that demonstrates their remorse and anger, and make amends with Illinoians over their greedy folly over this past two terms, they can be shown some trust. Until then, NO!
- Macbeth - Thursday, Dec 18, 08 @ 9:36 am:
Newt gingrich?!
Good god. Gingrich had always been part of the problem — never the solution.
Newt Gingrich is a flashback back to everything wrong with the 1990s. His “Contract On … er, with … America.” Yeah. Okay, change the channel please. Arsenio Hall is on.
- HoBoSkillet - Thursday, Dec 18, 08 @ 9:39 am:
“Rich Miller, a liberal journalist” Ha! When will these folks learn that the “L” word isn’t really that bad of a word anymore.
- Pat Collins - Thursday, Dec 18, 08 @ 9:39 am:
But didn’t Rod and Cross room together in Springfield?
- Six Degrees of Separation - Thursday, Dec 18, 08 @ 9:40 am:
Maybe it’s because RM liberally sprinkles his columns with words, phrases and witticisms.
- Esteban - Thursday, Dec 18, 08 @ 9:43 am:
So, if the Dems don’t want a special election for the Senate seat AND they don’t want Blago to fill the vacancy, they must be willing to the seat to remain vacant until-who knows when- they can remove Blago and make Quinn governor?
- IrishPirate - Thursday, Dec 18, 08 @ 9:43 am:
Anyone taking odds on Blago naming himself to the Senate seat the night before any State Senate vote on impeachment?
I wonder if Rod would be the bookie?
- Speaking at Will - Thursday, Dec 18, 08 @ 9:43 am:
In case anyone else was wondering…
Main Entry: kerfuffle
Part of Speech: n
Definition: disorder, commotion; also written curfuffle, kafuffle, gefuffle
- Six Degrees of Separation - Thursday, Dec 18, 08 @ 9:45 am:
words, phrases and witticisms.,/i>
Like “kerfluffle”.
- Splitendz - Thursday, Dec 18, 08 @ 9:46 am:
It’s ironic how everyone is running to Pat Quinn’s defense for not being “Blago’s Lieutenant Governor” when they didn’t say a word in 2006 when Blago spent millions slamming Judy Baar Topinka as “George Ryan’s Treasurer.”
- DuPage Dave - Thursday, Dec 18, 08 @ 9:46 am:
Cap View hits the nail on the head. Blago’s original team decided his best bet for re-election (and 2008 presidential run) was to raise so much money (from Wall Street and Hollywood as well as Illinois) that he would become a self-financing, who-needs-a-party machine.
And they were wildly successful. The cash scared off potential challengers who knew that Blago had enough money to raise the negatives of any opponent to his levels. Which they did to perfection on poor Judy (What’s She Thinkin’) Topinka.
So Rod belongs to the Democratic Party on paper, but has been financially and operationally independent of the Illinois Democrats or Chicago Democrats, or however you slice it.
The Fitzgerald Tapes show us the sad details of how some of the money was raised, but the bigger point is that they show Lonely Rod, working the phones, trying to keep the ship afloat.
- MikeintheSuburbs - Thursday, Dec 18, 08 @ 9:48 am:
Actually, Blago’s college roommate was Talis Colberg, the Alaska Attorney General who told witnesses that they could ignore the subpoenas issues by the legislative committee investigation Sarah Palin’s firing of Public Safety Commissioner, Walk Monegan. (Troopergate).
- Downstate Commissioner - Thursday, Dec 18, 08 @ 9:48 am:
Am not a fan of Pat Quinn, but think he can be trusted to appoint a generally acceptable senator, even if he appoints himself. If we couldn’t afford con-con, how can we afford a special election?
Another thought-Blagojevich’s lawyer is saying that he won’t make the appointment- isn’t that sort of an admission that they think he will be impeached? Otherwise, the position would have to remain vacant until…
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Dec 18, 08 @ 9:49 am:
===when they didn’t say a word in 2006 when Blago spent millions slamming Judy Baar Topinka as “George Ryan’s Treasurer.” ===
Actually, a lot of us did speak out about that.
- Six Degrees of Separation - Thursday, Dec 18, 08 @ 9:49 am:
I’m piling on here, but:
Lt. Gov. Pat Quinn defended his running mate’s integrity Thursday, saying he saw nothing wrong with the governor’s 7-year-old daughter getting a $1,500 check from a family friend whose wife just got a state job.
“He’s always been a person who’s honest and one of integrity,” said Quinn, appearing at a Capitol news conference. “I have confidence the governor does the right thing all the time.”
Daily Herald, September 16, 2006
- Pot calling kettle - Thursday, Dec 18, 08 @ 9:52 am:
And how many Republicans left Judy in the cold based on the summer of ads Rod ran?
- OneMan - Thursday, Dec 18, 08 @ 9:54 am:
Hey Liberal Journalist ™…
Tom was at Wesleyan in Bloomington and Rod was at Northwestern perhaps they found a place half way between the two…
- Captain Flume - Thursday, Dec 18, 08 @ 9:54 am:
I believe the correct spelling is “kerfuffle.”
- Gabriel - Thursday, Dec 18, 08 @ 9:58 am:
The ILGOP can call for a special election while rolling their party into the gutter and still be pushing the only reasonable solution.
You can tear them down when necessary, but the special election, regardless of the cost, is the only reasonable solution.
If you think costs are an obstacle, go ask Alderman Burke if the city is too broke to pay 86 million dollars for the Michael Reese property.
If the IL Democrats want to let Quinn ascend and appoint, they’d be doing the ILGOP more than they can do for themselves.
- Say WHAT? - Thursday, Dec 18, 08 @ 10:01 am:
A certain political party is robo-calling constituents and running Tv ads to demand a special election. People are automatically being connected to state constituent service offices to discuss elections!!! Anyone else see a problem with that?
This is no time to play political football. The people of Illinois deserve better than that. They have been insulted long enough.
- VanillaMan - Thursday, Dec 18, 08 @ 10:07 am:
Some of your responses to Illinoians burned by the Democrats who gave us Rod Blagojevich as their and our governor, is to claim he really wasn’t a Democrat?
You sound like used car salesmen telling their old buyers that the cars sold to them weren’t really cars, or technically cars.
If you will not stand behind your nominations, then what good are they? If Illinois Democrats do not admit they blew it and sold out to win the governor’s office - twice, then they shouldn’t be in the business of nominating and electing people into government.
- Bakersfield - Thursday, Dec 18, 08 @ 10:12 am:
Vanilla, if only in 2006 the Democrats had a candidate in the primary who had decent funding and was getting a lot of media attention that they could support. If only, if only…
- wordnerd - Thursday, Dec 18, 08 @ 10:12 am:
Should we have a special election to decide whether it’s kerfuffle or kerfluffle? I vote for kerfuffle. It’s one of my Top 10 fave words of all time. And the perfect euphemism for this mess.
- Bakersfield - Thursday, Dec 18, 08 @ 10:14 am:
Too expensive
- HoBoSkillet - Thursday, Dec 18, 08 @ 10:21 am:
Let’s send the issue to committee first.
- wordslinger - Thursday, Dec 18, 08 @ 10:23 am:
I don’t support a special election, but I think given what’s happened it’s not an unreasonable position.
The GOP sees an opportunity to pick off a Senate seat. So what? That’s what party organizations are supposed to do. Their motivation might not be pure as the driven snow, but their position seems to be supported by a majority of citizens.
And who brought up the idea of a special election in the first place?
- VanillaMan - Thursday, Dec 18, 08 @ 10:24 am:
It isn’t up to the media and it isn’t up to funders to start a campaign. Funders come from within the Democratic Party and they supported Blagojevich. Statewide officials who were also Democrats capable of challenging Blagojevich did not do so because they were on record supporting Blagojevich. Another candidate has no room to start a campaign when the political leaders within that party already support the incumbant governor. So the lack of primary challengers in the Democratic gubernatorial primary is fundamentally due to the support they gave Blagojevich. They wanted a winner at all costs - and now they have to start paying those costs by being honest to voters and by reforming their party.
Denying that Blagojevich was their leader, their governor, a Democrat, or a friend is a cowardly thing to do. We don’t need any more cowards than the ones we already see sitting silently in elected offices already, fingerpointing and denying knowing who their gubernatorial candidate in 2002 and 2006 was.
- Lance Stevens - Thursday, Dec 18, 08 @ 10:24 am:
your kidding me? That “Beacon of Journalistic Integrity”, Jill Stanek got her facts wrong? Cross and Rod were never roommates.. where do they come up with this stuff?
- MOON - Thursday, Dec 18, 08 @ 10:30 am:
Lets set the record straight.
Blago is Gov. because he won the majority of the votes casted in 2006!!!!!!
During the election of 2006 there were “rumors” that Blago was being investigated. There was no legal action being taken by any authority at that time.
Rumors are rumors and nothing more.
I am sure the Dems. wished Blago had not used them and the citizens of Illinois. Blago is definitely a disgrace.
Now I want to know, why did the House Gop. go along with Blago and all his schemes? Most definitely the Dems. in the senate are also guilty of the same.
The citizens of Ill. “were burned by Blago , the Dems. in the senate and the Gop. in the house.”
Those are the facts, so quit with the spin. There is a lot of blame to be shared by many!!!!!!!!!
- steve schnorf - Thursday, Dec 18, 08 @ 10:38 am:
You expected more truthfulness from Stanek?
- Ghost - Thursday, Dec 18, 08 @ 10:39 am:
Seems like a massive waste of 40-50 million from counties that do not have the money anyway. A feel good election to put a canidate in office for 12 months, give or take, by the time the whole special election process runs the course. State and local governemtn is closing social programs at a time when more people are out of work and in need of help. The last thing we need right now is a 40-50 million dollar expense for a special feel good election.
- Rufus - Thursday, Dec 18, 08 @ 10:58 am:
I’d be more concerned about those “Blagojevich Republicans” who seem be be in charge of the Illinois GOP.
- Splitendz - Thursday, Dec 18, 08 @ 11:09 am:
Tony Rezko was indicted during the 2006 election, the $1500 birthday check story captured headlines for awhile. Anyone who claims there were no serious allegations or concerns about Blago’s integrity and pay to play must have been living under a rock. Illinoisans voted him back in- and they must live with that because elections have consequences. But politicians should be held accountable for enabling Blago- and they should not insult the public’s intelligence by pretending we are too ignorant to know the difference.
- VanillaMan - Thursday, Dec 18, 08 @ 11:23 am:
First Moon, you overuse exclamation points.
Secondly, Blagojevich won a “plurality” of votes.
Thirdly, the GOP took advantage of the bad blood between Blagojevich and Madigan to slow or halt the GRT and other legislative follies. Blagojevich reciprocated in order to further anger Madigan.
Finally, had the Democratic Party stood for what they are supposed to stand for, they would have supported a contested primary, allocated campaign funds to a challenger, and nominated them. No one stood up to Blagojevich except Eisendrath, who had nothing to lose. Democrats knew. They could have supported someone else.
We depend upon our political parties to nominate viable candidates. When they fail their mission, voters lose. To allow the Democratic Party to go without accounting for their party’s responsibilities to voters, Illinoians will continue to see party nominations as worthless bunk.
See? Not one exclamation point.
- MOON - Thursday, Dec 18, 08 @ 11:43 am:
Not only were there no exclamation points, but, there is no basis for your ranting and raving.
- EmptySuitParade - Thursday, Dec 18, 08 @ 12:42 pm:
Actually Tom was roommates with Lee Daniels in SPI. Tom and Rod and few other young stallions might have ended up in the same space certain times of the day.
Happy to clarify
- Bubs - Thursday, Dec 18, 08 @ 2:24 pm:
I can’t believe you said this!
“During the election of 2006 there were “rumors” that Blago was being investigated. There was no legal action being taken by any authority at that time. Rumors are rumors and nothing more.”"
There was an ongoing federal investigation into Blago’s hiring practices, contract handouts and everything! He was even COMMENTING on the investigation, saying he wasn’t worried!!!
See, for example, the July 1, 2006 WCBS-TV bit at
The Democrats had it right in front of their faces, Obama included, and went right on supporting this crook.
- Ghost - Thursday, Dec 18, 08 @ 3:06 pm:
The republicans stopped the GRT LOL
If the repubs could engineer a 112-0 vote then they should be engineering a lot more favorabl legislation.
Next you will say the rpubs stopped the creation of a capital plan adding billions of dollars for the Gov to solicit bribes with by secretly working with the Gov to pass it.
- MOON - Thursday, Dec 18, 08 @ 3:09 pm:
The primary election took place way before this article appeared in July, 2006.
- True Observer - Thursday, Dec 18, 08 @ 4:12 pm:
The reason Dems don’t want a special election is not because they might lose the seat.
At this stage they’d willingly give up the seat if that’s all they had to lose.
The real reason is that if a Republican wins the special election, the GOP gain instant credibility for the 2010 races. Not just at the state level but down ballot too.
Those 500 at Quinn’s affair will want to be on the GOP mailing list too.
- Cat - Thursday, Dec 18, 08 @ 5:40 pm:
Don’t forget that Rod lost the 2006 election in the 101 ‘other’ counties - Cook County and her Democrats put him over the top!
- Bubs - Thursday, Dec 18, 08 @ 5:44 pm:
Moon, ever heard of a guy named Edwin Eisendrath?
- Bubs - Thursday, Dec 18, 08 @ 5:53 pm:
Moon, here is a timeline of the Blagojevich investigation. As you will see, Levine went down in 2004, and the first stories were out on extortion for pay to play. The first mention of Public Offical A was in the Cari plea agreement in September 2005, six months before the primary, and the Tribune was reporting on a federal grand jury investigation into the Blagojevich Administration in October 2005.
Some “rumors”, huh?
June 7, 2004: Stuart Levine, a longtime Republican reappointed to the powerful Illinois Health Facilities Planning Board, abruptly resigns on the eve of several important hospital expansion votes. The revelation is the first indication that the Blagojevich administration is under federal criminal investigation.
June 27, 2004: The Tribune discloses that an official for one hospital seeking permission to expand was wearing a federal bug during meetings in an effort to expose extortion attempts by Levine and others for contributions to Blagojevich.
July 2, 2004: Levine resigns from his seat on the board of the state Teachers’ Retirement System. It remains undisclosed that federal authorities had secretly taped Levine’s conversations.
May 9, 2005: Levine is indicted on corruption charges. Federal subpoenas are issued to numerous administration sources, including top Blagojevich fundraiser Antoin “Tony” Rezko
May 20, 2005: The governor’s office acknowledges to the Tribune that Rezko has an ongoing eight-year professional relationship with Patricia Blagojevich’s home-based real estate brokerage, River Realty Inc.
Sept 15, 2005: Prominent Democratic fundraiser Joseph Cari and a former lawyer for the state’s teacher’s pension board pleads guilty in an extortion scheme that steered state pension business to favored companies in exchange for campaign contributions to a high-ranking public official described in court documents only as “Public official A.”
Oct. 25, 2005: The Tribune discloses a federal grand jury investigation into the alleged political hiring practices of the Blagojevich administration, including the governor’s top hiring aide, Joseph Cini.
Sept. 10, 2006: The Tribune reveals that the FBI is investigating allegations by a one-time Blagojevich family friend that she had concerns her state job may have come in return for a $1,500 personal check her husband wrote to one of Blagojevich’s children.
Sept. 17, 2006: The Tribune reports that the Blagojevich administration skirted state hiring rules to give jobs to at least 360 people whose applications were sent through back channels by the governor’s offices and politically connected officials.
Aug. 5, 2006: The Tribune reports that Levine is cooperating with the federal investigation of state government.
- Suzanne - Thursday, Dec 18, 08 @ 6:34 pm:
Thanks, Bubs! I was looking for exactly this itemization and—voila—you posted it.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Dec 18, 08 @ 6:38 pm:
For those who object to my spelling…
“row, disturbance, c.1930, first in Canadian English, ult. from Scot. curfuffle, based on fuffle “to throw into disorder;” first element probably as in kersplash, etc. ===
- Big Mama T - Thursday, Dec 18, 08 @ 8:14 pm:
Add in that in December 2002 there were a few Department heads installed that were recommended by Tony Rezko.
- Not surprised - Thursday, Dec 18, 08 @ 11:58 pm:
One thing you can always count on, if the Illinois GOP can screw something up, they will.
- MOON - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 8:33 am:
Thank you for the historical background with regards to various newspaper reports. I, in know way doubt that this was reported as you so state.
The problem I have is that newspapers are often incorrect in what they report. At know time before the 2006 primary did the Feda say they were investigating Blago personally. All reports dealt with other people, and furthermore who was to say that public official A was Blago, To conclude “A” was Blago at that point is pure speculation.
I am not a fan of Blago; however, unless The Feds were to confirm that he was under investigation I take all newspaper reporting about such matters as speculation and nothing more.