* 5:37 pm - These 22 people have Patrick Fitzgerald to thank. The governor has ignored pardon requests for years…
Hours after declaring himself innocent of federal corruption charges Friday, Gov. Rod Blagojevich pardoned 22 people who had sought clemency through his office.
In a statement released by his office in Chicago, the governor pointed out that his authority to grant such executive clemency comes from the Illinois Constitution, which also is the document being cited in possible abuse of power impeachment charges against Blagojevich.
* 4:32 pm - I’m told the last time that Ed Genson won one of these corruption cases was 1999.
*** 4:31 pm *** The full video of Sam Adam’s presser is here.
*** 3:53 pm *** The Illinois GOP has red-flagged a comment by Sam Adam. Earlier this week, Ed Genson said Gov. Blagojevich would not appoint a replacement for Barack Obama. Adam wasn’t so sure today…
Illinois Lt. Gov. Pat Quinn encouraged the governor to step aside under a constitutional provision that would allow him to keep his title and give his duties to an acting governor.
Many Democrats had hoped privately that Blagojevich had (finally) come to the realization that he was in a politically untenable position and the best — and only — thing for him to do was step aside.
Please. What sane Illinois Democrat expected RRB to resign today?
*** 3:37 pm *** IL GOP Chairman Andy McKenna…
“Anything short of resignation today from the Governor was unacceptable.
“For the good of the people, Rod Blagojevich should resign from office immediately and spare voters any more heartache than he’s already caused.
“Illinois voters have lost faith that Blagojevich Democrats are going to do the right thing, which is why we called on Lisa Madigan to demand the legislature convene and strip Rod Blagojevich of his senate appointment powers and give a vote to the people.”
*** 3:36 pm *** From Senate GOP Leader-Elect Christine Radogno…
“Governor Blagojevich’s combative statement to the media today once again points up the need for a special election to fill President-Elect Obama’s U.S. Senate seat. It is clear this Governor intends to remain in office despite the scandal enveloping him and the State of Illinois.
“We cannot allow this Governor to make the decision – or control the process – on who will next serve Illinois in the United States Senate. Some have reported that Governor Blagojevich does not ‘intend’ to fill the seat. I would argue strongly that we cannot allow Governor Blagojevich to control the process – and make a decision to leave the seat vacant for a time to come. It is the only way we can tell Illinois citizens when they will have a U.S. Senator.”
*** 3:29 pm *** Quote of the day goes to the governor’s attorney…
“He told me if it doesn’t work, if it is too hard if the people of Illinois suffer, he will step aside,” attorney Sam Adam Jr. said after the governor finished speaking.
I got news for you, Sam.
*** 3:19 pm *** The complete transcript of the goernor’s statement is here.
*** 3:05 pm *** Video of the governor’s statement…
*** 3:03 pm *** More from the governor’s statement…
“Let me tell you what I’m not going to do,” he said. “I’m not going to do what my accusers and political enemies have been doing and that’s talk about this case in 30-second soundbites on ‘Meet the Press’ or on the TV news. Now, I’m dying to answer these charges. I am dying to show you how innocent I am. And I want to assure everyone who’s here and everyone who’s listening that I intend to answer every allegation that comes my way. However, I intend to answer them in the appropriate forum in a court of law. And when I do, I am absolutely certain that i will be vindicated.” […]
“Now, I know there are some powerful forces allayed against me. it’s kind of lonely right now. But I have on my side the most powerful ally. And it’s the truth. And besides I have the personal knowledge that I have not done anything wrong.” […]
“To the people of Illinois, I ask that they wait and be patient, sit back and take a deep breath and please reserve judgment,” he said. “Afford me the same rights that you and your children have. Presumption of innocence. The right to defend yourself. The right to your day in court. The same rights that people would expect for yourselves.”
Quoting Rudyard Kipling, Blagojevich called on the public to be patient and reserve judgment until the facts unfold in criminal proceedings.
“Don’t give way to hating,” he said. “Sit back and take a deep breath and please reserve judgment.”
*** 2:11 pm *** Sam Adam is speaking now.
“I’ll guarantee you, when those tapes come out… you’re gonna find out the truth on these conversations.”
Adam is now pushing back against the impeachment committee’s probe of the governor’s attempt to pass health care legislation. Expected.
“If the people of Illinois suffer, he will step aside… But I know this governor, and he has worked his entire career fighting for the poor and fighting for the disenfranchised… he can do it and he will.”
“Give us a second to breathe… give him a second to breathe and let him go back to what he does best and that’s governing.”
Q: How do you know when the threshold has been crossed for inability to governor? “This is something that is new… He’s trying the best he can. [He’ll make the decision when] nothing at all can be done… Three or four days before Easter we may have a better idea here.”
Now they’re comparing RRB to Harry Truman. Wonderful.
Good point: “The governor’s wife said something derogatory about the Cubs that nearly half the city who are Sox fans have said the same thing.” lol
“Give me the tapes and I’ll come in here and be forthright with you
“He’s not going to apologize for [working for seniors, expanding health care, etc.]”
*** 2:07 pm *** Here we go.
“I’m here to tell you right off the bat that I am not guilty of any criminal wrongdoing…. I will fight, I will fight, I will fight until I take my last breath. I have done nothing wrong and I’m not going to quit a job that people hired me to do because of false accusations and a political lynch mob.”
“I intend to answer them in a court of law, and when I do I am absolutely certain that I will be vindicated.”
“I have on my side the most powerful ally there is, and it’s the truth. And besides, I have the personal knowledge that I have not done anything wrong.
To the people of Illinois: “Afford me the same rights that you and your children have. The presumption of innocence. The right to defend yourself… Wait and be patient, sit back and take a deep breath.”
“Merry Christmas, happy holidays” and that’s it.
*** 2:04 pm *** 2 minute warning.
*** 1:53 pm *** ABC7’s live video of the Blagojevich presser is slated for this link [weather broadcast right now]. I’ll have CBS2’s live feed when it goes hot. NBC5’s live shot is here.
*** 1:46 pm *** House Republican Leader Tom Cross will have reaction shortly after the governor’s statement, Paul reports.
* 1:31 pm - ABC7 is live at Obama’s presser announcing Ray LaHood as Secretary of Transportation. Click here.
*** 1:23 pm *** Blagojevich won’t take questions. From CNN…
His attorney, Ed Genson, said Blagojevich will read the statement but will not answer reporters’ questions. Genson said he did not feel it was prudent for the governor to answer questions now
*** 1:20 pm *** Paul reports from the press room that the place is already packed. 17 TV cameras, Paul says.
* 1:16 pm - Like I said earlier, the governor’s arrest has finally forced him to do the job he was elected to six years ago. Pathetic…
After four-years, the Village of Hopkins Park finally received a signed contract from Gov. Rod Blagojevich giving it a 99-year lease on the abandoned state prison site in Pembroke Township.
* 12:57 pm - Click here to read how the impeachment hearings looked to an out-of-state blogger who happened to wander in yesterday.
* 12:38 pm - I gave subscribers lots of details about this story earlier today…
Several members of an Illinois Senate impeachment procedures panel today are meeting with constitutional lawyers in Chicago to discuss how to handle a possible removal trial of Gov. Rod Blagojevich.
Members of the Special Committee on Impeachment Trial Procedures began a closed-door meeting with constitutional law experts shortly after 9 a.m., said Cindy Davidsmeyer, spokeswoman for Senate President Emil Jones.
Davidsmeyer said the panel, made up of five Democrats and four Republicans, will establish rules and procedures of a trial should House members impeach Blagojevich. She said the attorneys conferring with lawmakers are working pro bono.
* 12:37 pm - Several outlets will carry the guv’s press conference, including WUIS Radio.
*** 12:10 pm *** The House impeachment committee’s letter to US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald has been posted online. Read it yourself by clicking here.
Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich is not expected to resign or take questions when he delivers his first public statement about his arrest on federal corruption charges.
*** UPDATE *** CBS2 will carry the presser live today and will start coverage shortly before 2 o’clock. The link will be posted on the blog at that time.
* 9:08 am - From a press release…
**Governor’s Public Schedule**
For TODAY, December 19, 2008
CHICAGO – Governor Rod R. Blagojevich will make a statement to the press.
WHO: Governor Rod R. Blagojevich
TIME: 2:00 pm
DATE: Friday, December 19, 2008
WHERE: James R. Thompson Center
Second floor Conference Room #025
100 W. Randolph Ave.
…Adding… Former Capitol Fax intern Paul Richardson will be covering the presser for us, proving once again that working for me is like working for the Outfit - you can’t ever leave.
It’s a public building and a public official. I don’t see why you shouldn’t be able to go to his press conference as long as you have an ID like you need to get into the Capitol building.
Just keep in mind if Rod’s people say it will start at 2, it might not actually start until like 4.
I’m not holding my breath either but can he afford to stay on and “fight” if the feds freeze his campaign account.On the other hand, can he afford not to stay on if the feds freeze his campaign account. At least he and the Missus have $250k a year coming in right now–possibly versus nothing if he resigns. Mrs. B’s contract is only for one year, I believe. There may still be some wealthy Dems who are willing to take him on as a charity project, but given what he has already done to the Illinois Democratic party, that seems like a long shot.
He will enter to the song, “It wasn’t me” by Shaggy.
- Leave a light on George - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 9:30 am:
This is the exact reason Gov. F-Bomb ought to resign. He is a fool to make any statement because it will be used against him. However, as a public official he owes the citizens an explaination.
“I wish I could say more, but I just want to assure the people of Illinois that I’ve done nothing wrong and I’ll fight this and I’ll continue to fight to provide health care and jobs for all the people of Illinois. With that, Merry Christmas.”
- Leave a light on George - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 9:34 am:
Do you really think he can contain himself and stop at what you have written?
- Louis G. Atsaves - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 9:35 am:
Did the DHFS folks provide the voluminous documents they promised “by the end of the day” yesterday?
As unpredictable and stooopid as this guy is, anything could happen, but his “ME, ALL THE TIME”
persona suggests he’ll blame the rest of the world and jog back to his workout/hair salon bunker.
- Dan S, a Voter and Cubs Fan - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 9:41 am:
What the over/under on if any shoes will fly his way?
hisgirlfriday: FYI- No one needs to go through security to get to the 2nd floor at JRTC. There is a bank and hair salon as well as a museum on that floor. It’s open to the public. You can take the escalators or elevator and bypass the security line.
Kind of a surprise for Blago- a couple of rooms on the 9th floor are bigger and better equipped for media events. Also, they require going through security to get there.
He’ll proclaim his innocence, and ask the public to contact Lisa Madigan to urge that his legal defense costs come from his political fund — “so that his kids can have a decent Christmas”
Rich, are we able to view the Governor’s press releases online somewhere? www.il.gov?
- Former State Employee 2 - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 9:52 am:
To add to DuPage Dave’s post - there is also a dedicated elevator that only goes to Concourse, Ground Floor and 2nd floor. No security check required there either.
- Jake from Elwood - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 9:53 am:
I believe that Rod will take questions from the media, provided that the $25,000 question fee is paid in advance.
The Gov is just doing hw work of the people. the people who never get called in polls and who are no otherwise locatable or identifiable. Those people shall hear his words today and know he is innocent.
bets on whether the Gov testifies in his crim trial?
2:10? Surely you jest. Unless you plan on pre-drinking. He won’t even be in the building by then! I’m guessing 4:00.
- Not a lawyer but... - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 10:45 am:
Event’s been moved to the Blue Room on the 15th floor, and,
- South Side Mike - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 11:09 am:
I see Blago ad libbing the press release a la Homer Simpson in the Behind the Laughter episode (”I want to set the record straight: I thought the cop was a prostitute.”)
Only for Blago it would be, “I thought the office phones were tapped, not the home ones.” or “I thought I would sell the seat for personal gain without the feds knowing.” or “I have nothing to fear but the truth.”
Odds of Blago resigning? 1,500-1
Odds of Blago referencing to how his family (i.e. wife and bro)were unnecessarily dragged into and smeared in this mess ? Even money
Odds of Blago stating he will fight this “thing, cause I’ve been a fighter (albeit punch-drunk) all my life? 1-5
Blag can not be compelled to be a witness in his criminal trial.
However the feds are free to use and submit his statement to the press. hey have gone after criminals before using media staements and showing them to be false etc.
At least this administration is consistent. Their fondness for Friday afternoon “excitement” continues. From perp walks to surprise statements. Maybe a nice Napoleon uniform, a balcony and torch and pitchfork wielding mob of peasants crying for the overthrow of the governor would be a nice backdrop for this press conference….
Why is he talking? Is he worried he is losing the interest of the national media, as most of the country wonders why and how he is still in power? I only hope he starts taking questions and the fun starts….
He will utter only four words to show he’s actually aware of what is going on in Illinois. It will not be “I’m not a crook,” but rather “Oh look, a kitty!”
With everyone confused, he will then run away as quickly as possible.
“I just want to continue fighting for the people of Illinois, those without health insurance, those without employment benefits. I have done nothing wrong and I will fight to prove it. Don’t pay any attention to the last sentence in paragraph (b) on page 63 of the Federal Affidavit that says I don’t want to be Governor for the next two years.”
I hope he at least gets a haircut for the press conference. BTW, is anyone surprised that he is doing this on a Friday afternoon? How typical for Governor Press Release.
AND he WILL be late and he WILL delight in keeping what he perceives to be the entire country waiting to hear what he has to say. No thanks. I’ll just read it here. I’m wondering how patient the national media will be with his tardiness.
Way to go Paul. Keep that pencil sharpened as when things really heat up, it may be more than Rich and Kevin can handle. Plus you can help edit Rich’s book.
Thanks for updating and posting the letter to the U.S. Attorney; I am somewhat heartened, although still circumspect, because I believe the Chairwoman stated that a letter was sent to the U.S. Attorney on these matters in opening remarks on Monday, and this letter is dated yesterday. Is there another correspondence that has been withheld?
The letter provides some insight into their strategy on some matters; and there are obvious aspects of this that The U.S. Attorney can not; or will not comply with. I also suspect that some of the information requested my point the U.S. Attorney in directions or towards people they may not yet have turned to themselves.
Does anyone feel that this list is incomplete? It would seem to me that there are a couple of surprising ommissions here that should have been included.
2 possible scenarios: 1. “I’ll be able to tell you all more when the time is right. Until then I ask that you keep an open mind and not rush to judgement before all the facts are in. Remember, I’m the guy who has been fighting for you and the children and families of Illinois. 2. “I bought my daughters a little dog named Checkers and this whole thing is an attempt to take that little dog away from them. I’m not going to stand by and let them do that!”
He will utter only four words to show he’s actually aware of what is going on in Illinois. It will not be “I’m not a crook,” but rather “Oh look, a kitty!”
With everyone confused, he will then run away as quickly as possible.
Credit to unclesam, he posted it first. I got distracted prior to hitting Say It!
Damn kitty!
Maybe Genson realized from the committee hearing yesterday that there is a whole lot more reasoning to impeach this guy besides what was in the criminal complaint. Maybe he told Rod to pack it in and resign. I doubt it but he has never done what we have expected.
Rich, in that we all work so hard on this blog on a daily basis, would you be so kind as to issue us Media/Press Credentials so we can get in to the “event”? Thanks in advance for your usual prompt cooperation!
Rich, can you offer any additional information on the issue of:
{Members of the Special Committee on Impeachment Trial Procedures began a closed-door meeting with constitutional law experts shortly after 9 a.m.,}
While the legislators exempted themselves from the Open Meetings Act; if I am not mistaken, the Illinois Constitution requires that sessions of each house of the General Assembly and meetings of committees, joint committees, and legislative commissions be open to the public unless members vote to close by a two-thirds majority.
Assuming a majority of a quorum is present at this meeting (3 members), and yet a two thirds majority of this committee being 6 members; did the constitutionally required number of this committees members actually vote for this meeting to be “closed”?
Keep in mind, like JCAR, everything is a means to an end. If the goal is laudible, never mind the path. He said he did nothing wrong, as opposed to nothing illegal.
I have struck a city - a real city - and they call it Chicago… I urgently desire never to see it again. It is inhabited by savages.
Here’s another Kipling quote. Just substitute “on the Federal plains” and the “US Attorney” for “women” and replace “brains” with pea.
When you’re wounded and left on Afghanistan’s plains, and the women come out to cut up what remains, jest roll to your rifle and blow out your brains and go to your gawd like a soldier.
The Rod Version
When you’re wounded and left on the Federal plains, and the US attorneys come out to cut up what remains, jest roll to your rifle and blow out your hair and go to your impeachment like a soldier.
Jeez govna, Sam Adams said you would quit if you were hurting the people of Illinois. What do you call being unable to fill Obama’s Senate seat. We are left without representation of one of our U.S. Senators.
- Commonsense in Illinois - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:22 pm:
Sheldon needs to leave comedy to the professionals.
Blago’s just posturing for a plea deal. Nothing more. It’s not surprising. What does he have to lose? I hope this speeds up the impeachment process. The sooner we get rid of this self-centered, delusional jerk, the better.
Code words: I will fight, I will fight, I will fight; I have until the end of the year to still raise money for my 2010 re-election for Governor of this great State of Illinois. I have done nothing wrong, please release my football (aka: Paul Mitchell hair brush)
Wow, those guys did not help their client. All three of them have some belief that people actually want the Gov around. No one wants him to fight for us, actually if he would just go away we’d be much happier.
The Republicans must be ecstatic. We are looking at several months even up to two years of media coverage of impeachment and likely federal trial, with all the sordid details, nearly all of them Democrats and their supporters doing something squiffy.
This may not mean the governor’s seat automatically goes Republican, but there are certainly opportunities statewide for a comeback.
Sooner than one would have thought, too.
If they can’t use this circus to regain substantial power, they should shut down. And please, don’t send out all the usual suspects.
Find some new faces, or at least less well known faces. They have over a year to the primaries to become known.
I wouldn’t trust his client with a package of gum, but Sam is fighting for him. He might come off like a bufoon, but ya got to give him points for his passion.
One of the obvious follow-up questions is, “What about the accusations is false?”
Genson’s legal strategy seems to be to argue the evidence is inadmissible.
Did Blagojevich want a member(s) of the Tribune editorial board fired? Did he direct a subordinate to use the possible expenditure of state money on Wrigley Field as leverage to persuade the Trib Co. to fire this person (these people)?
Did Blagojevich expect %50,000 in campaign contributions as reciprocation for releasing $8 million to Children’s Memorial Hospital? Did Blagojevich direct a subordinate to try to cancel the payment to Children’s Memorial when the $50,000 contribution to the Blagojevich campaign failed to materialize?
Did Blagojevich expect help fundraising in exchange for appointing someone to the U.S. Senate? Did Blagojevich ask for a specific amount? Did Blagojevich demand part of the amount in advance? Did he direct political allies or subordinates to relay these demands to parties who were expected to communicate them to the candidate(s) or fundraisers in question?
Cassandra: you must be joking…this will be over by March 1, 2009…It has already cost the state 20 mil in a deferred bond sale…this point should be hammered up against genson’s head until he accedes and his client at least temporarily resigns…
Ok, so rod is casting himself as a Huey Long character, a simple man of the people who is being persecuted by the powerful elite for watching out for the little guy. Ride that one to the end, Gov, who cares what you drag everyone else through. Just more self-centeredness, as has been pointed out. As long as it’s all about him, he feels fine.
His lawyer (his style, anyway) reminds me of John Gotti’s lawyer (what was his name - Cutler or something)?
OK just as expected, he’s drawn his line in the sand. And just as expected, the Illinois taxpayers are going to have to waste a lot of additional time and money to be rid of this guy. But we WILL prevail.
I called the Gov’s office to request that he resign. She said she would pass it along. I asked if she wanted my name, and she said no.
As a district office staffer, I know to always get the name and the city/town the person lives in. I know it’s hard to believe, but I don’t think they really care what the people think!
Adam missed a prime PR opportunity on the issue of his “ability to govern effectively” when he failed to respond that a major obstacle towards his effective governing has been the fact that the Speaker of the House has for several years refused to attend face to meetings with the Governor covering critical public policy issues including the adoption of the state budget, health care, and tax policy.
Not that I believe this statement to be true mind you; but strong effective PR statements need not be grounded in the truth, but how they play in the court of public opinion.
Seriously and respectfully, the people ARE being hurt. They are angry and embarrassed. I have been screamed and cursed at, and hung up on. They are angry, hurt, betrayed. Please think of whats in their best interest.
Oh, may the gov’s holiday be bright and cheery! Who cares about the families of laid off workers…or people who couldn’t get until now because the gov wouldn’t sign the clemencies… can he even say clemency…or anyone else affected by the stellar governing…? Sometimes Bill your loyalty is just baffling.
=== If Genson and Adam were representing the pro-impeachers you would all be saying what great orators and legal minds they are. ===
so, um if we support the Gov, our opinions are valid, but if we are not supporting the Gov, we are not capable of reasoned analyis or have valid opinions?
There is more bias in your critiscm Bill then the fairly accurate commentary targeted at the poor oratory and performance of the Gov’s “counselors”
That was one of the omissions I was referring to in the letter from the SIC to the USANI. I was surprised not to see Cellini’s name on the list of witnesses they would like to interview; especially given his connection to the IPAM audit, which is a central focus of the SIC investigation.
I recognize that he is under indictment; and as a result would most likely decline to appear through his counsel, but so is Chris Kelly, who was included by name on their list. I was also surprised not to see Kjellander on the list in their letter as well.
I would also think that the supplementary witness list should also probably include Chandra Gill and Jesse Jackson Sr. as well; given that the Loop Lab School is also a focus of their investigation.
Gosh, Carl, I guess even a blind squirrel finds a nut now and then. You’re onto something there. Genson said the tapes are inadmissible. Rod says he’s innocent. While a court may find Rod “not guilty” if Genson can get the tapes excluded in a criminal case, that’s not quite the same as innocent. The House can and should use the sworn affidavits of what was said on the tapes. They are not bound by ordinary rules of evidence - and this affidavit is pretty strong stuff. Plus, MJM said Rod can speak out in his own defense at the House hearings if he wants to claim he never said what’s contained in the affidavit. Then the House can act as triers of fact - do they believe a sworn affidavit (even if the US Attorney won’t give any more than that)? Or do they believe Rod “MOU” Blagojevich. With respect to Lisa Madigan, this is “fun.”
Aint ending anytime soon. Look for Blago to act busy and try to paint Madigan as the anchor holding back the SS Illinois. “Its not my fault, I am governing, its the House that is holding this up….”
- Six Degrees of Separation - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 3:20 pm:
Really?!? -
Bill is in a supportive mood today. But every so often, he goes off message and comments on what a tragic figure Rod is…”He coulda been a contenda!” kinda stuff.
If he isn’t impeached and removed from office soon, how much you wanna bet he will wreak some kind of revenge against residents of the districts represented by members of the impeachment committee? Or against Springfield itself, given that state workers were celebrating his arrest?
If Rod shows up to swear in the new GA, every single person in the chamber perhaps should be asked to remove their shoes first.
- Leave a light on George - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 3:27 pm:
After watching that performance his lawyers should take all his belts and shoelaces away to be safe.
- Jake from Elwood - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 3:28 pm:
Rod, if you think it’s lonely now, just wait until after your criminal conviction.
Other than the fact that he is a defense attorney, what makes Gensen think the tapes will be inadmissible, other than he’s just posturing? I believe Ed and Sam are in for a big surprise when whomever the judge is assigned to this case determines that they ARE admissible and that’s only the half of it. I’m sure there is a whole lot more on tape that hasn’t been disclosed yet. Can’t wait until Discovery when Ed and Sam realize what they are really up against.
Will he target all members of the impeachment committee? No, his feud and his focus will be aimed at individuals with the sirname Madigan.
Fitzgerald will not release all tapes unredacted. He could’nt and he would’nt and you wont hear calls for him to do so from the next White House Chief of Staff nor by any prominent DEM pol. They dont know what is on them either. This aint gonna end any time soon.
Some have argued that Fitz moved too quickly, that he should have waited until some kind of deal for the Senate seat was concluded before filing charges because otherwise, there is no proof of a crime actually having occurred.
Logically, that doesn’t make sense to me. By that rationale, we should not jail people for making bomb threats or threats against public officials because there’s no proof they actually meant to do anything, right? And we shouldn’t jail people for plotting murders because, heck, haven’t we all said at one time or another that we “felt like killing somebody”?
However, the one thing I do now regret about Fitz having busted Blago when he did is that if Fitz had let the plot play out, and put off the indictment until spring, Blago would probably either have gotten his higher-paying job or appointed himself to the Senate seat and he’d have been outta here by Inauguration Day. As it stands now, we’re probably going to be stuck with him a lot longer!
Question of the Day prospect:
Should the case go to trail where could we find a jury of Blagos peers that were not completely rolling in laughter at his misadverntures?
Blagojevich’s statement, “[H]owever, I intend to answer them in the appropriate forum in a court of law.”, clearly indicates he gives no credibility or legitimacy to the impeachement proceedings. It would also hint that, since the impeachment inquiry committee is not a court of law, that he will not be attending the proceedings. If he has one ounce of testicular virility, he would show up in Springfield and address the committee instead of sending dramatic proxies. Either Genson and Adam cannnot distinguish an impeachment proceeding from a courtroom, or, worse,they do and intend to ridicule the constitutional process.
I will say that I’m glad Blagojevich now, finally has decided to do some governor stuff, like help Hopkins Park and granting clemency, but I think it’s a little too late and,unlike Governor Ryan, these humanitarian actions will likely curry little favor with a jury.
- Macoupin County Kid - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 4:05 pm:
“From where else can the State of Illinois take punches right now? Why are we being led around by a leash and taking it?”
Cause we’re used to it. Hot Rod has been donkey punching the citizens of Illinois for years….
- Phineas J. Whoopee - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 4:05 pm:
These blowhard defense attorneys do nothing beneficial for their clients. Sam Adams can yell and posture all he wants-it doesn’t help-it hurts. The feds are going to come down very hard on their client and his family because of Blago’s tactics. I would anticipate his wife being indicted as well.
As Mr. Adams said, he doesn’t care whether he gets paid or not which means he is in it for the free press. When you know you have a dead bang loser you better get what you can before the bad ending.
Blago should have canned his combative attitude, apologized to the people of Illinois for making some mistakes, stepped aside with pay till the impeachment hearings concluded and start trying to get away with five years or so. His attorneys-just like Rezco’s-are not serving their clients best interests-they are serving their own.
There are going to be some major indictments handed down because of their abusive and confrontational demeanor.
==However, the one thing I do now regret about Fitz having busted Blago when he did is that if Fitz had let the plot play out, and put off the indictment until spring, Blago would probably either have gotten his higher-paying job or appointed himself to the Senate seat and he’d have been outta here by Inauguration Day.==
What’s on the tapes? It should be no mystery to Fitzgerald that the people he’s investigated in Illinois have contemplated exercising options to have Fitzgerald fired by the President.
Rod Blagojevich demonstrated his years of experience today. He demonstrated to all Illinoians that his focus is on himself, where it has always been, since birth. He showed us that he doesn’t consider it his duty to handle the daily governing tasks, but to challenge and fight everyone who opposes him.
Even though he has been a state legislator, a US congressman and a governor, Rod Blagojevich considers himself a victim. Someone who is deliberately misunderstood by those around him. Rod Blagojevich believes that if he can tell voters his version of the truth, then voters will love him, support him, and together topple the injustices he crusades against.
In displaying these qualities, Mr. Blagojevich falls short of one of his political heroes - Richard Nixon. As Nixon faced impeachment proceeding in the legislature, after months of news articles exposed criminal acts within his administration, Mr. Nixon realized that for a moment, it was best for him to voluntarily resign his elected office.
Rod Blagojevich was 16 years old on that day in 1974 when his hero resigned. He must have choked up watching the bleary-eyed embattled leader break down vocally when recalling his “sainted mother”. The floppy-haired teen must have felt betrayed by Nixon when the Truth escaped and Richard Nixon swallowed twice and resigned.
And years later, when facing his Impeachment Committee moment, Rod Blagojevich couldn’t understand why Richard Nixon quit. He didn’t understand why the dead president would think first of the people he governed. He didn’t comprehend the maturity, intelligence or the sacrifice made that hot August day in 1974. All he could remember was his anger at His President, the betrayal of resignation forced upon Nixon, and how he, as a kid admirer, hated Nixon for putting people first.
Regardless of how he postures now, there is still the ongoing investigation into his corrupt and illegal practices, ongoing since the FBI began investigating him in 2004. That will likely hit the scene soon. Certainly he denies all wrongdoing. It’s day to day with him now and he needs the paycheck. He appears more and more like a loon….if that is possible. Great, great coverage Rich!!
The yelling attorney saying Blago has only had one thing on his agenda for six years? Health care…and that is what will bring Rod the presidency in 2016. What a joke this impeachment will be….is it too late to buy stock in CapFax?
did anyone else here the idiot on msnbc bloviating about “we’re here on the 15th floor, where the Governor’s office is located…” Is it possible they have confused RRB with Alexi? Or Quinn?
I suspect since Obama has been asked to hold off making any comments until next week because Fitzgerald is going to give Blagojevich a big, big Christmas gift. Maybe he’ll wrap it up with a big red bow. Merry Christmas to the citizens of Illinois. But most important to the sleazy Elvis wannabe Governor Rod Blagojevich.
Wouldn’t it be great if Fitzgerald dressed up like Santa to read the indictments. Merry Christmas Rod.
Chris Kelly is also under federal indictment and does not immediately appear to be a party to the specific acts that the committee seems to indicate they are investigating, yet he was included and Cellini left out. Cellini has a direct connection via New Frontier and the IPAM audit issue.
Bob K; while appearing to have no direct connection to some of these matters, to date has not seemed to produce the loan documentation for the $600,000 he “lent” to Rezko associate Joseph Aramanda, whome he described as an “acquaintance”. He rationalized this loan to an acquaintence based on the offering of “a favorable interest rate”.
He contended that the loan was “repaid” but I don’t recall him offering proof of that either. The $809,000 “consulting fee” from which the $600,000 in loan proceeds derived was reportedly directed to Individual K by Rezko.
If you are going to ask to call Atta, Levine, Cari, Loren and Rezko himself, I don’t see how you can l;eave Individual K off the list.
==Tell us, other than a mother over her child, who doesn’t look out for themselves first? ==
An honest public servant, a soldier in battle, a nurse tending the sick, a midwife, a lifeguard, a police officer, a fireman, a POW, a whistleblower, a minister, a school teacher…
I really don’t think Blago is going to resign for nothing. Remember he was trying to sell this seat for 5-600 thousand. That is nothing compared to the Dems in Washington. Why don’t we offer him 500,000.00 for him to resign.
The guv should have his day(months) in court. Looking forward to witness testimonies. Dozens from 2004!!! Also, testimony from former employees! Wonder how many still live in illinois?
- And I Approved This Message - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 5:16 pm:
Somebody should have charged him or started impeachment hearings a long time ago. Since the arrest he’s been in the office every day and was only a few minutes late for the press conference. Thi is serious behavior modification.
- Lived Through Watergate - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 5:23 pm:
Interesting figure that Blago’s attorney has not won one of these since 1999. Oh well, by way of comparison, the wonderboy Dan Webb, Ryan’s attorney and others has not won one of these corruption fraud crimes ever. Interesting attorneys these guys get
Just a clarification with regards to mistatements made by the Washington Post reporter today.
Regarding the press conference that was held by 2 of Gov. Blagojevich’s attorneys: 1st.: Ed Genson was not at the press conference to speak today…instead the Governors initial attorney Sheldon Sorosky who was retained on Dec. 9, 2008 was present as well as Sam Adam, an attorney in Ed Genson’s office. 2nd.: it was Sheldon Sorosky who made the reference to Harry Truman. 3rd: As to your statement “raucous press conference this afternoon in Chicago”, I heard nothing like that from the audience during the Governor’s speech….I did hear a great deal of frustration from the reporters during the Q & A time following the Governor’s speech when asking questions of Mr. Adam and Mr. Sorosky. What I did see was a hesitant, often quavering voice, a well bitten bottom lip and a man who knew very well the weight that his title of Governor of Illinois holds as to being a bargaining chip should it come to that during the criminal hearing.
I live in Illinois and have spoken the past year with over 50 legislators regarding mismanagement of finances, as well as concern that the Governor perceives himself above the law and as such can say and do anything regarding contracts being “awarded” and with regards to how he interacts with the Senate and the House.
Most Illinois citizens and legislators have repeatedly called for the Governor to at least step aside, thereby retaining his title and his salary while he appoints per the Illinois Constitution the Lt. Gov. as “acting Governor” until which time Gov. Blagojevich is able to resume his duties…at this time, the Governors credibility is under attack by both Democrats and Republicans alike…for the sake of the wellbeing of the State of Illinois, the Governor should step aside until his legal matters have been resolved…because yes, Governor, you are hurting the citizens of Illinois and your time is now to do the trustworthy and respectibly and honorable thing to do. Yes, you are innocent until proven guilty, but I am not talking about you acknowledging one way or the other whether you did anything illegal, you Governor, have shown by even having voiced the words on tape that you hold nothing but contempt for the citizens of Illinois.
From, a person who holds her head in shame for the comments even voiced by the Governor…an honorable and just person wouldn’t even “joke” about such things and shame on your attorney Ed Genson for saying this legal matter was “fun”.
If Ed Genson doesn’t care if he gets paid or not…and Sam Adam made the same statement today during the press conference, then does that mean that they feel they should give back the $100,000.00 retainer already paid to them? Just asking!
I still like the dead tree press better, but dang, how nice is it to get realtime developments when something like this is going on? Only available on this site…good for you guys.
only one comment. Can’t believe that the Chicago dems could screw up a dream situation with all, I mean all of the government in their hot little hands. Special election or no, the Senate seat’s going R. in 2010. Gov might too, while LM and AG fight over who’s got the most clout. I think in the next general election the rest of the State realizes its might. Just got to purge the GOP of the of its bad guys first.
Really enjoyed all of the regular commenters, almost everyone has something positive and informative to contribute.
Merry Christmas/Happy Chanauka (sp?) to you all. Don’t let the b——s grind you down, and we’ll come back and make this a state to be proud of in the new year!
The Gov. said let me tell you what I’m not going to do. The answer was obvious, Not the Right thing! His lawyer said that the Gov may reconsider his position if the people of this state are hurting, well I think we are there. Another comment stuck me as very realistic, the Gove said that he wasn’t going to quit a job that the people of this state hired him for. Well as in common place in the world, if an employee is hired and they don’t live up to the expectation of those that hired him then he is let go, I can’t speak for everyone, but I think it’s pretty obvious that the people are ready for him to go.
I think the best solution to Blow Dry Rod, at this point in the game and to save the state some money, is to offer him the rest of his term’s salary, let him declare bankrupcy and ignore him.
He feeds on press attention.
I just watched the video. Good grief, he has such symptoms of lying that it’s laughable. Can’t stay still, can’t focus his eyes, nervously wetting his lips. And a shout-out to Bill at the end.
Jay Levine said that Sam Adams is a gifted orators. Seriously? The guy is a bafoon blow hard. He qualifies to be a agency spokesperson for the Gov that is for sure.
- Northside Bunker - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 9:12 am:
This ought to be rich!
- OneMan - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 9:16 am:
Would a guy just be able to go to this thing?
- How Ironic - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 9:18 am:
So is that 2:00 our time, or 2:00 Gov time? That could be 4:30 Illinois time.
- And I Approved This Message - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 9:21 am:
Think he’ll show up in spandex?
- hisgirlfriday - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 9:22 am:
It’s a public building and a public official. I don’t see why you shouldn’t be able to go to his press conference as long as you have an ID like you need to get into the Capitol building.
Just keep in mind if Rod’s people say it will start at 2, it might not actually start until like 4.
- Secret Square - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 9:24 am:
Of course the only statement most of us want him to make is “I resign effective immediately,” but I’m not holding my breath.
- Illinois.Pundit - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 9:29 am:
It would actually be really interesting if he was on time.
- Cassandra - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 9:30 am:
I’m not holding my breath either but can he afford to stay on and “fight” if the feds freeze his campaign account.On the other hand, can he afford not to stay on if the feds freeze his campaign account. At least he and the Missus have $250k a year coming in right now–possibly versus nothing if he resigns. Mrs. B’s contract is only for one year, I believe. There may still be some wealthy Dems who are willing to take him on as a charity project, but given what he has already done to the Illinois Democratic party, that seems like a long shot.
- flyday - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 9:30 am:
He will enter to the song, “It wasn’t me” by Shaggy.
- Leave a light on George - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 9:30 am:
This is the exact reason Gov. F-Bomb ought to resign. He is a fool to make any statement because it will be used against him. However, as a public official he owes the citizens an explaination.
- wordslinger - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 9:32 am:
“I wish I could say more, but I just want to assure the people of Illinois that I’ve done nothing wrong and I’ll fight this and I’ll continue to fight to provide health care and jobs for all the people of Illinois. With that, Merry Christmas.”
- Leave a light on George - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 9:34 am:
Do you really think he can contain himself and stop at what you have written?
- Louis G. Atsaves - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 9:35 am:
Did the DHFS folks provide the voluminous documents they promised “by the end of the day” yesterday?
- Plutocrat03 - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 9:35 am:
Talk about a time to bury news. Friday the weekend before Christmas.
Perhaps he will announce his appointment to a higher position…..
- wordslinger - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 9:39 am:
Leave, I suspect Genson will have him on a choker collar and will yank tight if he tries to say more.
But your point is well taken. Who could accurately predict what this guy will do next?
- You Go Boy - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 9:40 am:
As unpredictable and stooopid as this guy is, anything could happen, but his “ME, ALL THE TIME”
persona suggests he’ll blame the rest of the world and jog back to his workout/hair salon bunker.
- Dan S, a Voter and Cubs Fan - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 9:41 am:
What the over/under on if any shoes will fly his way?
- How Ironic - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 9:41 am:
Maybe he will sing some of his favorite carols from last weeks blog? With a special apperance of “Barritone” Cellini to provide harmonic backup.
And Rezko was invited, but he is already singing at a prior engagement.
- DuPage Dave - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 9:42 am:
hisgirlfriday: FYI- No one needs to go through security to get to the 2nd floor at JRTC. There is a bank and hair salon as well as a museum on that floor. It’s open to the public. You can take the escalators or elevator and bypass the security line.
Kind of a surprise for Blago- a couple of rooms on the 9th floor are bigger and better equipped for media events. Also, they require going through security to get there.
- Ghost - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 9:45 am:
SO working for Rich is like being a memeber of the Combine?
- Capitol View - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 9:47 am:
He’ll proclaim his innocence, and ask the public to contact Lisa Madigan to urge that his legal defense costs come from his political fund — “so that his kids can have a decent Christmas”
- Old Shepherd - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 9:48 am:
Does anyone remember the episode of Cheers where Cliff Claven wore a shocker and let Norm shock him whenever he said something stupid?
Maybe Genson will do the same thing. DANCE MAILMAN!
- lifer - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 9:49 am:
Perhaps he will declare like his idol that “I’m not a crook!”
- Bubbles - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 9:50 am:
What I would give for Blago to show uo in an Elvis costume — cape and all — to the sounds of “Jailhouse Rock”. I can dream…
- chicountryguy - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 9:51 am:
Rich, are we able to view the Governor’s press releases online somewhere? www.il.gov?
- Former State Employee 2 - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 9:52 am:
To add to DuPage Dave’s post - there is also a dedicated elevator that only goes to Concourse, Ground Floor and 2nd floor. No security check required there either.
- Jake from Elwood - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 9:53 am:
I believe that Rod will take questions from the media, provided that the $25,000 question fee is paid in advance.
- Ghost - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 10:07 am:
The Gov is just doing hw work of the people. the people who never get called in polls and who are no otherwise locatable or identifiable. Those people shall hear his words today and know he is innocent.
bets on whether the Gov testifies in his crim trial?
- phocion - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 10:19 am:
Since we’re trying to think of what today’s theme song should be, I’m thinking “A Little Less Conversation.”
- Lefty - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 10:29 am:
He should praise the director of human services and the director’s chief of staff for not throwing him under the bus yesterday.
- He Makes Ryan Look Like a Saint - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 10:29 am:
We should hold a drinking game, you have to drink everytime he says “no comment” or I cant comment on that due to my case”.
I bet we would be buzzed by 2:10
- How Ironic - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 10:31 am:
@ He Makes,
2:10? Surely you jest. Unless you plan on pre-drinking. He won’t even be in the building by then! I’m guessing 4:00.
- Not a lawyer but... - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 10:45 am:
Event’s been moved to the Blue Room on the 15th floor, and,
- South Side Mike - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 11:09 am:
I see Blago ad libbing the press release a la Homer Simpson in the Behind the Laughter episode (”I want to set the record straight: I thought the cop was a prostitute.”)
Only for Blago it would be, “I thought the office phones were tapped, not the home ones.” or “I thought I would sell the seat for personal gain without the feds knowing.” or “I have nothing to fear but the truth.”
- oddsmaker - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 11:21 am:
Odds of Blago resigning? 1,500-1
Odds of Blago referencing to how his family (i.e. wife and bro)were unnecessarily dragged into and smeared in this mess ? Even money
Odds of Blago stating he will fight this “thing, cause I’ve been a fighter (albeit punch-drunk) all my life? 1-5
- Anonymous - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 11:28 am:
is there any chance he will step aside…ie not resign but take some of the pressure off him…?
- Six Degrees of Separation - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 11:42 am:
- Not a lawyer but... - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 11:45 am:
I should note, that emphasis on media credentials was theirs.
- Leave a light on George - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 12:10 pm:
I just came back from a jog. My head is clear, my heart full of love.
I thimk Gov. F-Bomb is going to announce that the next junior seantor from Illinois is –BILL!!
- Gabriel - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 12:11 pm:
FYI: Carol Marin will be on Meet The Press on Sunday. She’s one of four members of the roundtable discussion.
- Angry Chicagoan - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 12:11 pm:
You suppose he’ll do something wacky like appointing his lawyer or his wife to the Senate seat?
- Ghost - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 12:11 pm:
Blag can not be compelled to be a witness in his criminal trial.
However the feds are free to use and submit his statement to the press. hey have gone after criminals before using media staements and showing them to be false etc.
- Ron Burgundy - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 12:14 pm:
I think they realized that if they held the press conference on the second floor, he might actually have to face the public. The horror!
- Sweet Polly Purebred - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 12:15 pm:
At least this administration is consistent. Their fondness for Friday afternoon “excitement” continues. From perp walks to surprise statements. Maybe a nice Napoleon uniform, a balcony and torch and pitchfork wielding mob of peasants crying for the overthrow of the governor would be a nice backdrop for this press conference….
- Clio - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 12:17 pm:
- chicountryguy
You can view the Governor’s press releases online at www.wgntv.com or www.wgnradio.com too.
- IrishPirate - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 12:21 pm:
“I thought I was out - but they keep pulling me back in!!!” …
- Clio - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 12:22 pm:
I mean you can view today’s press release online at www.wgntv.com or www.wgnradio.com too.
- 2ConfusedCrew - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 12:24 pm:
Gabe thanks for the heads up
I can sleep in and skip MTP
- Vote Quimby! - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 12:28 pm:
Why is he talking? Is he worried he is losing the interest of the national media, as most of the country wonders why and how he is still in power? I only hope he starts taking questions and the fun starts….
- littlelady - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 12:31 pm:
welcome back Paul!
- unclesam - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 12:33 pm:
He will utter only four words to show he’s actually aware of what is going on in Illinois. It will not be “I’m not a crook,” but rather “Oh look, a kitty!”
With everyone confused, he will then run away as quickly as possible.
- OneMan - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 12:36 pm:
I guess saying Rich Miller is my homeboy will not cut it…
- Little Egypt - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 12:37 pm:
“I just want to continue fighting for the people of Illinois, those without health insurance, those without employment benefits. I have done nothing wrong and I will fight to prove it. Don’t pay any attention to the last sentence in paragraph (b) on page 63 of the Federal Affidavit that says I don’t want to be Governor for the next two years.”
I hope he at least gets a haircut for the press conference. BTW, is anyone surprised that he is doing this on a Friday afternoon? How typical for Governor Press Release.
- Little Egypt - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 12:39 pm:
AND he WILL be late and he WILL delight in keeping what he perceives to be the entire country waiting to hear what he has to say. No thanks. I’ll just read it here. I’m wondering how patient the national media will be with his tardiness.
- Little Egypt - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 12:41 pm:
Way to go Paul. Keep that pencil sharpened as when things really heat up, it may be more than Rich and Kevin can handle. Plus you can help edit Rich’s book.
- Blago Sphere - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 12:41 pm:
Thanks for updating and posting the letter to the U.S. Attorney; I am somewhat heartened, although still circumspect, because I believe the Chairwoman stated that a letter was sent to the U.S. Attorney on these matters in opening remarks on Monday, and this letter is dated yesterday. Is there another correspondence that has been withheld?
The letter provides some insight into their strategy on some matters; and there are obvious aspects of this that The U.S. Attorney can not; or will not comply with. I also suspect that some of the information requested my point the U.S. Attorney in directions or towards people they may not yet have turned to themselves.
Does anyone feel that this list is incomplete? It would seem to me that there are a couple of surprising ommissions here that should have been included.
- One of the 35 - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 12:43 pm:
2 possible scenarios: 1. “I’ll be able to tell you all more when the time is right. Until then I ask that you keep an open mind and not rush to judgement before all the facts are in. Remember, I’m the guy who has been fighting for you and the children and families of Illinois. 2. “I bought my daughters a little dog named Checkers and this whole thing is an attempt to take that little dog away from them. I’m not going to stand by and let them do that!”
- IrishPirate - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 12:48 pm:
“I did not have corrupt relations with that Senate Candidate(insert name here)”
Bites lower lip, walks away with Bible in hand.
- curious george - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 1:03 pm:
“Oh, look A Kitty!”
and leaves the room
- Ghost - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 1:09 pm:
except kitty is slang for a pot of money, so……
- curious george - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 1:16 pm:
unclesam - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 12:33 pm:
He will utter only four words to show he’s actually aware of what is going on in Illinois. It will not be “I’m not a crook,” but rather “Oh look, a kitty!”
With everyone confused, he will then run away as quickly as possible.
Credit to unclesam, he posted it first. I got distracted prior to hitting Say It!
Damn kitty!
- Been There - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 1:18 pm:
Maybe Genson realized from the committee hearing yesterday that there is a whole lot more reasoning to impeach this guy besides what was in the criminal complaint. Maybe he told Rod to pack it in and resign. I doubt it but he has never done what we have expected.
- Ahem - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 1:27 pm:
Room 2-025 was in the CMS shared conference rooms, which is not behind the security checkpoint. Perhaps it was a red herring all along.
- OneMan - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 1:28 pm:
do you think he is ‘doing his job’ now to blunt some of yesterday’s stuff in the hearings?
- A Citizen - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 1:30 pm:
Rich, in that we all work so hard on this blog on a daily basis, would you be so kind as to issue us Media/Press Credentials so we can get in to the “event”? Thanks in advance for your usual prompt cooperation!
- Anon - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 1:33 pm:
I couldn’t find anything saying the location has been changed to the 15th floor. Are you all sure about that?
- Anonymous - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 1:34 pm:
I keep reading the “oh, look, a kitty”….where is that from?
- Rich Miller - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 1:37 pm:
===I keep reading the “oh, look, a kitty”….where is that from?===
Click here and scroll down to OneMan’s comment. It goes on from there.
- Rich Miller - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 1:38 pm:
===Are you all sure about that? ===
Yes. Paul is there now.
- Levois - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 1:44 pm:
LOL!!! Paul is forever on duty for you.
- How Ironic - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 1:44 pm:
Well in light of the wire taps, I think it should be amended to:
“Oh look, a Bleeping Kitty”
- tubbfan - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 1:48 pm:
Why doesn’t he just release a written statement to the press instead of standing in front of them refusing to answer questions?
- Ahem - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 1:49 pm:
“Oh, look, a [bleeping] flying shoe!”
- Blago Sphere - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 1:50 pm:
Rich, can you offer any additional information on the issue of:
{Members of the Special Committee on Impeachment Trial Procedures began a closed-door meeting with constitutional law experts shortly after 9 a.m.,}
While the legislators exempted themselves from the Open Meetings Act; if I am not mistaken, the Illinois Constitution requires that sessions of each house of the General Assembly and meetings of committees, joint committees, and legislative commissions be open to the public unless members vote to close by a two-thirds majority.
Assuming a majority of a quorum is present at this meeting (3 members), and yet a two thirds majority of this committee being 6 members; did the constitutionally required number of this committees members actually vote for this meeting to be “closed”?
- fedup dem - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 1:53 pm:
Does anyone else think it is a bit strange for this encounter to be taking place on the 15th floor, where the Lt. Gov. has his office?
- OneMan - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 1:53 pm:
Don’t forget to turn off your phone Paul… This is not a 2 minute warning
- wordslinger - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 1:54 pm:
Did Cross jog over with Blago?
- S. Illinois - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 1:55 pm:
CNN.com live stream is up now.
- Little Egypt - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:00 pm:
Fox news just announced a delay in Blago’s press conference. Surprise anyone?
- OneMan - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:02 pm:
5 minutes, again no questions
- Ahem - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:07 pm:
Anyone care to bet on how late?
- Ghost - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:07 pm:
he is innocent, lets all go home.
- Chambananon - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:08 pm:
cnn stream is still wayyy better than ABC’s
- OneMan - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:08 pm:
Glad the media did not break into laughter…
- Commonsense in Illinois - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:10 pm:
- OneMan - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:10 pm:
You think the verklempt at the end was a bit planned…
- Anonymous - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:10 pm:
He began his speech with a quote from Jim Jones, “I will fight, I will fight, I will fight.” I checked Google and it says that was a Jones quote.
- Chambananon - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:11 pm:
Who are these people that have wished Blago well, and given him their support throughout this???
Paid sycophants, likely.
- Phineas J. Whoopee - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:12 pm:
Well I guess that clears everything up, and I thought he was guilty. lol
- How Ironic - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:13 pm:
He paused for a second in the middle of his statement. I think he saw a bleeping kitty. What a dofus.
- Capitol View - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:13 pm:
same old Rod, the amateur boxer — everything that has happened are just the preliminary rounds, and he is getting up off the floor for the next round.
- Chambananon - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:13 pm:
Sam Adam Jr still doing his “the governor fought for sick children” shtick….
- From the Sidelines - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:14 pm:
We are suffering. Resign. Please.
- OneMan - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:14 pm:
Pay me, not Pay me….
Yeah right….
- Illinois.Pundit - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:14 pm:
- Bill - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:14 pm:
Me, for one.
- Jail house Rod - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:15 pm:
“let him get back to doing what he does best, governing.” If that’s his best……..
- wordslinger - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:16 pm:
Political lynch mob? That’s rather offensive; he’s not being lynched.
Sam Adams talks very loudly. He likes TV reporters.
Left open the possibility of stepping aside.
- Levois - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:16 pm:
That Sam Adam character is everywhere!
- Arthur Andersen - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:17 pm:
It’s bad for Rod when even CNN’s talking heads are making fun of him…
- Missing George - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:17 pm:
Keep in mind, like JCAR, everything is a means to an end. If the goal is laudible, never mind the path. He said he did nothing wrong, as opposed to nothing illegal.
- crooked - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:18 pm:
….”and after thinking about this for TEN DAYS, I have decided that I am innocent.”
call his office at 312-814-2121 and tell him to go!
- Fifteen Minutes - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:19 pm:
Here’s your fifteen minutes, Adam. I guess you are going to spend it being a raving lunatic. I understand, Rod has that effect on people.
- prairiestatedem - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:19 pm:
Spectacular….ya know quoting Kipling and droning on about the Dutchy of Brandenburg isnt gonna help him in the cell block.
- OneMan - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:19 pm:
How many of the 33 instances with JCAR were about healthcare for children?
- IrishPirate - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:19 pm:
He quotes Kipling. Here is a Kipling quote:
I have struck a city - a real city - and they call it Chicago… I urgently desire never to see it again. It is inhabited by savages.
Here’s another Kipling quote. Just substitute “on the Federal plains” and the “US Attorney” for “women” and replace “brains” with pea.
When you’re wounded and left on Afghanistan’s plains, and the women come out to cut up what remains, jest roll to your rifle and blow out your brains and go to your gawd like a soldier.
The Rod Version
When you’re wounded and left on the Federal plains, and the US attorneys come out to cut up what remains, jest roll to your rifle and blow out your hair and go to your impeachment like a soldier.
- DuPage Dave - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:20 pm:
I’m not sure how good a lawyer Sam Adam is but he makes a great beer….
- Ghost - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:20 pm:
Attorneys for Govern were apprently prepped by sergeant schultz: “I know nothing….
- Jail house Rod - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:21 pm:
Sam Adam will be the next spoop on SNL.
- Little Egypt - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:22 pm:
Jeez govna, Sam Adams said you would quit if you were hurting the people of Illinois. What do you call being unable to fill Obama’s Senate seat. We are left without representation of one of our U.S. Senators.
- Commonsense in Illinois - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:22 pm:
Sheldon needs to leave comedy to the professionals.
- Anon - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:24 pm:
Blago’s just posturing for a plea deal. Nothing more. It’s not surprising. What does he have to lose? I hope this speeds up the impeachment process. The sooner we get rid of this self-centered, delusional jerk, the better.
- siriusly - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:24 pm:
“we wish you well” -
Emil Jones, John Wyma, and Tom Cross
we are suffering - please resign!
“what he does best, governing” - I’m sorry does Adams think people won’t fact check that one! plz
- lookinthemirror - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:24 pm:
Yoo Who! Sam Adam - in case you haven’t heard the people of Illinois are suffering so please tell the Governor in the plastic bubble to resign!
- Southern Illinois - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:26 pm:
Code words: I will fight, I will fight, I will fight; I have until the end of the year to still raise money for my 2010 re-election for Governor of this great State of Illinois. I have done nothing wrong, please release my football (aka: Paul Mitchell hair brush)
- Ghost - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:26 pm:
Great question… if your busy figth fight fighting, how will you have time to govern?
Also liked the follow up to the dodge of we are not public officials…but wont you be advising the Govenor?
- Red Ranger - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:28 pm:
Wow, those guys did not help their client. All three of them have some belief that people actually want the Gov around. No one wants him to fight for us, actually if he would just go away we’d be much happier.
- el Conquistador - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:31 pm:
The Gov’s bleeping nuts…
- Cassandra - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:33 pm:
The Republicans must be ecstatic. We are looking at several months even up to two years of media coverage of impeachment and likely federal trial, with all the sordid details, nearly all of them Democrats and their supporters doing something squiffy.
This may not mean the governor’s seat automatically goes Republican, but there are certainly opportunities statewide for a comeback.
Sooner than one would have thought, too.
If they can’t use this circus to regain substantial power, they should shut down. And please, don’t send out all the usual suspects.
Find some new faces, or at least less well known faces. They have over a year to the primaries to become known.
- Still Watching - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:33 pm:
Murph is looking spiffy at the GOP response followup. Pam should have had her hair done.
- trafficmatt - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:33 pm:
Sam Adam was HILARIOUS!!!!!
I wouldn’t trust his client with a package of gum, but Sam is fighting for him. He might come off like a bufoon, but ya got to give him points for his passion.
“Pay me, don’t pay me, I’m with the Governor”.
Hell of a performance.
- Maggie - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:33 pm:
I haven’t seen Rod this nervous except when Rezko was indicted. He was hyperventilating.
- My Kind of Town - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:33 pm:
- Carl Nyberg - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:34 pm:
One of the obvious follow-up questions is, “What about the accusations is false?”
Genson’s legal strategy seems to be to argue the evidence is inadmissible.
Did Blagojevich want a member(s) of the Tribune editorial board fired? Did he direct a subordinate to use the possible expenditure of state money on Wrigley Field as leverage to persuade the Trib Co. to fire this person (these people)?
Did Blagojevich expect %50,000 in campaign contributions as reciprocation for releasing $8 million to Children’s Memorial Hospital? Did Blagojevich direct a subordinate to try to cancel the payment to Children’s Memorial when the $50,000 contribution to the Blagojevich campaign failed to materialize?
Did Blagojevich expect help fundraising in exchange for appointing someone to the U.S. Senate? Did Blagojevich ask for a specific amount? Did Blagojevich demand part of the amount in advance? Did he direct political allies or subordinates to relay these demands to parties who were expected to communicate them to the candidate(s) or fundraisers in question?
- Anonymous45 - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:36 pm:
Cassandra: you must be joking…this will be over by March 1, 2009…It has already cost the state 20 mil in a deferred bond sale…this point should be hammered up against genson’s head until he accedes and his client at least temporarily resigns…
- Gabriel - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:37 pm:
==call his office at 312-814-2121 and tell him to go!==
Done. Anyone started a petition? The people are going to have to take care of this themselves.
- Ahem - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:38 pm:
Yeh, he wants to take it to court…the court of public opinion. Cuckoo!
- Anonymous - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:38 pm:
Let’s face it…Blago is never going away. How sad is that!
- Carleenp - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:39 pm:
I prefer these Kipling quotes over Blago’s:
“Borrow trouble for yourself, if that’s your nature, but don’t lend it to your neighbors.”
“I have struck a city - a real city - and they call it Chicago… I urgently desire never to see it again. It is inhabited by savages.”
- Bill - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:40 pm:
Thanks for the number. I expressed my support and hope that the governor and his family can enjoy the holidays.
- Eubie - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:40 pm:
Ok, so rod is casting himself as a Huey Long character, a simple man of the people who is being persecuted by the powerful elite for watching out for the little guy. Ride that one to the end, Gov, who cares what you drag everyone else through. Just more self-centeredness, as has been pointed out. As long as it’s all about him, he feels fine.
His lawyer (his style, anyway) reminds me of John Gotti’s lawyer (what was his name - Cutler or something)?
- train111 - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:41 pm:
Cue the circus music:
Bump bump badadada bump bump bump bump
Bump badadada bump bump
Bump ba dada bump ba dada bump da bump da bump
- Phil Collins - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:41 pm:
Gabriel, I saw a website, with a Blagojevich impeachment petition, about two weeks ago. I signed it on Dec. 8. Please use google, to search for it.
- Skeptic Cal - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:44 pm:
He said he would fight it “to the death” and I nearly fell out of my chair.
Anyone yet volunteer to take him up on that?
Just enjoying the humorous moment……
- Hunterdon - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:46 pm:
OK just as expected, he’s drawn his line in the sand. And just as expected, the Illinois taxpayers are going to have to waste a lot of additional time and money to be rid of this guy. But we WILL prevail.
- rachel - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:46 pm:
I called the Gov’s office to request that he resign. She said she would pass it along. I asked if she wanted my name, and she said no.
As a district office staffer, I know to always get the name and the city/town the person lives in. I know it’s hard to believe, but I don’t think they really care what the people think!
- Blago Sphere - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:48 pm:
Adam missed a prime PR opportunity on the issue of his “ability to govern effectively” when he failed to respond that a major obstacle towards his effective governing has been the fact that the Speaker of the House has for several years refused to attend face to meetings with the Governor covering critical public policy issues including the adoption of the state budget, health care, and tax policy.
Not that I believe this statement to be true mind you; but strong effective PR statements need not be grounded in the truth, but how they play in the court of public opinion.
- Little Egypt - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:49 pm:
Bill, your well wishes won’t mean a thing unless it is accompanied by a check, a very large check.
- Say WHAT? - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:50 pm:
Seriously and respectfully, the people ARE being hurt. They are angry and embarrassed. I have been screamed and cursed at, and hung up on. They are angry, hurt, betrayed. Please think of whats in their best interest.
- Amy - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:55 pm:
Sam Adam…who hires these people. god the screaming and the phony, arrogant demeanor. how do they fool juries?
- Ghost - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:56 pm:
Cassandra, the tiral will be filled with republican names like Cellini, one of the top GOP power brokers and money movers in the State.
I doubt the GOP makes much hay, given the links to the GOP.
- Mo - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:57 pm:
Quinn is speaking on CLTV
- Bill - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 2:59 pm:
If Genson and Adam were representing the pro-impeachers you would all be saying what great orators and legal minds they are.
- Bill - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 3:00 pm:
Kinda like you do with Fitzie.
- Easy - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 3:01 pm:
Quinn’s best shot at earning the people’s trust is to stop talking so much. this guy sounds like a martian.
- Anon - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 3:03 pm:
Someone should tell Adam that the kind of shtick that plays before a Cook County jury at 26th and Cal is ineffective elasewhere.
- Macoupin County Kid - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 3:03 pm:
“If Genson and Adam were representing the pro-impeachers you would all be saying what great orators and legal minds they are.”
I would be wondering why pro-impeachers would need legal representation…
- Really?!? - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 3:03 pm:
Oh, may the gov’s holiday be bright and cheery! Who cares about the families of laid off workers…or people who couldn’t get until now because the gov wouldn’t sign the clemencies… can he even say clemency…or anyone else affected by the stellar governing…? Sometimes Bill your loyalty is just baffling.
- Really?!? - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 3:04 pm:
who couldn’t get jobs… sorry i was flustered.
- Macoupin County Kid - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 3:06 pm:
“because the gov wouldn’t sign the clemencies… can he even say clemency”
Oh yes, he can say it…..but it’s gonna cost ya….
- Ghost - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 3:11 pm:
=== If Genson and Adam were representing the pro-impeachers you would all be saying what great orators and legal minds they are. ===
so, um if we support the Gov, our opinions are valid, but if we are not supporting the Gov, we are not capable of reasoned analyis or have valid opinions?
There is more bias in your critiscm Bill then the fairly accurate commentary targeted at the poor oratory and performance of the Gov’s “counselors”
- Blago Sphere - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 3:12 pm:
That was one of the omissions I was referring to in the letter from the SIC to the USANI. I was surprised not to see Cellini’s name on the list of witnesses they would like to interview; especially given his connection to the IPAM audit, which is a central focus of the SIC investigation.
I recognize that he is under indictment; and as a result would most likely decline to appear through his counsel, but so is Chris Kelly, who was included by name on their list. I was also surprised not to see Kjellander on the list in their letter as well.
- enrico depressario - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 3:12 pm:
Speaking of clemency, doesn’t this remind you of Roger Clemens declaring his virtue in front of Congress?!?
- Joshua - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 3:14 pm:
If I were Fitz, I would consider releasing audio of Blagojevich in these tapes to turn the heat up on him.
- Blago Sphere - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 3:17 pm:
I would also think that the supplementary witness list should also probably include Chandra Gill and Jesse Jackson Sr. as well; given that the Loop Lab School is also a focus of their investigation.
Is there anyone else I am missing?
- phocion - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 3:19 pm:
Gosh, Carl, I guess even a blind squirrel finds a nut now and then. You’re onto something there. Genson said the tapes are inadmissible. Rod says he’s innocent. While a court may find Rod “not guilty” if Genson can get the tapes excluded in a criminal case, that’s not quite the same as innocent. The House can and should use the sworn affidavits of what was said on the tapes. They are not bound by ordinary rules of evidence - and this affidavit is pretty strong stuff. Plus, MJM said Rod can speak out in his own defense at the House hearings if he wants to claim he never said what’s contained in the affidavit. Then the House can act as triers of fact - do they believe a sworn affidavit (even if the US Attorney won’t give any more than that)? Or do they believe Rod “MOU” Blagojevich. With respect to Lisa Madigan, this is “fun.”
- Cousin Ralph - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 3:19 pm:
Aint ending anytime soon. Look for Blago to act busy and try to paint Madigan as the anchor holding back the SS Illinois. “Its not my fault, I am governing, its the House that is holding this up….”
- Six Degrees of Separation - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 3:20 pm:
Really?!? -
Bill is in a supportive mood today. But every so often, he goes off message and comments on what a tragic figure Rod is…”He coulda been a contenda!” kinda stuff.
- Zora - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 3:20 pm:
His lead off “Thank you very much” was Elvis-esque in its delivery. Musta been channeling the King.
- Bookworm - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 3:21 pm:
If he isn’t impeached and removed from office soon, how much you wanna bet he will wreak some kind of revenge against residents of the districts represented by members of the impeachment committee? Or against Springfield itself, given that state workers were celebrating his arrest?
If Rod shows up to swear in the new GA, every single person in the chamber perhaps should be asked to remove their shoes first.
- Leave a light on George - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 3:27 pm:
After watching that performance his lawyers should take all his belts and shoelaces away to be safe.
- Jake from Elwood - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 3:28 pm:
Rod, if you think it’s lonely now, just wait until after your criminal conviction.
- Gabriel - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 3:30 pm:
==If I were Fitz, I would consider releasing audio of Blagojevich in these tapes to turn the heat up on him.==
Umm, no. Do you want a conviction or a get out of jail free card for Rod?
Fitz is the main event next week. Rod’s just the under card today.
- Little Egypt - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 3:37 pm:
Other than the fact that he is a defense attorney, what makes Gensen think the tapes will be inadmissible, other than he’s just posturing? I believe Ed and Sam are in for a big surprise when whomever the judge is assigned to this case determines that they ARE admissible and that’s only the half of it. I’m sure there is a whole lot more on tape that hasn’t been disclosed yet. Can’t wait until Discovery when Ed and Sam realize what they are really up against.
- Say! - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 3:38 pm:
-I will fight, I will fight, I will fight-
Is that the same as triple hearsay?
- Downstate weed chewing hick - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 3:43 pm:
Is it true that the ghost of Kipling and lynch mobs everywhere are now denying they have ever met RB?
- Ghost - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 3:43 pm:
Blago Sphere,
Michael Casey
- Gabriel - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 3:47 pm:
How does that special election idea sound now?
Where are thou Senator Durbin?
- Cousin Ralph - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 3:48 pm:
Will he target all members of the impeachment committee? No, his feud and his focus will be aimed at individuals with the sirname Madigan.
Fitzgerald will not release all tapes unredacted. He could’nt and he would’nt and you wont hear calls for him to do so from the next White House Chief of Staff nor by any prominent DEM pol. They dont know what is on them either. This aint gonna end any time soon.
- Blago Sphere - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 3:48 pm:
Casey is included under Section II C. on page 4., the principal signatory page.
- Bookworm - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 3:49 pm:
Some have argued that Fitz moved too quickly, that he should have waited until some kind of deal for the Senate seat was concluded before filing charges because otherwise, there is no proof of a crime actually having occurred.
Logically, that doesn’t make sense to me. By that rationale, we should not jail people for making bomb threats or threats against public officials because there’s no proof they actually meant to do anything, right? And we shouldn’t jail people for plotting murders because, heck, haven’t we all said at one time or another that we “felt like killing somebody”?
However, the one thing I do now regret about Fitz having busted Blago when he did is that if Fitz had let the plot play out, and put off the indictment until spring, Blago would probably either have gotten his higher-paying job or appointed himself to the Senate seat and he’d have been outta here by Inauguration Day. As it stands now, we’re probably going to be stuck with him a lot longer!
- Boscobud - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 3:55 pm:
He sounded like Bill Clinton.
- Gabriel - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 4:01 pm:
Jack Canaty spells it out. Democrats in Washington have cooled to the idea of a special election because they might lose the seat.
From where else can the State of Illinois take punches right now? Why are we being led around by a leash and taking it?
- curious george - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 4:01 pm:
Question of the Day prospect:
Should the case go to trail where could we find a jury of Blagos peers that were not completely rolling in laughter at his misadverntures?
Rule out USA and Serbia.
- Cogito - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 4:01 pm:
Since this looks like it is going to go on for a while, I’m looking forward to his State of the State address.
- Bill - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 4:02 pm:
Chris Mathews just called Rod’s presser “the greatest moment in American political theater.” LOL
- DzNts - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 4:03 pm:
Blagojevich’s statement, “[H]owever, I intend to answer them in the appropriate forum in a court of law.”, clearly indicates he gives no credibility or legitimacy to the impeachement proceedings. It would also hint that, since the impeachment inquiry committee is not a court of law, that he will not be attending the proceedings. If he has one ounce of testicular virility, he would show up in Springfield and address the committee instead of sending dramatic proxies. Either Genson and Adam cannnot distinguish an impeachment proceeding from a courtroom, or, worse,they do and intend to ridicule the constitutional process.
I will say that I’m glad Blagojevich now, finally has decided to do some governor stuff, like help Hopkins Park and granting clemency, but I think it’s a little too late and,unlike Governor Ryan, these humanitarian actions will likely curry little favor with a jury.
- Macoupin County Kid - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 4:05 pm:
“From where else can the State of Illinois take punches right now? Why are we being led around by a leash and taking it?”
Cause we’re used to it. Hot Rod has been donkey punching the citizens of Illinois for years….
- Phineas J. Whoopee - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 4:05 pm:
These blowhard defense attorneys do nothing beneficial for their clients. Sam Adams can yell and posture all he wants-it doesn’t help-it hurts. The feds are going to come down very hard on their client and his family because of Blago’s tactics. I would anticipate his wife being indicted as well.
As Mr. Adams said, he doesn’t care whether he gets paid or not which means he is in it for the free press. When you know you have a dead bang loser you better get what you can before the bad ending.
Blago should have canned his combative attitude, apologized to the people of Illinois for making some mistakes, stepped aside with pay till the impeachment hearings concluded and start trying to get away with five years or so. His attorneys-just like Rezco’s-are not serving their clients best interests-they are serving their own.
There are going to be some major indictments handed down because of their abusive and confrontational demeanor.
- Gabriel - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 4:05 pm:
==However, the one thing I do now regret about Fitz having busted Blago when he did is that if Fitz had let the plot play out, and put off the indictment until spring, Blago would probably either have gotten his higher-paying job or appointed himself to the Senate seat and he’d have been outta here by Inauguration Day.==
What’s on the tapes? It should be no mystery to Fitzgerald that the people he’s investigated in Illinois have contemplated exercising options to have Fitzgerald fired by the President.
- VanillaMan - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 4:13 pm:
Rod Blagojevich demonstrated his years of experience today. He demonstrated to all Illinoians that his focus is on himself, where it has always been, since birth. He showed us that he doesn’t consider it his duty to handle the daily governing tasks, but to challenge and fight everyone who opposes him.
Even though he has been a state legislator, a US congressman and a governor, Rod Blagojevich considers himself a victim. Someone who is deliberately misunderstood by those around him. Rod Blagojevich believes that if he can tell voters his version of the truth, then voters will love him, support him, and together topple the injustices he crusades against.
In displaying these qualities, Mr. Blagojevich falls short of one of his political heroes - Richard Nixon. As Nixon faced impeachment proceeding in the legislature, after months of news articles exposed criminal acts within his administration, Mr. Nixon realized that for a moment, it was best for him to voluntarily resign his elected office.
Rod Blagojevich was 16 years old on that day in 1974 when his hero resigned. He must have choked up watching the bleary-eyed embattled leader break down vocally when recalling his “sainted mother”. The floppy-haired teen must have felt betrayed by Nixon when the Truth escaped and Richard Nixon swallowed twice and resigned.
And years later, when facing his Impeachment Committee moment, Rod Blagojevich couldn’t understand why Richard Nixon quit. He didn’t understand why the dead president would think first of the people he governed. He didn’t comprehend the maturity, intelligence or the sacrifice made that hot August day in 1974. All he could remember was his anger at His President, the betrayal of resignation forced upon Nixon, and how he, as a kid admirer, hated Nixon for putting people first.
- Justice - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 4:22 pm:
Regardless of how he postures now, there is still the ongoing investigation into his corrupt and illegal practices, ongoing since the FBI began investigating him in 2004. That will likely hit the scene soon. Certainly he denies all wrongdoing. It’s day to day with him now and he needs the paycheck. He appears more and more like a loon….if that is possible. Great, great coverage Rich!!
- True Observer - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 4:23 pm:
“Rod Blagojevich demonstrated his years of experience today. He demonstrated to all Illinoians that his focus is on himself…”
Pretty quaint.
Tell us, other than a mother over her child, who doesn’t look out for themselves first?
- Arthur Andersen - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 4:27 pm:
VM, that may be one of your best.
Just a thought here, but there seems to be a rational distinction between Big Bob, Cellini and the other people named in the Committee’s letter.
Cellini is under indictment, pre-trial and has no business talking to anybody.
Big Bob has only been charged with being too greedy and that ain’t illegal.
All those other “names” either worked for, advised, or funded Blago.
The 5 defendants have all been found or pled guilty.
Hurtgen isn’t on there either.
AA predicts the Feds will tell the GA sorry, no.
It ain’t like they can’t make a case without that stuff. Bring back Holland.
- Bubs - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 4:27 pm:
He looked, in a word, . . . nervous.
I suspect Blago sees himslef as the last man in the Alamo, alone and hopeless, daring the Mexicans to come on, ready to go down fighting.
But the difference is that he has no heroic connotations whatsoever, except in his own mind.
And you know what? The Mexicans came on.
- Vote Quimby! - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 4:28 pm:
The yelling attorney saying Blago has only had one thing on his agenda for six years? Health care…and that is what will bring Rod the presidency in 2016. What a joke this impeachment will be….is it too late to buy stock in CapFax?
- as an aside - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 4:30 pm:
did anyone else here the idiot on msnbc bloviating about “we’re here on the 15th floor, where the Governor’s office is located…” Is it possible they have confused RRB with Alexi? Or Quinn?
- Amy - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 4:35 pm:
was Quinn reading from the Constitution? quite a contrast, Governor memorize alot vs. Lt. Governor reading legal documents.
- Maggie - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 4:36 pm:
I suspect since Obama has been asked to hold off making any comments until next week because Fitzgerald is going to give Blagojevich a big, big Christmas gift. Maybe he’ll wrap it up with a big red bow. Merry Christmas to the citizens of Illinois. But most important to the sleazy Elvis wannabe Governor Rod Blagojevich.
Wouldn’t it be great if Fitzgerald dressed up like Santa to read the indictments. Merry Christmas Rod.
- Levois - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 4:37 pm:
Wasn’t Sam Adam an attorney for ex Ald. Arenda Troutman?
- anon - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 4:42 pm:
187 comments? Is it time for a new thread?
- Rich Miller - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 4:48 pm:
===187 comments? Is it time for a new thread? ===
It’s almost 5 o’clock. We’ll stick with this one. Closing for the weekend.
- DuPage Dave - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 4:48 pm:
I wish I could find an attorney who didn’t care whether or not he got paid.
So far, most of them want money up front.
- My Kind of Town - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 4:51 pm:
Since he can’t pay them, Blago gets his attorneys face time in the MSM. What’s an ad like that worth?
- Blago Sphere - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 4:52 pm:
Chris Kelly is also under federal indictment and does not immediately appear to be a party to the specific acts that the committee seems to indicate they are investigating, yet he was included and Cellini left out. Cellini has a direct connection via New Frontier and the IPAM audit issue.
Bob K; while appearing to have no direct connection to some of these matters, to date has not seemed to produce the loan documentation for the $600,000 he “lent” to Rezko associate Joseph Aramanda, whome he described as an “acquaintance”. He rationalized this loan to an acquaintence based on the offering of “a favorable interest rate”.
He contended that the loan was “repaid” but I don’t recall him offering proof of that either. The $809,000 “consulting fee” from which the $600,000 in loan proceeds derived was reportedly directed to Individual K by Rezko.
If you are going to ask to call Atta, Levine, Cari, Loren and Rezko himself, I don’t see how you can l;eave Individual K off the list.
- VanillaMan - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 4:55 pm:
==Tell us, other than a mother over her child, who doesn’t look out for themselves first? ==
An honest public servant, a soldier in battle, a nurse tending the sick, a midwife, a lifeguard, a police officer, a fireman, a POW, a whistleblower, a minister, a school teacher…
You must be very cynical.
- Boscobud - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 4:55 pm:
I really don’t think Blago is going to resign for nothing. Remember he was trying to sell this seat for 5-600 thousand. That is nothing compared to the Dems in Washington. Why don’t we offer him 500,000.00 for him to resign.
- Blago Sphere - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 4:58 pm:
If you are closing down for the weekend; it seems only fitting that Elvis play us out
- A Citizen - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 4:58 pm:
Rod: “Are you gonna believe me or your lying ears and eyes?”
- anon - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 5:10 pm:
The guv should have his day(months) in court. Looking forward to witness testimonies. Dozens from 2004!!! Also, testimony from former employees! Wonder how many still live in illinois?
- And I Approved This Message - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 5:16 pm:
Somebody should have charged him or started impeachment hearings a long time ago. Since the arrest he’s been in the office every day and was only a few minutes late for the press conference. Thi is serious behavior modification.
- Lived Through Watergate - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 5:23 pm:
Blago’s denials were reminiscient of Richard Nixon proclaiming “People have got to know whether or not their President is a crook. Well, I’m not a crook. I’ve earned everything I’ve got.” For the entire article visit http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/national/longterm/watergate/articles/111873-1.htm]
But then Richard Nixon is one of Rod’s all-time idols. Stalked him until he got his autograph.
- south of 74 - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 5:24 pm:
Interesting figure that Blago’s attorney has not won one of these since 1999. Oh well, by way of comparison, the wonderboy Dan Webb, Ryan’s attorney and others has not won one of these corruption fraud crimes ever. Interesting attorneys these guys get
- Sherrybear - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 5:49 pm:
Just a clarification with regards to mistatements made by the Washington Post reporter today.
Regarding the press conference that was held by 2 of Gov. Blagojevich’s attorneys: 1st.: Ed Genson was not at the press conference to speak today…instead the Governors initial attorney Sheldon Sorosky who was retained on Dec. 9, 2008 was present as well as Sam Adam, an attorney in Ed Genson’s office. 2nd.: it was Sheldon Sorosky who made the reference to Harry Truman. 3rd: As to your statement “raucous press conference this afternoon in Chicago”, I heard nothing like that from the audience during the Governor’s speech….I did hear a great deal of frustration from the reporters during the Q & A time following the Governor’s speech when asking questions of Mr. Adam and Mr. Sorosky. What I did see was a hesitant, often quavering voice, a well bitten bottom lip and a man who knew very well the weight that his title of Governor of Illinois holds as to being a bargaining chip should it come to that during the criminal hearing.
I live in Illinois and have spoken the past year with over 50 legislators regarding mismanagement of finances, as well as concern that the Governor perceives himself above the law and as such can say and do anything regarding contracts being “awarded” and with regards to how he interacts with the Senate and the House.
Most Illinois citizens and legislators have repeatedly called for the Governor to at least step aside, thereby retaining his title and his salary while he appoints per the Illinois Constitution the Lt. Gov. as “acting Governor” until which time Gov. Blagojevich is able to resume his duties…at this time, the Governors credibility is under attack by both Democrats and Republicans alike…for the sake of the wellbeing of the State of Illinois, the Governor should step aside until his legal matters have been resolved…because yes, Governor, you are hurting the citizens of Illinois and your time is now to do the trustworthy and respectibly and honorable thing to do. Yes, you are innocent until proven guilty, but I am not talking about you acknowledging one way or the other whether you did anything illegal, you Governor, have shown by even having voiced the words on tape that you hold nothing but contempt for the citizens of Illinois.
From, a person who holds her head in shame for the comments even voiced by the Governor…an honorable and just person wouldn’t even “joke” about such things and shame on your attorney Ed Genson for saying this legal matter was “fun”.
- Sherrybear - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 5:53 pm:
If Ed Genson doesn’t care if he gets paid or not…and Sam Adam made the same statement today during the press conference, then does that mean that they feel they should give back the $100,000.00 retainer already paid to them? Just asking!
- Amy - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 6:31 pm:
thanks for hardrock, coco, and joe!
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- Bobs yer - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 8:23 pm:
What a week, what a job by CapFax!
I still like the dead tree press better, but dang, how nice is it to get realtime developments when something like this is going on? Only available on this site…good for you guys.
only one comment. Can’t believe that the Chicago dems could screw up a dream situation with all, I mean all of the government in their hot little hands. Special election or no, the Senate seat’s going R. in 2010. Gov might too, while LM and AG fight over who’s got the most clout. I think in the next general election the rest of the State realizes its might. Just got to purge the GOP of the of its bad guys first.
Really enjoyed all of the regular commenters, almost everyone has something positive and informative to contribute.
Merry Christmas/Happy Chanauka (sp?) to you all. Don’t let the b——s grind you down, and we’ll come back and make this a state to be proud of in the new year!
- Country Boy - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 8:57 pm:
The Gov. said let me tell you what I’m not going to do. The answer was obvious, Not the Right thing! His lawyer said that the Gov may reconsider his position if the people of this state are hurting, well I think we are there. Another comment stuck me as very realistic, the Gove said that he wasn’t going to quit a job that the people of this state hired him for. Well as in common place in the world, if an employee is hired and they don’t live up to the expectation of those that hired him then he is let go, I can’t speak for everyone, but I think it’s pretty obvious that the people are ready for him to go.
- Anon - Friday, Dec 19, 08 @ 10:27 pm:
Genson did real well for Conrad Black.
- Disgusted - Saturday, Dec 20, 08 @ 6:41 am:
I think the best solution to Blow Dry Rod, at this point in the game and to save the state some money, is to offer him the rest of his term’s salary, let him declare bankrupcy and ignore him.
He feeds on press attention.
- Disgusted - Saturday, Dec 20, 08 @ 6:46 am:
I just watched the video. Good grief, he has such symptoms of lying that it’s laughable. Can’t stay still, can’t focus his eyes, nervously wetting his lips. And a shout-out to Bill at the end.
- Obama's Puppy - Saturday, Dec 20, 08 @ 10:33 am:
Jay Levine said that Sam Adams is a gifted orators. Seriously? The guy is a bafoon blow hard. He qualifies to be a agency spokesperson for the Gov that is for sure.