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Thursday, Dec 18, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Supremes rule that pharmacist “conscience case” must go to trial

Thursday, Dec 18, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Illinois Supreme Court has ruled in favor of pharmacists whose lawsuit had been dismissed. The suit attempted to stop the governor from forcing them to dispense the “morning after” pill. The Supremes ruled that they deserve a hearing, but refused to make a ruling on the merits of the case itself…

We have previously acknowledged that plaintiffs’ claims are legal in nature, but we do not believe that it would be consistent with our role as a reviewing court to rule on the merits of the Conscience Act where defendants, as of yet, have not been required to answer the allegations of plaintiffs’ complaint in the trial court.

…Adding… From the AP

Mark Rienzi, an attorney for the pharmacists, says Thursday’s ruling tells health-care workers they have the right to go to court if their religious views conflict with the governor’s.


The “mighty” Quinn

Thursday, Dec 18, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I told subscribers about this a couple of days ago…

Sneed hears that Lt. Gov. Pat Quinn, who is this/close to becoming the state’s main man, tossed his premier fund-raiser Monday night — but refused to accept any money!

• To wit: “I never saw a fund-raiser where you didn’t collect funds,” said a Sneed source who attended the Taxpayers for Quinn event at Fulton’s on the River Monday night. “People were told to put their checkbooks away.”

• The upshot: So Quinn turned the fund-raiser into a holiday party and paid for it. “Sometimes, you have to do the right thing as you see it,” said Quinn.

• Added Quinn: “I just didn’t feel comfortable accepting checks and having fund-raising done [considering] what happened a week ago with this scandal. We’re all committed to straightening things out,” Quinn told Sneed. “It was kind of a game-time decision that I made over the weekend.”

• The partyshot: It was also a pre-birthday party: Quinn turned 60 Tuesday. “I was born on the 175th anniversary of the Boston Tea Party,” said Quinn.

• The backshot: One partygoer said he’d never seen so many people at a Quinn fund-raiser.

There were about 500 people in attendance, almost ten times the usual. The line of well-wishers stretched far outside the restaurant.

* Chuck Sweeny was at the party and scored an interview

What would Quinn do to solve the states serious fiscal problems, the $4 billion backlog in unpaid bills, the $2 billion budget gap and the $42 billion pension debt?

“The key is to have much stronger economic growth than we have now. There’s no way we are going to be able to close this deficit and move to economic recovery if (Blagojevich) remains the governor. The scandal is costing us a reduction in our credit rating, and the amount extra we had to pay for borrowing $1.4 billion this week is $20 million. That is truly a corruption tax.”

Would Quinn as governor seek to raise revenue to right the state’s fiscal ship? He said he’d propose a commission to examine tax breaks and “propose a moratorium on special breaks until we get out of this economic problem.” But which loopholes? One man’s loophole is another’s job-creating tax incentive.

One excessive loophole, Quinn said, is the 1.75 percent commission paid to retailers on sales taxes they collect for the state. […]

“If you cut it in half, you pick up $100 million. This is money the customer is already paying,” Quinn said.

Would Quinn propose an income tax increase, even a temporary one, to get the state’s books in order?

“I don’t want to make any judgments on income tax. Part of it is the whole issue of getting access to the real numbers from the governor’s office. (Blagojevich) has not always been totally candid, and I’m a little bit reluctant to make judgments until I see real numbers that are not phony baloney.”

That last paragraph is a classic dodge. He’s obviously not ruling out an income tax hike, but for obvious reasons doesn’t want to create any reasons to oppose his ascension right now.

* Advice, praise, etc

[Cynthia Canary, director of the Illinois Campaign for Political Reform] cautioned that if he assumes the governorship he’ll have to tone down his “gadfly” ways, so as to settle the tensions inflamed by Blagojevich.

“(Blagojevich) was a bully. … Pat’s gonna have to show us a different kind of leadership,” she said. “There is a sense of outrage among people that far transcends anything I’ve ever seen.” […]

House Republican Leader Tom Cross said Quinn’s role was largely “ceremonial” as lieutenant governor. But he praised Quinn as an independent mind and fondly recalled working with the lieutenant governor recently on legislation to improve dam safety.

“He’ll have to step up and I hope he can, because it’s needed for the state,” Cross said, adding that he believes Quinn could serve to eradicate the “raw personality conflict” that exists between the sitting governor and the legislature. […]

“I think he’ll be a real difference in Illinois from what we’re used to,” [Dick Simpson] said. “He won’t take bribes, he’ll be a straight arrow … whether he’ll have the best public policy we’ll have to wait and see.”

* The money situation…

State Comptroller Dan Hynes had more than $2.3 million in campaign cash on hand as of June 30. Attorney General Lisa Madigan reported over $2.1 million. Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias had almost $1.3 million, and Secretary of State Jesse White showed about $669,000.

Quinn had just $91,000. And maybe an old car with a falling ceiling that might be good for a few more headlines.

* Related…

* Stella: The mighty Quinn

* The 12 Days of Fitzmas


Impeachment committee, Day 3 *** And other updates ***

Thursday, Dec 18, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* 4:18 pm - Majority Leader Currie just announced the committee will adjourn today and then reconvene Monday at noon. “I would be prepared for two days, as you know we’re off Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.”


* 3:43 pm - Rep. Franks said he thought the governor’s failure to testify at the hearing might be used against him. Chairperson Currie said Franks was speaking for himself and that it was not as of yet the position of the committee.

* 3:39 pm - I missed this. Chicago Public Radio overheard Genson and Adam discussing walking out of today’s proceedings

At one point, another one of Blagojevich’s attorneys, Sam Adam Jr., could be overheard suggesting to Genson that they walk out of the impeachment hearings. It seemed to be said quietly enough that members of the panel could not hear—but the mics on the table picked up the exchange.

Genson replied to Adam “No I’m not walking out” adding “you can walk out.”

Adam then said to Genson, “No if we do it, we do it as a team,” and dropped the suggestion.

* 3:22 pm - Washington Post: Illinois Panel Hears Testimony on Blagojevich’s Conduct… SJ-R: Auditor general says he’s troubled by administration

* 2:59 pm - More attempts at normalcy…

Governor Rod R. Blagojevich today signed a law that extends the Medical Practice Act until 2010. Recognizing the necessity in providing quality healthcare in Illinois, Senate Bill 2179 continues the regulation of physicians and ensures that no licenses for practicing doctors in Illinois will expire at the end of the year.

* 2:56 pm - We’re now onto the flu vaccine disaster. Holland claims, rightly that the administration knew the purchase was not legal.

Holland: High ranking Illinois officials appeared to be aware that the vaccine would probably never be delivered.

* 2:54 pm - CLTV has some raw video from earlier today.

* 2:52 pm - Tribune: Healthcare director dodges questions at impeachment hearing

* 2:44 pm - Holland: “Procurement code was violated on a routine basis.”

* 2:40 pm - Rep. Lang wonders whether these audit findings demonstrate incompetence or a pattern of abuse of power. Holland: That’s not for me to determine.

Lang: Purposeful or slipshod work by staff? Holland: On occasion purposeful, on occasion slipshod staff, sometimes overworked staff. His history with DHFS always shows a “real struggle to get routine information.”

* 2:27 pm - Quote of the day goes to Lucio

Gov. Rod Blagojevich has no plans to address the public today, despite having said Wednesday he would, according to his spokesman… Blagojevich spokesman Lucio Guerrero said the governor may talk Friday or next week.

“He is not jerking you around,” Guerrero told reporters at an afternoon news conference.

* 2:19 pm - Holland is now talking about IPAM, which didn’t exist as a corporation when it was given a $30 million state contract. The contract was an utter mess and Blagojevich slammed Holland over his investigation.

* 2:07 pm - I just looked at the blog’s traffic report for the past week. Wow. Thanks, people!

* 2:02 pm - Auditor General Bill Holland is now testifying. He said he can’t testify on the Loop Lab School controversy because the audit isn’t finished yet. The reason? “We’re having trouble finding out who was actually responsible.”

* 1:56 pm - Fran Eaton is following this thing almost sentence by sentence. The SJ-R “blog” is being updated far less frequently.

* 1:43 pm - Genson interview on MSNBC

Well, the case is a fairytale, the process is a witchunt. The fact of the matter is, uh, I don’t know that Illinois is doing itself any credit. In the light of the scandal, in the light of the problems that the image of the state of Illinois is having, it seems to me that to put together a process, which deprives, uh the governor of any sort of rights whatsoever, does not do Illinois proud. […]

[Regarding some committee members] Because a good majority of this panel has gotten up since the panel has started, and made speeches against, uh, the governor. that’s not what you call due process, that’s not what you call a neutral forum… They, they don’t, they don’t belong on this panel.”

* 1:24 pm - Genson’s mic was left on during the break and I’m pretty sure I just heard him say regarding a message from someone else: “Tell her the truth, I’m stuck in this stupid hearing.” [Two commenters also heard him say this, so I struck out the “I’m pretty sure” stuff]

* 1:22 pm - Ten minute break.

* 1:21 pm - We blogged this down below and now AP has moved a story… Blagojevich attorney: Wiretaps were illegal

* 1:19 pm - Genson tried to cross-examine a previous witness, but was continually shut down by the committee. “I’ve been sitting here for hours listening to that and I asked six questions and I’ve had four objected to.”

* 1:02 pm - The governor’s attorney Samuel Adam just tried to ask how many lives were saved in Illinois as a result of the governor going around JCAR. The question was disallowed.

* 12:56 pm - It’s a mystery to me why these aggressively evasive testifiers from DHFS are not being threatened with contempt.

* 12:40 pm - Genson just assented when asked if the federal wiretaps and recordings were “illegally obtained.” He then added, “We have no proof or indication that this wiretap complied [with federal law]… Without giving us an opportunity to contest it, the admission of [the wiretap evidence] is unacceptable… and illegal.”

Rep. Fritchey: “The intercepts were authorized [by a judge]… It’s my opinion that the authorization was proper.” Genson: “Your opinion is wrong, with all due respect.”

* 12:35 pm - Rep. Franks: Do you consider yourselves rogue employees, or were you taking specific directions from the governor’s office (to go around JCAR and the GA)? Who made the decision and when was it made? Answer: No real answer. Sheesh.

* 12:17 pm - Rep. Lang pretty much summed up his view on whether the administration’s decision to create a health care program without legislative approval was an impeachable offense: “You did not follow the law.”

* 12:10 pm - Man, these DHFS people are getting creamed on just about every issue. Evasiveness pervades, and Rep. Lang is having none of it.

* 11:57 am - Feds: Winston & Strawn can’t represent Bill Cellini

* 11:46 am - Fran Eaton is doing a pretty darned good live-blogging job. Click here.

* 11:35 am - The G has warned Blagojevich that if he withdraws money from his campaign fund, they’ll demand a forfeiture if he’s eventually convicted…

Attorney Michael Ettinger represents Blagojevich’s brother, Rob Blagojevich, who is chairman of the Friends of Blagojevich fund.

Ettinger says a letter he received from federal prosecutors this week warned that if money is withdrawn from the fund, the government will ask that it be forfeited and returned if Blagojevich is convicted.

* 11:23 am - ABC’s Sam Donaldson believes the governor shouldn’t be impeached and removed from office unless he is first convicted at a criminal trial

As far as the criminal complaint goes — heavy on allegations, light on evidence — many defense lawyers point out that merely talking about committing a crime (selling a Senate seat, for example) may not be prosecutable without evidence that specific acts were taken in furtherance of such an intent.

The governor is on tape ordering his subordinates/pals to make calls to further his schemes. That’s the evidence.

But just as it has been wrong in recent years for this country to throw due process and the rule of law overboard in the name of combating terror, it would be wrong to throw it overboard in the name of quickly ridding Illinois of an alleged corrupt governor.

Read the Illinois Constitution, Sam. Sheesh.

* 11:06 am - AG Madigan has now formally denied taxpayer funds for Ed Genson’s defense of Rod Blagojevich in both the criminal and impeachment cases.

* 10:51 am - Via PI, CLTV has some unedited video of the impeachment committee proceedings from the past two days…

Day One (15:06)
Day Two, Pt. One (24:51)
Day Two, Pt. Two (6:23)

* 10:24 am - While we listen to the droning testimony about administrative rules and such, I thought I’d share what I believe to be the best lede of the day, from Patterson at the Daily Herald

Gov. Rod Blagojevich is a jabbermouth who talked big but never actually did anything, so there’s no grounds to remove him from office, his attorney told lawmakers investigating impeachment.

Patterson also had the best closing…

At the end of Wednesday’s proceedings, [Genson] asked lawmakers to carefully review the documents before them and ask themselves two questions: Is it enough? Is it time?

But that could prove to be a miscalculation as numerous state lawmakers say this governor has abused his power for too long and must be stopped now. The vote to create the impeachment panel was 113-0.

* 10:14 am - Oy. I just saw Sneed’s column today…

The governor, a relentless runner, reportedly surprised feds when, upon entering his home, he began jogging in place — and then lying down in the fetal position. He reportedly repeated the frenetic exercise several times.

* 10:11 am - Genson is still having trouble distinguishing between a courtroom and an impeachment proceeding. He just called Rep. Currie “Your honor.”

* The impeachment committee meets today at 10 o’clock. Listen or watch the proceedings by clicking here.

I’ll be back in a minute with a news roundup. Use this thread to talk about yesterday’s impeachment proceedings and to live blog today’s events.

…Adding… Here’s the roundup…

* Lawyer: Governor was all talk, no action

* Blagojevich strikes back

* Blagojevich lawyer addresses lawmakers

* Rod Blagojevich’s lawyer calls impeachment effort a “witchhunt

* Blagojevich attorney says gov can’t get fair shake from impeachment panel

* Was impartial impeachment panel too hard to find?

* No smiles, not even from governor’s foes, at hearing

* Blagojevich lawyer Genson rips into hearing

* Illinois Supreme Court Rejects Call To Declare Blagojevich Unfit

* All spin, all the time from governor

* Dear Governor, … you send the message

* Can’t we just pay gov to take a hike?

* Get Packin’, Rod Blagojevich

* Blagojevich and Satan ‘ s soul talk

* Blagojevich arrest sparks market for merchandise


More bad news and fallout *** UPDATED x1 ***

Thursday, Dec 18, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

*** UPDATE *** More fallout

The chairman of the Illinois State Toll Highway Authority board today directed his agency’s inspector general to review the process by which the $1.8 billion congestion-relief program came to fruition to ensure it was not tainted.

The program — which calls for the construction of interchanges and carpool lanes — was mentioned in the criminal complaint against Gov. Rod Blagojevich, who allegedly was trying to use it to motivate an unnamed highway contractor to make $500,000 in campaign contributions.

[ *** End of Update *** ]

* Bad news for the guv

Federal prosecutors will try to freeze the money in Democratic Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s campaign account, according to a letter defense attorney Edward Genson said the political fund received this week.

If prosecutors are successful, the move would severely hamper Blagojevich’s ability to pay huge legal bills as he fights corruption charges in what could be a long-running court battle. The governor has been charged with two criminal counts in federal court, but has not been indicted yet.

Blagojevich considered moving money out of the fund to try to avoid having prosecutors seize it, authorities alleged in court documents last week.

* More from the Sun-Times

The “Friends of Blagojevich” fund hasn’t been frozen yet, but sources said the letter alone will have a crippling effect on the governor’s ability to move money out of the fund because of the possibility that prosecutors would later seize the money.

As of June 30, the date of his latest campaign-finance report, Blagojevich had about $3.6 million in his campaign war chest. He’s been on a major fund-raising swing since then, though any money he’s raised might already have been spent on legal fees or other expenses.

There’s precedent for freezing Blagojevich’s fund. In 2002, prosecutors got a judge to freeze $1 million in then-Gov. George Ryan’s campaign fund before Ryan was indicted. They charged that the Ryan fund was a criminal enterprise and said they wanted to make sure it had money available to pay possible restitution costs. Ryan was convicted of corruption charges and is serving six and a half years in prison.

* The attempt to freeze the campaign fund may have prompted Ed Genson to ask for state funds to pay for the governor’s impeachment defense. The Sun-Times tells us about AG Madigan’s rejection of that request…

Attorney General Lisa Madigan rejected late Wednesday a request by Gov. Blagojevich to have taxpayers pay for his defense in impeachment proceedings and at his criminal trial.

The governor’s lawyer, Edward Genson, contended that Madigan, as the state’s chief law enforcement officer, has a duty to represent the governor. But she can’t do so because of a conflict of interest related to her unsuccessful push for the state Supreme Court to declare the governor unfit for office.

Madigan’s chief of staff Anne Spillane, fired back, saying “This assertion is meritless” in a letter to David Ellis, House Speaker Michael Madigan’s general counsel. […]

That provision of the law, she said, “therefore cannot entitle the governor to legal representation at the State’s expense in the proceedings before the House of Representatives. […]

The governor’s lawyer later told the Sun-Times it was never his intent to have the state pay for the governor’s criminal defense despite sending a letter to Madigan Tuesday that made that request, and which prompted Spillane’s response.

“That would be stupid,” he said.

Yeah, it would’ve been.

* Meanwhile

The attorney for a key confidant to Gov. Rod Blagojevich said Wednesday that he is not cooperating with investigators as part of a coming plea deal.

Chris Kelly, a former top fundraiser and adviser to Blagojevich, is set to plead guilty Jan. 16 to tax fraud charges stemming from illegal gambling debts. Kelly served as the governor’s point man on casino regulation.

Kelly’s attorney, Michael Monico, said after a court hearing Wednesday that cooperation with investigators “will not be part of the agreement.”

Yet, Monico sidestepped questions about whether Kelly was cooperating at all.

* More fallout

The new Illinois Tollway chief is out after less than a month on the job.

Jeffrey Dailey’s resignation on Wednesday comes at a tumultuous time in state government following last week’s arrest of Gov. Rod Blagojevich on federal corruption charges that included trying to sell President-elect Barack Obama’s vacant seat in the U.S. Senate.

Among other things, Blagojevich also is accused of allegedly linking work on a $1.8 billion Chicago-area tollway construction project to political contributions from a contractor. That episode referenced in the criminal complaint happened before Dailey was on the job.

Dailey “wants the opportunity to pursue opportunities in the engineering or transportation fields,” said Tollway spokeswoman Joelle McGinnis.

* This report appears to be based on the governor’s words

President-elect Barack Obama’s incoming chief of staff Rahm Emanuel had a deeper involvement in pressing for a U.S. Senate seat appointment than previously reported, the Sun-Times has learned. Emanuel had direct discussions about the seat with Gov. Blagojevich, who is is accused of trying to auction it to the highest bidder.

Emanuel talked with the governor in the days following the Nov. 4 election and pressed early on for the appointment of Valerie Jarrett to the post, sources with knowledge of the conversations told the Sun-Times. There was no indication from sources that Emanuel brokered a deal, however.

A source with the Obama camp strongly denied Emanuel spoke with the governor directly about the seat, saying Emanuel only spoke with Blagojevich once recently to say he was taking the chief of staff post.

But sources with knowledge of the investigation said Blagojevich told his aides about the calls with Emanuel and sometimes gave them directions afterward. Sources said that early on, Emanuel pushed for the appointment of Jarrett to the governor and his staff and asked that it be done by a certain date.

If he didn’t cut a deal with the governor, then there’s really no “there” there.

* And Ald. O’Connor may not get Emanuel’s backing for the 5th District vacancy…

On Wednesday, O’Connor acknowledged he had not yet lined up the support he needs to win the Democratic endorsement, in part because Emanuel is standing on the sidelines.

“The problem is, they’re in the middle of a very serious situation and this is less important [by] comparison,” O’Connor said, referring to the transition process.

Measuring his words carefully to avoid alienating Emanuel, the alderman said: “He could clear the field, but I’m not asking him to do that at this time.”

[Emanuel] has told Democratic ward bosses that he would like to reclaim the seat after a few years as chief of staff.

He was believed to be leaning toward O’Connor, in part, because the alderman might be amenable to giving up the seat at some point.

* But here’s a spot of good news for the governor. “Bobby the Boxer” denies claims by Robert Cooley that Blagojevich was a bookie who paid street taxes…

Cooley told the I-Team that in the 1980’s Mr. Blagojevich was paying mob protection money, known as a street tax, to North Side outfit soldier Robert Abbinanti, once nicknamed ‘Bobby the Boxer.’

“My name is Bob Abbinanti. You did a report yesterday with Robert Cooley pertaining to Mr. Blagojevich stating that I was a bookmaker and that I took a street tax from him in the late 80’s,” said Abbinanti.

In a phone call to ABC7, Mr. Abbinanti denied having been Blagojevich’s mob handler 25 years ago.

Abbinanti admits having run outfit gambling rackets with Marco ‘The Mover’ D’amico and that he was convicted with top mob gambling bosses for which he spent six years in the federal penitentiary.

“I don’t know what Rod Blagojevich did or has done but I do know one thing. I never met the man. I never spoke to the man. I never had any business  personal or in any way with him and you know what, it’s just an injustice,” said Abbinanti.

* Related…

* New Illinois tollway chief resigns


The special election kerfluffle *** UPDATED x1 ***

Thursday, Dec 18, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This assertion by Ed Genson has to come as a relief to Democrats who were worried that Gov. Blagojevich was just crazy enough to think he ought to fill Barack Obama’s vacant Senate seat…

Gov. Rod Blagojevich will not fill the state’s open U.S. Senate seat, an appointment federal prosecutors say he tried to sell to the highest bidder, according to a news report.

Mr. Blagojevich’s lawyer said Wednesday that the governor would not name someone to fill the vacancy created when Barack Obama was elected president, according to a Wall Street Journal report.

“(U.S. Senate Majority Leader) Harry Reid said that they’re not going to accept anybody he picks. Why would he do that?” said Ed Genson, Mr. Blagojevich’s lawyer. His remarks came at a news conference that followed an impeachment hearing in Springfield.

* The Sun-Times adds its voice to the growing chorus calling for a special election

Apparently hoping you’d be distracted, state Democratic officials have reversed course on holding a special election early next year to fill the state’s vacant Senate seat.

Never mind, the Democrats say.

Costs too much.

It is stunning to see that little more than a week after our governor was charged with letting base considerations undermine public policy, members of his own party have jettisoned principle and let base considerations undermine public policy.

We thought we’d get a reprieve. A little bipartisanship. A bit of consideration for what’s best for the people.

But no, Democrats are afraid that if the seat goes up for election, rather than have a new governor fill the spot, then the voters might choose someone who’s not a Democrat. Namely, a Republican.

* The Pantagraph counters with a slap at the Republicans

The last thing Illinois needs in the midst of turmoil following the governor’s arrest is having either party playing politics.

To borrow a phrase often used by Sen. Dan Rutherford, R-Chenoa, this is a time for statesmanship not partisanship.

Yet the Illinois Republican Party is sending out messages with alarmist phrases such as, “Don’t let the Blagojevich Democrats appoint our next senator.”

Talk about guilt by association.

We suppose there are some “Blagojevich Democrats” left out there - such as soon-to-be-retired Senate President Emil Jones - who did Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s bidding.

But there also are a lot of Democrats who dislike the governor as much, if not more, than Republicans. After all, the vote to form an impeachment committee was unanimous. […]

We also wouldn’t consider House Speaker Michael Madigan a “Blagojevich Democrat.” He is certainly a Democrat, so it’s no surprise he supported Blagojevich over Republican Judy Topinka in the last gubernatorial election, even serving as a leader in Blagojevich’s campaign.

But considering his opposition to Blagojevich on numerous issues, there’s no way he is a “Blagojevich Democrat.”

* And the Rockford Register Star slams the Illinois Republican Party for misrepresenting facts in its latest TV ad…

Although the ad does not specifically say we endorse a special election, it strongly implies that we do.

We see no need for a special election and said so in an editorial published Tuesday.

We think Lt. Gov. Pat Quinn is qualified to select Barack Obama’s replacement as Illinois’ junior senator. We think a special election would deprive the state of representation too long and be too expensive.

The ad also would make you think the president-elect favors a special election. He has not said whether he favors a special election or whether he thinks Quinn should make the selection. […]

The ad also tries to tie Quinn with Blagojevich. “Now Blagojevich’s lieutenant governor, Pat Quinn, wants to handpick our senator, going back on his word.”

Quinn is not Blagojevich’s lieutenant governor; he’s the state of Illinois’ lieutenant governor. Quinn has been a frequent critic of Blagojevich and has no relationship with the governor. The two men have not spoken to each other in 18 months.

*** UPDATE *** The RR-Star complains today that their earlier editorial was completely misrepresented by the IL GOP, but I took a look at the editorial and here’s what it says…

Anyone whom Blagojevich appoints would be tainted by whispers the seat was bought rather than earned.

A special election is the only way to ensure the seat is given because of merit instead of money.

Yes, it was about making sure Blagojevich didn’t appoint somebody, but they did say they liked a special election. They doth protest too much.

[ *** End of Update *** ]

* The Peoria Journal Star, which endorsed a Senate President candidate favored by Gov. Blagojevich, whacks the Dems hard for backing the governor in the past…

It reminds us of a conversation with some local Democratic Party leaders in 2006, when we expressed dismay that they could back any candidate who, it was alleged even then, seemed so corrupt. The answer we got was disappointing. Essentially it was a shrug, accompanied by a-Democrat’s-gotta-support-a-fellow-Democrat explanation. We warned then that theirs might be a short-term gain, long-term loss, that Rod Blagojevich could very well take the party down with him - just as now-imprisoned former Gov. George Ryan did his - no matter how weak the alternative

* And Tammy Duckworth is let off the hook by the local media…

A woman who’s name has surfaced as a possible contender for president-elect Barack Obama’s senate seat was in Bloomington Wednesday.

Tammy Duckworth, who is also the Director of the Illinois Department of Veterans’ Affairs, was presenting the “Veteran of the Month” award.

Duckworth said she didn’t want to comment on the ongoing Blagojevich investigation or the status of the vacant senate seat, but she did want to clear one thing up.

“I have not spoken to the governor about the senate seat, I have had no conversations with him, I’ve just been focused on my job,” she said. “My name has been floated but that’s not anything I have ever put forward myself.”

* On a semi-related topic, an ultra conservative columnist claims that House GOP Leader Tom Cross is…

a pro-abort who was Blagojevich’s college roommate

The two men never went to college together, so they couldn’t have been roommates.


Morning Shorts

Thursday, Dec 18, 2008 - Posted by Kevin Fanning

* Obama to name LaHood transportation head

* LaHood would be first Peorian in Cabinet

* Republican LaHood Likely Obama’s Transportation Pick

Representative Ray LaHood, an Illinois Republican known for his willingness to criticize his own party and to work with Democrats, is likely to be named by President-elect Barack Obama as his choice for transportation secretary, according to a person familiar with the selection.

LaHood, 63, whose district includes the headquarters of Peoria, Illinois-based Caterpillar Inc., has known Obama for more than a decade and is close to Rahm Emanuel, the Illinois congressman designated by the president-elect as White House chief of staff. He is retiring from Congress this year after serving seven terms.

The announcement may come as soon as Friday, said the person, who spoke condition of anonymity.

* Success, of a fashion, with welfare reform

* City schools still have a long way to go

* Laid-Off Union Workers Get Job Training

When Michael Reese Hospital announced it was closing in June, union workers and community activists rallied and protested.

They demanded that the city recognize the 200-plus laid-off workers from the Service Employees International Union. The city has ponyed up $272,000 for retraining. If city officials have their way, the hospital land will be a 2016 Olympic site.

* Alderman Wants to Use Reserves for Snow Removal

Alderman Tom Allen, though, is leading the call to use some of that money. He says he wants $3-million to make sure the city can deploy enough plows through the winter.

ALLEN: Snow and making our streets safe is not every problem. It’s a very necessary public service that we have an obligation to provide.

* Race at issue in Games bid

* Aldermen Approve Hospital Site Deal for Olympics

Aldermen are letting the City of Chicago buy the land where Michael Reese Hospital sits. They say the $86-million deal could help in the city’s bid to host the 2016 Olympics. The plan is to use the land for the Olympic Village, then turn the development into mixed use housing. Alderman Toni Preckwinkle says the price is a steal.


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax

Thursday, Dec 18, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

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* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* Illinois Freedom Caucus complains about punishment
* Roundup: Jury begins deliberations in Madigan corruption trial
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