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Today’s snark opportunity

Monday, Dec 22, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This press release landed in my in-box a couple minutes ago. It’s exceedingly rich with unintended irony…

A tough economy and skyrocketing prices have left many families across the state looking for alternative ways to make ends meet. With fewer lending options available, Governor Rod R. Blagojevich today reminded consumers about the dangers of predatory lenders, particularly high-cost installment and title lending companies.

“The holiday season marks a time of giving, but with a weak national economy, many families are struggling to buy gifts or even pay for basic necessities. As many people are considering taking loans to get the money they need, we want to make sure they don’t rely on predatory lenders who offer enticing but dangerous loan options, and then plunge families into an endless cycle of debt,” said Governor Rod R. Blagojevich. […]

“We want to help prevent those who are excited about buying holiday gifts for their family and friends from relying on predatory lenders,” said Michael McRaith, Acting Secretary, IDFPR.

Snark away…


  1. - Sean - Monday, Dec 22, 08 @ 12:11 pm:

    Hasn’t AG Madigan been working on this exact topic intensively since she got elected?

  2. - Save Us - Monday, Dec 22, 08 @ 12:12 pm:

    “My incompetency and illegal actions have left many families across the state looking for alternative ways to make ends meet. I want to help prevent those who are excited about buying holiday gifts for their family and friends from relying on predatory governors.

    “Therefore, at noon tomorrow, I will give Illinois back to working people and resign.”

    Rod Baloneyvich

  3. - wordslinger - Monday, Dec 22, 08 @ 12:14 pm:

    It’s like a jackal warning about the lions.

  4. - Blago Sphere - Monday, Dec 22, 08 @ 12:15 pm:

    Great; now they show up. Where were they when poor Joe Aramanda was left at the mercy of “Individual K”, when he needed a quick $600,000 gift for the friends on Tony Rezko’s gift list?

    What’s the difference between predatory lending and a “very favorable interest rate” anyway? I guess it depends on who’s lending, and who’s borrowing.

  5. - How Ironic - Monday, Dec 22, 08 @ 12:15 pm:

    For more information please send $25,000 in small bills AND a self-addressed stamped envelope.

  6. - Ron Burgundy - Monday, Dec 22, 08 @ 12:19 pm:


    “The holiday season marks a time of giving, but with a weak national economy, many families are struggling to buy gifts or even pay for basic necessities and don’t have the luxury of selling a public office for cash like I do. As many people are considering taking loans to get the money they need, to pay legal bills or whatever, we want to make sure they don’t rely on predatory lenders who offer enticing but dangerous loan options, and then plunge families into an endless cycle of debt, like I’ve done with the state treasury.” said Governor Rod R. Blagojevich.

  7. - Narcoleptic - Monday, Dec 22, 08 @ 12:24 pm:

    Ali Atta should be secure in the knowledge that should predatory appointers approach him again, he’ll have them standing in his corner, too.

  8. - vole - Monday, Dec 22, 08 @ 12:27 pm:

    RB continued, “and because of the good government reformers like me, we got them predatory lenders right where we need them where they can keep making contributions to us good government reformers. Fighting until my last breath, your faithful servant, Rod.”

  9. - The Doc - Monday, Dec 22, 08 @ 12:27 pm:

    For those of you struggling to make ends meet during this holiday season, Rod R. Blagojevich announces his “Governor For a Day” program to help working families. During this exclusive 24-hour period, you can:

    -Rampantly sell off state assets (guest instructor - Mayor Daley) to campaign contributors,
    -Assign infrastructure projects to contractors that are campaign contributors,
    -Award jobs to friends and family members (guest instructor - Todd Stroger) for bringing in campaign contributors.

    Like Blago, there’s no need to leave the comforts of your home. Alternatively, a throng of sycophants will chaffeur you to the nearest high-profile populist cause so you can issue a statement about “doing things for people”.

  10. - HoosierDaddy - Monday, Dec 22, 08 @ 12:33 pm:


    A tough economy and skyrocketing prices have left many families across the state looking for alternative ways to make ends meet, including the Blagojevich family. With fewer funding options available, Consumer lenders today reminded consumers about the dangers of predatory governors, particularly self-helping money grubbers.

    “The holiday season marks a time of giving, but for Rod Blagojevich, it was all about how much he could get. With a weak national economy, many families are struggling to buy gifts or even pay for basic necessities, and most of them don’t have a Senate seat available to sell in order to raise some extra jack. As many people are considering taking loans to get the money they need, we want to make sure they don’t rely on Governor Blagojevich, who offers enticing but dangerously unconstitutional and underfunded social programs, and then plunges the state into an endless cycle of debt.”

  11. - Ghost - Monday, Dec 22, 08 @ 12:47 pm:

    === “The holiday season marks a time of giving, but with a weak national economy, many families are struggling to buy gifts or even pay for basic necessities.===

    Therefore, Governor Rod R. Blagojevich has decided to expand All Kids coverage, and to pay for it by laying of hundreds of previously employed State workers to pay for it. The Govenor will close State parks and historic sites, well removing funding for dug abuse and other social assitance program.s he asks that those who just lost their jobs and social assitance, please refarin from use of payday lenders, as that would be bad for them. he also wants to remind the now unemployed, that there children are now elligible for All Kids insurance, even if they no longer have food or a home to live in.

  12. - wc kid - Monday, Dec 22, 08 @ 1:01 pm:

    The Governor added, “Nothing is worse than these bleeping predatory lenders. Nothing. Selling a Senate seat? No way. People try to buy seats all the time. How come they can try to buy one and I can’t try to sell one? I really can’t think of a more terrible thing to do than predatory lending. Shaking down a children’s hospital? Thats nothing. Kids bounce back quick, they’re tough little bleepers. Nope predatory lending is the worst.

    “However, if you absolutely have to go to a predatory lender, stay out of Jesse Jackson, Jr.’s Congressional District. That guy will flip on you. Why not find a predatory lender who happens to be a campaign contributor of mine. That way I might get a little taste of the predatory action. I got bills you know.

  13. - Hunterdon - Monday, Dec 22, 08 @ 1:01 pm:

    A tough economy and skyrocketing prices have left many families across the state looking for alternative ways to make political contributions in order to purchase state employment and/or contracts for themselves, their small businesses and their loved ones. With fewer “play-to-pay” options available, Governor Rod R. Blagojevich today reminded Illinois residents about the dangers of taking on additional debt to deal with corrupt governors, particularly high-cost campaign donations such as “Friends of Blagojevich”.
    “The holiday season marks a time of giving, but with a weak national economy, many families are struggling to buy business opportunities with the State of Illinois, or even pay for face to face meetings with public officials. As many people are considering taking loans to get the money they need, we want to make sure they don’t rely on predatory lenders who offer enticing but dangerous loan options, and then plunge families into an endless cycle of debt,” said Governor Rod R. Blagojevich.
    “We want to help prevent those who are excited about buying “pay-to-play” gifts for their family and friends from relying on predatory lenders,” said Michael McRaith, Acting Secretary, IDFPR.

  14. - Vote Quimby! - Monday, Dec 22, 08 @ 1:14 pm:

    “I know my own family has faced turbulent times in this national economic malaise; my wife has lost her lucrative outside income, and my own ability to earn money outside of my paycheck has been hit hard by these economic times. If their own governor can get into a situation where he owes more on his house than its worth and can’t support his debt, imagine what the ordinary hard-working families of Illinois are going through. I mean, at least my job provides me with free room and board I could use if I wanted, but I hear many jobs in Illinois don’t. And I’m working to change that, by issuing press releases nobody will see three days before Christmas, warning the hard working people of Illinois not to fall victim to a business which is legal in Illinois. We want people to learn from their elected leaders, who often have to decide between sucking it up and doing the right thing, or choosing to take the easy way out and just borrow the money. When you get grown up like me, you realize you have to prioritize and you can’t get everything you want right away. You have to use fiscal restraint and self-sacrifice. Have a very merry (but giftless) Christmas.

  15. - Anonish - Monday, Dec 22, 08 @ 1:21 pm:

    Thank you Acting Secretary.
    Now if we only had a Governor who acted like one.
    It is the season of miracles.

  16. - Carl Nyberg - Monday, Dec 22, 08 @ 1:32 pm:

    If the governor wants to do something about predatory lending as a policy issue, great.

    But one of my pet peeves with Blagojevich is that he wants credit for being concerned about people’s welfare without doing anything about it.

    For example, he put all those signs on the CTA decrying that women make $0.71 on the dollar men make.

    Maybe Gov. Blagojevich should look at how much female gov’t employees make compared to men. Something tells me that if Blago’s 71 cents figure is correct, the differential isn’t all in the private sector.

    So, Blagojevich could do something about the “problem” (he seems to think it’s a problem, but I’m not sure married women see it as a problem), but he doesn’t accomplish anything. In fact, he doesn’t even have a plan to address the inequities in gov’t jobs in Illinois. I’ll wager Blagojevich hasn’t even asked the question, if women make less than men across the economy, how much is the difference in gov’t employment?

    Blagojevich just sees an issue and wonders how he can use it to get himself in the media as a “I feel your pain” politician.

    Bill Clinton may have laid the “I feel your pain” on thick, but Clinton did understand policy and successfully used policy to improve people’s lives.

    Blagojevich sends out press releases noting that he would like it if bad things didn’t happen in the world. Gee thank.

    BTW, has Blagojevich taken campaign contributions from companies that engage in predatory lending, the owners of these companies or their lobbyists.

    Just wondering.

  17. - Anon - Monday, Dec 22, 08 @ 1:32 pm:

    Mcraith is one of the good ones. He is a stand up guy.

  18. - bored on 1 - Monday, Dec 22, 08 @ 2:17 pm:

    A tough economy and skyrocketing prices have left many families across the state including my own, looking for alternative ways to make ends meet. With fewer lending options available, Governor Rod R. Blagojevich today reminded consumers about the dangers of
    1. talking on the telephone,
    2. offering to sell Senate seats,
    3. anyone named Madigan,
    4. forgetting you have small children,
    5. or anyone named Fitzgerald.
    “The holiday season marks a time of giving, and a whole lot of taking, shaking, blackmailing, and some good old embezzlement. With a weak national economy, many families are struggling to buy gifts or even pay for basic necessities, like finding that perfect position for your wife. As many people are considering taking bribes or strong arming children’s hospitals to get the money they need, we want to make sure they don’t rely on the strong examples set by current governors and their wives,” said Governor Rod R. Blagojevich. […]

  19. - Joseph - Monday, Dec 22, 08 @ 2:42 pm:

    I wish more Republicans had as much fight and nerve as Blago. You have to give Rod credit for not giving up.

  20. - Reddbyrd - Monday, Dec 22, 08 @ 2:42 pm:

    Of course it was Gov. Blanumbnuts who awarded a $25 million grant to now bankrupt predator Ameriquest ( yes they failed to collect), “suspended HB4050 — the pilot anti predatory lending law” and basically established a express check out lane for predators and their allies.
    BTW StateWideTom, Brent and many other great GOP leaders voted “no” on HB450…they probably thought the credit crunch was a big lie like global warming

  21. - South Side Mike - Monday, Dec 22, 08 @ 2:51 pm:

    Did someone break the Rod Blagojevich Press Release Generator ™ out of storage again? It’s good to see that it’s still working.

  22. - VanillaMan - Monday, Dec 22, 08 @ 3:16 pm:

    “As a victim of a “witch-hunting mentality”, Rod Blagojevich would like Illinoians this holiday season to remember that this is a time of giving, and a time for forgiving. Many families have loved ones hunted down and prosecuted as witches, blood-sucking ghouls, and predators. They are considering taking loans to get the money they need for legal assistance against these charges. Take it from Rod Blagojevich: make sure you don’t rely on predatory lenders who offer enticing but dangerous loan options, campaign funds that can be frozen by witch-hunters, and former friends who flip against you when tapes of telephone conversations are played back to them.” said Governor Rod R. Blagojevich

  23. - Ahem - Monday, Dec 22, 08 @ 3:56 pm:

    “Oh, look, a humongous, [bleeping], [bleep]-[bleeeped] elephant!!!!!”

  24. - Dan S, a Voter, Taxpayer & Cubs Fan - Monday, Dec 22, 08 @ 4:15 pm:

    I love it, the pot calling the kettle black. It gets more bizzare every day. Thanks for the laughs Gov. Goofy, but this is enough, just resign and go away.

  25. - JCAR? - Monday, Dec 22, 08 @ 4:56 pm:

    Rich, you missed a good part of the press release:

    “To better protect consumers and help them keep their vehicles, state regulators moved to strengthen rules on title loans and recently sent revised proposed rules to the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules (JCAR) for review. If they take effect, the rules would: 1) fix a loophole in the current rules that limits the rules only to loans of 60 days or less, 2) require the loan to be cleared through a statewide database before it could be made, and 3) structure loan payments so that the borrower made progress on reducing the principal with each payment instead of only paying interest costs.”

    I guess the Governor now uses JCAR again!

  26. - Arthur Andersen - Monday, Dec 22, 08 @ 10:40 pm:

    =Mcraith is one of the good ones. He is a stand up guy=

    Wasn’t he the one along with Deputy Governor D who put the bricks on HB 4050 in their old jobs?

    Stand up, alright. As in, “stand up and face The Court.”

    Ironic, if not so pathetic.

  27. - Good Ones? - Tuesday, Dec 23, 08 @ 11:26 am:

    Any appointee still working for the Governor can no longer be considered a “good one”. If they were truly “good ones” they would have the decency to resign.

  28. - Black Ivy - Tuesday, Dec 23, 08 @ 4:14 pm:

    Perhaps the Governor was geneuinely interested in preventing further exploitation of struggling consumers desperate to participate in the increasingly commercial holiday season.

    We are a nation plagued with debt and the Governor responded appropriately.

    No irony or hidden meaning or political agenda, just governance.

    Rich & fellow bloggers, happy holidays!

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