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Rahm throws Jesse White under the bus

Tuesday, Jan 20, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Rahm Emanuel placed full blame on Jesse White for Roland Burris’ seating in the US Senate…

MR. EMANUEL: …Well, the secretary of state of, of Illinois signed the papers to seat [Burris]. At that point there wasn’t a objection for the Senate. He was seated and has served at ready and cast his vote, as he did the other day.

MR. GREGORY: Senate Democrats switched their position, allowed him to serve.

MR. EMANUEL: You know, and also…

MR. GREGORY: As did the president-elect.

MR. EMANUEL: Yeah. Once, once the papers were signed by the secretary of state, who originally said he wasn’t going to sign it, he signed them.

Jesse White never signed the appointment certificate, and Emanuel surely knows it. White autopen signed a different document which merely authenticated the original, unsigned (by White) document. The Senate Democrats then used that technicality to weasel out of its pledge to block any appointment made by Gov. Rod Blagojevich.

This is just one more reason why I despise Washington, DC.

First, the Senate Democrats said they’d block anyone appointed by RRB. Then they watched with horror as Blagojevich & Co. played the race card at every opportunity, so they began to backtrack. When they realized that their bluff was called, they found a convenient African-American politician to be their scapegoat, Jesse White. “See? It’s not us white guys and gals in the Senate who are blocking Burris, it’s that black guy!” And they, through Emanuel, continue this fiction to today.


* This is interesting

Burris was seen walking near the U.S. Supreme Court building on his way to another inauguration event. He was stopped constantly by admirers hoping to get his picture and shake his hand.

“It’s a beautiful day,” Burris said as he hurried off.


  1. - Angry Chicagoan - Tuesday, Jan 20, 09 @ 12:06 pm:

    At this rate, I might support Burris in 2010. Leaving aside Jesse White, who won’t run, he’s probably been less two-faced than anyone else in this sorry saga.

  2. - Cassandra - Tuesday, Jan 20, 09 @ 12:08 pm:

    A beautiful day plus he is no doubt thinking with enthusiasm of his 8 Washington springs to come.

    Blago: 1 Goo-goos: 0

  3. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jan 20, 09 @ 12:08 pm:

    Emanuel was ridiculous. If there wasn’t so much else going on, Gregory would have scorched him on it.

    I know Emanuel worked in the White House, but he wasn’t the top guy. Given his performance during the transition period, you wonder if he might be in over his head.

  4. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Jan 20, 09 @ 12:12 pm:

    Emanuel lost the man vote. Men don’t backstab loyal friends just because they can’t think of a better answer as to why they made poor choices on a decision. Men ‘fess up.

    Rahm is an ethical girly girl.

    Jesse White is more heroic than Obama regarding Burris, isn’t he?

  5. - Team America - Tuesday, Jan 20, 09 @ 12:15 pm:

    The worst part is that now we aren’t just criticizing Rahm the Congressman and Dem Party honcho anymore, we’re now talking about the President’s Chief of Staff who can pass off such a boldface lie and expect everyone to swallow it. Swell.

  6. - Captain Flume - Tuesday, Jan 20, 09 @ 12:22 pm:

    So Chicago politics and our new administration in DC are not so far apart, are they? More to come I am sure. And it won’t be pretty.

  7. - Honest Abe - Tuesday, Jan 20, 09 @ 12:23 pm:

    I guess it was difficult for Rahm to keep current on the news during his long planned visit to Africa.

  8. - Honest Abe - Tuesday, Jan 20, 09 @ 12:30 pm:

    OMG! What a moron! Rahm’s photo from DC may eclipse the recent one of Blago for a politician looking stupid.

  9. - OneMan - Tuesday, Jan 20, 09 @ 12:39 pm:

    Sort of like blaming the travel agent when your aircraft takes a side trip into the Hudson

  10. - Anonymous45 - Tuesday, Jan 20, 09 @ 12:45 pm:

    saw Jesse in an elevator in a State building and told him his conduct throughout this debacle was exemplary…what do you expect from Obama’s hatchet man in chief? BO did not appoint him to be Mr. Nice Guy/ Truthful…every progressive pol needs as many of these henchmen (women) in order to survive the Washington shark tank…no surprise that Rahm was up to the task…there is no one better then he at this stuff in IL politics
    than Rahmbo…

  11. - Bill - Tuesday, Jan 20, 09 @ 12:47 pm:

    Rahm is COS. It is his job to lie. Besides everyone knows he is full of it 90% of the time. The other 10% is the f word. The new hero and darling of the media is Sen. Burris who is doing a great job as Illinois’ good will ambassador. He hasn’t had a bad appearance on national TV yet. DC loves Roland!

  12. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jan 20, 09 @ 12:48 pm:

    I fear for Burris now that Bill has made him his new cause. We all saw what happened to RRB after he was adopted by the Billster.

  13. - anon36 - Tuesday, Jan 20, 09 @ 12:48 pm:

    I was watching Meet the Press Sunday and mentioned it to my daughter as soon as she got up that Rahm really messed up the reality of it all. I’m not so certain BHO made the best decision with this little guy. I haven’t seen much that I like about him yet. (The Peter Principle book - no matter how old - needs to be read by all in government! I agree with Wordslinger.)

  14. - 2ConfusedCrew - Tuesday, Jan 20, 09 @ 12:49 pm:

    Proving David Gregory is no Tim Russert, Gregory failed to ask Rahm if he or Valerie Jarrett trotted down to the FBI to “share” about their talks with Blagoof/Harris. Remember even the Obama report shows a union boss dropped the pay to play idea on Jarrett…..Rahm has not taken questions….NBC missed a huge opportunity.

  15. - the Patriot - Tuesday, Jan 20, 09 @ 12:54 pm:

    Why play the blame game? How hard is it to say, it is done and he is a U.S. Senator, there is nothing to gain by rehashing whether a particular person is to blame.

    Not to mention did he just take a pop shot at a Democrat Senator by insinuating he is not legit.

    This is a sign of things to come. 1. Obama’s number one man is more about the blame game then moving on with progress regardless of rhetoric. and 2. When presessed the democrats and the President will cave and pass the buck.

  16. - Frank Sobotka - Tuesday, Jan 20, 09 @ 12:58 pm:

    I disagree that race had so much to do with this. The Senate dems went out on a limb and got caught there. ‘We won’t seat him’. Turns out, they didn’t really have the power to refuse they thought they did when they said that; and unfortunately Blago was right on the law. He still had the power to appoint, Jesse White’s signature was ministerial and not a veto, and the Senate had to take him.

    Now, fair point, Rahm is blowing smoke. If he had said theis today, I would call it the first blow toward cynicism at Obama’s administration. As the 15 year old crowd says, ‘D. move, Rahm.’

  17. - Frank Sobotka - Tuesday, Jan 20, 09 @ 1:06 pm:

    Or, to put it pithily, Rahm is breathing new meaning into the phrase ’shovel-ready job’…

  18. - OneMan - Tuesday, Jan 20, 09 @ 1:09 pm:

    == I fear for Burris now that Bill has made him his new cause. We all saw what happened to RRB after he was adopted by the Billster. ==

    Why do I think then Bill is a cubs fan.

  19. - Southern Right - Tuesday, Jan 20, 09 @ 1:16 pm:

    Rahm must be reading off www.change.lie

  20. - Bubs - Tuesday, Jan 20, 09 @ 1:28 pm:

    Insulting Jesse White is an exercise in staggeringly dumb Illinois politics.

    The first aspirin tablets for our new President, and he has not even taken the fancy suit off yet.

  21. - Hair today, gone tomorrow - Tuesday, Jan 20, 09 @ 1:28 pm:

    If Roland Burris did not let his ambition and greed prevail over common sense and decency, we would not have had that mess. I will never support him from here on.

  22. - sneaker - Tuesday, Jan 20, 09 @ 1:36 pm:

    It all shows how much politicians blow smoke. From Burris to the hill gang to Rahm it’s all putting on a show for the media.

  23. - Lyin Rahm - Tuesday, Jan 20, 09 @ 1:47 pm:

    Rahm also said it was the “people” that elected him, not the army of patronage workers unleashed by Richie Daley…………

  24. - Thomas Westgard - Tuesday, Jan 20, 09 @ 1:51 pm:

    Yeah, this is not “The Change We Need.” It’s not even “change.” It’s just the same bad, old politics that Illinois Democrats have been practicing for a long time. At this rate, we the people are not going to benefit, whether it comes from Dems like Rahm or Goppers like Jeb. I enjoyed the inauguration show, but this game remains very much in play.

  25. - Dan S, a Voter and Cubs Fan - Tuesday, Jan 20, 09 @ 2:07 pm:

    It is dusgusting that everyone is throwing Jesse White under the bus just so Gov Goofy can’t make a scene dur inaguration week.

  26. - Dan S, a Voter and Cubs Fan - Tuesday, Jan 20, 09 @ 2:08 pm:

    Sorry about the typos in the previous post, rented fingers.

  27. - soccermom - Tuesday, Jan 20, 09 @ 2:14 pm:

    i don’t trust bill when he talks about roland. we all know that bill had his eye on that seat. watch your back, senator burris — the bill remains unpaid.

  28. - Gabriel - Tuesday, Jan 20, 09 @ 2:16 pm:

    I’m actually warming to the idea of Rahm as COS. Knowing that Obama is a Cy Young award winner in the under the bus throwing game, Rahm is creating a whole slew of reasons to make him cabinet official one to meet the underside of the bus.

    This MTP was just sloppy. Nice of Gregory to be on top of things the way Russert would. Good thing there is this inaugeration coverage to let this Rahmbo deployment slip through the cracks.

  29. - Deep South - Tuesday, Jan 20, 09 @ 2:21 pm:

    Frank is right. This wasn’t a race thing. The Dems had no leg to stand on despite all their bluster. After shooting their mouths off, they realized that in the end they had no choice but to seat Burris. I would image that Durbin is in Harry Reid’s doghouse.

  30. - Keep Smiling - Tuesday, Jan 20, 09 @ 2:25 pm:

    I’m feeling charitable and I’m going to give Rahm a pass on this one. Didn’t we learn from Palin that when someone says “you know, and also..” nonsensical reasoning is shortly to follow?

    I’m sure it’s hard to go from being an advisor to listening to advisors, but Rahm should have said something more like: “it was a difficult situation for everyone involved, and I’m glad its now behind us.” And just keep on saying it.

    The Gov’s appointment of a US Senator - while admittedly his privilege - was such a blatant act of disrespect, it’s unimaginable. It wasn’t simply a “bluff” that was ignored, it was a diplomatic call for resignation from party leaders and the president-elect that was shamelessly ignored. Bumbling is such craziness an understandable outcome, but not an excuse. I hope White gets an apology; and I’m sure if he does, he’ll accept it and move on.

  31. - lake county democrat - Tuesday, Jan 20, 09 @ 2:37 pm:

    Can Jesse White run for senate in 2010? I’ll tumble for him (sorry, couldn’t resist)

  32. - Captain Flume - Tuesday, Jan 20, 09 @ 3:03 pm:

    The current (I think) Second City revue has some really funny, and unfortunately true, mini-skits on Rahm Emmanuel. I would get banned for repeating the assertions, but see for yourself.

  33. - anon - Tuesday, Jan 20, 09 @ 3:29 pm:

    Jesse has backbone. How disgusting that Emanuel does not. And….to think, HE is President Obama’s Chief of Staff.

  34. - Cousin Ralph - Tuesday, Jan 20, 09 @ 3:36 pm:

    Rahm, or Rahmbo as his colleagues like to call him, is not a good fit for the Obama persona. He appeared on the stage in the Clinton Adm. late, and only after Carville had set a tonr of attack and destroy. By the time Emmanuel was talking for Clinton, it was expected. This sort of style will prove vexing to a new Adm that the media and supporters want to believe will set a new, higher and unifying tone in Washington. To blame Jesse White for the terrible way that just about every Democrat but White mishandled the Burris matter is stunning. He may be effective behind the scenes, by he is proving to be anything but that on stage.

  35. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jan 20, 09 @ 3:50 pm:

    Insulting Jesse White is an exercise in staggeringly dumb Illinois politics.

    Yes and no because when things like this happen, the Ds obviously get upset for good reason, and Rs have a tendency to feel sorry for Jesse, whom many Rs can’t help but like.

    So if someone had to be tossed under the bus, it makes sense that it would be Jesse. He’s about the only one who could have absorbed it this well.

    Shows again how slick Emanuel can be.

    Strap in, Mr. President. This might not work out as well as expected in the long run.

  36. - Blago Sphere - Tuesday, Jan 20, 09 @ 4:25 pm:

    {First, the Senate Democrats said they’d block anyone appointed by RRB.}

    I am concerned you may be exhibiting some of the symptoms of the early inset of Anheuser’s Disease. Did you forget what actually happened first?


  37. - dznuts - Tuesday, Jan 20, 09 @ 4:29 pm:

    Just wait for Burris to start using the old “she thought I was Mayor Daley” lines on unassuming folks in DC. His flash may be bright right now but my guess is that when the Senate impeaches the Governor, his bulb won’t look so bright in the national media. Blagojevich is all flash and no film. I have a gut feeling he appointed someone of similiar ilk to the Senate.

  38. - puzzler - Tuesday, Jan 20, 09 @ 4:31 pm:

    As a resident of “Downstate”,I really don’t know much about Rahm Emanuel, but anyone who thinks they can pin this mess on Jesse White is pathetic. White was the only player in this sordid production whose actions were true to his words. I first met Roland Burris when I interviewed him as a cub reporter in the mid-1980’s. Running for office, he was attending a fundraising picnic at a rural, non-racially diverse gun club dressed in cowboy boots and a big white cowboy hat, and everyone including Burris was having a great time.

  39. - "low level paper pusher" - Tuesday, Jan 20, 09 @ 4:48 pm:

    Rich: the Emmanuel quote is “another reason you despise Washington D.C.”?

    How long did you live in Chicago??? The Mayor does that kind of stuff all the time!

    And considering Rahm is a #1 Daley Draft pick, is it any surprise he would say something like this?

    The player learns much from the coach…

  40. - Blago Sphere - Tuesday, Jan 20, 09 @ 4:51 pm:

    Sen. Richard Durbin, D-Ill., the Senate’s second-ranking Democrat, said the Illinois General Assembly “should enact a law as quickly as possible calling for a special election” to fill the Senate vacancy of Barack Obama. “No appointment by this governor could produce a credible replacement.” Durbin spoke after Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich was arrested early Tuesday on charges he conspired to sell or trade President-elect Obama’s vacant Senate seat. “The options are few and not appealing,” Durbin told a Capitol news conference. Without a special election,, “this could drag on for a long period of time.”

  41. - Amy - Tuesday, Jan 20, 09 @ 5:13 pm:

    Vanilla Man at 12:12….you slammed Rahm but in the post you denigrate women.

    stop it.

  42. - Black Ivy - Tuesday, Jan 20, 09 @ 5:58 pm:

    Yes, the Senate Democrats’ conduct was and remains disgusting, Rich. You got that right!

  43. - Blago Sphere - Tuesday, Jan 20, 09 @ 6:01 pm:



  44. - Blago Sphere - Tuesday, Jan 20, 09 @ 6:04 pm:


    Funds available at the close of the reporting period $3,611,654.43

  45. - Esteban - Tuesday, Jan 20, 09 @ 6:27 pm:

    My guess would be that Senator Burris has a better
    opinion of Jesse White now than he has of Harry

  46. - Arthur Andersen - Tuesday, Jan 20, 09 @ 6:51 pm:

    as they say in military aviation…

    “check your six,” Mr. Emanuel. Were AA he, I would be much more worried about a knife in the back (or a toss from behind under the bus, or would it be “Bus One”, now?) than the wrath of Jesse White.

  47. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jan 20, 09 @ 6:52 pm:

    Amy, I wouldn’t pay much mind to Vman’s post within the context of guys/girls. He’s just extremely colorful and hence, entertaining in his prose, so we need to read between the lines.

    Within the context of extremes (if we must), we should probably interpret it as a challenge or a “call to arms”, if you will, for women to become more involved in the front lines of politics.

  48. - southern illinoisan - Tuesday, Jan 20, 09 @ 8:06 pm:

    This whole ugly affair stinks all the way back to Illinois. The sad part is how Obama, Emanuel and Durbin are all getting a free pass because we are ushering in a new era of politics in this country. The new era is non-partisan, yes we can, build a better tomorrow, blah, blah, blah crap.

    It is like many conservatives have been saying for months now. Where is the accountability for Obama? Is the whole country drunk or completely fed up with W that they will swallow anything?

    I am an optimist and a conservative. I hope that President Obama is successful in tackling many of the issues that we face. But I will also call it like I see it when he messes up. And that is exactly what they did with the Burris appointment. They spoke to soon in calling for a special election and had to back up when they realized that an election usually has at least 2 people running and 1 of them would be a Republican. With the negative press swirling around Blago how would it look for the new president to lose his old senate a few months after taking office? Now they want this to go away quickly and quietly. And judging from the way the media has been giving them a free pass this will go away with a wimper.

    Roland Burris is an opportunistic politician. He saw the opportunity to play the race card a long with a corrupt discpicable governor and he took it. I can only hope that the voters of this state do not forget this travesty come 2010.

    Yes, it is time for a change in Illinois. Look at what the Chicago Democrat machine has given us with 1 party rule. George Ryan is long gone and the Republicans had better wake up and speak up! I am not sure who they can send up against the machine but it had better be someone who is not afraid to tell the truth even if it means losing an election. Because there are huge problems in this state that is going to take years to even begin to fix.

  49. - Amy - Tuesday, Jan 20, 09 @ 9:52 pm:

    anonymous at 6:52: colorful and entertaining? would you say the same thing if VM were using racist comments? his comments are sexist pure and simple. and that is all anyone should term them.

    as for the call for more women in the front line of politics, there are plenty of women, there could be more, but it is one of the most sexist fields that exists. or did you not pay attention to the horrid treatment of the woman who got more votes in the primary than our president? it is a constant fight for dignity.

    and that is why comments like those from VM cannot go unchallenged. and why I would hope that more of you on this site would not allow such comments to go unchallenged for so long. it is the job of everyone to decry sexism, not just women.

  50. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jan 20, 09 @ 10:48 pm:

    There’s always more than one way to approach things, Amy.

    And yes, Amy, I was paying attention. Very close attention.

  51. - William - Wednesday, Jan 21, 09 @ 7:42 am:

    Our governor was fingerprinted…sorry, but I’ll take Washington politics over Illinois politics any day of the week, and twice on Sunday.

  52. - Very Reasonable - Wednesday, Jan 21, 09 @ 7:49 am:

    Geez amy, take a breath….

  53. - Larry Mullholland - Wednesday, Jan 21, 09 @ 8:23 am:

    Amy, How much and how loud did you and your girlfriends complain about the sexist treatment of Sarah Palin? Curious…

  54. - Amy - Wednesday, Jan 21, 09 @ 8:34 am:

    very reasonable: take a breath…not about racism, not about sexism. you should start writing against sexism.

    Larry: actually, I complained VERY loudly about the sexist treatment of Sarah Palin. first I cried about it. I honestly thought that I would find that it really was just about Hillary. but the truth is, it’s not. it’s sexism. and the treatment of
    Sarah Palin was horrible. and, why would it just be my
    girlfriends who would decry that? it should be everyone.
    you can dislike what Sarah Palin stands for without
    the sexism about her working though she has kids, her choice to give birth to a child with a disability, all of it. it was a sad chapter in the history of the Democratic Party to see so many Democrats behave so poorly.

    anonymous: sexism is not another way to approach things.
    but thanks for thinking about it.

  55. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Jan 21, 09 @ 9:22 am:

    Just because your emotions say something is so, doesn’t make it so.

  56. - Wumpus - Wednesday, Jan 21, 09 @ 10:12 am:

    90% lies and 10% F-word…classic one Bill. I amnot sure if you came up with that, but I am gettign a kick out of it.

  57. - Larry Mullholland - Wednesday, Jan 21, 09 @ 2:02 pm:

    Thank you Amy.

    I am rather pleased by your response. I was a bit disheartened when Palin was treated so poorly. But I was just sickened when female friends, who were a staunch feminists and women’s advocates (or claimed to be) They had NO kind words for her and one even questioned how she could raise her kids while being VP…GASP!

    To your point about how democrats behaved regarding Palin, I think it was very telling about the true motivations of many so called feminists. They did not want THAT woman to succeed.

    Sorry to jump off topic ……

  58. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jan 21, 09 @ 2:13 pm:

    ===many so called feminists===

    Ideology trumping body parts might not be such a horrible thing when you think about it.

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